07 of 2011 - Impounding of a vehicle (Amending 12.96.020) 0 11-1 0 11-14 Ordinance No.57 of 2011 (Amending Section 12.96.020,Salt Lake City Code,extending the period after which unpaid parking citations may result in impoundment of a vehicle from 30 days to 40 days to be consistent with other provision within the same chapter.) An ordinance amending Sections 12.96.020(A),Salt Lake City Code,extending the period after which unpaid parking citations may result in impoundment of a vehicle from 30 days to 40 days to be consistent with the reduction of penalty periods set forth in Section 12.56.550 and appeal deadline set forth in Section 12.56.570. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah, as follows: SECTION 1. That Section 12.96.020(A)of the Salt Lake City Code be amended as follows: 12.96.020:VEHICLES WITH OUTSTANDING PARKING TICKETS: A.Two Or More Notices Of Unauthorized Use Of Streets(Parking Tickets):Any vehicle which has two(2)or more notices of unauthorized use of streets within the city,as defined at section 12.56.550 of this title,which notices are forty(40)days old or older and have not been dismissed pursuant to subsection 12.56.570D of this title,or its successor,or dismissed or reduced to judgment by a court of competent jurisdiction,shall be subject to immediate impoundment by towing or by means of an immobilizing device. SECTION 2.This ordinance shall become effective upon first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah this 27 day of c ,m sex , 2011. CHAIRPERSON EST: APPROVED AS TO FORM TY RECO R Salt Lake City Attorney's Office Date 22 I Transmitted to Mayor on 9-27-11 Mayor's Action: k Approved. Ve d. MAY!! 3fRECO E ......,' (SEAL) -.0• ` ' Bill No. 57 of 2011. Published: 10-8-11 • HB_ATTY-418403-v1-amending_12_96_020 bdt ..DOC