066 of 1983 - Amendment to Sections 51-25-1 and 51-25-2 0 83-36 MICRur SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 66 of 1983 (Industrial "M-1 " District ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 51-25-1 AND 51-25-2 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, RELATING TO INDUSTRIAL "M-1 " DISTRICT. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That Sections 51 -25-1 and 51-25-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City , Utah, be, and the same hereby are amended to read as follows: Sec. 51-25-1 . Use Regulations. In an Industrial "M-1 " District, all buildings and premises may be used for any purpose permitted in a Commercial "C-3" District, and also for any other other trade, industry or use, except the following which are prohibited : ( 1 ) Any multiple-family dwelling , apartment, boarding house, etc. , (but not including motels or hotels ) , except as provided for herein. ( 2) Sec. 51-25-2 . tSpecial Provisions. ( 1 ) Any premise which is used or intended to be used for auto wrecking or for the open storage of auto bodies, or other metal , glass, bottles, rags, cans, sacks, rubber, paper or other articles commonly known as junk, or for any articles known as second-hand goods, wares or merchandise, must be enclosed with a masonry wall or tight board or similar fence not less than seven feet high, painted a neutral color and continuously maintained in a good and sightly condition. Also there shall be no open burning of the above mentioned or similar articles, nor shall any materials stored in such lot be stacked higher than the enclosing fence. ( 2 ) No portion of any lot shall be used or designed or surfaced in such a way as to make possible the parking, storage or driving of cars or other vehicles in the manner which will allow them to project or drive over the sidewalk at other than approved driveway locations. When any parking or loading areas or driveways adjoin a street, concrete curbs shall be installed in such a location as to prevent any car or vehicle or any portion of a car or vehicle to maneuver or project over the front property line except at approved driveway locations. ( 3 ) The Planning Commission may allow, as a conditional use, any residential use which is part of a mixed use development provided the proposed residential use is in keeping with the district or the proposed development, and that the residential use will not adversely affect or be incompatible with adjacent commercial or industrial uses. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. -2- Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 20th day of September , 1983 . CHAIRMAN ATTEST: C Y XECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on September 20, 1983 Mayor 's Action: 9/20/83 MAYOR ATTEST: APPROY IT RE ORDER Sal+ Lake City. A-rorney's office Date V� cm5 7 By --- _. _ (SEAL) BILL 66 of 1983 Published: October 4, 1983 -3- Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, SS. County of Salt Lake j sALT.LA a CITY ORRDINANCE Ch e.ry.1...�.1�.x.].o . .............................................................. // im "(fi)dUsfrial"M•P'District) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 51-25.1 AND 51.45-T OF THE R yt Lp ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH; 1965 kEL , Tb INDUSTRIAL"M-l"DISTRICT. 8e'ifa=11 by Utah: Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal SECTION):.That Sections 51-25.1 and 51-25.2 of the Revised< Ordinances of It,Lake City,Utah,be,and the same hereby are.' advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily amended to read as fgllows: w Sec.;51;25.1.Use RRegulations.In anl.ndustrlal"M•1"District', : (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English all buildl! gand premises may be used for any purpose permit•. tedinaCorhmercial"C-3"District,and also for any other trade, language with general circulation in Utah, and industry or use,except the following which are prohlbited: (1)Anymbltiplefpmilydwelling,apartment,boardinghou'se" published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the etc.,(put not icludlng motels or hotels),AxOpt as provided for,• p herein.; State of Utah. (f►•f l' Sec.'51-2S4.-Soaciet Provisions. (1) Any premise which is•. used or intended to be used for auto wracking or for the open gior That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto age of auto bodies,or other metal, glass, bottles, rags, cans, , sacks,rubber,paper or other articles commonly known as sunk,-, or for.anv articles known as second-hand goods,wares or mer- chandise,must ,erklo d,With a masonry Wall or tight board or. simllarfence'nMess venfeef.Hlghpa�MedaneWral'colw.' Salt Lake Cit Ordinance No 66„•,0, �..�.$.3.... or and cohtihuousjv,hle 1S'(lf�ed in a good and sightly condition. �........ ................�...... Also there shall'be rib oben burring of the above mentioned or.` "' " " ' similar articles, nor It y materials stored in such lot,be, stackedhigher than the f�fence. 11 11 (2 No'portion of any o aI I be used or designed or surfaced, I n d u s t r i a l M—1 District In such a way as to make qp�sable the parking, or driving ............................................................. of cars or other vehicles 1(t(ihe mannerr which will allow them to project or-drive over the sidewalk at other,than approved drive way locations.Wh9p any.parking or loading areas or driveways`- ad)oin a street-c<ib6noto curbs shall be installed in such a locb:,- ............................................................................................................... flop as to prevent;aA r or,vehicle or any portion o e cathr- vehicle to marleuvsr a 3fect over The front property line 0-pi- at approved dr veWa9 QC Lions. u. - (3) The Planning' rrY�lisslon may allow, as a conditlAtr ............................................................................................................... use,any residential UUse' IEfl Is part of a mixed use developm�tlt Provided the propogad.residential use is In keeping with the trict or the proposed development,and that the rosldential:((se Will not adversely affect or be Incompatible with adjacent crrnT ............................................................................................................... mercial or Industrial uses. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take affect upon its fitat' publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 40fi' day of September,1983. GRANT MABF,V b'•� was published in said newspaper on......................................... CHAI RMI ATTEST: KATHRYN MARSHALL .....O.rA Ob e.32.... ..s.19.8.3...................................................................... CITY RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on September 20,1983 Mayor's Action:9/20/83 TED WIp1LY3__,.M KA THR NMARSHALL Legal dye ing C CITY RECORDER B I LL 66 of 1983 K Published:October 4,1983 13 ubscribea anaana sworij to before me this .................................................................................. day of October...................................A.D. 19...U.- ........................... . ......... ............................ .r,................... o .%Pu`blic My Commission Expires gfI °y ljy �r�J` 10/1/86 ................................................................ ADM-35A