005 of 2008 - vacating portions of three city streets adjacent to the City Creek Center; 1) West Temple between So p :.q r.�.,..fir £A g !° a°$_ _•°' _p _ i^- 1•, RRI_ORt:ER. • r _^i'��=i'^1i 1j{ty i j w8 i t'M1. ?:y 1 $'_'a a 0 0 451 - :_•7.:.r r- — Rt1 417.1 i ~ .sj�-3 _ GAR_Y Ilia f T v,,`r}Pp:_r , t , RECORDER SALT __ itir.:. U SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 5 of 2008 (Vacating portions of three city streets adjacent to the City Creek Center, with conditions and sunset provision) AN ORDINANCE VACATING PORTIONS OF THE FOLLOWING THREE CITY STREETS ADJACENT TO THE NEW CITY CREEK CENTER, PURSUANT TO PETITION NO. 400- 06-38: 1. West Temple Street between South Temple and 100 South 2. South Temple Street between Main Street and State Street; and 3. 100 South between Main Street and State Street. WHEREAS, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah finds after public hearings that: A. The City owns the above-referenced three city streets in fee simple absolute. B. This ordinance relates only to those specified portions, and only to the extent specifically indicated herein, of such streets which are more particularly described below and in the attached exhibits. The City otherwise retains all portions of said streets located on all sides of the partial street vacations described herein. C. It is in the public interest to vacate the use by the general public of the specified portions of such streets because: 1. Such portions are no longer necessary for the use by the general public as streets; 2. Partial street vacations have been requested in order to enhance pedestrian and vehicle access to the new City Creek Center; 1 3. The enhanced pedestrian and vehicle access accomplished through these partial street vacations is in the best interest of the public; 4. Such partial street vacations will not be adverse to the general public's interest; and 5. Such partial street vacations are subject to the reservations, disclaimers, limitations and other conditions as set out below. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. A portion of West Temple Street, between South Temple and 100 South, which is more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto, shall be, and the same hereby is, vacated, to the extent described in Exhibit A, and declared to be no longer needed or available for use as a public street by the general public. This partial street closure is for the purpose of accommodating the construction of an expanded vehicle access ramp in West Temple Street. SECTION 2. A portion of South Temple Street,between Main Street and State Street, which is more particularly described on Exhibit B-1 attached hereto, shall be, and the same hereby is, vacated, to the extent described in Exhibit B-1 and declared to be no longer needed or available for use as a public street by the general public. This partial street closure will accommodate the construction of a new parking access ramp in South Temple Street. Exhibit B-2 describes property located within the South Temple right of way which was previously transferred by the City. Exhibit B-2 is attached hereto for illustrative purposes only. 2 SECTION 3. A portion of 100 South Street, between Main Street and State Street, which is more particularly described on Exhibit C attached hereto, shall be, and the same hereby is, vacated, to the extent described in Exhibit C, and declared to be no longer needed or available for use as a public street by the general public. This partial street closure will accommodate the expansion of an existing parking access ramp in 100 South. SECTION 4. Reservations and Disclaimers. The above partial street vacations are expressly made subject to all existing rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now located on and under or over the confines of these properties, and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purposes of maintaining, altering, repairing, removing or rerouting said utilities, including the City's water and sewer facilities. Said partial street closures are also subject to any existing rights of way or easements of private third parties. SECTION 5. Conveyance of Title. Conveyance of title from the City for the vacated portions of the above-referenced partial street vacations shall be by separate Special Warranty Deeds from the City confirming the transfer of title (including the easements referenced) as indicated in the Exhibits attached hereto. SECTION 6. Conditions. This ordinance and the resulting transfer are hereby expressly conditioned upon the following: a. Payment to the City of the fair market value of the vacated portions of these three 3 streets, and title to those portions of these streets shall remain with the City until sale for fair market value, or the receipt of equivalent value, in accordance with Salt Lake City Code Chapter 2.58 b. All existing public and private utility infrastructure shall be maintained in accordance with a plan approved and accepted by the City's Public Utilities Department; and c. All above-grade level structures should be minimized and any visual obstructions to pedestrian and pedestrian crossings should be minimized in accordance with a plan approved and accepted by the Salt Lake City Planning Director. SECTION 7. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective on the date of its first publication and shall be recorded with the Salt Lake City Recorder. The City Recorder is instructed not to publish or record this ordinance until all conditions identified above have been met, as certified by the Salt Lake Public Utilities Department, the Salt Lake City Property Manager, and the Salt Lake City Planning Director. SECTION 8. Sunset Provision. If the payment required as a condition above has not been made within one year after adoption, or the plans required as conditions above have not been approved within one year after adoption, this ordinance shall become null and void. The City Council may, for good cause shown, by resolution, extend the time period for satisfying the conditions identified above. