061 of 1984 - Conditional rezoning a 50 Foot Piece of Land on the Northwest Corner of 1700 South and 900 West 0 84-1 L11 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 61 of 1984 (Conditional rezoning a 50 foot piece of land on the northwest corner of 1700 South and 900 West) AN ORDINANCE REPEALING BILL 54 OF 1984, AND AMENDING SECTION 51-12-1 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH , 1965, RELATING TO ZONING AND FIXING BOUNDARIES OF USE DISTRICTS. The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah has held a public hearing to consider Petition No. 400-200 submitted by 7-11 Food Stores/Southland Corp. , requesting a change of zoning, and the recommendation of the Planning Commission that certain property located on the northwest corner of 1700 South and 900 West be rezoned from "R-2" to "B-3" classification. The Council finds that the proposed rezoning with modified conditions relating to the effective date is appropriate in order to encourage develop- ment and growth compatible with the best interests of the neigh- borhood and the City as a whole. Therefore, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City , Utah: SECTION 1 . That Bill No. 54 of 1984 relating to rezoning , hereinafter be, and the same is hereby REPEALED. SECTION 2. The Use District Map as adopted by Section 51 -12-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah , 1965 , as amended, relating to the fixing of boundaries of Use Districts, be, and the same hereby is amended as follows: DA "� Sec. 51-12-2 . Boundaries of Use District. The following described parcel of residentially zoned land in Salt Lake City, Utah generally located at the northwest corner of 1700 South and 900 West, currently zoned "R-2" is hereby rezoned to a 11B-3" classification and the Use District Map is amended and changed accordingly. "R-2" to "B-3" Commencing at a point on the North line of 1700 South Street, said point being 150 feet West of the West line of 900 West Street and running thence West along the North line of 1700 South 50 feet; thence North 150 feet; thence East 50 feet; thence South 150 feet to the point of beginning. SECTION 3. CONDITIONS SUBSEQUENT. This ordinance, after passage, shall not be published nor become effective until the following conditions subsequent have been satisfied as provided. in Section 4. 1 . The petitioner, 7-11 Food Stores/Southland Corporation, shall receive plan approval from the building official and the Planning and Zoning Division for its proposed building . Said plans shall meet setback requirements in accordance with the new 900 West Steret widening project, and shall provide for exterior brick construction and an enclosed garbage dumpster. 2. The petitioner, 7-11 Food Stores/Southland Corporation, shall file a bond in favor of Salt Lake City Corporation, in an amount determined by the building official , guaranteeing that the petitioner's building will meet the construction provisions -2- contained in paragraph 1 of Section 3 above. 3 . The petitioner , 7-11 Food Stores/Southland Corporation, shall dedicate the required land for the 900 West Street widening project or agree in writing to enter the 900 West Special Improvement District. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon the date of its first publication. The City Recorder is instructed not to publish this ordinance until the conditions subsequent 1 and 2 have been satisfied or provided for by executed agreement. Upon satisfaction and verification, the Mayor may instruct the ordinance to be published. If the foregoing conditions 1 and 2 are not completed within 12 months from the date of passage, this ordinance shall be null and void and no publication shall thereafter be allowed . After conditions 1 and 2 are satisfied , the ordinance shall be effective and temporary conditional build- ing permits may be issued and start construction at Southland 's risk. The permit is conditioned on the terms that no final inspection of utility connection nor occupancy can be authorized or occur until condition 3 is satisfied as verified to the Mayor. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 18 day of September 1984 . cr A I RMADI -3- Y ' ATTEST: lu RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on September 18, 1984 Mayor 's Action: 9/18/84 YOR ATTEST: A��-441 TY RE 0 RDER cm95 (SEAJJ Bill 61 of 1984 Published: September 28, 1984 P 84-41 Republished: October 26, 1984 -4- Affidavit of Publication ADM-35A STATE OF UTAH, SS. County of Salt Lake ? CORRECTED SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE ',No.61 of 1984 #Cond(tfanel rezoning a'SO fpot piece ot'lond'on thp .......Y........................................................................... nnoorrtthA C er 1 Gierloff west confer of 1.70 $oath and 900,West) ' "•API ORDINANCE REPEAJ_ING BILL-S4 OF'1984 ANDAMEND TK 1AH ORDINANCES SALT