059 of 2011 - Budget Amendment No. 1 for FY 2011-2012 0 11-1 B 11-7 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 59 of 2011 (Amending the Final Budget of Salt Lake City, including the employment staffing document, for Fiscal Year 2011-2012) An Ordinance Amending Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 50 of 2011 Which Adopted the Final Budget of Salt Lake City, Utah, for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2011 and Ending June 30, 2012. PREAMBLE On Tun. 14 , 2011, the Salt Lake City Council adopted the final budget of Salt Lake City, Utah, including the employment staffing document, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011 and ending June 30, 2012, in accordance with the requirements of Section 118, Chapter 6, Title 10 of the Utah Code Annotated, and said budget, including the employment staffing document, was approved by the Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah. The City's Budget Director, acting as the City's Budget Officer, prepared and filed with the City Recorder proposed amendments to said duly adopted budget, including the amendments to the employment staffing document necessary to effectuate the staffing changes specifically stated herein, copies of which are attached hereto, for consideration by the City Council and inspection by the public. All conditions precedent to amend said budget, including the employment staffing document as provided above, have been accomplished. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend the final budget of Salt Lake City, including the employment staffing document, as approved, ratified and finalized by Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 50 of 2011. SECTION 2. Adoption of Amendments. The budget amendments, including amendments to the employment staffing document necessary to effectuate the staffing changes specifically stated herein, attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance shall be, and the same hereby are adopted and incorporated into the budget of Salt Lake City, Utah, including the amendments to the employment staffing document described above, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011 and ending June 30, 2012, in accordance with the requirements of Section 128, Chapter 6, TitIe 10, of the Utah Code Annotated. SECTION 3. Filing of copies of the Budget Amendments. The said Budget Officer is authorized and directed to certify and file a copy of said budget amendments, including amendments to the employment staffing document, in the office of said Budget Officer and in the office of the City Recorder which amendments shall be available for public inspection. SECTION 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect on its first publication. 2 Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah, this 27 day of September , 2011. Y .0._cz— LO'Vti CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: -17/64_ CI Y RECO Transmitted to the Mayor on 9-27-11 Mayor's Action: A Approved Vetoed fill ,, MA` ! ' ATTEST: /� APPROVED AS TO FORK! l / Salt Lake City Attorney's Office 411e -- Date 6." 3 — it mil-T-Y RE ORD BY • r•, . ytitu`ll / � `�f• r (SEAL) �;' ''' �.�,;:, i'lel s I Bill No. 59 of 2011. �{'t`Ft 0'r;0 , I Published: 10-8-11 ,,( < tv IL 1 HB ATTY-#15990-v1-Budget_Amendmenl_FY11-12.DOC • • 3 Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Amendment #1 —September r.:.- - eneral pact . - Annual Impact-- - � �-- - - ,- Fund Balance- �-Fund Balance General Fund #. Initiative Name = Impact _ Amount FTC`, Impact - _Impact - - ..:._ :-w; Amouunt Wdifferent) - :-_ = Positive.;;: = Negative - _ = - _ -impact - - _____ Section- .A--_ . '=1�Tow�It�ri1s: �--�_.- _�_ - -_ -- - ---- _ __ --- --- - - _ 1. Impact Fees Reallocation $.00 on Public Safety Bldgs 2. Fleet Vehicle $351,606.00 Replacement Budget Increase 3. Purchase Celtic Bank $1,600,000.00 Property From Surplus Land Acct 4. Adjustments to Employee $.00 Pay Plan 5. Request for Compliance WITHDRAWN Program Director Position 6. Pay Station parking $$291,777** This amount is not a new appropriation,but will instead utilize a portion of a placeholder previously set Meters Installation aside by the Council of$2.7 million for major Capital Asset projects. 6. Pay Station Parking Meter On Going Costs The portion of A--6:intende4.for on=goxn expens: _ aas not=approved_by_tl e'Coimeg„ 4-2 - _ -- Gehera-I-Vund Annual Impact__ - Fund Balance Fund Balance -General Fund „ Initiative Name -- • Amount - FTE - Impact Impact - - - - - - t_ _-- Diffeten Impact t), - Section B - - GrantS for Existm StaffResourca _ - - 1. Ut State Workforce $30,500.00 Service Youth Grant- Fairmont Park 2. Ut State Workforce $30,500.00 Service Youth Grant- Liberty Park 3. Ut State Workforce $30,500.00 Service Youth Grant- Ottinger Hall 4. Ut State Workforce $30,500.00 Service Youth Grant- Central City 5. Ut State Homeland $125,634.00 Security Grant Grinfs_tor - - - - - _ - - - _ - -- - Section ) _tiouseKeeping_z_7Ty- = _ - 1 Ut State additional $578,850.00 Funding from FY2009 Homeland Security Grant 43 - - GeneralFund Impact -Annual Impact . - Fund Balance Fund Balance General Fund - # Initiative Name_ - Amount.1 Impact Impact - IMnact • - - - - - • • - -af-DiffetOily - - • - - Negatiy*-2. Reallocation of FY2009 $175,000.00 Homeland Security Grant to Salary and Benefit Costs 3. Allocation of Additional $.00 Costs for HSA Savings Accounts to Departments _ Section- E Grants Refuir-ing No:-New Staff ItO_Ources--.. - -- -- 1. Ut State Clean Fuels $82,500.00 Technology Grant 2. Ut State Emergency $14,776.00 Medical Sery Grant 3. Ut State Emergency $983.00 Medical Sery Grant 4. Ut State Homeland $3,200.00 Security 2011 local Emergency Planning Grant 5. Dept of Interior Water $30,535.00 Conservation Master Plan Grant 6. Ut State Dept of Human $150,000.00 Services Crisis Intervention Training Grant 7. Ut State Juvenile Justice $19,473.00 Asset Forfeiture Grant -- - - 1 44 - -_ - __ _._ . - General Fund Impact - -- ct - _ . _ Annual Impact . . Fund Balance Fund Balance -- . --- ...General Fund . . u 1 # Initiative Name - :Amount - :FT-E ---- - Impact Impact -- -; , act---(1Wifferent)---..-_- . ----,-_ = .,-_ --_.-_-__:;Positive - - --=- Negative . -- - -- - -- --7- - ------ --- - -_, -- -,,--- _ _-.7--_- .. - - ---- - . . Section F. - -. -- _ .106niiiom ----. -------- ---:-, _ - - _ _,. . _. - ,__ ---_ -SealKin G ---. -::- ----a-_ -2-----Vncil-eOiiiintciigt-ii da --Zat_ tantkiTy'a---iiis-_ :T.- :;_,.5_, ----,---------1:17-tir:_E-=7------ --.__--: :----- -_-------7------,---:-t-1= ---- -------------:-_-:.-.-.-L- _ - !‘_7_.--7------,,-,:,-,--_- -:= -_ -- -- ---2----, -,-,--------_- Section---I _______-,7----- ____.--..-±,-- C-onii-cil Adde --_ _ems_- -- - ---- - _._-_:i.---,--_,-,---:--------- - --------:.=.," _- -- . ._ -_---.-----= -_-i-------7- - -- ---T---_---7 1. Additional Street Lighting $8,000.00 $-8,000.00 8-8,000.00 Study Funding FYI 0-11 Variance Annual Revised Favorable Revenue Budget Forecast (Unfavorable) Total General Fund 188,716,616 189,769,639 1,053,023 Selected Discussion Items Property Taxes 63,304,511 62,338,252 (966,259) Discussion: A decline in properly is due to two judgments that were settled earlier this year. Sales and Use Tax 43,493,122 46,208,853 2,715,731 Discussion: Reviewing the sales tax trends have an average increase of 5%in FY 2011. Questar has also seen significant increase in the Municipal Energy Tax. Franchise Tax 27,953,800 27,830,804 (122,996) Discussion: The decrease is due to a decrease in collections of the Telecom Tax. License and Permits 15,790,598 15,790,598 Discussion: The number of commercial and residential permits are up from last fiscal year,but the values for residential is significantly lower. Intergovernmental 5,449,303 5,378,842 (70,461) Discussion: Interest Income 480,000 628,208 148,208 Discussion: Fines&Forfeiture 10,808,566 9,803,916 (1,004,650) Discussion: The issuance of parking tickets are lower on average than in previous years. Parking Meters 1,599,000 1,491,579 (107,421) Discussion: Parking meter revenue will come in lower due to a decrease in bagged meters. Charges and Services 3,814,284 3,654,908 (159,376) Discussion: Charges and Services has a decline due to a decrease in Public Safety Revenues as well as a decrease in the cemetery revenue. Miscellaneous Revenue 2,123,396 3,117,982 994,586 Discussion: Significant increase due to collections collecting 200,000 more as well as the rebate for the BABAS. Interfund Revenue 9,647,265 9,212,199 (435,066) Discussion: Transfers 4,252,771 4,313,498 60,727 Discussion: GENERAL FUND FUND BALANCE ESTIMATED FOR 6/30/2011 AS OF 8/30/2011 FY 2010 FY2011 ACTUAL ESTIMATE BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 24,258,747 26,292,967 ACTUAL/ESTIMATED REVENUES 196,124,107 189,769,639 ACTUAL/ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES -194,089,887 -187,784,966 ACTUAL/ESTIMATED YEAR END FUND BALANCE 26,292,967 28,277,640 ACTUAL/ESTIMATED REVENUES 196,124,107 189,769,639 PERCENT FUND BALANCE TO REVENUES 13.41% 14.90% ENCUMBRANCE CARRYOVER TO NEXT YEAR -2,972,401 -3,314,850 ACTUAL/ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE 23,320,566 24,962,790 (AFTER ENCUMBRANCES) ACTUAL/ESTIMATED REVENUES 196,124,107 189,769,639 PERCENT FUND BALANCE TO REVENUES 11.89% 13.15% (AFTER ENCUMBRANCE CARRYOVER) Initiative Name: Pay Station Parking Meters Initiative Number: BA#1 FY2012 Initiative#A-6 Initiative Type: New item Initiative Discussion: The Transportation Division of the Department of Community Economic Development over the past three years by direction of the Administration and the City Council has evaluated a need for a new parking meter system. Walker Parking Consultants issued a report in March of 2010 recommending that the City implement a new multi-space electronic parking system that could handle coins, parking tokens,credit cards,smart cards,pay by phone and contactless