034 of 2011 - canvassing, accepting and approving the results of the municipal primary election held September 13, R 11-1 U 11-1 RESOLUTION NO. 34 OF 2011 CANVASSING, ACCEPTING AND APPROVING THE RESULTS OF THE MUNICIPAL PRIMARY ELECTION HELD IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH ON SEPTEMBER 13, 2011 WHEREAS,on September 13, 2011, the Salt Lake City Municipal Primary Election(the "Primary Election")was held; and WHEREAS,the Mayor and City Council are the Board of Municipal Canvassers for Salt Lake City(the"Board") per Utah Code Annotated 20A-4-301(2)(a)-, and WHEREAS,the Board must meet to canvass the returns of the Primary Election at the usual place of meeting of the City Council no sooner than seven days after the election and no later than 14 days after the election per Utah Code 20A-4-301(2)(b). WHEREAS, on September 20, 2011,the Board canvassed the returns of the Primary Election by publicly opening the election returns, and determining from them the votes of each voting precinct for each person voted for; and WHEREAS,the Board has determined that the Primary Election and voting were conducted in compliance with the Utah State law. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Salt Lake City Board of Municipal Canvassers as follows: Section 1. The Board hereby accepts and approves the election results for the Primary Election. Section 2. The Board certifies the vote totals for the candidates and declares that the following candidates have received the number of votes indicated: City Council District 2: Michael Clara (319) Kyle LaMalfa (486) Van Blair Turner(405) City Council District 6: Tracey Harty (829) Charlie Luke (1423) J T Martin (943) Section 3. The Board declares "nominated"the following persons to the municipal office indicated: City Council District 2: Kyle LaMalfa and Van Blair Turner City Council District 6: Charlie Luke and J T Martin Section 4. For purposes of Utah Code Section 20A-4-304,the Election Officer (City Recorder) shall prepare a report of the election results (the"Election Results Report") which shall contain: (a)the total number of votes cast in the Board's jurisdiction, (b) the names of each candidate whose name appeared on the ballot, (c) each office that appeared on the ballot, (d) from each voting precinct,the number of votes for each candidate, (e)the total number of votes given in the Board's jurisdiction to each candidate, and(f) a statement certifying that the information contained in the Election Results Report is accurate. Section 5. The Election Officer (City Recorder) and the Board shall review the Election Results Report to ensure that it is correct and sign the Election Results Report. Section 6. The Election Officer (City Recorder) shall: a. Record or file the certified Election Results Report in a book kept for that purpose; b. Prepare and transmit a certificate of nomination under the City Recorder's seal to each nominated candidate; c. Publish a copy of the certified Election Results Report in a newspaper with general circulation in the jurisdiction of the Board, and post it (a) in a conspicuous place on the website of Salt Lake County and(b) in one or more conspicuous places within the jurisdiction of the Board; and d. File and transmit a certified copy of the Election Results Report to the Lieutenant Governor within 14 days after the date of the Primary Election. Section 7. