007 of 1984 - Professional Dancers 0 82--40 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 7 of 1984 (Professional Dancers ) AN ORDINANCE ADDING NEW SECTIONS 1 AND 2 TO CHAPTER 34 OF TITLE 20; AND RENUMBERING AND AMENDING SECTIONS 20-34-1 , ET SEQ. , OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, RELATING TO PROFESSIONAL DANCERS. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That a new Section 1 of Chapter 34 of Title 20 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to the purpose of the ordinance, be, and the same hereby is, ADDED to read as follows : Sec. 20-34-1 . Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is to set forth activities which are permitted by professional dancers in premises which are required to be licensed by the City to sell, or to allow the consumption of alcoholic beverages. SECTION 2. That a new Section 2 of Chapter 34 of Title 20 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, defining "establishment" , be and the same hereby is, ADDED to read as follows: `J Sec. 20-34-2. "Establishment" defined . For purposes of this chapter , "establishment" shall mean all Class B and Class C private clubs and all premises required to be licensed pursuant to the provisions of. title 19 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965. SECTION 3. That Sections 1 through 12 of Chapter 34 of Title 20 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah , 1965 , are renumbered and amended to read as follows: Sec. 20-34-3. License required. It is unlawful: ( a) For any person to perform as a professional dancer on the premises of an establishment as hereinafter defined, either gratuitously or for compensation without first obtaining a license therefor; (b) For any person, agency, firm or corporation to furnish, book or otherwise engage the services of a professional dancer for compensation in or for any establishment, whether such performer is to be compensated by wages, salary, fees or other compensation, without having first obtained an agency license; provided however, a person, firm or corporation who employs a professional dancer required to be licensed under this chapter solely for the entertainment of its patrons shall not be deemed an agency requiring the purchase of an agency license; (c) For any person, agency, firm or corporation to furnish, book or otherwise engage or permit any person to dance as a professional dancer, either gratuitously or for compensation, in, or for any establishment, which dancer at the time of such booking, employment or performance, was not licensed in accordance with subsection (a) hereof. (d) For any person, firm, corporation, business or agent or employee thereof to furnish, book , or otherwise engage or permit -2- any person to dance as a professional dancer, either gratuitously or for compensation, in any establishment unless said establishment is licensed to allow professional dancing in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Sec. 20-34-4 . Fees. * * * Sec. 20-34-5. License requirements. Sec. 20-34-6. Duty to display license on request. Sec. 20-34-7 . Place of performance. * * * Sec. 20-34-8. Activities of dancers. Activities of dancers. It shall be unlawful for any dancer, while performing in any establishment pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, to touch in any manner any other person, to throw any object or clothing , to accept any money, drink or any other object from any other person, or to allow another person to touch said dancer or to place any money or object on said dancer or within the costume or person of said dancer. Sec. 20-34-9. Activities of patrons. Sec. 20-34-10 . Costume requirements. (a) Professional dancers shall at all times be costumed during performances in a manner not to violate any city ordinance concerning disorderly or obscene conduct, and said dancers shall not perform or conduct themselves in such a manner which violates the provisions of any city ordinance. (b ) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other ordinance of Salt Lake City, it shall be unlawful for a professional dancer -3- to appear in any establishment during a performance or appear- ance, with less than opaque clothing which covers and conceals the buttocks, genitals, pubic area, and in the case of a female dancer, the breasts of said performer. (c) Female dancers, while in any establishment, shall be required to cover their breasts