126 of 1984 - Accepting Annexation 3100 N 2450 W Petition 400-244 of 1984 P 84-282 RFSOLUTION NO. 126 of 1984 (Accepting Annexation Petition No. 400-244 of 1984, for Purposes of City Council Review) WHEREAS, Salt Lake City has received a Petition for the Annexation of approximately 1 acre of unincorporated territory lying at approximately 3100 North 2450 West, Salt Lake County, (designated as Petition No. 400-244 of 1984); WHEREAS, Petitioner is the sole owner of the real property within the proposed annexation, as shown by the last assessment rolls of Salt Lake County; WHFRFAS, Petitioner has submitted a map of the territory desired to be annexed to the City; and WHEREAS, the territory in ouestion lies contiquous to the corporate limits of Salt Lake City and is within Study Area No. 1, projected for municipal expansion under Salt Lake Citv's Master Policy Declaration, as adopted June 20, 1979. NOW, THEREFORE, RE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, that it does hereby: 1. Accept the Petitioner's Petition for Annexation for the purpose of considering said annexation for the expansion of its municipal limits by way of reviewina existing policy declarations relating to said Study Area No. 1, as previously adopted by the City and considering the proposed zoning classification of A-1, as recommended by the Planning Commission and the Master Policy Declaration for Study Area No. 1, as it relates to the annexation proposal. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that nothing hereunder shall he con- strued to vest Petitioners with rights to require annexation of said properties; to hind the City Council to finally approve said annexation; to vest the petitioners with rights to develop under particular zoning, subdivision or site develonment ordinances; or to require Salt Lake City to exercise jurisdiction over the area, until such time as a decision to annex and extend corporate limits has been made and all annexation formalities have been completed, including the preparation of the final plat according to City Engineer specification, appropriate ordinances, annexa- tion agreements and documentation verifying sufficiency of said petition. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this llth day of December, 1984. CHAIRMAN ATTEST,ATTEST: CIT RFc DER cc10o (' -2-