017 of 2011 - adopting the One-Year Annual Action Plan for 2011-2012 that included Community Development Block Gra R 11-1 T 11-1 RESOLUTION NO. 17 OF 2011 APPROPRIATION RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ONE-YEAR ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FOR 2011-12 THAT INCLUDES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING, HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM FUNDING, EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT FUNDING, HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS FUNDING, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT R FUNDING AND APPROVING THE INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN SALT LAKE CITY AND THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, Salt Lake City (City) is entitled under 24 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 91, et al., to receive 2011-12 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds in the amount of$3,688,034, HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) funds in the amount of $1,205,508, Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) funds in the amount of$248,896, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) funds in the amount of$387,583 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for program year; and WHEREAS, in order to receive said funds, the City is required to adopt a Five-Year Consolidated Plan and Citizen Participation Plan and a One-Year Annual Action Plan Update to the Five-Year Consolidated Plan; and WHEREAS, the City will also reallocate CDBG funds in the amount of$193,909, CDBG-R funds in the amount of$136,175, HOME funds in the amount of$145,000, HOPWA funds in the amount of 13,224, and CDBG Holding Account funds from Fiscal Year 2010-11 in the amount of$90,000. WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the people of Salt Lake City that the City file an application with HUD for said funds in accordance with 24 CFR Part 91; and WHEREAS, the public notices, hearings, and other pre-submission requirements as set forth in 24 CFR Part 91 have been accomplished by the City, including but not limited to the following: A public hearing held March 9, 2010 to consider the 2010-2015 Consolidated Plan, the Citizen Participation Plan, and a proposed list of CDBG, HOME, ESG, HOPWA and CDBG-R projects to be funded during 2010-2011 and to obtain the views of citizens regarding the City's One-year Action Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council does now meet this 3rd day of May, 2011 to adopt the City's 2011-12 One-year Action Plan for CDBG, HOME, ESG, HOPWA, and CDBG-R funds; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, as follows: 1. That the City hereby adopts 2011-12 One-Year Action Plan for CDBG, HOME, ESG, HOPWA, and CDBG-R funds as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference. 2. That the Mayor, as the official representative of the City, is hereby authorized to submit the 2011-2012 One-Year Action Plan for CDBG, HOME, ESG, HOPWA and CDBG-R funds together with such additional information and certifications as may be required under 24 CFR Part 91 to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 3. That the Mayor, as the official representative of Salt Lake City, or his designee, is hereby authorized to sign and execute the HUD Grant Agreement and any and all subsequent agreements between the City and other public entities resulting from and consistent with the HUD Grant Agreement, subject to final approval as to form by the City Attorney. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 3`d day of May, 2011. SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL By CHAIR ATTEST: JAW -CITY REC RDER APPROVED AS TO FORM CIT Salt Lake City A o ney's Office Date_ 2 if v BV ,Ftlis�..�Li �0kPpRA ftis�' Resolution adopting Annual Action Plan Page 2 of 3 EXHIBIT"A" Exhibit"A"attached hereto,includes 2011-12 funding recommendations for the CDBG Program,funding recommendations for the HOME Program,funding recommendations for the HOPWA Program,funding recommendations for the ESG Program,funding recommendations for the CDBG-R Program,and funding recommendations for the CDBG Holding Account from Fiscal Year 2010-11,collectively referred to as the One- Year Action Plan. i Resolution adopting Annual Action Plan Page 3 of 3 ` SALT LAKE CITY HOME PROGRAM 2011-2012 FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS # ORGANIZATION DESCRIPTION PREVIOUS 2011-12 RECOMMENDATIONS COUNCIL AMOUNTS YEAR REQUEST HTF MAYOR APPROVED 1 Salt Lake Community Action To provide tenant based rental assistance to 110 clients 70,000 10111 70,000 70,000 65,000 65,000 Program that may include residents of mobile homes in parks 70,000 09/10 764 South 200 West targeted for relocation, special needs clients, and other 70,000 08/09 at-risk populations in order to transition them into No app 07/08 TBRA program housing and maximize stability. 70,000 06/07 70,000 05/06 2 SL Community Development To provide a loan/grant for 15-20 low/mod first time 100,000 10/11 150,000 100,000 95,000 95,000 Corporation home buyers for down payment assistance or closing 103,591 09/10 501 East 1700 South costs. If the buyer resides in the home for 15 years,the 125,000 08/09 funding becomes a grant; otherwise the owner repays 175,000 07/08 Own in Salt Lake Program the money at the time of the sale. 175,000 06/07 135,000 05/06 3 SL Community Development Funding for acquisition,demolition, rehabilitation and/or 0 10/11 220,000 0 0 0 Corporation new construction of 1-3 properties to provide affordable 0 09/10 501 East 1700 South housing for low-and moderate-income households. 0 08/09 CDC is also requesting to be able to provide 125,000 07/08 recapturable soft second mortgages and permission to Property Acquisition/New retain recaptured funds for investment in other 125,000 05/07 Construction affordable housing projects and not return those funds to 0 05/06 SLC. 180,000 04/05 4 NeighborWorks Salt Lake Funding to target and acquire boarded and/or vacant 475,000 10/11 700,000 375,000 369,276 369,777 properties in the Glendale, Poplar Grove, Fairpark, Rose 500,000 09110 622 West 500 North Park,Jordan Meadows, West Pointe&West Capitol Hill 500,000 08/09 areas and develop them into affordable housing for first 568,339 07108 CHDO application time home buyers earning 80% of the median income or 456,172 06/07 Rebuild&Revitalize Blight less. Components of the program may include planning, 370,479 05/06 predevelopment, demolition, new construction, site project improvements, development,rehab and financing. 