001 of 2011 - confirming a development agreement entered into between the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City ( R 11-1 C 11-17 RESOLUTION NO. 1 OF 2011 (Confiiming a development agreement per Ordinance No. 55 of 2006) A resolution confinning a development agreement entered into between the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City("RDA"), Marmalade H&J, LLC, and Marmalade K, LLC pursuant to a condition of Ordinance No. 55 of 2006. WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 55 of 2006 approved an amendment to the City's zoning map, conditioned upon the execution of a development agreement between the RDA Board and the development applicant in that matter; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 55 of 2006 further required that said development agreement be confirmed by resolution of the Salt Lake City Council ("City Council"); and WHEREAS, the interests of the development applicant, Howa Capital, LLC, have succeeded to Marmalade H&J, LLC and Mannalade K, LLC regarding the "West Parcel"; and WHEREAS, the RDA has entered into a development agreement with Marmalade H&J, LLC and Marmalade K, LLC pertaining to development of the "West Parcel". NOW THEREFORE,be it resolved by the City Council of Salt Lake City: SECTION 1. The City Council does hereby confirm the execution of a development agreement between the RDA Board and the development applicant regarding the "West Parcel" in accordance with the condition set forth in Section 4 of Ordinance No. 55 of 2006. DATED this 18th day of January , 2011 Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 18thday of January , 201 1 . SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL By: da. (0� CHAIRPERSON ATTEST AND COUNTERSIGN: Ca4 4 0 R HB_ATTY-#15746-v l-Resolution con firming_developmenl_agreement_Howa.DOC APPROVED AS TO FORM Salt Lake City Attorney's Office Date: 4 By: Pa it C.Nielson, e or City uorney n b _r>5P. CI y 'r�1 }`O% \Oh,AORA 2