031 of 2011 - adopting the Capital Improvement Program allocation for FY 2011-2012 R 11-1 .' R 11-11 SALT LAKE CITY RESOLUTION NO. 31 OF 2011 (A Resolution Adopting Capital Improvement Program Allocations for Fiscal Year 2011-2012) A RESOLUTION ADOPTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ALLOCATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011-2012. WHEREAS, on August 9, 2011, the City adopted Ordinance No. 50 of 2011 by which it adopted a final budget for the City fiscal year 2011-2012; and WHEREAS, that budget included a budget for the capital improvement program; and WHEREAS, in addition to adoption of the City budget, the City Council now wishes to formalize the appropriations for the capital improvement program; NOW THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. Purpose. The purpose of this resolution is to adopt the capital improvement allocations for the City for fiscal year 2011-2012. SECTION 2. Adoption of Capital Improvement Allocations. The capital improvement allocations for fiscal year 2011-2012, which were included within the 2011-2012 budget, shall be and hereby are adopted according to the specific terms and conditions set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto. SECTION 3. Public Inspection. The City budget officer is hereby authorized and directed to certify and file copies of these capital improvement program allocations in the office of said budget officer and in the office of the City Recorder, which allocations shall be available for public inspection during regular business hours. SECTION 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect upon publications. f Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City. Utah,this 6th day of September , 2011. SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL By: CHAIRPERSON ATTEST AND COUNTERSIGN: � crT,4A'..�e 'I-1, n J-�A &A- yG� RE 0 RAi- APPROVED AS TO FORM: SALT tAKE CIT TTORNEY Resolution 31 of 2011 Published: September 19, 2011 HB_ATTY-#1953 8-v 1-2011-12_capital_improvements_program_al Iocations.DOC 2 Allocated I CIP$Pentathlon I Additional Information $19,363,847 ($11j ,000)Note:The funding source for the 570,000Is from the CIP Cost Over run Acce -53-07099$6,165.75 and 63-09D59$63,614.The funding for item 46 5001700 South Street Rewnsbuclian Phase 3 3670 West b 4230 West- $1,120,000 from future General Fund antl Impact Fees- ,hfuml Project Description PoaptissilArT.Pot W.Y.1's Proposed Amount Council Allocations Operating ,r Deb11 Sales Tax-Series 2005A(Prolscts:Purchase of §979,999 $979,999 $979,990 $979 990 None Approved 6/14/2oit Pima 349,Pioneer Precinct,Justice Court,Ice Arena,fire Training Tower,Parks Block) Debt Service payment for sales tax bonds Issued fo refund the remaining MBA series 7998A,19996,& Debt Sales Tax-Series 2017(Projects:Grant Tower, $403,296 $403,295 $403,296 $403,295 None Approved 6tl VM11 TRAX Extension) Debt Service payment for bonds issued for TRA% Extension&Grant Tower Improvements.Bonds IL Debt Sales Tax-Series 2009A(Projects:Public $2,154.962 $2,184,902 $2.154.962 $2,154.962 None Approved 6/14/2011 Services Maintenance Facilities,Barnes Bank Acquisition) Debt Service payment for bands Issued to finance all or a portion of the acquisition,construction, improvement&remodel of the new Public Services aintenanes facility,a building for use as City offices or other capital improvements within the City. Debt Sales Tax•Series 201 1A(ESTIMATE)Project: $218,766 $218,766 $218,766 $218,766 None Approved 111412111 North Temple Boulevard) Debt Service payment for bonds Issued for construction Improvements of to' NoM Temple Boulevard and vledu<I.Bands mature? Debt Service Total $3757022 $3757022 $3757013 $3.757.03 1 Paard OperatingInformation Project Pescription 2 Funding Request Proposed Amount Mayor's Proposed Amount Council Allocations 1 Capital Asset Capital Asset Management(CAM)Set Aside $2,700,000 $2,700,000 $2,700,000 $2,700,000 None Management(CAM) To set aside savings to fund future CAM Projects. Council approval is needed CAM Projects are defined as major infrastructure prior to spending any of the projects with an expense of$5,000,000 or more, CAM funds. Funds will remain require other funding sources including bonds, In holding account until Council grants,private&public funding,and typically have a approval. useful life of over 5 years. 2 Public Facilities Public Facilities Maintenance Set Aside $390,000 $390,000 $490,000 $490,000 None An annual amount of funds set aside to cover The Council requested how needed public facilities improvements,upgrades& much has been allocated maintenance of city owned buildings. The$490,000 Citywide for repair and reflects 6.78%of the general fund amount allocated maintenance. Also,what is the for projects. process for evalutating and CAM and Public Facilities Set Aside 1 $3 090 000 $3,090,0001 $3,190,0001 $3190 000 2 on Funding Rdq—t Proposed Amount Mayor's Proposed Ath-rut: Coun., Allud.st... Operating Dull Impact Notes lnf.,..ti Project Description ni 1 Transportallon 5 Pedestrian Safely Oevtces-Citywide 1 1 $50,000 550,000 $50,OD0 550.000 None Bicycle&Pedestrian To provide for installation of pedestrian son also No additional increase Master Plan,10 Year CIP flashing LED warning signs at various uncontrolled Plan FY06-16, All drosenwril,location within the City.Funding should Districts provide for approximately 6 to 7 signs at midblock crosswalks.•Funding history includes allocations for over 8 year period,Suppods City's susunnability efforts. 2 Slreels2 ADA RamprdCorner Repairs-Citywide 2 2 $400,000 $400,000 $300,000 5300p0o None ADA Ramp Transition To construct various ADA pedestrian ramps& No additional house. Plan,10 Year CIP Plan related repairs to corners&walkways Including FY06-16,All Districts sidewalk,curb,gutter&corner dunnage impmvememe.Design$27,400.Construction inspection&edmin$29,60C.Locations to he determined by City's ADA Ramp Transldon Plan& cilywide inventory of ramp construcllon need location,alizen requests with high pdohty requests tram individuals with disabilities&in coordination with other CIP projects involving pedestrian access route improvements.-Funding history includes allocations over a 10 year period.Supports City's sustainability efforts. 