011 of 1985 - Declaration of Intent for Improvements to Roads, Curbs and Gutters Salt Lake City, Utah January 15 , 1985 A regular meeting of the City Council of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah was held on Tuesday, the 15th day of January, 1985 , at the hour of 6 : 00 p.m. , at the regular meeting place of said City Council at which meeting there were present and answering roll call the following members who constituted a quorum: Sydney Reed Fonnesbeck Chairperson Ronald J. Whitehead Councilmember Grant Mabey Councilmember Alice Shearer Councilmember Ione M. Davis Councilmember Edward W. Parker Councilmember Earl F. Hardwick Councilmember Also present : Ted L. Wilson Maycr Albert E. Haines Chief Administrative Officer Roger Cutler City Attorney Linda Domino Chief Deputy City Recorder Absent : -1- Thereupon the following proceedings , among others , were duly had and taken: Councilmember Mabey introduced the following resolution in writing, which was read by title, and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 11 of 1985 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, SALT LAKE COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH, TO CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENTS ON CERTAIN STREETS WITHIN SAID MUNICIPALITY CONSISTING OF IMPROVEMENTS TO ROADWAYS , CURB AND GUTTER AND SIDEWALK, AND ALL OTHER MISCELLANEOUS WORK NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE IMPROVEMENTS IN A PROPER WORKMANLIKE MANNER; TO CREATE SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH CURB AND GUTTER EXTENSION NO. 38-685 ; TO DEFRAY THE COST AND EXPENSES OF SAID IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS TO BE LEVIED AGAINST THE PROPERTY BENEFITED BY SUCH IMPROVEMENTS : AND TO PROVIDE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AUTHORIZE SUCH IMPROVEMENTS AND TO FIX A TIME AND PLACE FOR PROTESTS AGAINST SUCH IMPROVEMENTS OR THE CREATION OF SAID DISTRICT; AND TO AUTHORIZE ADVERTISEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION BIDS . BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah: Section 1. The City Council of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah hereby determines , that it will be in the best interest of said Municipality to make such improvements that will cause all streets in the extension to be paved with bituminous surface course placed on compacted gravel base , to construct a drainage system, to construct curb and gutter and sidewalk where it does not now exist ; to remove all existing -2- non-conforming improvements in the way of new improvements ; to construct driveways from the new curb and gutter to the street edge of sidewalks ; and to complete the whole in a proper and workmanlike manner according to the preliminary design plans on file in the Office of the City Engineer of Salt Lake City, Utah. The proposed district is more particularly described in the Notice of Intention to construct the proposed improvements hereinafter set forth. Section 2 . The proposed district shall be known as "Salt Lake City, Utah 1700 South Street Special Improvement District No . 38-685" (the "District") . Section 3 . The cost and expenses of a portion of the proposed improvements shall be paid by a special tax to be levied against the property fronting or abutting upon or situated within the District to be improved or which may be affected or specially benefited by any of such improvements , such tax to be paid in not more than ten (10) equal annual installments with interest on the unpaid balance until due and paid. Section 4. Written protests against the proposed improvements or against the creation of said District must be presented and filed in the Office of the City Recorder on or before the llth day of March, 1985 , at the hour of 5 : 00 p.m. Thereafter at 6 : 00 p.m. on Tuesday, the 12th day of March, -3- 1985 at the City Council ' s Chambers in Salt Lake City, Utah, any such protests shall be heard and considered by the City Council . The City Recorder is hereby directed to give notice of intention to make the proposed improvements and of the time within which protests against the proposed improvements or the creation of the District may be filed and the date when such protests will be heard and considered by publishing notice of intention to create the District in the Deseret News , a newspaper of general circulation in said Municipality, said notice to be published four times , once during each week for four consecutive weeks , the last publication to be not less than five (5 ) nor more than twenty (20) days prior to the time fixed in the notice as the last day for the filing of protests . In addition, the City Recorder shall mail a copy of such notice by United States Mail, postage prepaid, to each owner of land to be assessed within the proposed Special Improvement District at