048 of 1984 - Wastewater Control Schedule 1 - 0 84-20 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 48 of 1984 (Wastewater Control Schedule 1 ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 37 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY , UTAH, 1965, AS AMENDED, BY AMENDING SCHEDULE 1 , RELATING TO WASTEWATER CONTROL. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That Schedule 1 of Title 37 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City , Utah, 1965, as amended, be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows: SCHEDULE 1 CONTROLLED LIMITED POLLUTANTS pH - 6.0-9.0 Not allowed beyond this range Oil & mg/l 100 Above limit not allowed; Grease includes all types of oil and grease Temperature 0 °F. 140 max . Cyanide( a) mg/l 5.0 daily Non-integrated electro- maximum platers discharging 2 .7 4-day average 10 ,000 gpd or less Lead mg/l 0 .6 daily Non-integrated electro- maximum platers discharging 0 .4 4-day average 10 ,000 gpd or less Cadmium mg/l 1.2 daily Non-integrated electro- maximum platers discharging 0 .7 4-day average 10 ,000 gpd or less Cyanide(b) mg/l 1 .9 daily Non-integrated electro- maximum platers discharging 1 .0 4-day average 10 ,000 gpd or more r Copper mg/l 4.5 daily Non-integrated electro- maximum platers discharging 2 .7 4-day average 10 ,000 gpd or more Nickel mg/1 4.1 daily Non-integrated electro- maximum platers discharging 2 .6 4-day average 10 ,000 gpd or more Chromium mg/1 7. 0 daily Non-integrated electro- maximum platers discharging 4 .0 4-day average 10 ,000 gpd or more Zinc mg/l 4 .2 daily Non-integrated electro- maximum platers discharging 2.6 4-day average 10 ,000 gpd or more Lead mg/l 0.6 daily Non-integrated electro- maximum platers discharging 4 .0 4-day average 10 ,000 gpd or more Cadmium mg/1 1 .2 daily Non-integrated electro- maximum platers discharging 0 .7 4-day average 10 ,000 gpd or more Total mg/l 10 .5 daily Non-integrated electro- Metals maximum platers discharing 6.8 4-day average 10 ,000 gpd or more (a) Cyanide amenable to chlorination (b) Total cyanide Cyanide(a) Y PP mg/1 5.0 daily Applies to discharges maximum other than non-integrated 2 .7 4-day average electroplaters Cyanide(b) mg/1 1 .9 Applies to dischargers other than non-integrated electroplaters Cadmium mg/l 1 .2 Applies to dischargers other than non-integrated electroplaters Copper mg/l 4 .5 Applies to dischargers other than non-integrated electroplaters -2- Chromium mg/l 7. 0 Applies to dischargers other than non-integrated electroplaters Lead mg/1 0 .6 Applies to dischargers other than non-integrated electroplaters Zinc mg/l 4 .2 Applies to dischargers other than non-integrated electroplaters (a) Cyanide amenable to chlorination (b) Total cyanide SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 17th day of July , 1984. fAI �) ti H I RMAN ATTEST: CIT4Z Rgurxx Transmitted to the Mayor on July 23 ]984 Mayor 's Action July 23, 1984 APPROVED AS TO FORM Sa_1t Lake City Aftorney's office Date 1 -3- ATTEST: 1 r - CITir R C RDER cc70 (S E A L)` BILL 48 of 1984 Published: August 3, 1984 —4— �-- Affidavit of Publication ADM-35A STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake 81161INANCk ).` r �sof 14114 Cheryl.. ?�r�o . ostowoterControl Schedule 1 ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• O NCE AMENDING TITLE 37 OF THE REVISED'' ANN5OF SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH,1965 AS gqMEND A'M LADING SCHEDULE 1,RELATING TQ WASTEWA+, =. ONTf�OL': ' ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah: CTION 1.That, Iedyle 1 of Title 37 of the Revlsed Qrdt- rlahce5'of Solt Lake C e Utah,1965,as amended,be, thel as follows:,.