3 Transportation 1 Traffic Signal Upgrades-1100 EJ700 So-;11 DD 3 3 $960.000 $840,000 $480.000 $480,00 Minimal Elf 300 So.;west Templet1700 So.;500 E.12700 So.:200 E.0809 So.:500 Of 300 So. Transportation Plan, To remove&replace so,(6)empfing traffic signals $380 annual Inaease Mayor recommended 10 Year CIP Plan FY06- with equipment(hat Includes steel poles,span wire, funding fora signals 16.Districts 4,5&7 signal heads&traffic signal loops,mast arm poles, new signal heads,pedestrian signal heads with countdown timers,improved vehicle detection,&left lam phasing as needed.Design$96,000. Engineering fees$96.000.Conslruc0on inspection & dmin$24,000. •Funding history includes allocations over 9 year period.Supports Cilys susteinability efforts. 3 Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Informatinn Project DeFiaiptin 0 M FundinG Request Proposed Amount MayEn E_ or's Propcsed Amount Council Allocations ..- ct -Notes 4 Open Spacelrrails 1 Open Space Slgnage-Citywide, 5 4 $312,093 $312,093 $312,093 $312,093 None Citywide-All Districts To design,purchase&install signage that includes No additional increase way-finding,interpretive,use&boundary, restoration&trail markers at H-Rock,Wasatch Hollow,Hidden Hollow,Parley's Historic Nature Park,Ensign Peak,Bonneville Shoreline Trail, Jordan River Parkway&Miller Park. Design 6 Streets 3 Sidewalk Rehabilitation:Concrete Sawing& 6 5 $300,000 $300,000 $200,000 $200,000 None Slab Jacking-Citywide 10 Year CIP Plan FY06 To provide sidewalk rehabilitation&reduction of No additional Increase 16 All tripping hazards through concrete sawing,grinding Districts or slab jacking. The concrete sawing/grinding process eliminates displacement of up to one&one- half inch. Slab Jacking can be used in locations where excessive slope will not be created through raising the concrete elevation. All processes provide a significant cost savings over removal& replacement. Design$20,600. Construction inspection&admin$22,100. *Funding history includes allocations over an 8 year period. Supports City's sustainability,efforts. 6 Streets 1 5001700 South Street Reconstruction,Phase 3- 7 6 $300,000 $300,000 $300,OG0 $300,000 None 3670 West to 4230 West 10 Year CIP Plan FY06 To construct Phase 3 of street improvements to No additional increase See Class"C"#1 and Impact 16,District 2 include pavement restoration to approx.4,500lineal Fees#1. On 9106111, feet of street pavement,center turn lane,bike lanes the Council decided to fund the on both sides of the roadway,curb,gutter,drainage additional 1,500 of lineal feet &water line improvements&upgrades to traffic flow for$1,120,000. The funding characteristics. Water&storm drain improvements for this additional project scope will be coordinated with Public Utilities. Total project Is from future years Impact cost is estimated at$4,136,000 which includes prior Fees and General Fund. year allocations of general&Class"C"funding. $1,186,000 of project cost Is improvements to be made by Public Utilities-FY 2012 project funding includes this GF request of$300,000;$650,000 of Class"C";&$2,000,000 of Impact Fees. Design previously funded. Construction,inspection &admin$254,000. 'Class"C"&Impact Fee allocations only. Supports City's sustainability efforts. 4 Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Identifier&Plan 0 FY r11-2012 CQCIP Board Project Description M 2 FundIn3. Request Pro;oseJ Amount Mayor's 7 Proposed Afnount Council Allocations Operating Bud:iLt Impact. Notes Public Facilities 11 Washington Square Event&Square Electric 8 7 $499,966 $499,956 al- $400,000 $499,966 None 451 So.Slate Street District 4 To provide electrical power to Washington Square No additional increase Question was raised about grounds to support annual events held in the whether it would be better to square. Currently generators are used. The pay entire cost,and then bill for electrical improvements include transformers, usage. conduit wire&ground level connection boxes to support the power distribution. Design$53,493. Engineering fees$7,069. Construction,inspection &admin$19,105. Support City's sustainability efforts- 8 Open Space/Trails 5 Jordan River Parkway Trail Repaving 9 8 $295,020 $295.020 $295,020 $295,020 None Districts 1,2 To repave and/or seal approximately 9,834 linear No additional increase feet of cracked or deteriorated asphalt surfacing of Jordan River Parkway Trail. Supports City's 9 Streets 7 Paver Crosswalk Reconstruction-400 South 10 9 $150,000 $150,000 $150.000 $150,000 None State Street&200 East 10 Year CIP Plan To remove&replace the deteriorated&settled No additional increase District 4 cross walk pavers with colored,stamped concrete. Construction,inspection&admin$12,300, 10 Transportation 4 Lighting Wire Replacements-Citywide 11 10 $40,000 $40.000 $40,000 $40,000 None All Districts To replace underground street lighting wiring in No additional Increase areas where wires have been stolen. Street lighting wiring is no longer installed in conduit in remote areas&is instead directly buried in the ground at a depth of 2 feet to prevent theft. Supports City's 5 Fiscal Ye4r 1 1 Identifier&Plan FY 2011-2012 COCIPlioard Inlormation Project 1 Operating Budget Impact Notes 11 Parks 2 10th East Senior Center Plant Replacement& 12 11 $11,920 $11,920 $11,920 $11,920 None Irrigation Drip System Addition -1000 East 260 South Parks Recovery Action To design&replace the existing sprinkler irrigation No additional Increase Plan,District 4 system within the north property line planting bed with new watering system emitters at each shrub& to replace missing dead plants. Design$940. Construction inspection&admin fees$640. 12 Streets 9 Residential Concrete Street Rehabilitation- 13 12 $486,800 $488,800 $486,000 $486,800 None Princeton Ave.,1700 East to 1800 East 10 Year CIP Plan To provide street improvements to include concrete No additional increase District 6 pavement replacement or rehabilitation of existing deteriorated concrete street,drive approaches,curb &gutter&sidewalk&ADA accessibility ramps. Design$33,400. Construction,inspection&admin 13 Streets 4 Local Street Reconstruction FY 11112 14 13 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $1.000,000 $950,034 None Balancing Amount Pavement Management To reconstruct or rehabilitate deteriorated local No additional Increase A question was raised about Plan,10 Year CIP Plan streets to include replacement of street pavement, the availability of regular FY06-16,Districts 2&7 sidewalk,curb,gutter&drainage improvements. reports. Proposed Streets Include Ashton Ave.,from 1100 East to Highland Drive;Crandall Ave.,from 1100 East to Richmond Street;Zenith Ave.,from 1100 East to Richmond Street&800 East to 900 East; Simpson Ave.,from 700 East to 900 East;Goshen Street,from Indiana Ave,to 700 South;Hudson Circle,from Zenith Ave.to South Cul-de-sac end. Design$100,000 for FY2012/2013. Construction inspection&admin$222,000. 