063 of 2007 - adopting the Solid Waste Management Facility budget 0 07-1 B 07-3 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 63 of 2007 (Adopting the Solid Waste Management Facility budget, which has been prepared and submitted by the Salt Lake Valley Solid Waste Management Council for calendar year 2008, subject to specific policy directives) AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY BUDGET, AS PREPARED AND SUBMITTED BY THE SALT LAKE VALLEY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT COUNCIL, FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2008, SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC POLICY DIRECTIVES. PREAMBLE On November 14, 2000, Salt Lake City (the "City") and Salt Lake County (the "County") entered into an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement (the "Agreement"), pursuant to Title 11, Chapter 13 of the Utah Code Annotated, regarding the joint management and operation of a Solid Waste Management Facility. The Agreement established the Salt Lake Valley Solid Waste Management Council and provided it with authority and responsibility relating to the operation and management of the Solid Waste Management Facility. Pursuant to the Agreement, all actions by the Salt Lake Valley Solid Waste Management Council constitute recommendations to the City and the County and the City and the County have the power to review, ratify, modify, or veto any action of the Salt Lake Valley Solid Waste Management Council. The Salt Lake Valley Solid Waste Management Council has prepared the attached Solid Waste Management Facility budget for calendar year 2008 and has submitted said attached budget to the City Council for its approval. The City Council has authority relating to budgets and appropriation of funds and, therefore, must approve, on behalf of the City, the Solid Waste Management Facility budget. The attached Solid Waste Management Facility budget has been available for public inspection in the Office of the City Recorder for at least 10 days. The City Council fixed the time and place for a public hearing to be held on December 11, 2007 to consider the adoption of the attached Solid Waste Management Facility budget and ordered notice thereof be published at least seven days prior to the hearing. Notice of said public hearing was duly published as required herein. A public hearing to consider adoption of said Solid Waste Management Facility budget was held on December 11, 2007, in accordance with said notice, at which hearing all interested persons were heard for and against the estimates of revenue and expenditures in the Solid Waste Management Facility budget. The City Council wants to adopt the attached Solid Waste Management Facility budget for calendar year 2008, submitted by the Salt Lake Valley Solid Waste Management Council, subject to specific policy directives. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Ordinance is to adopt the attached Solid Waste Management Facility budget, prepared and submitted by the Salt Lake Valley Solid Waste Management Council, for calendar year 2008, subject to the attached policy directives. SECTION 2. ADOPTION OF BUDGET. The attached Solid Waste Management Facility budget, prepared and submitted by the Salt Lake Valley Solid 2 Waste Management Council, for calendar year 2008, is hereby adopted subject to the attached policy directives, and subject to similar approval by the County. SECTION 3. RESERVE THE RIGHT TO AMEND. The City reserves the right to amend the attached Solid Waste Management Facility budget at any time, consistent with the Agreement. SECTION 4. PUBLIC INSPECTION. Copies of the attached Solid Waste Management Facility budget shall be available for public inspection during regular business hours in the Office of the City Recorder. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect on its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 11 thday of December, 2007. CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM Salt Lake City Attorneys Office 4-1 Date 11- V-01 HIEF DEPUTY OTT CORDER Transmitted to the Mayor on December 12, 2007 Mayor's Action: /� Approved. Vetoed. YOR 3 ATTEST: CH D PUTY CITY CO ER both (SEAL) �f . i ^,aye ""�'at X �;�Ei ' Bill No. 63 of 2007. Published: January 11, 2008 . H B_ATTY-#2402-v 1-Ordinance_adopting_landfil l_budget_for_2008.DOC 4 Initiative Name: SLVSWMF - 2008 Initiative Number: (Blank) Initiative Type: (Type of Initiative) Initiative Discussion: Each year the Salt Lake Valley Solid Waste Management Facility (SLVSWMF), which is jointly owned by Salt Lake County and Salt Lake City, submits its budget to Salt Lake City for its approval. Salt Lake