060 of 1984 - Excavation and Obstruction 0 84-1 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 60 of 1984 ( Excavation and Obstruction) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 41 CHAPTER 5 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, BY AMENDING SECTIONS 41-5-1 THROUGH 41-5-26 AND ADDING A NEW SECTIONS 41-5-27, 41-5-28 AND 41-5-29 RELATING TO EXCAVATION AND OBSTRUCTION. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That Chapter 5 of Title 41 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to excavation and obstruction, be, and the same hereby is amended by amending Sections 41-5-1 through 41-5-26 and adding new Sections 41-5-27, 41-5-28 and 41-5-29, as follows: Chapter 5 EXCAVATION AND OBSTRUCTION Section: 41-5-1. Definitions. 41-5-2 . Permit conformity regulations required. 41-5-3. Permit required for scaffold or staging over public way. 41-5-4. Applications for permits. 41-5-5. Commencement of work approval or disapproval of application. 41-5-6. Eligibility. 41-5-7. Review and inspection fees. i 41-5-8. Restoration fees. 41-5-9. Permit extension fees. 41-5-10. Alternate fee allowed . 41-5-11. Additional charges. 41-5-12. Permit duration and limits. 41-5-13. Assignment of permits. 41-5-14 . Compliance with engineering regulations, design standards, construction specifications and traffic control regulations. 41-5-15. Maintenance of traffic barricades. 41-5-16. Emergency work. 41-5-17. Suspension or revocation of permits and stop orders. 41-5-18. State highway permits. 41-5-19. Bond. 41-5-20. Conditions of bond. 41-5-21 . Default in performance. 41-5-22. Completion of work. 41-5-23. Obstructions prohibited. 41-5-24. Comprehensive liability insurance required . 41-5-25. Hold harmless. 41-5-26. Liability of City. 41-5-27. Structures and facilities in the public way. 41-5-28 . Violation of this ordinance. 41-5-29. Penalty for work without permit. -2- Sec. 41-5-1. Definitions. Sec . 41-5-2. Permit conformity regulations required. (1) It shall be unlawful for any person to make, construct , reconstruct, or alter any opening, excavation, tunnel, sidewalk, curb, gutter, driveway , street, or to perform any other work of any kind within the public way which will result in physical alteration thereof, unless such person shall first have obtained a permit for the performance of such work, and unless such work shall be performed in conformity with the terms and provisions of this chapter and of the permit or permits issued hereunder, except as hereinafter specifically provided . (2) Permit required for occupation of street with building material. It shall be unlawful for any person to occupy or use any portion of a public way for the erection or repair of any building abutting thereon, without first making application for and receiving a permit for the occupation or use for building purposes of such limitations and restrictions as may be required by ordinance or by the public convenience. However, no fence construction pursuant to these ordinances and no building material shall remain in place on any public street after the ending date of the permit, unless said permit is extended by the Engineer. (3 ) Removal of obstruction and rubbish required. No portion of a street other than that set forth in the permit shall be used for depositing materials for future work or for receiving -3- rubbish arising from such work. All obstructions and other rubbish shall be removed by the permittee at such times as the Engineer may direct and , in case of the neglect or refusal of such permittee 40 remove such rubbish, the Engineer shall cause it to be removed at the permittee's expense in accordance with law. (4 ) . Restriction to eight feet. No permit to occupy the street with building materials or barricade fence shall be granted that will allow occupation of more than eight feet in the said street from the curb line. This distance may be extended to a maximum distance of fifteen feet at the discretion of the City Transportation Engineer when additional space is deemed necessary and when the additional space will not adversely impact traffic flow. ( 5 ) Maintenance of drainage channels. Existing drainage channels, such as gutters or ditches, shall be maintained by the use of piping or other methods approved by the Engineer. (6 ) Maintenance of pedestrian way. Barricades or covered walkways for the protection of the general public shall be provided at all times that any work or storage of material is being accomplished under this permit. Sec. 41-5-3. Permit required for scaffold or staging over public way. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect , build, maintain, swing or use any scaffold , ladder, staging crane or any other mechanical device or equipment of any description over or -4- upon the public way without first obtaining a permit for that purpose and paying the fee for such permit. No fee shall be charged for scaffolding or staging done behind an approved barricade fence. Sec. 41-5-4 . Applications for permits. Each and every person desiring to perform any work of any kind described in Section 41-5-2 , subject to regulation by this chapter, in a public way within this city shall make application for a permit. Such application shall be filed with the engineer on a form or forms to be furnished by the Engineer. When necessary in the judgment of the Engineer to fully determine the relationship of the work proposed to existing or proposed facilities within the public ways, or to determine whether the work proposed complies with the engineering regulations, construction specifications and design standards, the Engineer may require the filing of engineering plans, specifications and sketches showing the proposed work in sufficient detail to permit determination of such relationship or compliance, or both, and the application shall be deemed suspended until such plans and sketches are filed and approved. Sec. 41-5-5. Commencement of work approval or disapproval of application. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to commence work upon the public way until the Engineer has approved the application and until a permit has been issued for such work, -5- except as specifically provided to the contrary in this chapter. (b) A permit shall be issued on approval of an application by the Engineer. Duration of the permit shall be set at the time of issuance of the permit. If no time is specified, the duration shall be sixty ( 60) days. (c) The disapproval of an application by the Engineer may be appealed by the applicant to the Director of Public Works by the filing of a written notice of appeal within ten days of the action of the Engineer. The Director of Public Works shall hear such appeal , if written request therefore be timely filed as soon as practicable, and render his decision within a reasonable time following notice of such appeal . (d) In approving or disapproving work within the public way; or permits therefor; in the inspection of such work; in reviewing plans, sketches or specifications; and generally in the exercise of the authority conferred upon him by this chapter, the Engineer shall act in such manner as to preserve and protect the public way and the use thereof, but shall have no authority to govern the actions or inaction of permittees and applicants or other persons which have no relationship to the use, preservation or protection of the public way or the use thereof. Sec. 41-5-6. Eligibility. * * * Sec. 41-5-7. Review and inspection fees. The Engineer shall charge, and the City Treasurer shall collect, upon issuing a permit, the following fees, for review of the application and -6- site inspection of the work: ( a) Excavation - $0 . 15 per square foot - Hard Surfaced $0. 10 per square foot - Other Minimum Charge : April 1-November 15 November 16-March 31 Hard-surfaced $70 .00 $105.00 Other $45. 00 $65. 00 (b) Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter, and/or Driveway Approaches - Curb and Gutter $1.00 per lineal foot Sidewalk, Driveway Approach $0 .15 per square foot Minimum charge : April 1-November 15 November 16-March 31 $70 .00 $105.00 For in-kind replacement of existing sidewalk, curb and gutter, or driveway approach, a no-charge permit will be issued. (c) Storm Sewers - $1. 75 per lineal foot ($70.00 minimum charge) in addition to excavation fees; and (d) Poles and Anchors - $10. 