057 of 1984 - Closing a portion of Simondi Avenue (formerly Front Street at approximately 325 North) from approxim , j R STAI . OF UTAH 42.023523 COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ss I Margaret Miller Deputy, ,City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the attached, .BILL,57,of, 198? ,, closing, a,portion,of,Simonai, A.ve,, Cornell Street, Garside Street, a 14 21 & 15. alley in vicinity of, 300_No. & 1560 West. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . was duly approved and accepted by City Council/Executive Action of$eft Lake City, Utah, . . 11 th day of. . . . .September. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.D. 19.8?i IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and;aced the corporate seal of Salt Lake City, Utah, t-, October 84 this. . .29th. . . . . . . . .day of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :j. , A.D. 19. . Deputy City of Salt Lake City, Utah r I s c� b C) ruu^t z Q , 0 84-1 X SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 57. of 1984 (Closing a portion of Simondi Avenue (formerly Front Street at approximately 325 North) from approximately 1500-1560 West together with portions of Cornell Street ( formerly Custer and Rock Streets at 1540 West) and Garside Street ( formerly Division Street at 1500 West) north of approximately 250 North; and portion of a 14 . 2 ' and 15 ' alleys in the vicinity of 300 North and 1560 West in Salt Lake City, Utah) AN ORDINANCE CLOSING A PORTION OF SIMONDI AVENUE (FORMERLY FRONT STREET AT APPROXIMATELY 325 NORTH) FROM GARSIDE STREET (FORMERLY KNOWN "DIVISION" ) TO APPROXIMATELY 1560 WEST; TOGETHER WITH CORNELL STREET (FORMERLY KNOWN AS "CUSTER" AND "ROCK" STREETS ) AND GARSIDE STREET ( 1500 WEST) NORTH OF APPROXIMATELY 250 NORTH; AND PORTIONS OF A 14 . 2 ' AND 15 ' ALLEYS IN THE VICINITY OF 300 NORTH AND 1550 WEST IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. RECITALS : A. The City has received a request by the State of Utah, known as Petition No. 400-187 of 1984 requesting the vacation of a portion of Simondi , Cornell, and Garside Street and alleys, as they lay in the vicinity of 300 North between Garside Street and approximately 1560 West. CG B . The City finds, after public hearing , that the subject streets and alley are not needed for use by the public for vehicular thoroughfares, and that the closure, rather than 1-+ vacation of said public roads and alleys are the appropriate procedure in this instance with the reservation of certain APPP '�D ;O FOP RY AA a`' 7 Pasements and conditions subsequent. The closure of said streets and alleys will not be adverse to the general public' s interest and thoroughfares, nor will it relinquish or terminate the City 's interest in the underlying property without separate documents of transfer. C . It is the City ' s intention upon closure of said streets and alley to transfer to the petitioner under separate document the underlying property interest currently held by the City, subject to certain terms and conditions, reservations, and appropriate easements. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . Parcel 1 , being a portion of Simondi Avenue ( formerly Front Street) , Cornell ( formerly known as "Rock" and Custer" ) Street, and Garside ( formerly known as "Division" Street) located in the vicinity of 250-350 North from 1500 to 1560 West are the subject of Petition No . 400-187 of 198Y. Parcel 2 is the remnant of unvacated alleys in Block 6 of the Agricultural Park Plat "B" in the vicinity of 300 North from approximately 1540-1560 West. These streets and alleys, as described in the parcels more particularly set forth below, be, CA and the same hereby are CLOSED and declared no longer to be needed or available for use as public streets or alleys, but the i title to the City's interest therein shall be reserved and retained by Salt Lake City Corporation: -2- Parcel 1. Closure of portions of Simondi Avenue, Cornell and Garside Streets from approximately 1500-1550 West in the vicinity of 250-350 North: Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 20, Block � - 6, Agricultural Park Plat "B" , a subdivision being a located in the southeast quarter of Section 34 , E Township 1 North, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; said point also being north 89°58 ' 38" � east 1402 .447 feet, north 0*01 ' 56" west 1623.568 - l feet and west 33. 000 feet from a Salt Lake City 3� l survey monument at the intersection of North Temple Street and Redwood Road , and thence north along the west line of Cornell Street 224 .0 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 29 , said block and subdivision; thence west along the south line of Simondi Avenue 199 . 