464,532 04105 Services will be provided to approximately 10 people. 5 The Road Home To provide tenant based rental assistance to homeless, 100,000 10/11 100,000 100,000 95,000 100,000 210 South Rio Grande special needs,and other at-risk populations who are 100,000 09/10 participating in their Supportive Housing Program, in 80,000 08/09 TBRA program order to transition them into permanent housing and 75,000 07108 maximize stability.Services will be provided to 75,000 06/07 approximately 24 people. 75,000 05106 75,000 04/05 SALT LAKE CITY HOME PROGRAM 2 2011-2012 FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS 6 SLC Housing&Neighborhood Funding to provide low interest or cash flow loans to 10/11 300,000 102,751 100,000 100,000 Development housing organizations for property acquisition, new 09/10 451 S.State Street, Rm 406 construction, and/or rehabilitation of housing units for 300,000 08/09 very low-and low-income populations. Services will be 07/08 Low-income Housing provided to approximately 50-100 people. Assistance Fund 7 SLC Housing&Neighborhood Funding for the homeowner rehabilitation program, First 665,000 10/11 690,000 600,000 500,000 500,000 Development Time Home Buyer Assistance, emergency repair 690,000 09/10 451 S. State Street, Rm 406 program,acquisition, new construction, and financial 570,000 08/09 services programs. Services will be provided to 570,000 07/08 Housing Rehab and FTHB approximately 130 housing rehabilitations and 20 First 570,000 06/07 Time Home Buyer projects. 570,000 05/06 570.000 04/05 8 Administrative Costs Funding to administer the HOME program (10% of 123,646 10/11 137,195 137,195 123,475 120,550 SLC-HAND the total HOME allocation). 137,687 09/10 451 S. State Street, Rm 406 123,646 08/09 127,971 07/08 129,214 06/07 137,384 05/06 145,504 04/05 Total Requested/Recommended 2,367,195 1,484,946 1,347,761 1,350,327 Grant Amount 1,371,946 1,371,946 1,234,751 1,205,508 Reallocated Funds 113,000 113,000 113,000 145,000 Total Funds Available 1,484,946 1,484,946 1,347,751 1,350,608 Difference -882,249 0 0 181 SALT LAKE CITY HOPWA PROGRAM FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 2011-12 Applicant Description Prior Year Requested Recommended Approved Amount Amount iIV/AID/En1 HTFAB MAYOR COUNCIL 1 Housing Authority of Salt Lake To provide tenant-based rental assistance to 11112 148,225 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 City 21 households 142,727 10/11 110,001 09/10 Tenant-based rental assistance: $138,528 98,752 08/09 Administration:$9,697 133,750 07/08 145,000 06107 146,467 05/06 2 Housing Authority of the County To provide tenant-based rental assistance to 11/12 129,013 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 of Salt Lake 20 households. 112,830 10/11 63,500 09/10 Tenant-based rental assistance: $120,000 63,500 08109 Administration:$9,013 38,500 07/08 38,000 06/07 38,500 05/06 3 Housing Authority of the County To provide project-based rental assistance to 11/12 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 of Salt Lake 3 households. 20,000 10/11 Project-based rental assistance: $20,000 4 West Valley City Housing To provide tenant-based rental assistance to 11/12 85,600 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 Authority 7 households. 41,979 10/11 32,100 09/10 Tenant-based rental assistance: $80,000 32,100 08/09 Administration:$5,600 32,100 07/08 30,000 06/07 30,600 05/06 5 Salt Lake Community Action To provide housing information and referral 11112 117,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100000 Program services to 115 households including short- 116,934 10111 term rent/mortgage/utility assistance to 75 117,000 09/10 households, permanent housing placement 117,000 08/09 assistance to 37 households,and short-term 116,782 07108 emergency housing to 3 households. 90,000 06/07 150,000 05/06 HOPWA Housing Specialists: $26,566 Mileage for the Housing Specialists:$300 Short-term rent/mortgage/utility asst: $53,273 Permanent housing placement asst:$26,228 Short-term emergency housing: $2,460 Administration:$8,173 SALT LAKE CITY HOPWA PROGRAM FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 2011-12 6 Utah AIDS Foundation To provide housing related case management 11/12 10,000 9,413 9,413 9,413 9,807 to 18 clients. 10,000 10/11 10,000 09/10 Case Manager:$9,300 15,000 08/09 Administration: $700 15,000 07/08 14,554 06/07 15,000 05/06 7 Robert A.Willey Apartments To provide project-based rental assistance to 11/12 19,000 -0- -0- - - 4 households. -0- 10/11 19,000 09/10 Project-based rental assistance:$19,000 19,500 08/09 19,500 07/08 19,000 06/07 19,500 05106 8 Administration To provide management, oversight, and 11/12 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 monitoring of the HOPWA program 10,000 10/11 10,000 09/10 Administration: $10,000 10,000 08/09 10,000 07108 10,620 06107 10,620 05/06 Total funds requested 538,838 400,413 400,413 400,413 400,807 Estimated 2011/12 HUD allocation 387,189 387,189 387,189 387,189 387,189 Funds available for reallocation 13,224 13,224 13,224 13,224 13,224 Total funds available 400,413 400,413 400,413 400,413 400,413 If the HOPWA funding received by Salt Lake City is less then estimated, it is recommended that the Utah AIDS Foundation remain at$9,413 and then that each applicant share a porportionate percentage decrease. If the funding is more than anticipated, it is recommended that the Utah AIDS Foundaiton receive$10,000 and then that each applicant share a porportionate percentage increase. Salt lake City ESG Program 1 2011-2012 Funding Applicant Description Prior Year Requested Recommended Approved Project Amount Amount CDCIP MAYOR COUNCIL 1 Catholic Community Services A program that provides residential substance abuse 11112 10,000 10,000 9,000 10,000 treatment and case management to low-income and/or 10,000 10/11 St. Mary's Home for Men chronically homeless men. 10,000 09/10 10,000 08/09 Operations 7,000 07/08 Utilities:$8,000 7,000 06/07 Insurance: $1,200 5,000 05/06 Builidng equipment and maintenance: $800 2 Catholic Community Services A day center for homeless individuals and families that 11/12 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 provides showers, lockers, hygiene items, phone, 20,000 10/11 Weigand Day Center message and mail services and referrals to other 5,000 09/10 programs. 