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah this (a )14 day of --c.tiAttaa, 2008. 4 . . ' 1' ATTEST: ) 44 .07, „is,art 4iAug, IEF DEPU IT CORDER 4- • • • 'SR p <ir Transmitted to Mayor on 2-2 0-0 8 Mayor's action: ' Approved. Vetoed ri0.1%%,; MAYO IEF DEPU Y C C RDER APPPAVED AS TO FORM Salt Lake City Attorriey'f, Otlice Cato Z- — t (SEAL) Bill No. of 2008. Published: 5 EXHIBIT "A" PORTION OF WEST TEMPLE STREET BETWEEN SOUTH TEMPLE AND 100 SOUTH TO BE VACATED FOR CITY CREEK CENTER PROPOSED WEST TEMPLE STREET PARKING ACCESS RAMP The portions of West Temple Street between South Temple and 100 South to be vacated by Section 1 of this Ordinance are depicted in the legal descriptions and diagram attached hereto and consist of a non-exclusive access easement as to the property identified as parcel 1, and fee title to the property identified as parcel 2. 6 . . „ C./7"Y CREEK CENTER PROPOSED WEST TEMPLE STREET PARKING ACCESS RAMP EXHIBIT "A' PARCEL 1 Nan—Excusive Access E.aserriant Intent of Legal is to describe a "Non—Exclusive Access Easement" of that portion of ground shown in the existing right of way of West Temple Street defined as three dimensional exhibit whicn includes that space from the existing surface elevation to a subsurface devotion which is four feet below the existing surface elevation within that area decried as follows: • Beginning North 433.18 feel arid West. 330,33 feet from the Southeast Corner of Lot 3, Block 7'C, Plot "At% Solt Loki., City Si.:rwey„ Oasis of Deering N00"01"0"W (Atlas) alor,g monument line) said point being the intersection of The Northerly line of lst South Street and the Westerly line of the Vocalet.1 Ric'rarcl's Street, old running thence West 1, .75 feet to a 26..00 foot radius curve to the left 40,84, feet, chord hearing SA5'00'00"W 36,77 feet; thence South 207.82 feet; thence West 32.50 feet: thence North 207.82 feet to a 63,50 radius curve to the right 99.75 feet, chord bearing 1145`000CluE 89.80 feet; thence East 13,73 feet to the Est Right of Way line of West temple Street; thence S00`01t23"E 37.50 feet along the East Right of Way of West temple Street to the Point of Begibning. Contons 9,775.49 sq. ft. or 0,22 acres at surface elevalion. PARCEL 2 Special Warranty Deed Intent of Legu is to describe a "Special Warranty Deed' of that portion of West Temple Right of Way shown, 4....'efined as a three dimensional exhibit which includes that space which it.4 defined as a subsurface, elevation beginning four feet aelow the exist:re surface to an indefirite subsurface elevation below d.escrbed as follows Reginrting North 433..18 feel and West 330.33 feet from the Southeast Corner of Lot 3, lock 76, Flat '"16«,"*, Salt L.ok Ct urvev, (Dosis a' Bering N00.01'10 "N (Atlas) along monument line) said point being the intersection of The Northerly line of 1st t'-'..:outh Street and the Westerly line of the '../cc•atet1 RiCrard's Street, and running thence Wet l$.75 feet to a 26.00 foot radius curve to the left 40,84 feet, chord bearing 5450000W 36,77 feet; thence South 207.82 feet; thence West 32,50 feet: thence North 207.82 feet 70 a 63,50 radius curve to the right 99.75 feet, chord bearing N45`00t00"E 89.50 feet; thence East 13.73 feet to the East Right of Way line of West Temple Street; thence S30*01123"E 37.50 feet along the East Right of Way of West Temple Street to the Point, of Beginning. Contains 9,775.49 sq. ft. or 0,22 acres at surface elevation. • Page 1 of 2 --. . _..._. • , -, - i .. FOUND SURFACE:CITY -- -I .. ... MONUMENT ON THE ROAD 1 AT THE INTERSECTION OF WEST TEMPLE i AND il, ... .. SOUTH TEMPLE STREETS I.! I I ' I: PARCEL 1 ;' , i ' ,c;. •!: BLOCK 77 __. '' r8/ . 8.7.5, P.O.B. , : if .. - # .. r, ; • I, , I ',' 4 i *—' PARCEL 1 & PARCEL 2 1 -• -I 1-- li';',:): LJJ ii :',, I RIGHT OF CC . ; I -;" "t-4 /7-WAY LINE r';`, 0 0 I c,i ' ; .,.••4 Li j ' '------ 7:-.._ • CL ,! BLOCK 76 , , r-- Cl) i • - El . LLI-, '1' RIGHT OF----...,.....0 1 2*i; :'. WAY LINE i '1.i; , ; ;1I SOUTHEAST CORNER LOT 3, V co 8 , .. i' BLOCK 76, ; ; I i, b3 . t I' ,,, ,. PLAT "A" , ' .50J I. '2 I, ,-• 1,. : . "...2' ., . __....._...._.,. .....___,, , .,., t- i, . I . I Ozt V . ! I rd rn FOUND CITY MONUMENT It- - • !"'t- MARRIOTT HAND HOLE: AT ITHE 'IL HOTEL INTERSEd,TION1;OF • ;L.,. . Cr 1 WEST TEMPLE AND 100 SOUTH 'STREETS . ‘'. :1 WEST ,330.33' SCALE: A • ,,. *WEN • ., I S imitcosulting Italykaboto i WEST TEMPLE STREET RAMP i , LOCATED IN - : ---- ! —— - Block 76, Flat "A", Salt Lake City Survey DRAWN: SRP I obi EbRED APPFiOC/Eb: Salt Lake Base & Meridian, U S. Survey DATE: 1 . „6-12-07 ! EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 of 2 C,N00CUt4E-1\bpocitcALOC-i,LS-1\Temp Vornponicy Directory I for Reivizt,d Legal Do.* 70-Al 6-12-07 rey3.tip\ReYieed L219,11 mock 75-70 0-12-07 reniScIwy Junt.5.2007 - 12:00m 4 EXHIBIT "B-1" PORTION OF SOUTH TEMPLE STREET BETWEEN MAIN STREET AND STATE STREET TO BE VACATED FOR CITY CREEK CENTER PROPOSED SOUTH TEMPLE STREET PARKING ACCESS RAMP The portions of South Temple Street between Main Street and State Street to be vacated by Section 2 of this Ordinance are depicted in the legal descriptions and diagram attached hereto and consist of a non-exclusive access easement as to the property identified as parcel 1, and fee title to the property identified as parcel 2. 