069 of 2015 - Budget Amendment #2 FY 2015-2016 0 15-1 B 15-12 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 69 of 2015 (Amending the Final Budget of Salt Lake City, including the employment staffing document, for Fiscal Year 2015-2016) An Ordinance Amending Salt Lake City Ordinance No.27 of 2015 Which Adopted the Final Budget of Salt Lake City,Utah,for the Fiscal Year Beginning July I,2015 and Ending June 30,2016. PREAMBLE On June 22,2015,the Salt Lake City Council adopted the final budget of Salt Lake City, Utah,including the employment staffing document,effective for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30,2016,in accordance with the requirements of Section 10-6-1 1 1 of the Utah Code. The City's Budget Director,acting as the City's Budget Officer,prepared and filed with the City Recorder proposed amendments to said duly adopted budget,including the amendments to the employment staffing document necessary to effectuate the staffing changes specifically stated herein,copies of which are attached hereto,for consideration by the City Council and inspection by the public. All conditions precedent to amend said budget,including the employment staffing document as provided above,have been accomplished. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah SECTION 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend the final budget of Salt Lake City,including the employment staffing document,as approved,ratified and finalized by Salt Lake City Ordinance No.27 of 2015. SECTION 2. Adoption of Amendments. The budget amendments,including amendments to the employment staffing document necessary to effectuate the staffing changes specifically stated herein,attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance shall be,and the same hereby are adopted and incorporated into the budget of Salt Lake City,Utah,including the amendments to the employment staffing document described above,for the fiscal year beginning July 1,2015 and ending June 30,2016,in accordance with the requirements of Section 10-6-128 of the Utah Code. SECTION 3. Filing of copies of the Budget Amendments. The said Budget Officer is authorized and directed to certify and file a copy of said budget amendments,including amendments to the employment staffing document,in the office of said Budget Officer and in the office of the City Recorder which amendments shall be available for public inspection. SECTION 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect upon posting or upon its first publication. 2 Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 8th day of December , 2015. ��pKE c�Ty4 ? y r ATTEST: �`''ry°RATES." ,(C TY RECORDE 17717ff Transmitted to the Mayor on December 14, 2015. Mayor's Action: X Approved Vetoed r1i y ATTEST: t It .,.'•'� ilir -,- f, RECORDER Salt Lake City Attorney's Office Approved As Form (SEAL) j Marga t Plane 9/25/I5 Bill No. ec December 20152015 Published: . HB_ATTY-N47057-vI-FYI 5-16_Standard_Budget_Amendment DOC 3 Fiscal Year 2015-16 Budget Amendment#2 Administration Proposed Council Approved Expenditure Expenditure Revenue On-going or One Initiative Number/Name Fund Amount Revenue Amount Amount Amount time FTEs Section A:New Items Diversity Outreach/Explorer Program GF 142,935.60 - r42,935.6o - One-time/Ongoing 1.0 2 Fire Truck Replacement and Temporary Repair GF 625,000.00 - 625,000.00 - One-time - 2 Fire Truck Replacement and Temporary Repair Fleet 