'Funding history includes allocations over 10 year period. Supports Ci 's sustafnability efforts. 14 Transportation 7 Electronic Driver Feedback Signs-Citywide 15 14 $70,000 $70,000 $70,000 $70,000 None All Districts To purchase&Install 14 double sided solar, No additional Increase Administrative Staff will talk to electronic driver feedback signs providing 1 sign per Council Members about Council District. Locatlon within Council Districts to locations. be determined. Supports City's sustainability 6 Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Information Project D.sorpticin ly J unit 1i Rqunst Propi)%iid Amount l4ayor's Prppose�Amount CouCcil Allocations • •l3unnet Impact Notes 15 5heets 77 Sidewalk Installation-1700 East,South of 1-80 16 t5 $37,700 $31,300 $31,300 531,300 None Overpass Submitted by Constrtuent To design improvements to Include removal& Design Oistrlct7 replacement of approximately 200 linear It of asphalt path with concrete sidewalk,curb&gutter on vast side of 1700 East,South of the 1-00 overpass. Design&contract bidding 52.600-COnsbO 90n inspection 8 admin 12,111. Supports City's 16 Parks 14 Tracy Aviary Sidewalks&Tree Pruning-589 17 16 $71,400 $71,400 $71,400 $71,400 None East 1300 South District 5 To replace deteriorated sidewalks that have tripping No additional increase Project scope change-see hazards,Prime Pne existing Trees within the Aviary,& Transmittal dated 08/1/11. repair associated landscape impacted by sidewalk construction,Design$7,000.Construction inspection&admin$4,400. 17 Parks9 Tennis Court Resurfacing-Pioneer,Reservoir& 18 17 $63,400 $63,400 $53.400 $63,400 No Sonnyslde Parks Parks Recovery Action To design&construct upgrades to existing tennis No additional increase Plan,10 Year CIP Plan courts at Pioneer,Reservoir&Sunnyside Parks. PY08-09, Upgrades Include repairing cracks,resurfacing Districts 3&4 courts,new net posts&line strlpin g.Couns Include e at Pioneer,300 W.350 So.:two at Reservoir, 1300 E.So,Temple,8 Iwo at Sunnyside,840 So. 1600 E.Exisung fencing win remain in service far these faciltues.Design$5,000,Construction inspection&admin fees$3,400.Supports City's sustainabilily edons. 18 Parks Jordan River Trail Security Lighting Wire 19 18 $57,060 $57,080 $57,060 $57,060 None Replacement-Jordan River Trail,500 North to 1000 North Disbict2 To replace wire along the Jordan River Trail where No additional increase the existing lighting wire has been stolen.The project will include below grade placement of the pull boxes for the conduit&wirejunctions&capped with a concrete slab in order tp make the wire non ssible to vandals.Design$4,500. Construction inspection&administration$3,080. 7 Information p.ase 19 Parksd Faultltne Gardens Park Security Lighting 20 19 $45,650 545,650 ,$45650 5as,650 r 'None Improvements-1050 East 400 South Parks Recovery Action To design&replace existing light fixtures&poles No addl6enal increase A Council Member asked the Plan,District4 within the park.The existing wire,power&controls Administral to review and will be r,connected to the new poles&fixtures determine what,it any,impact reducing costs of power&maintenance.Design would be to the neighborhood if $3,600.Consuuc8on Inspection&admin fees lights were installed. 20 Public Facilities t Pioneer Precinct HVAC Asset Renewal-1040 21 20 $493,790 $493,700 $493,790 $493,790 None West 700 South Capital Asset Renewal To replace existing inadequate HVAC system to No additional Increase Plan,District i include air handling units,boilers,controls,&motors to improve thermal comfort&livability resulting In energy ef0ciancies of approximately 16%to 20%on rooftop units&the holler thermal efficiency rating can be increased cram 80%to 96%eMbicncy. Design$51.170.Engineering fees$6'406. Construction,Inspection&admin$32,164. ity Supports Gays sustainat efforts. 21 Parks Herman Franks Park AMPlayground 22 21 $116,200 $116,200 $116,200 5116,2W None Improvements-700 East 1300 South Parks Inventory of ADA To design&constru<IADA accessibility No additional Increase Needs,Parks Recovery improvements to existing fediftfes to include Action Plan,10 Year CIP playground re-satiating,ramps,Smiled playground Plan. District 5 modifications&upgrades,&associated landscape &iangstion system upgrades as required by construction Impacts_Design$9,000.Engineering fees$2,100,Construction inspection&admin fees 22 Public Facilities 4 Central Plant Upgrada-251 East 500 South 23 22 $233,783 $233,763 $235.783 $n3,783 None IParking Garage) Capital Asset Renewal To hire a consutlant to Identify&design upgrades to No additional increase Question was raised about Plan Distodt4 the Cilys central plant that provides electrical power whether or not the PSl3 should to Library Square,Washington Square&the future be included in the Central Public Safety Building complex.Supports City's Plant. 8 CPCIP Board Notes Information Project Description ra 2 Funding Request Proposed Amount Mayor's Proposl�d Amount- Council Allocations Operating Budget Impact, 23 Open Space/Tralls 2 Parleys Historic Nature Park Trail&Stream 26 23 $150.223 $150,223 $150,223 Approved 6114/2011 Restoration-Approx 2700 East 2700 South District 7 To provide trail&stream restoration improvements No additional increase to include both temporary wire&permanent splitlrail fencing,decomposed granite trail surface,stream bank grading,bank stabilization&vegetation of native plants along stream. Supports City's 24 Open Spacerrrails 3 Wasatch Hollow Open Space Pathway Project- 29 24 $111,530 $111,630 $111,530 Approved a portion on 1650 East 1700 South 6/1412011-$16,000. District 6 To provide improvements to 4,130 linear feet of No additional Increase path that includes closure&re-vegetation of non- use social trails,bridge construction,community art project,grading&crushed rock surfacing of path. 25 Transportation 10 Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan Update 32 25 $160.000 $100.000 $100,000 None Bicycle&Pedestrian To update the City's 2004 BicyclelPedestrian Master Plan A portion of the contingency or Master Plan, 10 Year Plan,using a consultant to provide primary staffing, $50,000 was reallocated by the CIP Plan FY06-16, writing,public outreach&support The Plan will Council to help fund the All Districts include recommendations for the city's use of the Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan latest innovative designs for both bicycle& Update. pedestrian infrastructure&a flexible 5-year plan that incorporates both Infrastructure&non-infrastructure projects in a logical sequence. Supports City's sustainability efforts. 