20 feet to a point 14 . 2 feet west of the northwest corner of Lot 23 , said block and subdivision; thence north 60.0 feet to the north line of Simondi Avenue; thence east along the north line of Simondi Avenue 428. 2 feet more or less to the northeast corner of Simondi Avenue and its intersection with Garside Street; thence southeasterly along the northeast line of Garside Street 219 .79 feet to the east line of Garside Street; thence south along the east line of Garside Street 320. 0 feet; thence west 33. 0 feet to the west line of Garside Street; thence north along the west line of Garside Street 292 feet more or less to the northeast corner of Lot 34 , Block 5, said subdivision; thence northwesterly 18 .6 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 33, said block and subdivision; thence north 6 feet; thence northwesterly along the southwest line of Garside Street 169.9 feet to the northeast corner of said Lot 33 ; thence west along the south line of Simondi Avenue 163 .0 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 27, said block and subdivision; thence south along the east line of Cornell Street 410 .0 feet; thence west 66.0 feet to the west line of o Cornell Street; thence north along the west line C" of Cornell Street 187 .0 feet more or less to the point of beginning . b z� Parcel 2. Closure of two alleys in Block 6, Agricultural E.► Park Plat B Subdivision in the vicinity of 300 North from 1540- j -3- 1560 West: Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 22, Block 6 Agricultural Park, Plat "B" Subdivision and , Q thence west 185.0 feet to the northwest corner of said Lot 22 ; thence south 75 .0 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 20, said block and subdivision; thence west 14 . 2 feet; thence north 224.0 feet to a point 14. 2 feet west of the northwest corner of Lot 23 , said block and subdivision; thence east 14 . 2 feet; thence south --1- 134 feet to the southwest corner of said Lot 23 ; thence east 185. 0 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 29, said block and subdivision; thence south 15.0 feet to the point of beginning . RESERVATIONS. The closure of said parcels are expressly made: ( 1) subject to all existing rights-of-ways and easements of all public utilities of any and every description located on, in, under or over the confines of the above described property; (2 ) subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purpose of maintaining , altering , repairing , removing or rerouting said utilities, including the City' s water and sewer and storm drain facilities and all of them without any obligation and expense to restore the landscaping or improvements; and (3 ) subject to any existing rights-of-ways or easements or easements of private third parties. SECTION 2. This Ordinance, after passage, shall be published but shall not become effective until the following d, conditions subsequent have been satisfied . 1. The City has approved the petitioner' s platting and !i G• dedication of the extension of 300 North to connect into Garside and Cornell Streets. ►Ar -4- 1 • t 2. Execution of an interlocal governmental agreement which shall provide for the State ' s waiver of any exemption from the City' s jurisdiction for the design, construction, and maintenance of an office park project in this area upon the terms set forth in the staff recommendations. 3 . The petitioner shall be responsible to design and to construct according to City regulations and specifications, street improvements including curb and gutter, sidewalk and pavements for 300 North Street, Cornell and Garside Avenues according to the terms specified in an interlocal governmental agreement to be approved. SECTION 3. This Ordinance, after the date of its first publication, shall not become effective until recorded with the Recorder of Salt Lake County. However the Salt Lake City Recorder is instructed not to record this Ordinance until the Mayor verifies that the conditions subsequent have been satisfied or provided for by an executed interlocal government agreement that shall be approved by resolution of this Council . On execution of the interlocal government agreement, and appropriate construction agreements and bonds, which shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and City Attorney's office, the Mayor may transfer the property to the petitioner and instruct m C U the City Recorder to record the ordinance concurrently with the transfer documents and interlocal government agreement. However if the foregoing conditions are not completed within 12 months 1-4 -5- from the date of passage, this ordinance shall be null , void , and of no effect and no recording thereafter shall be allowed. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this llth day of September 1984 . CH IRMAN, ATTEST: CC44R�CnADER Transmitted to the Mayor on September 11, 1984 Mayor's Action: 9/11/84 OR ATTEST: (9 Cf Tit REnJEA 1% o 9' (S E A L) Bill 57 of 1984 Ma � � CO Published: September 22, 1984 0 C) P 84-35 ,. ==:5`_ g` E-6 C7 -6- 11 &ALL// (96 -4 D� 0 84-1 Ps 4-�31� SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 57 of 1984 (Closing a portion of Simondi Avenue (formerly Front Street at approximately 325 North) from approximately 1500-1560 West together with portions of Cornell Street ( formerly Custer and Rock Streets at 1540 West) and Garside Street ( formerly Division Street at 1500 West) north of approximately 250 North; and portion of a 14. 2 ' and 15 ' alleys in the vicinity of 300 North and 1560 West in Salt Lake City, Utah) AN ORDINANCE CLOSING A PORTION OF SIMONDI AVENUE (FORMERLY FRONT STREET AT APPROXIMATELY 325 NORTH) FROM GARSIDE STREET (FORMERLY KNOWN "DIVISION" ) TO APPROXIMATELY 1560 WEST; TOGETHER WITH CORN ELL STREET (FORMERLY KNOWN AS "CUSTER" AND "ROCK" STREETS) AND GARSIDE STREET ( 1500 WEST) NORTH OF APPROXIMATELY 250 NORTH; AND PORTIONS OF A 14.2 ' AND 15 ' ALLEYS IN THE VICINITY OF 300 NORTH AND 1550 WEST IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. RECITALS : A. The City has received a request by the State of Utah, known as Petition No. 400-187 of 1984 requesting the vacation of a portion of Simondi , Cornell, and Garside Street and alleys, as they lay in the vicinity of 300 North between Garside Street and approximately 1560 West. B . The City finds, after public hearing , that the subject streets and alley are not needed for use by the public for vehicular thoroughfares, and that the closure, rather than vacation of said public roads and alleys are the appropriate procedure in this instance with the reservation of certain AP1PFR °-D i O FORIA BY DA Pasements and conditions subsequent. The closure of said streets and alleys will not be adverse to the general public's interest and thoroughfares, nor will it relinquish or terminate the City's interest in the underlying property without separate documents of transfer. C . It is the City's intention upon closure of said streets and alley to transfer to the petitioner under separate document the underlying property interest currently held by the City, subject to certain terms and conditions, reservations, and appropriate easements. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . Parcel 1 , being a portion of Simondi Avenue ( formerly Front Street) , Cornell ( formerly known as "Rock" and Custer" ) Street, and Garside (formerly known as "Division" Street) located in the vicinity of 250-350 North from 1500 to 1560 West are the subject of Petition No . 400-187 of 198f. Parcel 2 is the remnant of unvacated alleys in Block 6 of the Agricultural Park Plat "B" in the vicinity of 300 North from approximately 1540-1560 West. These streets and alleys, as described in the parcels more particularly set forth below, be, and the same hereby are CLOSED and declared no longer to be needed or available for use as public streets or alleys, but the title to the City's interest therein shall be reserved and retained by Salt Lake City Corporation: -2- i Parcel 1. Closure of portions of Simondi Avenue, Cornell and Garside Streets from approximately 1500-1550 West in the vicinity of 250-350 North: Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 20, Block 6, Agricultural Park Plat "B" , a subdivision being located in the southeast quarter of Section 34, Township 1 North, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; said point also being north 89°58 '38" east 1402 .447 feet, north 0*01156" west 1623.568 feet and west 33.000 feet from a Salt Lake City survey monument at the intersection of North Temple Street and Redwood Road, and thence north along the west line of Cornell Street 224 .0 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 29, said block and subdivision; thence west along the south line of O�r_uc� ,t Simondi Avenue 199.20 feet to a point 14.2 feet west of the northwest corner of Lot 23, said block and subdivision; thence north 60.0 feet to the north line of Simondi Avenue; thence east alonq the north line of Simondi Avenue 428.2 feet more or less to the northeast corner of Simondi Avenue and its intersection with Garside Street; thence southeasterly along the northeast line of Garside Street 219.79 feet to the east line of Garside Street; thence south along the east line of Garside Street 320. 