058 of 2007 - rezoning properties at 750 North DeSoto Street 0 07-1 • P 07-8 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 58 of 2007 (Rezoning Properties Located at approximately 750 North DeSoto Street, and Amending the Capitol Hill Master Plan and Zoning Map, with conditions and time limitation) AN ORDINANCE REZONING PROPERTIES LOCATED AT APPROXLMATELY 750 NORTH DESOTO STREET, AND _ MENDING THE CAPITOL HILL MASTER PLAN AND ZONING MAP, PURSUANT TO PETITION NO. 400-06-46. WHEREAS, after hearings before the Planning Commission and the Salt Lake City Council, the City Council has determined that the following ordinance is in the best interest of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. Rezoning of Properties. A. The property located at approximately 750 North DeSoto Street, which is more particularly identified on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. shall be and hereby is rezoned from Foothills Protection(FP) to Foothills Estate Residential (FR- , . 9 71 !,,,i 2'21,780 :: I''1 r, r7 ;n �. m4, mmr,) r•: ( i ;.. ., co i t P- M ...:I „, B. The property located at approximately 750 North DeSoto Street, which -'� �' '-' "' .�� ,� I p Y 7filr,, r- is more particularly identified on Exhibit `B" attached hereto, shall be and hereby M n �_. --I ,:.�a t 4.4 is rezoned from Foothill Protection(FP) and Open Space (OS) to Natural Open = CD Space (NOS). .,. SECTION 2. Amending of Zoning Map. The Salt Lake City zoning map, as adopted by the Salt Lake City Code,relating to the fixing of boundaries and zoning districts, shall be and hereby is amended consistent with the rezoning of properties identified above. City Recorder is instructed not to publish or record this ordinance until conditions identified have been met, as certified by the Salt Lake City Director of Public Utilities and Director of Public Services. SECTION 6. Time. If the conditions identified above have not been met within one year after adoption, this ordinance shall become null and void. The City Council may, for good cause shown, by resolution, extend the time period for satisfying the conditions identified above. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 16th day of October , 2007. a' i ,:,.-. ''///: s HAIRPERSON ATTEST AND COUNTERSIGN: CHIEF DEPUTY CITY RDER Transmitted to Mayor on November 8, 2007 . 3 • FR-2 Rezone Parcel (August 9, 2007) Beginning at a point being West 1417.25 feet and South 4735.54 feet from the North Quarter Corner of Section 30, Township 1 North, Range 1 East. Salt Lake Base and Meridian; and running thence S00°09'58"E 107.67 feet; thence S14°55'22"W 210.10 feet; thence S89°59'13"W 679.04 feet; thence N00°00'47"W 33.00 feet; thence S89°59'13"W 89.46 feet; thence NOO°00'47"W 160.44 feet; thence N22°34'45"E 124.73 feet; thence N89°50'02"E 774.44 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 5.588 Acres 1 FR-2 Rezone borne Beginning at a point being West 1417 25 feet and South 4735.54 —1 feet from the North Quarter Corner of Section 30, Township 1 '� �� North, Range ' East, Solt Lake Base and Meridian; and running \J thence 500'09'56"E 107.67 feet, thence S14'55'22'W 21010 feet; thence S8915S'13"W 679.04 feet; thence NO0'00'47"W 33.00 feet, • thence 589'59'13'W 89.46 feet; thence N00'00'47•W 160.44 feet, thence N22'34'45"E 124.73 feet; thence N89-50'02"E 774 44 feet to the point of beginning Contains 5.588 Acres N00'00'47"W 160 44' 1 — 4' 22 34. 