26 Transportation 3 Bicycle Boulevards Pilot Project-600 East, 35 26 $450,000 $450,000 $450,000 None South Temple to 2700 South District 4,5&7 To design&construct a bicycle boulevard which No additional increase consists of medians,bicycle crossing pockets,LED warning signs,optimization of conventional traffic signals for bicycle use,pavement markings&way finding signs. This project will include the installation of three HAWK signals on 600 East at 800 So.,900 So,&1300 So. The 1300 So.HAWK signal was awarded funding during FY 10111 CIP Process&is currently being designed. Funding for the 600 So.600 East signal is in the current CIP Process. Engineering fees$43,000. 'Funding history includes bicycle development allocations over 7 year period. Supports City's sustainability, efforts. 9 Mottle,9.Plan T! Information ject Description . 9 Funchn7,Relcoust Proposed Amount Nlai Annount Council Allocations 27 Parks 7 Rotary Glen Park•2770 East 84OS auth 3fi 27 $325,000 Proposed$25,000 52"'no operating None Rotary Glen Master Plan, To design&construct improvements to include No addltional'mcrease tOYear CIP Plan FY08- removing&replacing existing reblraom&pavilion, 09,Dishicl6 replace failed sewer line under parking lot to support mstr.om,new drinking fountain,8 burial of power lines.Parking lot.....jailed landscaping& sprinkler in'gallon system will be replaced at the are,of cansVuclien.Design$25,000.Engineering ,,as $5,000.Construction Inspection&admin fees $20.000,Supports City's sustalretiliy efforts. 28 Parks 11 East Capitol Boulevard Streetscape&Memory 37 28 $383,000 $299,078 $299A79 None Grove Overlook Improvements-East Capitol Blvd,300 North to 500 North. 10 Year CIP Plan, To provide adtlitional funding for design& No additional Increase $150,000 of the$299,078 are strjct Di3 construction of improvements to include new Curb& one time funtls donated to bulbouts on east s,do of East Capitol Blvd,sidewalk, Memory Grove Park and crosswalks,landscaping&irrigation associated with must be used far Memory the east side of the street&Memory Grove Park, Grove Park knproomneats Memory Grove park Overlook&Nine— Interpretation area.Area is heavy used as an erciserouts. Oesign$28,400.Engineering Fees$5.300.Consbucllon,inspection&admin $22,700.Supports Clty's sustainahtlity,efforts. 29 Percent for Art Percent for Art-citywide 24 29 $80,000 $100.000 $100,OD0 $100,000 None To provide enhancements such as decorative No additional Increase pavement,railings,sculptures&other works of art. 'Funding history indicates all funds received ever 8 year period. 30 Contingency Contingency 25 30 $BUTS $82.587 $32,587 None Amount set aside to fund unexpected project cost A portion of the contingency or over-runs. $50,DOD was reall.catad by the Council to help fund the Bicycle./Pedestrian Master Plan Update 10 Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Plan Information Project Dzscription ca 2 lao Regi Proposcd Amount Propcapc�Ari Council Allocations Budget Impact Notes 31 Transportation fi Streal Ligllt Conversion to Energy Efficient 4 31 $15�000 s150,000 ,None Bulbschase ltle All Districts To purchase,install&replace the existing metal No additional increase halide lamps,with new energy efficient lamps In existing decorative street light poles that would include 148 lamps on 400 So.,beRveen 200 E.8 1300 E.;&103"1 on 900 So.,between 900 UV. &500 E.This project would reduce the elastic power&maintenance budget by approximately $14,000 annually. Supports Cilyssustainability 32 Open SpacefTrails 6 Open Space Property Purchase-1560 E.Atkin 26 32 s270,090 None Ave Submitted by Constituent,To provide partial funding for purchase of.66 acre No edofwool increase DisbiG 7 lot at 1550 E Atkin Ave.for future park.Import.] Neighborhood Park Association has received $17 000 from ptvate donations&fund raising.The ocla0on proposes to request remaining funding needed from the City s Open Space Land Division. Supports City's sustalnability,efforts. 33 Parks 12 City Cemetery Master Plan,Phase 11-200 North 27 33 $349,900 None &"N"Street Dlsmcl3 To complete the City Cemetery Master Plan.Phase Plan I of plan has been completed&provided an analysis of roads,curbs,UtWites&Inventory of unused areas of cemetery.Phase ll of Plan will include comprehensive study of buildings,office/residence, emergency management plan,cemetery operations, financial based prgeclion based oa cunent prices& budgets for proposedrrequired improvements& proposal of possible new facility layout scenarios including new,inventory items to Improve cemetery performance.Plan 316.100.Engineering fees $31,a00.Not applicable to City's sustainability edpns. 11 Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Information Proicct Dcucription M -- Funding Request Proposed Amount 10ayor's Proposed Amount Council Allocations. Operat4rig Bud:)pt Impact Notes 34 Transportation 8 Traffic Signal Installation-California Ave.,3400 30 34 $400,000 None &3800 West District 2 To design&construct 2 new traffic lights on No additional Increase California Ave.,at 3400 West&3800 West. Based on completed traffic condition studies,these intersections warrant installation of signals. These signals will significantly improve safety at these intersections which have a high percentage of large truck traffic,heavy turning movements&growing traffic volumes. Design$52,000. Engineering fees $52.000. Construction inspection&admin. $12.000. Supports City's sustainability efforts. 