060 of 2011 - Concerning electric security fences (Amending 21A.62.040) 0 11-1 P 11-10 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 60 of 2011 (An ordinance amending portions of Title 21A of the Salt Lake City Code concerning electric security fences) An ordinance amending sections 21A.62.040 (Zoning: Definitions) and 21A.40.120 (Regulation of Fences, Walls and Hedges) of the Salt Lake City Code pursuant to Petition No. PLNPCM2010-00300 to recognize electric security fences as a permitted use or special exception in the M-1 and M-2 zoning districts. WHEREAS, the Salt Lake City Planning Commission("Planning Commission") held a public hearing on December 8, 2010 to consider a request made by Sentry Security Systems (petition no. PLNPCM2010-00300)to amend certain sections of Title 21A of the Salt Lake City Code to recognize electric security fences as a permitted use or special exception in certain zoning districts; and • WHEREAS, at its December 8, 2010 hearing,the Planning Commission voted to transmit a positive recommendation to the Salt Lake City Council("City Council") on said application; and WHEREAS, after a public hearing on this matter the City Council has determined that adopting this ordinance is in the City's best interests. NOW, THEREFORE,be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. Amending text of Salt Lake City Code section 21 A.62.040. That section 21A.62.040 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Definitions), shall be, and hereby is, amended, in pertinent part, such that the following definition shall be amended or added to read as follows: FENCE, ELECTRIC SECURITY: "Electric security fence" means a fence designed to protect a property or properties from intrusion by means of conducting an electric current along one or more wires thereof so that a person or animal touching any such wire or wires will receive an electric shock. SECTION 2. Amending text of Salt Lake City Code section to adopt section 21A.40.120. That section 21A.40.120 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Accessory Uses, Buildings and Structures: Regulation of Fences, Walls and Hedges), shall be, and hereby is, amended to adopt section 21A.40.120.L which shall read as follows: L. Electric Security Fences 1. Permitted Use: Electric Security Fences are allowed as a permitted use in the M-1 and M-2 zones. Electric Security Fences on parcels or lots that abut a residential zone are prohibited. 2. Special Exception: Electric Security Fences on parcels or lots adjacent to a commercial zone may be approved as a special exception pursuant to the requirements in Chapter 21A.52 of this title. 3. Location Requirements: Electric Security Fences shall not be allowed in required front yard setbacks or on frontages adjacent to residentially zoned properties. 4. Compliance with Adopted Building Codes: Electric fences shall be constructed or installed in conformance with all applicable construction Codes. 5. Perimeter Fence or Wall: no Electric Security Fence shall be installed or used unless it is fully enclosed by a non-electrical fence or wall that is not less than six feet in height. There shall be at least one foot of spacing between the electric fence and the perimeter fence or wall. 6. Staging Area: All entries to a site shall have a buffer area that allows on site staging prior to passing the perimeter barrier. The site shall be large enough to accommodate a vehicle completely outside of the public right-of-way. 7. Height: Electric Security Fences shall have a maximum height of 10 feet. 8. Warning Signs: Electric Security Fences shall be clearly identified with warning signs that read: "Warning-Electric Fence" at intervals of not greater than sixty feet. Signs shall comply with requirements in Chapter 21A.46 Signs of this title. 2 9. Security Box: Electric Security Fences shall have a small, wall-mounted safe or box that holds building keys for police, firefighters and EMTs to retrieve in emergencies. SECTION 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective on the date of its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah, this 4th day of October 2011. C ATTEST AND COUNTERSIGN: c1rY � �ti Uj4 I'Y RECORDER ,� ") Trtro j 1 :'ter U f A ► Transmitted to Mayor on 10-5-2011 '�ApR �%��' Mayor's Action: Approved. Vetoed. • MA 'OR C-46ASYR. /911ke'2-- /�v CfT� APPROVED AS TO FORM 7T Gad Salt Lake City Attorney's Office (SEAL) ; ,s Date: 0 k Bill No. 60 of 2011. \n By: Published: 10-15-2011 '\oRACES P ul C.Niels eni •City Attorney HB_ATTY-#1 6075-v2-Ord inan ce-_El ectri c_Secu ri ty_Fences.docx 3