the last known address of such owner, using for such purpose the names and addresses of said owners appearing on the last completed real property assessment rolls of Salt Lake City , and in addition, a copy of such notice shall be mailed, postage prepaid, addressed to "Owner" at the street number of each piece of improved property to be affected by the assessment , said notices to be so mailed not later than ten (10) days t A ~N -4- after the first publication of the Notice of Intention. Said Notice shall be in substantially the following form: -5- NOTICE OF INTENTION PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 15th day of January, 1985 , the Mayor and City Council of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah (the "City") , adopted a resolution declaring its intention to create a special improvement district to be known as Salt Lake City, Utah 1700 South Street Special Improvement District No . 38-685 (the "District") . It is the intention of the City Council to make improvements within the District and to levy special taxes as provided in Chapter 16 , Title 10 , Utah Code Annotated, (1953) , as amended, on the real estate lying within the District for the benefit of which such taxes are to be expended in the making of such improvements . DESCRIPTION OF DISTRICT The District will be constructed within the following described area and boundaries and upon the street named in the section entitled "Street for Improvement" . -6- Block No ' s 258 and 280 Richland Addition, Also Block No ' s 283 and 284, all in SIDWELL MAP No . 15-13-22 ; Block No . 254 , Block No' s 257 and 258 Richland Addition, Block No ' s 255 and 402 , all in Sidwell Map No . 15-13-21; Block No . 326 Sidwell Map No . 15-13-32 ; Block No ' s 177 and 181 Sidwell Map No . 15-13-12 ; Block No ' s 301 , 303 and 304 Sidwell Map No . 15-M; Block No' s 151 and 152 Sidwell Map No . 15-13-11; Block No . 277 Sidwell Map No . 15- 14-22 ; and Block No . 477 Sidwell Map No . 15-14-42 . Boundaries : North - North side of 1700 South Street South - South side of 1700 South Street East - West side of West Temple and 1700 South Street Intersection West - East side of 700 West Street and 1700 South Street Intersection STREET FOR IMPROVEMENT AND BASIS FOR ASSESSMENT Along the following named street the abutting property owners will be assessed for improvements built at the herein below estimated rates per front foot of abutting property; for designated widths of roadway measured out from the street edge of the gutter to the center of the roadway; for concrete curb and gutter and sidewalk where it does not now exist and for the abutters portion of certain miscellaneous costs of the project : 1700 South Street - North Side From West Temple Street , thence west to Jefferson Street - 297 . 50 feet - Rate No . 2 . From Jefferson Street , thence west to the public alley - 149 feet - Rate No . 2 . -7- From 200 West Street , thence east to the public alley - 194. 20 feet - Rate No. 1. From 200 West Street , thence west - 118 .45 feet - Rate No. 1. From 118 .45 feet west of 200 West Street , thence west to 300 West Street - 603 . 55 feet - Rate No . 2 . From 300 West Street , thence west - 132 feet - Rate No . 3 . From 132 feet west of 300 West , thence west to 744 feet West of 300 West - Rate No . 2 . From 744 feet west of 300 West Street , thence west to 500 West Street - 759 feet - Rate No. 1. From ' 500 West Street , thence west to 700 West Street - 1,518 feet - Rate No. 1. 1700 South Street - South Side From West Temple Street , thence west to Jefferson Street - 297 feet - Rate No . 2. From Jefferson Street , thence west to 300 West 1104.56 feet - Rate No. 1. From 300 West Street , thence west to 500 West Street - 1,428 .40 feet - Rate No. 1. From 500 West Street , thence west to 700 West Street - 1,479 . 83 feet - Rate No . 1. A map of the District and rates for assessments are available for review in the City Recorder' s Office. Also available in the City Recorder' s Office is a list of all property owners affected and the rate schedule for each. Those property owners within the District whose property does not abut the newly constructed improvements will not be assessed. -8- All other necessary work shall be done to complete the whole project in a proper and workmanlike manner according to plans , profiles and specifications on file in the office of the Salt Lake City Engineer. All non-conforming improvements such as lawns , sprinkling systems , rock gardens , driveways , curbs and gutters , culverts , walks , fences , etc. , which have been built or installed by abutting property owners within the area to be improved, must be removed by the property owners at their expense prior to the commencement of the project . If these improvements are not removed by the property owners , they will be removed by the contractor and disposed of