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Board of Municipal Canvassers of Salt Lake City, Utah this 20''day of September, 2011. SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL By QA& CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: • APPROVED AS TO FORM Salt Leka City Attorney's Office ecorder Date - Zr:7— By STATE OF UTAH ) ss CITY AND COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ) We the undersigned,appointed as the Board of Canvassers for the Municipal Primary Election held in Salt Lake City,Utah,on Tuesday,September 13,2011,hereby certify that the attached Election Results Report for the 2011 Salt Lake City Municipal Primary Election is correct, and the results being that the two persons for each office indicated,receiving the highest number of votes for said office,will be placed on the November 8,2011 Municipal General Election ballot. WITNESS OUR HANDS AND SEAL THIS 20TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER,2011. Carlton ChristeHs&,ffncif Member Van Turner, Council Member Stan nfold,Council Member Luke Gar btt, un ' ember Jill Remington Love Council Member cil Member � fJc�r'6 ,Seren`Simonsep,db6cil MembeF Aecker,Mayor t ATTEST: +��, s 2-'ksineee�ker, Reco er �T� OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS Date:09/19/11 2011 MUNICIPAL PRIMARY ELECTION Time: e:08 I of I Pagel of 1 SALT LAKE COUNTY, UTAH Registered Voters 21773-Cards Cast 4413 20.27% Num.Report Precinct 42-Num.Reporting 42 100.00% SALT LAKE CITY COUN 2 Total Number of Precincts 14 Precincts Reporting 14 100.0 % Times Counted 1212/6549 18.5 % Total Votes 1210 MICHAEL CLARA 319 26.36% KYLE LAMALFA 486 40.17% VAN BLAIR TURNER 405 33.47% . SALT LAKE CITY COUN 6 Total Number of Precincts 28 Precincts Reporting 28 100.0 % Times Counted 3201/15224 21.0 % Total Votes 3195 TRACEY HARTY 829 25.95% CHARLIE LUKE 1423 44.54% J T MARTIN 943 29.51% SALT LAKE CITY MUNICIPAL PRIMARY ELECTION RESULTS REPORT September 13,2011 COUNCIL DISTRICT#2 1- j Registered Ballots Voter Precinct Voters Cast Turnout j E5 SLC016 239 49 20.50% 16 20 j 13 49 SLC018 522 62 11.81 16 37 9 62 SLC046 368 59 16.03% 29 21 9 59 SLC047 502 81 r 16.14% 33 29 19 81 SLC048 406 89 21.92% 34 40 15 89 SLC049 578 97 16.78% 45 30 22 97 SLC050 603 128 21.23% 39 45 43 127 SLC051 716 122 17.04% j 47 - 53 22 122 _ SLC082 552 98 17.75°/ 18 34 46 98 SLC0833 496 92 18.59% 77-37 48 92 SLC084 438 89 20.32% 7 31 50 88 SLC085 447 117 26.17% 4 55 58 117 SLC086 636 114 17.92% 22 47 45 114 SLC087 47 15 31.91% 2 7 6 15 i �L Totals 6549 1212 18.51% 3191, 466 405', 1210 mil- L This report contains(a)the total number of votes cast in Salt Lake City's Council District#2,(b)the names of each candidate whose name appeared on the ballot,(c)the name of each office that appeared on the ballot, (d)the number of votes for each candidate from each voting precinct,and(e)the total number of votes given to each candidate. ity Re rder( f iDate I SALT LAKE CITY MUNICIPAL PRIMARY ELECTION RESULTS REPORT September 13,2011 COUNCIL DISTRICT#6 F d 0 c > Registered Ballots Voter r x C Precinct Voters Cast Turnout = F SLC079 467 17 3.64% 6 7 4 1 17 1 SLC080 248 4 1.61%1 1 2 1 4 SLCO81 375 6 1.60% 3 3 0 6 SLC117 588 138 23.47%1 37 1 56 T 45 138 SLC118 317 58 18.30%I 17 1 23 118 58 _ SLC121 408 65 15.931/.F 27 19 19 65 SLC122 489 119 24.34%! 