City last provided its approval of the SLVSWMF budget in December 2006 for calendar year 2007. SLVSWMF has submitted its 2008 budget to Salt Lake County for approval. SLVSWMF is also seeking the approval of the 2008 budget from Salt Lake City. Traditional types of midyear adjustments have been combined with the approved 2007 budget to form the 2007 amended SLVSWMF budget. The major changes to revenue and expense will now be reviewed. All comparisons are made to the amended 2007 budget. Year-to-year both revenue and expense will increase by $2,887,290. Revenue is budgeted to equal expense once a proposed draw of $1,266,677 from undesignated cash is included as revenue. The projected balance of undesignated cash at 12/31/07 is $8,776,397. With the proposed draw, undesignated cash is projected to be $7,509,720 at 12/31/08. Landfill tipping fee revenue is budgeted to decrease by $434,000, driven by a loss in tonnage. In the 2007 budget it was assumed that Allied Waste would tip 32,000 tons at the landfill. Based on actual results thus far, it is projected that Allied will tip 10,000 tons. The result is an incremental loss of 22,000 tons between the 2007 budget and the 2008 budget. At this point in time given the competitive market and landfill options available to consumers, no change in price on commercial tonnage is proposed. Interest income revenue is projected to decrease by $450,000. During 2007, it was determined that the County Treasurer had overallocated interest income to the Landfill. The net result was a decrease in the fund balance of the Landfill. Going forward, this smaller fund balance will earn less interest income. Expense at the SLVSWMF is proposed to increase by $2,887,290. To follow is a discussion, by major category of expense, of the factors driving this increase. Personal services is projected to decrease by $89,710. The number of FTEs at the Landfill is budgeted to decrease by 1.50 for a total headcount of 57.25. Materials and supplies are projected to decrease by $20,200. The largest component of this change is a decrease of $13,200 in small equipment and tools. The other components of this reduction are a $2,000 decrease in janitorial supplies and a $5,000 decrease in landfill cover material. It is proposed that the charges and services budget increase by $176,600. The changes in thi category include a decrease of $34,000 for fleet fuel, an increase of $248,000 in fleet maintenanc- and an additional $145,000 for the maintenance of facilities, grounds, office equipment and software. Contract labor is projected to decrease by $90,500 now that staffing issues related to such items a traffic control and water wagon driving have been resolved. Contract hauling costs are projected t• decrease by $.40/ton for a total decrease of $42,500. Environmental monitoring is budgeted t• decrease by $55,000 based on work completed in 2007 on the methane gas collection line. Othe adjustments total $5,600 in increases. Capital expense is projected to increase by $2,820,600 and includes items which are part o' scheduled replacement and rollover capital items from the amended 2007 budget. It is recommended that the Council approve the SLVSWMF budget. I 1 1 SLVSWMF-2008 Initiative Name (Blank) 2007-08 Initiative Number 1 Fiscal Year Public Services Department (Type of Initiative) Department ; Type of Initiative Greg Davis ! 535-6397 I Prepared By 1 1 Telephone Contact ' I i I !General Fund ( Fund Balance) Impact 1 Revenue Impact By Fund: 1st Year 2nd Year 2008 2009 1General Fund 1 I I 1 1 i Total SO: i $01 (internal Service Fund I I i I 1 Total] $01 I $01 1 Enterprise Fund I 1 (Salt Lake Valley Solid Waste Management Facility ; ! Interest 2,500,0001 2,500,0001 Landfill Fees I 10,450,0001 10,450,0001 j Compost Sales 395,0001 I 395,0001 I Salvage Sales I 385,0001 385,000L Interfund Charges 95,0001 95,000 Other Sources 251,5001 I 251,500 Fund Balance...(Favorable)/Unfavorable 1,266,6771 62,996! I Total I $15,343,1771 $14,139,496, I Other Fund I I Total I 01 $01 I I I Staffing Impact: Existing Number of FTE's I 58.75! 57.251 Change In Number of FTE's: . 1(1) Fiscal Manager now paid out of other !funding ! (1.00) I(2) Heavy equipment operator at Xfer I Station 1.001 1(3) Reduction in temporary employees I (1.50)1 I 1 !Total 1 I 57.25' 57.25 i I r 1 1 I i Landfill 08 Budget fiscal note.xlsl0/25/20079:19 AM • Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: ■ Revenue: Cost Center Number I Object Code Number Amount I ; I � j 1 I I ! I � I ! ! I I Expenditure: 1st Year 2nd Year 2008 2009 Personal Services 3,530,6771 I 3,707,2111 Operating and Maintenance Supplies 206,3001 206,3001 Charges and Services 5,711,4001 5,854,185 1 Capital Outlay I 5,894,800; 4,371,800 ;Total 15,343,177' I 14,139,4961 1 ! 