by him as directed by the Engineer. No fine grading or installing of sprinkling systems will be done under this improvement project . In addition to the improvements for which property owners in the District will be assessed, drainage facilities will be constructed and paid for by the City to the extent that funds are available. ESTIMATED COST OF IMPROVEMENTS The total cost of improvements in said proposed Special Improvement District as estimated by the City Engineer is $2 ,874 ,000 , of which it is anticipated the City will pay approximately $2,553 , 100. The remainder of approximately -9- $320 , 900 shall be paid by a special tax to be levied against the property abutting upon the streets to be improved and upon property which may be affected or specifically benefited by such improvements . The commitment of the City to pay its portion of the costs of improvements is subject to the availability of funds and compliance with budget approval. The estimated costs include an allowance for contingencies and an allowance of approximately fifteen percent (15%) for administrative costs , engineering, legal and other costs in connection with the issuance of bonds . The property owners ' portion of the total estimated cost of the improvements may be financed during the construction period by the use of interim warrants . The interest on the warrants will be included in the costs to be assessed to the property owners . The estimated cost to be assessed against the properties within the District shall be as follows : -10- Front Feet Rate of Abutting Estimated Estimated No . Improvements Property Cost/Foot Cost 1. 5 ' walk, curb and 6602 .44 $ 39 . 60 $261,456 . 62 gutter, 10 ' pavement 2 . Curb & gutter and 1959 . 05 29 . 00 56 ,812 .45 10 ' pavement 3 . Pavement 10 ' 132 . 00 19 . 60 2 ,587 .20 Total estimated Abutter' s portion $ 320 ,856 . 27 Total estimated City' s portion 2 ,553 , 143 . 73 Total estimated Project Cost $2 ,874 ,000 . 00 The abutter' s estimated cost per front foot Rate No. 1 does include the cost of driveways . The estimated cost of the City ' s portion consists of the cost of one half of all unclassified excavation, the cost of the paving of all intersections , the cost of all drainage systems , the cost of relocating water systems , and sewer systems less resetting manholes and cleanout box covers and frames , the cost of replacing any existing curb and gutter and/or sidewalk necessitated by the new improvements and all miscellaneous costs of the project . -11- ASSESSMENTS AND LEVY OF TAXES It is the intention of the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah to levy assessments as provided by the laws of Utah on all parcels and lots of real property within the zones of the District . The purpose of the assessment and levy is to pay those costs of the subject improvements which the City will not assume and pay. The method of assessment shall be by front foot as set forth herein. The assessments may be paid by property owners in ten (10) equal annual installments with interest on the unpaid balance at a rate or rates fixed by the City Treasurer, or the whole or any part of the assessment may be paid without interest within fifteen (15 ) days after the ordinance levying the assessment becomes effective. The assessments shall be levied according to the benefits to be derived by each property within the District . Other payment provisions and enforcement remedies shall be in accordance with Chapter 16 of Title 10 of Utah Code Annotated, (1953 ) , as amended. A map of the proposed District and copies of the preliminary design plans of the proposed improvements and other related information are on file in the office of the City Engineer who will make such information available to all interested persons . -12- ABATEMENT OF ASSESSMENTS Assessments shall be equal and uniform according to the benefits and improvements received; however, when the owner of a residence abutting the required improvements shall have a combined family income at or below the "Very Low Income Household" guidelines established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development in its "Income Limits for Housing and Community Development , Section 8 Program for Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah SMSA" , as amended from time to time, the entire cost of replacement may be paid by the City, subject to the availability of funds . In order for the above income guidelines to become effective for the purposes of this section, the City must receive notice of such amendment and same must be adopted by the Mayor by executive action. "Very Low Income Household" means a household whose income does not exceed 50% of the median family income for the area, as determined by HUD with adjustments for smaller and larger families . Such owner must file an application therefor with the City, in order