0 feet; thence west 33. 0 feet to the west line of Garside Street; thence north along the west line of Garside Street 292 feet more or less to the northeast corner of Lot 34 , Block 5, said subdivision; thence northwesterly 18 .6 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 33 , said block and subdivision; thence north 6 feet; thence northwesterly along the southwest line of Garside Street 169. 9 feet to the northeast corner of said Lot 33 ; thence west along the south line of Simondi Avenue 163.0 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 27, said block and subdivision; thence south along the east line of Cornell Street 410 .0 feet; thence west 66.0 feet to the west line of Cornell Street; thence north along the west line of Cornell Street 187 .0 feet more or less to the point of beginning . Parcel 2. Closure of two alleys in Block 6, Agricultural Park Plat B Subdivision in the vicinity of 300 North from 1540- -3- 1560 West: Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 22, Block 6 Agricultural Park, Plat "B" Subdivision and thence west 185.0 feet to the northwest corner of said Lot 22 ; thence south 75 .0 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 20, said block and subdivision; thence west 14 . 2 feet; thence north 224.0 feet to a point 14.2 feet west of the northwest corner of Lot 23 , said block anda�� subdivision; thence east 14 .2 feet; thence south 134 feet to the southwest corner of said Lot 23 ; thence east 185.0 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 29, said block and subdivision; thence south 15.0 feet to the point of beginning . RESERVATIONS. The closure of said parcels are expressly made: ( 1 ) subject to all existing rights-of-ways and easements of all public utilities of any and every description located on, in, under or over the confines of the above described property; (2 ) subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purpose of maintaining , altering, repairing , removing or rerouting said utilities, including the City' s water and sewer and storm drain facilities and all of them without any obligation and expense to restore the landscaping or improvements; and (3 ) subject to any existing rights-of-ways or easements or easements of private third parties. SECTION 2. This Ordinance, after passage, shall be published but shall not become effective until the following conditions subsequent have been satisfied . 1 . The City has approved the petitioner' s platting and dedication of the extension of 300 North to connect into Garside and Cornell Streets. -4- 2. Execution of an interlocal governmental agreement which shall provide for the State 's waiver of any exemption from the City' s jurisdiction for the design, construction, and maintenance of an office park project in this area upon the terms set forth in the staff recommendations. 3 . The petitioner shall be responsible to design and to construct according to City regulations and specifications, street improvements including curb and gutter, sidewalk and pavements for 300 North Street, Cornell and Garside Avenues according to the terms specified in an interlocal governmental agreement to be approved. SECTION 3. This Ordinance, after the date of its first publication, shall not become effective until recorded with the Recorder of Salt Lake County. However the Salt Lake City Recorder is instructed not to record this Ordinance until the Mayor verifies that the conditions subsequent have been satisfied or provided for by an executed interlocal government agreement that shall be approved by resolution of this Council . On execution of the interlocal government agreement, and appropriate construction agreements and bonds, which shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and City Attorney's office, the Mayor may transfer the property to the petitioner and instruct the City Recorder to record the ordinance concurrently with the transfer documents and interlocal government agreement. However if the foregoing conditions are not completed within 12 months -5- from the date of passage, this ordinance shall be null, void , and of no effect and no recording thereafter shall be allowed. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this llth day of September , 1984 . ;,e 41�5- CH IRMAN, ATTEST: 4C4RC D t R Transmitted to the Mayor on September 11, 1984 Mayor's Action: 9/11/84 OR ATTEST: C T 441 RE�OYOEA c c6 0 (S E A `L) Bill 57 of 1984 Published: September 22, 1984 P 84-35 -6- r@n� 1Weste ' r w 9t Q f t� l@ Itpub ` once; �2 Q Su�gvision-fh t 4 �}8�,solo CLfot 29, a61� It le'wessA�°fth�ortliwakt gno 9U�elylglen;tnAne eolst t1.2rte@tdthenc�sOUth 134 feet to @ S 1V e�@WIF df one @dSt 185.fY 9 tfiEhce f.f;f�eLf �d block and A Isi EE R LIONS,Th �O�m of,liolg".,` to I r 0 soldparcfla ! x i Pf�6hts•df-Way§ertd Yery descrlptIoA ik�ltl� ��s above dosed epe { 1F�iugJ � 4s Wifioorrereq o1/ff� j�f d,!t 9W1�p NfE nshq Afl wet and storo Closed A I la�ahttl�sc0`Dlnp or ImAr8vem9§Enh�alntl(3)sub @fir dRYth d�( o "Ornip►hs-of•ways or @�@Alents or easements of(rivate frlird fitf�Tl$$-N nTh[5 6rdlloge,.oftee passa� knellpe0 ons flUf 9R�. �} ont a ective until fhE 4ilpwlh ��i"1 spbsepu of nt1V8 6eAr1 ptIsfled. 6 alnum,1,OhtehglMY Oppead- the petHlOner's pIt1M1 di{r'/��} �1�°pn I SN @ Eion M 3�Norm to cOnn@d into(aPeldd Y:Ex ce��utf/bv Af.bh.1�iocgt 90vernm PHef yyyyfilch @hit ,)gPAvid_ f P ih tOY e tPb' t NY ( e e's waiver of ny%arsa -l" ntdil►@e 8 aU1�r'� bn AP the deSign CAip}B1rUcilbQ f&Ps f f6PN1 In tit proled in fhla grAh Uyp p�}ry� r nlmendations. mt Orf�1 el r E9donsibld to de IOn ppnd to con.1 6ni-ts f 3y tlC Ono and sSI ca►len® Weft mey `°r. d utter,sid °I °nt�gytiv9- 96rtlinp f fnE to m$ a Cornell ohd Gorsy@Au'bS f(b aWlirr�g to be qy f: led In an IMorl°cd elgyerryrrfl�A111a11 ce" N l nce gfter tfie date all (rstp '(N NRLL�,ay @ ectr4ve urrtll recardetl Wlty IRg dwtflis Ordinant ukeiOflf A fftfii s that tfi4 conddFflo $ ubie9uent have""A 8 g�o��E;y��� revs l tAr 8b�y� I �IMlrlocal oovernfie pjj�*E at s oil bE aPDI' @ �Y resplUtlori of IhIS Court Ir en bf the interlace,0evernment MsNiIs ct on of *Ms ar�d O,whichredm h >< e sptYOr r on of the Cny Eno nee which shot' m Mm Leo Cmov trpnsfer the r a d CitY A�1�'neY s ob uu nv Recorder to re to the Permoner and e the the hansfer e In the or I MCP ccoone tre y rrsent,HO-eker a re �o ondiTionS a v rn a �r ��vvtnfln 12 iriyqnths from ih dote of dassape,this tlin6n o fy 6R of 6 . dn�.§fhb of ed and no recortlInv p� er One 1 fat O lode@d. e+@!@ er glia I GSdbme9- uncilofaLOkitUMh�fll!�8 11fR AT.YtST: Ronald J:WryitAh�yy K ryn M r boll CWAIRMkN ClltqREC ER mQVOr s+A i To mayor on SWOMber 11,1984 To mayor i AtY s7:. Ted W119an K�CYn M@P hall MAYQp SIT REC04,0R i �)qq,J t9i4 Au 11 bed:28bfember 22,1984 QTSCS S ••1± Affidavit of Publication Ao,M 35A STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake ' `' f Cheryl..Gierio f f 111 0 �t dh�r l�gpd NWtit�lO�jf' al n Ifr fl� dt N10 ei► t �► " fT16N o SIM WA Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is j le legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily �+ ` 5 1 T newspaper printed in the English language with general , ' a circultin in Utah, and published in alt Lae City, s i I { rf8�� � _ • .'� �;� �.a�->�� '� ��{ � Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. t k a�er�t e 1m 1h Y 3 `i +r !lit, s� eetb That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto r Yn1 na d are ue .I ' n��+t m U o fh�a�nd 1,Sur a e�lhanVIM am r ; n s tt1f P We�d are n d, lif `p ARM au Mt�..T'he a ur _of. 9NF0 drill pt o 9 h . v1w A►frA4fl+q rm t i��eillllPeSf �4��.3i¢.3..POtxaxl.A .. izr►r�ridi .AvaT�v� hg�i it,i. 1� WON f"'1 #6 �d .� eaE, ;Kd®iQw'i ;c ,!;rdlirrt a ai ............................................................................................. €eri' t a bn isf41 d1 if sra ............................................................................................. �meet�w��jadrty 'n of, lartel�a to Pdrk P bf indtivl1 VIfTe tM�143 fd`ra r<iwnur�i 1164 �s �!qt t aoplarl 69 dri ere s.liar anet" was published in said newspaper on.................................. 1d�di��rl-red nb! gger u(ryt qel deitl asg IJ'y£ Ui tltilp l 119�fe afTV°rruecn�fefitt�l�6VIt i MAdlto� I�� fl� } } ...........SeptemYzex..22,..138�........ . ...............�..................... b h dlp�gIt�t�I aG 8'i II ; v1Mid a� �: r6klh7.flfaly 1�uRs181� eim,, ee '�M �tcbrhdf Of Uf 28;-BldtfCh ............................................ .. .... .. ... e..... . ............ 6 e�R �` 1 S s e Lega A rtisin Jeroff 3 1 d ate low Y"'i1a�'l!€M aa�l ` °. at n�t �wde r� ar t�p/yrl"i�r�et R, !hor111d�tapef nets�'t adf 29 id it do • v us et{�6ifpilA dduisorm� I I J JMd 6 Idn; eh, K 1(d r t bf ffF 1 I V. foreme this ........................$.��....................................... day of � q1 e e � p ;. ... A.D. 19.84..... YI + d h a 1 Of 33 ht ..... .... > " , �1 ,� � Notary Public 1 .��u Iti til it l(i RI, p18 iA"OHf1 01h 1 A8+,1i6© ulY...? .a..1986.......................