communication technologies. The City currently have approximately 2100 meters. An RFP was issued in January 2011 for a new parking meter system. The vendor Aparc System Inc.was selected from that RFP for the installation and operation of the system. In the pay by space mode the patron is not required to return to their vehicle to attach a voucher. Instead each parking space is numbered. Patrons approach the pay station,enter the parking space number and select the amount of time desired. The system will be able to communicate which spaces are paid for directly to a handheld device carried by the parking enforcement officers. The enforcement officers becomes more effective with this information. The follow is a break down of the proposed system costs: Multi-space pay stations 344 @$8,944 $3,076,788 Plate recognition vehicle and equip 2 @$115,000 230,000 Installation and Configuration costs 357,492 Ticket Manager 144,380 Handheld Ticket Units 20 @$5,980 119,600 Signage 223,458 Ambassador Personnel(2) 25,000 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations 5 @$5,500 27,500 Initiative#A-6 Installation of Unit Platforms (Salt Lake City Portion) 110,080 contingency 200,000 Total $4,514,298 These estimates do not include street sensors, but instead two vehicles equipped with a plate recognition system for tracking vehicles. The street sensors (50) will be tested in phase I of the implementation.. These 50 sensors will be sunk costs for the units are not reusable. The cost of these units are in the total costs presented above. If the option of street sensors is selected it would add to the cost an additional $1.2 million. $600,000 for the purchase and $600,000 for maintenance. Funding recommendation is $2.7 million from the CIP Fund and $1.8 million from Chase Capital Leasing. The lease would be for 7 or 10 years. The current leasing rates would be between 2% and 3% interest depending on the number of years selected. The yearly operating costs for communication software, licensing, central management and ticket manager communication is $270,262 per year. The ongoing maintenance cost for warranty, parts and software for years 1 to 3 would be $38 per month per pay station. An option of an additional $38 would cover the total maintenance costs of the stations. The costs would go up to $48 for years 4 to 10 and the additional costs of total maintenance would stay at $38. The first year would be $313,728 for a total maintenance free system. The yearly operating costs of the five electric vehicle charging stations is $509 each for a total of$2,545 per year. The total operating costs is $585,535 for a full year and $292,770 for the remainder of the fiscal year 2012. This amount is being requested from the General Fund Fund Balance. The system will have an option that will allow a merchant the ability to pay for a customer's parking stall. The option is a yearly cost of$1,188 per merchant. There will be approximately three station per block face. One at each end and one in the middle of the block. Initiative#A-6 Pay Station Parking Meters Initiative Name I I BA#1 FY2012 Initiative#A-6 r _ 2011-12 Initiative Number I I I Fiscal Year I _ CED-Transportation I New item Department L� Type of Initiative Tim Harpst/Gordon Hoskins 535-7148/535-6394 -7 Prepared By Telephone Contact _ (Negative) Positive General Fund-Fund Balance- $ (292,770.00) Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund _ l Total $0 $0 Internal Service Fund Total $0 $0 Enterprise Fund Total $0 $0 _ Other Fund CIP Fund Lease Process $ 1,814,298.00 Total $ 1,814,298.0D $0 _ i I Staffin•Im•-ct: Requested Number of FTE's: Position Title: Initiative#A-6-a _ Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable= Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 83-New Cost Center 1985 $ 1,814,298.00 Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 83-New Cost Center 2700 $ 1,814,298.00 03-11900 2299-97 $ 292,770.00 Additional Accounting Details: Grant Information: NOT APPLICABLE Grant funds employee positions? Is there a potential for grant to continue? If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? Initiative#A-6-b Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Amendment#1-September General Fund Impact Fiscal Year Annual Impact Fund Balance Fund Balance Initiative Name Impact Amount FTE General Fund Impact Impact Amount (If Different) Impact Positive Negative Section A New Items 1. Impact Fees Reallocation $.00 on Public Safety Bldgs 2. Fleet Vehicle $351,606.00 Replacement Budget Increase 3. Purchase Celtic Bank $1,600,000.00 Property From Surplus Land Acct 4. Adjustments to Employee $.00 Pay Plan 5. Request for Compliance $75,059.00 $100,078.00 1 $-75,059.00 $-75,059.00 Program Director Position 6. Section B Grants for Existing Staff Resources 1. Ut State Workforce $30,500.00 Service Youth Grant— Fairmont Park 2. Ut State Workforce $30,500.00 Service Youth Grant— Liberty Park 32 General Fund Impact Annual Impact Fund Balance Fund Balance General Fund Initiative Name Amount FTE Impact Impact Impact (If Different) Positive Negative 3. Ut State Workforce $30,500.00 Service Youth Grant— Ottinger Hall 4. Ut State Workforce $30,500.00 Service Youth Grant— Central City 5. Ut State Homeland $125,634.00 Security Grant Section C Grants for New Staff Resources Section D Housekeeping 1. Ut State additional $578,850.00 Funding from FY2009 Homeland Security Grant 2. Reallocation of FY2009 $175,000.00 Homeland Security Grant to Salary and Benefit Costs 3. Allocation of Additional $.00 Costs for HSA Savings Accounts to Departments Section E Grants Requiring No New Staff Resources 1. Ut State Clean Fuels $82,500.00 Technology Grant 33 General Fund Impact Annual Impact Fund Balance Fund Balance Initiative Name Amount FTE General Fund Impact Impact (If Different) Impact Positive Negative 2. Ut State Emergency $14,776.00 Medical Sery Grant 3. Ut State Emergency $983.00 Medical Sery Grant 4. Ut State Homeland $3,200.00 Security 2011 local Emergency Planning Grant 5. Dept of Interior Water $30,535.00 Conservation Master Plan Grant 6. Ut State Dept of Human $150,000.00 Services Crisis Intervention Training Grant 7. Ut State Juvenile Justice $19,473.00 Asset Forfeiture Grant Section F Donations Section G Council Consent Agenda - Grant Awards Section I Council Added Items Initiative Name: Impact Fee Reallocation-From East Precinct Bldg to PSB Property Expense Initiative Number: BA#FY2012 Initiative#A-1 New Item Initiative Discussion: Council previously allocated funding to the Administration for the acquisition of land and conceptual design of a police precinct located in the Sugar House area. As part of the recent 10-Year Plana process, the Administration was notified by the Police Chief that the acquisition of this land and construction of the new precinct is no longer a priority project for the Police Department. Because the Liberty Precinct and the Public Safety Building were the two projects eligible for the impact fees and based on the Chiefs decision to withdraw the Liberty Precinct,the funds must be used at the Public Safety Building. The Administration is recommending that the impact fees previously allocated to the Liberty Patrol Precinct be recaptured and reallocated to the Public Safety Building. The funds would be use for the following: reimbursement to the Surplus Land Account for the south parking lot of the Barnes Bank building($661,500);purchase of a right-of-way easement for access to the underground parking of the PSB($193,050); and purchase of a utility easement located in the mixed-use transit- oriented development on 400 South ($13,860). The remaining impact fees will be used for PSB property acquistion expenses charged to the bond and will free up bond funds. Initiative#A-1 • Impact Fee Reallocation-From East Precinct Bldg to PSB Property Expense Initiative Name BA#FY2012 Initiative#A-1 2010-11 _J Initiative Number Fiscal Year CED-H.A.N.D. New Item Department ` Type of Initiative _ LuAnn Clark/Mike Akerlow 535.6136/535-7966 Prepared By I- Telephone Contact (Negative) - Positive General Fund-Fund Balance- Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total $0 $0 Internal Service Fund Total $0 $0- Enterprise Fund Total $0 $0 Other Fund Total _1$ - $0 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: Initiative#A-1-a Accounting Detail 3rant#and CFDA#If Applicable: NA Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount _General Fund CIP 8410D02 Liberty Patrol Precinct Purchase 2700 (1,143,871.53) 84-New Cost Center 2700 $ 1,143,871.53 - I Additional Accounting Details' Expenses totalling$868,410 previously paid by Surplus Land Account will now be charged to the newly created PSB cost center,which will result in an additional$868,410 in cash in the Surplus Land Account. Grant funds employee positions? NA Is there a potential for grant to continue? NA If grant is funding a position Is it expected the osition will be eliminated at the end of the grant? _ NA Will grant program be complete In grant funding time frame? NA Will grant impact the community once the grant funds s are eliminated? _ NA - Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? NA Initiative Initiative Name: Fleet Replacement-budget for financed replacements Initiative Number: BA#1 FY2012 Initiative#A-2 Initiative Type: New item Initiative Discussion: Not all of the Mayor's Recommended Budget for Fleet Replacement was approved by the Council. The Council withheld the budget amount identified for debt service on new purchases for FY11-12,pending the receipt and review by the Council of the replacement list for the new fiscal year. During the first week of June 2011 the Centralized Fleet Management program created a vehicle list based on the FASTER point system and Mandatory Retirement Point (MRP) to identify the vehicles that needed replacement for fiscal year 2012. On June 16, 2011, a meeting was held with