5,000 08/09 5,000 07/08 Operations 5,000 06/07 Utilities: $8,900 5,000 05106 Building repair and maintenance:$7,950 Insurance:$1,500 Professional auditing fees:$1,150 Equipment repair and maintenance: $500 3 Salt Lake Community Action A homeless prevention program that provides one-time 11/12 40,000 15,000 14,000 19,000 Program rent/deposit assistance to households to avoid eviction 15,000 10/11 and first month rent/deposit assistance to homeless 15,000 09/10 Emergency Rent/Deposit families moving into permanent housing. Also, a program 15,000 08/09 Assistance and Tenant-Landlord that provides mediation between tenants and landlords. 15,000 07/08 Mediation 15,000 06107 Rental Assistance 15,000 05/06 Emergency rent/deposit assistance: $25,000 Housing Stabilization Salary of a part-time mediator:$15,000 4 Family Promise-Salt Lake A day center where homeless and formerly homeless 11/12 20,000 5,000 4,000 5,000 families can access basic services and receive case 5,000 10/11 Family Promise Day Center management. Funding to provide case management, 5,572 09/10 rental assistance and housing relocation/stabilization. 5,000 08/09 Essential Services Partial salary of a case manager: $5,000 Rental Assistance Homeless prevention and rapid re-housing:$10,000 Housing Relocation or Stabilization Deposits, moving costs, utilities,credit repair:$5,000 Salt Lace City ESG Program 2 2011-2012 Funding Applicant Description Prior Year Requested Recommended Approved Project Amount Amount CDCIP MAYOR COUNCIL 5 Odyssey House A program that provides residential substance abuse 11/12 10,000 8,000 7,000 10,000 treatment to single homeless mothers and therapeutic 8,000 10/11 Mothers with Children Program intervention to their children. 8,000 09/10 7.000 08/09 7,000 07/08 Operations 7,000 06/07 Utilities and building maintenance supplies:$10,000 7,000 05/06 6 The Road Home A program that provides emergency shelter and supportive 11/12 190,000 68,998 65,000 105,000 services to homeless individuals and families. 68,998 10/11 Emergency Homeless Shelter 90,000 09/10 Operations 90,000 08/09 Utilities: $20,000 90,000 07/08 Repairs/maintenance:$26,000 90,000 06/07 Cleaning supplies:$20,000 90,000 05/06 Insurance:$15,000 Maintenance staff salaries: $9,000 Rental Assistance Direct client assistance:$76,000 Housing Relocation or Stabilization .6 FTE Case Manager's salary:$24,000 7 Valley Mental Health A program that provides emergency shleter,case 11/12 30,000 10,000 9,000 24,896 management and supportive services to chronically 10,000 10/11 Safe Haven homeless individuals who suffer with severe and 20,000 09/10 persistent mental illness. 16,000 08/09 19,476 07/08 Operations 21,919 06/07 Building,grounds,janitorial and maintenance: $21,500 20,000 05/06 Utilities:$5,000 Bedding and liner/mattresses:$2,000 Kitchen supplies/food provisions:$1,500 8 Volunteers of America A drop-in center that provides basic needs and case 11/12 25,000 23,975 23,115 25,000 management to homeless youth. 23,975 10/11 Homeless Youth Resource Center Operations Rent and utilities:$17,895 Building and grounds maintenance: $4,803 Insurance:$2,302 Salt Lake City ESG Program 3 2011-2012 Funding Applicant Description Prior Year Requested Recommended Approved Project Amount Amount CDCIP MAYOR COUNCIL 9 YWCA A program that provides transitional housing and 11/12 30,000 30,000 28,000 30,000 services to homeless women who are survivors of 30,000 10/11 Residential Self-Sufficiency domestic violence. 30,000 09/10 Program 27,924 08/09 Essential Services 27,000 07/08 Partial salary of the Director of Transitional Housing,case 27,000 06/07 manager:$13,000 27,118 05/06 Operations Building maintenance: $10,000 Utilities:$7,000 10 South Valley Sanctuary A program that provides emergency shelter and supportive 11/12 10,000 - - services to homeless families that are victims of domestic Emergency Domestic Violence violence. Shelter Operations Utilities: $10,000 Total funds requested 385,000 190,973 179,115 248,896 Estimated 2011-12 HUD allocation 179,115 179,115 179,115 248,896 Funds available for reallocation 0 0 - - Total funds available 179,115 179,115 179,115 248,896 Difference -205,885 (11,658) SLC may not use more than 60%of its ESG allocation for(1) shelter renovation, (2)essential services, and (3)operations. The other 40%must be used for(4) rental assistance,and(5) housing relocation or stabilization. SALT LAKE CITY CDBG PROGRAM 1 FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 2011-12 Remaining 0 # APPLICANT NAME PROJECT DESCRIPTION PREV.GRANTS RECOMMENDATIONS PROJECT NAME YEAR AMOUNT REQUEST CDCIP MAYOR 10% MAYOR25% 16.2% HOUSING :.-.. �.. j > 1 ASSIST Inc Salaries,operational support and rehab. funds 36th 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 for a program that provides emergency home 35th 350,000 Emergency Home Repair and repair and accessibility design to eligible low 34th 350.000 Accessibility&Community Design income residents.Repairs include plumbing, 33rd 350,000 healing&electrical,roof repair,accessibility 32nd 350,000 ramps,etc. Others 5,767,500 City-wide Total 1 7,517,500 2 Community Development Salaries and operational support for a program 36th 70,000 130,000 70,000 70.000 70,000 70,000 Corporation that provides affordable housing.Services 35th 70,000 Program support include downpayment assistance grants, 34th 70,000 purchase and rehabilitation of existing housing 33rd 70,000 units and property for new construction. 32nd 70,000 31st 70,000 Others 1,189.147 City-wide Total 1,609,147 3 Housing and Neighborhood Funds to be used by SLC as match money for 36th 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 0 Development Division acquisition,new construction,or rehabilitation of 35th transitional and permanent housing projects 34th proposed by housing agencies. 33rd Housing Match Funds Others 1,205,000 Total 1,205,000 4 Housing and Neighborhood Salaries,operational support&rehabilitation 36th 600,000 620,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 Development Division activities to bring residential properties up to 35th 600,000 housing code standards,provide first time 34th 600,000 Housing Rehabilitation and First Time homebuyer acquisition and rehabilitation, 33rd 600,000 Homebuyer Programs manage a$48 million mortgage portfolio,provide 32nd 600,000 financial assistance and emergency repairs in 31st 800,000 eligible areas or for income-eligible residents. Others 13,052,995 Income eligible neighborhoods Total 16,652,995 5 NeighborWorks Salt Lake Salaries and operational support for a program 36th 100.000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 that provides affordable housing.Services 35th 100,000 Revolving Loan Fund include:low-interest loans to people who may 34th 100,000 not qualify for a traditional bank mortgage, 33rd 100,000 acquisition,blended mortgages,and 32nd 100,000 rehabilitation projects. Others 1,430,000 Westside neighborhoods Total 1,930,OOD Housing Total 1,300,000 1,2207000 1,220,000 1,120,000 1,120,000 SALT LAKE CITY CDBG PROGRAM 2 FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 2011-12 - ..STRE�T��DESiGN..