35 Streets 8 Indiana Ave.1900 South Rehabilitation Design- 31 35 $300,000 None Redwood Rd.to 3600 West 10 Year CIP Plan District To design for future construction street No additional increase See Impact Fees#2 2 improvements to include pavement restoration,curb &gutter,drainage improvements&upgrades to traffic flow characteristics, Total design cost is $600,000. An additional$300,000 Is being requested from Impact Fees. Design$600,000. Supports City's sustainability efforts. 36 Transportation 11 SLC Wayfinding Slgn Update&Restoration 33 36 $160,000 None Transportation Plan To repair,repaint&update the SLC wayfinding No additional Increase Districts 3,4,6&7 signs installed in 2001. Many of the signs have been damaged due to weather,vehicle collisions, vandalism,corrosion&age. Areas include Central Business District,the Sugar House Business District &the University of Utah. Supports City's 34 Open Space/Trails 4 Ensign Peak Trail Realignment 34 37 $40,000 None District 3 To design,close&construct trail realignment No additional Increase Including re-vegetation of native plants. Supports 38 Streets 10 800 West Street&Island Rehabilitation Design- 38 38 $40.000 None 800 West,600 South to 900 South 10 Year CIP Plan To design for future construction street&median Design District 2 island improvements for deteriorated public right of way. Design includes street pavement replacement or rehabilitation,drive approaches,curb&gutter, sidewalk repairs,ADA accessibility ramps&median island Improvements. Design$40,000. Supports City's sustainability efforts. 12 Ffq cal Year r11-2012 „ 2 fundingOpprating Apdget Impact Notes 39 Public Facilities 9 600 South Properties Window Replacement-248 39 39 $60,119 None East600 South District 4 To replace the existing single paned,plate glass No additional increase windows with energy efficient double paned, 40 Public Facilities 7 Sugarhouse Business District Irrigation Water 40 40 $291.928 None Conservation&Asset Renewal Project Design- 2100 So.,1000 E.to 1300 E.;Highland Dr., Westminster&Ashton Capital Asset Renewal To design for future replacement of deteriorating Design Plan,Districl7 galvanized pipe located beneath concrete&pavers with new PVC main Irrigation service line,electronic valves,backflow devices,irrigation lines to trees, bubblers in tree planters,irrigation management system,failure&low flow alarms,low voltage controls,landscape lighting,auto-drain valves, replace deteriorated concrete with stamped concrete or pavers,install new sidewalk,curb,gutter as necessary remove&replace parking strip trees that are less than 3 feet from curb. Design $253,275. Engineering fees$38,653. Supports Cil's sustainability efforts. 41 Parks 6 Tennis Court Reconstruction-Fairmont Park 41 41 $969,200 Minimal 900 East Simpson Ave. Fairmont Park Master To replace five(5)existing tennis courts with four $800 per year Plan,District 7 (4)new post tension courts&two(2)youth program courts,new fencing,net posts,landscaping& irrigation system,sidewalk along north side of courts,benches&drinking fountain. Design complete. Engineering fees$18,400.Construction inspection&admin fees$70,400. Supports City's sustainability efforts. 42 Public Facilities 6 Plaza 349 Solar Window Film-349 South 200 42 42 $151,382 None East District 4 To provide solar control window film to reduce UV& No additional increase heat penetration,repair rubber window gaskets, weather strip&re-seal windows. The solar window film chosen is 3M Scotch tint&will reduce solar heat gain by 58%,comfort heat loss in winter by 10%,UV infiltration by 99%. Design$14,550. Engineering fees$2,243. Construction inspection& 13 Fiscal Year 2011-2DI 2 Inform.-ition ProjecGlescription M M Funding Request Proposed Amount Mayor's Proposal Amoti-t Cpuncil AllocatiorVs Operatim,Budget Impact Notes 43 Public Facilities 3 Irrigation Water Conservation&Asset Renewal 43 43 $135,568 None Project Desfgn-100 So. Main St.&part of West Temple,100 So.Regent to Main St.,300 So.Main St.to Exchange Place,4th So.Main to Cactus St North Side Capital Asset Renewal To provide design of locations for future Design Plan District 4 replacement of deteriorating galvanized pipe located beneath concrete&pavers with new PVC main irrigation service line,electronic valves,backilow devices,irrigation lines to trees,bubblers in tree planters,irrigation management system,failure& low flow alarms,low voltage controls,landscape lighting,auto-drain valves&replace deteriorated concrete with stamped concrete or pavers. Design $118,679,Engineering fees$16,889. Supports Ci 's sustainability efforts. 44 Public Facilities 14 Liberty Police Precinct&Fire Station#3 44 44 $15,000,000 None Possible Bond project District 7 Costs associated with the purchase of additional No additional Increase property adjacent to the current fire station#3 from Deseret Industries. The existing fire station#3 would be demolished,a new building constructed to house the fire station,police patrol precinct& community rooms. This application was submitted by the Police/Fire Departments as a place holder within the CIP. Application requests$15,000,000. 45 Public Facilities 2 Justice Courts HVAC Energy Conservation 45 45 $377.100 None Upgrades-333 South 200 East Capital Asset Renewal To modify existing inadequate HVAC system to No additional increase Plan District 4 improve thermal comfort&livability resulting in an estimated 13%annual electrical&25%annual natural gas savings. Design$40,041. Engineering fees$5,291. Construction,inspection&admin 46 Public Facilities 8 Spring Mobile Park Energy Conservation& 46 46 $663,516 None HVAC Renewal-1365 South West Temple District 5 To provide HVAC upgrades to Spring Mobile Park No additional increase building to include installation of a water side economizer,new chiller,control system access& lighting retrofit. Design$68,768. Engineering fees $11,296. Construction inspection&admin$43,220. Supports Cily's sustainability efforts. 14 Fiscal Year 2011-2012 OperatingInformation Project Doscriptiori C3 2 Fundin�Request Proposed Amount folayar's Proposed Amount Council Aliocations 47 Parks 15 Tennis Court Reconstruction-5th Avenue&"C" 47 47 $597,800 None Street Parks Recovery Action To design,remove&reconstruct existing tennis No additional increase Plan,10 Year CIP Plan courts. Two new courts will be built to meet new FY08-09,District 3 tennis standards&sizes as possible. Reconstruction Includes new concrete retaining walls,associated landscape&irrigation impacted by construction,surfacing,net pasts&line striping. Design$58,500. Engineering fees$8,300. Construction inspection&admin fees$36,000. Supports Ci 's sustainability efforts. 