CITY UT1965REANG ED TO ZONING-, AND FIXJNG BOUNDARIES O�U DISTRICTS. ThECity Council of Soft Lake C5E Ny Utah h6s held o ublic' p-��eS°�+�ndCQtP-.l,treque°s'ti�°o�a geofzonl„q;and� Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is 0;'recortlmendgtioP of the Planning Cbmmissioli that cerfolnprop. =4MfYlocaf4d'pnlhenorfhwesttorn '9f17 Spathand- est. Ilegal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily k=be)'e'son90Mm"R-4: B-3"&i�g�ifi h'.T eCdy Cilftn tharihepropaSSed'i;ezofigwltttrH rebn a,, r qt,y a newspaper rimed in the English language with general Me effedivetlpte Is op-roD)Igte7n' to ' DP r� r� 1� ntl grdwth Mom )I flop y J ret0 orhoodandthe.0 aI� with best Jntetest of the circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, fty.asa o)g. `` T'°��r°'be'?ery'°�`ied6 uIII Cganc'la'SoftLo :r Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. I .�cny, t SECTION 1.That BIII.NcE- of 1b84�rel nq`�ti zdn�no, herein N and'the some jt-bei ebv REP SE 6T1QN/l.The Use District Map as t cNe�j y�i_ 1�=2a1 NDRevlsedOrdlngncesofSaltLdkeClty OtaH`796"!- That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto amen ,relating To the 1Sing of boafldorle5 a#tJse�Istric(s;;- T be,.gnd same riereby i8 ame�nqded as,foilo�s:' " Sete.S�-14-�. ntlgrt9g,,afU 'r ( Itt•Tbe Il 'lhg scribed cerofYes ogrfuyZJn nsalfLa cin, �h•' corrected Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 61 of nertllviet aYfher(erfNvVB's oft?00 ,g an ............................................ ..............................•......... qgee p� f�t� CO 'YVestcurroned"R-2".t5 here -re'3qq nned to a�`,I'9.3 s)-: - ftcaN :d.the Use District Mop le a„Vended 4rid chaff a0c 'ng'y r 1984 Conditional rezoningof a 50 foot piece R12"td"B•3' Co'. g gf a point oh tF(e f.' 90fr0 V113q p61tbnStWtorits of t700i South g West � ............................................................................................. and-running 4Tfegce West of the . Nwyh A Qf 1700 5¢ttih 50 ee th@nce Ngldb T Meet •!...........o f s' therlce:East50feet thence h c eN9*heF I;of and o.. the northwest corner of 1700 South v innlnp �TION 3: 0NDiTIONS SU SEWN,T Is tlinarirr biter pq$#d9e,sh'If Not tie 4611sh d r r bec m6$ffeoIve uMif and 900 West 110 Wi_ngcgnditi cs 60A,gem4cavebeen^sa.,flsff ngspro, ......................................................................... T:ThSeetrifef�Trtlf r« 11 Fo h (I rece ve g gores/Southland Cdr0oration�, A I p 3ppSP�,00val the'bdtldlnq;otRtipl..gnd,me'- I nnlno oreJ nq,• 'IyKionkla If"s Proposed buildI g.Sgid ............................................................................................. PI 4j r' setback`regdktements 1n pp�cprdpncg�rJt S e new :#fV0�treet widening ot'9led,dntl shah provide fa exte f�@k(tHlonstr on and amenctosed gcmbuge durppster.. shall ale o bondote, Al F od Lake Corporation,In tf an was published in said newspaper on.................................. ampuht determined by the butidl 9 official,guaranteeing that the PefRloner's building will meet the consfrUction provisions contained In paragraph 1 of Section 3_above. QC tOb21"•2 Fj x••��$ 3.The Petitioner,7-11 Food Stores/Southland CorParafio ........... ...................................................• Ingsha'Prodje'r�agrees lnrwritng to fored land the tthe 00 WesttSpeclai Improvement District. _ SECTION4.This,Ordinance shall take effect upon the date• ••••••••••••••••••............•••••••......... Of Its first'publica ion,The City Recorder Is Instructed not to ar have*beeblish nssoattlisffledcoor provided for by executedguu�eement �t�al dve tlsing rk Upon safjsfaetion and verification,the Movor mov instruct the ordinance to be published.If the foregoing conditions 1 and 4 are. not compl6ted within 14 months from the date of passage,tfaIs Ordinance$$twtl be null and void and no publication shall fh e- nce shaJ/be After conditions a„d temporory c ditiona are lftbul1d ng permits may be Issued and start construction of Southland's risk.The permit Is conditionetl on the terms thof no flnol Inspec- tion of utility conneetion nor occupants con tie'authorized ar occur until condition 3 is satisfied as verJfted to the Morize Passed by the City Council of Saft Lake City,Utah,this lath . day of September,1984. 1. Ronald J.Whitehead ATTEST: CHAIRMAN Bth........................................ ay of re met is ........................ d Kathryn Marshgll CITY RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on September 18,1984' , Mavor's Action:September 18,1984 A.D. 19..8.4..... Ted Wilson ATTEST: MAYOR Kathryn Marshall CITY RECOkpE(t (SEAL) Bill61 of 1984 Ad ...................... .............. RepPublished:September 48,19aA. Notary Public ubllshed50dober 46,198A P84.41' � , D-S1- My Commission Expires .. March 1, 1988 �s ...................................................... >>. tj.