00 each pole or anchor, (minimum charge) . (e) Multiple Utility Excavation - Minimum fees shall be in accordance with the following schedule, if the distance between excavations does not exceed one block (660 feet) and the excavations are accomplished within the same day: Minimum Charge per Excavation: April 1-November 15 November 16-March 31 Hard surfaced $45 .00 $70 .00 Other $25.00 $40. 00 (f) Building Construction Barricade - in addition to -7- excavation fees: Flat fee for all or any part of a block face - $125.00/mo. Each additional block face - $125 .00/mo. (g ) Scaffold or staging over street: Flat fee - $10 .00/setup Where any of the above described activities require the removal of parking meters, applicant shall obtain permission from the City Transportation Engineer and pay the required fees. Where any of the foregoing subsections specify a higher fee rate for any period, such higher fee shall be applicable if any portion of the work is completed during the higher fee period. Sec. 41-5-8. Restoration fees. In the event a cut or excavation exceeds 100 feet in length or 300 square feet in area, the restoration of the surface shall be accomplished by the permittee. Any cut or excavation smaller than the above mentioned size, may be restored by the City, at the option of the engineer, and the following fees shall be required in addition to permit fees specified under section 41-5-7 : Asphalt Restoration - $2 .50 per square foot for local streets; $5 .00 per square foot for major and collector streets; Minimum Charge April - October November - March $250 .00 $375.00 In the event that the actual cost of restoration by the City exceeds the amount paid by the permittee, by more than twenty- five dollars, the permittee shall be liable for the difference -8- between such actual costs and the amount paid by him, which shall be billed to the permittee by the City at the conclusion of the work, or from time to time as the work proceeds; and in the event of nonpayment of all or part thereof, after thirty days, the balance due may be collected by legal action. In the event of nonpayment, the permittee shall not be entitled to receive further permits from the City, or to perform further work within the City's public ways. Sec. 41-5-9. Permit extension fees. The length of the extension requested by the permittee shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. No extension shall be made that allows work to be completed in the winter period without payment of winter fees. The extension fees shall be as follows : (1 ) Excavation and surface restorations: $20.00 ( 2) Building Construction Barricade: Three times the review and inspection fees described in section 41-5-7 for each month that the permit has not been extended. The Engineer may waive this extension when work is not proceeding on the project in a satisfactory manner. Sec. 41-5-10. ( 1) Alternate fee allowed. The following persons may be issued a permit to run for the calendar year, which permit shall authorize the holder to occupy any street or sidewalk in the City at any time or place during the life of said permit by filing the bond hereinabove provided for and paying fees as follows : -9- Persons servicing electrical signs - $100.00 Persons installing glass - $100 .00 Persons servicing or installing awnings - $100.00 Persons painting or cleaning building, signboards and other structures - $100.00 (2 ) Any permittee requested an alternate fee waiver shall meet the requirements set forth in sections 5-6-20 to 5-6-24 of City Ordinances. Sec. 41-5-11 . Additional charges. Sec. 41-5-12. Permit duration and limits. Each permit application shall state the starting date and estimated completion date. Work shall be completed within 60 days from the starting date or as directed by the Engineer. The engineer shall be notified by the permittee of commencement within 24 hours prior to commencing work. The permit shall be valid for the time period specified. If the work is not completed during such period, the permittee may apply to the Engineer for an additional permit or an extension, which may be granted by the Engineer if the Engineer finds that work under the original permit, or as extended, has not been satisfactorily performed. Sec. 41-5-13. Assignment of permits. * * * Sec. 41-5-14. Compliance with engineering regulations, design standards, construction specifications and traffic control regulations. * * * Sec. 41-5-15. Maintenance of traffic barricades. -10- Sec. 41-5-16. Emergency work. Sec . 