076 of 1982 - Amendment to Professional Dancers Activities and Patrons 0 82-40
EMICR,0F11- E--D
No. 76 of 1982
(Prof(Tssional Dancers)
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 20-34-1, 20-34-5, AND 20-34-6
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 20-34-1 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to licensing requirements
for professional dancers is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 20-34-1. License required. It is unlawful:
(a) For any person to perform as a professional dancer on
premises licensed under the provisions of title 19 or title 20 of
these revised ordinances either gratuitously or for compensation
without first obtaining a license therefor;
(b) For any person, agency, firm or corporation to furnish,
book or otherwise engage the services of a professional dancer
for compensation in or for any establishment required to be
licensed under the provisions of title 19 or title 20 of these
Revised Ordinances, whether such performer is to be compensated
by wages, salary, fees or other compensation, without having
first obtained an agency license; provided however, a person,
firm or corporation who employs a professional dancer required to
be licensed under this chapter solely for the entertainment of
its patrons shall not be deemed an agency requiring the purchase
of an agency license;
(c) For any person, agency, firm or corporation to furnish,
book or otherwise engage or permit any person to dance as a
professional dancer, either gratuitously or for compensation, in,
or for any licensed under the provisions of title 19 or 20 of
these revised ordinances, which dancer at the time of such
booking, employment or performance, was not licensed in
accordance with subsection (a) hereof.
(d) For any person, firm, corporation, business or agent or
employee thereof to furnish, book, or otherwise engage or permit
any person to dance as a professional dancer, either gratiutously
or for compensation, in any establishment required to be licensed
under Titles 19 or 20 of these revised ordinances, unless said
establishment is licensed to allow professional dancing in
accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
SECTION 2. That Section 20-34-5 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to place of performance
is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 20-34-5. Place of performance. It shall be unlawful
for a professional dancer to dance with or among the patrons of
an establishment, or upon the tables or chairs or in any part of
an establishment other than on a stage, platform, or dance floor,
which is separated on all sides from the aisles, tables, chairs,
booths and the patrons of said establishment by at least three
SECTION 3. That Chapter 34 of Title 20 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to profes-
sional dancers is hereby amended by ADDING thereto new Sections
5.1 and 5.2 to read as follows:
Sec. 20-34-5.1. Activities of dancers. It shall be
unlawful for any dancer, while performing pursuant to the provi-
sions of this chapter, to touch in any manner any other person,
to throw any object or clothing, to accept any money, drink or
any other object from any other person, or to allow another
person to touch said dancer or to place any money or object on
said dancer or within the costume or person of said dancer.
Sec. 20-34-5.2. Activities of patrons. It shall be
unlawful for any person, or any patron of any establishment to
touch in any manner any professional dancer, to place any money
or object on or within the costume or person of any professional
dancer, or to give or offer to give to any such dancer any drink,
money or object while said dancer is performing any dance.
SECTION 4. That Section 20-34-6 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to costume requirements
of professional dancers is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 20-34-6. Costume requirements. Professional dancers
shall at all times be costumed during performances in a manner
not to violate any city ordinance concerning disorderly or
obscene conduct, and said dancers shall not perform or conduct
themselves in such a manner which violates the provisions of any
city ordinance.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other ordinance
of Salt Lake City, it shall be unlawful for a professional dancer
to appear during a performance or appearance, with less than
opaque clothing which covers and conceals the buttocks, genitals,
pubic area, and in the case of a female dancer, the breasts of
said performer.
(c) Female dancers shall be required to cover their breasts
with an opaque material which is of a shape and color other than
the natural shape and color of the nipple and areola; failure to
comply with this section constitues a misdemeanor.
(d) It shall be unlawful for a professional dancer, while
on the portion of the premises of an establishment for use by
patrons, to be dressed in other than opaque clothing, which
covers and conceals a dancer's costume, at all times other than
during the dancer's performance.
(e) Each agency, person, firm, or corporation employing,
booking or using the services of a dancer required to be licensed
under the provisions of this chapter shall require that said
dancers comply with the provisions of this chapter, and any
person, firm, corporation or business that permits a violation of
this chapter, either personally or through its agents, employees,
officers or assigns shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject
to the license revocation sanctions hereinafter provided.