4B Public Facilities 5 Sunday Anderson Westside Senior Center 48 48 $110,093 None Building Shell Renovallon-858 West 900 South Capital Asset Renewal To provide exterior building improvements to include No additional Increase Plan District 4 replacing roof shingles with forty year architectural grade shingles,replace rain gutters,soffit,fascia,& existing siding with 12"surface Interlocking steel siding. Design$11,551. Engineering Fees$1,644. Construction,inspection&admin$4,443. Supports 49 Public Facilities 13 Salt Lake City Police Crime tab&Evidence 49 49 $9,000,000 None Possible Bond Project Storage Facility All Districts Costs associated with the purchase and/or No additional increase construction of a new Police crime lab&evidence storage facility. Property&site to be determined. This application was submitted by the Police Department as a place holder within the CIP. Application requests$9,000,000. 50 Parks 17 Tennis Court Resurfacing-Oak Hills 2425 East 50 50 $76,080 None 1216 South 10 Year CIP Plan FY08- To design&construct upgrades to four existing No additional Increase 09,District 6 tennis courts at the Oak Hills Tennis facility the remaining six courts will received new paint& stripping- Upgrades to four existing courts include repairing cracks,resurfacing courts,new net posts& line striping. Existing fencing will remain in service for these facilities. Design$6,000. Construction inspection&admin fees$4,080. Supports City's sustainability efforts. 15 Fiscal Year 2011-21112 I:Description do 5i FwndInG Request Pfl)Pdsed Arnount- Mayor's Proposed Amount Council Allocati.,ris -OppraliP5 Otidget Impact Notes 51 Transportation 9 Wakara Way&Arapeen Drive Roundabout 51 51 $360,000 None Transportation Master To design&construct a roundabout on Wakara No additional increase Plan, District 6 Way&Arapeen Drive in Research Park. Traffic conditions warrant the installation of traffic control measures at this intersection which can accommodate a roundabout as opposed to a traffic signal which has ongoing maintenance&operation costs. Design$35,000. Engineering fees$35,000. Construction inspection&admin.$10,000. Supports City's sustainability efforts. 52 Transportation 12 1300 East Traffic Calming Bulb Out-1300 East, 52 52 $20,000 None 400 South Submitted by Constituent To reconstruct the northwest curb at the intersection Design Districts 4 of 1300 East400 south with improvements to include bulb out&landscaping providing a traffic calming device. Construction includes removing& replacing existing curb with bulb out,water wise landscaping or public art. Transportation indicates that bulb cuts can cost as much as$20,000. More Importantly,the section of 1300 East between 500 South&South Temple is in need of reconstruction. Federal funding has been requested for the reconstruction. If approved,a formal design review will be conducted that could change the width of the street,add bicycle lanes,etc, If a butbout is built now,it may need to be removed when the street is rebuilt due to being located In the wrong location. 53 Parks 13 Oak Hills Tennis Court Lighting-2425 East 1216 53 53 $140,200 None South 10 Year CIP Plan FY08- To design&provide court lighting to the six bottom No additional increase 09,District 6 tennis courts providing extended play during the spring&fall. Improvements include new light poles &fixtures per the latest court lighting system standards.All conduits from those placed under the newly renovated courts will be installed&all wire systems will be provided&connected to the existing power meter. Design$15.000. Construction inspection&admin fees$10,200. Concessionaire had donated 450,000 for this project. Supports Cit's sustainability,efforts. 16 Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Information SWdg9tlmRRc� Net.. 54 Streets 14 East Liberty Fork,C ommunity Orgar lzatlan 54 54 •$40,000 ,None IELPCOI Allev Improvement Study SubmlBed by Conslileenl To provide funding for a study&preliminary design Design District 5 of rehabilitation needs&upgrades of the public way alleys between 900 South to 1300 South,from 700 East b 1100 East Design$40,000.Supports City's 55 Parks 16 Lindsey Garden Parking Lot Resurfacing-7th 55 56 $109,950 None Avenue&"N"Street Parks Recovery Action To remove&replace old deteriorated asphalt No additional increase Plan,Districts 3 pavement.broken sections el the concrete curb wall,with new surfacing,aeaociated base gravel,& new curb wall where needed.Design$7,600. Engineering Fees$1,760.Construction,inspection &ad.i.$5,200.Supports City's suslatnability 56 Parks Tennis Court Reconstruction-Lindsey Gardens 56 55 $597,800 None Park,7th Avenue&"N"Street Parks Recovery Action To design,demolish 8 recons"ct exisfing tennis No addlBonal increase Plan,l0 Year CIP Plan coons.Two new courts will be built to meet new FY08-09,District 3 tennis standard.Reconstruction Includes new Crete retaining walls to provide the level foot Print required,assodaled landscape&irriga9on, court sorfecing,mil posts,line striping&fencing. Design$58,500.Engineering fees$B,300. Cons"ot-inspection&admin fees$36,000_ sum ods Ci's suslamoblli efforts. 57 Parks 10 13aseball Park Concessions Stand Improvements 57 57 $374.250 None -citywide Parks Recovery Action To design&construct mandated Board of Healm No additional increase Plan,Districts 1,2,&6 Improvements to the City concessions stands at Sannystde Park.1600 East 600 So.,Poplar Gave Park,1190 West 600 so.,&Riverside Park,711 North 1400 West baseball fields.Improvements Include grease traps,three compartment sinks,floor drains attached to sewer,sealed walls,ceiling& nears,hand washing sinks,exhaust vents,mounted fire extinguishers,exit doors that open outward with rect hardware&sell closing screens&upgrades to eW.Wc.1 se —c appropriate to equipment in building.Each oke may need all or part of lh— improvements.Design$26,250.Construction inspection&admin fees$18,000.Supports Clty's sustainabiny a rails. 