41-5-17. Suspension or revocation of permits and stop orders. * * * Sec. 41-5-18. State highway permits. Sec . 41-5-19. Bond. Each applicant, before being issued a permit, shall provide the City with an acceptable corporate surety bond of ten thousand dollars to guarantee faithful performance of the work authorized by a permit granted pursuant to this chapter. The amount of the bond required may be increased or decreased in the discretion of the Engineer whenever it appears that the amount and cost of the work to be performed , and not satisfactorily completed , may vary from the amount of bond otherwise required under this chapter. Public utilites franchised by the City and property owners performing work adjacent to their residences, shall not be required to file a corporate surety bond provided said companies or persons agree to be fully bound by the conditions set forth in Section 41-5-20 hereof. Sec. 41-5-20. Conditions of Bond. The bond required by the preceding section shall be conditioned that the person making the excavation shall: (1 ) Fully comply with the requirements of the City ordinances and the regulations, specifications and standards promulgated by the City relative to work in the public way , and respond to the City in damages for failure to conform therewith. -1 1- S (2 ) After an excavation is commenced , the permi ttee shall prosecute with diligence and expedition all excavation work covered by the excavation permit and shall promptly complete such work and restore the public way to its original condition, or as near as may be, so as not to obstruct the public place or travel thereon more than is reasonably necessary. Unless authorized otherwise by the Engineer on the permit, all paving and replacement of street facilities shall be done in conformance with the regulations contained herein within seven (7 ) calendar days from the time the excavation commences. If on major or collector streets within three (3) days, and five ( 5 ) calendar days on all other streets from the time excavation is backfilled , whichever is less, except as provided for during excavation in winter. If work is expected to exceed the above duration, the permittee shall submit a detailed construction schedule for approval. The schedule will address means and methods to minimize traffic disruption and complete the construction as soon as reasonably possible. (3 ) Guarantee the worksite restoration for a period of two years from completion of said restoration, reasonable wear and tear excepted. Sec. 41-5-21. Default in performance. Sec. 41-5-22. Completion of work. * * Sec. 41-5-23. Obstructions prohibited. Sec. 41-5-24. Comprehensive Liability Insurance Required. -1 2- i Before an excavation permit, as herein provided , is issued, the applicant shall furnish to the City a certificate of insurance in a company authorized to issue insurance by the State of Utah, evidencing that such applicant has a comprehensive general liability and property damage policy that includes contractual liability coverage with minimum limits of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ( $250,000 ) for injuries, including accidental death to any one person; in an amount not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) on account of injuries sustained in any one accident; and property damage insurance in an amount not less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000 ) for each accident. Said insurance policies shall include the following provisions: (a) * * * Sec. 41-5-25. Hold harmless. Sec. 41-5-26. Liability of City. Sec. 41-5-27. Structures and facilities in the public way. The City Engineer may direct any person owning or maintaining facilities or structures in a public way to alter, modify or relocate such facilities or structures as the engineer may require. Sewers, pipes, drains, tunnels, conduits, vaults, trash receptacles and overhead and underground gas, electric, telephone and communication facilities shall