all departments to discuss the 2012 fleet replacement process. A replacement list was given to the departments for review and Fleet held follow-up meetings with each department representative on June 27th and 28th to discuss their recommendations. All vehicles to be replaced were reviewed and prioritized based on department need and the possibility of extending the life of particular vehicles a bit longer. The replacement list was then consolidated based on available capital funds. See attached proposed replacement list totaling$3.983.000. It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached fleet replacement list for general fund departments and authorize the replacement budget for Fiscal Year 2012. Initiative#A-2 1 I I I _ Fleet Replacement-budget for financed replacements ! I Initiative Name _ BA#1 FY2012 Initiative#A-2 2011-12 Initiative Number Fiscal Year Public Services Department New item Department I I Type of Initiative Greg Davis 801-535-6123 Prepared By Telephone Contact r— (Negative) Positive General Fund-Fund Balance- Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total $0 H $D Internal Service Fund Fleet Total $0 $0 Enterprise Fund Total $0 $0 Other Fund Total $0 $0 Staffin Impact: _ Requested Number of 0 0 Position Title: No staffing changes J Initiative hA-2-a I I Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#It Applicable: Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 1 - Cost Center Number In Object Code Number Amount 61-00020 Fleet Replacement 2700 $ 351,606.00 Additional Accounting Details: Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions?1 (Yes or No) Is there a potential for grant to continue? (Yes or No) If grant is funding a position is it expected the a position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? (Yes or No) Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? (Yes or No) Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? (Yes or No) Does grant duplicate services provided byprivate or Non-profit sector?_ (Yes or NO) i � I Initiative#A-2-b FY 2012 GENERAL FUND VEHICLE REPLACEMENT SUMMARY Heavy Duty Vehicle Count 15 Estimated Cost: $2,627,000 Light Duty Vehicle Count 55 Estimated Cost: $1,356,000 Equipment Equip Count: 0 Estimated Cost: $0 Total Unit Count: 70 Estimated Cost: $3,983,000 FY 2012 General Fund Replacement by Department Department Vehicle Count Cost CED 15 $327,000 Fire Dept 3 $1,650,000 Police 37 $851,000 Public Services 15 $1,155,000 Total 70 $3,983,000 Initiative Name: Purchase of Celtic Bank Property From Surplus Land Acct Initiative Number: BA#FY2012 Initiative#A-3 New Item Initiative Discussion: The Administration has reached a verbal agreement with the Celtic Bank property owners to purchase their current building and property located at 340 East 400 South. The acquisition would include an 11,500 square foot building,the lot on which the building resides,and three additional parking lots, totaling.64 acres. An appraisal of the building and lots was performed and the value was determined at$1,795,000 for all properties and structure. After negotiating additonal costs, such as relocation, the agreed upon purchase price is$1,850,000. Other agreed upon terms include final approval by the City Council; closing to occur on or before September 30, 2011; accessibility and use of parking parcels before closing; and a due diligence period ending July 30, 2011. It is proposed that the purchase of the property be funded by$1,600,000 from the Surplus Land funds and$250,000 for the southern-most parcel from impact fees previously allocated for the Public Safety Building. Funding is still available in the Public Safety Building to cover the$250,000. The Celtic parcels located on the 400 South corridor will be included as a part of the mixed-use,transit oriented development. The southern-most parcel would be included as a part of the Public Safety Building to meet their parking requirement, It is the intent of the Administration to create a cohesive, well-positioned site for the mixed-used development. The inclusion of the Celtic parcels allows flexibility in the configuration of the development. The Celtic property may be used to attract a tenant that could occupy the building immediately and assist in activating the PSB plaza upon completion or the Celtic building could be demolished,Blair Street moved to the east and the additional land then incorporated into the TOD site. The addition of these properties increases the value of the TOD project by allowing the City to create a better development opportunity. This project will serve as a catalyst and model for future development along the 400 South corridor. The purchase of this property will also alleviate concerns regarding the microwave tower located in the PSB project and building heights of properties to the north. With the purchase of the Celtic Bank parcels,the Administration can design the site so that the buildings along Blair Street and 400 South stay within the specified height limitations for non-interference of any microwaves transmitted from the tower(see attachment). Initiative#A-3 Microwave Projection skr, An, I. t`:";'::'4N"-;,t,, :,-'4.' It„,.- v• •--* t../ I- :1--,Approx. . I:I,'-,,, ", — F4-1 I 11 IL.',. .-.;v el IN'ith , $.11- --- N., I f 1 - . 4 i I 'I?" r PP ' .1-777;_ I '---%-:--- _71, ._._1'..;-------EA.A„ I I I i Purchase of Celtic Bank Property From Surplus Land Acct Initiative Name BA#FY2012 Initiative#A-3 2010-11 Initiative Number I j Fiscal Year CED-H.A_N.D. New Item Department I Type of Initiative LuAnn Clark/Mike Akerlow 535-6136/535-7966 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund-Fund Balance- Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund _ Total $0 $0 Internal Service Fund Total $0 $0 Enterprise Fund Total $0 $0 Other Fund Total $ - _ $0 1 I Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: Initiative#A-3-a I I I Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: IMMEMIIIIIIIMIE Revenue: . Object Code Number ■ ■ ■ MEW C IIIIMMIMIIMMOIIIMMIIIIIIIMEI - ■. MI ■ ■ ■ ■ -Expenditure: - Cost Center Number ME - Object Code Number MIAmount G 83-81100eneralFund SurplusCIP Land ■ 2700 ,$ _ 1 600 000.00 83 New Cost Center 2700 $ 1,600,000.00 NM III MI ■ NM IIIIIIII NM ■ ■ = ■ ■ -Additiceal Accourting Details: _ 11.111.1 MI IIIIMIMIIIIE _ ■ _■ ■ Mil =I ME EGrant Information: Grant funds em•to ee positions? _ NA Is there a potential for•rant to continue? MI _ NA If grant is funding a position is It expected the position will _ ■ be eliminated at the end of the grant?I NA - I ,---I Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? NA :Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? —I ■ NA _ - Does grant du.licate services provided by rivate or . Non-profit sector? 1 NA I I Initiative#A-3.b Initiative Name: Employee Pay Plan Changes Initiative Number: BA#1 FY2012 Initiative#A-4 Initiative Type: New item Initiative Discussion: We are proposing to expand the salary ranges for Grades 39 and 40 within the City's General Employee Pay Plan. Included in these ranges is a diverse group of department Deputy Directors,some Division Directors& other key leadership positions within the City,each one having its own unique skill requirements and market comparability.By expanding these salary ranges,the City accomplishes three main objectives:1)to maintain greater consistency and internal equity among this level of positions by grouping them together into the same pay grade; 2) to create the latitude and flexibility necessary for the City to remain competitive when attempting to attract,retain and motivate top talent to these crucial roles;and,finally,3)effectively maintain an adequate pay level difference between these positions and the City's top level(Department)Directors. For Grade 39,we propose to eliminate the market calculation,and increase the maximum for the range from $69.31 to$84.10. For grade 40(which is currently unoccupied)we propose to eliminate the market calculation and increase the maximum from$72.78 to$88.30. This change is administrative only and no additional funding is required to implement this initiative. Initiative#A-4 I I I I Employee Pay Plan Changes Initiative Name 1 BA#1FY2012 Initiative#A-4 2011-12 i _I Imitative Number I I ` Fiscal Year Mayor's Office New item Department I I Type of Initiative I _ Gina Chamness/David Salazar 8 0 1-5 3 5-776 6179 0 6 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund-Fund Balance- l Impact General Fund Total $0 $0 Internal Service Fund Total $0 $0 Enterprise Fund Total $0 $0 Other Fund 0 0 Total $0 $0 Requested Number of FTE's: Position Title: H Initiative#A4-a Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount Ecpenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount Total $0 Additional Accounting Details: NOT APPLICABLE Grant funds emplo ee ositions? _ Is there a potential for grant to continue? I - I If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? Will grant program be complete in grant fundin time frame? Will grant impact the community once�the grant funds are eliminated? —1117 Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? Initiative#A-4-b J Current Pa Plan L �`'< 'l't`st __ $7.25 $35.00 '4c� $10.63 $13.53 $16.42 $11.16 $14.20 $17.24 1 $11.72 $14.97 $18.21 $12.30 $15.65 $19.00 I $12.92 $16.44 $19.95 r ± $13.56 $17.26 $20.95 $14.24 $18.31 $22.38 L 4I $14.95 $19.03 $23.10 1 $15.70 $20.24 $24.78 $16.48 $21.09 $25.69 $17.31 $22.03 $26.74 C_ _____ $17.47 $23.14 $28.80 L ? $18.35 $24.30 $30.24 $19.26 $25.51 $31.75 $20.23 $26.79 $33.34 <<< $21.24 $28.13 $35.01 $22.30 $29.53 $36.76 __- $23.41 $31.01 $38.60 $24.58 $32.56 $40.53 �� $25.81 $34.18 $42.55 cJT $27.10 $35.89 $44.68 $28.46 $37.69 $46.91 5 .T° ! $29.88 $39.57 $49.26 $31.38 $41.55 $51.72 ^ f „ $32.95 $43.63 $54.31 $34.59 $45.81 $57.03 $36.32 $48.10 $59.88 #1 $38.14 $50.51 $62.87 1 $40.05 $53.03 $66.01 $42.05 $55.68 $69.31 $44.15 $58.47 $72.78 aT-Ea $46.36 $121.92 Pr••osed P. Plan `� I 7.) $7.25 $35.00 $10.63 $13.53 $16.42 $11.16 $14.20 $17.24 $11.72 $14.97 $18.21 $12.30 $15.65 $19.00 �^! $12.92 $16.44 $19.95 • $13.56 $17.26 $20.95 F -_ L $14.24 $18.31 $22.38 l!