17 identifier 9 Plan Informailon Project Description to 0 Funding Rourlost Proposed Amount Matrons Proposed Amount Council Allri Operating Duclijetimpact Notes 50 Transportadun2 Traffic Signal lnsts llalion-600 South 600 East 58 58 $lbo,u00 None Transpprtatio.Master To design&construct a new V-"C signal where No additional increase Plan,10 Year CIP Plan, none currently exists on 600 South fi00 East.Traffic FY06-16 Distrtet 4 studies which findings include locrdi traffic, so cident history,8 changing traffic conditions intliCate that a new light is—rentee at this Intersection.Th's project would benefit&be done in comdinalion wiIn the 800 E.Bike Boulevard project, Design$21,000,Engineering fees$21,000. Construction,inspection 8 admin fees$5,000. Su orts Cl's 5u51ainabili efforts. 59 Public Facilities 10 City&County,rat Floor South,Heating/Cooling 59 59 $170.292 None wall unit Replacement-451 So.State Street Disbicl4 To replace the existing fan ccll wail units on the 1st No additional Increase floor,South side of the City&County Building. Design$16,664.Engineering fees$2,371. Construction inspection 8 admin$10,255.Supports 60 streets 1300 EastMichmond Street Rehabllitilk--1300 60 fig $1.379,000 None E,IRichmond,from 1.80 to 3300 South 10 Year CIP Plan To Conalrucl street rehabilitation to include removal No additional wasase Dislnct 7 of open graded asphalt snii course IOGSCj& replace with asphalt oveday,curb&gutter repairs. ADA accessibility ramps&sidewalk reports.This project wit also include pedestrian traKc safety measures programmed for this section of 1300 East by the City's Trareportadon Division,including pedestrian sign enhancements at Elgin&Zenllh Aves.,&restnping of the roadway to accommodate bicycle lanes.This st—t—s transferred to the City from UDOT in 2007,Design$67.300.Construction Inspection&admin$86,900.Supports City's 'Usea.a i itv efforts. 61 Public Facilities 12 Oily&County,Fllth Floor North Side,Remodel- 61 fit $884,301 None 451 So.State Street Datnct4 To provide partial funding needed to finish the No additional Increase unimproved spare on the 5111 floor,north side,to be used as office space for a projected 44 employees. Construct on fundst,SBB4 III 18 Fiscal Year2fill-2012 lion ifier&Plan firi Re;l Proposed Amount Wayor's Prol Amount Council Allocations ll Impact Notes 62 Parks3 , Foothill Blvd.Islands Landscape-Foolhlll Blvd., 62 62 Funding$107,780 ,None 900 to 1100 South Parks Recovery Action To design IS replace the ezis6ng sprinkler irrigation No additional increase Plan,District 6 system within the islands with new deep root watering system emitters at each exishog bee,add weed berrier fabric&mulch.Design$8,500. Construction Inspection&atlmin tees$5,780, Su ons Citl sustainab0il efforts. 63 Sheets 6 900 South Street Rehabllitatlon-900 South, 53 63 $406,000 None 1100 East W 1300 East 10 Year CIP Plan To construct street rehabilitation to include No additional increase Districts 4&5 pavement restoration,curb&gutter repair as needed,drainage improvements&ADA accessibility improvements.Construction Inspection&atlmin $27,000.Supports Civ sustainability efforts. 64 Streets 12 Princeton Ave Concrete Street Replacement- 64 64 $486,800 None Duplicate of S If 9 Princeton Ave.,170D East to 1800 East Submitted by Constituent To remove&replace concrete street pavement on No additional increase DishU6 Princeton Ave.(1155 South),between 1700 East to 1800 East.This application submitted by onstituenl Is a duplication of Engineering's#g 65 Streets 13 9005oulh Road Cons1ucdon-900 So.,2700 65 65 $30D,000 None Duplicate of S#8 West to 3200 Wast Submitted by Constituent Teconatmpl street improvements to Include No additional increase District pavement restoration,curb&gutter,drainage Improvements&.upgrades to tratfc flow characteristics.This application submitted by constituent Is a duplicate of Engineering's 48 CA 1 Council Added During Council Memher Marlin-Yale Avenue Residents $70,000 Funtlin9 Source for E7o,00d ached xc,pe is Ihs CUP con Overrun 8f2371101scusslon Request(Yale Avenue, East to 1Avenue, Account An aadikona.reguesl la Military Drive from 1500 East to 1700 East) me t^P el slleel-log lest-etas re, face with concrete rather than asphalt addedtnnen 11CIPlkl beet, vertay. tim gd wr ryxu,Ma prgea I-Iddl,run—m,dl6ca4ons and NneinglschedulinB or P,bllc Ualikes Ne wade w,nld nal be mro leled in ume for the end,I run In on Total General Fund,including CAM and Public $46,387,196 $9,090,000 $9.716,834 $9,786,834 $0 $0 Facilities Maintenance Set Asltles,FY 2011-12 CIP Total General Fund and Debt Service Prof eels $60199 216 E12 847022 t3 473 84T $13 543 847 19 Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Identifier&Plan FY 2011-2012 CPCIP Donut Information Prejactgescriptiri a' Funding Request Proposed Amount Mayers Propos,d 6mount CoumCi Ailocations Operating l3wifiget Imp4ct Notes 1 Class"C"1 1101111 South Street Re construclion,Phase 3- i 1 $650,000 $650,000 $650,000 $650,000 None 3670 West to 4230 West 10 Year ClP Plan To construct Phase 3 of street Improvements to No additional increase See General Fund Project#6 FY06-16,Distinct include pavement restoration to approz i,IM line., (S#1)and Impact Fees#1. feet of street pavement,center wm lane,bike lanes On 9/06/11,the Council on both sides of the roadway,curb,gulter,drainage decided to fund the additional &water line improvements&upgrades to traffic flow 1,500 of lineal feel for characlenstics.Water&storm drain Improvements $I.M.000.The funding for will be coordinated with Public Utilities.Total project this additional proect—te is cost is estimated at$4,136,000 which includes prior from future years Impact Fees year allocations of general&Class"C"funding. and General Fund. $1,166.000 of project cost is improvements to he made by Public Males.FY 2012 project funding Includes this GF request of$300,000;$650,000 of Class"C";&$2.000,000 of Impact Fees. Design previously funded.Construction,inspection &admin$254,000.'Class"C"&Impact Fee ,location only.Supports City',,ustainability efforts. 2 Class"C"2 1300 South Viaduct Rehabilitation-1300 South, 2 2 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 None 500 to 700 Weat 10 Year CIP Plan To provide partial match of the required$680.000 No additional increase FY06-16,District 2 needed to obtain an estimated$10,000,000 Surface Transportation Program grant(STP).The 5TP funding for the vladucl rehabilitation has been approved by UDOT&FHWA&requires a 7%local match.The$680,000 of local match is being requested over a 4 year period.