049 of 1984 - Wastewater Control 0 84-21 ..7J` SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 49 of 1984 (Wastewater Control ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 37 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, RELATING TO SEWERS. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That Title 37 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, be, and the same hereby is amended by adding new Sections 37-4-17 , 37-4-18 , 37-4-19 and 37-4-20 relating to refund of expenses for sewer main extensions, to read as follows: Sec . 37-4-17. Advancing expense of sewer main extension authorized . Any person desiring to have the sewer mains within the city extended must advance the whole expense of such exten- sion and the additional expenses necessary for sewer service or related facilities. Said person may make application to the city by petition containing a description of such proposed extension, accompanied by a map showing the location thereof, which petition shall also contain an offer to advance the whole expense of making the same as said expense shall be certified to by the Public Utilites Director, by either entering into a contract for installation by and all related costs to be borne by petitioner, or a contract to pay for such expense with the work to be done by or contracted for by the City. Sec. 37-4-18 . Statement of costs for extension. Upon the receipt of such petition and map, and before the petition is granted , the Mayor shall obtain from the Director of Public Utilities a certified statement showing the whole cost and expense of making such extension. Sec. 37-4-19. Construction of extension or deposit of expense of extension with city treasurer. If the Mayor shall grant said petition, petitioner shall either (a) enter into a contract with the City hereby petitioner shall install the exten- sion entirely at petitioner 's expense, but pursuant only to plans and specifications prior approved by said Director, or (b) within thirty days, or such other time as the Director of Public Utilities shall indicate after the granting thereof, deposit the amount of the cost and expense of making such extension as certified by said Director, with the city treasurer of this city. Said work shall either be done by or contracted for by the City. Sec. 37-4-20. Refund of expenses. The certified cost of the petitioner 's installation of said extension or money deposited pursuant to Section 37-4-19 hereof, shall be partially or completely refunded, without interest thereon, only under the following conditions: ( 1 ) During a period of three years from the date on which the said money is deposited with the City, the City will make an additional charge to be returned or credited to petitioner for any lateral connection to such extension. -2- ( 2) Said charge shall be a front foot charge prorated against the property to be served, based upon the said cost of installation of said extension prorated over the total front footage of property fronting on said extension. In the event a subdivision of more than two lots are to be connected to the extension, said charge shall be based upon a front foot charge for each lot in said subdivision. ( 3) In no event shall reimbursement for any extension here- under exceed the amount of the deposit required therefor under Section 37-4-19 above, less the prorated front footage charge against petitioner 's property to be served. (4 ) Title to all facilities installed in connection with said extension, except service lines, shall vest in the City, and any easements and rights of way , if any, deemed necessary for such extension by the Director of the Department of Public Utili- ties, shall be conveyed without cost to City prior to the commencement of any construction. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon the date of its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 17th day of July , 1984. f r CFI AN -3- r ATTEST: RE ORDER Transmitted to Mayor on July 23, 1984 Mayor 's Action: July 23, 1984 06 C. MAYGR ATTEST: CTY RECORDER cm78 (SEAL) BILL 49 of 1984 Published: August 4, 1984 —4— , ' J - A Affidavit of Publication ADM-35A STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake SALYLAKE CI�. AW,E- 'c d.i�wd tl k+�,•." ................xy1 Gerl AN IA AAAEItlDf, 370E tHE"RE�/ISED C e off 0061 �fi LA(CEI ;.V;'VT AHf 7965,;it6LATING T kp.Ctfy,;tltaih: e Ae� rdf dq es.of SoH 1 iil4. t1Y'l n. giyadtlin s r 3i 4 t8,s37-9-t4.pnd;7,�4�4eluHli4•. egtln$es.