for the payment required to be abated. The abatement of assessments will only apply for owner occupied single family residences . All other abutting properties will be assessed in accordance with the Notice of Intention. The property owners will be required to submit documentation of their income to the City for an evaluation -13- for an abatement . This information would be submitted for review not less than ten (10) days before the time of the Board of Equalization hearings for the District . These abatements will be on an annual basis . The property owner will have to provide income information yearly, at the time of assessment billing, for the abatement to be extended. TIME FOR FILING PROTESTS Any person who is the owner of record of property to be assessed in the District described in this Notice of Intention shall have the right to file in writing a protest against the creation of the District or to make any other objections relating thereto . Protests shall describe or otherwise identify the property record by the person or persons making the protest . Protests shall be filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before 5 : 00 p.m. on the llth day of March, 1985 . Thereafter at 6 : 00 p.m. on the 12th day of March, 1985 , the City Council will meet in public meeting at the City Council Chambers to consider all protests so filed and hear all objections relating to the proposed District . -14- r The protest rate shall be determined by totaling the front footage of abutting property owners filing a protest and dividing it by the total front footage of all abutting property owners within the proposed district . BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH /s/ Kathryn Marshall City Recorder Published in the Deseret News . -15- Section 5 . The City Engineer is hereby authorized to prepare a notice which calls for bids for the construction of improvements contemplated to be made in Curb and Gutter Extension No . 38-685 , and the City Recorder is hereby authorized to publish the Notice to Contractors calling for bids at least one time in the Deseret News , a newspaper of general circulation in Salt Lake City, at least fifteen (15) days before the date specified in the notice for the receipt of bids . Councilmember Davis seconded the motion to adopt the foregoing resolution. The motion and resolution were unanimously adopted on the following recorded vote : Those voting AYE: Sydney Reed Fonnesbeck Chairperson Ronald J . Whitehead Councilmember Grant Mabey Councilmember Alice Shearer Councilmember Ione M. Davis Councilmember Edward W. Parker Councilmember Earl F. Hardwick Councilmember Those voting NAY: None -16- After the conduct of other business not pertinent to the above the meeting was , on motion duly made and seconded, adjourned. 2 airman ATTEST: / r i Ci y Recorder S —A� L ) -17- STATE OF UTAH ) ss . COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ) I , Kathryn Marshall , the duly chosen, qualified and acting City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County , Utah, do hereby certify as follows : 1. That the foregoing typewritten pages constitute a full, true and correct copy of the record of proceedings of the City Council taken at a regular meeting thereof held in said Municipality on January 15 , 1985 , at the hour of 6 : 00 p.m. , insofar as said proceedings relate to the consideration and adoption of a resolution declaring the intention of the City Council to create 1700 South Street No . 38-685 , and make certain improvements therein described as the same appears of record in my office; and that the proceedings were in fact held as in said minutes specified. 2 . That due, legal and timely notice of said meeting was served upon all members as required by law and the rules and ordinances of said Municipality. 3 . That the above resolution was deposited in my office on January SI 1985 , has been recorded by me, and is a part of the permanent records of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. -18- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my official signature and affixed the seal of said Municipality this /5-t day of January, 1985 . i ec , er J -19- STATE OF UTAH ) AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING ss . NOTICE OF INTENTION COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ) I , Kathryn Marshall , the duly chosen, qualified and acting City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, do hereby certify that the attached Notice of Intention was approved and adopted in the proceedings of the City Council had on Tuesday, the 15th day of January, 1985 . I further certify that on the day of February, 1985 (a date not later than ten (10) days after the first publication of the Notice of Intention) I mailed a true copy of the Notice of Intention to create Salt Lake City, Utah 1700 South Street Special Improvement District No . 