specifically be subject to such directives. Any directive by the City Engineer -1 3- shall be based upon one of the following grounds: * * * Sec. 41-5-28. Violation of this ordinance. Sec. 41-5-29. Penalty for work without permit. SECTION 2. This Ordinance will take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this llth day of September , 1984 . CHA R AN ATTEST: /9�y", -4 LA C I TY E R E Ll Transmitted to the Mayor on September 11, 1984 Mayor's Action: 9/11/84 MA ATTEST: CI Tk TV ER cF77 Pill 60 of 1984 Published: September 26, 1984 0 84-25 -14- I Voc: ; t, , , Affidavit of Publication ADM35A STATE OF UTAH, SS. County of Salt Lake I E,CITY-ORDI ANGE4 ' x . . of RD �i�ai� lonnnd©eafweflo�j-=s;:•-t; Cheryl Gierloff NINCE.AME DING TITLE 4 t•Hp?,�R S OF' .................................................................... .. .. TH 'RAµ(1� Nd OF SALT L' tfE LIT 'UTAH, 4 bI INRUCTION541-5-1THROUGH414-26'AND N A•NEW SECTIONS 41.5-27,41-5.28-AND 414.29RE, Tp VAT N AN0±�gTRUJciffON sffcTlo. 1�d�T sf T-(�eargf'' Re" ed rdr Beingfirst dui sworn deposes and says that he/she is of S( tYrfke 19,_6SJEI�ting 4x{�afioand Y P Y ;and m 26 an is e Y. the dIn(1;`, le al advertisingclerk of the DESERET NEWS a daily thrau h 41-5.26 anlf�gfldinq n ¢r,SectJons 41 5- g } 4'" �''f.Z' crap .rs4 � ,.� newspaper printed in the English language with general EX&A TIQN ANPID RUCTION' s cfan: . a�,f' {�'I circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, 4T5.1. 1301 s. 1-5-2, PeV {{tfs6 (4prrml#yYe41A I srequired,• Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. 1i±3. Perm�RYek ulred for sCtl( 7 ,apIng over pdbllc'4 4� ItaHbpg for:peYmg "0 ncemen.of work aRgr6yal.-ir.:disappravgv That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto 5- Revile and'1h Ction fees. 5- R.$stprationfe . .s; Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 60 of 1984 =5 r Gr M etctension fees.. - .................................. ......................................................... rs 0:Alternate fee allowed. ',: {, -S•111 Add it ges. . 5 13�AA AiWiargtiti ' ............................................................................. 5-11.Porpnln ruafhoaehrtdlmm�s Excavation and Obstruction •5•i4i Cov�p116pCi�Ysiihnolhee�in4 reg�llgbns,desiori RSCigfnd �on9Kuatton.speclfl�afgns and traffic r.5" ) n ee of fraffiEbgrrlgaffes. ' 6;E ergen Y work. 17.^$ui;AensionbT!r_4YocatIdn of Retmits tmd stop gq�[ders, „41-5e)87$tdte hliflWoVipermlts: ., 5-1,CdndJtWnSibTbdnd. : ............................................................................................. 2 rf;(1 5-2�,Cpdnd11i1 pp ormar�c8• :4 5-2 COmPie�lon lttgork. 1-s-1.'i Ob, udlon:�yfahlbiteq.� •1-5-4.Comrehenslve liability Insurance required. V -5-25,HgldThormless -545.Lability of city. � 5r��7�,Structures and facilities In the public way. d hJ•s•28.Ylolatignof i ordinance. was publishedin sal newspaper on.................................. } -5- .Penalty fior. �,�y�ltn]i. 41-5-1.' D6r[nitt ''''d c.41-5-2. PermM conformNy repulatJq s �quired.(1)k s e unlawful fod'44LL11y-FeY Sob f""ffi 0,son��ss&&��11��d recon- ...........r�eP rr�k Pr ..26�.. �8 ........... ...................................... °or after any openino,e�icavatidn,tunh,I 'Wo aJk,curb, d�qr-i�veway;Qtreet,br to pp-erform anti ot{�gr work of any n :i, Nhin pupllc•wav wh)ch will r�t sult In physical otter. roof,uhtess such person shall first have obtained a Iorm pCrtormance of such work ............................................ ........ ...... oErf1 tocdnformftywfff(ft�etermsgndSp�ovlsio s "'chrpta pnd at the permit or permits issued h 0v nder, �ga Ad V tlSing as here naffer specHically prdvided. 2)Permtt tequlred for occupation of street with building lot it shall be unlawful for any person to octupv o'r use cl riding a-public way for-'the eredlo or repair of any b riding abutting thereon;without first making application for and receiving 6 RerrrfIt for the occupation or use for building ;pyrposes•of-such Ilmftations and restrtctlons as may be re- ;galred by'ordinonce"or byff*,pubfc convenience.However no fentecoostrudc�lonpursUaMto these ordinances and nobuilding ritaterial sh'aIi"remain ID place on any public street after the ,ending date of the permit,unless said permit is extended by the 6)lgigeer. f3)Removal of;4 ;Non and rubbish requlred.No portion of a street other thgn ihq}setforth in the permit shall be used for, L qbppppslting molerials for future,work-or for receiving rubbish' efore me this ........................