068 of 1984 - Salt Lake Design Board F 0 84-28 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 68 of 1984 (Salt Lake Design Board) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER. 24 OF TITLE 25 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965 AS AMENDED, RELATING TO SALT LAKE ART DESIGN BOARD. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah : SECTION 1. That Chapter 24 of Title 25 of the Revised ` . Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965 as amended, relating to v Salt Lake Art Design Board, be, and the same hereby is amended as follows: Chapter 24 SALT LAKE ART DESIGN BOARD Sections: 25-24-1. Purpose. 25-24-2. Definitions. 25-24-3 . Funds for Works of Art. 25-24-4. Organization. 25-24-5. Placement of Works of Art. 25-24-6. Percent for Art Fund. 25-24-7. Meetings. 25-24-8. Jurisdiction. Sec. 25-24-1 . Purpose. The Mayor, and the Salt Lake City Council, hereinafter City Council , declare it to be a policy of the City that a portion of the City' s appropriations for capital expenditures in those construction projects designated be set aside for the acquisition of works of art and ornamentation to be used in and around public facilities. This chapter is enacted and intended also for the purpose of establishing a Salt Lake Art Design Board, hereinafter Design Board , the primary objectives of which shall include , but not be limited to, the following: (a) To assist the Salt Lake Council for the Arts in providing the means and the development of a comprehensive city- wide plan to encourage and strengthen artistic and cultural resources. (b) To provide assessment of the artistic needs of future individual City construction projects. (c) To be responsible for recommending the nature and type of acquisition and placement of works of art and ornamentation to be used in and around said construction projects and to implement the decisions of the Mayor with respect thereto. (d) To foster cultural development, and creativity of local artists and craftsmen. Sec. 25-24-2 . Definitions. ( a) "Council for the arts" means the Salt Lake Council for the Arts. (b) "Construction project" means any capital project designated for inclusion under this ordinance by the City Council and paid for wholly, or in part, by the City. When other_ entities contribute funds for such construction that portion of -2- the City ' s expenditure shall be included together with such additional funds as are authorized by the contributing entities. "Construction project" shall include all new construction designated for such an art appropriation hereunder for City occupancy or public use, or the remodeling of any buildings, structure, park, or any portion thereof . Such expenditures shall be as authorized by the City Council within the limits of Salt Lake City. (c) "Eligible fund" means the source fund for construction projects designated and appropriated for works of art hereunder. (d) "works of art. " For the purposes of this ordinance, all forms of original creations of visual arts, including but not limited to (1 ) sculpture in the round, bas-relief, high relief.. , mobile, fountain, kinetic, electronic, etc. , in any material or combination of materials; ( 2) painting: all media, including portable and permanently affixed works such as murals and frescoes; ( 3 ) graphic arts: print making and drawing; ( 4 ) mosiacs; (5 ) photography; (6 ) crafts: in clay, fiber and textiles, wood, metal, plastics and other material ; ( 7 ) calligraphy; ( 8 ) stained glass; (9) mixed media: any combination of forms or media, including collage. Sec. 25-24-3. Funds for Works of Art. (a) When so desiqnated by the City Council, in its appropriation for capital improvements, all City agencies and departments shall expend, as a non-deductible item out of any -3- moneys appropriated for construction projects, an amount equal to one percent ( 1%) of said appropriations for the acquisition and installation of works of art and ornamentation. All requests for appropriations for construction projects from eligible funds except projects solely for water or sewer main installation or street improvements, shall include an amount equal to one percent (1%) of the estimated cost of such project for said works of art, and shall be accompanied by a request and specific recommen- dations from the Design Board for authorization to expend such funds. When the City Council denies any such request, the appropriations for such construction projects shall not include the appropriation of funds for works of art. Such funds shall be expended by the City upon recommendation of the Design Board. (b) In addition to the cost of works of art, said appropriation shall be used to provide administration costs and expenses for the Design Board in administering individual projects. Said administration costs shall not exceed ten percent ( 10%) of each such appropriation for works of art. (c) If art work for a capital project is denied by the City Council as a construction project eligible for inclusion under this section, and the Design Board believes such capital project should be so designated, the Design Board may submit a recommendation to the Council outlining the reasons why the capital project should be so designated. The Council shall then decide whether such project shall he designated and such decision -4- shall be final . Sec. 25-24-4 . Organization. (a) The Design Board shall consist of the following: five members, all of whom shall be appointed by the Mayor with advice and consent of the City Council from a slate of qualified candidates submitted by the Design Board in cooperation with the Council for the Arts. No more than two members shall be professional artists or arts administrators or art teachers involved in the administration or teaching of art at a recognized institution in Salt Lake City. One member shall be an architect. The