071 of 1984 - Application for Licenses 0 84-35 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 71 of 1984 (Application for licenses ) AN ORDINANCE AMPNDING SECTION 20-1 -8 OF THE RESIISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO APPLICATION FOR. LICENSES. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah : SECTION 1 . That Section 20-1-8 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to application for licenses, be, and the same hereby is amended as follows: Sec. 20-1-8. Application for licenses. (1 ) All applications for licenses and permits required by ordinance shall be made in writing to the license assessor and collector in the absence of provision to the contrary, which applications shall be made upon forms provided by the City. The application shall show: (a) The name of the }person desiring a license. (b) The kind of license desired, stating the business, calling , trade or profession to he performed, practice or carried on. (c) The class of license desired , if such licenses are divided into classes. (d) The place where such business, calling , trade or profession is to be carried on, giving the street number, if such business, calling, trade or profession is to be carried on in any building or enclosure. (e) The period of time for which such license is desired to be issued. ( f) The application shall also state such additional information as may reasonably be required by the City as may be needed for the proper guidance of City officials in issuing the permit or license applied for. Said information may specifically include information to show that the applicant is of good moral character; is not in default under the provisions of any City ordinance; and is not indebted or obligated in any manner to the City, except for current taxes. It may also show that the proposed use of any premises by the applicant will not be in violation of City zoning regulations, that the principals of the applicant's business are properly bonded if bonding is required, and that the applicant will otherwise be in full compliance with all applicable city, state and federal laws and ordinances. (2 ) The truthfulness, completeness and accuracy of all of said information provided by applicant shall be attested to by an authorized representative of the business. (3) Failure to provide all required information or providing false or misleading information in the application shall constitute grounds for denial of the application or revocation of an existing permit or license, and shall constitute a misdemeanor, if such is done willfully with the intent to mislead the City. -2- SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall. take effect 30 days after its first publication. Passed by the Cite Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 13th day of December 1984. CHAIRMAN ATTEST: 7 CITY RE RDER Transmitted to the Mayor on January 2, 1985 Mayor 's action January 2, 1985 'jz OR ATTEST: IL 7 � ' L A-_ - CITY RFC DER i cc96 (SEAL , --- . Bill 71 of i9. 84 Published: January 4, 1985 -3- \j Oct r(�t f .� Affidavit of Publication ADM 35A STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake Cheryl Gierloff .......................................................... Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is rt legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily newspaper printed in the English language with general circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. ►°"'" That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 71 of 1984 r; ......... ..... .. ..... .. .. ............. =A _ s 1tp].icatiQn. ..fax.. ,ic�ns�s..................................... i *" �• ............................................................................................. j r ."7Y ; ............................................................................................. was published in said newspaper on. .................................. January..4�..1985........................................................ l i1i" t.ai'_ i . . ..•'c�? kt .wtitte` ft7re.ijf..j�',tt�� .s it"► AIR ......................................... t, 'k,;:,:•: ":"' Le A rtisin rk "W.-N 3, 1. •tti:f•tir F-"++�.�s� h•Q � More me this ........................ .st ',. ...................................... day of ..... .........February.................. A.D. �9..85.... ............................................... Notary Public My Commission Expires ?,.(t V P March 1, 1988 ® ................................................ �