009 of 1987 - Rezoning Certain Properties on Beacon Drive, Indian Hills Circle, Ute Circle, Eagle Way, Indian Hill 0 87-1 9 n5, v P 87-1 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No . 9 of 1987 (Rezoning certain properties on Beacon Drive, Indian Hills Circle, Ute Circle, Eagle Way, Indian Hills Drive and Kensington Avenue from Residential "R-2 " to Residential "R-l" pursuant to Petition No. 400-451-86) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 51-12-2 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, AS AMENDED RELATING TO ZONING AND FIXING OF BOUNEARIES OF USE DISTRICTS. WHEREAS in response to Petition No. 400-451-86 concerning rezoning of certain parcels on Beacon Drive, Indian Hills Circle, Ute Circle, Eagle Way, Indian Hills Drive and Kensington Avenue , the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, has held public hearings before its own body and before the Planning Commission, and has taken into consideration citizen testimony , filing and demographic details of the area and the master plan as part of its own deliberation. Pursuant to these deliberations, the Council has concluded that the proposed zoning changes on the parcels in the area are appropriate for the development of the community ; THEREFORE, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, hereby adopts the following amendment to the Use District provisions of Title 51 . Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the Use District Map as adopted by Section 51-12-2 Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended , relating to the fixing of boundaries of Use District be , and the same hereby is amended as follows : Sec. 51-12-2. Boundaries of Use Districts. That the following described parcels of real property in Salt Lake City, Utah, located in the approximate area of the Indian Village Subdivision are hereby rezoned from their current Residential "R- 2" to Residential "R-1" classification and the Use District Map is amended accordingly . Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 21 , Indian Village Subdivision, said subdivision being located in W 1/2, SE 1/4, Sec. 10, T1S, R1E, Salt Lake Base and Meridian. Thence Southeasterly 21932 feet more or less along the East boundary of Wasatch Drive to the Northeast corner of the intersection of Wasatch Drive and Skyline Drive, thence Northeasterly 450 feet along the North g boundary of Skyline Drive to the Southeast corner 'O of Lot 4, Indian Hills Plat C, thence Northwesterly 138. 1 feet along the Eastern property line of Lots 4 and 3, of said Indian Hills Subdivision Plat C, thence Northeasterly 30 feet, thence Northerly 211 .13 feet along the western property line of Lots 7 and 8 of Indian Hills Subdivision Plat H to the Northwest corner of Lot 7 of said subdivision, thence Easterly 340.24 feet along the South property lines of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Indian Hills Subdivision Plat H to the Southeast corner of Lot 4 of said subdivision, thence Northerly 95. 02 feet to the South line of Eagle Way, thence West 166. 84 feet , thence North 1 ,002. 83 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 15, Indian Hills Subdivision Plat A, thence West 1 ,179. 5 feet more or less to the Northwest corner of Lot 1 of said subdivision, thence North 3 69. 6 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 21 , Beacon Heights Subdivision, thence East 120 feet more or less to the Southeast corner of Lot 12, Indian Village Subdivision, thence North 53 0.4 8 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 16 of said subdivision, thence West 130 feet along the northern property line of Lot 16 of said subdivision, thence North 29. 