with an opaque material which is of a shape and color other than the natural shape and color of the nipple and areola; failure to comply with this section constitutes a misdemeanor. (d ) It shall be unlawful for a professional dancer, while on the portion of the premises of an establishment for use by patrons, to be dressed in other than opaque clothing, which covers and conceals a dancer 's costume, as it is worn in conformity with this ordinance at all times other than during the dancer 's performance. ( e) Each agency, person, .firm, or corporation employing , booking or using the services of a dancer required to be licensed under the provisions of this chapter shall require that said dancers comply with the provisions of this chapter, and any person, .firm, corporation, business or establishment that permits a violation of this chapter, either personally or through its agents, employees, officers or assigns shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to the license revocation sanctions here- inafter provided . Sec. 20-34-11 . Violations. -4- Sec. 20-34-12. License fees for restaurant, tavern and private clubs. Sec. 20-34-13. Live musical entertainment in licensed restaurants, taverns or private clubs only. Sec. 20-34-14. Age requirement. * * Sec. 20-34-15. Illegal to allow consumption of alcoholic beverages on premises used for professional entertainment, exceptions. * * * Sec. 20-34-16. Severability clause. SECTION 4 . This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 14th day of February , 1984 . IRMAN ATTEST 'J JC-ITY RECORDER t Transmitted to Mayor on 2/14/84 Mayor 's Action: 2/14/84 MAYOR -5- ATTEST: RF-,C6hDER cm8l (S E A L) BILL 7 of 1984 Published: February 27, 1984- -6— !i Affidavit of Publication ADM 35A STATE OF UTAH, SS. ty of Salt Lake `a 94E AKtE�S 0 INANCE _- � i�+rafssslehsal�>: AN ORDIN C DDING NEW-SE ONg 1 AND 2 TO ........lv' ... t t?1w .C3 ..................................................... CHAP77��� yt LE 20; iAND.R8 UMBERING AND AMENDING"SE ]IOgqN($g7, 20,?4-1,-ET SEQp.,�R"THE REVISED TOp1R lil ',DANCERS.CITY,UTAH,,)%5,RELATING it ands fly Hfa CiH Coraaell of:flit Geld!City,Utah: CTIppN 1. t a new Section 1 of Chapter 34 of Title 20 of tlie, isers"Ord Aces of Salt Lake City,Utah,1965,relating to, ttn e r elf ordinance,be,and the same hereby Is,ADDED Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is Sec,, 1.Purpose.The purpose of ihis ordinance Is to set legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily forth.acti4l' rKirich are permitted by 0ofasalonal dancers in Premises which Arerequired to belicensed Witte city to sell,or newspaper printed in the English language with general to allow itle tort of al Ilc beverages. SECT10 2.,hat a new Saction'2ofChaipter34of Title 20of circulation in Utah and published in Salt Lake City the Revised Ordihances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1%5,defining "estab and the same hereby is,ADDED to read as Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. 5 Sec:"-2. trEstablishment'defined.,,FAk Purposes.of this' j chapter, "establishment"shall mean all C ass 6 and Class C private Clubs and•all premises required to be licensed pursuant to t the provisions ofAltle.19 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt lake That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto city,Utah,:7965. SECTION I t lons 1 thro h 12 0f Chapter 34 of Title 20 of the Reel Ord ances of Salt Lake City,Utah;1965,are renumbered and to read as falaws: ... .......... %1:l.1:..w•5 .. r :. ? .ae471a .. 53 r.. ...C. or Sec.W-341,1., 'se required.It is unlawhr (a) Fql any person perform as a eselonai dancer on the premlowt of an est,6bllshnent as heralrla►tgr defined,either tgrrafut gratuitously or£f%compensation without first obtaining a license a Eg ! 