39 47 33 119 SLC123 682 109 15.98%I 42 32 35 109 SLC124 47 8 17.02% 1 3 4 8 SLC125 643 89 13.84%� 22 24 43 89 SLC126 586 157 1 26.79%1 44 83 30 157 SLC127 724 274 3785%1 88 153 33 274 1 SLC128 577 165 1 28.60%1 38 83 1 44 165 SLC129 584 141 24.14% 32 63 46 141 SLC130 770 203 26,36%i 51 76 75 202 SLC131 645 129 20.00% 24 84 21 129 SLC132 486 84 17.28% 8 37 39 84 SLC133 1 374 1 54 14.44% 19 25 10 54 SLC134 —r 593 116 19.56% 30 43 43 116 SLC135 714 204 26.57% 32 116 56 204 SLC136 618 1 137 22.17% 43 42 52 137 SLC137 577 132 22.88% 30 45 56 1 131 SLC138 588 112 1 19.05%1 24 55 33 1 112 SLC139 487 104 21.36% 25 45 34 104 SLC140 635 169 26.61%1 42 57 68 167 SLC141 1 693 186 26.84% 29 125 32 186 SLC142 I 68C—_j 117 17.06-/,l 36 41 38 115 SLC1� 623 104 16.69°/ 39 34 31 104 Totals 15224 3201 21.039/ 829 1423 943 3195 This report contains(a)the total number of votes cast in Salt Lake City's Council District#6,(b)the names of each candidate whose name appeared on the ballot,(c)the name of each office that appeared on the ballot,(d)the number of votes for each candidate from each voting precinct,and(a)the total number of votes given to each candidate. I certify that the information contained in this report is accurate. -------------- ty R ..rdbr (Date ! OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS Data 09l19/1 I 36 2011 MUNICIPAL PRIMARY ELECTION Time 14 1 of Pege:l o of 5 SALT LAKE COUNTY,UTAI-1 STATEMENT OF VOTES CAST TURN OUT SALT LAID:CITY COUN 2 SALT LAKE CITY COUN G Reg.Voters Cards Cast I% Reg.Volcrs I Times Total Votes �1.11CHAELC. JKYLELAI,ALI`A VAN BLAIR Reg,V1111 Tinter Total Votes I TRACEY HARTY CHARLIE LUICE J T MARTIN Turnout taunted TURNER Counted 1 1 Jurisdiction Will. SLC016 Potting 239 IJ 5865a 219 14 14 2 1429% 8 57.14% J 2A.57;' - - - - - - - - AB-VBM 239 1't IJ.6J% 2?9 ?3 33 14 411.00%. 12 3429% 9 25.713 - - - - - - - Fa[ly Voting 239 It n uo°,: 239 0 0 0 - 0 - 0 - - - - - - - In-0flic Voline i 0 0.O ' 237 0 0 0 0 0 Total 239 49 X50% 239 49 49 16 32.65% 20 40.92: 13 26.53% - - - - - - - SLCOIR Polling 522 24 4.605' 522 24 2J 4 16.675'. IR 75,00% 3 83.1" - - - - - All 522 37 709% 522 37 37 12 72 J3% 19 JR 6534 7 1992" - - - - - - - Emly Voting 522 1 O l9" 522 1 1 0 OOOSo 110000% 0 0.00% - - - - - -0 c olin 22 0 0001/ 52-1 1 0 0 0 0 Toml 522 62 11 fig% 522 G2 62 I6 25.81% 37 5969% 9 14.52% - - - - - - - - SLC046 Palling 368 30 9.155 369 30 30 9 30041% 17 56.67% 4 13.33*1 - - - - AB-VBM 369 25 6793' 3G1 25 25 19 76.00% 3 I2.00% 3 12.01W/ - - - - Early Voting 368 0 0.005' 368 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - - lil-0ffl.V.d.. 8 4 N. 368 4 J 1 .001/. 2500% 2 50.00% Tool J68 59 I6035 169 59 59 29 4915% 21 35.59% 7 15.15Y - - - - - - SLC047 Po1Wlg 502 33 65T, 502 ?? 