625,000.00 625,000.00 625,000.00 625,000.0o One-time - 2 Fire Truck Replacement and Temporary Repair OF 40,000.00 - 40,000.00 - One-time - 2 Fire Truck Replacement and Temporary Repair Fleet 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 One-time - 3 Withdrawn Prior to Transmittal 3 Withdrawn Prior to Transmittal 4 Enterprise SI.0 GF 200,000.00 - 50,000.00 - Ongoing 5 Withdrawn Prior to Transmittal 6 Baseball Park Concession Stands Improvements-Riverside&Poplar Grove Parks CIP (44,000.00) - (44,000.00) - One-time - 6 Baseball Park Concession Stands Improvements-Riverside&Poplar Grove Parks CIP 44,000.00 - 44,000.00 - One-time - 7 Moved to the Housekeeping Section of the Amendment 8 Capital Asset Due Diligence CIP 000,000.00) (100,000.00) - One-time - 8 Capital Asset Due Diligence CIP 100,000.00 roo,000.00 - One-time - 9 Moved to the Housekeeping Section of the Amendment to Withdrawn Prior to Transmittal tt Fire Station 3&14 Design Fees,Impact Fees-Revised Impact Fees 375,200.00 375,zoo.o0 - One-time - u Fire Station 3&14 Design Fees,Impact Fees-Revised Impact Pees 375,200.00 375,200.00 - One-time - n Fire Station 3&14 Design Fees,Impact Fees-Revised Impact Fees (750,400.00) (750,400.00) - One-time - 12 Withdrawn Prior to Transmittal 13 Withdrawn Prior to Transmittal 14 Withdrawn Prior to Transmittal 15 Salt Storage Structure at DeLong-Architectural Services CIP (23.683.44) - (23,683.44) - One-time - 15 Salt Storage Structure at DeLong-Architectural Services CIP 23,683.44 - 23,683.44 - One-time - 16 Withdrawn Prior to Transmittal 17 Salt Lake County Park and Trails Bond OP 4,500,000.00 4,500,000.00 4,500,000.00 4,500,000.00 One-time - 18 Withdrawn Prior to Transmittal 19 Fire Alarms Upgrades in Multiple City Buildings GF 183,000.00 - 183,000.00 - One-time - 20 Combined with Initiative A-2 21 Moved to the Housekeeping Section of the Amendment 22 Homeless Shelter Area Sidewalk Cleaning-Revised GF 25.000.00 - 25,000.00 - Ongoing - z3 Withdrawn Prior to Transmittal - 24 Tourism,Recreation,Cultural,Convention and Airport Facilities Tax Act(TRCC) OF 12,500.00 12,500.00 12,500.00 12,500.00 One-time - Funding-New 1 Section Br Grants for Existing Staff Resources Section C:Grants for New Staff Resources Section Dr Housekeeping 1 Grants and Other Special Revenue Carryovers Housing 2,563,492.96 2,563492.96 2,563,492.96 2,563492.96 One-time - 1 Grants and Other Special Revenue Carryovers CDBG Operating 1,458,068..2 1458,068.12 i,458,068.12 1458,068.i2 One-time - 1 Grants and Other Special Revenue Carryovers Misc Grants 5,695,772.21 5,695,772.21 5,695,772.21 5,695,772.2.One-time - 1 Grants and Other Special Revenue Carryovers Other Special Revenue 587,300.94 587,300.94 587,300.94 587,300.94 One-time - 1 Grants and Other Special Revenue Carryovers Donations 880,109.0 880ao9.40 880,109.40 880,10940 One-time - 2 TRAN's 2015-General Fund's Interest Expense-Reduction GF (.05,83333) - (105,83333) - One-time - 3 Crime Lab lease Payment CIP (37,761.79) - (37,761.79) - One-time - 3 Crime Lab Lease Payment CIP 37,76..79 - 37,76..79 - One-time - 4 Recapture Remaining Bond,Class"C"CIP,General Fund and County Completed CIP (43,951.63) - (43,95..63) - One-time - and Closed Projects 4 Recapture Remaining Bond,Class"C"CIP,General Fund and County Completed CIP (760.16) - (760..6) - One-time - and Closed Projects 4 Recapture Remaining Bond,Class"C"CIP,General Fund and County Completed CIP (214,483.09) - (214,483.09) - One-time - and Closed Projects 4 Recapture Remaining Bond,Class"C"CIP,General Fund and County Completed CIP 2.4,483.09 - 2.9483.09 - One-time - and Closed Projects 4 Recapture Remaining Bond,Class"C"CIP,General Fund and County Completed CIP (141,76341) - (141,763.41) - One-time - and Closed Projects 4 Recapture Remaining Bond,Class"C"CIP,General Fund and County Completed CIP .44763.41 - .41,763.4. - One-time - and Closed Projects 5 Impact Fee Revenue Impact Fees 1506,212.89 - 1,506,212.89 - One-time - 5 Impact Fee Revenue Impact Fees 2,962,561.64 - 2,962,561.64 - One-time - 5 Impact Fee Revenue Impact Fees 6,399,19152 - 6,399,191.52 - One-time - 5 Impact Fee Revenue Impact Fees 2,891,561.44 - 2,891,561.44 - One-time - 6 Council Constituent Tracking System GF 180,483.00 - 180,483.00 - One-time - 7 Excellence in the Community-Gallivan and RDA GF (200,000.00) (200,000.00) (200,000.00) (200,000.00)One-time - 8 Fleet 30,000.00 30,000.00 36,000.00 30,000,00 One-time - Transfer of Approved Budget for Vehicle Purchase(Pay Station Coin Collection) 9 Reallocating Recaptured HOME Funds Misc Grants 3,425.00 - 3,425.00 - One-time - 9 Reallocating Recaptured HOME Funds Housing 3,425.00 - 3,425.00 - One-time - 10 Lindsey Gardens Baseball Field Improvements CIP - - - - One-time - io Lindsey Gardens Baseball Field Improvements CIP - - - - One-time - 11 Withdrawn Prior to Transmittal 12 Change Foothill Drive Implementation CIP 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 One-time - 13 Golf Program Director Hiring Status Golf - - - - Ongoing o Section E:Grants Requiring No New Staff Resources Section Fr Donations 2 Section G:Council Consent Agenda—Grant Awards 1 State of Utah Department of Workforce Services,Temporary Assistance to Needy Misc Grants 165,560.00 165,560.0o 165,560.00 165S60.00 One-time - Families(TANF),STEMLink Afterschool Program 2 State of Utah Department of Workforce Services,Central City and Northwest Misc Grants 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.0o One-time - Multicultural Teen Safe Passage Programs 3 Utah State Office of Education,Child and Adult Care Food Program-YouthCity Mice Grants 15,000.00 t5,0oo.00� 15,000.00 15,000.00 One-time - After School Programs 4 Salt Lake County,Child Care Development Block Grant-YouthCity After School Misc Grants 41,599.00 41,599.00 41,599.00 41,599.0o One-time - Program Grant at Central City and Sorenson Unity Center 5 State of Utah Department of Workforce Services,Child Care Development Misc Grants 262,444.00 262,444.00 262A44.00 262,444.00 One-time - Discretionary Fund(CCDF),Elementary Age-After School Programs 6 Utah Department of Public Safety,Division of Emergency Management,Hazardous Misc Grants 2,750.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 2,750.0o One-time - Materials Planning Grant 7 Misc Grants 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 One-time - Jordan River Commission,Jordan River Youth Ambassadors Canoe Fleet Project 8 Administrative Office of the Courts,Justice Court Technology Grant,Security and Misc Grants 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.0o One-time - Training Account 9 State of Utah,2o13-Homeland Security Grant Program(SHSP)and Law Misc Grants 15,860.00 15,860.00 15,860.00 15,860.0o One-time - Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program(LETPP) so US Dept of Health and Human Services SAMHSA-Sober Truth on Preventing Misc Grants 48,258.00 