061 of 2007 - pertaining to M-1 Light Manufacturing District 0 07-1 P 07-26 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 61 of 2007 (Amending Maximum Building Height in M-1 Light Manufacturing District) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 21A.28.020, SALT LAKE CITY CODE, PERTAINING TO M-1 LIGHT MANUFACTURING DISTRICT, PURSUANT TO PETITION NO. 400-06-36. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, have held public hearings and have taken into consideration citizen testimony, filing, and demographic details of the area, the long range general plans of the City, and the local master plan as part of their deliberation. Pursuant to these deliberations, the City Council has concluded that the proposed amendments are in the best interest of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. Amending Maximum Building Height in M-1 Light Manufacturing District. That Section 21A.28.020 of the Salt Lake City Code, pertaining to M-1 Light Manufacturing District be, and hereby is, amended to read as follows: 21A.28.020 M-1 Light Manufacturing District: A. Purpose Statement: The purpose of the M-1 light manufacturing district is to provide an environment for light industrial uses that produce no appreciable impact on adjacent properties and desire a clean attractive industrial setting. B. Uses: Uses in the M-1 light manufacturing district as specified in section 21A.28.040, "Table Of Permitted And Conditional Uses For Manufacturing Districts", of this chapter are permitted subject to the general provisions set forth in section 21A.28.010 of this chapter. C. Minimum Lot Size: 1. Minimum Lot Area: Twenty thousand (20,000) square feet. 2. Minimum Lot Width: Eighty feet (80'). 3. Existing Lots: Lots legally existing as of April 12, 1995, shall be considered legal conforming lots. D. Minimum Yard Requirements: 1. Front Yard: Fifteen feet (15'). 2. Corner Side Yard: Fifteen feet (15'). 3. Interior Side Yard: None required. 4. Rear Yard: None required. 5. Accessory Uses, Buildings And Structures In Yards: Accessory uses, buildings and structures may be located in a required yard area subject to table 21A.36.020B of this title. E. Landscape Yard Requirements: 1. Front And Corner Side Yards: All required front and corner side yards shall be maintained as landscape yards in conformance with the requirements of part IV, chapter 21A.48 of this title. 2. Buffer Yards: All lots abutting a lot in a residential district shall conform to the buffer yard requirements of part IV, chapter 21A.48 of this title. F. Maximum Height: No building shall exceed sixty five feet (65') except that emission free distillation column structures, necessary for manufacture processing purposes, shall be permitted up to the most restrictive Federal Aviation Administration imposed minimal approach surface elevations, or one hundred twenty feet (120') maximum, whichever is less. Said approach surface elevation will be determined by the Salt Lake City Department of Airports at the proposed locations of the distillation column structure. Any proposed development in the Airport Flight Path Protection (AFPP) Overlay District, as outlined in Section 21A.34.040 of this Title, will require approval of the Department of Airports prior to issuance of a building permit. All proposed development within the AFPP Overlay District which exceeds fifty feet (50') will also require site specific approval from the Federal Aviation Administration . SECTION 2. Amending AFPP Airport Flight Path Protection Overlay District. That Section 21A.34.040 (6) of the Salt Lake City Code, pertaining to AFPP Airport Flight Path Protection Overlay District be, and hereby is, amended to read as follows: 6. Height Limitations in Airport Zones. Except as otherwise provided in this section, no structure or tree shall be erected, altered, allowed to grow or be maintained in any zone created by this chapter to a height in excess of the applicable height limit herein established for such zone. Additionally, structures within the M-1 Light Manufacturing zoning district must conform to the height regulations outlined in Section 21A.28.020 regarding maximum heights and site-specific airport and FAA approvals. 2 SECTION 3. Amending Summary Table of Yard and Bulk Requirements. That Section 21A.28.050 of the Salt Lake City Code,pertaining to Summary Table of Yard and Bulk Requirements be, and hereby is, amended to read as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. SECTION 4. Effective Date: This Ordinance shall become effective on the date of its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah this 13th day of November , 2007. ii,„":74.e.,,,,,,z . ', -./-7-- /-:V.‘ --- CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: 5001"4:t., e Jl___ CHIEF DEPUTY TY R CORDER Transmitted to Mayor on 11-19-07 Mayor's Action: Approved. Vetoed. IL/.--Alt<- ....„Z....r. 'YOR -- .14111.417t4;14-PEF DEPUTY C Y 'ORDER 1 ���s„ A v 7p°RA11.5dr /1/41v:. ...q4„ oo7j. • (SEAL) Bill No. 61 of 2007. Published: 11-30-07 HB_ATTY-#1574-v 1-Amending_Section_21 A_28_020_M-1_Llght_Manufacturing_District.DOC 4 Exhibit "A" 21A.28.050 Summary Table Of Yard And Bulk Requirements—Manufacturing Districts: YARD AND BULK REQUIREMENTS District District Symbol Name Minimum Minimum Maximum Maximum Landscape Minimum Minimum Front And Interior Minimum Landscape Building Buffer Lot Area Lot Width Corner Yard Side Yard Rear Yard Yard Height Yards' M-1 Light 20,000 sf 80' 15' None None All required front and 65'' 15' manufacturing corner side yards Heavy The first 15'of all required 80 M-2 20,000 sf 80' 35' 20' 35' Except chimneys and 50' manufacturing front and comer side yards smokestacks up to 120' Footnotes: 1. See Chapter 21A.48 of this title. 2. Emission free distillation column structures,necessary for manufacture processing purposes, shall be permitted up to the most restrictive Federal Aviation Administration imposed minimal approach surface elevations, or one hundred twenty(120')feet maximum,whichever is less. Said approach surface elevation will be determined by the Salt Lake City Department of Airports at the proposed locations of the distillation column structure.Any proposed development in the Airport Flight Path Protection(AFPP)Overlay District, as outlined in Section 21A.34.040 of this title,will require approval from the Department of Airports prior to issuance of a building permit.All proposed development within the AFPP Overlay District which exceeds fifty feet(50')will also require site specific approval from the Federal Aviation Administration. 5