061 of 1985 - Moratorium - Petition No. 400-348 of 1985 6 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No . 61 of 1985 (Moratorium) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 5 OF TITLE 5 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, RELATING TO BUILDING PERMITS BY ADDING THERETO A NEW SECTION 5-5-1 (3 ) RELATING TO A TEMPORARY MORATORIUM. WHEREAS, on July 8, 1985, Petition No . 400-348 of 1985 was submitted by the Bonneville Hills Neighborhood Council requesting the Council consider rezoning the site of Curtis School and Park because of concerns that residential area lacks a buffer between the Commercial and residential uses. Said site, used as a training center and school , has historically provided a lower scale of intensity of use to buffer the residential area from the high intensity of use of the commercial retail uses. This defacto buffer could be eliminated by changes of uses or redevelopment of the site which would exacerbate conjested traffic and parking in residential streets and negatively impact public safety. Appropriate review, consideration and resolution of the issues raised in said petition are hereby declared to be compelling public interests which require preservation of the status quo . Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That Section 5-5-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to building permits, be, and the same hereby is amended by ADDING Section 5-5-1 (3 ) relating to a moratorium affecting the acceptance of plans and issuance of permits, which reds as follows : Sec. 5-5-1 (3 ) . Temporary Moratorium. No building permit, plans or application for the purpose of demolition, addition, reconstruction, alteration or new construction or subdivision development of any premise within the Curtis School and Park site, described below, shall be accepted by the Planning or Building Departments nor shall any permits be issued by the Building Inspector. This moratorium on accepting plans, appli- cations and issuance of permits and approvals, imposed to preserve the status quo , shall extend for six months or until such sooner time as the City Council takes action upon pending Petition No. 400-348 of 1985, requesting rezoning of said site. Said site, located in the vicinity of 1450 South 2200 East in Salt Lake City, Utah, Utah, is more particularly described as follows : Commencing at a point in the east line of 2200 East Street said point being 157. 1 feet north of the northeast corner of Roosevelt Avenue and 2200 East Street and running thence North along the east line of 2200 East 287. 1 feet; thence East 666. 26 feet, more or less to the west line of Foothill Drive; thence south- easterly along the west line of Foothill Drive 106 feet more or less to the west line of 2300 East Street; thence South along the west line of 2300 East Street 149.24 feet; thence West 120 feet ; thence South 48 feet ; thence West 606 feet, more or less to the point of beginning. -2- ter+ SECTION 2. In the opinion of the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this moratorium be imposed immediately to preserve the status quo until it can consider pending Petition No. 400-348 of 1985. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 26th day of July, 1985. CHAIRMAN ATTEST: C TY RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on July 26, 1985 Mayor's Action: July 26, 1985 pexz�� MAYOR ATTEST: UITY RECORDER cm112 (S E61L) Biil Of 19SUM 00 Published:, -1111�4 o was published July 30, 1985, in the Salt Lake Tribune." -3- r Affidavit of Publication ADM-35A STATE OF UTAH, SS. County of Salt Lake Cher . Gierloff ............................................................ 'a_'.r*S1N10PSISOi, ..e. SA4T� t 4CITTORDNNA"CE ..� d1 of 1985 M ANC AMEND- ING S.OF TITLE 5 -OF.T a VISED Tr Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is :.NA o i5ALT LAKE C�TY legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS a daily VUTIL O RELATING Td 'BUiLI�iNG I�RMITS N1Y.ADD- g g f IN TJiER ,C A WE newspaper printed in the English language g T1bNPTpRdRY MORATCRM.A p g guage with general rood by the Ir circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, u b " ''' `n'`e `"''• Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. SECTIOtf 1.tnai section ss a"'114f the Revised Ordincnces�of 5�fLake City,Utah,i%5,relat- I' to bglNdino permits,be,and That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto -the sameGherrk+Y is$ atn�nlded turADDIN Sec n 5-1 3 re- r gto o moratorium affecting �plans � a1TakeCit OrdinanceNo61 1985st� ich ............................... ...................................................as ¢Nb gl3j,lTempora�y luilt j�o bulks 11er Moratorium sodr.�caoil lm,"i ofhen. ............. ............................................................................... eco stru`cftu7i;6Merotwn'or censtnXtlon or subdivision Nelopmelt of (My Ore 'se ^wHbin they Curtis SchW and ............................................................................................. i#itrk sffe,.tleserNbed below, be' by-the Plan- " no on Evil Ino Departments < s�pllahy.permitsbeissued ............................................................................................. - the Buitdino Inspector.Ttds orator um,on accept ng W*, applications alul issu- ofIts�earncl W Is, ............................................................................................. taw, 6x 1 for six monftls or utMiI sudl so tier lime as try! �+r��ctlt a�tan was published in said newspaper on pendino P�Ctiti, No.1008 of 'L1985, request► rezoning of r..5 sid Me III}�evieini• �T �X.3 �.. 985................ dvuf14502¢00Edstin541t ••••• ............................................................................... ,fake Me This ordina �thal1 ttaaltiWklonk bvYhe`C - il.cf. L e�C ............................. �. tithe ordi Lega Adve ising C� ........ t�iee le the Office of PLWIs Juiv ;1194Sin Tlbune- t`;, Subscribed and sworn to before me this ........................12th..................................... day of ... ... ...... J?teznk. .......................... A.D. 19.85..... .......... ......':............................................... Notary Public My Commission Expires March 1, 1988 ...................................................... - ¢