053 of 1985 - Airport Noise Regulationr SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 53 of 1985 (Airport Noise Regulation) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 2 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, BY ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 20 RELATED TO NOISE REGULATIONS. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Title 2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, be, and hereby is amended by ADDING a new Chapter 20 to be entitled "Airport Noise Regulation. " CHAPTER 20 AIRPORT NOISE REGULATION Sections : 2-20-1. Definitions. 2-20-2. Airport use restriction. Sec. 2-20-1. Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter the following definitions shall apply. ( a) Airplane. "Airplane" shall mean any civil , subsonic turbo-jet powered airplane exceeding 75,000 pounds in maximum certificated take-off weight. (b) Stage 1 airplane. "Stage 1 airplane" shall mean an airplane that does not meet the Stage 2 or 3 noise levels prescribed in Section C36. 5(a) (2 ) or Section C36. 5(a) (3 ) of Appendix C of Federal Aviation Regulation Part 36. ( c) Stage 2 airplane. "Stage 2 airplane" shall mean an airplane that complies with the noise levels prescribed in Section C36.5( a) (2 ) of Appendix C of Federal Aviation Regulations Part 36 ( including use of the applicable trade-off provisions) . (d) Stage 3 airplane. "Stage 3 airplane" shall mean an airplane that complies with the noise levels prescribed in Section C36.5( a) (3 ) of Appendix C of Federal Aviation Regulations Part 36 ( including use of the applicable trade-off provisions) . ( e) Noise compliant airplane. "Noise compliant airplane" shall mean ( a) until January 1 , 1986, any two-engine Stage 1 airplane complying with the provisions of the Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Act of 1979 Section 303 (b) ; or (b) until January 1 , 1988, any two-engine Stage 1 airplane with 100 seats or less exempted by the Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Act of 1979 Section 304 in order to promote air service to medium size and small communities. Sec. 2-20-2 . Airport use restriction. No airplane may take off or land at Salt Lake City International Airport unless it is a Stage 2 or Stage 3 airplane; provided , however, that any noise compliant airplane may continue to operate at the Airport. Sec. 2-20-2A. Notice by operators. All owners and/or operators of noise compliant Stage 1 aircraft shall be required to give written notice to the airport authority of the schedules for said noise compliant aircraft. Notice should be given to the airport authority as soon as possible but under no circumstances less than 5 days prior to the scheduled operation at Salt Lake -2- t City International Airport. SECTION 2. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance shall be severable; and if any provision thereof or the application of such provision under any circumstances is held invalid, it shall not affect any other provision of this ordinance, or the application in a different circumstance. SECTION 3. Effective date. This ordinance shall take effect thirty days following its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 16th day of July , 1985. CHAIRMAN ATTEST: r C RECORDER- Transmitted to the Mayor on July 23, 1985 Mayor' s action: July 23, 1985 Pt 4—n ta 4 0ax MAYOR ATTEST: CI RE RDE R f cc113 (SEALBill— ) Nbiish8d: July 26,, 1985 • Affidavit of Publication ADM-35A STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake } g e &7-0 .......Cheryl Gierloff.......................................................... p1FA�pINI :'«. q "se,, do;lt f 'IfL eC fig; A yi i eRgv(se Ordinanc�§� f , i5 ghleNd. 'bv ADDi t#'•d yy"� Ot# loll 2Q sgeq!I%Jon '•.;; �.. 4 ^�oZ�tlic�taQN z_ . ...I ,. :�,w Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is iffons: ' t;� .• ::;�;;L. „ ts legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily ffnlNons.F,=ortl r useres.fw,fn.`tepurposo$Qfthls.ihap teYf newspaper printed in the English language with general L1elitriq� !'�fls shall apply. Airplone"shallmeananycivil,sub5onictdr ,r circulation in Utah and published in Salt Lake City, `¢ 18n'ge�xtCCeCIIng75,000 poun sin mgximbrni e4.,M > > r"S dlh �shglirn@a)iq q� Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. pr13 0 y�@)gv6is pro 1. nAPPeridix C f of, °0 Bolin l'anPart.36. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto 7 Oirpibne,"$IS i,*r s all rgeI a .N(SQ� $vgl•Pr ibeHdlrf IQ��s ` f Sdpefld� Av )on- eg¢- '. i I of N1e ppI ode-doff ovis ons). " "* Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 53 of 1985 g1jY0Irplane."Stage 3 alrRlone'9hb7i qi n an_air-4 y .................................................... es wfib The: q s d Is P cFJ�iec� .... ................................... drdlx,t of"i e a t1 ReguldH s d $.0";Q-the applic It Aff.ptr6Yls'ons c s� 3 k isz¢ iHlant olr(ileOise compUont arpf ne""`t' Rir Ort NOlSe Re ulation ri )ul 41 llau'ry 1;.1986,any fwo-enGine Sta 1 t,f ?...................... ..................................................... a �q P�p s(tons,Qf the A`Yyl��I Safety an A6f 19 lon 30J(bi;oH(b7`untlt•' Jo ':1,I9 ° ' '•w•enq pe 1 QIrP,lane. Mh'lA0 spa} or less xeln 'e{A/ICdiq 'ahNolse'A68te�¢P >x:• ............................................................................................ umAct of a an 'aa�(,¢e[ ,41Y1 a tq 6e'o ; um size and s o I UII ., „ Sec.2-20=2;�Sjr �7sBltl�i fid`:atrPhhneanG6y=taker ' off or land-at Salt 1r ker r-- B %V?Njrp0")j Ss it is Stage 2 or Stage 3 a1rP1611�'pj'8 e �5bweveP thpt'-anV�not5 compliant airplane may onJlnue tb opergt@ a�t<�hegqfrporl. Sec.2-20-2A.NoticebboRgatof$'AIIQwtfersahZt/6raPera= ' 4' tors of noise compliant Stage'1 atrcryf(.Shgl)bg rgqulred t)%Ive writtennoticetotheairportai�ittfihor'RtlY-ot eschedulesforsaide1�. •••..•...................•.••••••••••••........•••••••.••............••••••...•..••.......•• noise compl'ont aircraft.Notice should en io the airport' authar'ty as soon as Possible but dKogr fVo circuryry��stances less than 5 days prior to the scheduled Oq?eratI n at SaM L ake City?� International Airport. ! was published in said newspaper on.................................. -SECTION 2.Severobillty.The provisions of this ordinance 6.-a shall be severable;and if any provision thereof or the applica,91•.. tlon of such Provision under any circumstances is held invalid It-`r 5Ally 26� 1985 shall not affect any other provision of this ordinance,ar tF�e.a',. ...... ........5.................... ....................................... applSECTI In a different Circumstance. SECTION 3.Effe.tlye date.This ordinance shall take effect_�T thirty days following ft first publication, h , , Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 16tti':c� day of July,1985. ............................................ .. . . .. . ...... ......... Sydney Fo ' Legal.- tlsing rk ATTEST: '-- - CHAIRMAIRMAN"Wa,' ' (Cathryn Marshall CITY RECORDER _ Transmitted to the Mayor on July 23,1985. "Mayor's A.tion:July 23,1985. Palmer DePoulis.,e MAYOR_'„ Kathryn MarshallMarshall ` &TY.-RECORDER (085.18) (SEAL) QIII 5i of 1985 . Pubilghed:Julv 26,1985 M.52 h -• a me this 12th...................................... day of 2t ......September.......................... A.D. 19..85..... : .a ......................................................... Notary Public My Commission Expires March..1,..1988........................ .'