•->r.T:,� _ ,�:: .,. _ � :. F.. �, Y,_ .,�,.. .. - .� .. .�-- •.�:. � ' 1 Glendale Street Reconstruction Design for reconstruction to include street 32,000 0 0 0 32,000 Design pavement, curb and gutter,sidewalk, park strip Glendale Drive from California landscaping, and storm drain improvements. Avenue to Navajo Street Construction: 360,000 2 Kensington and Roosevelt Avenues Design for reconstruction to include street 50,000 0 0 0 50,000 Reconstruction Design pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalk, park strip landscaping, and storm drain improvements. Kensington from 400 to 500 East Roosevelt from 300 to 400 East Kensington Construction: 300,000 Roosevelt Construction: 300,000 Street Design Total 82,000• 01 0 0 82,000 t t STREET CONSTRUC°TION..- . .. ,• i. LL _:5.•r.. ;�•,.:; <:;, ?y q_ Y.. tl 1 ADA Accessibility Ramps Construct access ramps in eligible areas for 36th 270,000 400,000 179,673 69,810 f 63,825 70,000 individuals who use wheelchairs, strollers, 35th 32,435 walkers,canes,etc.for ADA compliance. 35th-R 252,000 City-wide in eligible neighborhoods 34th 408,942 33rd 300,000 32nd 345,450 31st 304,558 Construction: 343,100 Others 1,278,720 SLC Engineering Design&Engineering: 56,900 Total 3,192,105 2 Glendale Streets Reconstruction Reconstruction including pavement, curb and 35th 30,000 246,000 246,000 246,000 246.000 246,000 Navajo Street from Glendale Drive to gutter, sidewalk, park strip landscaping, and 1300 South storm drain improvements. Design funded in 2009-10: 30,000 20,100 SLC Engineering 225,900 Street Construction Total 646,0001 425,6731 315,8101 309,825 316,000 = a art. T� ..i�.....i 'ID W �� S E ALKS -�• .- . 1 Sidewalk Replacement Program Replace deteriorated and defective sidewalk in 36th 81,000 400,000 200,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 CDBG eligible areas to improve pedestrian 36th-R 189,000 access,safety and walkability. 35th 47,719 35th-R 243,281 City-wide in eligible areas 34th 308,941 Design&Administration-56,900 Others 5,237,802 SLC Engineering Construction: 343,100 Total 6,107,743 Sidewalks Total 400,000 200,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 SALT LAKE CITY CDBG PROGRAM 3 FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 2011-12 PARKS" 1 Cottonwood Park Sprinkler Replace obsolete existing system including 36th 88,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 0 400,000 Irrigation System valves,heads,controllers and central control connection and associated landscaping 300 North 1600 West upgrades. Design funded in 2010-11 for$88,000 Materials and construction: 440,000 2 Jordan River Parkway Trailhead at Develop trailhead,to include parking lot,curb, 36th 50,000 300.000 300,000 300,000 300,000 0 1000 North gutter,sidewalk,landscaping,irrigation system, security lighting,tables,benches and drinking Project pulled due to riparian corridor issue fountain. Design funded in 2010-11 for$50,000 3 Rosewood Park Parking Lot Remove and replace parking lot with more New 243,960 0 0 0 0 Replacement sustainable materials,utilizing permeable concrete pavement and underground water retention to minimize the amount of run-off needing to exit the site. Curb,gutter and driveway approach improvements will also be 1200 West 1300 North included. Design: 40,660 Materials and construction: 203,300 4 Fifth Avenue and"C"Street Tennis Removal of existing tennis courts,retaining walls New 598,100 0 67,100 67,100 67,100 Courts and trees in order to rebuild two tennis courts to meet current standards including new retaining walls,new fencing,and associated landscaping improvements. New benches,drinking fountain and equipment to support the new courts will also be provided. Materials and construction: 450,000 Design&Engineering Fees: 67,100 Construction Inspection&Admin: 36,000 Contingency: 45,000 SALT LAKE CITY CDBG PROGRAM 4 FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 2011-12 5 Westpointe Park Playground Remove old playground and sand,improve New 623,750 0 0 0 0 Improvements existing curbs and sidewalks,install new bark mulch and play surfacing,install new ADA accessible play equipment,new water play equipment,relocate existing volley ball court, replace sod and irrigation equipment,and add 1100 North 2000 West benches&other furnishings. Playground improvements: 250,000 Splash pad improvements: 250,000 Engineering and Design: 43,750 Administration: 30,000 Contingency: 50,000 6 Fire Station Tennis Courts Replace two existing courts with two new post New 228,300 0 0 0 0 tension courts,replace fencing and net posts, 273 North 1000 West landscaping and irrigation adjustments,install conduits for future lighting and install benches. Materials and Labor: 190,300 Engineering,Design&Admin: 38,DDD 7 600 East Island Irrigation System Replace obsolete irrigation system that will New 204,900 204,900 40.000 40,000 40,000 Rebuild and Central Control connect to the City's central control system, including new water and power meters and associated landscaping improvements. 600 East between South Temple and 600 South Materials,labor and equipment: 155,000 Redesign project with water-wise plants, Engineering and Design fees: 20,700 Construction Inspection/Admin: 13,700 Contingency: 15.500 8 Property acquisition for Jordan Funding to purchase a blighted property New 65.000 0 0 0 0 River Parkway Trailhead adjacent to the Jordan River Parkway and Cottonwood Park for future development of a trailhead for the Jordan River Parkway as well as 356 North Redwood Road Application filed by Fairpark and Jordan Meadows Community 9 ADA Improvements and Riverside Funding for a study to provide river side ADA New 50,000 0 0 0 0 Access Study for Alzheimer access improvements at the Alzheimer's Memorial Park Memorial Park in Poplar Grove and to determine 265 South 1200 West amount of funding necessary to make those improvements. Application filed by Kyle LaMalfa SALT LAKE CITY CDBG PROGRAM 5 FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 2011-12 10 Jordan Park Defined Activity Areas Create fenced, defined activity areas to improve New 12,000 0 0 0 0 safety and security in the Jordan River Park. 1000 South 900 West New, defined activity areas will separate different park uses to mitigate and prevent conflicts. Application filed by Kyle LaMalfa 11 Glendale Tennis Complex Construct restrooms for the Glendale Tennis New 350,000 0 0 0 0 Restroom Construction Complex to encourage new and continued use by the community. The closest existing 1700 South 1500 West restrooms are located one block away from this Application filed by Utah Tongan complex. Tennis Club/Glendale Community Council Parks Total 3,116,010 944,900 1347,100 407,100 507,100 ., ... �UBLi_ :_SCR;VIG��' .... ., -�. . . ..