009 of 1984 - Division of Two-Family Dwellings 0 84-5 v � SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 9 of 1984 (Division of Two-family Dwellings ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 5 OF TITLE 51 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, BY ADDING A NEW SECTION 29 THERETO RELATING TO DIVISION OF TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That Chapter 5 of Title 51 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City , Utah, be, and the same hereby is amended by adding a new Section 29 thereto relating to division of two-family dwellings. Sec. 51 -5-29. Division of two-family dwellinqs ( twin homes ) . Upon certification by the Planning Director, a legally existing or a proposed two-family dwelling may be divided into attached single-family dwellings by dividing the existing lot by metes and bounds. A division certification shall not create separate, independent detached building lots. Every dwelling located or constructed on portion of a lot which has received division certification shall contain a minimum land area equal to one-half of the minimum land area required in the zone for a two- family dwelling. Such dwellings must be designed and constructed as independent dwelling units, and shall independently meet all building code, fire code, health code, off-street parking requirements, and all zoning requirements for a single-family dwelling. In the event one of the dwellings is removed or destroyed , no structure shall be reconstructed on a portion of a lot certified for division, except as an attached single-family dwellinq that conforms to the provisions of this section. An application for division certification shall be accompanied by a site plan, accurately drawn to scale, showing buildings, landscaping, off-street parking, utility connections, and any other information deemed necessary by the Planning Director. The off-street parking shall be on the same area as the single-family dwelling. The Planning Director may attach conditions to certification consistent with the purposes of the zoning ordinances. Such a division certification shall not be deemed a subdivision under Section 42-2-32 of these ordinances. Any sale dividing a lot occupied by a two-family dwelling prior to certification by the City shall be a misdemeanor. SECTION 2 . This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Take City, Utah, this 14th day of FPhruar' 1984. Ci AN ATTEST: )CITIt RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on 2/14/84 -2- Mayor's Action: 2/14/84 ATTEST: 4„�. I RECORD R cm77 (SEAL) BILL 9 of 1984 Published: February 28, 1984 -3- r (. Affidavit of Publication ADM 35A STATE OF UTAH, SS. County of Salt Lake ...........Cheryl Gkq• :Floff .................................................... i SALT LAKE CITY QR[tINAN,CE No.9 o111N '1plyisionofTwo�famiwDMIRIM Beingfirst dui sworn, deposes and says that he/she is qN poRI�INANCE AMENDING CHAPTHR 5 F TITLE 51 OF THE`REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, y p y 191,16 9Q5 BY ADDING A NEW SECTION 29 THER TO RELATING legal advertisingclerk of the DESERET NEWS a daily TOEJIVISIONOFTWO•FAMILYDWELLINW. g r Be it ordaknd by the CRY Council Af Sift Lake City,Utah: SECTION 1.That Chapter 5 of TItM 51 of the Revised Ordi- newspaper printed in the English language with genera nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, be, and the same hereby is amended b9 adding a new Section 29 thereto relating to division circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lae City, of two-firill dwellings. Sec.51529.Division twofamliv dwellings(twin ho es) Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. Upon certipcation by,the fanning Director,a legally existing or a proposed twufam:h r dwelling may be divided Into attached single-famihY dwellings by dividing the existing lot by metes and bounds'.A division certification shall not crest separate,indeperr- That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto dent detached building lots.Every dwell)ng located or construct- ed on portlon of a lot which has recelved division certification) shag Gland a minimum land area equal tao one-half of the mint.' Salt Lake C 1 t 0 r di n. a n 4:e• N o p••9 o f l 9 8 4 SSuch Iteellhigs required ust b designed a In the nd constructed aslin dndependent. ...•.. ......................................... ......... dwelling units,and shall Inde?endentir meet ell'bu Iding code, fire code, health code,off-street Parking requirements,and all zoning requlrements for a single-family dwelling.In the event One D i V i S i O n of, TWO—F a ht 11 y,•• W 4r�,,1r r}t}•g•$ of the dwellings is removed or destroYed,no structure shall be .................................... ........... reconstructed on a portion of a lot certified far division,except as an attached single-family dwelling that conforms to the Provi- sions of this section. An application for division certification shall be by a siti of{Ss�lta PtailYd us II♦y< fan ar��id alwnil buildings, landsca i T rking ll be on the informat on deerfled necessary by the Planning Director. he off-' street Pa dwelling.The Planning Director may attach conditions to certif- ............................................................................................. cation consistent with the purposes of the zoning ordinances.Such a division certification shall rat be deemed a subdivision under Section 42-2-32 of these ordinances. Any sale dividing a lot occupied by a twafamllY dwellin9 ............................................................................................. prior to certification by the City,shall be a misdemeanor. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt lake City,Utah,this 14th, was published in said newspaper on.................................. day of February,19M. Ronald J.Whitehead Chairman ATTESKathryn Marshall ............F.4%r 4 3 r.y...�$.e.A,.9114.............. .............................. Citv Recorder r:•,Transmitted to Mayor on Feb.14,1984. ,"Mayor's Action:Feb.14,1984 led Wilson .. .......... Mayor L. .. .. ATTEST:' Legal Adv tisin erk Kathryn Rec der shaII (SEAL) B I Lb9,of 1984 Pub fished:February 28,1984 A-29 Subscribed and sworn to before me this .............................21st............................... day of .....March................................ A.D. 19....8. 4.. Notary Public My Commission Expires Judy 231 1986 ......................................................