053 of 2011 - Salt Lake City Preservation Program R 11-1 T 11-7 RESOLUTION NO. 53 OF 2011 A resolution regarding the Salt Lake City Preservation Program. WHEREAS,the City Council of Salt Lake City("City Council")has established historic preservation as an important tool to protect and preserve historically, arclitecturally and culturally significant areas, structures and sites within the city;to foster civic pride in the history of the city;to protect and enhance the attraction of the city's historic landmarks and districts; and to enhance economic development; and WHEREAS,the City Council has determined that establishing a Preservation Program Philosophy will further clarify and promote its historic preservation goals and is in the city's best interests. NOW THEREFORE,be it resolved by the City Council of Salt Lake City: SECTION 1. That the City Council hereby establishes the following to be the City's Preservation Program Philosophy: Salt Lake City Preservation Program Philosophy What is Historic Preservation? Historic preservation is a process of protecting local history through identification of unique places that tell our"story." One can read this history by observing the historic fabric made up of specific cultural and archaeological resources,character defining features expressed in architecture and architectural details,landscapes and significant spaces. This process may include the survey and evaluation of historical, architectural, archaeological and cultural resources; development of appropriate measures to protect these resources; identification of public and private finding sources; design for the restoration,rehabilitation, and/or adaptive re-use and review of ongoing maintenance. Why Historic Preservation is Important Historic resources are tangible evidence of the past,helping us to know where we have come from and who we are today. When historic resources are lost or allowed to deteriorate, a part of our history disappears. Historic preservation provides opportunities for residents and visitors to experience and learn about the importance of our past, to live and work in surroundings that provide a sense of place anchored by collections of older buildings,residential neighborhoods, commercial areas and landscapes. This sense of place drives community pride, encourages neighborhood and commercial reinvestment and results in a sustainable community with cultural vitality. How we Practice Historic Preservation in Salt Lake City Salt Lake City takes pride in its history. The City Council. and the Mayor consider historic preservation a priority and commit to improving the array of tools, programs and incentives available to protect the best examples of the City's architecture, commercial and residential development, cultural landscapes and archaeology to preserve our history for future generations. Historic preservation policies will be considered when developing an appropriate course of action when multiple City policies are involved. The City Council and the Mayor have directed the Historic Landmark Commission and Staff to: • Achieve a successful city-wide historic preservation program by clearly conveying historic preservation objectives, opportunities,and benefits while consistently interpreting and applying the City's adopted standards and efficiently administering the process. • Support the designation of new National Register historic districts which provide property owners a significant financial incentive for appropriate re-investment. • Ensure the boundaries of new local historic districts focus on protecting the best examples of an element of the City's history, development patterns and architecture. Local historic districts should have logical boundaries based on subdivision plats,physical and/or cultural features and significant character defining features where possible. • The Historic Preservation Overlay District standards are to be used as the basis for decision making when considering applications for Certificates of Appropriateness. Apply standards in a reasonable manner, taking into consideration economic and technical feasibility. • Adopted design guidelines are intended to help decision makers interpret the Historic Preservation Overlay District standards and to provide the public with design advise. • Respect that change is part of history and that appropriate additions and alterations must be considered as part of a natural evolution of historic properties and districts. Allow greater flexibility on secondary facades where alterations are 2 less likely to negatively affect the significant character-defining features of the site or historic district. • Allow greater flexibility when considering alterations to non-contributing buildings. • Develop and maintain a public outreach program and continue providing training for the Historic Landmark Commission and Planning Staff to ensure that the City's Historic Preservation program remains up-to-date on historic preservation practice and philosophy to meet the goals of Salt Lake City. DATED this 22 day of November 7 2011. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah, this 22 day of November ,2011. SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL By: 0'�& wc/c�__ CHAIRPERSON ATTEST AND COUNTERSIGN: Y CO ER APPROVED AS TO FORM Salt Lake City Attomey's Office ClAr C17- Date: 4 vv �� By: Pa 1 1Cf.1Vie a ror City Attorney y a y HB A7rY-#20537-vi-Preservation Philosophy_Resolution.DOC 3