33 14 42.42% 14 42.42% 5 15.09 - - - - - - - AB•VBM 502 43 9.571, 502 43 43 16 37.21% 14 32.569/. 13 30 13- - - - - - - - - Early Voting 502 3 0,6M.' 502 3 3 2 66.675: 1 33.37% n O.ImX - - - - - - - lo-Off Votia 502 2 U403' Sul 2 2 50.Uu% 0 0.00% 1 50.00% - Tolal 502 RI 16.I45' 502 at 81 33 40.74% 29 3S.RIH'. 19 23.46'% - - - - - - SLCOJA Polling 406 57 IJ 041 4U6 57 57 26 45.61% 24 4Z.11% 7 12295' - - - - - - AB-VBNI 406 30 739-1 406 30 30 7 23.31% 16 53,33 io 7 23.33% - - - - - - Ea11y Vatiug 4OG 1 0.25" 406 1 1 0 0005: 0 0.00% 1 too 0u./ - - - - - - - - ln•0113ceVa1t0 4DG 1 0.25% 406 1 I OU.00% U 0 90% 0 0.ODS' - Total 406 99 21 92% 406 99 89 34 38 20%. 40 44.94% 15 168511, - - - - - - SLC049 Polling 578 64 11.071 519 64 64 29 45.31% 20 31.25% 15 27J45' - - - - - - - - AB-VBM 578 30 5.19% 578 30 30 16 53 33% 1 23.335; 7 23 37% - - - - - - - Isrly Voting 578 3 0 52" 578 3 3 0 n(M. 3 10000%. 0 0.00'! - - - - - lu-0ffiu Vodn 571 0 0.OU1/ 57e (10 0 0 0 _ - Total 579 97 16,795' 578 97 97 45 4639% 30 30.93% 22 22.68% - - - - - SLCU50 Polling 603 71 11.771 603 71 70 14 2000% 31 4429% 25 35-71Y - - - - - - - AB-VBM 603 52 8.621' 603 52 52 22 4231% 13 25.00% 17 32.69% - - - - - - - - Early Voting 6U3 3 OSUS' 603 3 3 2 66.67/ 0 0.00% 1 33.33".f - - - - - la-Office Voting603 2 Ill 3* 603 2 2 1 50.00% 1 50.00% 0 0.00'Y _ Total 603 121 21.271% 603 128 127 39 30.71% 45 15.43% 43 33.8&Y - - - - - - SLCnSI Polling 716 66 9223' 7l6 6G 66 18 27.21% 34 5L52% 14 2121'. - - - - - - AB-VBM 716 53 740" lib 53 53 27 50.94% 18 33.96% 1 130955 - - - - - - - Early Voting 716 0 O.UO" 716 0 0 0 0 - 0 - - - - - - - Li-Office Votin 716 3 0.42% 716 3 3 2 66.67% 1 33.37"A 0 0.00",' Total 716 122 17.041/2 716 122 122 47 38.52% 53 43.44% 22 18.U35' - - - - - SLCn79 Polling 467 15 3.211/ - - - - - - - - 467 IS 15 4 26.67% 7 4667% 4 26.67% AB-VBM 467 2 0.43" - - - - - - 467 2 2 2100.0MI. a 0.00% 0 0.005' Early Voung 467 0 OOu°' - - - - - - - 467 0 0 n - n - 0 I.-0flim Vnline 467 0 0004' 467 0 0 U 0 U Total 467 17 3.641, - - - - - - 467 17 17 6 35.29% 7 4L19% 4 SLCOSU PclUng 248 I 0405' - - - - - - - - 249 1 1 I IUtI IIU% 0 0.00% 0 U.UUSf AB-VBM 249 3 121 248 J 3 0 O.mM. 2 fi6.67% 1 33.3?!' Sally Volmg 248 0 0.00% - - - - - - - 248 0 0 0 - 0 0 1tWIRm Voting249 0 0.005' 148 0 U U 0 U Total 243 4 161, - - - - - - - 249 4 4 1 25.00% 2 SU In)% 1 25.10 OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS Ua1009/19"I 2011 MUNICIPAL PRIMARY ELECTION Time Pagea 2 o of Sf5 SALT LAKE COUNTY,UTAH STATEMENT OF VOTES CAST TURN OUT SALT LAKE CITY COUN 2 SALT LAKE CITY COUN 6 Reg.Voters Cards Cost I% Reg.Voters runes Tout Voles MICHAEL CLARA ITCY1,11LAMALIA jVkNBLAIR Reg.Volem Thucs TOW Votes JTRACEYHARTY CHARLIE LUKE 1 T MARTIN Tumour Counted TURNER Coulued SLCO I Polling 375 3 n 8(9/ - - - - - - - 375 3 3 1 33.331: 2 66.67% 0 0.0(y% AB-VBM 375 3 n,809' - - - - _ 375 1 3 2 66.67% 1 3333% 0 0Qu..f Early Wing 375 0 DIV - - - - - - - 375 0 0 0 - 0 - U lo-Otfce Voting75 0 0.00% 375 0 0 0 0 0 Tam[ 375 6 1.W, - - - - _ _ _ _ 375 6 6 3 So.on% 3 Su wr. u 0.00511 SLC082 Polling 552 44 7.9r, 552 44 44 6 13.64% 13 29.53% 25 56.82% - - - - - - - AB-VB61 552 54 9.781, 552 54 54 12 22.22% 21 39.89% 21 39.99% - - - - - - - - Fady Voling 552 0 0.00% 552 0 0 0 - 0 - 0 - - - - - - - Lw0lricc Voting 552 0 0.00.1 552 0 0 0 0 0 Talal 552 98 17.75. 