7 M CITY CREEK CENTER PROPOSED SOUTH TEMPLE STREET PARKING ACCESS RAMP EXHIBIT "B-9" PARCEL 1 Non-Exclusive Access Easement Intent of Legal is to describe a "Non-Exclusive Access Easement" of that portion of ground shown in the existing right of way of South Temple Street defined as a three dimensional exhibit which includes that space from the existing surface elevation to a subsurface elevation which is four feet below the existing surface elevation within that area described as follows: • Beginning S89'59'06"W 422.18 feet from the Northeast Corner of Block 75, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey, (Basis of Bearing N89'58'36"E along monument line) and running thence along the North line of said Block S89'59'10"W 11,17 feet to the Southeast Corner of Parcel 3; thence 589'59'10"W along the East line of said Parcel 21.00 feet; thence N05'52'11"E 42.78 feet to a 11.00 foot radius curve to the left 18.41 feet, chord bearing N42'03'55"W 16.33 feet; thence West 67.47 feet; thence N89'57'35"W 89,43 feet; thence North 32.00 feet; thence East 162.97 feet to a 11.00 foot radius curve to the left 15.19 feet, chord bearing N50'26'30"E 14.01 feet; thence N10'53'00"E 37.74 feet more or less to the North line of Parcel 3; thence N89'58'36"E 3.57 feet along the North line of Parcel 3 to the Northeast Corner of said Parcel 3; thence N89'58'36"E 29.02 feet; thence S10'53'00"W 24.91 feet to a 21.00 foot radius curve to the left 36.93 feet, chord bearing S39'30'02"E 32.35 feet; thence S89'56'36"E 222.61 feet; thence South 20.57 feet; thence S89'56'41"W 131.22 feet; thence S77'56'24"W 36.92 feet; thence West 65.61 feet; thence S51'21'17"W 24.81 feet; thence S05'52'11"W 39.39 feet to the Point of Beginning. Contains 16,046.15 sq. ft. or 0.37 acres more or less, PARCEL 2 Special Warranty Deed Intent of Legal is to describe a "Special Warranty Deed" of that portion of South Temple Right of Way shown, defined as a three dimensional exhibit which includes that space which is defined as a subsurface elevation beginning four feet below the existing surface to on indefinite subsurface elevation below described as follows: Beginning of the Northeast Corner of Parcel 3 (Main Street Parking),(Bosis of Bearing N89'58'36"E along monument line) and running thence N89'58'36"E 267.51 feet along the North Right of Way Line of South Temple Street, said line also being the South • line of Block 88, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey; thence South 132.77 feet more or less to the South Right of Way Line of South Temple Street said line also being the North line of Block 75, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey; thence S89'59'10"W 267.51 feet along said South Right of Way line; thence North 132.73 feet more or less to the North Right of Way Line of South Temple Street and the Point of Beginning. Contains 35,511.56 sq. ft. or 0.82 acres more or less. Page 1 of 4 . . ., . . . . I I 1 4 1 132.77' 1 NORTHEAST CORNER r— 7-1-1.1 •7-- . : — — --,--,i — , PARCEL 1 1 —,49.75 1 20.571 62.45 1i BLOCK 75, PLAT "A" , FOUND CITY MONUMENT .:i . HI ; t2 IN HAND HOLE AT THE r 11.1 ' I III LLI . " I EAGLE INTERSECTION OF TOWER • ' CHURCH II t 'I II I co r GATE SOUTH TEMPLE AND ! :1 I— ; ;,-,-i _ ADMINISTRATION (f) STATE STREETS BUILDING rri j it ii:1" 1 C1s11,4 1.,h; 1f... i e•1 1 il ,i,' r..: i rs 11 P LL-I ' RIGHT OF ..... J---— Y; I -- WAY LINE-,-- I Ili, 1-- Po,: , ,, RIGHT OF PA ,.,.1 WAY LINE BLOCK 88 I i ;\ Vf, — ,'-!,. 111 q 11 A• II PARCEL 2--\ r --.'-k g ./ is 1 ,.1 BLOCK 75 ., ' -A. 11: -.,,,./-'•*J 05. . . I PARCEL 1 1- 4 ‘'il32.21 ,' 171-11:"1 11 W z -Z. 7,,,,j,,'. ''-- 77-7 03 00.53 ..,_f,... •, ----in H. P.O.B. 3.57' 37174 1 E'1%7, 1114• ‘1 "06111'741-1 .,,-1'.1 PARCEL 2 , , 41 40 cis Nowarlit o :I rice i . PARCEL 3 11 i J lw t ' t,', ' II) DONS BANK TOWER .• JOSEPH SMITH r f I! ;Jr II MEMORIAL BUILDING I I 1 Ft rli i 1 II 1 irl , I II I. Iri ,;; Z ----- ri i .:1 II Ir‘0,0 MONUMENT NOT FOUND 111 i SCALE: 1"=60' a . : ... ' .WEN LINS • :tee Inc. ,. __:.:-M.••-,•:,i;',%A • CansultIng Egine:xe 11141,4:1 'Erg'''. ' .“-'•,01,1',W• SOUTH TEMPLE STREET RAMP LAyroN SURVEYS LOCATED IN Professional Land Surveying • Block 75, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey DRAWN: SRP CHECKED: KL APPROVED: KB Salt Lake Base & Meridian, U.S. Survey DATE: 6-28-07 EXHIBIT "B-1" Page 2 of 4 , • CITY CREEK CENTER PROPOSED SOUTH TEMPLE STREET PARKING ACCESS RAMP EXHIBIT "B-2" EXISTING PARCEL 3 (MAIN STREET PARKING) A parcel of land within the public right of way of Main Street and South Temple j Street described as follows and below the following specified elevations: Beginning at the Southeast Corner of Block 87, Plat" A", Salt Lake City Survey at subsurface elevation 4320.50, said point also being the initial point of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and running thence North 89'05'14" East 132,69 feet to the Southwest Corner of Block 88, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey, at elevation 4321.50; thence North 89'58'36" East along the South boundary line of said Block 229.10 feet at elevation 4328,50; thence South 132.73 feet to the North boundary line of Block 75, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey of elevation 4326.00; thence South 89'59'10" West along said North boundary line of Block 75, 231.07 to the East right of way line of Main Street as vacated by Salt Lake City 08-28-59, Ordinance No. 65 at elevation 4322,40; thence South 00'09'43" West along said East right of way line of Main Street 226.31 feet at elevation 4317.69; thence South 00'09'43" West along said East right of way line of Main Street 38.69 feet, at subsurface elevation 4316.89; thence South 89'50'17" East along said East right of way line of Main Street 1.100 feet at subsurface elevation 4316.89; thence South 00'09'43" West along said East right of way line of Main Street 38.03 feet at subsurface elevation 4316.10; thence West 130.26 feet to the East boundary line of said Block 76, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey, at subsurface elevation 4315.10; thence North 00'01'34" West along said East boundary line 76.72 feet, at subsurface elevation 4316.69; thence North 00'01'34" West along said East boundary line 226.78 feet to the Northeast Corner of said Block 76 at elevation 4321.40; thence South 89'59'38" West along the North boundary line of said Block 76, 165.05 feet at elevation 4315,50; thence North 58.00 feet at elevation 4316.00; thence North 89'51'34" East 164,68 at elevation 4320.00; thence North 00'08'26" West 71,72 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 96,766 square feet or 2.22 acres. Page 3 of 4 — is ' it PARCEL 2 "I ,1 1 FOUND CITY MONUMENT I ilt--,4 IN HAND HOLE AT THE '' i11 INTERSECTION OF RIGHT OF ;'L- f _ _ WAY LINE j SOUTH TEMPLE AND 'l I STATE STREETS PARCEL 1 II Ir i - RIGHT OF ! I �/WAY LINE BLOCK 88 -�=� �( i __J ! 