$tJL...................................... day of 7u{sing from such work.Ail obstructions qnd other rubbish shall ...... A.D. 19..8.4..... ? . s ................................................ Notary Public My Commission Expires March 1 1988 O �O ...................... .............................. �.Y•OAVS ��RAE Of i R41,111 erPnf 4t onto e�dh)t fe ys withbuldingmaterlols.orbarrlcadefence,shdtIbegrantedThal , the work cl om,fim@totlm$as}ne 6c will allow occupation of more th eight feet lh the sold street rf ifieregf,gNer fti+ : Pvs, �+ event of nonpOYment.of oIl or pg from the curb line.This•dlstonce may be extendet to d rnoxi• 1 balance due may be coil@Stan by leg t action.In' e,§vpn murf distance of fifteen feet of the discretion of the C"y4Trpns f 1 nonpayment,the Perm1Nee shall,1) be entitled to',fe ive portafion Engineer when adds on6l:sPOte is deemed necessa t ther pee mits from the CltY,or, perf0 m fuftherMork ?In' and when the odditlonol Space will not odJerstly Impdcttrafflc a CitY•s Pu40C vrays, - ' ' flow;. - Sec•41•9.9.Per[nIf extension f file toroth o1 t1t� (5)Maintenance of drainage Shannells,gxistinli,dCainog r r stair requested by the permt}t@e.§n if`e @}+plpefif f0 aPp channels,such as utters or ditches shhall 4e rrlpintOlne by th - of'the" Ineera Noextenslon sltgll qd@,th'dtatlow5 v5 use of Piping or other methods OPPFaved by.�he.Engineer. t the cotng In tho-w- htle PeFl4dw✓ flaYnfBpt<a#w_ (6)Maintenance of pedestriari wOY.Barr Eod@5 or coVere , 4 ,as.7h Slon'$s... it d@ qS fa, w§)` ;:.: Walkways for the Protection of the general Public shall be'pr , 1).t;af aHoh nQ,§ ace r sf D"nsi'i2l�g0 vlded at OII times that any work or storage of material is belr�p r, t ({g)gu( Ccgo5�7e: _ rse meSfFf@_ accomplished order this Permit. �'4 rid lrispectfon PQs l"scr��e.In§ecf� q 44r5,;tytr 6b f• Sec.41.5.3. -Permit required for scaffold or staging'over �hpl to permit rids not,been axten trd,Jlig,�n-g)r�e� public woY•it shall be unlawful for any rsoltto etect,bui*A ! walvto Is extension wtienwArklsmNploy@edlh9vnh18"p� maintain,swing or use onr scoffofd loader;staging crone'. y In a sat)sfocfory mo�nsr. ± any other Mectwnlcol cloy ce Or eea4u pment of any descripqtion Sec.dt•5.10,{15 Alternate-t o aq'slowed.l'h@ fofi rv7ng: over or upon the public wov without first ObtalnlnC a Perim ro`�d; sonpprs moY be Issued. D4rmit for form@ oOlendat yePr that purpose and paying fhe fee for such permit.No fee shoWt)b8 son il.shatl dutNorize trio holder'f0 or, Y.aflY-setr@otj�r cfiarged for scaHoidlnp or staging done behind an,opprgv@d f ; wolK In the Cf}y;at any time Or Rlace during tn@ Ilfg pf barricade force. -)' '• - -- permM by filing the bonithereincoove Provided If .bird po Sec.41.5.4.. IAPDIIgaflonsforDetmlts.E%andeveryaef• ;feespsfollo)vs" , son desiring to perfor�r any work:of arty kind de tribed I •b i Abrsons servicing electrical signs t Section 41.5* subject to regulation by this chapter,inn a gubll , gsoris Insta111ng.giass way within th�city shall make opplicatloh for a•permit;$Vth 'it song servlcinoor Instarlj, awnings<, application shall befiledwiththeel�glneeronaformorforMSto' Persons Painting or clean ng�Ulld(ng, v ; be furnished by the Engineer,�(Vhen necessory.io the fuda� 1 signboards and other structures S1AfJ.bO. ment gf,the En Ineer ro fully determine the relationship of the (g)Anv Permlttqo request@d.on olternOia fee waivel Work Proposed i4 oxlsfln0 9r PrQppsed facllitle;within the p�b• • meet the@ requirements,set,t0%10 aectton,$. e 0, 5.6 tic ways,or to defermihe,(Yhether the W66 1YOPased'c6 tTpl et'' y City rdlnpnces •., r �','4 with the'enalnnerfng regUtat07,constr04t1oa�11 spocifl 6gttlors 59et.41.5.1-1.AddNianolcharges.••' c� and design Standards,the Engineer may requlre'the f�itno of Sec.41.5.12,13 mitdurgtionogdiirti. .tocrt'pel rp'pfs. to 9 Verinpplans sReclffcgtl0nsordsketchesShoWlI fit@It h ,cation shall state, a starting a and-f�lt�6tg4 co"M posers work Ih sti Iclent deroIf.ro permitdet@rmlrfdtion Of Such date,Work. hail be,comDletecl w tfiin 40 dby;from#h@ relationship.oor�SomPliOnce,or both,and,thQ oP.pjiSQfI n.ssh01111e.