552 98 98 IR 18.17% 34 34.691 46 4694% - - - - - - - SLCU13 Palling 495 54 10.9111 495 54 54 2 3.70% 24 44.447. 28 - AB-VBM 495 37 7.47Y 495 37 37 5 13.5t% 13 35.14% 19 51.33%, - - - - - - - - Eorly Voting 495 1 0.20"' 495 1 1 D 0.00% d ovm 1 10000% - - - - - - - - LrORIceVotin 495 0 00U% 495 0 D D 0 0 Total 495 92 18.59% 495 92 92 7 7.61% 37 40.12% 48 52.17% - - - - - - - SLCDR4 PolUng 438 56 12.79% 43A $6 55 1 1 92% 17 30.91"6 37 67 27% - - - - - - - - AB-VB85 43A 32 731':' 438 72 32 5 M63%. 14 41.15% U 4063% - - - - - - - F.ady Voting 138 n IlpO°' 438 0 0 D - 0 - 0 - - - - - - - - Io,OT-Vo- 438 1 023"' 438 1 1 1 100.00% 0 0,0031. 0 U.( . Total 438 89 2n.32, 419 R9 is 7 7.95% 31 35.13% 50 56.9m. LC085 - - - - - - - S Polling 447 RO 17.90"' 447 80 SD 1 125% 31 38.757. 48 601105E - - - - - - - - AB-VBM 441 37 8.28', 447 37 37 3 8.11% 24 64.96-1 t0 2703% - - - - - - - Fady Voling 447 0 0 W% 447 0 0 0 - 0 In oe Off Win 447 0 0.0d. 447 0 0 U 0 0 T-I 447 117 26.175 447 117 117 4 3.425; 55 47.01% 58 49.57^,f - - - - - - - - SLCOBG Polling 636 55 865"' 636 55 55 8 14.55% 24 43.641". 23 41.8Y - - - - - - AB-VBM 636 55 8.G3% G36 55 55 0 23.645, 20 J6.36%. 22 40o0"f - - - - - - - Fady Voling 63G 1 0.14".' 63fi 1 1 0 0.00% l 1000(M/. 0 0.(1 - - - - - - - Iu-Ofr.a Voww 636 3 047Y 636 3 3 1 33.=] 2 M.67% 0 0ODY Toul 636 114 17,92Y 616 114 114 22 19.30% 47 41.23% 45 19.47% - - - - - - - - SLC087 Polling 47 5 10.64% 47 5 5 1 20 W,. 3 60,00% 1 2000% - - - - - - - - AB-VBM 47 9 19.IS% 47 9 9 0 0.00% 4 44.44% 3 53.56% - - - - - - Eady Voting 47 0 OOOY 47 0 n (I0 U - - - - - - - 01AIfceVolin 47 1 2.13/' 47 1 1 1100.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Tout 47 15 3691° 47 1S IS 2 1333% 7 46.67% 6 40.00% - - - - - - - SLC117 Polling 588 97 16.30% - - - - - _ - _ 588 97 97 26 26807. 37 38A45. 34 3505% AB-VBM 589 35 5.95% _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 588 35 35 9 25.71% 16 45715'. 10 28.57% Eidp Voting 584 4 068"' - - - - - - - - 5R8 4 4 1 25001'. 2 5000% 1 25 0U'1' In-Orr-Willa 588 2 0.34% 588 2 2 1 50.00'/ 1 500% 0 0.00% Total 588 139 23.47Y - - - - - - - 588 139 138 37 16.111% 19 40.58% 45 4261% SLCIIR Polling "1 37 11,6731, - - - - - - - 317 37 37 10 27.03% 14 3794% 13 35A4% AB-VBM 117 19 599"' _ _ _ _ _ 317 19 19 5 2632"6 9 4737% 5 26.121' ady Voling 317 1 0,392 - - - 317 1 I I IOU UO% 0 OOOY 0 am" lworreV.dn 317 1 0 2 317 1 1 11<81 U11"5 0 OOOY. U UUU% Taut 317 58 18.30% - _ _ _ _ _ _ - 317 58 58 17 1911% 23 3966% Is 31015 SLC121 Polling 408 15 8.591, - - - - - - - - 408 35 35 15 42.96"'. 