__ l $14.95 $19.03 $23.10 [ 1,?. $15.70 $20.24 $24.78 'l $16.48 $21.09 $25.69 $17.31 $22.03 $26.74 $17.47 $23.14 $28.80 $18.35 $24.30 $30.24 _ f 11 $19.26 $25.51 $31.75 j_S $20.23 $26.79 $33.34 $21.24 $28.13 $35.01 $22.30 $29.53 $36.76 • $23.41 $31.01 $38.60 $24.58 $32.56 $40.53 $25.81 $34.18 $42.55 $27.10 $35.89 $44.68 .'l $28.46 $37.69 $46.91 $29.88 $39.57 $49.26 • $31.38 $41.55 $51.72 $32.95 $43.63 $54.31 _' $34.59 $45.81 $57.03 ([_ _s� $36.32 $48.10 $59.88 $38.14 $50.51 $62.87 $40.05 $53.03 $66.01 37 $42.05 $84.10 L ,3D $44.15 $88.30 $46.36 $121.92 Initiative Name: Pay Station Parking Meters Initiative Number: BA#1 FY2012 Initiative#A-6 Initiative Type: New item Initiative Discussion: The Transportation Division of the Department of Community Economic Development over the past three years by direction of the Administration and the City Council has evaluated a need for a new,parking meter system. Walker Parking Consultants issued a report in March of 2010 recommending that the City implement a new multi-space electronic parking system that could handle coins, parking tokens,credit cards,smart cards,pay by phone and contactless communication technologies. The City currently have approximately 2100 meters. An RFP was issued in'January 2011 for a new parking Meter,system. The vendor Aparc System Inc.was selected from that RFP for the installation and operation of the system. In the pay by space mode the patron is not required to return to their vehicle,to attach a voucher. Instead each,parking space is numbered. Patrons approach the pay station,enter the parking space number sand select the amount of time desired • The system will be able to communicate which spaces are paid for directly to a handheld device carried by the parking enforcement officers. The enforcement'officers becomes more effective with this information. The follow is a break down of the proposed system costs: Multi-space pay stations 344 @$8,944 $3,076,788 Plate recognition vehicle and equip 2 @$115,000 230,000 Installation and Configuration costs 357,492 Ticket Manager 144,380 Handheld Ticket Units 20 @$5,980 119,600 Signage 223,458 Ambassador Personnel(2) 25,000 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations 5 @$5,500 27,500 Initiative#A-6 Installation of Unit Platforms(Salt Lake City Portion) 110,080 , contingency 200,000 , Total $4,514,298 These estimates do not include street sensors,but instead two vehicles equipped with a plate recognition system for tracking vehicles. The street sensors'(50)will be tested in phase I of the implementation. These 50 sensors will be sunk costs for the units are not reusable, The cost of these units are in the total costs presented above. If the option of street sensors is selected it would add to the cost an additional$1.2 Million. $600,1000 for the purchase and $600,000 for maintenance. Funding recommendation is$2.7 million from the CIP Fund and$1.8 million from Chase Capital Leasing. The lease would be for 7 or 10 years. The current leasing rates would be between 2%and 3%interest depending on the number of years selected. The yearly operating costs, for communication software,licensing,central management and ticket manager communication is$270,262 per year. The ongoing maintenance cost for warranty,parts and software for years 1 to 3 would be$38 per month per pay station, An option of an additional$38 would cover the total maintenance costs of the stations. The costs would go up to$48 for years 4 to 10 and the additional costs of total maintenance would stay at$38. The first year would be$313,728 for a total maintenance free system. The yearly operating costs of the five electric vehicle charging stations is$509 each for a total, of$2,545 per year. The total operating costs is$585,535 for a full year and$292,770 for the remainder of the fiscal'year 2012. This amount is being requested from the General Fund. Fund Balance. The system will have an option that will allow a merchant the ability to pay fora•customer's parking stall. The option is a yearly cost of$1,188 per merchant. ' There will be approximately three station per block face., One at each end and one in the middle of the block. • UPDATED 10/8 to reflect motion: $291,777 from CIP CAM Placehoider to be used for this expense Initiative#A-6 I Pay Station Parking Meters 1 1 Initiative Name T BA#1 FY2012 Initiative#A-6 2011-12 I_ —J Initiative Number I I Fiscal Year CED Transportation New item Department , I Type of Initiative Tim Harpst I Gordon Hoskins 535-7148/535-6394 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund-Fund Balance- Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund — I --- Total $0 $0 T -- Internal Service Fund Total $0 $01 -_ Enterprise Fund Total) _ $0I $0,_ Other Fund i CIP Fund Lease Process Total $ $01- (Requested Number of FTE's: Position Title: Initiative SA-6-a Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 13'12 Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount Grant Information: - - NOT APPLICABLE - Grant funds employee positions? - Is there a potential for grant to continue? If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? b Initiative#A-6-b Initiative Name: Utah State Dept of Workforce Services(DWS)-Youth Connections Grant-YC Fairmont Park Initiative Number: BA#1 FY2012 Initiative#B1 Grants for Existing Staff Resources Initiative Discussion: The Public Services Division of YouthCity applied for and received a $30,500 grant from the Utah State Department of Work Force Services, Youth Connections Grant, under the Child Care Development Discretionary Fund program. This grant is year three of a three year grant funding period. Of this amount, $22,509 of the funds will be used to pay a portion of the full time site coordinators salary and benefits at the Fairmont Park YouthCity site, $2,794 will be used for phone services, printing, copying, computers and miscellaneous supplies, and $3,090 will be used to purchase snacks that are an essential program expense,and$2,107 will be used to pay for 30 youth to participate in fee based activities. The purpose of this grant is to create, expand, and support out-of-school time programs for at-risk elementary school-age youth,through age 12. These funds will pay for the salary and benefits of eleven(11)new front-line personnel for a two year period. The grant does not require that the positions be retained after the grant end date,however it is anticipated that the positions may be retained depending on budgetary circumstances at the time the grant ends. A 100%match is required which will be satisfied with 10%of the YouthCity Managers salary,benefits and other associated costs including facility maintenance, utilities,travel, printing and postage which are budgeted for within YouthCity's and Public Services general fund budget. The City Council adopted the necessary Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and accept the grant award and to sign any additional agreements or awards as a result of the initial grant. Initiative#B-1 I f I I J Utah State Dept of Workforce Services (DWS)-Youth Connections Grant-YC Fairmont Park l I I Initiative Name J BA#1 FY2012 Initiative#B1 2011-12 Initiative Number I Fiscal Year Grants for Existing Staff Public Services Resources I Department I I Type of Initiative Kim Thomas/Sherrie Collins _ 535-6129/535-6150 Prepared By Telephone Contact r— L (Negative) Positive General Fund-Fund Balance- None I J Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total, $0 Total $0 Total $0 Other Funds 72-Grant Fund $ 30,500.00 IITotal $ 30,500.00 $0 • •Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: Initiative B-1-a I � _Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: 93.575 Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72-New Cost Center 1370 $ 30,500.00 Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount General Fund CIP 72 New Cost Center 2590 $ 30,500.00 Additional Accounting Details: L Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? Yes I Is there a potential for grant to continue? No If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of t�? Yes _ Will grant program be complete in grant fundingtime frame? Yes Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? Yes Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? No Initiative#B-1-b Initiative Name: Utah State Dept of Workforce Services(DWS)-Youth Connections Grant-YC Liberty Park Initiative Number: BA#1 FY2012 Initiative#B2 Grants for Existing Staff Resources Initiative Discussion: The Public Services Division of YouthCity applied for and received a $30,500 grant from the Utah State Department of Work Force Services, Youth Connections Grant, under the Child Care Development Discretionary Fund program. This grant is year three of a three year grant funding period. Of this amount, $27,723 of the funds will be used to pay a portion of the full time site coordinators salary and benefits and five seasonal positions at the Liberty Park YouthCity site,$1,277 used for phone services,printing,copying,computer service and miscellaneous supplies,and$1,500 will be used to purchase snacks that are an essential program expense. The purpose of this grant is to create, expand, and support out-of-school time programs for at-risk elementary school-age youth,through age 12. These funds will pay for the salary and benefits of eleven(11)new front-line personnel for a two year period. The grant does not require that the positions be retained after the grant end date,however it is anticipated that the positions may be retained depending on budgetary circumstances at the time the grant ends. A 100%match is required which will be satisfied with 10%of the YouthCity Managers salary,benefits