052 of 1983 - Vacation of all lots, streets and alleys within the Williamsburgh Subdivision J " P 83-405 I C R 0 F I ,a K_D 6 � , U �" SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 52 of 1983 (Vacation of Williamsburgh . Subdivision) AN ORDINANCE VACATING ALL LOTS, STREETS AND ALLEYS WITHIN THE WILLIAMSBURGH SUBDIVISION LOCATED NEAR 1600 NORTH AND REDWOOD ROAD IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. WHEREAS, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah finds , after public hearing, that the City 's defeasible fee i-nterests in the streets and alleys dedicated within the Williamsburgh Subdivision have never been improved nor been used by the public as a thoroughfare and the vacation of all lots, streets and alleys within said subdivision will not be adverse to the qeneral public 's interest in light of a new proposed subdivision develop- ment for said property which would result in the rededication of a different public street system; and WHEREAS, Bill No. 141 of 1978 previously authorizinq the vacation of said Subdivision has expired by its own terms. NOW, THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City , Utah: SECTION 1 . That the Williamsburgh Subdivision located in the general area of 1600 North and Redwood Road in Salt Lake City , Utah, placed of record on or about April 21 , 1894 , in the U't Salt Lake County Recorder 's office, together with all lots, streets and alleys located therein which are the subject of CA -o Petition 206 of 1978 as amended, more particularly described as rim follows, be, and the same hereby are vacated and declared no longer to be dedicated as a subdivision and the streets and alley are no longer public property for the use as streets, avenues, alleys or pedestrian ways subject to the conditions set forth below: Said Williamsburgh Subdivision is bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point 684. 75 feet South and 74 . 50 feet West of the N.E. Corner of the Southwest Quarter of Section 22, T. 1N. , R. 1W. , Salt Lake Rase and Meridian, and running thence West 574.20 feet; thence S . 0° 10 ' 00" W. 310. 20 feet; thence East 574. 20 feet; thence N. 0010100" E. 310 .20 feet to the point of beginning. Said vacation is made expressly SUBJECT TO all existing rights-of-way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description located on, in, under or over the confines of the above-described property and also SUBJECT TO the rights of entry thereon for the purpose of maintaining , altering , repair- ing, replacing, removing or rerouting said utilities and all of them. Said vacation is also expressly made SUBJECT TO the condi- tion precedent of the prior recording in the Salt Lake County Recorder 's Office of a fully approved final subdivision plat for the Westpointe Subdivision, or its successor which includes the C7 property within the Williamsburgh Subdivision to be vacated . Cry C." SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon the C1t recordation of a final approved subdivision plat that includes 10 rE�r -2- the property included within said Williamsburgh Subdivision. In the event an approved and final subdivision plat containi.n.q the land located within the Williamsburgh Subdivision is not filed of record with the Salt Lake County Recorder 's Office within twelve months from the date hereof, this ordinance shall be null and of no legal force or effect and shall not be recorded in the office of the Salt Lake County Recorder. Passed by the Coy Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, ,aL � this day of ;,% , 1983 . zil, p ,.,. ., •,� t-ek CHAIRMAN ATft-ST; r •R C RDFR �, 3AAcAstn'i 6ted to Mayor on August 3 1983 Mayor 's Action: August 3, 1983 0 CA CA µ � ;�, f,' ti A`TT8, , z2�. 3V M �- 2( RECORDERGil s (S E A L) t r,, BILL 52 of 1983 Publ ished: August 11 , 1983 —3— i �Our�1 �•y 4.:� Affidavit of Publication r STATE OF UTAH, SS. County of Salt Lake s ZZ 1AKE CITY ORDINANCE ......, ..........Chexy 1 .G?