- .:... -. . ..,. .,.. .. . _.. . 1 Asian Association Salaries and operational support for a program New 33,600 0 0 0 0 provides self sufficiency and employment preparation through English literacy,computer, and life skill training,for refugees and immigrants. Salary for building supervisor for PSBI improvements. U.S.Workplace Communication 2 Bad Dog Rediscovers America Salaries and operational support for a program 36th 5,000 15,000 0 0 0 0 that provides after-school art outreach to 35th 10,000 Art Instruction Outreach students at Backman, Edison, Mountain View, 34th 10,000 Jackson,Whittier, and Glendale Elementary 33rd 5,000 schools. 32nd 5,000 Total 35,000 3 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah Salaries and operational support for a program 36th 5,000 10,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 that provides a school-based mentoring program 35th 5,000 School-based Mentoring Program for low-income SLC youth in a site-based setting 34th 1,000 utilizing resources available at the school. 33rd 5,000 Schools include Bennion,Washington,Whittier, Rose Park and Lincoln elementaries. Total 16,000 4 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah Salaries and operational support for a program New 5,000 5,000 0 0 0 that provides community-based mentoring for Community-based Mentoring low-income SLC youth outside of the elementary Program school system. Activities may include homework support, sports, visits to museums, etc. Total SALT LAKE CITY CDBG PROGRAM 6 FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 2011-12 5 Boys&Girls Clubs of GSL Salaries for an after-school program that 36th 20,000 38,865 20,000. 20,000 18,000 20,000 provides core club activities in guidance oriented 35th 20,000 Capitol West Club character development to low income youth in 34th 20,000 f Jackson/Guadalupe area. 33rd 30,000 C 32nd 30,000 31st 30,000 Others 548,000 567 West 300 North, SLC Total 698,000 6 Boys &Girls Clubs of GSL Salaries for a program that teaches life and 36th 15,000 31,169 15,000 15,000 13,000 15,000 social skills, provides recreational opportunities 35th 15,000 Youth With a Voice and leadership skills for at-risk youth(ages 11- 34th 15,000 17)at the three Salt Lake City centers. 33rd 15,000 Lied-464 South Concord St. 32nd 15,000 Sugar House-968 E Sugarmont Dr 31st 20,000 Capitol West-567 West 300 North Others 403,000 Total 498,000 7 Catholic Community Services Salaries for a program that provides residential 36th 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 substance abuse treatment for low-income, 35th 10,000 St. Mary's Home for Men and/or chronically homeless men, including 34th 5,000 veterans. 33rd 6,000 32nd 5,000 745 East 300 South,SLC Total 35,000 8 Catholic Community Services Salaries for a program that provides day shelter 36th 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 services five days a week for homeless persons, 35th 15,000 Weigand Day Center including showers, lockers, hygiene items, health 34th 15,000 referrals,outreach services through the Utah 33rd 20,000 Dept.of Workforce Services and a support group 32nd 20,000 235 South Rio Grande, SLC for substance abuse. Others 275,000 Total 400,000 9 Children's Service Society Salaries and operational support for a program 36th 38,136 50,815 25,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 that trains and assists parents in helping their Parents as Teachers Program children prepare for kindergarten. 124 South 400 East, SLC 10 Community Action Program Salaries for a program that assists low/moderate 36th 30,000 30,000 30,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 income residents to obtain safe and affordable 35th 30,000 Housing Outreach Rental Program housing,by listing apartments for rent and 34th 20,000 providing renter training and referrals to other 33rd 30,000 764 South 200 West,SLC agencies for assistance. Others 714,000 Total 1 824,000 SALT LAKE CITY CDBG PROGRAM 7 FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 2011-12 11 Community Action Program Salaries and operating expenses for a program 36th 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 23,000 24,000 that provides emergency food supply to low- 35th 25,000 Northwest Neighborhood Center income west side residents. 34th 25,000 Food Pantry 33rd 25,000 Others 546,000 1300 West 300 North, SLC Total 646,000 12 Community Action Program Salaries for a program that provides home 36th 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 maintenance training and money management 35th 10,000 Home Tenant Maintenance Project training, referrals and other assistance to low- 34th 10,000 income households who rent. 33rd 10,000 32nd 10,000 31 st 11,000 Others 158,500 764 South 200 West,SLC Total 219,500 13 Community Health Centers Operational support for a program that provides 36th 75,000 75,000 75,000 65,000 63,000 65,000 medical and dental care to uninsured and low- 35th 75,000 Healthcare Program income persons at two community health centers 34th 75,000 in Salt Lake City. 33rd 89,283 31 st 90,000 Central City:461 South 400 East Others 460,000 Total 864,283 14 Crossroads Urban Center Salaries for the food pantry program that 36th 16,500 16,500 16,500 16,500 14,500 15,000 provides food,referrals and emergency services 35th 16,000 Emergency Food Pantry to low-income and homeless persons. 34th 16,000 33rd 16,000 32nd 16,000 31 st 16,000 Others 297,000 347 South 400 East,SLC Total 393,500 Donated Dental Salaries and operational support for a program 36th 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 28,000 30,000 15 that provides preventive and restorative dental 35th 30,000 Community Dental Project treatment to homeless and low income families 34th 24,533 and individuals. 