12 34.29% 1 22.8GY AB-VBM 408 I7 6.62"' - - - - - - - 40A 27 27 12 J-LJJ"5 5 18.32": I0 37 U4°' Eark Wing 4U8 1 0.25"' - - - - - - - 408 1 1 0 0,0056 0 0,0u% 1 111U.OIM.' LWIfce Volin 4U8 2 049% 408 2 2 0 0-01W. 1100.00% 0 0.001 Taut 40R 65 15.93Y - - - - 403 65 65 27 41.54% 19 2923% 19 2923% SLCI27 OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS Date 09/19/I I 2011 MUNICIPAL PRIMARY ELECTION Time 14 14 Page_3 ofSf5 SALT LAKE COUNTY,UTAH STATEMENT OF VOTES CAST TURN OUT SALT LAKE CITY COUN 2 SALT LAKE CITY COLIN 6 Reg.Vomm Cards Cast I% Reg, Voters Times Toml voles MICHAEL CLARA IKYLELAMALFA VAN BLAIR It%Volcrs limes �TWIVW- �TRACEYHARTY ICHARLIELUKE 1 TMARTIN TUmau1 COUNed 7URNER Counted Polling 489 14 I5.13Y - - - - - - - - 489 74 74 26 35.14% 24 3243% 14 12435' AB-VBM 489 41 8.18Y - - - - - - - - 489 41 41 II 26.93% 23 56.10% 7 17.U75' Early Votittg 487 I 02lM/ - - - - - - - - 489 1 l l IOO.OUS: 0 O.OtI% 0 0"rA I0.000e you 489 1 0.615' 489 3 3 1 33.!3% 0 0.00"' 2 66.6711 T01a1 489 119 24.341y. - _ _ _ _ _ 489 119 119 39 32.77% 47 39.50% 33 2T73% SLC127 Polling 682 56 8.21% - - - - - - - - 682 56 56 22 39.29% 11 12.14% 16 28.5711 AB-VBM 682 53 7,77, - - - - - - - - 682 53 53 20 37.74% 14 26.42% 19 3585% Eatty Voting 682 0 0001.' - - - _ _ _ _ 682 0 0 0 - o - 0 In-OQce Voting682 0 OOU' 682 0 0 0 0 0 Total 682 109 15.98% - - - - - - - 682 109 109 42 38.53% 32 2936% 35 3211Y SLCI2J Polling 47 3 638% - - _ 47 3 3 0 0.00% 1 33.33% Z fi6f,7Y AB-VBM 47 S 1o.64Y - - - - - - - 47 5 5 l 20.00% 2 40 U0"/. 2 40.00% Early Voting 47 0 0111, 47 0 0 0 - 0 - U In•CQce Voting 7 0 OOUY 47 0 0 0 0 0 Total 47 8 17.02% - - - - - - - - 47 a 8 1 12.50% 3 37.50",: 4 50 Wl SLC125 Polling 643 43 6 697 - - - - - - - - W1 43 43 9 2093% 14 32.56% 20 46 519' AB-VBM W3 42 6535' _ _ _ _ 643 42 42 11 3095% 9 2141%. 20 4762% Early Voting 643 1 0 16Y - - - - - - - - 641 1 l U 0.110% 0 O.0U5: 1111U.005' W . otlo M 3 0.47Y 643 3 3 0 11.00% 1 33.33% 2 GG.7 Total 643 89 13.84 - - - - - - - - 641 89 99 22 24.72% 24 26.97.: 43 48.31% SLC126 Pulsing 586 NO 17.06% - - _ _ _ _ _ 586 100 100 30 .10.00% 55 55005'. 15 15.OD5- A9•VBM 586 56 9,565' - - - _ 586 56 56 14 25.031% 28 5000% 14 2500% Eadv Voting 586 1 0.171/1 - - - - - 586 1 1 0 011O 0 D.nll% 1 Inn UOY In-OQcc Voting 586 0 0001111 8 0 U It0 0 Total 586 157 26.79% - - - - - - 586 157 157 44 28.03% 81 5Z.87% 10 19.1M SLCI27 Polling 724 194 MAW - - 724 194 184 58 3L5255 111 60.33% IS tlIS AB-VBM 724 83 11.46Y - - - - - - - 7Z4 83 83 28 33.73% 3X 45.785: 17 A44. Early Voting 724 4 O.55Y - - - - _ 724 4 4 2 50.005 1 25110 1. 1 25 DDY !n-Omcc Volio 724 3 0.41Y 724 3 3 0 0.005: 3]GO 00% 0 0.00'/ Tom] 724 274 3235% - - - - - - - 724 274 274 88 12.12% 151 55.84% 33 1204% SLC128 Polling 577 95 16.46Y - - - - - - - - 577 95 95 26 273751. 46 48.4256 23 74 21',! AB-VBM 577 67 11.61Y - - - - 577 67 67 12 1791% 14 5U.75% 21 31.34Y Early Voting 577 2 O.JSY - - - - - - - - 577 2 2 U O.o115: 2 100.00% tl g0U53 In-Orr-Votin 577 1 0.17Y 577 l 0 tloUY. 1 IW00% D 019% Total 577 165 28.60Y - - - - - - - 577 165 165 38 23 03% 83 50 311% 44 26 675' SLC129 Palling 584 91 15.59- - - - - - - - - 584 91 91 23 2527% 16 39.56% 32 3516Y AB-VBM 584 48 8225' - - - - - - - 584 48 Je 8 16.67e 27 56.15% 13 27 U914. Early Voting 584 I 0175' - - - - - - - - 584 1 1 0 Dons,. 