'II_. i; 7 ` ` 1r, BLOCK 75 • I' ' 'll'';f?h :' � .I I//r/ 1, /,'1Y11 /Y, II V '/ I/* , / EXISTING 1 - / ' i i 1 1PARCEL 3N4- ✓f / L ;; : / , v/ r ` ----- 1 Fr 'VI/////„/,-- 4/////7//././%r>////,I 1/4"///////' //77/1// ,/7 .—''",-V.--;''' '/ // / A yie ._ --IT"/":-.)- • , P.O.B. / / PARCEL 3 1 I �,/ r�) MONUMENT I I/, ' I A ti AININV NOT FOUND [-/K r I,i, f. BLOCK 87 - / r '1. SCALE: 1"=1 DO' A i., ,� . rItias togloass% MAIN STREET PARKING v LOCATED IN f • Block 75, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey DRAWN: SRP CHECKED: KB (APPROVED; KS Salt Lake Base & Meridian, U.S. Survey DATE: — 6-12-07 j EXHIBIT "B-2" Page 4 of 4 C:\OOCUkE..1\bpetlur'V rru 5-1 VarnATemporary 6rectnry 1 tor fteieed Legal Book 75-76 6-12-07 rov7•61p\R vi. Leal Black 75-76 6-12-07 rev3.dry.hn13.2OO7 - 12:OOpm • EXHIBIT "C" PORTION OF 100 SOUTH STREET BETWEEN MAIN STREET AND STATE STREET TO BE VACATED FOR CITY CREEK CENTER PROPOSED EXPANSION OF EXISTING PARKING ACCESS RAMP The portions of 100 South Street between Main Street and State Street to be vacated by Section 3 of this Ordinance are depicted in the legal descriptions and diagram attached hereto and consist of a non-exclusive access easement as to the property identified as parcel 1, and fee title to the property identified as parcel 2. 8 r- __._........____...._--- CITY CREEK CENTER PROPOSED 100 SOUTH STREET PARKING ACCESS RAMP EXHIBIT "C" PARCEL 1 Non-Exclusive Access Easement Intent of Legal is to describe a "Non-Exclusive Access Easement" of that portion of ground shown in the existing right of way of 100 South Street defined as a three dimensional exhibit which includes that space from the existing surface elevation to a subsurface elevation which is four feet below the existing surface elevation within that area described as follows: Beginning S89'58'02"W 79.29 feet and South 48.81' feet from the Southeast Corner Block 75, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey, (Basis of Bearing N89'58'22"E (Atlas) along monument line) and running thence South 28.16 feet; thence N89'57'14"W 365.73 feet; thence N00'00'10"W 27.69 feet; thence N89'44'30"E 10.03 feet to a 30.00 foot radius curve to the left 45.90 feet, chord bearing N45'54'24"E 41.56 feet; thence NO2'04'18"E 4.53 feet; thence N00'06'57"W 15.31 feet to the North Right of Way line of 100 South Street; thence N89'58`02"E 109.52 feet along the North Right of Way of 100 South Street; thence South 18.59 feet to a 29.99 foot radius curve to the left 47.10 feet, chord bearing S44'58'16"E 42.41 feet; thence S89'58'08"E 186.23 feet to the Point of Beginning. Contains 15,969.44 sq. ft. or 0.37 acres at surface elevation. PARCEL 2 Special Warranty Deed Intent of Legal is to describe a "Special Warranty Deed" of that portion of 100 South Street Right of Way shown, defined as a three dimensional exhibit which includes that space which is defined as a subsurface elevation beginning four feet below the existing surface to an indefinite subsurface elevation below described as follows: Beginning S89'58'02"W 79.29 feet and South 48.81' feet from the Southeast Corner Block 75, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey, (Basis of Bearing N89'58'22"E (Atlas) along monument line) and running thence South 28.16 feet; thence N89'57'14"W 365.73 feet; thence N00'00'10"W 27.69 feet; thence N89'44'30"E 10.03 feet to a 30.00 foot radius curve to the left 45.90 feet, chord bearing N45'54'24"E 41.56 feet; thence NO2'04'18"E 4.53 feet; thence N00'06'57"W 15.31 feet to the North Right of Way line of 100 South Street; thence N89'58'02"E 109.52 feet along the North Right of Way of 100 South Street; thence South 18.59 feet to a 29.99 foot radius curve to the left 47,10 feet, chord bearing S44'58'16"E 42.41 feet; thence S89'58'08"E 186.23 feet to the Point of Beginning, Contains 15,969.44 sq. ft. or 0.37 acres at surface elevation. Page 1 of 2 • FOUND CITY MONUMENT SOUTHEAST CORNER SOUTH; HAND HOLE AT THE BLOCK 75, PLAT "A" o 48.81' i INTERSECTION OF 100 SOUTH AND m (SOUTH STATE STREETS I, 0 48.81' `' 54.20' ' I 1 ,1 • W N L. 6 P.O.B. 'I ct - , PARCEL 1 I' 1 PARCEL 1 & PARCEL 2 , II I f! i I PARCEL 2 — ` u 0 `* noI RIGHT OF WAY LINE o I: RIGHT OF ' WAY LINE , 'SOUTH j„"1• cp.( " BLOCK 75 18.59, �9, ' ;-- -. . ---_.. BLOCK 70 I , N In j!, I :n _..,...., m 87 : FOUND REDCON/CITY MONUMENT ON THE ROAD P i= ' I�� AT THE INTERSECTION OF z ' ii .� alw ,iI 100 SOUTH AND N r MAIN STREETS NO0'06'57 W ? W 15.31`- 1 MS °'spa! z z' , NO2'04'18"E { '' ..J ,I 4.53' ;. 1' „ I' 48178' �'t, _ __ 4.22' i },,. / f �, 1 11 Astenar I I M� 11: Noo'oOno"w ; `"'" ti 'I I! cc o it 27.68' I II 3 SCALE: 1"=60' 1 i.;;S WEN S ----- — -- _ .. 100 SOUTH STREET RAMP LOCATED IN .--.__.. .---___-.