45•f, Si 124>3' Trn 1 N00'00'47'W °-u 33 DO'"\ A (, N I DESOTO , STREET FR-2 ZONE I I nf l fCO ! m rn 1 J � V O p 4 ri, H H A J • CORTEZ STREET (N.\\\ 57¢.55'22 w 210,10• _ _ S00100'58"E 107.67' V ! 4 O 0'. Z o xl _ -.4 ; ,N,, IVid SNMOO NOISN3 PROJEC1I/ DATE ENSIGN FOREGROUND FOR 90 E.Fort Union Blvd 4053 8/9/07 SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH ENSIGN FOREGROUND LLC Suite 100 PO BOX 540478 Midvale,UT 84047 1 of 1 PARCEL EXHIBITS SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH 84054 Phone: 801255.0529 Fax 801255.4449 / Allk FILE FR-2 ZONE EXHIBIT F.140571dwg‘erNIA www.ensignuhah.com ENSIGN Ensign Foreground NOS Zone (July 30, 2007) Beginning at the a point on the Southerly Boundary Line of Lot 4 of Ensign Downs Plat "B" recorded July 27, 1966 in Book EE at Page 17 in the Office of the Salt Lake County Recorder, said point also being West 2475.16 feet and South 3496.88 feet from the North Quarter Corner of Section 30, Township 1 North, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; and running thence the following two courses along the Southerly Boundary Line of said Ensign Downs Plat "B": (1) S89°53'58"E 30.38 feet; (2) S74°54'00"E 108.23 feet to the Southwest Corner of Lot 2 of said Ensign Downs Plat "B": thence S15°06'00"W 100.00 feet; thence S74°54'00"E 180.00 feet to a point on the 9. Westerly Boundary Line of Ensign Downs Plat "A" recorded March 3, 1954 in Book N at Page 85 in the Office of the Salt Lake County Recorder; thence the following nine (9) courses along the Westerly and Southerly Boundary Line of said Ensign Downs Plat "A": (1) S15°06'00"W 25.00 feet; (2) SO4°06'00"W 300.00 feet; (3) S30°54'00"E 160.00 feet; (4) S47°54'00"E 165.00 feet (5) N56°26'00"E 90.00 feet; (6) S07°04'00"E 130.00 feet (7) S47°54'00"E 125.00 feet; (8) S83°54'00"E 320.00 feet: (9) N81°15'00"E 96.97 feet; thence S00°09'58"E 313.39 feet; thence S89°50'02"W 774.44 feet; thence S22°34'45"W 124.73 feet; thence S00°00'47"E 193.44 feet; thence S89°59'13"W 959.29 feet; thence N00°00'47"W 33.00 feet; thence N30°56'27"W 180.04 feet; thence N41°47'27"W 163.00 feet; thence N44°52'24"W 317.80 feet; thence N35°00'00"E 319.58 feet; thence N38°59'23"E 502.03 feet to the Southerly Boundary Line of Dorchester Pointe Subdivision Plat A PUD recorded March 31, 1997 in Book 97-3P at Page 94 in the Office of the Salt Lake County Recorder; thence the following four (4) courses along the Southerly and Easterly Boundary Line of said Dorchester Pointe Subdivision Plat A PUD: (1) S40°11'03"E 135.80 feet; (2) S62°04'05"E 165.35 feet; (3) N88°52'28"E 281.09 feet; (4) N14°04'19"E 555.93 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 39.516 Acres Ensign; Foreground NOS Zone Begin-line at the a point on the Southerly Boundary Line of Lot 4 of Ensign Downs Plat "B" recorded my I 27, 196E n Book ED at Page 17 in the Office of the Salt Lake County Recorder, said point also oe,ng West 2475.16 feet and South 3496.88 feet from the North Quarter Corner of Section 30, Township 1 North. Range ' East Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and running thence the following two courses o!onc the Soutne-I Boundary Line of said Ensign Downs Plat "8" (1) 589'53'58"E 30.38 feet, (2) S74'54'00"E 106.23 feet to the Southwest Corner of Lot 2 of said Ensign Downs Plat "B", thence S15'06'00"W 100,00 feet, thence 574'54'00"E 180 00 teet to a point on the Westerly Boundary Line of Ensign Downs aiat "A" recorded March 3, 1954 in Book N of Page 85 in the Office or the Salt Lake County Recorder, thence the following nine (9) courses along the Westerly and Southerly Boundary Line of said Ensigr. Downs Pia: 'A": (1) St5'06'00"W 25 00 feet, (2) SO4'06'00"W 300.00 feet, (3) S30'54'00"E 160.00 feet, (4) 547'54'00"E 165.00 feet; (5) N56'26'00"E 90 00 feet; (6) S07'04'00"E 130 00 feet, (7) 547'54'00"E 125.00 feet; (8) 583'54.00"E 320.00 feet; (9) N81'15'00"E 96.97 feet; thence S00109'SB'E 313.39 feet, thence S89'S0'D "W 774.44 !eet, thence 522'34'45"W 124.73 feet; thence S00'00'47"E 193 44 feet, thence 599'59'13"W 959 29 T feet, thence N00'00'47"W 33.00 feet; thence N30'56'27"W 180.04 feet, thence N41'47'27"W 163.00 feet, thence N44'52'24"W 317.510 feet; thence N35'00'00"E 319.58 feet, thence N38'59'23"E 502.03 feet to the Southerly Boundary Line of Dorchester Pointe Subdivision Plat A PUD recorded March 31, 1997 in Book �_ 97-3P at Page 94 in the Office of the Salt Lake County Recorder; thence the following four (4) courses —lw_�,, along the Southerly and Easterly Boundary Line of said Dorchester Pointe Subdivision Plot A PUD. ' ) �/% S40'11'03"E 135.80 feet; (2) S62'04'05"E 165.35 feet; (3) N88'52'28"E 281.09 feet, (4) N14'04'19"E 555.93 feet to the point of begirning Contains 39.516 Acres ersa•se ' n ass,, t , • Hein ar. \ t1/4,74a*. It* \ ;.4- #ii: 44b, • , , \ 45, . 104 411(N1.6. \ / 4110., >, .. . . , A. ,� -; ;-; . ,, '>' ♦*Nir4>� \ - , -01t., ,>, , . # 404102, • >y.',xv •-... -... .. . 'Ply•t•,,,,jtit•\• s# Z. z,„ce,./.,?,„ ,. ...,44,.. ,-.., 4._ * .„,„,),:>,\,,,. . • •• # 8 # y>;1\>:v. >, • • JI. ♦�i♦i�♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ i♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦�♦♦♦♦♦� !i ♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i�i♦i♦i♦i♦i 1— 11004 \ leY3YY A%SC /- Too WAIN �— PROJECT DATE ENSIGN FOREGROUND FOR 90 E.Fort Union Blvd 4053 8/9/07 ENSIGN FOREGROUND LLC Suite 100 SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH Po BOX 540478 Midvale, UT 84047 1 of 1 SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH 84054 PARCEL EXHIBITS Phone: 801.255.0529 --- FILE. NOS ZONE EXHIBIT Fax:801255.4449 FM05310wg1esheit wwv.ensignutah.com ENSIGN • • • • Mayor's Action: K Approved. Vetoed. MAYOR _:..., ,. 1 7 ,-.: 'k ..--- Ul0, ; Y,,! ;4 'k - ,IEF DEPUTY ITY ORDER ;;':;..r;, ,r • APPROVED AS [U FORroi -r Bak City ttorney' Otiic.. .j Bill No. 58 of 2007. Published: 2-26-08 • HB _ATTY-1413-16-v1-Rezoning_property_located_at_750_North_DeSoto_--_08-06-07_dra_DOC 4 STEVE L. FAWCETT SAL' � �Q Cr., THY CALM. ��._iI� t RALPH RECKER IN1tRIM DIRECMR MAYOK DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES CITY RECORDER STATE OF UTAH, City and County of Salt Lake, I, Christine Meeker, Acting City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the attached document, Ordinance 58 of 2007, Rezoning properties located at approximately 750 North DeSoto Street, and amending the Capitol Hill Master Plan Map, with conditions and time limitation is a true and correct copy. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this 20th day of February, 2008 rikWiZ4A- ,z j cting City Recorder, Salt L e City, ll� /4��ATE SEAS- LOCATION: 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 415. