052 of 1987 - Employee Compensation Plan for Fire FIghters 0 87-1 0 87-5 APPROVED O PRINKING SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE p�npn{p��r��r No . 52 of 1987 �11GGtt�►VV��11DER OFFICE (Employee Compensation Plan for Fire Fighters) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 25-1-1. 3 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS FOR SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION 400 SERIES EMPLOYEES. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 25-1-1. 3 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City , Utah, be, and is hereby amended as follows Section 25-1-1. 3. Compensation Plan Adopted. The compensation plan for Salt Lake City Corporation 400 Series Employees dated July 1, 1987 as amended , is hereby adopted as the official ccrnpensation plan for said employees. Three copies of said plan, or any amendment thereto , shall be maintained in the City Recorder' s Office for public inspection. The provisions of said plan shall be effective under the terms thereof , commencing July 1, 1987, except as they may be amended by the City Council by resolution or ordinance , or upon approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the recognized employee bargaining unit . The plan herein adopted , and any amendment or modification thereto , shall not apply to employees whose employment terminated prior to publication of this Ordinance, or to the adoption of any amendment or modification to the plan. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 4th day of At,,Q[,Lht , 1987. _x ROSELYN NJ KIRK, CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: APPPO`ED SAC TO FORM Salt Lake CRy AiWmay'^s office Date - '2 0- 01*1 �y Y RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on 814187 Mayor's Action: Appuved. MAYOR &042& ATTEST: APPROVED -7Y RECORDER FINANCE DEPARTMENT cm16 0 SEAL BiU 52 o4 1987 Pubt ,sh.ed 8111187 Fite No. 0 87-5 -2- AMENEMENT TO THE COMPENSATION PLAN FOR 400 SERIES SALT LAKE CITY EMPLOYEES Appendix "A" to the Compensation Plan for 400 Series Salt Lake City Corporation employees effective July 1, 1987 shall be amended and shall be as set forth in an amended "Appendix A" , attached hereto. The amendment shall be effective on first publication of an Ordinance amending Section 25-1-1.3 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City. cc149 APPENDIX A The PAY SCALE set forth herein shall be effective on the employee's anniversary of hire date. Completed Years Pay Class of Service Salary 415-A 0 $1452 415-5 1 1862 415-C 2 1913 415-D 3 1965 415-E 4 2132 415-F 5 2251 415-G 6 2313 41 5-H 7 2 313 415-I 8 2313 415-1 9 2376 415-K 10 2442 415-L 11 2442 415-M 12 2442 415-N 13 2509 415-0 14 2578 Employees in the 415-0 step on June 30, 1987 shall be moved to the 415-0 step under the new pay scale described above on October 1, 1987. No further merit adjustments will be made during Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1987 and ending June 30, 1988. Compensation shall be paid on a bi-weekly basis. The implementation date of the bi-weekly pay period shall be made at a time determined by the City's Finance Director to be convenient, but no later than February 1, 1988. -i- PARAMEDIC : Effective July 1, 1987, a member of the Unit assigned and certified to perform as a Paramedic will be paid in addition to the regular salary of a Fire Fighter the following incentive pay: Initial Certification $250.00 per month First Re-certification $300.00 per month Second Re-certification $350.00 per month A member of the Unit certified but not assigned as a Paramedic will receive one-third of the above incentive pay. HAZ MAT, ENGINEER, CFR: A Member of the Unit assigned and certified to perform as a specialist in one of these categories will be paid in addition to the regular salary of a Fire Fighter, $125.00 per month, as incentive pay. Until an employee classified as 415 moves to the new scale as described above, said employee shall be canpensated pursuant to the pay schedule set forth in the Memorandum of Understanding between Salt Lake City Corporation and the International Association of Firefighters dated September 1, 1986. The pay plan for 400, 405 and 410 series employees effective July 1, 1987 shall be as follows: PAY CLASS: 400 405 410 STEP: A 1315 1416 1658 B 1351 1455 1704 C 1388 1495 1750 D 1427 1536 1799 E 1466 1578 1848 F 1506 1622 1899 G 1547 1666 1951 H 1590 1712 2005 I 1634 1759 2060 J 1679 1808 2117 K 1725 1857 2175 L 1772 1908 2235 M 1821 1961 2295 N 1871 2015 2359 O 1923 2070 2414 P 1975 2127 2491 400, 405 and 410 Series employees employed by the City on June 30, 1987 shall receive a one time cash payment during fiscal year -i i- 1987-88 of 1. 5% of their annual salary ( as determined on June 30, 1987 ) payable on a date deemed by the City to be convenient . Merit Adjustments for 400, 405 and 410 series employees will be awarded on the employees' anniversary of hire date . cml 60 -i i i-