0 0A0% 1100.00"' In-01Lcc Vatic 5m I O.I7Y 584 1 1 1 IOO.0 , 0 0 00% 0 O.OUY Tatal 5R4 IJI 24.14, - - - - - - 584 14t 141 32 22.70% 6l 44.68% 46 32.62'/, SLC130 Palling 770 IUS 14.03, - - - - - - 770 IU8 107 31 29,97% 42 392s% 34 31.78Y AB-VBM 770 91 111r, - - - - - 770 91 91 IS 19.78% 12 15.16% 41 45.OSY vo Early ting 770 D U.00% - - - - - - - - 77o D 0 0 - 0 - 0 In-Office Voting 772 4 U52Y 770 4 4 2 SD 00% 2 50.00% 0 000Y Toml 770 201 16.16Y - - - - - - - - 770 203 202 51 2525% 76 3762% 75 37131% SLCI31 Polling 645 82 12.71% - - - - - - - 645 82 82 15 1829% 55 6T07% 12 14635' AB-VBM 645 37 5WIN - - - - 645 37 37 9 24.32% 21 56.76% 7 18.925' Early Voting WS 4 O.62Y - - - - - - 645 4 4 0 0011% 3 7500% 1 25 Oil'!Lt-OQc V tin 645 6 0.93Y 645 6 6 U 000 5 93.33% 1 16.67'' Total 645 129 211.0G" - - _ _ _ _ _ 645 121 12'1 24 111,11% 84 65.12% 21 16.28Y SLC132 Polling 486 38 11.93" - - - - - - - 4R6 59 59 5 9.62% 26 4483% 27 4655Y OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS Date 09119l11 2011 MUNICIPAL PRIMARY ELECTION Time Id 14.36 Page:4 of 5 SALT LAKE COUNTY,UTAH STATEMENT OF VOTES CAST TURN OUT SALT LAKE CITY COUN 2 SALT LAKE CITY COUN 6 Reg.Voters I Cards COO Reg.Valers �Thl- IT.13LV.1. �MCHAELCLAIIA KYLE LAMALFA VAN BLAM It.&Valcrs Times Tula[Votcs TRACEY HARTS' CHAALIE LUKE JIT MARTIN Tumaw Couulcd TURNER Counlcd AB-VBM 486 24 4 941 - - - - - - - 486 24 24 3 12.5D°/. 10 41.675. 11 45 87% Fjdy VO[ing 4R6 1 0.219' - - - - - - - - JAG 1 1 0 11,a111e n U.110% 1 Unions" la-O�ce votin J36 1 0.21"' 486 1 1 0 D.o0% I lo000Y. o OOUY Total 43G 61 17.2A° - - - - - JAG 84 RJ R 9.52°. 37 44.I1i% i9 J6 J7"' SLCI33 Pa10ng 374 33 8.82% - - - - - - - - 314 33 13 7 2111% 21 63.64%. 5 15 13% AB-VB&I 374 21 5.611' - - - - - - - - 374 21 21 12 57.14% 4 19.05% 5 27 RIY Earle Vining 374 a 41,00.1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 374 0 0 U 1) t Votine 374 0 0 ao° 374 to U 0 0 Total 374 54 14.445 - - - - - - - - 374 54 54 19 35.199: 25 46.30% IU IS 52" SLC114 Polling 593 39 9951. - - _ _ _ _ _ _ 593 59 57 12 2014% 25 42 M. 22 37.29. AB-VBM 593 55 9.27% - - - - _ _ _ _ 593 55 53 18 32.73°% 17 3U 91% 20 36.361' Eady Vining 593 2 014% - - - - - - - - 593 2 2 0 0.on% 1 3ODD96 1 5000% In-Office Voting 593 0 0.00% 593 0 0 U 0 Total 593 116 1956% - - - - - 593 116 116 10 2586% 43 37.07% 43 3707% SLCI35 Polling 714 90 12.61Y - - - - - - - - 714 9U 90 11 12.22% 53 58.89% 16 2889"' AB-VBM 714 lab 14.R5Y - - - - - - - 714 1116 IM. IR IG.99% 61 575555 27 25.47". .11 Voting 714 2 0.281' - - - - - - 714 2 2 1 50011% 1 50005'. 0 0OIW.' Volin 714 6 084% 714 6 6 2 1 33% 1 16.67% 3 511001' Total 714 204 21157% - - - - - - - 714 204 204 32 15.69% 116 56.90. 56 I7451' SLC136 Palling 619 37 5.991% - - - - - - - - fill 37 37 8 21.62% 16 4324% 13 35 Wo'. AB-VBM 618 93 15.05Y - - - - - - - - 618 93 93 33 35.48% 24 25 R l% 16 18 7I% Early Voting 611 0 R00% - - - - - - - 618 0 0 0 - D 0 In-0Bicc Volin I8 6 7 1 I3Y 619 7 7 2 28.57. 2 28.57% 1 42 861' Total 618 137 22.17% - - - - 618 137 137 43 31.39% 42 3066% 52 179615 SLCl37 Polling 577 90 I5.60% _ - - - - _ _ _ 577 90 90 21 23.33% 25 27 78°/. 44 48 89 A8-VBM 577 36 6.24% 577 36 35 9 25.71% 17 41.571,4 9 2171". Early Voung 577 2 0.351 - - - - - - 577 2 2 d 0.00% 0 000% 2 ht-Otrwc Votins 577 4 0691/. 