and other associated costs including facility maintenance,utilities,travel,printing and postage which are budgeted for within YouthCity's and Public Services general fund budget The City Council adopted the necessary Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and accept the grant award and to sign any additional agreements or awards as a result of the initial grant. Initiative#B-2 J 1 ! Utah State Dept of Workforce Services (DWS)-Youth Connections Grant-YC Liberty Park Initiative Name BA#1 FY2012 Initiative#B2 r 2011-12 Initiative Number Fiscal Year Grants for Existing Staff Public Services Resources Department i Type of Initiative Kim Thomas/Sherrie Collins 535-6129/535-6150 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund-Fund Balance- None Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual _ Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total $0 Total $0 Total $0' Other Funds _ 72-Grant Fund $ 30,500.00 Total _$ 30,500.00 $01 I i Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: Initiative B-2-a _Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: 93.575 Revenue: Cost Center Number Opject Code Number Amount 72-New Cost Center 1370 $ 30,500.00 Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount General Fund CIP 72 New Cast Center 2590 $ 30,500.00 Additional Accounting Details: _ Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? Yes _ f Is there a potential for grant to continue? No If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will _ be eliminated at the end of the grant? Yes Will grant program be complete In grant funding time frame? Yes Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? Yes Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? No Initiative#B-2-b Initiative Name: Utah State Dept of Workforce Services (DWS) -Youth Connections Grant -YC Ottinger Hall Initiative Number: BA#1 FY2012 Initiative # B3 Grants for Existing Staff Resources Initiative Discussion: The Public Services Division of YouthCity applied for and received a $30,500 grant from the Utah State Department of Work Force Services, Youth Connections Grant, under the Child Care Development Discretionary Fund program. This grant is year three of a three year grant funding period. Of this amount, $24,403 of the funds will be used to pay a portion of the full time site coordinators salary and benefits and three seasonal positions at the Ottinger Hall YouthCity site, $3,097 will be used for phone services, printing, copying, computer service and miscellaneous supplies, and $3,000 will be used to purchase snacks that are an essential program expense. The purpose of this grant is to create, expand., and support out-of-school time programs for at-risk elementary school-age youth, through age 12. These funds will pay for the salary and benefits of eleven (11) new front-line personnel for a two year period. The grant does not require that the positions be retained after the grant end date, however it is anticipated that the positions may be retained depending on budgetary circumstances at the time the grant ends. A 100% match is required which will be satisfied with 10% of the YouthCity Managers salary, benefits and other associated costs including facility maintenance, utilities, travel, printing and postage which are budgeted for within YouthCity's and Public Services general fund budget. The City Council adopted the necessary Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and accept the grant award and to sign any additional agreements or awards as a result of the initial grant. Initiative#B-3 Utah State Dept of Workforce Services (DWS)-Youth Connections Grant-VC Ottinger Hall Initiative Name BA#1 FY2012 Initiative#B3 2011-12 Initiative Number I Fiscal Year Grants for Existing Staff Public Services_ Resources Department I Type of Initiative Kim Thomas/Sherrie Collins 535-6129/535-6150 Prepared By I (Negative) Telephone Contact Positive General Fund -Fund Balance- None Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total $0 Total $0 Total I $0 Other Funds 72-Grant Fund $ 30,500.00 Total —$ 30,500.00 $0 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: Initiative B-3-a Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: 93.575 Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72-New Cost Center 1370 $ 30,500.00 Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount General Fund CIF 72 New Cost Center 2590 $ 30,500.00 Additional Accounting Details: Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? Yes Is there a potential for grant to continue? Yes If grant is funding a position is It expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? Yes Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? Yes Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? Yes Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? No Initiative#B-3-b Initiative Name: Utah State Dept of Workforce Services (DWS) -Youth Connections Grant -YC Central City Initiative Number: BA#1 FY2012 Initiative# B4 Grants for Existing Staff Resources Initiative Discussion: The Public Services Division of YouthCity applied for and received a $30,500 grant from the Utah State Department of Work Force Services, Youth Connections Grant, under the Child Care Development Discretionary Fund program. This grant is year three of a three year grant funding period. Of this amount, $29,000 of the funds will be used to pay a portion of the full time site coordinators salary and benefits and five seasonal positions at the Central City YouthCity site, and $1,500 will be used to purchase snacks that are an essential program expense. The purpose of this grant is to create, expand, and support out-of-school time programs for at-risk elementary school-age youth, through age 12. These funds will pay for the salary and benefits of eleven (11) new front-line personnel for a two year period. The grant does not require that the positions be retained after the grant end date, however it is anticipated that the positions may be retained depending on budgetary circumstances at the time the grant ends. A 100% match is required which will be satisfied with 10% of the YouthCity Managers salary, benefits and other associated costs including facility maintenance, utilities, travel, printing and postage which are budgeted for within YouthCity's and Public Services general fund budget. The City Council adopted the necessary Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and accept the grant award and to sign any additional agreements or awards as a result of the initial grant. Initiative#B-4 Utah State Dept of Workforce Services (DWS)-Youth Connections Grant-YC Central City Initiative Name BA#1 FY2012 Initiative#B4 2011-12 Initiative Number I Fiscal Year Grants for Existing Staff Public Services Resources Department I Type of Initiative Kim Thomas/Sherrie Collins 535-6129/535-6150 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund -Fund Balance- None Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total $0 Total $0 Total $0 Other Funds 72-Grant Fund $ 30,500.00 Total $ 30,500.00 $0 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: • Initiative B-4-a • Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: 93.575 Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72-New Cost Center 1370 $ 30,500.00 Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount General Fund CIP 72 New Cost Center 2590 $ 30,500.00 Additional Accounting Details: Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? Yes • J Is there a potential for grant to continue? Yes If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? • Yes Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? Yes Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are — eliminated? i Yes Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? No Initiative#B-4-b Initiative Name: State of Utah, 2010-Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSP) and Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program (LETPP) Initiative Number: BA#1 FY2010 Initiative#B-5 Grants for Existing Staff Resources Initiative Discussion: The Emergency Management Services Division receives this annual grant from the Utah Department of Public Safety, Division of Homeland Security. It is awarded to local jurisdictions to purchase equipment and provide and or participate in training opportunities as necessary to prepare in the event of a terrorist or weapons of mass destruction attack. The County is the lead agency and will reimburse SLC for eligible expenses. The City will receive $125,634 of grant funding which was allocated for the following purposes: $82,830 was allocated to the Emergency Management Services Division to develop and enhance the city's plans and protocols, to participate/conduct state wide trainings, exercises, drills and workshops and travel associated with the state wide exercises; $5,000 was allocated to SLC PD for first responder safety and health equipment and $32,804 to conduct/participate in state wide trainings, exercises, drills, planning and workshops which could include officer OT; and $5,000 was awarded to the SLC Fire Department to purchase first responder safety and health equipment. A Resolution was previously passed authorizing the Mayor to sign and accept the grant and any additional grants or agreements that stem from the original grant. Initiative#8-5 I State of Utah,2010-Homeland Security Grant Program(SHSP)and Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program (LETPPZ Initiative Name BA#1 FY2010 Initiative#B-5 2011-2012 Initiative Number I Fiscal Year Grants for Existing Staff Management Services Resources Department I Type of Initiative Cory Lyman/Sherrie Collins 535-1901 1535-6150 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund-Fund Balance- None Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total $0 $0 Internal Service Fund Total $0 $0 Enterprise Fund Total $0 $0 Other