001 of 1983 - Resolution of Appreciation for Keith Bitner Resolution 1 of 1983 Re; UAU I A Ur AePRtCfaVION WHEREAS, Keith O. 3ii er cc„i enced work with Salt Lake City ',.yineering Department on July 15, 1949, and has worked for the -vie department for over 33 years; and WHEREAS, he is toll knuVn and respected by his fellow a kers who have Poishad praise on him by saying he has always hc, n a good, eti:icieut ind productive a,o(ker; and WHEREAS, ,all of his mast supervi-ors are highly compli- ,cutary of hiA for his loyalty to the City. WHEi;r;r`.ti, ..ue ,f 9r. Bitner's f 4st curvey crew assignments s with Joe Gr• .nig at the Street G I`c,r.i � ,nt rn 000 South and 6 0 West; and WI ATAAS, Mr. Inner worked on the uriUinal ".LVcy for the downtown h-nani.ifIration project; and WHE, IS, he is to be highly commena d for bi.s PiVport of this work os well as the many other proic,i s he %s playnd an `nportant role in; .and WHEREAS, the City of Salt Lake and its residents owe Mr. 3itner a debt of. ,ratiikde for his diligent, faithful and coosclentious �r."v 'ue to iho City. NOW, .. :XRnF"aQ BE 1T AXbOLvCD by the Mayor and City Council of Salt (..1P City =t V-Y Flo 4 rchy vress on their behalf and on behalf of 'be rNs'. eALs �f Salt Anke City their heart-felt adpreciaticn :,nd thanks for the years of long and faithful service irnaurr d io the City of Salt Loke by Keith O. Bitner, and extend bc;t ;shcs fur a long, useful and happy retirement. low DATED this AQ day of January, 1983. CHAIRIih4V UUy'(;l.i, 1.;1fiCR ) COUNCIL MEMBER _ ,r CC ndclT iER CuUNCIL MEMBER l a R _'_ c oumcm"i1 maER 066 R BY2