33rd 30,000 32nd 35.000 31 st 30,000 Others 129,597 1383 South 900 West,SLC Total 309,130 16 English Skills Learning Center Salaries for a program that trains volunteers who 36th 7,000 28,000 10,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 in turn teach English language skills to non- 35th 7,000 English Language Instruction English speaking refugees and immigrants. 34th 7,000 33rd 10,000 32nd 7,500 Others 74,000 631 W North Temple&other sites Total 112,500 SALT LAKE CITY CDBG PROGRAM 8 FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 2011-12 17 Family Support Center Salaries for a program that provides free short- 36th 10,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 8,000 10,000 term crisis nursery services to families with 35th 10,000 Crisis Nursery children who are at risk for abuse or neglect. 34th 10,000 33rd 10,000 2020 S. Lake St, SLC. 32nd 15,000 Others 70,000 Total 125,000 18 Housing Authority of Salt Lake City Funding for equipment to establish the Salt Lake New 10,000 _ 0 0 0 0 City Resource Center to assist clients of the Housing Authority with skills necessary to promote self sufficiency through job searches, Salt Lake City Resource Center computer training, resume preparation, GED 1776 South West Temple completion and ESL classes. Equipment will include 12 computers,2 printers,a fax machine and a copier. 19 Indian Walk-in Center Salaries and operational support for a program New 29,900 5,000 0 0 0 Food Pantry that provides emergency food supplies to low 120 West 1300 South income families and individuals. 20 Indian Walk-in Center Salaries and operational support for a program New 67,643 0 0 0 0 that provides mental, social and physical health care services/referrals to American Indians, Alaskan Natives,and other low=income individuals and families residing in Salt Lake City. Community Coordination Program 120 West 1300 South 21 Kostopulos Dream Foundation Salaries and operational expenses for a year- 36th 0 5,000 0 0 0 0 round program that includes a summer camp, 35th 5,000 Therapeutic Recreation Programs outdoor field trips,after-school and weekend 34th 5,000 programs for special needs children and adults. 33rd 5,000 2500 Emigration Canyon 32nd 5,000 Total 20,000 22 Legal Aid Society of Salt Lake Salaries for a program that provides legal 36th 10,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 8,000 10,000 representation to low-income persons who are 35th 10,000 Domestic Violence Victim Assistance victims of domestic violence with protective 34th 10,000 Program orders. 33rd 10,000 32nd 15,000 Others 50,394 205 North 400 West, SLG I Total 1 105,394 SALT LAKE CITY CDBG PROGRAM 9 FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 2011-12 23 Literacy Action Center Salaries for a program that provides literacy 33rd 5,000 5,000 0 0 0 0 services to functionally-illiterate English- 32nd 2,000 speaking adults to read and write English. 30th 5,000 Adult Literacy Program Total 12,000 24 Peer Court Salaries for a program that provides an alternate 36th 5,000 5.000 5.000 0 0 4,205 form ofjuvenilejustice where youth are 35th 5,000 mentored by peers to strengthen ties to families, schools,and communities. Total 25 Rape Recovery Center Salaries for a program that provides crisis 36th 35,000 40,000 35,000 35,000 33,000 34,000 counseling and services for victims of sexual 35th 35,000 Sexual Assault Crisis Intervention assault. 34th 35,000 Services 33rd 40,000 32nd 35,000 31 at 35,000 Others 242,060 Total 457,060 26 The Road Home Salaries for a program that provides shelter and 36th 112.000 126,000 120,000 112,000 110,000 110,000 supportive services to help homeless persons 35th 111,893 Community Shelter Services gain skills to become self-sufficient and move to 34th 110,000 permanent housing. 33rd 125,000 210 South Rio Grande,SLC 32nd 126,000 31at 126,000 Others 2,052,000 Total 2,762,893 27 Salt Lake County Community Funding for computer software licenses and New 12,000 0 0 0 0 Resources and Development leveled readers(based on reading skill level)to provide literacy skill improvements in low-income CAT Computer Labs youth and adults. 2001 South Stale Street 28 South Valley Sanctuary Salaries for a program that provides shelter and 36th 0 10.000 0 0 0 0 supportive services to men,women and children 35th 0 Domestic Violence Crisis Shelter- who are residents of Salt Lake City that have 34th 0 Case Management been victimized by domestic violence. Located in West Jordan City 29 Splore Salaries for a program that promotes New 5,519 0 0 0 0 empowering experiences in an active,friendly 774 East 3300 South#105 world through affordable,customized and inclusive recreation and education programs for law-income City residents with disabilities or special medical needs. SALT LAKE CITY CDBG PROGRAM 10 FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 2011-12 30 University Neighborhood Operational support for a program that develops 36th 5,000 8,320 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Partnerships partnerships and programming for low income 35th 5,000 Hartland Partnership Center immigrant youth in collaboration with University of Utah students and faculty. 1617 Secret Garden Lane,#172 Total 10,000 31 Utah Food Bank Salaries and operational support for a program New 6,500 6,500 0 0 0 that provides food boxes to low-income seniors Senior Food Box Program and persons with disabilities. 1025 South 700 West 32 UT Health&Human Rights Project Salaries and operational support for a,program 36th 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 9,000 10,000 that provides case management and social 35th 10,000 Case Management&Administrative services to increase self-sufficiency among 34th 10,000 Support vulnerable newcomer populations who are 33rd 10,000 survivors of torture and war-related trauma.. 32nd 10,000 225 South 200 East Total 1 50,000 33 Wasatch Community Gardens Salaries and operational support for a program 36th 25,000 40,800 0 15,000 15,000 15,000 that will create a network of sustainable Developing Sustainable Community community gardens in the City with a focus on Gardens low-income neighborhoods in partnership with schools,service,community and faith-based organizations. 34 Wasatch Community Gardens Salaries for a program that targets low income at 36th 5,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 risk youth ages 5-18 that teaches responsibility, 35th 5,000 Youth Gardening Program cooperation and ecological awareness through 34th 5,000 hands-on gardening experiences. 