�e 7 0......................................................................... Na 52 of 1tM3 (Vacation of ivisfon) AN ORDINA V N NG`A`L'LAYS STREEtS AND ALLEYS�W�ITHIf� IB ILLIAMSBURGH SUBDIVISION LO LLAAK�D TY kRi Ad00 ig(%fiH AND REDWOOD7ROAb IN SALT Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal after�TYid�Nari�i�Hg,C ftl iWsfa�eesiblefoeiInterestsintthhe, advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily streets and aIWA dell sd within the Williamaburah Subdivision havenev-, i ovednorb"q!usedbythe Ikasathor- (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English oughfaro,* e, lion of all Igts,streefs and alleys within e�stdin ' a w„' not beady bdIv=�ive�rla�nt t ar d language with general circulation in Utah, and Publi rty�iy wloual in the radedicatbn of a different nd published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the yacaHHbnof"A fil klon`i ae1978 � fauthorizingtoullciI State of Utah. NSalt OW,TH REFORE, Be,B, of 1111111 I IO , That the Williamaburgh iviaion located in the general area M 16M North ana Rad prig d In salt Lake That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto City,Utah,placed of on or abopt Apra 19%in the Salt Lake County Reoorderr roffice,togeNrr with a[ lots streets and alleys located thereip;wfikIqt1ga{e the subiecf of Petition 206 of 1978 as ahorrdeld more_pertioalarlY described as follows,be,4114 the samehereb arayaCated&W declared nolonooFtobededicated Salt .Lake. Clay:Oxd�,71.Engq.Aq,-...52..0�„1983 -............ ' as a subdivision;d the streets and alley are no longer public property for the use as streets alrenu0s,alleys or Pedestrian ways subiectto the oii�(p�.sel forTh below: Said Williamaburgh S(t¢�Ilvisbn is bounded and desedkWd as �f c OXl o f 1T•� �I11S�71}7 gh.,eStZbdi Vl Sion..................... follows,lo,wit: ' inning of .nt 664.7ft feet South and 71.Sb teat West %of N E 6rof Quarter of Section 02, T. 1N., R.1W.,`Sh� aSidi running thence West S I deg. ............................................................................................................... W.3109A feet (fen East•57420 feet;Mienss N.O pep. 10'00"E.310.2 feet M the point of beginning Said vacation Ts`fnade oxdpresslY,3UBJECT TO'all existing rights-of-way aid �f,011 publk`•ufhHlas,,,gf any and ••••'••••""•' every description ltadirf;bildel of oveerr confines of the .............................. E' above described ia•opbrfy and also'SUBJECT TO'**rights of ! entry thereon for tthq�purpose of rn "tain�M-1[te<Inp,repairing, ' replacing,removioil rerouting samutIlL and all'ofthem. ecorde on is 1Iso,. y mate$UBJECT TO the condl- Lion of, j�rrtdr reoordln'g in the Salf Lake County R s, fflce ,'ItY.approved nrwr'subdlvisfon plat for the Westpointe SupdivtskO,�orft suecesaor which includes the Prop- erty wlthmthewuliamfburghSuWlvfsiontobevacSled. was published in said newspaper on......................................... SECTION 2.This ordinance shall take effect upon the recor- dation of a final approved subdivision plat that Includes the prop. erty included within said Willfamsburgh Subdivision.In the event nn S� 9 8 an approved and final subdivision plat containing the land located A- .. ....r.................................... ........................................... within the Williamsburgh Subdivision is not filed of record with "' the Salt Lake County Recorder's Office within twelve montfa f from the date hereof this ordinance shall be null and of tq legal force or effect and s�ra11 not be recorded in the office of 1he,Sa11 t Lake County Recorder. ✓ Reseed by.the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 19th Legal tieing e k day of July,1963. EDWARD W.PARKER VICE-CHAIRMAN t ATTEST: r KATHRYN MARSHALL ' CITY RECORDER t, Transmitted to Mayor on August 3,1983 f ore me this ................................6't1 ........................................... day O Mayor's Action:August3,1983 � TED WlLSON MAYOR t ATTEST: A.D. 1983....t KATHRYN MARSHALI,, t CITY RECORDER t (SEAL) BILL 52of1983. Published:August 11,1983 A23 ............................. otary Public My Commission Expires ........Qct.9...14...1.9.86............................. ADM-35A