-. Block 75, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey ;DRAWN: SRP ,CHECKED: KB APPROVED: KS Salt Lake Base & Meridian, U.S. Survey DATE: 6-12-07 EXHIBIT "C" Page 2 of 2 C:\h7CU4E•1\bpocker\LOCALS-1\7emD\7amporory 01recrory 1 for Revtx4 Lavin Block 7:-78 8-12-07 rav3.riv\R.18,41 1e981 Woo* 78-78 8-12-07 rev3.d.8 d,a113,2007 - 12.01pm y LYN CRESWELL Si AEI AN "1�� %. MIRRATIU YI RALPH BECKER DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES MAYOR City Recorder STATE OF UTAH, City and County of Salt Lake, I, Christine Meeker, City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the attached document, Ordinance 5 of 2008, vacating a portion of three city streets adjacent to the City Creek Center, with conditions and sunset provision is a true and correct copy. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this 4th day of August, 2009 it eco der Sa Lak D Ut� y e C�y, h w�j...‹,, . CITY �1 n..,,a„Y6�i :: �PORA � LOCATION: 451 SOUTH STATE STREET,ROOM 415,SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH 84111 MAIUNG ADDRESS: PO BOX 145515,SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH 84114-5515 TELEPHONE:801-535-7671 FAX:801-535-7681 0 08-1 ' P 07-7 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 5 of 2008 (Vacating portions of three city streets adjacent to the City Creek Center, with conditions and sunset provision) AN ORDINANCE VACATING PORTIONS OF THE FOLLOWING THREE CITY STREETS ADJACENT TO THE NEW CITY CREEK CENTER, PURSUANT TO PETITION NO. 400- 06-38: 1. West Temple Street between South Temple and 100 South 2. South Temple Street between Main Street and State Street; and 3. 100 South between Main Street and State Street. WHEREAS, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah finds after public hearings that: A. The City owns the above-referenced three city streets in fee simple absolute. B. This ordinance relates only to those specified portions, and only to the extent specifically indicated herein, of such streets which are more particularly described below and in the attached exhibits. The City otherwise retains all portions of said streets located on all sides of the partial street vacations described herein. C. It is in the public interest to vacate the use by the general public of the specified portions of such streets because: 1. Such portions are no longer necessary for the use by the general public as streets; 2. Partial street vacations have been requested in order to enhance pedestrian and vehicle access to the new City Creek Center; 1 3. The enhanced pedestrian and vehicle access accomplished through these partial street vacations is in the best interest of the public; 4. Such partial street vacations will not be adverse to the general public's interest; and 5. Such partial street vacations are subject to the reservations, disclaimers, limitations and other conditions as set out below. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. A portion of West Temple Street, between South Temple and 100 South, which is more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto, shall be, and the same hereby is, vacated, to the extent described in Exhibit A, and declared to be no longer needed or available for use as a public street by the general public. This partial street closure is for the purpose of accommodating the construction of an expanded vehicle access ramp in West Temple Street. SECTION 2. A portion of South Temple Street,between Main Street and State Street, which is more particularly described on Exhibit B-1 attached hereto, shall be, and the same hereby is, vacated, to the extent described in Exhibit B-1 and declared to be no longer needed or available for use as a public street by the general public. This partial street closure will accommodate the construction of a new parking access ramp in South Temple Street. Exhibit B-2 describes property located within the South Temple right of way which was previously transferred by the City. Exhibit B-2 is attached hereto for illustrative purposes only. 2 SECTION 3. A portion of 100 South Street, between Main Street and State Street, which is more particularly described on Exhibit C attached hereto, shall be, and the same hereby is, vacated, to the extent described in Exhibit C, and declared to be no longer needed or available for use as a public street by the general public. This partial street closure will accommodate the expansion of an existing parking access ramp in 100 South. SECTION 4. Reservations and Disclaimers. The above partial street vacations are expressly made subject to all existing rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now located on and under or over the confines of these properties, and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purposes of maintaining, altering, repairing, removing or rerouting said utilities, including the City's water and sewer facilities. Said partial street closures are also subject to any existing rights of way or easements of private third parties. SECTION 5. Conveyance of Title. Conveyance of title from the City for the vacated portions of the above-referenced partial street vacations shall be by separate Special Warranty Deeds from the City confirming the transfer of title (including the easements referenced) as indicated in the Exhibits attached hereto. SECTION 6. Conditions. This ordinance and the resulting transfer are hereby expressly conditioned upon the following: a. Payment to the City of the fair market value of the vacated portions of these three 3 streets, and title to those portions of these streets shall remain with the City until sale for fair market value, or the receipt of equivalent value, in accordance with Salt Lake City Code Chapter 2.58 b. All existing public and private utility infrastructure shall be maintained in accordance with a plan approved and accepted by the City's Public Utilities Department; and c. All above-grade level structures should be minimized and any visual obstructions to pedestrian and pedestrian crossings should be minimized in accordance with a plan approved and accepted by the Salt Lake City Planning Director. SECTION 7. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective on the date of its first publication and shall be recorded with the Salt Lake City Recorder. The City Recorder is instructed not to publish or record this ordinance until all conditions identified above have been met, as certified by the Salt Lake Public Utilities Department, the Salt Lake City Property Manager, and the Salt Lake City Planning Director. SECTION 8. Sunset Provision. If the payment required as a condition above has not been made within one year after adoption, or the plans required as conditions above have not been approved within one year after adoption, this ordinance shall become null and void. The City Council may, for good cause shown, by resolution, extend the time period for satisfying the conditions identified above. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah this l6ft114 day of --Cti2httaa, 2008. 4 Pr S ATTEST: IEF DEPU IT CORDER Y'?POR `'� Transmitted to Mayor on 2-20-08 .- Mayor's action: ' Approved. Vetoed I /ctl, MAYO 4 •T IEF DEPU Y C C RDER5 Lela (SEAL) Bill No. 5 of 2008. Published: 8-10-09 5 EXHIBIT "A" PORTION OF WEST TEMPLE STREET BETWEEN SOUTH TEMPLE AND 100 SOUTH TO BE VACATED FOR CITY CREEK CENTER PROPOSED WEST TEMPLE STREET PARKING ACCESS RAMP The portions of West Temple Street between South Temple and 100 South to be vacated by Section 1 of this Ordinance are depicted in the legal descriptions and diagram attached hereto and consist of a non-exclusive access easement as to the property identified as parcel 1, and fee title to the property identified as parcel 2. 6 CITY CREEK CENTER PROPOSED WEST TEMPLE STREET PARKING ACCESS RAMP EXHIBIT 'A' PARCEL 1 Nort—Exciusive Access Easerrie(it Intent of Legal is to describe a "fqoi—Exclusive Access Easement of that portion of ground shown in the existing richt of way of West Temple Street defined as c three dimensional exhibit whicn inctudes that space from the existing surface elevation to a subsurface elevation which is four feet below the existing surfoce elevation within that area decried as follows: Beginning North 433.18 feel and West 330.33 feet from the Southeast Corner of Lot 5, Block 76, Plot "A", fot Lokelosis of Becrinq N00"01''0"W (Atlas) along monument line) said point being the intersection of the Northerly line of ist South Street and the Westerly :int of the Vacatca Riarard's Street, and ranring thence West 18. 75 feet to a 26.00 foot radius curve to tne left 40,84 feet, Chord bebring S4.5.00.00W 36,77 feet; thence South 207.82 fee'.; thence West 32.50 feet; thence North 207.82 feet 7 o a 63.50 radius curve to the right 99.75 feet, chord bearing N45`0000"E 89.80 feet; thence East 15,73 feet to the Ebist Right of Way line of West Temple Street; thence Si00'02.3"E 37.50 feet along the East Right of Way of West Temple Street to the Point of Binning. Cantons 9,775.49 sq. ft or 0.22 acres at surface elevation_ PARCEL 2 Speibial Warranty Deed Intent of Lego is to describe a "Special Warranty :Deed" of that portior of West Temple Right of Wuy tthwri, refried as a three dirnensioral exhibit which includes that space which is defined as a suicst.rface elevation beginning tour feet aglow the existra surface La an ildefirite subsurface elevation below described as follows: Beginning North 433.18 feel and West 330.33 feet from the Southeast Corner of Lot 5, ;flock 76, Plot "A , Sait Lake C.ty rvev, Of.tiin of Bearing ','•:00•01',0"W (Atlas) along monument line) said point being the intersection of the Northerly line of 1st South Street and the Wesle.rly line of the Vccatea Ric Street, and r...nning thence West 18.75 feet to a 26.00 foot radius curve to the left 40,84 feet, cnord bearing S4.5.'0000"W 36:17 feet; thence South 207.82 feet; thence West 32,50 feet; thence North 207,82 feet to a 63.50 radius curve to the right 99.75 feet, chord bearing N45`00r0C"E 89.80 feet; thence East 1.3..73 feet to the East Right of Way uric of West. ei-riple Street; thence S00*01'.23"E 37.50 feet along the East Right of Way of West Temple Street to the Point of Beginning. Conta-ns 9,775.49 sq ft. or 0.22 acres at surface elevatort_ Paae 1 of 2 FOUND SURFACE CITY MONUMENT ON THE ROAD AT THE INTERSECTION OF I WEST TEMPLE, AND I SOUTH TEMPLE STREETS j.3,7 L: _. _. PARCEL 1 %P✓ I cy:r k. • � , ' c,,)if'1a S1 BLOCK 77 - „ P.O.B. . PARCEL 1 & PARCEL 2 ,,......,.1,.,, '# w1 RIGHT OF WAY LINE r a- BLOCK 76 0 ` 1 2 w gym RIGHT OF-.,,` ^ , W WAY LINE j =jo , SOUTHEAST I :-� _ CORNER LOT 3, GIs I 1 I BLOCK 76, 0� I . _' PLAT "A" : 32.50'.• I # 1 I j !, , of ;1 M FOUND CITY MONUMENT v MARRIOTT HAND HOLE: AT THE ,' HOTEL INTERSECTION1' OF ,1 cc WEST TEMPLE AND 100 SOUTH STREETS I WEST 330,33' SCALE: 1"=50' t /+'*WEN i __ .._ _. .. .... . .. .... ...___--.___..__ , comma:1,4F WEST TEMPLE STREET RAMP LOCATED IN Block 76, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey DRAWN: SRP ,CHECKED: KB APPRovEp: KS Salt Lake Base & Meridian, U.S. Survey DATE: - - I 6-12-07 EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 of 2 C\L-;rCVI.1.-1\lain.ka\LL 1u`--1\iamp\Tarnporory Droaiory I for Hammed Lego/ &oak 73-76 6-12-07 arry,s zieVieviead Legal iMxe 75-76 6-12-07 ree3.thrg Jun13,2007 - 12.00pm EXHIBIT "B-1" PORTION OF SOUTH TEMPLE STREET BETWEEN MAIN STREET AND STATE STREET TO BE VACATED FOR CITY CREEK CENTER PROPOSED SOUTH TEMPLE STREET PARKING ACCESS RAMP The portions of South Temple Street between Main Street and State Street to be vacated by Section 2 of this Ordinance are depicted in the legal descriptions and diagram attached hereto and consist of a non-exclusive access easement as to the property identified as parcel 1, and fee title to the property identified as parcel 2. 