SECTION 5. That Chapter 34 of Title 20 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to
professional dancers is hereby amended by ADDING thereto a new
Section to read as follows:
Sec. 20-34-12. Severability clause. If any part of the
ordinances of this chapter or the application thereof to any
person or circumstances, shall for any reason be adjudged by a
court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or
invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the
remainder of this ordinance or the application thereof to other
persons and circumstances, but shall be confined in its operation
to the section, subdivision, sentence or part of the section and
the persons and the circumstances directly involved in the con-
troversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered. It is
hereby declared to be the intent of the governing body that this
section would have been adopted if such invalid section, provi-
sion, subdivision, sentence or part of the section or application
had not been included.
SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect thirty days
after its first publication.
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 21st day of September 1982.
ti��.�t CHAIRMAN
Transmitted to Mayor on September 22, 1982
Mayor's Action: 9/22/82 ?
By __. .._............___. ..
BILL 76 of 1982
Published: October 4, 1982 -4-
rmnn ask
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
No.76 of 1982 .... .... .... ................ ....... ....... .. ..... ........
(Prowlel na1 Denc—)
AND 24346 OF THE REVISED oRDIN O' 1/-'1$
A ADDING'NEW SECTIONS p�1 A Beingfirst du] sworn,deposes and says that he is legal
TRONSELATI SE 0 ACTIVITIES 0. AN YA. advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily
Be ifortlalPetl by the Clty a1Rcll of ear .b.
SECTION.1.ThatSecuoP`aa�•lori "Y�ar3 °reManco, (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English
Soli Lake City,Uleh}9a6 M 8t1 W Iltdne Iramenfs for
prPfe.eloPel dantera6htlFour n�°a O.".eae mimwa: language with general circulation in Utah, and
Sec.10-7e-1.Llc9nse rVVlled,t s lawful:
(a)For env ogr pn to part- 'Ina f.O iMal dancer an published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the
pmmisn I.,
provi.IMcofrise 19 ar tine za aState of Utah.
these9hergrMuitaslvorforcomcensationfnoul.Nra Cbh a Inerefre;orijancv,firm ortofPeraflP ,lurnlahacnapeMe 9ervlcesMotesslnaldncralof fi aetabu.hma2 oftheerovihThat the le al notice of which a co is attached hereto
ceheea n° I dvisbne of title 79 Or tllle 10 M these Revised g PY
oramanc6Yrg�Wll r aU h Performer Ic ro b¢comcensated by
Wages,sa1Nf�d Or'Other tomsenunon,Wdh..l having first
obtained an✓10e ema;Provided however,a person,erns or Pub. S.L. Ordinance NO. 76 Of 1982
coroaration xwgTao ee 4( :prOpJJppaassiional dancer rsouired to Oe
Ilecenaed under tIsf a c'fbldlY'foc ins OnteNaMmanr of Ils .........
patrons shell Mt I -brr ffblldyYAgUirinB ttp purchase al
enc cen(py lise;
ag9 Fran rson+'ae'�--c flN�rhbil. tartan ro(Urnisn,
book or M vI-n sad or,''Plr It" n to dance as ...............................................................................................................
erw g a
Protessional dancer,eifner gr°t IY ip moeroafbn,m,
ar f env Ilcensed under the pr trOn y9'��or p of these
�—Imll ordinances,which dand ah�'i. a such boakh,,
,moo lion(al hce�hrmaece,was ppp���'''Orden.with
subs(d)For any Par90n,firm,Cnqota or ,agent or
employee thereof to fUrnlsh,book,.'Pr,,p ,a se Or Permit
any Person to de ..mfpeaarrI 1' I gretlufasly
or for cons Y m1e0I h tau to be Iicansed., ...............................................................................................................
under Tlt :: ale rjv TVs,unless said se.
lab,ishmen -t all�W dancing In accor-
dancewitI e0i MIe
SECTIO f mn'10-` DI•ine Revised P Performance
a nce of ...............................................................................................................
Salt Lake CI I��'�g�IatlnO to Of
of performance is
hereby amen Yf Sec.nal din o owith Or It snail be unlawful bra ,
brol9911"Z danc rto ante with or among Me patrons of an was published in said newspaper on.
establishment,or upon Me tables or chain Or In any par+of an A
.hit lM so other than o sides stage,PPlatform,or tles, airs,
which is separated on al aid from Me aisles,tables,chairs,
booths and the cottons of said establishment by at,east Three Oct. 4 1982
feat. ................
SECTION 3.That Cheater 31 of ofes 20 of Ma Revised of Sall
Lake t Utah,ADDING
HiMens a pSOMsa,on.1 addancers.2 o hereby
GY ADDING Merem new Sections 6.1 and 5.210 read as
follows: ........................................................................ ...,..