Fund 72 Grant Fund $ 125,634.00 Total $ 125,634.00 $0 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: Initiative#B-5-a Accounting Detail 3rant#and CFDA#If Applicable: ODP-FY10-CFDA 97.067 'evenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72-New Cost Center 1370 $ 125,634.00 Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72-New Cost Center 2590 $ 125,634.00 Additional Accounting Details: Pass thru funding from the County Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? No Is there a potential for grant to continue? Yes If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? NA Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? Yes Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? No Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? No Initiative#B-5-b Initiative Name: State of Utah, Department of Public Safety, Division of Homeland Security (HSG) , 2009 Urban Area Security Initiative Grant (UASI) Program Budget Increase Initiative Number: BA#1 FY2012 Initiative #D-1 Housekeeping Initiative Discussion: In FY10, the city received a Urban Area Security Initiative (FY - 2009 UASI) grant in the amount of $2,315,400 from the State of Utah, Department of Public Safety, Division of Homeland Security. The State has now allocated an additional amount of surplus 2009 UASI funding in the amount of$578,850 to be used for the Data Fusion/Synthesis equipment. Data Fusion/Synthesis equipment is a State wide program allowing emergency responders to communicate and share information on a state wide basis in the event of a terrorist attack or natural disaster. This request is to increase the budget in the grant cost center 72-10003 by the $578,850. This is an increase from the State in grant funding and is not a separate grant. A Resolution was previously passed authorizing the Mayor to sign and accept State of Utah, Division of Homeland Security grant funds and any additional grants or agreements that stem from the original grant. Initiative#D-1 I_ I h Safety, Division of Homeland Security (HSG) ,2009 Urban Area Security Initiative Grant(UASI) Program Budget Initiative Name BA#1 FY2012 Initiative#D-1 2011-2012 initiative Number Fiscal Year Emergency Management Housekeeping Department Type of Initiative Cory Lyman/Sherrie Collins 799-3601 /535-6150 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund -Fund Balance- None Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total $0 $0 Internal Service Fund Total $0 $0 Enterprise Fund Total $0 $0 Other Fund 72 Grant Fund $ 578,850.00 Total $ 578,850.00 $0 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: $ - Initiative#D-1-a Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: UAS 9-FY09 CFDA-97.067 Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72-10003 1370 $ 578,850.00 Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount • '72-10003 2590 $ 578,850.00 Additional Accounting Details: Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? No Is there a potential for grant to continue? Yes l If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? NA Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? Yes I I Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? Yes Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? ; _ No • Initiative#D-1-b Initiative Name: State of Utah, Department of Public Safety, Division of Homeland Security (HSG) , 2010 Urban Area Security Initiative Grant (UASI) Program Budget Adjustments Initiative Number: BA#1 FY2012 Initiative#D-2 Housekeeping Initiative Discussion: In FY11, the City received an Urban Area Security Initiative (FY - 2010 UASI) grant in the amount of $2,170,078 from the State of Utah, Department of Public Safety, Division of Homeland Security, plus an additional allocation of $730,000 of FY 2010 UASI surplus funding. Because the City did not qualify as a site to receive UASI grant program funding past 2013, and no additional grant awards will be received, the Emergency Management Division requested a $175,000 change in the budgets to accommodate additional funding for the coordinator's salary and benefits and the grant monitor's over site and management to extend to the end of the City's current grants in 2013. Funding for these positions were awarded in the FY 2009 UASI grant which will end in 2012. It was the intent of Emergency Management to request additional funds for these functions in the 2013 grant application. To accommodate the continued coordination and grant over site of the current UASI grants, the State reduced the amount of the surplus grant of$730,000 to $555,000 and increased the $2,170,078 to $2,345,078. This change reflects a $175,000 swap. This request is to reduce the budget in cost center 7261145 ($730,000 grant) by $175,000 and increase cost center 7261142 ($2,170,078 grant) by the $175,000. A Resolution was previously passed authorizing the Mayor to sign and accept State of Utah, Division of Homeland Security grant funds and any additional grants or agreements that stem from the original grant. Initiative#D-2 I_ Safety, Division of Homeland Security (HSG) ,2010 Urban Area Security Initiative Grant(UASI) Program Budget Initiative Name BA#1 FY2012 Initiative#D-2 2008-09 - Initiative Number I Fiscal Year - Emergencv Management Housekeeping Department I Type of Initiative Cory Lyman/Sherrie Collins 799-3601 /535-6150 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund -Fund Balance- None _ Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact AmountI General Fund 1 I 1 Total $0 $0 Internal Service Fund Total $0 $0 Enterprise Fund 1 1 Total $0 ; $0 Other Fund 72 Grant Fund -No change 0 Total $ - $0 -Staffing Impact: - Requested Number of 0 FTE's: MENU I Position Title: I Initiative#D-2-a Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: UAS 10-FY10 CFDA-97.067 -evenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72-61145 2111-01 $ (175,000.00) 72-61142 2111-01 $ 175,000.00 Additional Accounting Details: Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? No Is there a potential for grant to continue? Yes If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? NA Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? Yes Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? Yes Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? i i No A Initiative#D-2-b Initiative Name: Contributions to Health Savings Accounts Plan Allocation Initiative Number: BA#1 FY2012 Initiative#D-3 Initiative Type: House Keeping Initiative Discussion: The FY 2011-12 budget included $450,000 for an estimated General Fund increase in participation in Health Savings Accounts Plans. Due to time constraints, this amount was placed into the Non-departmental budget. This budget amendment allocates budget to all the general fund departments that were effected by the increase in participation. Initiative#D-3 _ -J I Contributions to Health Savings Accounts Plan Allocation I-- Initiative Name BA#1 FY2012 Initiative#D-3 2011-12 Initiative Number Fiscal Year Finance House Keeping Finance I Type of Initiative Mary Beth Thompson 535-6403 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund -Fund Balance- $ - Impact Revenue impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total $0 $0 Internal Service Fund Fund 60 Total $0 $0 Enterprise Fund Total $0, $0 Other Fund Total $0 $0 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 0 Position Title: Initiative#D-3-a � I Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: Revenues: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount • Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 01-00031 2195-01 $ 13,144.58 02-00010 2195-01 $ 171,200.18 03-10300 2195-01 $ 39,754.35 05-00022 2195-01 $ 15,068.18 06-00100 2195-01 $ 47,769.34 08-00100 2195-01 $ 5,770.79 12-00005 2195-01 $ 134,331.23 15-01400 2195-01 $ 10,740.09 16-00070 2195-01 $ 7,412.26 , 19-00100 2195-01 $ 4,809.00 Total $ 450,000.00 09-00459 2199 $ (450,000.00) Additional Accounting Details: II � Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? NA Is there a potential for grant to continue? NA ' I If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? NA Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? NA • Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are _ eliminated? NA iDoes grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? I NA Initiative#D-3-b Initiative Name: Utah Department of Environmental Quality - Clean Fuels &Vehicle Technology Grant Initiative Number: BA#1 FY2012 Initiative# El Grants Requiring No New Staff Resources Initiative Discussion: The Public Services Sustainability Division applied for and received a $82,500 grant from the State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality, under the Clean Fuels and Vehicle Technology grant program. This grant will be used to cover incremental costs of replacing approximately three (3) of it's sixteen (16) diesel refuse haulers with compressed natural gas (CNG) refuse haulers. The purchase of the CNG refuse haulers will be used by the Streets and Sanitation Division for daily residential garbage pick-up within city limits. The $82,500 grant award represents 50% of the incremental costs of purchasing an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) vehicle. The incremental cost is defined as the difference between what the city would pay to replace a diesel hauler with a CNG. As of June 30,2011 the shipping costs of the CNG haulers has increased and due to negotiations the actual unit cost is not known at this time. The grant funds may cover only 2 and a half of the CNG vehicles. Once the cost is clarified, the city will amend it's grant agreement with the State, however it is believed that no additional grant funds will be awarded. A Resolution was previously passed authorizing the Mayor to sign and accept Utah Department of Environmental Quality and to sign any agreements or awards that stem from the original Agreement. Initiative#E-1 