7 1 CITY CREEK CENTER PROPOSED SOUTH TEMPLE STREET PARKING ACCESS RAMP EXHIBIT "B-1" PARCEL 1 Non-Exclusive Access Easement Intent of Legal is to describe a "Non--Exclusive Access Easement" of that portion of ground shown in the existing right of way of South Temple Street defined as a three dimensional exhibit which includes that space from the existing surface elevation to a subsurface elevation which is four feet below the existing surface elevation within that area described as follows: Beginning S89'59'06"W 422.18 feet from the Northeast Corner of Block 75, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey, (Basis of Bearing N89'58'36"E along monument line) and running thence along the North line of said Block S89'59'10"W 11.17 feet to the Southeast Corner of Parcel 3; thence S89'59'10"W along the East line of said Parcel 21,00 feet; thence N05'52'11"E 42.78 feet to a 11.00 foot radius curve to the left 18.41 feet, chord bearing N42'03'55"W 16.33 feet; thence West 67.47 feet; thence N89'57'35"W 89.43 feet; thence North 32.00 feet; thence East 162.97 feet to a 11.00 foot radius curve to the left 15.19 feet, chord bearing N50'26'30"E 14.01 feet; thence N10'53'00"E 37.74 feet more or less to the North line of Parcel 3; thence N89'58'36"E 3.57 feet along the North line of Parcel 3 to the Northeast Corner of said Parcel 3; thence N89'58'36"E 29.02 feet; thence S10'53'00"W 24.91 feet to a 21.00 foot radius curve to the left 36.93 feet, chord bearing S39'30'02"E 32.35 feet; thence S89'56'36"E 222.61 feet; thence South 20.57 feet; thence S89'56'41"W 131.22 feet; thence S77'56'24"W 36.92 feet; thence West 65.61 feet; thence S51'21'17"W 24.81 feet; thence S05'52'11"W 39.39 feet to the Point of Beginning. Contains 16,046.15 sq. ft. or 0.37 acres more or less. PARCEL 2 Special Warranty Deed Intent of Legal is to describe a "Special Warranty Deed" of that portion of South Temple Right of Way shown, defined as a three dimensional exhibit which includes that space which is defined as a subsurface elevation beginning four feet below the existing surface to on indefinite subsurface elevation below described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast Corner of Parcel 3 (Main Street Parking),(Basis of Bearing N89'58'36"E along monument line) and running thence N89'58'36"E 267.51 feet along the North Right of Way Line of South Temple Street, said line also being the South line of Block 88, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey; thence South 132.77 feet more or less to the South Right of Way Line of South Temple Street said line also being the North line of Block 75, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey; thence 589'59'10"W 267.51 feet along said South Right of Way line; thence North 132.73 feet more or less to the North Right of Way Line of South Temple Street and the Point of Beginning. Contains 35,511.56 sq. ft. or 0.82 acres more or less. Page 1 of 4 , . . . . . . . . , . •I : I '32.77 NORTHEAST CORNER sclunq , , , 1 PARCEL 1 r— ---!,49.75 1.20.57, BLOCK 75, PLAT ''A'' '111H:' L-HI . -'11 11 '1 2, '1 —FOUND CITY MONUMENT i IN HAND HOLE AT THE 1!! ',I LJ EAGLE INTERSECTION OF Ct I -co - ' GATE CHURCH it .6. I, i II I— TOWER SOUTH TEMPLE AND ADMINISTRATION Cl) 11 CV ., , STATE STREETS BUILDING r,‘1-1 i('ig "I. t...0 , I ''l v ___, o RIGHT OF-t---_, 11--- ir,- r — -n-- • - -s. WAY LINE i Ill r 1-- b,. , . RIGHT OF 00 WAY LINE - i,: t,i J'I 74W, BLOCK 88 i!: Ili A t; 1— ;•--- _, , '- II 11,: ri.6,1' 'Ik., 0 V) ! 1. $ 1 .i 11 i! ', t , 1-, PARCEL 2-NI s' It-It-1 g , ' . 1 BLOCK 75 1 , P.0,B. PARCEL 1 .8.. -•.,„,•••,-„,- !, -4,-. ..,,f03.,,.„.„, r4„..---29. g".... _ ,•••1 ii,.J,,s,.,.x.-.,,;,,•,,e),:39: _ , P.O.B, 3.57i, Ni3cm7_.-37L.:4,7iI-E-—Ij.,L,,-p.44• .'N.t7„1—2,,I- 0 1—,0 PARCEL 2 1 ,tg: Nom'i,,,E .._. , 111 .1 PARCEL 3 ii"1 ..1 iit ( ZIONS BANK TOWER .13; ' • ' ,. • III II ii-----1 • rl 1 I JOSEPH SMITH h I „: IL. MEMORIAL BUILDING I! 1 i III 1 A '2 ‘1 4 ::l1,, z— 4J. ) .1!! ,.,1 MONUMENT ; ill 'II 11 NOT FOUND i i!1 ;II . ; 0 NORTH 1 II :i1 l , . SCALE: 1"=---60' , a ' "WEN LINS • .tea,Inc. _, ..,„,,• r:fer4 Consulting SOUTH TEMPLE TEMPLE STREET RAMP LAYTON SURVEYS LOCATED IN Professional Land Surveying DRAWN: CHECKED: APPROVED: Block 75, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey SRP KL KB Salt Lake Base & Meridian, U.S. Survey DATE: 6-28-07 EXHIBIT "B-1" Page 2 of 4 CITY CREEK CENTER PROPOSED SOUTH TEMPLE STREET PARKING ACCESS RAMP EXHIBIT "B-2" EXISTING PARCEL 3 (MAIN STREET PARKING) A parcel of land within the public right of way of Main Street and South Temple Street described as follows and below the following specified elevations: Beginning at the Southeast Corner of Block 87, Plat" A", Salt Lake City Survey at subsurface elevation 4320.50, said point also being the initial point of the Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and running thence North 89'05'14" East 132.69 feet to the Southwest Corner of Block 88, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey, at elevation 4321.50; thence North 89'58'36" East along the South boundary line of said Block 229.10 feet at elevation 4328.50; thence South 132.73 feet to the North boundary line of Block 75, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey at elevation 4326.00; thence South 89'59'10" West along said North boundary line of Block 75, 231.07 to the East right of way line of Main Street as vacated by Salt Lake City 08-28-59, Ordinance No. 65 at elevation 4322.40; thence South 00'09'43" West along said East right of way line of Main Street 226.31 feet at elevation 4317.69; thence South 00'09'43" West along said East right of way line of Main Street 38.69 feet, at subsurface elevation 4316.89; thence South 89'50'17" East along said East right of way line of Main Street 1.100 feet at subsurface elevation 4316.89; thence South 00'09'43" West along said East right of way line of Main Street 38.03 feet at subsurface elevation 4316.10; thence West 130.26 feet to the East boundary line of