067 of 1984 - Adoption of Official Street Map No. 27 for the Proposed 3230 West/Gladiola Street Extension r W 84-4 SALT LAKE CITY ORD INANC E No. 67 of 1984 (Adoption of Official Street Map No. 27 for the proposed 3230 [Wrest/Gladiola Street extension) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 51-31 -2 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965 AS AMENDED, RELATING TO THE ADOPTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE OFFICIAL STREET MAP BY ADOPTING OFFICIAL MAP NO. 27 FOR THE PROPOSED 3230 WEST/GLADIOLA STREET EXTENSION FROM 900 TO 2100 SOUTH. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That Section 51-31-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, relating to amendments to the official street map be, and the same hereby is amended by ADDING (15) which shall read as follows: Sec. 51-31-2 . Amendments to official street map. (1) * * * (14 ) (15 ) Official Map of Salt Lake City No. 27. Proposed 3230 West/Gladiola Street extension from 900 to 2100 South. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. B d DAT : Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 6th day of November , 1984. / , ,, CHAIRMAN ATTEST: *CIP E Transmitted to the Mayor: November 6, 1984 Mayor 's action: November 6, 1984 MAYOR ATTEST: C . R ,C R cc94 ( SEAL) Bill_62—of 19--8,4- Published: November 20, 1984 —2— I Affidavit of Publication ADM-35A STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake .............Cher ........................................................................ Gierloff..................................................... A �o"moo";A ti0A ' ,G Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is rp IW.W7 legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily 1a CIT , 9b q$ ND q,- 0 TO newspaper printed in the English language with general a� TtoN A circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, DM TO THE" F $ t MAP B Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. A 27 P FI1 0 MAP, 27 ii1 , , 11, D. :o23t} rOL`ADIOL'A, it,'OE200SO _Sl NiFROMI It.ardat`aBd"b11 . air That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto C cil of-Salt Lpit' City n r, lrnY7 apt. Tl i x! 5z .. Salt Take City Ordinance No. 67 of 1984 1•'of RLvised Itmbo;- and (* Adoption of Official Street Map No. 27 for t1 ' hic iMll rWd ?bl s Sti3t•2 Ameridrvr8rds to slreerrxep.••• the proposed 2X 3230 West Glaidola Street �j.•a ; ..................2 .... ................................................................ >O / Map of. ake extension 1o". i3b, .............. •••••••.••• .............................................................. Gtddtok de,900 to 2100 CTION 2 Th[take Affect _,f P. ; r e Y�`" rt�;, was published in said newspaper on.................................. ���hItGl�edd t.t;Cf1AIkMAN {siKmTnrv1�( gfi> `r `{} NQve�nber..29.,..?, $4.. tiTV ...... .. memher b'`1904 ` oaa4yor_s;_ 0� er:b� ........................................... �++ �[1Y�iN t5� G r rMaYbk` Legal dv ising C s/Kathryn Mombgt tTY RECOI2D U1 tistred NovEmbef 7ff9 Subscribed and sworn to before me this .............................12th............................... day of ......DeQ�enbex............................ A.D. 19..a4..... ............................................. Notary Public My Commission Expires �,g"-T='- March li..PN........................ '; r tip. 'A "IMF Affidavit of Publication ADM-35A STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake .......................................................... CE AMMa 9IN Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is 3: F.OVE3 legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily F!1-196$ � newspaper printed in the English language with general MTAG H;r o" µ� 1 circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, ctAL{;STREET P :B Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. AO[1 jwlso-OFyF�ICIIAR1LL ' DNS L S R ET t FRS? j , ..IO ;F , That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto City, . Salt Lake Cit Ordinance. No. 67 of 1984 ... ......... ...... .....Y. ........ ..... "Ordlr"C io the �e ON the .........As3aptasan..o gttktai 2 , P op4eea�„ 230,Hfe ;;/9.iad pia„Street,extension,,,, 05)sOtfh:6-'M >�t i L`_ Ctty 4W11:, r ¢d W /Glpdtbla ,:e; 5 TIA rdI ............................................................................................. ¢V .,nl was published in said newspaper on.................................. b P = +p'�i rah �I . $ �xl February 3 ]985 ....t...................... CI R_CORDER tier tq the,Mdrvdr �nroge :`N.., pf ............................................ :. ........... Legal A ertisin erk 9 4`_ ; R - - Subscribed and sworn to before me this .........................28th.................................... day of ..... .......ebxuaxY............................ A.D. 19..85.... ............................................ Notary Public My Commission Expires Q� .:,t.. ......MaJ:PhJAJ'q$$........................ �e -