577 4 4 0 000% 3 75.00% 1 250U5' Tonal 577 132 22.831/. - - - - - 577 132 131 30 22.91YSe 45 34.35% 56 42 75': SLCL39 Polling 588 BI 13.78% - - - - _ _ _ _ 588 81 M 15 18.52% 41 5062% 25 30R6" AB-VBM 588 21 4.59Y - - - - - _ _ - 588 27 27 9 13.31% 11 4074% 7 23931' Early Voting 588 2 0.3411. _ _ _ _ _ 588 2 2 0 0.00% 2too 00% 0 O00°i in-OBicc Volinso 58g 2 2,4*, 588 2 2 0 0.0050 1 5000% 1 50.0 Y Total SRB 112 19.051 - - - - - 588 112 112 24 21.43"L 55 49Al% 33 2'3 461 SLC 139 Palling 487 58 11.915' - - - - - - - - 487 58 58 17 29.31% 20 3442% 21 36.219% AB-VBM 487 44 9.031' - - - - - - 487 44 44 8 M180'0 24 5455% 12 27.27Y Eadv Voting 487 1 O.Zl1' - - - - - - - 487 1 1 a OOt13: 110000% 0 000%. in-Office voting487 1 0.211' 487 1 1 0 0.00% 0 0.001u 1 100.00% Total 487 IN 21161 _ _ _ _ _ 447 IN 104 25 24.04% 45 43271'. 34 3269% SLC140 Polling 635 71 11.181 - - - 635 71 70 26 17.14% 20 28.57% 24 34.29" AB•VBm 635 91 14.331' - - - _ _ _ _ _ 635 91 9a 13 14.44% 35 3889% 42 46671' Early Vot'ulg 635 5 0791' - - - - - - - 635 5 5 2 40.00% 1 MAIM 2 40001' I0.015ce Vatine 635 2 all!, 635 1 2 1 OOUY. 1 50.00". 0 0.00'/ Total 635 IGl 26611 - - - - - - - - 615 169 167 42 25.15%. 57 34.135. 68 4MI.I. SLC141 Pot 693 120 17.)2% - - - - - - 693 120 120 15 12.50': 88 7?31% 17 14.I75' AB-VBBI 693 63 909% - - - 693 G3 63 11 20.61% 75 555616 15 2.18111, Eu13 Voting 693 1 0141' - - - - - - - - 693 1 1 0 0.00% 1 100.00% 0 omu% lo-OQi.Vocin 693 2 0.291' 693 2 2 1 50.00% 1 SOO 1% 0 O.Uu"' Total 693 186 26.841' - - - 693 186 136 29 15.59% 125 67.20% 32 17.209/ SLC142 Polling 686 56 8]6°,' _ _ _ _ 616 56 54 17 31.48% 21 38.19". 16 21f,31' AB-VBM fi96 SR R45% - - - - - - - - 6Af. 59 58 17 2731% l9 3276% 22 17.971 OFFICIAL ELECTION RESULTS Date .09/19/l1 2011 MUNICIPAL PRIMARY ELECTION Time a i4 37 Page 5 of 5 SALT LAKE COUNTY,UTAH STATEMENT OF VOTES CAST TURN OUT SALT LAKE CITY COUN 2 5ALT LAKE CITY COUN 6 Reg.Voters I Cards Cut Reg.Voters Times Total Votes MICHAEL CLARA KYLE LAMALFA VAN RLAIR Reg.Voters Times TOlal Votes JTPLACEYHARTY I CHARLIE LUTE 1 T MARTIN Tumow CouNed TURNER Caunled Early Voting 696 1 015% - - - - - - - - 686 I l 1 IU0.n0% 0 0.00% 0 U.0071 ❑t•Orlicc Yotin 696 2 0.29:' 686 2 2 1 50.00%. 1 50,00% 0 a.OU% Tarot 6VI III 17.061, - - _ _ 68f, 117 115 36 11.10% 41 35.65%. 18 11(14% SLCI41 Polling 623 55 s.BJ 623 55 55 19 34.53% 19 34-55% 17 30.915' A13•VEhI 423 48 7701' - - - - - - - - 623 48 48 2n 41.675E 14 29.17%. IJ 19.17% Early Voting 623 0 0001, - - - - - 623 0 0 0 - 0 0 In-OtGcc Votinc 1 623 1 0.161 G 1 I 0 0.00"!. 1100.Uo% 0 0.00% Total 623 104 16.691 - - - - - - - 623 I114 104 39 37.501,: 14 32.691.E 11 29.815' Total Polling 21771 2495 11.4111 6549 653 651 133 2074% 278 42.70'/. 238 3654% 15224 1832 1820 470 25.71% 849 46441E 509 27141, AB•VBM 21773 1807 alai 6549 529 529 171 32.33% 197 37.24% 161 NAM% 15224 1279 1276 337 26A1% 532 4169% 407 31.9U% Early Valing 21773 50 0.231 6549 13 13 4 3071% 4 46.15•1. 3 23 U81/, 15224 37 37 9 24.32% IS 4054% 13 35.14% hFOfGee Van_ 21773 71 0,33, 6549 17 17 7 274Y. 5 2941Y 3 7G5° 15224 54 SJ Li.01% 27 3000°'. 14 2sms'. Total 21773 4413 211,27; 6549 1212 1210 30 26i6% 4M 40.17•.E 4113 31.4791 15224 32111 317i R29 23.937E 1423 .547 9JJ 27.51"