remaining members shall be citizens who are actively interested in the visual arts and civic improvement from the Salt Lake City area. Of the members first appointed, two shall be for a term of 3 years, two shall be for a term of 2 years and one (the architect) for a term of 1 year. Thereafter, as terms expire, all appointments shall be made for terms of 3 years each. (b) The Director of the Salt Lake Council for the Arts shall serve as an ex-officio and non-voting member - to coordinate administrative reponsibilities. One member shall represent the Council for the Arts. (c) No member of the Design Board shall be permitted to receive or authorize any contracts for any work of art, nor shall any member of the Design Board have any financial interest in or benefit in any way financially from any work of art which is -5- recommended, or from any firm or person which receives any contract for such work of art from City. (d) The Design Board may adopt administrative rules, bylaws and procedures necessary to accomplish its purpose. (e) Members of the Design Board shall receive no compensa- tion for their services, but they may be reimbursed from time to time for proper and necessary expenses incurred in their duties on the Design Board . The Design Board shall have such funds, facilities, assistance and employees as may be designated therefor from time to time by the Mayor. (f) The recommendations for selection of artists for works of art, by any reasonable method, together with the reviewing of design, execution and placement, and the acceptance of works of art and ornamentation shall be the responsibility of the Design Board in consultation with the architects for the project, and subject to final written approval in each instance by the Mayor or his designee. (q) Except for works of art donated to the City by a sister city, the Design Board shall be responsible for the examination and acceptance or rejection of all works of art offered to the City as a donation or gift. All such donations or gifts shall meet the same standards as required for percent for arts selection. Sec. 25-24-5. Placement of Works of Art. Works of art selected and implemented pursuant to the provisions of this -6- ordinance, and any amendment hereto may be placed in, on or about any such project. They may be attached or detached within or about such property and may be either_ temporary or permanent. Placement of such works of art shall be authorized by the Design Board, and City officers responsible for the design and construction of such projects shall make appropriate space available for the placement of such works of art. The Design Board shall advise the department responsible for the particular construction project of the Mayor's or his designee 's decision regarding the design, execution and/or placement of work of art in connection with such project. For any nroposed work of art or ornamentation requiring extraordinary operation or maintenance expense , the Desiqn Board shall obtain prior written approval of the Department head responsible for such operation or maintenance before submitting a proposal for such to the Mayor for approval. Sec. 25-24-6. Percent for Art Fund. There is hereby established in the city treasury a special fund designated "Percent for Art Fund" into which shall be deposited funds and appropriations as contemplated by Section 3 hereof. Separate accounts shall be established within the Percent for the Arts Funds to segregate receipts by source or when so directed by the Mayor for specific works of art. Disbursement from such funds shall be made in connection with projects approved by the Design Board on vouchers approved by the Mayor and the City Finance Director shall draw and the City Treasurer shall pay the -7- necessary warrants and make the necessary transfers of funds. Sec . 25-24-7. Meetings. The Design Board shall hold regular monthly meetings to review the business of the board and said meeting shall be held at a time and place to be established by said Board. A board member missing three unexcused meetings, shall be removed from membership. Sec. 25-24-8. Jurisdiction. The Design Board 's jurisdiction shall be limited to: (a) Makinq recommendations to the Mayor with regard to the foregoing purposes with the final decision concerning such recommendations and disbursements of all funds resting with the Mayor. (b) Making operating expenditures subject to prior approval by the Mayor. (c) Recommending that the City contract, as needed, with individuals, businesses, agencies, organizations or other groups, to render services to the Desiqn Board or City relating to the Board's purposes. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 8th day of November , 1984. A APPROVED AS TO FORM CHAIRMAN Salt ),eke City Att,mey's Office ATTEST: C TY R CO Transmitted to the Mayor on November 13, 1984 Mayor's action: November 13, 1984 r MAYOR ATTEST: CITY RE (( _ R aR 1 cc67 Bill 68�_�^ j" .$ Publis iL;;: November 20, 1984 -9- Affidavit of Publication ADM-35A STATE OF UTAH, SS. County of Salt Lake Cheryl Gierloff .............................. .................. ................................ ...... . Ibifd,, nay Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily newspaper printed in the English language with general circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.� f , 4i por �,The>tinbYaP;t'Ni�li>��It�`�' w That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto ' •o n£N�f�re ng liy o��ncif p clr r itt8 �@ k tall 66 T� 4 b'. d Salt Lhke City Ordinance N0. 68 of. ..1984 in. .................................... .................................. . ................ t Iv of r „ Salt Lake Design Board....................................... •wpdp� ............................................................................................ 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