Utah Department of Environmental Quality-Clean Fuels&Vehicle Technology Grant Initiative Name BA#1 FY2012 Initiative#El 2011-12 Initiative Number Fiscal Year Grants Requiring No Public Services New Staff Resources Department I I Type of Initiative Renee Zollinger/Sherrie Collins 535 7215/535-6150 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund -Fund Balance- None Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total $0 Total $0 Total $0 Other Funds 72-Grant Fund $ 82,500.00 Total $ 82,500.00 $0 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: Initiative E-1-a Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: DAQPM-007-11 Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 57-00570 1974-72 $ 82,500.00 72-New Cost Center 1360 $ 82,500.00 Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72-New Cost Center 2910-03 $ 82,500.00 57-00570 2700 $ 82,500.00 Additional Accounting Details: Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? NA Is there a potential for grant to continue? NA If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? NA Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? Yes { Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? No Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? No Initiative#E-1-b Initiative Name: Utah Department of Health - Bureau of Emergency Medical Services (EMS)grant Initiative Number: BA#1 FY2011 Initiative#E-2 Grants for Existing Staff Resources Initiative Discussion: The Fire Department was awarded $14,776 of grant funding from the Utah Department of Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services to be used for initial training or certification upgrades and continuing medical education (CME) training for the Fire Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel and medical supplies as funding permits. The grant is awarded based on the per capita of certified EMS personnel. The City's Fire Department has 115 certified Paramedics, 169 certified Emergency Medical Technicians and 20 certified dispatchers. A Resolution was previously passed authorizing the Mayor to sign and accept the grant and any additional grants or agreements that stem from the original grant. Initiative#E-2 1 I I Utah Department of Health-Bureau of Emergency Medical Services (EMS)grant Initiative Name BA#1 FY2011 Initiative#E-2 2011-12 Initiative Number I Fiscal Year Grants for Existing Staff Fire Deparment Resources Department I Type of Initiative John Vuyk/Sherrie Collins 799-4210 1535-6150 Prepared By I Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund -Fund Balance- None Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total $0 I $0 Internal Service Fund Total $0 $0 Enterprise Fund Total $0 $0' Other Fund 72 Grant Fund $ 14,776.00 Total $ 14,776.00 $0 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: r— Initiative#E-2-a 1 Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable- E1117356 _ 'evenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72-New Cost Center 1370 $ 14,776.00 I - Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72-New Cost Center 2590 $ 14,776.00 - i Additional Accounting Details: - I Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? No Is there a potential for grant to continue? Yes If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? NA Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? Yes Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? No Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? _ 1 f No Initiative#E-2-b Initiative Name: Utah Department of Health - Bureau of Emergency Medical Services (EMS)grant Initiative Number: BA#1 FY2011 Initiative #E-3 Grants for Existing Staff Resources Initiative Discussion: The Police Department was awarded $983 of grant funding from the Utah Department of Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services to be used for continued medical education (CEM), traning and recertification of the city's dispatchers. The grant is awarded based on the per capita of certified EMS personnel. The Police Department currently has 55 certified dispatchers. A Resolution was previously passed authorizing the Mayor to sign and accept the grant and any additional grants or agreements that stem from the original grant. Initiative#E-3 Utah Department of Health-Bureau of Emergency Medical Services (EMS)grant �— Initiative Name BA#1 FY2011 Initiative#E-3 2011-12 Initiative Number I Fiscal Year Grants for Existing Staff Police Department Resources Department Type of Initiative Roxanne Cheever/Sherrie Collins 799-3594/535-6150 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund-Fund Balance- None Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total $0 $0 Internal Service Fund Total $0 , $0 Enterprise Fund Total $0 $0 Other Fund 72 Grant Fund $ 983.00 Total $ 983.00 $0 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: i 1 Initiative#E-3-a _ Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable H1117359 Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72-New Cost Center 1370 MEIN $ 983.00 I - Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72-New Cost Center 2590 $ 983.00 Additional Accounting Details: Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? No Is there a potential for grant to continue? Yes r—, If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? NA Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? Yes Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? No Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? No Initiative#E-3-b Initiative Name: State of Utah, Utah Division of Homeland Security - 2011 Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) Grant Initiative Number: BA#1 FY2010 Initiative#E-4 Grant Requiring No New Staff Resources Initiative Discussion: The Emergency Management Services Division applied for and received a $3,200 grant from the State of Utah, Utah Division of Homeland Secutiry under the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) program. It is awarded to local jurisdictions to perform hazard analysis and develop or update local emergency plans, including integrating the SLC LEPC plans and activities into the Region II Hazmat and emergency response planning, create community awareness programs for hazardous materials, integrate local LEPC planning into the community, provide or attend trainings and exercises to support Utah Region Il hazardous materials planning, perform needs assessments for early alert and warning systems and integrate the hazardous materials transportation and storage into all hazards emergency management and homeland security activities. The City receives this grant on an annual basis from the State. The SLC LEPC holds monthly meetings which have an educational component to benefit the attendees along with a lessons learned information sharing segment. LEPC attendees include the U of U, Salt Lake Valley Health Department, Salt Lake County, Salt Lake City School District, State Home Land Security, Thather, Tesoro, SLC PD, Fire and other local agencies and companies. The grant requires a $800.00 match which will be satisfied with the Emergency Program Directors time which is budgeted for within the Departments general fund budget. 1 Initiative#E-4 I I State of Utah, Utah Division of Homeland Security-2011 Local Emergency Planning Committee(LEPC) Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) Grant Initiative Name BA#1 FY2010 Initiative#E-4 2011-12 Initiative Number Fiscal Year Grant Requiring No New Emergency Management Services Staff Resources Department I Type of Initiative Cory Lyman/Sherrie Collins 535-7173/535-6150 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund -Fund Balance- Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year - Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total $0 $0 'Internal Service Fund Total $0 $0 Enterprise Fund Total $0 $0 Other Fund 72 Grant Fund $ 3,200.00 Total $ 3,200.00 $0 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: Initiative#E-4-a Accounting Detail • Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: HMEP-USA 2011 CFDA 20.703 Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72New Cost Center 1370 $ 3,200.00 Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72New Cost Center 259D $ 3,200.00 Additional Accounting Details: Pass through from US Department of Transportation to State Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? , Yes Is there a potential for grant to continue? Yes If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? Yes Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? Yes Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? Yes _Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? No - Initiative#E-4-b Initiative Name: United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation Water Conservation Master Plan Water Demand Calculator and Weed Management Tool Website Initiative Number: BA#1 FY2012 initiative# E5 Grants Requiring No New Staff Resources Initiative Discussion: The US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation awarded the Public Utilities Department a $30,535 grant to develop a suite of on-line landscape water conservation tools that will provide commercial contractors and private property owners with quantitative methods to assess landscape water-use demands, to make informed decisions regarding water use in landscapes and to educate the public of proper weed identification and control. This grant will add additional features and information to the inter-active website currently being developed under the Landscape Efficiencies grant also funded by the US Department of the Interior. Of these funds, $535. will be used for grant management and oversite and $30,000 will be used to contract with a consultant a to develop a design landscape software. The grant requires a $31,144 match which will be satisfied with the salary and benefits of the associated time spent by