-,-, , Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is i,:�ar�e.hej:eizVas;amendd --= •� t� It ScFI�DwCC,E1 = legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS a daily ' ''CONTROLLED'LIMP1 ED POLLUT' ' PH : 6.0-9.q. .' Not allowed beyond this newspaper printed in the English language with general range OtIA r mo/, log Above limit not ollow ,* v circulation in Utah and published in Salt Lake City, Grease !• ." Includes all types of old•' ond.greape 140max.Temperature 0 Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. 'F. , Cyanide(a) mg/1, 5.0 daily Non-Integrated electro- maximum platers discharoing 2.7 4-day average 10,000nt gpd rorless That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Lead mg/1 maximum platers discharging o- i OA 4-day average 10,000 gpd or less Cadmium mg/1 1.2daily Non-Irnegratedelectro- y maximum platers discharging Salt Lake Cit , Ordinance No: 48 of 1984 - 0.7 4 dov average 10,000 gpd or less Cvanidd(b) mg/1 1.9do�ly Non•ITyatedetectro- maximum p[afersdfischorging 1.04-day,overoue 10,000gpdormore Wastewater Control Schedule• 1• Copper trig/1 4 daily Non•Imegr'atedelectro- ...................................................... ......................... maximum Platersdschoroing 2.7 4•dav average 10,000 gpd or more ' Nickei mg/1 4.1daily Non-integratedeleelro- maximum platers dlschoroing ............................................................................................. 2.6A•day average 10,000 opd or more, Chromlur mp/1 7.0daily Non•Integratedele&o.. maximum . platers discharging 4.0 4•dov average 10,000g�or more Zinc rtroJl R 2 doltY. Nor Irderared2leciro- rrwtcimbm- ,=pptatg(•sd d:a'OInO •26"4•day average 10 gad or more, Lead " ..- moJ1 O.bdai�y_ Non g(ed elecho- moxlmum plafersdlsc'hor 4,0 44ay average 10,000 gpd or more Cadmium mg/1 1.2daily NQn•InM*otedeledro-' I almum platers discharging 0.74-day average ,10,000 gad ormore ' was published in said newspaper on.................................. Total mg/l .10.5daily Non•Integratedelectro- Metals ,Maximum pIT dlschorging 6.8 4-day aver 10000 Wd or more (a Cyanide amenable tochlorinat�n A11CJ11S ..3.,..1984........... (bITotalcyanide ...... ..................................... Cyanide(a) m g/l 5.0 dolly Applies to discharges maximum other than non-integrated 2.7 4-day average electropiaters Cyonlde(b) ma/l, 1.9 Applies to disoargers .•..........................•................ .. ......Adve ....... . ..... other thannon•integ'°'� Legalsing Cl electroplaters ,Cadmium mg/1 1.2 Applies to dischargers other than non-Integrated electroplaters s. Copper mg/1 4.5 Applies to dischargers 'A .other than non-Integrated electroplaters ;Chromium nV/1 7.0 Appliee��,todlsclorgers ole thon non-integrated , 'Lead mg/l 0.6 eAppliesttoddlschorpers other than ran•inteoroted electroplaters Zinc mg/l 4.2 pp,pppplItestodischargers otha'thdn rlon•InWated electroplaters. ire me this .9th............... .. day of (a Cyanide amerwbie'to'chlorination •....................... ....•.....••..••••.•. (bj Total Cyanide SECTiON 2.This Orc(inance shall fake effect 30 days after Its fiPossedbvtthe City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah,this nth +.' A.D. 19..846.... day of July,.1984. - Ronald J.Whitehead ATTEST: CHAIRMAN> Kathryn Morshol( ' CiTY RECORDER a.l Transmitted to the MaVar,on July 23,1984. .............................................. Mayor's Action;July 23,'1984. Notary r Ted Wilson y Ub11C MAYOR ATTTEST: Kathryn Morsfiall PY RECORDER AL)' -r v BiLL 48 of 1984 f _ Published:August 3,1984 JS I 3 E•93 Ia�arch.l�.. 1988......................