48,258.00 48,258.00 48,258.0o One-time - Underage Drinking ACT(STOP ACT)Grant ti State of Utah Department of Workforce Services,Temporary Assistance to Needy Misc Grants 165,560.00 165,560.00 165,560.00 165,560.0o One-time - Families(TANF),STEMLink Afterschool Program 12 U S Dept of the Interior,Bureau of Reclamation,Water Management and Misc Grants 22,828.00 22,828.00 22,828.00 22,828.00 One-time - Conservation Plan Gant 13 Utah State Office for Victims of Crime,2015 VOCA Victim Assistance Grant Misc Grants 60,974.88 60,974.88 i 60,974.88 60,974.88 One-time - 14 Federal Asset Forfeiture Funds Misc Grants 12,954.78 12,954.78 12,954.78 12,954.78 One-time - 15 U S Small Business Administration,Startup in a Day Competition,Start Small Misc Grants 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.0o One-time - Model 16 State of Utah,CCJJ(Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice),Jurisdictions Misc Grants 391,667.00 391,667.00 95,000.00 95,000.0o One-time - with Halfway Houses and Parole Violator Centers Grant 17 Federal Asset Forfeiture funds Misc Grants 165,336.88 165,336.88 165,336.88 165,336.88 Ongoing - 3 Section II Council Added Items t Maintenance of city property/open space property Personnel costs for 9 seasonal employees GF 75,000.0o Ongoing City property/open space maintenance GP 225,000.00 Ongoing 2 Urban Forestry trees - One-time 3 GRAMA Systems software GF 175,000.0o One-time Transfer to IMS for GRAMA systems software IMS 175,000.00 175,000.00 One-time 4 Council Office reclassification GF - One-time 5 Vote by Mail OF 12,000.00 One-time 6 Raccoon abatement contract GF 35,632.0o Ongoing 7 COPS Hiring grant match Salary Match GF 194,785.00 Ongoing Equipment Costs GP 260,100.00 One-time Fuel and Administrative Costs GF 16,969.0o Ongoing Computers(Transfer to IMS) GF 28,500.0o One-time Vehicles(Transfer to Fleet) GP 585,0oo.0o One-time IMS Equipment costs IMS 28,50o.00 28,500.00 One-time Fleet purchases Fleet 585,000.00 585,000.0o One-time 8 Jordan River Trail Bridge GF 660,000.00 One-time Jordan River Trail Bridge CIP 660,000.00 660,000.0o One-time 9 Sugar House draw GF 500,000.0o One-time Sugar House draw(Contingent-matching requirement) CIP 500,000.00 500,0oo.0o One-time to Mayoral transition expenses-non-employee expenses,equipment,tech,furniture,portrait,non-dept. Transition team office space GF 945.00 One-time Transition team-computer&phone GF 2,750.00 One-time Transfer to IMS for Transition team-computer&phone IMS 2,750.00 2,750.0o One-time Technology for incoming mayoral staff GF 35,000.00 One-time Transfer to IMS for technology for incoming mayoral staff IMS 35,000.00 35,000.00 One-time Furniture for incoming mayoral staff OF 15,000.0o One-time Outgoing mayoral portrait OF 30,000.00 One-time Transition related expenses managed by council(legislative budget in non-depl OF 18,606.90 One-time Leave&Separation payouts-TBD,leave budget open pending this item GF TBD One-time Employmentagreement-adjustment to Attorney's Office GF 94,000.0o Ongoing l.o 1 9th&9th GF 6,600.0o One-time 12 Street Lighting SAA-consultant expenses for rate study GF 40,000.0o One-time Extensions with deficit accounts-reconciliation GF 296,793.00 One-time Street Lighting SAA-consultant expenses for rate study Street Lighting 40,000.00 40,000.00 One-time Extensions with deficit accounts-reconciliation Street Lighting 296,793.00 296,793.0o One-time 13 Fire Station No.2-construction CIP 