7 ""A4........................................................... (b) F any _ _,agency,firm or corporation to furnish, boob or' rw engage the services of a professional'dancer for eorlrpetlsatipnyn or forany establishment,why} such per- formerrsto be CAPeft8td by wages,salarv,.fOB6 Or Of*com- ............................................................................................. pensation,withy*having first obtained an ap'qq��rrk, license;pro• vided however,'vb6rson,firm or corporation-ntlawemploys a pro fessional dancer required to be licensed under ftftttis chaWor solely for the entertainment . is patrons shall not be deemed an agen- cyrequiring chase•ofa i agency license; ." ............................................................................................. (c) For any eon,ode 1 firm or corporation to'furnish, book or otherWI engage or permit any person to dance as a Professional daroglirr,ei r gratuitously or_for compensation,In, with employment o perff. tlrft0 of such book- or for any establish which dancer at the ing,employment performance,was not IlcRtgeef In accordance a employee ndancce sn aPrOf book, mess q►agent ly(d) For any Person,firm corporation, for ion, ny or.permit was published in said newspaper on it r.ppretuitausly esa',said establish- ment is licensed allow professional dancing In accordance with the ProvisSec.? atfiis�ch�GNer, ......... `A-11XUUXx...27,...1.r.�'.8fug..... Sec.2P Sec.20.345. lcense requirements. .... . ..../..�... .... Sec.2o-34d. Iy to display license on request.•"" t ` e / Sec.�. PlacCof performance."•• _ l?�G orris& ellerk Sec. Activities of dancers.AdWifiea`of der►cers. It ................................................. ..... ......... shall be urdawful•for any dancer white performing In any estats Legs A , isiri lishnent pursuant to the provisions of this chapter,to touch in any manner any other person,to throw any obled or clothing,to ✓ accep4 any money,drink or any other obiect from any other Per- or to allow arothner person to touch said dancer ar to place any money or obiect on said dancer or within the costume or Person of said dancer. Sec.20-34-9. Activities of patrons.'** Sec. 2 U110•Costume requirements.(a) professional danc- ers shall at all times'be costumed during performances In a manner not to Mate any city ordinance concerning disorderly or obscene conduct,.and said dancers shall not'verfgrm or eondwt themselves{n sucha manner which violates the provisions of any city oral a e,, Subscribed and sworn to before me this .....................a-Let....................................... day of ......nAr h............................... A.D. 19.a4..... .r'.......::.�...........?....lC ........................ Notary Public My Commission Expires ......J.ul ...2.3.t...1 6.................... (D)No wImSiana,ng Tile provisions of any other ordinai)w of Salt Lake City,it shall be unlawful for a professional dan(:er to appear in any establishment during a performance or appear- ance,with less than opaque clothing which covers and cefnceals the buttocks,genitals pubic area,and in the case of a f6male dancer,the breasts of said performer. (c) Female dancers, while in any establishment, shall be required to cover their breasts with an opaque material which is of a shape and cola other than the natural shape and colorof the nipple and areola;failure to comply with this section constitutes a misdemeanor. (d) It shall be unlawful fqr a professional dancer,while on the portion of the premises of an establishment for use by pa- trons,to be dressed in other than opaque clothing,which covers and conceals a dancer's costume,as it is wan in conformity with this ordinance at all times other than during the dancer's perfor- mance. (a) Each agency, person, firm, or corporation employing, booking or using the services of a dancer required to be licensed under the provisions of this chapter shall'require that said'danc. ers comply with the provisions of this chapter,and any person, firm,corporation,business or establishment that permits a'viola- tion of this chapter,either personally or through its agents,em- ployees,officers or assigns shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and sublect to the I icense revocation sanctions hereinafter provided. Sec.20-34-11.Violations.*** Sec.20-34-12.License fees for restaurant;tavern and private clubs.* Sec.20.34-13. Live musical entertainment in licensed restau- rants,taverns or private clubs only.*** Sec.20.34-14.Age requirement.*** ' Sec.20-34.15.Illegal to allow consumption of alcoholic bever- ages on premises used for professional entertainment,exceptions. Sec.20.34-16.Severabitih,clause.*•• SECTION 4. This ordinance shall fake effect upon,its first Publication by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 141h day of February,3984— , , Ronald J.Whitehead ATTEST: Chairman Kathryn Marshall City Recorder Transmitted to Mayor on Feb.14,1984 Mayor's Action:Feb.14,1984 Tedwilson ATTEST: 'Mayor a Kathryn Marshall City Recorder (SEAL) m BILL7of 1984 Published:February 27,1984 A-22