the Water Conservation Program Coordinator, the printing and mailing of promotional brochures, SLC TV 17 airtime, production of a instructional video and 1 year of web license fees which is budget for within the Public Utilities enterprise fund. A Resolution was previously passed authorizing the Mayor to sign and accept Bureau of Reclamation Agreements and to sign any agreements or awards that stem from the original Agreement. Initiative#E-5 United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation-Water Conservation Master Plan Water Demand Calculator and Weed Management Tool Website Initiative Name BA#1 FY2012 Initiative#E5 2011-12 Initiative Number Fiscal Year Grants Requiring No Public Utilities New Staff Resources Department Type of Initiative Stephanie Duer/Sherrie Collins 486-6860/535-6150 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive Ir General Fund -Fund Balance- None Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total $0 Internal Service Fund 1-1 Total $0 Enterprise Fund I • Total $0 Other Fund 72 Grant Fund $ 30,535.00 Total $ 30,535.00 $0 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: Initiative E-5-a Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#if Applicable. R11AP40017 Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72-New Cost Center 1360 $ 30,535.00 Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount General Fund CIP 72-New Cost Center 2590 $ 30,535.00 Additional Accounting Details: Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions?I No Is there a potential for grant to continue? No If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? NA Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? Yes Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? No Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? No Initiative#E-5-b Initiative Name: State of Utah Department of Human Services, Crisis Intervention Team Training (CIT) Initiative Number: BA#1 FY2012 Initiative#E-6 Grants Requiring No New Staff Resources Initiative Discussion: The Police Department received a $150,000 grant from the State of Utah, Department of Human Services for continuation and expansion of the statewide Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training to administer, coordinate, and promote CIT training efforts throughout the State. This grant will provide funding to cover costs associated with attending and conducting CIT Academies, recertification classes, program administration and continued training for the City's Program Director, Coordinator and Regional Coordinators. The CIT program was initiated to assist, Law Enforcement Officers in effectively dealing with persons experiencing mental health crisis. These funds will be used as follows: $28,560 will be used to pay overtime costs of the Program Director and C1T Coordinator while conducting CIT Academies, making presentations throughout the State and representing the interest of the CIT Program on numerous councils and committees; $10,855 will be used for travel and lodging of the Program Director and CIT Coordinator to conduct out of town CIT presentations, Academies, and planning and development conferences to market the program throughout the State; $29,085 will be used for supplies, materials, manuals, certification pins, handouts, etc., used at the Academies; $41,580 will be used for travel by the Program Director and CIT Coordinator to attend local and national CIT educational trainings; and $39,920 for contractual presenters at the Academies. A Resolution was previously passed authorizing the Mayor to sign and accept Utah Department of Environmental Quality and to sign any agreements or awards that stem from the original Agreement. Initiative#E-6 State of Utah Department of Human Services, Crisis Intervention Team Training(CIT) Initiative Name �- BA#1 FY2012 Initiative#E-6 2011-2012 Initiative Number Fiscal Year Grants Requiring No Police Department New Staff Resources Department I Type of Initiative Mariean Searcy!Sherrie Collins 535-32651535-6150 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund -Fund Balance- None Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total $0 $0 Internal Service Fund Total $0 $0 Enterprise Fund Total $0 $0 Other Fund I 72 Grant Fund $ 150,000.00 Total $ 150,000.00 $0 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: Initiative#E-6-a I i Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: State Contract 110531 Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72-New Cost Center 1370 $ 150,000.00 Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72-New Cost Center 2590 $ 150,000.00 Additional Accounting Details: Grant funds employee positions? ! _ NA Is there a potential for grant to continue? NA If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will _ be eliminated at the end of the grant? _ NA _ Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? NA Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are _ eliminated? NA Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? _ NA lr:lialive#E-6-b Initiative Name: State of Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice (CCJJ) SLC Asset Forfeiture Program Initiative Number: BA#1 FY2012 Initiative#E-7 Grants Requiring No New Staff Resources Initiative Discussion: The SLCPD applied for and received a $19,473 grant award from State of Utah, CCJJ, under the SLC Asset Forfeiture program. Civil asset forfeiture laws provide law enforcement agencies with the power to seize property and money connected to illegal activity. Some of these funds are then allocated back to the individual jurisdictions that collected them. Of these funds, $4,803 will be used for equipment consisting of three bird dog trackers at$1,601 per tracker. $7,380 will be used to send four (4) Detectives to the California Narcotics Officer's Association (CNOA) Conference in Sparks, NV. and $7,290 will be used to send nine (9) Detectives to the Utah Narcotics Officers Association (UNOA) Training in Mesquite NV. A Resolution was previously passed authorizing the Mayor to sign and accept the Asset Forfeiture grant funds and any additional grants or agreements that stem from the original grant. Initiative#E-7 State of Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice(CCJJ)SLC Asset Forfeiture Program Initiative Name BA#1 FY2012 initiative#E-7 2011-2012 Initiative Number I Fiscal Year Grants Requiring No Police Department New Staff Resources Department I Type of Initiative Mariean Searcy/Sherrie Collins 535-3265/535-6150 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund -Fund Balance- None Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual _ Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total $0 $0 1 Internal Service Fund Total $0 $0 Enterprise Fund Total $0 $0 Other Fund 72 Grant Fund $ 19,473.00 Total $ 19,473.00 $0 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: y Initiative#E-7-a IAccounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: State Contract 12N30 Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number ME Amount IIII 72-New Cost Center 1370 -$ 19,473.00 lir . _Expenditure: - Cost Center Number Object Code Number = Amount 72-New Cost Center 2590 I$ 19,473.00 MI mi 1.11.:11 Additional Accounting Details: in MEIM = s MI -Grant Information: _ -Grant funds employee•ositions? _ NA - _Is there a potential for grant to continue? NA Elf grant is funding a position is it ex ected the position will - -be eliminated at the end of the grant? _ IIIWillgrant program be complete in grant funding time frame? la= I I I Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are _ eliminated? NA Does grant duplicate services provided by_private or . . Non-•refit sector? _ NA 1 Initiative#E-7-b Initiative Name: Additional Street Lighting Study Funding Initiative Number: BA#1 FY2012 Initiative # I-1 Council Added Item Initiative Discussion: • • The Council allocated'$50,000 in,the'budget for fiscal year 2011.-i2'for the study of moving the street lighting 'from'the",general 'fund'to!.an enterprise fund. This enterprise,fund.would be managed by the Public. Utilities Department., in'':.,The original'al request for services.fironl, Red. Oak Consultants.'inGluded providing'.three service:9pti'ons,at the cost of $58,0b0. The third option was elim:ir ated to.redy:oe the contract to within the;budget,of$5.0,000. This budget request*ould allow the consultant to provide the additional third•option to:the 'City Council; The additional.funding of $8,000 is being requested from the General Fund fund balance; • • .r • , • • • Initiative#1-1 Additional Street Lighting Study 1 Funding ' _ . . .� . - Initiative Name . _ —__-___.__ BA#1 FY2012 Initiative#1-1 1 ' 2011-12 _ Initiative Number Fiscal Year City Council ' • r Council Added item .. .Department -_-- -..---____-. _ _ I.. .•_. Type of Initiative 1-- Lehua Weaver 1 535-7653 Prepared By I I Telephone Contact_ I l _ (Negative) Positive i General Fund - Fund Balance- $ 8,000.00 1 Impact _ Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount --- General Fund . .. Total _� - ._ ._ 0 - . —1 � -- $ 1 1 $0 I Internal Service Fund - -._... Total... $01 $01 Enterprise Fund I . - - - -- - - - -- - i Total $01 $0 Other Fund j l $ - i $0 -- Total Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: ( ' I Initiative#1-1-a Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: NA Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number i Amount • I__ Expenditure: Cost Center Number ` Object Code Number Amount 09-00800 2324 $ 8,000.00 — — - r— Additional Accounting Details: f -Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? NA ,Is there a potential for grant to continue? NA If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? _ NA Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? NA Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? NA Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? NA Initiative#1-1-b