86 feet, thence West 410 feet, thence South 15 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 21 of said Indian Village Subdivision, thence West 95 feet to the -2- point of beginning . SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE LATE. This Ordinance shall be effective upon publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 3rd day of February 19 87 r ) CHA AN ATTEST: r F",r%r' e.. •' / _ ,.emu CfTT REGORDER Transmitted to the Mayor on February 3, 1987 Mayor's Action: 2/3/87 Approved Vetoed MAYOR ATTEST: 00 CITY RECT"R cc13 5 ( 8L- AL) Bill 9 of 19 887 Published: February 14, 1987 -3- 143 SOUTH MAIN sT. Newspaper Agency Corporation ©961 I P.O. BOX 45838 AGENT SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84145 Z a *alt fakt Zribunt DESERET NEWS FED.TAX I.D.#87-0217663 MORNING &SUNDAY EVENING &SUNDAY Affidavit of Publication Hereby certify that the attached STATE OF UTAH. advertisement of SLC ORDINANCE #9 1987 SS. forSALT LAKE CITY CORP CITY RECORDER was published by the County of Salt Lake NEWSPAPER AGENCY CORPORATION, AGENT FOR THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE and DESERET NEWS, daily newspapers printed in the English language with general circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County in the State of Utah. PUBLISHED ON FEB 14, 1987 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TQ­'_BEFORE ME THIS 20th DAY OF FEBRIJARY 19$z— 0' Hills 1 ?{ NOTARY PUBLIC �►1y1� OR IN 1TY' S _ OF- DIS 1 FIXI'NQr� �� I y� s/ In toPeftt i ">; r r j — :r `'- response W-400r51•e6earicerrii' " t MARCH 1 1988 1�01 n eels or orlye Jndian ' Ute. lndian IIIS KBI�i�pipnAve. -ig �. COMMISSION EXPIRES hUirflhe_ 4f AK t haS hold Publk, `j, 4 ` eri Taslinwn4"111169 M•< �_ E,,tthhee w Utah I R ORfolrovWno to the use D>;sfi kf 51. yrela�lfnptdO a Drstricftx, and the sane hereby is omeed as.follows: See 51r12.4.Boundaries poffr Use DWkt thefabvWna ' ADVERTISING ed I thhee app ox r k arreea of the Indian VilWOe Ctly 5ubld(vislon areherebYrezoned from their curreMRes iderrlial"R.2"toRes- NT NAME AD NUMBER TELEPHONE Identia"R•1"classifieotlon and the Use District Map is amend. edacardinglV.- Y RECORDER 0-94 535-7671 VII Imni Ivi bnN ldsuubbdivisionb comer einLpale�tolfeldninw 1/2 SE 114,Sec.td,TiS,R 1E,Sall Lace Base and Me- rldfa4Thenee SoulheasterW 2,932 feet more or less SCHEDULE MISC.CHARGES aongthe Eastboundary Of wasoteh Drivetothe North- east corner of the Intersection of Wasatch Drive and• 10.0 0 Nomh bo;ndaa'rvvoof Skyline Drive►to the Southeast ea ow-g the FEB 14, 1987 ner of La 4,Indian Hills Plat C,thence Northwesterly 130.1 feet along the Eastern prpp%l'lineofL= and SIZE TIMES RATE AD CHARGE 3,of sold Indian FIIIIS Subdiv si lon Plot C thence North- easterly 30ofepeetrltyhence No 211.13 fe 8 of et aong the 1. SubdivsivssionPlotHitottheNLorthwest of Lot 192 AGATE LINES 1 .78 149.76 said subdivision thence Easterly 340.24 feet ohm the South arpaert�lens of Lots 1 2,3 and 4 a Indian Hills Subdiv=.t Pht H to the Southeast corner of Lot 4'of I P T OF THIS I N V O I C E said subdivision,thence Northerly 95.02 feet to the • • 15 9•7 6 1South 1be1i ��X=N A FALL 801-237-2796 11793fed ian ilorlIm4ottls heNNionorth *rW"O Loot" 1 of sold Northeast comer .ot subdivision,t 21,th&nc Heights S 369.6 feetubdivvi- Ot 21, sloe,thence East I f�p feet more or less To fire Southeast corner a Lot 12,.Indlab.VII Subdivls Norlh St0 45 feet w 130 oorrber gthea sold subdivision, 76 One of Lot ib of said v1 thence Thence West 410 feet 15. feet to the aom*r of Lot�1 of Bald I Village Subdiv Sion,thence West 9S feet to the point of ION 2.'EFFBCTIVE DATE.This Ordinance shall be effective upon publication. day Pofa Ytlre Chv Council of SaIt Lake City,Utah,this 3rd 99/. Roselyn N.Kirk CHAIRPERSON sI•eRRtt1TEElxx((vv��nnRRMcrshpll ' TYdNeSrntited to tfbe Mayor on Pebrlrary 3,1987. Mayor's ac86n:Approved Palmer&DePaulis i ATTEST. �rvn M MAYOR C17Y ftEC O shah