1 I I i I I I Additional Accounting Details: (1) SLVSWMF budgets on a calendar year. (2) This is a co-approval budget opening for the SLVSWMF. Accounting for this facility is handled by Salt Lake County. Therefore,cost centers and object codes are not 'applicable. I Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? I (Yes or No) Its there a potential for grant to continue?I (Yes or No)• jlf grant is funding a position is it expected the position will gybe eliminated at the end of the grant? I (Yes or No) i ( j Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? (Yes or No) Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? ! i (Yes or No) I I_ Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? ! (Yes or NO) I I I I Landfill 08 Budget fiscal note.xlsl0/25/20079:19 AM SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY Fees and Charges Use/(Add To) Landfill Compost Salvage Interfund Other Fund Funding . - - Interest Fee I Sales I Sales Charges Sources Balance Total FY0607 Budget-Adopted 2,950,000 10,884,000 350,000 350,000 100,000 257,400 (2,627,957) 12,263,443 FY0607 Budget-Mid year adjustments (5,000) 197,444 192,444 • FY0607 Budget-Amended 2,950,000 10,884,000 350,000 350,000 95,000 257,400 (2,430,513) 12,455,887 Significant Changes ' County Treasurer was overallocabng to Landfill,therefore fund balance was adjusted In 07,therefore smaller fund balance to earn Interest (450,000) (450,000) 07 budget assumed Allied Waste would tip 32K ton/yr Allied Waste ended up tipping only 10K ton/yr (434,000) (439,000) Smaller screens on grinder therefore able to capture more of the final product therefore increased tonnage being sold 45,000 45,000 higher Market Prices 35,000 35,000 Reduction in soil regeneration revenue+misc (5,900) (5,900) Fund Balance 3,697,190 3,697,190 Total Changes (450,000) (434,000) 45,000 35,000 (5,900) 3,697,190 2,887,290 FY0708 Budget 2,500,000 10,450,000 395,000 385,000 95,000 251,500 1,266,677 15,343,177 per landfill Personal Materials/ Charges/ Fund Budget History FTE Services Supplies Services Capital Balance Total FY0607 Budget-Adopted 58.75 3,425,398 226,500 5,537,345 3,074,200 12,263,443 FY0607 Budget-Mid year adjustments 194,989 (2,545) 192,444 FY0607 Budget-As Amended 58.75 3,620,387 226,500 5,534,800 3,074,200 12,455,887 Significant Changes Adjustment to Base (35,709) (3,074,200) (3,109,909) Full Time Fiscal Manager now paid out of other funding (1 00) (83,000) (83,000) Heavy Equip Operator at Xfer Station 1 00 47,412 47,412 Ternp reduction (1.50) (18,413) (18,413) Janitorial Supplies (2,000) (2,000) Small Equipment,value<$1,000+Small Tools (13,200) (13,200) Landfill Cover Material (5,000) (5,000) Landfill Closure Costs 14,600 14,600 Contract labor traffic control,water wagon drivers,staffing problems solved (90,500) (90,500) Contract hauling-cost/ton decreasing by$.40 (42,500) (42,500) Fleet maintenance 248,000 248,000 Fleet fuel (34,000) (34,000) Regulatory fees 30,000 30,000 Health Department fees (10,000) (10,000) Travel+Mileage Allowance (3,000) (3,000) Maintenance of facilities'n grounds+office equip+s/w 145,000 145,000 Intergovernmental Charges 20,500 20,500 Consulting SLC City Engineering Support (36,300) (36,30(1) Environmental Monitoring (55,000) (55,000) Other (11,500) (11,500) legal,auditing and accounting fees 1,300 1,300 Methane Gas Collection Line 320,000 320,000 Compactor,qty 2 1,180,000 1,480,00(7 Loader 210,000 210,000 Loader,Xfer Station,qty 2 460,000 460,000 D9T Dozer 815,000 815,000 Scraper 580,000 580,000 Light Plant 17,500 17,500 Steam Cleaner 10,000 10,000 Air Compressor 14,800 14,800 Rolloff Containers,qty 4 32,000 32,000 Pumps,Leachate Pond 34,500 34,500 Compost Turner 168,000 168,000 Excavator 230,000 230,000 Prior Year Items' Leachate Pond construction 724,000 724,000 Rolloff Truck,qty 2 230,000 230,000 Water Wagon 286,000 286,000 Loader 175,000 175,000 Transport Truck 108,000 108,000 Total Changes (1.50) (89,710) (20,200) 176,600 2,820,600 2,887,290 FY0708 Budget 57.25 3,530,677 206,300 5,711,400 5,894,800 15,343,177 10/25/2007 9 19 AM 2008 Landfill Budget detail and history xis budget sch SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY Bridge from County to City numbers FY0708 Budget Revenue Per County 14,076,500 plus:net use of fund balance 1,266,677 • plus:gain on sale of vehicles Per City 15,343,177 15,343,177 Expenses Per County 11,858,473 less'depreciation (1,820,000) less:loss on sale of vehicles (1,000) less:indirect costs (589,096) add.capital 5,894,800 Per City 15,343,177 15,343,177 10/25/2007 9 19 AM 2008 Landfill Bridget detail and history xis budget srh