}4t,B4�Htir M6ir(.enslons, reaq afol- Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is .`a A iY'- ` °e t�f$ 4main' 'tbn legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily ` nsexb�`tuch s "e nd the« xt s .,s��tel;sot newspaper printed in the English language with general ' $ d R��t �'rapK�° ' °n'� circulation in Utah and published in Salt Lake City, e :PetlTiotii:O�q ihJng SCPI nfi of s e p�r1 pd , , ittp7�rledpy.a 'ate, antieaf," Salt Lake Count o sh 1'gt'socorttai f1�oJfer ady�;it�yrlw)e i y, in the State of Utah. ex nse Rf On fh19 same a bald a nse shptl tat} rfl�ted to a/Public Uflllsles Ire t agte�i_ fii con 'dr ilistatlotlon b al'I �cdst¢f� bdj 1�V br!' ist aomr pa'v 14ar tl-tx e '.tnit(yofk. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Qe"ddbai cbittrattgtl t4r'the ". ( +SecC7-4..Y.+6fdMm4ritfoF(cCsts�e�cten the the receipt of.f) ` iletltlon aad op before the. on i ?trot5ted,.ih8.' VQ1 :shall oMe n fr0 a Dir' o ublls ��` �, C� Y QC� _ Q P Utllltte eVt±statelne howin94he whoiecast;4nd'ex- `l .t.. .e.. Y. 9.. ... 984...... ,gilts- f ihh.eicferi�ly : Tq•' h f`e3c n8 on or' 'Dsfl of x• 'dr"t"qlt� t�ia hi)11[•-` s�Id�°t, �a. tta fa�er:"�}ee�lio a .............[^ �4trP?a �x..C�1xi91................................................ 'M Ct er`eebbY�pg wo�tEer'shtl� f t)fa ittea5" tlwelY at ppettHangl�'ia 3ltt€ii6d'g�}!` �+ V1MY,t9�3tol ciflca• f14rit;Grlor 4pprov bV." Direafdfpgr.(6)w in� day"s, bCYS1b .o trtfine Cal1c 4:'bl" ubis+dHI es§'si tndl ............................................................................................. c at8 d .gt.h�l �:._ deposit ItIL,b :bf tit cost and expens{4 pf 10' 10 a,(�nsl q�,ce J�f bY.said.Dr rect4rrw tti0:9c rAt oflthls' Sa10,q $hbll eltheY be doi74 b`•ar d fqr,bK t� rN - .SgCr. "1 .R-a Odat.•exo,..3 saTl+e.$erI . cost.of the 4ltfoher'`s nef{g�l Ion:of.sold exte 1 Rn=or:honey deposited pursualit{p 4, ' g6-37.�4Aq bereof'shall be;partially or copy pl"I rdfUntled;WNhGut fii�erAs�:b}gr¢�trf,bnfy unggt the,ig1- lowing" deriodYotfliree' fio "'the date'on )itch tnd.st�?d ot'-V IsUeposIted wN �N3'fh�City will nicNte.an addit t.9la�r�ge tb %furnedoca[edttgdtope"onej,fdraisy 16terdl. ntiecftof to such ezfe;�Ioh..- :. waspublished an said newspaper on (2), charge shall tie 4 h oM foottchbrge prom against U thP Pr ',,to-(S�'e:vad bei 8{i uPor"t• Id ca f Distalla- tlon ofos d®x d%' p� o)'ated•dyer eU'I Yro�"wtdae of plop"firb't �fsg $tan�o�ecredn ffie,ron,�eSubdivision t` Sf[i �asnaid .............AuguSt..4.,..] Inorb,thSh twh��¢ re t4` 9.8.4......... s drugfsl4n. upon d troll foot charge 'for each lof'Ih _(.)Iri Mo,'e ent shall.0el6burseMentfor anY e,�enst0h/heYe- n� 6xctde�ptmn"auntofthedeposftrequiretlth@reforunder use rs 37.4-1,9"above,less the'prorateq front footage charge against j6tit(oner's property to be,served. - Leg A rtisin rk (4)Tale to If.. Jnsialleq�in connectionwith said -extension except Orvl [lips,shop vest. ihe'Cih+and aqY easemen4Sirfd,lJgfh>k- wpy�pkinY;deelned'hece°ssary for such '"xterlstbn.by if:e irector•of.the ertt Of Public UtIl�hall be cony Rd wifhoui'cottt6 C 'Priorto the conj-. men ent fall �¢ siryctIan;• 10tJ,2:This o nancg,shall ibiie effect ul ribh the ddte" of tts fl l e'Ct�p icotion. Pabsetl.ff��Y-th oupcll of-Salt i-akcyl,�Ity,tftati; MA 77th daY of Jut@; Ronpld;J..-Whitehood CHAIRMAN KdthrYn.Mar3If" f this d f CI7,Y RE.CORt?Eq_..;�, - - ,• e ore me 1S ........................5tfa....................................... ay O Ttansrn g.{f it>gMoy. gn JuIV 23;toQ4:' •'•:MaVprs°�ctlgnt1JaIV23t,1,984:" .. . ,. Ted►Wll on A �...... A.D. 19..84.... K YMY RECQPZERI�� n:MM9hdlt+ publisrift August 4,19lE4 E ;. ��AA rrccJJ y ................................................... Notary Public My Commission Expires % Mach 1, 1988 ......................................................