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH 641 1 1 MAILING ADDRESS: PO BOX 145515, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH S41 14-551 5 TELEPHONE: 801-535-7671 FAX: 801-535-7681 h C« Recvc co an Pcv • 0 07-1 • P 07-8 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 58 of 2007 (Rezoning Properties Located at approximately 750 North DeSoto Street, and Amending the Capitol Hill Master Plan and Zoning Map, with conditions and time limitation) AN ORDINANCE REZONING PROPERTIES LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 750 NORTH DESOTO STREET, AND AMENDING THE CAPITOL HILL MASTER PLAN AND ZONING MAP, PURSUANT TO PETITION NO. 400-06-46. WHEREAS, after hearings before the Planning Commission and the Salt Lake City Council, the City Council has determined that the following ordinance is in the best interest of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. Rezoning of Properties. A. The property located at approximately 750 North DeSoto Street, which is more particularly identified on Exhibit"A" attached hereto. shall be and hereby is rezoned from Foothills Protection (FP) to Foothills Estate Residential (FR- 2/21,780). B. The property located at approximately 750 North DeSoto Street, which is more particularly identified on Exhibit"B" attached hereto, shall be and hereby is rezoned from Foothill Protection (FP) and Open Space (OS) to Natural Open Space (NOS). SECTION 2. Amending of Zoning Map. The Salt Lake City zoning map, as adopted by the Salt Lake City Code, relating to the fixing of boundaries and zoning districts, shall be and hereby is amended consistent with the rezoning of properties identified above. SECTION 3. Amendment of Master Plan. To the extent necessary, the Capitol Hill Master Plan shall be and hereby is amended consistent with the rezoning identified above. SECTION 4. Conditions. This ordinance is conditioned upon the following: A. All water, sewer and stormdrain utilities must be considered official city utilities, and said utilities must be built to City requirements as determined by the City's Public Utilities Department; B. Columbus Court must be built to public street standards as determined by the City's Public Services Department; C. Columbus Court may be gated and considered a private street as part of the Planned Development process. i. While Columbus Court is a private street, no City snow removal, street maintenance, trash removal and/or related services will be available to the residents thereon. ii. Any subsequent request to make Columbus Court a public street will require that it be in good repair and meet City standards, and that the gate be removed, as determined by the City's Public Services and Community Development Departments; D. Easements must be dedicated by the developer to the City for access to public utilities, including water, sewer and stormdrain line maintenance, as determined by the City's Public Utilities Department. SECTION 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective on the date of its first publication and shall be recorded with the Salt Lake County Recorder. The 2 City Recorder is instructed not to publish or record this ordinance until conditions identified have been met, as certified by the Salt Lake City Director of Public Utilities and Director of Public Services. SECTION 6. Time. If the conditions identified above have not been met within one year after adoption, this ordinance shall become null and void. The City Council may, for good cause shown, by resolution, extend the time period for satisfying the conditions identified above. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 16th day of October , 2007. HAIRPERSON ATTEST AND COUNTERSIGN: 34..1 /1-,;, 49 ke.--...., CHIEF DEPUTY CITY E RDER Transmitted to Mayor on November 8, 2007 3 • • `Xs•+,atT A FR-2 Rezone Parcel (August 9,2007) Beginning at a point being West 1417.25 feet and South 4735.54 feet from the North Quarter Corner of Section 30, Township 1 North, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; and running thence SOO°09'58"E 107.67 feet; thence S14°55'22"W 210.10 \-2�� feet; thence S89°59'13"W 679.04 feet; thence NOO°00'47"W 33.00 feet; thence S89°59'13"W 89.46 feet; thence NOO°00'47"W 160.44 feet; thence N22°34'45"E 124.73 feet; thence N89°50'02"E 774.44 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 5.588 Acres • FR— tiT feet Rezone Porcel Beginning at a point being West 1417.25 feet and South nship 4 feet from the North Quarter Corner of Section 30, Township 1 North, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; and running thence SO0'09'58"E 107.67 feet; thence S14'55'22'W 210.10 feet; I thence S89'59'13"W 679.04 feet; thence NO0'00'47'W 33.00 feet; thence S89'59'13'W 89.46 feet; thence N00'00'47 W 160.44 feet; thence N22'34'45"E 124.73 feet; thence N89'50'02"E 774.44 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 5.588 Acres NO0'00'47"W 160.44' — ,y2234 1,54 Coo co i° '.24.1J, din N00'0'400Vi' mu coo J \ A W N DESOTO STREET FR-2 ZONE m ,o a N m aJ 8J O V a V ' {A N j:(-' I CORTEZ STREET s,4 55,�2"w zro.fo SO0'09'58"E 107.67' , 7 V rr Co Er. I Z i XI o _ 2 ! „Y9„ IVid SNMOC.I tiO>N_1 J > t PROJEC1A DATE ENSIGN FOREGROUND FOR 90 E. Fort Union Blvd 4053 8/9/07 SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH ENSIGN FOREGROUND LLC Suite 100 PO BOX 540478 Midvale,UT 84047 1 of 1 SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH 84054 PARCEL EXHIBITS Phone: 801255.0529 FILE FR-2 ZONE EXHIBIT Fax 801255.4449 AA. F.k0531bwg`erhibn www.ensiglnutahcom ENSIGN • Ensign Foreground NOS Zone (July 30, 2007) Beginning at the a point on the Southerly Boundary Line of Lot 4 of Ensign Downs Plat "B" recorded July 27, 1966 in Book EE at Page 17 in the Office of the Salt Lake County Recorder, said point also being West 2475.16 feet and South 3496.88 feet from the North Quarter Corner of Section 30, Township 1 North, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; and running thence the following two courses along the Southerly Boundary Line of said Ensign Downs Plat "B": (1) S89°53'58"E 30.38 feet; (2) S74°54'00"E 108.23 feet to the Southwest Corner of Lot 2 of said Ensign Downs Plat "B"; thence S15°06'00"W 100.00 feet; thence S74°54'00"E 180.00 feet to a point on the k2 �. Westerly Boundary Line of Ensign Downs Plat "A" recorded March 3, 1954 in Book N at Page 85 in the Office of the Salt Lake County Recorder; thence the following nine (9) courses along the Westerly and Southerly Boundary Line of said Ensign Downs Plat "A": (1) S15°06'00"W 25.00 feet; (2) SO4°06'00"W 300.00 feet (3) S30°54'00"E 160.00 feet; (4) S47°54'00"E 165.00 feet; (5) N56°26'00"E 90.00 feet; (6) S07°04'00"E 130.00 feet; (7) S47°54'00"E 125.00 feet; (8) S83°54'00"E 320.00 feet; (9) N81°15'00"E 96.97 feet; thence S00°09'58"E 313.39 feet; thence S89°50'02"W 774.44 feet; thence S22°34'45"W 124.73 feet; thence S00°00'47"E 193.44 feet; thence S89°59'13"W 959.29 feet; thence N00°00'47"W 33.00 feet; thence N30°56'27"W 180.04 feet; thence