38-685 by United States Mail , postage prepaid to each owner of land to be assessed within the proposed District at the last known address of such owner, using for such purpose the names and addresses appearing on the last completed real property assessment rolls of Salt Lake County , and in addition I mailed on the same date a copy of said Notice of Intention addressed to "Owner" addressed to the street number of each piece of improved property to be affected by the assessment . I further certify that a certified copy of said Notice of Intention together with profiles of the improvements and a map of the proposed District , was on file in my office for -20- inspection by any interested parties . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah this day of February, 1985 . Ci y ec rder r [ S E A L ] —. -21- (Affidavit of proof of publication of the Notice of Intention to create Salt Lake City, Utah 1700 South Street Special Improvement District No . 38-685 . ) -22- STATE OF UTAH ) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ss WITH OPEN MEETING LAW COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ) I , Kathryn Marshall , the duly qualified City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, do hereby certify : (a) that in accordance with the requirements of Section 52-4-6 (1) , Utah Code Annotated (1953) , as amended, public notice of the 1985 Annual Meeting Schedule of the City Council of Salt Lake City (the "Council") was given, specifying the date, time and place of the regular meetings of the Council scheduled to be held during the year 1985 , by causing a Notice of Annual Meeting Schedule for the Council to be posted on January 4, 1985 , at the principal office of the Council at City Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah; said Notice of Annual Meeting Schedule having continuously remained so posted and available for public inspection during regular office hours at City Hall until the date hereof; and causing a copy of the Notice of Annual Meeting Schedule to be provided on January 4, 1985 , to at least one newspaper of general circulation within the geographic jurisdiction of the Municipality or to a local media correspondent ; (b) that in accordance with the requirements of Section 52-4-6 (2) , Utah Code Annotated (1953 ) , as amended, public notice of the regular meeting of the Council on January 15 , 1985 , was given by specifying in a Notice of Regular Meeting -23- the agenda, date , time and place of the January 15 , 1985 Council Meeting and by causing the Notice of Regular Meeting to be posted at the principal office of the Council at City Hall in Salt Lake City, Utah, on the llth day of January, 1985 , a date not less than 24 hours prior to the date and time of the January 15 , 1985 regular meeting; said Notice of Regular Meeting having continuously remained so posted and available for public inspection during the regular office hours at City Hall until the date and time of the January 15 , 1985 regular Council meeting; and causing a copy of the Notice of Regular Meeting to be provided on January 11, 1985 , to at least one newspaper of general circulation within the geographic jurisdiction of the Municipality or to a local media correspondent . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my handand affixed the official seal of said City this 1.V - day of January, 1985 . Cit Rec f7der [ S E A L ] -24- Affidavit of Publication AD%I35A STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake Cheryl Gierloff Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily newspaper printed in the English language with general hµ circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. a� That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Notice of Intention - S ecial Im rovement - ...................................................?..............�?........................ 'hY District 1700 South Street :.. ............................................................................................. ............................................................................................. ............................................................................................. ............................................................................................. was published in said newspaper on.................................. ...' � w 5.. ,._. .. .......... �b ..aQa..27.,..1985................................. ..............................................0 Legal'Ad e. tising Cl rk 4 before me this 4th ......................... day of ........ A.D. 19..85.... ,......:.....-.... ...: ............................................. Notary Public March 1, 1988 ................................................. Q.♦.DAVO N� 9TF OF V� . s t a {+ a{y fl + lya: � S tat 6 t )j ILL a k t a r Y tqy y