Sec.10.3Mb,r.1.Activitie4 M dancers.It shall Pe unlawful for "��������� '��� ����
chapter fo�bAlle Performing any manner urse ntllto the Pmlsll nsrow env Legal AdvertlSlr ClC.l l
obiett or clothing,fo accept on
money,drink or any other object
from any other person,or to Allow an
Parson t0 much said
dancer or to Place any money OI Oblect On sold dancer or within
the costume or Person of Bald dancer.
Sec.20.3/5.2.'Activities of pafrom.It ahml ba unlawful for
any person,or any Palmn oI ally e.tabnanmanr ro roam m on',Before me this...t......................................................._...................day of
manner any"*Is,slMAl dancer.}0 Place MY money Or abject on
or within the costume or Person of enY Profes°IOna!dancer,or to
give or offer t0 9lve ro enY suck tlanter any drink,money ar ob-
Iactwhoaeonsdancerl°aerf—lIt envdance. A.D.19..8z...
SECTION a.That section 20-315 of the Ravlsed Ordinances of""""""
Salt Ldke�irY,UMh,I%5,reletinp ro costume requirements of
ProlassiMal Banc-14 hereby amendad to road as Col Iowa:
Set. 2'" Costume requlremmt Profe°aionel dancers
shall of all times be costumed during Perform ices In a manner
[rro YIP late enY ity ordinance Concerning dlsorderlY or obscene
ontlocf,and said dancers shall not Perform or conduct them.
salve.IA such 8 manner wh Ich violates the Pr0YI510ns Of any dtY
ordl(b)N r Prof once of `L
p ra e!"ch astantlingg the Provislon5 of any otf� """"""""""'............................... .............................
0 or Cuiln.i1 Performance or sooeerarmesswlth loci than Notary Public
opaque cleaning which Covers and conceals Me buNecks gMitala,
pubic area,aM in Me case 0f a female dancer,the I�rents of
said Parlprmer.
(c)Female dancers shall ba required to cover their breasts
Ifh an PpagV4 meterlAl Which IS of°shape and Color other Man
Me natural shape and
Color of the nl le and armla;failure to
cOmpiv w1+h Ihl.section constltuee a m�emeanor.
Me o Pal d
Portionlot °Of the pmml.ofran establishment for U.e by so-
Md conceals a dancer's costume,a}atj jlmle.nOlFler then duilnp
the dancer's performance.
-(et Each agency,Person,it,.,or%PorarlM emyyloYing,
booking or using the services of a dancer rfoulrad to ba 11<ense0
er%comply Wler the or"lh the ProVI.IMhs of M�pca°Ichaffppaq}a}r,and°any Person,"""""""
catolerce,bttl..wrsorlallY alalhr0ehh Ifs iNints,MIMP,Naf Of
cars or esslpnl 9ha11 Pe guilty of a mledememor and subject to,
the license revgqccation sanctions he..ln°Rer provided.
SECTION a.That Chapter 3/of Title'!0 of Me Ravisetl Oral-
nda of Salt Lam Co,UtM 1965,retail n9 to Orofesslunal
is harebY a...I by AbDI NG thereto A raw,section to
read as mlfIovn:
Sec 2tr01-I SaverabllltY clause It1f enY Part of the ardinanC-
_stanc sn sh9en�,oprt gapv prepmonlberyheptl/uEaeE OY a Court oh�a lm
morel shallsop}�at+ Zl lnsppai or Invid dot thane°mainder or M°;
o dln"I"Ilfp MP�catr.thereof to other-—,and circum-
,far—but shall be cdntined in Its amratidn lu the section,sub.
circumstancleanCirectlY°IaV0lvehe In°�hncormaYsu Y°In whlthouch
geen'sha11 have,been rendered.It is hereby declared to be
Into Of the 90 arning hotly+her this 9ectlon WaVltl have been
°rrto the.uetaflry Or APplktetlonoad not Wen Included sentence
SECTION d This ordinance shall take effect thirfY days after
1%first oubllttion.
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake CRY,Utah,this 2151
day of September,1982. Ronald 1.WhitOhead
Vice Chairman
Kathryn Marshall
Transmitted to Mayor on September 22,1982
Mayor's Action:9•2252
Ted Wilson
Kathryn Marshall
(S LLA L.'1162
Published:October 4,1962