051 of 1983 - Amendment of Section 51-3-1 Relating to the Board of Adjustment 83-25 MICROFILMED] SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 51 of 1983 (Relating to the Board of Adjustment) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 51 -3-1 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965 AS AMENDED, RELATING TO THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 51-3-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Satl Lake City, Utah, 1965 as amended, relating to the Board of Adjustment, be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows : Sec. 51-3-1 . ( a) Board of Adjustment created. Pursuant to section 10-9-6 U.C.A. , 1953, and in order to carry out the provisions thereof, there is hereby created a board of adjustment, which shall consist of five members, each of whom shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council for a term of five years or until a successor is appointed and qualified. The terms of the board members shall be such that the term of one member shall expire each year. In addition thereto, the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the City Council , may appoint alternate members of the board, who shall serve for a term not to exceed five years, and shall serve in the absence of a member or members of the board of adjustment. No more than two such alternates shall sit at any meeting of the board. Each member and alternate of the board of adjustment may be allowed compensation at the rate of ten dollars for each meeting of the board attended by such member or alternate. (b) Zoning Administrator. The board of adjustment may appoint a member of the planning staff to serve as a zoning administrator to decide such routine and non-contested matters of the board of adjustment, as designated by the board, pursuant to guidelines established by the board. Any person aggrieved by a decision of the zoning administrator may appeal such decision to the board of adjustment as provided in this chapter. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 19th day of July , 1983 . VICEMAIRMAN ATTEST: CITk RE DER Transmitted to the Mayor on July 28, 1983 Mayor 's Action APPROVF'3 0�,5 7'0 ErJRl9 Sall LAko ci7y Pdlornoyg CIF{i.•.� YO DOG A / ! It-3 By — -2- ATTEST: CITY RECO R cc72 (SEAL) BILL 51 of 1983 PUBLISHED: August 3, 1983 —3— Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, SS. County of Salt Lake SALTLAKE CITY ..._......QeX)rl...Giex1D.f£.................................................................... ORDINANCE - Mo�.gsl a"IS at IIgro MOBWN AN ORDIItlNANCE tAMEN6 ING SECTION 51-3-1 OF THE Being first dilly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal ,RWIED-011.INANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY,UTAN,199 advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily AS AMENDED,RELATING TO THE BOARD OF ADIuST. (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English MEESN�' IINe a BN clry language with c9la,cllw°silL.k.�rrv,uran. general circulation in Utah, and SECTION 1.That Sectlon"I published in Salt Lake City, Y Salt Lake County, in the 3-i of the Revised Ordinances of ,.it Lake City,Utah,Was tl State of Utah. oMad,relatitq to Kie Boar f Atl�ie�bYnr�s,amenOtd� '"I'pNB1 That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Sec. 5nt created.( Board of AAlusimenr4U. A.,I r to section 19Ad U.G.A.,1953, and in ortler to cam our hie 9rovIslom Klereof, h < Iwre is x ? ereby tea aware of ao- ..........Sa.IT..bake...Gi::C IuslmeM,which shall consist of nve members,earn of wham or. W a9 adlfed fa tncon May- Relating,, to the BOard of Adjustment ar wIM the advic9 orM term ......................... ofCI Council for a'term m ......................................... ........................................ Bve years or until a successor termsWif He�boaorOlifled.bTes I shallbe such ihet tarm of ............................................................................................................... one m mbar all expire each e near. In adamon,rnereto,>ne Maror, wim Ina aaYlca and tmsenfPf the Ciry CdutKll. ............................................................................................................... bv 9ownr wrna em- ears of ale bare,who shall nrye rer,term�wr'ro exceed e years,and snamembee or theabsence of a ............................................................................................................... members of Iha board of adlust- n No more then two such altercates sha1 1 :11 any M - was published in said newspaper on......................................... In.of iM board.Each niernber and altercate of iw tbarI ofadiusfinent on w al owetl com9ensarion m me seta of Ian Au ust 3 1983 doltarsfor each meal I the ............ g............f.................................................................................. ward attended by such mom bar or alfe IV' � /J (b) 7rd of Adminisrator. TW Board a aejustmam may aPceinr a member N the Plao- .......................................................l.. .. a m carve as a and I ega A mortising administrator to Wdtle ipaice and narvcWtested mar- ere of hie Ipard m atlWsrment as tleal9nated by the board, Wrsuant fo 9uidel'M=1 SIi, by iw Ward.Anv cer= a99rlayea b a ee Hion omhalrrn to before me this..................................t..............................................day of t,e en N? ihlfyCre a........................A.D. 1983..... x Unin9 d upon ths ..., In this yNyC 7.This Orelcancel ssed E l of July,19rv0�.T.Utah,this 191h EDWARD W.PARKER - CHAIRMAN ` \I ATTEST: �af..J........... .. ..........................................:.............. KATHRYN MARSHALL }� CITYRECORDER' ota public Transmitted to iw Mayor,on July 2B.1983 Mayor's AcrionTED L.An LSON MAYOR ATTEST: CI THR C MARSRDER LL _ MCITY RECORDER '. BILL" 19Lt ires ., Published:Au9us13,19a3 P o-v .............................. AUM-31A