___ date or as d�rected by.the Engineer.The englegr shop be q r deeniedsuspendedluntiIC11 piansand#IcIt esore'flled'ond ffedbvthepermifteeofcornmn1e�nct<mentwithln44hodrsprlor opprdved. tQm+ enclnowork,Thepermftshailbe•Voildforthetime per' Sec.41.5.5. Commencemerif or Work opproval'or disa(i• speclllIt if the work is not completed duringg such Derlod� provol of 6Pollcatlon. permiftee May apply M the Englneerfor an additional Perm or #a it,s �II be unkmfti lot dnY person to corn)6nce work ' ' ppnn extension which may be,granted by,,the Engineer If the upon g(pli -Wq untNAheEn Ineer Rr cladthYrppp EngWeerfJrrr�sthatarortcundertheoriglnPipormlt,;oY:93 - cation on#!urltt�ri permit has beets Iss r �1%1,1c�:ark;VXPN . tend,hos not been satisfactorily performed.' as specifically ggvlded to the controry In this chapter:.'" Sec.4.1,5.13.AssiOnment of permits.f.r t. (b)A pounit-shalibelssued-drf'doprovolofonopl)ltcatlon Sec,41-5;14.Cartiplionce with engineering regulations,de.. ,Jna ErDgineer,Durgtlpn oof,tKC parft�It<aS••tq 1¢e,5a at tn�ti a of sign st ndards constructfdn,spe,£lfica►Ions and.•traffic 4oD)r'ol issuance of the P,errtNt.;f no'timr Is spetiR4d;th1cluff(t1if�Fl61C• requipfsong.t be sixty{60)days." z's • q<:r Set.41.5,15,Mantenance OffriiffiS�bgrrlcpaes,s #c)The disapproval of fin opl�lication bK'Yhe'E'iiglrl err ritgY� Gr Sec.1•5.16.Emergency.wor#c:•'. begPpeQled,byth@aPPlicalrtfotN,e Direeto of fWbifc, orks►ktY A Sec,41.5-MSMsDehsioh or rLocation of Permits and s the fi 11 r�pp.Of, v{rlttelt r�#pJtjco 9f,appegJ•+N'lt{�1 .te'40( - 9f f Orders. actl0rtbf#he Jhear;;Tho o prof Pi{h1 t�L,ypY%sti JI h� Sec. per'inits ••":, s C}�r aygpgo i Iftdp r'qQ!t .re(Ire b fnety filep (rtq Sec.41.5.10.Bono.EachaPPlicant,.before being issued a as`pr`dttTtablL•a rer Or his41s1dti w fjl,o,rgsoi)oe permit,shall prgvlde the•C1ty with"an accoptobie cgrpoC fiQll�w(n liMfl e J.dh do i surety bond of ten thoNson' ilollors ro auorbntee faNnfUll flee �+�gg Ir1'.' b g� {Of''1'iY,DPProvl qr d ovltly'lY - W formonce of the authorized.by,a permit granted pursyngnni#!n .wa ; peps_ rbfor;y[it 41110e to sic ? opp Irr to'thls cfiapter.The amount of the bond required may beAi(y YevleWir�tfblph§"f a N86gr,1I ItMfO `,�4f ❑er Ymfhe creasedordetreos dlnthoolseretlonpftheEnglneerW. a .8� exerotsa pf $ lit(t�ltY(onfi111 t)ppOO �rifri"tSy fhlg.h011f - er It pope s that seep ouht and Sost.ofthe WQrk tab@. the fipine shrill Ihsugtfei;0546-rwt ive nd_pY t� forties and.not'saNSTptStlfprlly.OGr�itleted,moy,vary:irom ^tr41t tatrio+pubrle,waYQn fii rebfifiut 3hg11Jt nb aLomour>f at.bond oltterwlse required u aor#hischatter.QrNyMa wernfne onbol' f)mofp@K►nMteespndgl?Dy,� gig P,ubllc utllNles fr6nchjsad bY•tne itY and PrUpgrty owner r; V his�i 4fisertpersOra LvhiZfi-hdug•ho reltftlgttshigl••fa the• 4t?' perfor'mino work odlacent to their residences shop.not bd rep bresery 14 br protettlgn o the%1ub11S waY:or the�us$.tlXet of 33C81t - r qulred to file-O car ate suretybond rovldeci sold cam nt f •• rf p pr @ EifO)bfllN;.t` „0 ,+ p or Persgris a e t9' fy_Ily bound tiv the cord{tiers set terth fn 5og.41.5=7. Re�1 u/.ontfgiii p@Stlon,,f• '.7he: j' .•, Sod)on A-5.0e r s4.3 l $C9 iredsdr shelf ca o�u sec.O ,20.Can lows of can .,the tioniirequir@c�t 1(flrlofeoS forYo�$)N'+ J�- r+ . . a 5 �tff ' p�,ecetllrlg soAt(un�yaj1:•B@ ca;dnroned that th@,person r af�In6 ' > l • th0 c6vatlor shall:icltlYAfionr•�p.titge?� u . foot;". d$flf ats•S d f)Fuily,tompiY Kith the rgc�uirem8irts.ofth`e.Cits 4?d� #i➢� r:• SA ;, naitcei 2�nd(h_a re4yl;tth saecfficatlgns a¢il•stalr({ords,ltro.1 muigdted Eili the Ctiy;relative ro Mork(n the Publip way,a IZ 9 7 t5u e' to=_ 4y"•3resPdnd,tgthyCltYlnQor4rapesforfoliuretoconfarmiherew�itri: Athor,-, : I,"�� i ,a; Y:,I,, °� ,'mow (pj Aft r�4qn e��l(twatior!s'tommsthSed,ftte per%H oe shall.... _. (!!