795,000.00 795,000.00 One-time 14 Governmental Immunity transfer to cover GF 400,000.0o One-time Governmental Immunity transfer to cover Govt Immunity 400,000.00 400,000.00 One-time 15 Impact fees-use for park development along the City owned property at the 9-Line Impact Fees 1,000,000.00 One-time Impact fees-use for park development along the City owned property at the 9-Line Impact Fees (1,000,000.00) One-time 16 CONTINGENT appropriation-Council office positions GF 150,000.0o Ongoing 2.0 Total of Budget Amendment Items 32,776,287.t4 17,764,036.r7 39,704,737.14 20,985,412.17 I 4 Total by Fund,BudgetAmendment Oa: General Fund GF 1,103,085.27 (187,500.00) 4,810,159.27 (187,500.00) 4.00 Fleet Fund Fleet 695,000.00 695,000.00 1,280,000.00 1,280,000.00 CIP Fond CIP 4,530,288.21 4,575,000.00 6,485,288.21 6,530,000.00 - CDBG Operating Fund CDBG Operating L458,068.12 1,458,068.12 1,458,068.12 1,458,068.12 - Housing Loans&Trust Fund Housing 2,566,917.96 2,563,492.96 2566,917.96 2,563,492.96 - Other Special Revenue Fund Other Special Revenue 587,300.94 587,300.94 587,300.94 587,300.94 - CIP Impact Fees Impact Fees 13,759,527.49 - 13,759,527.49 - - Miscellaneous Grants Fund Misc Grants 7,195,989.75 7,192,564.75 6,899,322.75 6,895,897.75 - Donations Fund Donations 880,109.40 880,109.40 880,109.40 880,109.40 - Golf Fund Golf - - - - - Governmental Immunity Govt Immunity - - 400,000.00 400,000.00 - IMS Fund IMS - - 2_44250.00 241,250.00 - Street Lighting Street Lighting - - 336,793.00 336,793.00 - Total of Budget Amendment Items 32,776,287.14 I 17,764,036.17. 39,704,737.14 20,985,412.17 4.00 5 Current Year Bridget Summary,provided for information only FY2o15-,6 Bud,et Including Bud,et Amendments FY 2o15-t6 Adopted Bridget BA at Total I:1 2 I 1:1I General Fund(FC Hi) 255,718,252.00 (101,894.94) 4,810,159.27 - - - - Curb arid Gutter(FC no) 372,019.00 - - - - - - Street Lighting(PC 3o) 775,777.00 - - - - - - Mise Special Service Districts(FC 46) 1,026,372.0o - - - - - - Street Lighting Enterprise(FC 48) 3,206,097.00 - 336,793.00 - - - - Water Fund(FC 51) 74,025,415.0o - - - - - - Sewer Fund(FC 52) 34,340,151.0o - - - - - - Storm Water Fund(FC 53) t2,070,398.00 - - - - - - Airport Fund(FC 54,55,56) t,193,30t,900.00 - - - - - - Refuse(FC 57) 15516,158.27 - - - - - - Golf Fund(FC 59) 17471,526.00 - - - - - - E-9t1 Fund(FC 6o) 2,800,000.00 - - - - - - Fleet Fund(FC 61) 20,872,56431 - 1,280,000.00 - - - - IMS Fund(FC 65) 12,632,261.00 - 241,250.00 - - - - CDBG Operating Fund(FC 71) 3,698,652.0o - 1,458,06832 - - - - Miscellaneous Groans(FC 72) 10,657,627.0o - 6,899,322.75 - - - - Other Special Revenue(73) 237,736.00 - 587,300.94 - - - - Donation Fund(FC 77) 500,000.00 - 880,1o9.40 - - - - Housing Loans&Trust(FC 78) 11,107,894.00 - 2,566,917.96 - - - - Debt Service Fund(FC 8t) 35,132,738.0o - - - - - - CIP Fund(FC 83) 24,942,384.00 - 6,485,288.21 - - - - CIP Impact Fees(FC 84) - - 13,759,52749 - - - - Governmental Immunity(FC 85) t,613,228.00 - 400,000.00 - - - - Risk Fund(FC 87) 40,062,880.00 - - - - - - Total of Bud et Amendment Items 1,772,082,029.58 (101,894.94) 39,704,737..4 - - - 2 Adopted /___J Certification I certify that this document is a full and correct copy of Ordinance 69 of 2015.amending Salt Lake City Ordinance 27 of 2015,which adopted the final budget of Salt Lake City Utah for the fiscal year beginning June 12015 and ending June 3o,2016. • / get anager .)`f7( eputy Director,City Council 6