` �a ITE 0 Affidavit of Publication ADM 35A STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake •'• , sE CIn ORDINANCE Cheryl Gierloff (CondM911alreson 6 ro 1984 :'Y ........... ........................................................ k�at SO foot piece of land on West,Orft1W f-v Sy&%'Grid 9DO West) a t- AN NANCE;REPEA :BIL�:54.Ofa .1984 AND t END[ EC N 12,1 RfEVI DORp INANCES6;,, SALT KE?�TAHI RELATING TO D'FI:K 0;80U DAS2IES•O -#1SE'DISTRI6 ZONING o.The fly,Coun"5�I of Salt ac�p,Ctiy Utah' tiefq,a Pubiic��n 1ng 'sigel+elilio^N�.g00-20Bsubpem dbyQ7,-11Food Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is 4d a f�he Plannlno Commissionffhhtt}ee^%n prop-�'ppnf Norfhwesttornerot.1700SOU}hand9Inor00W p- legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a dail fezon fta ,2 fo"B-3 classtficafo.the y the Cpunaifinds newspaper printed in the English language with general 'f 'eff a atoning wkh modffled condffibnsrelatin to,;. m9 b ',- pm opria gllble'Afte In tertaenc me ests of the circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, nelyhbor •mpatlbte iNlfh the Vest interests of the k1 there CRY o Whole. = 4 6,}� �ojn0 Y*000YCouncilofSaltLake ? Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. 11ty,uro p j Jterellh ON t46d the same Is hereby REPEALED rezonlrto, K SECTION lePeV The 4Ordi District Mapas adopted bySectlon5l- 6 That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto me o^ded eelgvtilseq Ordinances of Solt Late City Utah 965 s r. ' peiand f :rn �the Flxing of boundaries M Use blsfricps eby Is amended as follows; ' 1 ogdrles of Useyylstria,The follows ..scribe Pdrt 1 denflgllyz dlandinSaRLakeCity,ngd6 Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 61 of 1984 generallytdca :at a northUtahs .............................................. �yrest,cureMlyf6ny"RR-2"is�eb a ded�ufhand 00 flcofion q th t District M la , or�{tJ'inQty.; �114: 4?.s,a!rgen and changedn�f n (� f.nn} T 1 p/rp !�f �t,"'•2"`ta ...........Y.Y.�t..a�a:'i•i:Yt•.S•i•a�'s..•Y.�r f-f Y..n.Y•t•..7..YY. YTi4 .IY�•Ji)•cYc Y d. Commencing ql Pa' on fhe North".in' • Street sold �5t ! aof A7p0 S "9p0 est �ttt elny 150 feet West of,4he West line p `:Q W and unning thence";Wesi,,`qq z,ANhlnc line 9p0 West�S00 feet•thence North'1 0gfee* t land on the northwest corner of 1700 South bbeeaginn n�p, 50fe�4t thiihettSott{h1S0feett6fhe Into# 13Ny3.CONptT10t�S UBSEOUENT;This ordinance,after`u,, ' fhall.nol be PlltJl Shed nor. (b1N no sondlittiiohs SubseQuertt,hdyeebeeh saeffectiivee`suntil the '. Q Q.. eS .................................................................... .If1 Sec e* A. P ;a 1.rr$�TCh�@`j p�tiI oner,7-11 s`��Ss�l 1uth10hd Corporation,a dn11411y5�pia +1V1 fr t+fiulldiA9 Official and the ntl,Zonl building. ............................................................................................. Plans sh�l meet s g.Said new 900 West Sir Widen no ccordance with the exterior brick construction and an enclosed garbagprovide dumpster 2.The lfioner 7-il Food:Stores/SOuftilandCgrporofion, was published in said newspaper on.................................. Shall file ab6nd In{Ovor of Salt Lake C Corporation amount determined by the building official,guantt in thatt J the Petitioner's buildlrre will mget the construction provisions contained in Paragraph 1 of Section 3above. s5eptember 28 J., � $4 3.The Petitioner.7.11 Food ................................................. shall dedit at6 fhe rqulred land f�e 900 Westd eeet pwidenliz—, prolect Or agree In writing to enter the•900 Proveme West Special Im- District: SECTON 4.This ordinance shall take effect upon the date n� .............................................. of Its first Publication.The City Recorder is Instructed not to Legal dver 'sing Cl Publish this ordinance until the conditions subse Dent 1 and.2 , have been satisfied or provided for by executed agreement. Upon satisfaction and verification,the Mayor may lnsfructghe o 1 nut completece to d within 12 months frthe om thecdatemof p 1 age are ,. ordinonce shall be null and vad and no Publication passage lies•tn dinance allowed shalll a effective had tam 1 and 2 are y conditionalsatisfied iiuds(the trilSk ThempehnhltIscoundditiin onedon hetermstthattof(nShantilhnispec,�., film of uN Ity connection nor occupancy can be aufno Insd c Occur u l condition 31s satisfied as verified to the Mayor, or Passed by the C1tityy Council of Salt Lake City,Utah,this i8th day of September,1984. y L i. ATTEST: . ' - Ronald CHAItReMAN_ before me tills ........................�3:.h...................................... day of hfhryn Marshall a t CI Y ECORDER Transmitted to Mayor On September 18,1984. i is i A.D. 19..$.4. :.1MdYar4 Act1On;9/18/84, r ) _ .... .. a TedA! OR / n �}7 TE$�i rytt Marshal• (�AYLRECQROER ' ' BIS1111611Of 1984 Flo h , 0�+41 2&1"4 -_:, :: s.. ,, Notary Public....... My Commission Expires Y P���e ......... ................. n �.DAVS ��'rE ptc v��