069 of 1984 - False Information ® gJ f 0 84-31 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 69 of 1984 (False Information) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTERS 10 AND 16 OF TITLE 20 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTA.H, 1965, PY AMENDING SECTION 20-16-2 RELATING TO LICENSE REQUIRED, AND PY ADDING NEW SECTIONS 20-10-14 AND 20-16-15 RELATING TO FALSE INFORMATION. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That Section 20-16-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, be, and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: Sec. 20-16-2. License required. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate as a secondhand dealer, secondhand precious metal and/or precious gem dealer, junk dealer, junk collector, numismatic dealer or an antique dealer without first obtainina a license to do so. SECTION 2. . That Chapter 10 of Title 20 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, be, and the same hereby is amended by adding a new Section 14 thereto, relating to false information, to read as follows: Sec. 20-10-14. It shall be unlawful for anv person to wilfully give the licensee or his agents or employees false or misleading information which the licensee is required by this chapter to obtain from said person. i SECTION 3. That Chapter 16 of Title 20 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, be, and the same hereby is amended by adding a new Section 15 thereto, relating to false information, to read as follows : Sec. 20-16-15. It shall be unlawful for any person to wil- fully give the licensee or his agents or employees false or misleading information which the licensee is required by this chapter to obtain from said person. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 4th day of December , 1984. C ATTEST: I MAN C TY 'RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on December 11, 1984 Mayor 's Action: December 11 , 198 s MAYOR ATTEST: APP;;U�, TO FORM Salf Lake C°r`y &tforney`s Office Daf® C RECORDER -°-------•-------------- cm 9 6 By December 17, 1984 Affidavit of Publication ADM 35A STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake SALT CITY 6ttDINA14CE OAR 1994 Cher 1 ANA%NDINZ3I .......................................................... CHAPTORSy 16 AND 16 OF TI- TLE 20 OF THE REVISED OR- DINANCE OF,�SAI.T LAKE CITY,UT' ,'lA6S,.�Y AMEND- ING SECT td 20 16 2' RELAT- ING TO LICENSE REQUIRED, AND BY #ODING NEW SEC- Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is TIONS 20z1 f14 AND 20-16-15 RELATING.-XQ-FAL* iNFOR- legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily NATION. .',�"� ATION grq"!I" by the City newspaper printed in the English language with general C9ug4t1 of Salt•Lake,City, UZ circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, SECTION, That Section 20 Revised Ordinancess Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. 16.2 of the R of Sol,14ko City,Utah,be,and l the son*her is amended to p read ecs., 2lo 6- That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto SeS: 20.16-2..,�icense re, That it khall_pe-unlawful for any•person-w operofe•as o sec- .ondhond dealer,Aecondhand precious mewl and/or precious Salt Lake City.Ordinance No. 69 of 1984 gem dealer, lurk,deglet9 junk ................................. ................................................... ,Quet numismahc%dealer or p' ta;ahtlgae de9ler,without Mrst icifi'Q�t°s."I&tor`'th +�er10 .........X.41ae-.,TnJ aQrm tiaa..................................................... be, e t 1 Rq,h Ord s be, the.sLq §J'heewSet q[+�ended by rp a new Set- ............................................................................................. t16n,19 theretoj'relatind-w false 1M o4;to re6d p3 1 ows• 1 1, .an Oer shape uly ............................................................................................. 1 fto .any Person w wllfullY give,thq,�r0pe_.or�livagents ore , YQe>; falso•or mislead, ing in motion which the,11-• censee.ls.iequired by this chap- ............................................................................................. ter to dpt-In frgm¢raid person. SECTION 3. Thaf Chafrfer j6 of Thle,20'of the Revised Ordi- nances of Satt`Lace Clht':Utob, was published in said newspaper on.................................. bey y s and°,theame herey amende , d b I h" m5ftlon re hlitp' .........December.•17.%, .1984. ............................................................ ds lawful for anperson y give the Ikerlsee•ar-htstiagems or emPlaYees.�pJsq.or, lid ........................................... .. Ing IMormatio which'ihe 11- T censee Is required by this chop- Legal dve ising Cl ter to obtain from said person. SECTION•4,,This ordinance stall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the City,Council of Solt Lace City, Utah, this 4th day of December,1984. Rortad J,Whited &"ARMhea AN ATTEST: Kathryn Marshall CITY RECORDER Tronsmtl*d to Mayor on De- Scomber 11,1984. Mayor's Action:December )rn to before me this 5th ............................. day of t1,1984 Ted Wilson MAYOR 7 .. ATTEST: ................. A.L. 19A. .... KalhrynJNarshall CITY RECORDER 1064-39 of.1)' Bill 61984 Published Dec.17,1984 E•29 I Notary Public My Commission Expires � - I�?arch..l:..1988............................ ' ®. :DAVO