# ff^ t�lofl,,?r W Ap r'pro6eyfrf$, ,ith(Nllgen�e and ex edition OII O.Xcq afion WOr'k. , n .. c9vergdyyIteexcpvptlOYl•permOnclshallprp p camglgfe- a)k; r V¢W"Y< F±pcdo�pt►:;> .:D4[ 19V�9 , such work and restore file Public wov t0 its grigonbi condBion jjt(ngym .r% U.f �lsb6r.15,s;.'NASi n ch. orasn eras"Riavb@ 5q'asnotroobstrutttnepubficplace.yr 7e F,*• .y r ti "`r S r 1 :e�� trayglIiergq mod fhZrp is re8onobiv geeessq �9r1D;k j :r�'1` rtiQQ`r 4f e- Jtfna tde�+'at(i rah€ Silt.;q 3y�9 4�8ss au�hori$ed_ofherwlsg tiv f h@ Engtnoer tb@per tt qr rrfy§wayy�OgSn,a n3• drgg porm)f•. ibe)§tsu@d� all pdvino ph(!Pgg�pf�}t_CrrieM of street fpcilitfes.55h 1 16.don n (c So IS •St.yS per Iin'eal foot{f ,00 nr(nl �� `confgrmar5ce•with'f8g regulatlaris Onrolnod her W►fhin s �*r' chfi'rOeMn.addiflon fo•excavatfori fee§'and; en(Jg calendar dpvs.h om tttetlrtlg ff,s oxta Ion comni4Y�es. ( D POl$3 grid AnChQrs.•s10.00 ouch p010 6r orlchorifn?Iri:_b tf Oh rho(or•-or 2bi400.,slreetS:wifh n MYee{ pnvs�4nd 11 (5) mym ohp(pge�t,;,-,-- •' .v : t.: 'x" i)� colon or days on.pil argon streets from the [me gkCovaNOnde-••. - (o yWiflpl@' { SJJ f�M, 6xcovatw'ij,�-Mfnitrilr,t fees shalt pe.)n backffiled:;whlShever is less except,as P[olClggd•,(ar#! Ogcgr npo W1ti1 tti fQI1P4lnd SO edu'fe,t tfhi�e iiistan4c, petween •-= excovattarr in Winter,If work is expected to ex�@�sI the oUNS It oy Ors dQos Fit ei<Cee ere fock!(�60 te@t)ant a excq, . . duraNOn,:ftte Pe mittee shoji submit O d,tggetl?�Onslructldf5';re Bch a�� �` S MAt ons;a epctpmR nod v� In e. m doV. ,'• >''. schedule for, oval The.schedule,will address moons and '"- -02S' ergo,:- N,t4iR 4mlter'1 t* 1pvelp6er,16•i!AorEN, efhoSis:ta.m1mlze trittfl4'dlsrupptt qqn and cotnPlgt9 N!e per•ExCOY on: ,... _ �`. t'Sfruction as soon as reasonably Pbssible. Hord,sNrf,tact: i`4sAd: '.: 3f11.00,•` (3)Ouargnlpe the,wprk6lte,restoration,for b period ot'f o , (Tther.,, S#q0:�;-,`'- {90 0 a,-• year's fromcomplefidita sodrestoration,.reasonablewear f i };BplldingCuastruc}ign .dlrJcAdets.fnadd 9n�t¢exc2l feOrexcepted. Y;3�69ff Sec.41.5•2 DefouN irt,performgnco.••�• r f fee,fbrgllorallyyPgr,o1pb1oSkrace,•tl)15001rHo Set."41.52q2Cottipletldttof work. Qyhaddlffonal,b19 faOg. e<1gS.6RJ Sec.41.5.43.Obstructions prbhibfted,,•• ,� {g �affold,or stgplitg Qyergti et s• sec•41-5.24:Comprehensive LIagllltY insurgntQ Requlret Flof fee-`$10 ODl;gfup efor aD @x_y6vaHor�p@rmH as here Provided Is Issued, Where any gfthe abov@es>rlbe, gcftYities requite theremoG ' -:' , DCPlIallf,9tiO11 f�rnlsh to the,Clfy a torts#icate bf InsUronse IIf qto#pdrkingtnoFers app Iconf•sn 11 ttAalnper, IsaWri-froMthe stem n0.a n,4r zed'to la uo lnsurgnta qv the-StatO of. City Transportatt n, nGlneergn p y fhe,req red fens• x evidencing*Rat such oppli cant has a.comprehensive.gen Q Where,:gnv Q•th, for4going Ubsedlifts§peSiiY a-ni fionuNY.and propBMy r{amoge pollcy that includes,coMra r , feeraaftoforonY,perlo ,euthhigherfegsliafIbeOPPficablef q �` Ilvbliity coverog4 wlth,mfnnnum lirlts of r a HundredFl portion,pf th5 e orek(s Soma told duringthe hfghervi pens ;y I Thousand D,oilars(5250,004)for Infurles,InUudtn9' CIdeO� Sec,+ti• R ration' es iWtWevefN,pra�tt or exc death ro any one.Person;in cqtn,amount not less fhon•�ve Hur ftgn ekpReds.1 e` ln:fe ar=300 souqr@.feei in area, fi dred Thousand Dollars(5500 000)on account of.Infurie(E sus 1DSff restoration Qf the surface shots inplish. by the per • :<:?f' toined any one-accldgntt;and property damage Jnsuran• tee.Any cut oX xcav6tlOr•5rr1igIlor t�noan me gb0.Ye mEISNo «`s nd ba t le siz b eClty,atrhoo tlon, theengln ar: {�t06, t an p41,fQ P ;xra : nude -t.,r••r% tpp u 5 enC �e v, b4u r ; �• 'WerS 0 es,.dralns,'- finets,condutts,vaults,tras receltta17f3� eles on`d overheadgnd andCCrgrgund gas electric,'teleRhQR and}camtnunicptip,R,faclittie5.Shall,sP.ecf{Ica11V be sublett t�bt�b ' Fh-directives Any direective bv;the Gttv,Fngineer-Shall bm�, �10en one of the fPllowinp grounds �13... $ec,sl'S 28.Vld1Mlo f�lrP ardlnn ;! See 43..29, .'n- wQ*wNh$ Rermtt. ` $ ETIO •T this 4r np60 Wit.take effect uPO6,#* publIC0110p. PgSseec�ft by the Z11tty�Cauncli of Solt lake GftY,Utah,.thls t fttil')OW day of SePtember,.19 A. -. kpnald,.t,Whitehead , CHAIRM,PN ATTEST.. sdt Kp�ryn(y�arshaIt CITY-RECORDER ' Tr4nsm1tted toe Mayor on$ePtem4Pr 11,1984 {��jjt Ma>(O,r's,Action.9/,11/84 teddy,V11S i'igrit, ATTEST: I J�k1ti KgthryR MorshQll ($( EA}!~CARDER . �:, 3ffl elP. FIFA b0 of 1984 PUbiished:SePtember 26,1984OT A 3-0 i i