33rd. 5,000 32nd 5,000 769 South 600 East, SLC Others 273,000 1037 West 300 North, SLC Total 298,000 35 Wasatch Homeless Health Care Salaries and operational support for a program 36th 40,000 46,668 40,000 40,000 35,000 40,000 that provides outreach medical services two 35th 38,000 Fourth Street Clinic Outreach days a week to homeless persons in the 34th 29,360 downtown area and to identify the high users of emergency health care to get the care they need in a cost effective manner without resorting to EMS or ambulance services. Downtown area - Total 107,360 36 YMCA Salaries and operational support for a program 36th 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 9,000 10,000 that provides after-school and summer programs 35th 10,000 After School and Summer for children at Rose Park Elementary School. 34th 10,000 Enrichment Program 32nd 10,000 Others 88,600 Total 128,600 SALT LAKE CITY CDBG PROGRAM 11 FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 2011-12 37 YWCA Salaries and operational support for a program 36th 47,350 50,000 47,000 40,000 40,000 39,000 that provides crisis shelter and supportive 35th 35,000 Domestic Violence Shelter& services to women and children who are victims 34th 35,000 Supportive Services of domestic violence. 33rd 40,000 32nd 40,000 31st 35,000 Others 571,300 322 East 300 South Total 803,650 Public Services Total 957,299j 605,000 555,500 523,500 553,205 15%Public Services cap(w/o reallocation$) 663,2441 663,2441 626,006 526,519 576,225 Difference -294,055 58,244 70,506 3,019 0 "-"PUBLIC SERVICE''BUIL'DIN'WIMPROVEMENTS 1 Alliance House Funding for building improvements to nine unit 36th 39,700 19,700 0 0 0 0 apartment building for a program that provides 35th 33,000 Apartment Rehabilitation services and housing for adults with serious and 34th 39,000 persistent mental illness. Improvements will include wall demolition and patching,granite wall caps,electrical wiring, paint,purchase and installation of front screen doors,porch lights and screens for exterior windows,install peephole in existing door,and contingency fees. 1805 South Main Others 95,500 Total 207,200 2 And Justice For All Funding for building improvements for a program New 25,000 0 9 0 25,000 205 North 400 West that creates and sustains resources that support several nonprofit legal aid programs including Legal Aid Society,Utah Legal Services, and the Disability Law Center, Improvements will consist of purchase and installation of new high efficiency HVAC system. SALT LAKE CITY CDBG PROGRAM 12 FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 2011-12 , 3 Asian Association of Utah Funding for building improvements for a program 36th 22,000 93,000 93,000 93,000 93,000 93,000 that provides services to Asians, Pacific 36th 0 Energy Conservation and Service Islanders and other refugee and immigrant. 23rd 38,000 Improvements populations with social, education and cultural programs. The applicant applied for a new HVAC system,restroom renovations, carpeting and wall relocations. However,the building has life safety issues that must be addressed prior to the items requested. Therefore,the request is now for addressing the life safety issues. Total 60,000 4 Boys and Girls Clubs Funding for building improvements to Lied Club 36th 10,500 53,281 21,741 21,741 21,741 21,741 building that provides after-school programs for 35th 3,600 - Lied Club Improvements Glendale area youth. Install window coverings: 3,940 Reception area&new front desk: 27,600 464 South Concord Resurface front entry floor: 1,755 Replace bathroom stalls: 8,883 Refinish gym floor: 1,000 Interior paint: 10,103 Total 14,000 5 CAP Head Start Program Funding for the construction of a nature-based 36th 185,000 109,146 0 0 0 0 playground to help meet the developmental 34th 146,008 1240 North American Beauty Drive needs of low income children through 31st 107,400 recreational and educational activities. Landscape architect&Admin: 10,046 Sprinkler system installation: 9,000 Demolition work: 4,500 Boulders,fill dirt,top soil&sod: 11,600 Trees and shrubs: 17,500 Concrete sidewalk tricycle path: 12,000 Mount Gazebo/Alphabet Hill: 24,500 Construct.zone play area&labor: 20,000 Total 438,408 6 Catholic Community Services Funding for building improvements for a program New 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 that provides meals to homeless persons to St.Vincent de Paul include the purchase and installation of 437 West 200 South commercial grade-water heater for the kitchen. SALT LAKE CITY CDBG PROGRAM 13 FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 2011-12 7 Community Foundation for the Funding for improvements to a facility that 36th 40,000 89,488 70,000 70,000 0 70,000 Disabled/Columbus Comm.Center provides employment&training programs to low- income persons with developmental&physical disabilities. Replace roof. 64,000 1850 South 3230 West Upgrade HVAC; install heaters&fans: 18,800 Engineering&administration: 6,688 8 Dual Immersion Academy Funding for building improvements for a charter New 6,350 6,350 6,350 0 6,350 1555 South Glendale Drive school program that provides education to youth from Kindergarten to Eighth Grade in the Glendale area. Improvements will include the purchase and installation of acoustical wall panels in the school gymnasium. 9 Emergency Repair Fund Funding for grants to nonprofit organizations 36th 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 when they experience unforeseen emergencies 35th 10,000 SLC Housing&Neighborhood to their facilities that need repair. 33rd 10,000 Development 31st 10,000 Others 27,000 Total 67,000 10 The Haven Funding for building improvements for a program New 39,400 0 0 0 0 that provides substance abuse treatment and transitional housing for low-income persons. Improvements will include electrical upgrades for two buildings. 653 East 300 South 11 Kostopolus Dream Foundation Funding for building improvements for a program New 5,000 0 0 0 0 2500 Emigration Canyon that provides summer camp,outdoor field trips, after school&weekend programs for special needs youth&adults. Building improvements will include the installation of an asphalt handicapped accessible parking area at their new equestrian facility. 12 Neighborhood House Funding for building improvements for a program 36th 13,300 19,400 13,400 13,400 13,400 13,400 that provides day care to low-income children. 