$200,000 W2$ allocaled during the FY 10-11 CIP Process& additional match funding will be requested In FY's 2012&2013.Thc viaduct needs essential repairs& rehalurtstion as identified In the condition assessment&rehabilitation study,including sWclural&seismic need,.These funds will be banked until the required match funding can be met 20 Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Infnrmati.n Project Description in a FunOirI3 Request Proposed Amount Mail Proposed Amount Council 3 Allocations Oforating Podget Impact Note,Glass"C"] Street Pavement Dv.rl.y&Preservation FY11112 3 3 $1.000,000 $1 000.000 $1 000'000 $1,000,000 None -Citywide 10 Year CIP Plan FY06- To provide asphalt overlay to street pavements as No additional Increase i6,Districts 2&7 selected by Pavement Management System& based on condition&need.Other improvements include ADA peonVian ramps,sidewalk,curb, triter repair&design furl for 12113 oveday project.Design$100,000 Construclioninspectlon &admin fees*59,700.*Funding history includes all Class"C"allocations over 11 year period.Supports Ci's suslainabili efors. 4 Class"C"4 Concrete Streets Rehabilitation FY11/12- 4 4 $200,000 $200.000 $200,000 $200,000 None Citywide 10 Year CIP Plan FY07- To provide consVucOan rehabilita0on to deteriorated No additonal increase 08,District 2 concrete streets Citywlde.Improvements to include slab replacement,gn-ding,resurfacing&joint repair.Priorities include various area within 900 West,900 South to 2100 South as funding permits Design$16,500.Construction inspection&admit $16 e00.'Funding history includes Class"C" allocations over 6 year period.Supports City's sustainability,efforts. 5 Class"C"5 &00 East Rehabilitation,Phase l-1300 to 1700 5 5 $398,000 $388,000 $350,000 $350,000 None south 10 Year CIP Plan FYC7-To provide major rehabilitation to include street No additonal increase 06 pavement restoration,removal&replacement of Districts 5,7 defecOve sidawa&,curb&gullet,ADA pedesulan ramps&upgratles to here signals.Project will coordinate installation of major storm drain lines with Public Utilites.Design$100,000-funded 08-09. Construction,inspection admin$30,400.Supports City s sustainability efforts. 6 Class"C"6 500 East Rehabilitation,Phase II-1700 South to 6 $262,000 $262,000 $0 $0 None 2100 South 10 Year CIP Plan FY07-To provide major rehabilitation b include steel No additional increase The City expects to receives O8, pavement restoration,removal&replacement of $2.4 of FY 11-12 Class"C" Districts 5,7 detective sidewalk,curb&gutter,ADA pedestrian fonds,not$2.7.Engineering ramps&upgratles to traffic signals.Project will withdrew this application coordinate installation of major slain drain lines with Public Utilities.Daslgn$100,000-fun1ed O8-09. Additional funds will be required in subsequent years,These funds will be banked for future construction use.Supports City's sustalnablllty efforts. Class"C"Fund Total $2 700 000 $2.700.0001 $2400 000 $2,400.0001 21 Fiscal Year 2011-2012 1 Information P1.1-tV.-niptirm FurmingRequcal,-ProposedAmount Mayor'sProposurlArraunt Call Allocations 0mrsithrig budget Impact Notes f Impact Fee 1 1111111 South Sfreel Re construction,Pltase]- 1 1 $2,000,000 $2 000.000 $2,000,000 $3,120,000 None 3670 Westm'f. West 10 Year CIP Plan To construct Phase 3 of street improvements to No scald nal Increase See general two.project 46 District 2 include pavement restoration to approx.4,500 lineal ISM)and Class"C"01.On feel of street pavement,center turn lane,bike lanes g106/11.the Council decided to on both sores of the raadway,curb,gutter,drainage fund the additional 1,500 of &water line Improvements&upgrades to traffic 0ow lineal feet for$1,120,000.The clue acteristics.Water&sleon drain improvements funding for this additional will be coordinated with Public Utilities.Total project project scope is from future cost is estimated at$4,136.000 which includes prior years Impact Fees and year allocations of general&Class"C"funding. General F.M. $1.186,000 of project cost is improvements to be made by Public Utilities.FY 2012 project funding includes this GF request of$300,000;$650,000 of Class"C";&$2,000,000 of Impact Fees. Design previously funded.Cnnstrucion,inspection &ed—$254,000.'Class"C"&Impact Fee allocations only.Supports City's sustalnablliy, eHoas. 2 Impact Fees2 Indiana Avelg00 South Rehabilitation Design- 2 2 $300,000 $300,000 $30D,ODD $3DD,000 None Redwood Rd.to 3600 West 10 Year CIP Plan To design for future construction street No additional increase Sea general fund project#35 Disbict 2 inrpmvemseis to include pavement restoration,curb (S#8) &gutter,drainage improvements&upgrades to traffic ft..characteristics,Tafal design castis $u00,000,An additional$300.000 is being requested from the general fund CIP.Design $600,000.Supports Cry's sustainabtilty efforts. Impact Fee Fund Total $2.300.000 52.30 000 $2 700000 $3420 000 Total FY 11112 CIP $65144218 17&47022 $1&173847 $1g 363647 22 Information Prolact Description Funding Request P,.P..d Amount Mayor's PrDpose4 Amount Council Aliocations Operating Budget rlpac� Net- Carryovor Projects from 2DO Soul],Bike Lana Pilot Project $620,000 $0 FUNDS ARE FROM VARIOUS Budget Amendment#4 SOURCES-NOT GF FY 12 ALLOCATION.The Council declined to fund Mayor Backers$620.000 PrOpo$el to transform 200 South Item Slate Street to 900 E with e bikeway in the center Of the street with specialized mem" signals.The Mayerindicaled that his Adminisua8on will address Concerns of Council Members in the coming months and return with a ewed request. Capital Project-Budget Pay Station Parking Meter Installation and On. $5.301.684 FUNDS ARE FROM VARIOUS Amendment#1 going Costs SOURCES General Fund $367,829 Offer Funds $1.519.557 CIP Fund $3,414,298 UM Raised by ChairNice Chair-Complete Streets Initiative-300 West 13CC South-Pedestrian and Bike Safety and F—rience Council Member Simonson-Citywide Pedestrian Safety Council Menitter Simonson-2100 South- complele Streets Council Member Martin-Yale Avenue Residents $40,000 to$70,000 Funded 8123111-See Item CA Request(Yale Avenue,Yalecrest Avenue, 1 J Military Drive from 1500 East to 1700 East) resurface with Concrete rather than asphalt 23