N41°47'27"W 163.00 feet; thence N44°52'24"W 317.80 feet; thence N35°00'00"E 319.58 feet; thence N38°59'23"E 502.03 feet to the Southerly Boundary Line of Dorchester Pointe Subdivision Plat A PUD recorded March 31, 1997 in Book 97-3P at Page 94 in the Office of the Salt Lake County Recorder; thence the following four (4) courses along the Southerly and Easterly Boundary Line of said Dorchester Pointe Subdivision Plat A PUD: (1) S40°11'03"E 135.80 feet; (2) S62°04'05"E 165.35 feet; (3) N88°52'28"E 281.09 feet; (4) N14°04'19"E 555.93 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 39.516 Acres Fnsign Foreground NOS 7nn' Beginning at the a point on the Southerly Boundary Line of Lot 4 of Ensign Downs Plat "B" recorded July 27, 1966 in Book CE at Page 17 in the Office of the Salt Lake County Recorder, said point also being West 2475.16 feet and South 3496.88 feet from the North Quarter Corner of Section 30, Township 1 North, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Bose and Meridian; and running thence the following two courses along the Southerly Boundary Line of said Ensign Downs Plat "B": (1) S89'53'58"E 30.38 feet; (2) 574'54'00"E 108.23 feet to the Southwest Corner of Lot 2 of said Ensign Downs Plat "B"; thence S15'06'00"W 100.00 feet; thence S74'54'00"E 180.00 feet to a point on the Westerly Boundary Line of Ensign Downs Plat "A" recorded March 3, 1954 in Book N at Page 85 in the Office of the Salt Lake County Recorder; thence the following nine (9) courses along the Westerly and Southerly Boundary Line of said Ensign Downs Plat "A": (1) 515'06'00"W 25.00 feet; (2) SO4'06'00"W 300.00 feet; (3) 530'54'00"E 160.00 feet; (4) 547'54'00"E 165.00 feet; (5) N56'26'00"E 90.00 feet; (6) S07'04'00"E 130.00 feet; (7) S47'54'00"E 125.00 feet; (8) 583'54'00"E 320.00 feet; (9) N81'15'00"E 96.97 feet; thence S00'09'58'E 313.39 feet; thence S89'50.02 W 774.44 feet; thence S22'34'45"W 124.73 feet; thence S00'00'47'E 193.44 feet; thence 589'59'13'W 959.29 feet; thence NO0'00'4714/ 33.00 feet; thence N30'56'27"W 180.04 feet; thence N41'47'27"W 163.00 feet; thence N44'52'24"W 317.80 feet; thence N35'00'00"E 319.58 feet; thence N38'59'23"E 502.03 feet to the Southerly Boundary Line of Dorchester Pointe Subdivision Plat A PUD recorded March 31, 1997 in Book 97-3P at Page 94 in the Office of the Salt Lake County Recorder; thence the following four (4) courses -®- along the Southerly and Easterly Boundary Line of said Dorchester Pointe Subdivision Plat A PUD: (1) 540'11'03"E 135.80 feet; (2) S62'04'05"E 165.35 feet; (3) N88'52'28"E 281.09 feet; (4) N14'04'19"E 555.93 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 39.516 Acres smug _ � � ♦�1,• ,ter P .'• I' % . If MAIK�0o�01.1 �♦ i1 ICOIX471 I I J l ,, : I ,7 PROJECT% OATS ENSIGN FOREGROUND FOR 90 E.Fort Union Blvd 4053 8/9/07 ORE F ENSIGNGROUND LLC Suite 100 SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH PO 540478 FORE 1 of 1 SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH 84054 Midvale, UT 84047 PARCEL EXHIBITS Phone: 801255.0529 FILE Fax ® 1255.4449 - - F.k057Ws wsvM NOS ZONE EXHIBIT www,ensignutah.com ENSIGN • Mayor's Action: Approved. Vetoed. MAYOR —,o~�, till II /' ti r - hEPUTYITYOIR E:';, k I -- - APPROVED AS TO FORivl cv';' ' ,. ; / BeltCity ttorney' Ofuc '1'*r; . EAL) QU Br Bill No. 58 of 2007. Published: 2-26-08 • I-[BATTY-#1346-vl-Rezoning_property_located_at_750_North_DeSoto_--_08-06-07_dralt.DOC 4