34th 15,000 Children's Day Care Center Improvements will include roof-top timer units for 33rd 15,000 restroom ventilation, a new telephone system 32nd 15,000 and flood insurance required to participation in the CDBG program. Restroom ventilation: 9,000 31st 17,300 Telephone system: 6,000 Others 140,000 1050 West 500 South,84104 Flood Insurance: 4,400 Total 1 215,600 SALT LAKE CITY CDBG PROGRAM 14 FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 2011-12 ` 13 Odyssey House Funding for kitchen improvements for a program New 40,000 40,000 0 0 0 that provides residential substance abuse Women and Children's Center treatment for women and children. 42 South 500 East Improvements will include: Sink,refrigerator, and range: 14,248 Cabinets: 9,826 Flooring: 4,825 Interior wall renovation: 9,500 Deck addition: 5,500 Permits&Fees: 1,100 14 Salt Lake School District Funding for construction of a community learning 36th 233,732 500,000 0 0 0 0 center for students at the Mountain View Community Learning Center- Elementary&Glendale Middle schools. Programs offered will be specific to the needs of 1380 South Navajo Street the community, including language literacy, financial literacy,nutrition workshops, health clinics and career counseling. 15 Salvation Army Funding for construction of a new 4400 square 35th 112,130 200,000 0 0 0 0 foot building to house the Salt Lake Salvation 34th 0 Adult Rehabilitation Facility Remodel Army and their Salt Lake Family Services 33rd 35,000 Program that will offer emergency food, clothing, 32nd 42,415 438 South 900 West transportation,after-school programs/services, 31 st 60,000 and training &case management for low-income individuals with multiple barriers to self- sufficiency. Total 249,545 16 University Neighborhood Partners Funding for building improvements of new New 175,000 175,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 property at 1578 West 1700 South to serve as A New Home for Hartland the new headquarters for the University Partners/Hartland Partnership Center. 1578 West 1700 South Elevator for ADA Access:. 100,000 Fire sprinkling system: 45,000 Restroom renovations: 30,000 17 Wasatch Homeless Health Care Funding for landscape improvements to the New 25,500 0 0 0 0 parking strip to include purchase and installation of irrigation system, plants, soil and amendments,turf,gravel and project design. 404 South 400 West Irrigation System: 12,000 Plants: 9,800 Soil,turf and gravel: 3,100 Design: 600 Public Services Building Improvement Total 1,425,265 444,491 304,491 228,141 329,491 SALT LAKE CITY CDBG PROGRAM 15 FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 2011-12 1 Glendale Park Improvements Funding to develop a community-based New 50,000 50,000 0 0 42136 design/planning process for improvements to the existing uses and facilities in Glendale Park to determine the best upgrades needed to extend its uses and functions. Results will be used to determine future funding needs. Design/Planning 1200 West 1700 South 2 Centro Civico Mexicano Funding to develop a business plan for use to New 10,000 0 10,000 5,000 10,000 obtain funding to build a new facility at the same location. The plan will include cost estimates, research,marketing plan,member's needs and potential building tenants. 155 South 6D0 West 3 Census Data Extraction Funding to hire a consultant to extract New 40,000 40,00D 30,000 25,000 25,000 SLC Housing&Neighborhood information from the 2010 Census Data to help Development the City bridge information from the 2000 Census relative to SLC Council districts. Information will include populations by age,sex, race/ethnicity,household type and size, occupancy status,presence of children in the household and other information specific to Council districts rather than the City as a whole. Plannin Total 100,000 90,000 40,000 30,000 77,136 PERCENT FOR ART 1 SLC Percent for Art Funding to provide enhancements to City 36th 25,000 3,000 5,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 properties through decorative pavements, 35th 10,000 railings,sculptures,fountains,and other works of 34th 25,000 art. 33rd 5,952 32nd 5,000 31st 6,000 Others 47,450 Total 124,402 Pere ent for A rt Total 3,0601 5,000 30,0001 30,000 30,000 SALT LAKE CITY CDBG PROGRAM 16 FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 2011-12 1 City Attorney's Office Partial funding for staff salaries to provide 36th 55,432 23,182 23,182 23,182 23,182 23,182 contract administration function for federal 35th 55,432 grants. 34th 55,432 33rd 55,432 32nd 55,432 31 st 55,432 30th 55,432 Others 903,960 Total 1,291,984 2 Finance Division Partial funding for staff salaries to provide 36th 82,776 82,776 82,776 82,776 82,776 82,776 financial administration and accounting services 35th 82,776 for federal grants. 34th 82,776 33rd 82,776 32nd 82,776 31 st 91,967 30th 91,967 Others 945,217 Total 1,543,031 3 Housing&Neighborhood Funding for salaries and operational expenses of 36th 472,804 482,804 482,804 472,804 472,804 472,804 Development HAND to administer and monitor the federal 35th 472,804 grants and to conduct the community processes. 34th 405,616 In prior Years,the Planning Division was 33rd 405,616 the amount of$67,188 for the Environmental 32nd 405,616 In 35th Year,that position was transferred to 31 st 405,616 CDBG admin budget was then discontinued for 30th 437,616 and moved to HAND's CDBG administrative Others 3,460,149 Total 6,466,837 4 Mayor's Office Partial funding for salaries and operational 36th 91,709 91,709 91,709 81,709 81,709 81,709 expenses of three positions to provide 35th 91,709 community relations support for federal grants. 34th 91,709 33rd 91,709 32nd 91,709 31 st 91,709 30th 91,709 Others 1,517,962 Total 2,159,925 City Administration Total 680,471 680,471 660,471 660,471 660,471 • GO,ONTINGENC= _ ,, kA M� `" ;r=: . . r Contingency Funding set aside to cover unanticipated cost 36th 60,000 50,000 51,091 56,540 overruns on funded projects. 35th 46,776 34th 35,000 Contingency Total 0 0 50,000 .51,0911 56,540 SALT LAKE CITY CDBG PROGRAM 17 FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 2011-12 CDBG-RREALLOCATION� � -. - - . :- ii0",:-: 1 Salt Lake City Engineering Funds available for reallocation for: 36th-R 189,000 136,175 136,175 136,175 136,175 136,175 35th-R 243,281 Ramps 136,175 136,175 136,175 136,175 136,175 Total Requested/Recommended 8,846,220 4,751,710 4,309,547 3,646,303 4,018,118 2011-12 Grant Amount 4,421,626 4,421,626 3,979,463 3,316,219 3.688,034 CDBG Reallocated Funds 193,909 193,909 193,909 193,909 193,909 CDBG-R Reallocated Funds 136:175 136:175 136,175 136,1751 136.175 4,751 710 4,751,7121 4 309,547 3,646,303 4,018,118 Difference -4,094,510 0 0 0 0