said Block 76, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey, at subsurface elevation 4315.10; thence North 00'01'34" West along said East boundary line 76.72 feet, at subsurface elevation 4316.69; thence North 00'01'34" West along said East boundary line 226.78 feet to the Northeast Corner of said Block 76 at elevation 4321.40; thence South 89'59'38" West along the North boundary line of said Block 76, 165.05 feet at elevation 4315.50; thence North 58.00 feet at elevation 4316.00; thence North 89'51'34" East 164,68 at elevation 4320.00; thence North 00'08'26" West 71.72 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 96,766 square feet or 2.22 acres. Page 3 of 4 il PARCEL 2 {I ''� I1 1 FOUND CITY MONUMENT Itr I IN HAND HOLE AT THE RIGHT OF INTERSECTION OF WAY LINE~ II SOUTH TEMPLE AND STATE STREETS PARCEL 1 , I i �?, '� 1 RIGHT OF �� „ i` it BLOCK 88 ` '-1 ,/r--1 f WAY LINE 31 jj_I " L. .i. c ..� ^t" 11� E 1 i BLOCK 75 I/ I' / '" I/,; /,/ ,f/ , , I/ " 'cif ,%) ?' )N 1/' j 4 / ' j'1 /l EXISTING 'f /� / l ' PARCEL 3 -!ti ,/;i'+`'i' P.O.B.___/- - , �, C.7J PARCEL 3 1 MONUMENT f 1// /,1 ;�,_...� ., NOT FOUND 1//, - • BLOCK 87 //i 4 ' L '1-.--J11 "SCALE: 1 =100' I 1 M !-, .WEN MAIN STREET PARKING LOCATED IN 1 ___ DRAWN_ — -- CCHECKED: 'APPROVED: Block 75, Plat ' A", Salt Lake City Survey SRPL KB KS Salt Lake Base & Meridian, U.S. Survey IDATE• I 6-12-07 I EXHIBIT "B-2" Page 4 of 4 C:\DOCUIE.-1\bpacker\LOCl15-1\Temp\Temporary D;reetary 1 for Reined Legal Slack 75-78 8-12-07 m3.zip\R^vfhd Legal 8k.o 75-70 6-12-07 rev3.d c Jun13.2007— 12:00pm EXHIBIT "C" PORTION OF 100 SOUTH STREET BETWEEN MAIN STREET AND STATE STREET TO BE VACATED FOR CITY CREEK CENTER PROPOSED EXPANSION OF EXISTING PARKING ACCESS RAMP The portions of 100 South Street between Main Street and State Street to be vacated by Section 3 of this Ordinance are depicted in the legal descriptions and diagram attached hereto and consist of a non-exclusive access easement as to the property identified as parcel 1, and fee title to the property identified as parcel 2. 8 CITY CREEK CENTER PROPOSED 100 SOUTH STREET PARKING ACCESS RAMP 1 � EXHIBIT "C" PARCEL 1 Non-Exclusive Access Easement I s Intent of Legal is to describe a "Non-Exclusive Access Easement" of that portion of ground shown in the existing right of way of 100 South Street defined as a three dimensional exhibit which includes that space from the existing surface elevation to a subsurface elevation which is four feet below the existing surface elevation within that area described as follows: Beginning S89'58'02"W 79.29 feet and South 48.81' feet from the Southeast Corner Block 75, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey, (Basis of Bearing N89'58'22"E (Atlas) along monument line) and running thence South 28.16 feet; thence N89'57'14"W 365.73 feet; thence N00'00'10"W 27.69 feet; thence N89'44'30"E 10.03 feet to a 30.00 foot radius curve to the left 45.90 feet, chord bearing N45'54'24"E 41.56 feet; thence NO2'04'18"E 4.53 feet; thence N00"06'57"W 15.31 feet to the North Right of Way line of 100 South Street; thence N89'58'02"E 109.52 feet along the North Right of Way of 100 South Street; thence South 18.59 feet to a 29.99 foot radius curve to the left 47.10 feet, chord bearing S44'58'16"E 42.41 feet; thence S89'58'08"E 186.23 feet to the Point of Beginning. Contains 15,969.44 sq. ft. or 0.37 acres at surface elevation. 37 PARCEL 2 Special Warranty Deed Intent of Legal is to describe a "Special Warranty Deed" of that portion of 100 South Street Right of Way shown, defined as a three dimensional exhibit which includes that space which is defined as a subsurface elevation beginning four feet below the existing surface to an indefinite subsurface elevation below described as follows: Beginning S89'58'02"W 79.29 feet and South 48.81' feet from the Southeast Corner Block 75, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey, (Basis of Bearing N89'58'22"E (Atlas) along monument line) and running thence South 28.16 feet; thence N89'57'14"W 365.73 feet; thence N00'00'10"W 27.69 feet; thence N89'44'30"E 10.03 feet to a 30.00 foot radius curve to the left 45.90 feet, chord bearing N45'54'24"E 41.56 feet; thence NO2'04'18"E 4.53 feet; thence N00'06'57"W 15.31 feet to the North Right of Way line of 100 South Street; thence N89'58'02"E 109.52 feet along the North Right of Way of 100 South Street; thence South 18.59 feet to a 29.99 foot radius curve to the left 47.10 feet, chord bearing S44'58'16"E 42.41 feet; thence S89'58'08"E 186.23 feet to the Point of Beginning, Contains 15,969.44 sq. ft. or 0,37 acres at surface elevation. Page 1 of 2 1' ,S 1 FOUND CITY MONUMENT - ., SOUTHEAST CORNER HAND HOLE AT THE . 0, ! SOUTH: ', , . INTERSECTION OF 0 - bo , BLOCK 75, PLAT "A" 0 48.81' -, '' : 100 SOUTH AND P STATE STREETS a) ' (s2rIT °(.53 48.81' ' ' 54.20' . . I-1-1 ig ' . .P.O.B. 1 C/ - ! .; • PARCEL 1 , , PARCEL 1 & PARCEL 2 ; : cn , I I— 1,,,j I , 0 fo) PARCEL 2 --\,' . 0 RIGHT OF- . WAY LINE N , 7-RIGHT OF . WAY LINE , .., . 'SOU Ti-I BLOCK 75 :18.59:- k-- c). ' ' BLOCK 70 • , ,i 1 • . , ... , . . ., ...._„ Pi 'i' , .F•ii . ' FOUND REDCON/CI TY ' MONUMENT ON THE ROAD % 'a) AT THE INTERSECTION OF c0 ; Z ' 1 1 5,ii: i i 100 SOUTH AND NO0'06'57'W---.. , 1 ' ti%, ,1' , ' MAIN STREETS .•° , j, ,V,0;„ : ? ,,.1 : ‘Ckle(-1 1'' i! NO2`0418'`E 4.53' 48,78' ,..-,-- L, . .. 4.22' LiI 1 i ,90:1 a- NO000.10"W 27.68' 1 0) ir ' Z !' ' i• SCALE: 1"=60' i &WEN S 100 SOUTH STREET RAMP i LOCATED IN DRAWN: CHECKED: APPROVED: Block 75, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey SRP KB KS Salt Lake Base &' Meridian, U.S. Survey DATE: 6-12-07 EXHIBIT "C" Page 2 of 2 C.\000/14E-1\b00-,5ar\LOC.,,1_,0-1 Vamp\lempor0ry 00-0,010ry 1 for fismos0 L000:01000 75-75 5-12-07 r'0,5,10\fir00-00 Leg&f110,-0 75-70 0-12-07 rovi cl,:ry J,0113,2a1) - 12,01001