066 of 2011 - authorizing the purchase of land for the Glendale branch of the Salt Lake City Library R 11-1 R 11-19 MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE LOCAL BUILDING AUTHORITY OF SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH RESOLUTION 66 OF 2011 Salt Lake City, Utah December 13, 2011 The Board of Directors of the Local Building Authority of Salt Lake City, Utah (the "Authority"), met in regular public session on December 13, 2011, at its regular meeting place at 451 South State Street, in Salt Lake City, Utah, at 7:00 p.m., due, legal and timely notice of the meeting having been given to all members as required by law and the rules of the Authority. The meeting was called to order by the President of the Authority, and on roll call the following members, constituting a quorum,were determined present: President Jill Remington Love Vice President Stan Penfold Director Carlton Christensen Director Van Turner Director Luke Garrott Director JT Martin ABSENT: Soren Simonsen Also present were Ralph Becker, Mayor of Salt Lake City, Edwin P. Rutan, II, City Attorney and legal counsel to the Authority, and Scott Crandall, deputy Secretary/Clerk. The deputy Secretary/Clerk presented to the Board of Directors an affidavit evidencing the giving of not less than twenty-four (24) hours' public notice of the agenda, date, time and place of the meeting in compliance with the requirements of Section 52-4-202, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended, by (1) posting written notice of the meeting at the principal office of the Board of Directors, (2) providing notice to at least one newspaper of general circulation within the geographic jurisdiction of Salt Lake City and the Authority or to a local media correspondent, and (3) causing a Notice of Public Meeting to be posted on the Utah Public Notice Website. The affidavit was ordered recorded in the minutes of the meeting and is as follows: -2 - STATE OF UTAH ) } COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ) I, the undersigned deputy Secretary/Clerk of the Local Building Authority of Salt Lake City, Utah (the "Authority"), do hereby certify, according to the records of the Authority in my official possession and upon my own knowledge and belief, that in accordance with the requirements of Section 52-4-202, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended, I gave not less than twenty-four (24) hours' public notice of the agenda, date, time and place of the December 13, 2011,regular public meeting held by the Board of Directors of the Authority by: (a) causing a Notice of Public Meeting in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A to be posted at the principal office of the Board of Directors at 451 South State Street in Salt Lake City, Utah, on December 12, 2011, at least twenty-four (24) hours before the convening of the meeting,the Notice of Public Meeting having continuously remained so posted and available for public inspection during the regular office hours of the Board of Directors until the convening of the meeting; (b) causing a copy of the Notice of Public Meeting in the form attached hereto as Exhibit to be provided on December 12, 2011, at least twenty-four (24) hours before the convening of the meeting, to The Salt Lake Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation within the geographic jurisdiction of Salt Lake City and the Authority, and to each local media correspondent, newspaper, radio station or television station that has requested notification of meetings of the Board of Directors; and (c) causing a Notice of Public Meeting to be posted on December 12, 2011, on the Utah Public Notice Website at least twenty-four (24) hours before the convening of the meeting. - 3 - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my official signature and impressed hereon the official seal of the Local Building Authority of Salt ,ake City, Utah, this 13th day of December, 2011. u Secretary/Clerk �v�1DING Local Building Authority of Salt Lake City, 0. Utah ti SEgL� a [SEAL] -4 - Thereupon, after the conduct of other business not pertinent to the following, the President stated that the first item of business involved the approval of the purchase of land for the Glendale branch of the Salt Lake City Library, the approval of the expenditure of Authority funds for such purchase, and the authorization of the Mayor of Salt Lake City or his designee, as the agent of the Authority for this purpose, to sign a purchase contract and other necessary documents related to the purchase of such land. After due consideration of the resolution by the Board, Council member Turner thereupon moved, and Council member Christensen seconded the motion, and the Board unanimously approved and adopted the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 66 of 2011 RESOLVED: That(1)the Authority is hereby authorized to purchase land for the Glendale branch of the Salt Lake City Library, (2) the Board of Directors hereby approves the expenditure of Authority finds for such purchase, and (3) the Mayor of the City or his designee, as the agent of the Authority for this purpose, is hereby authorized to sign a purchase contract and other necessary documents related to the purchase of such land. After the conduct of other business not pertinent to the above, it was moved, seconded, and carried that the meeting adjourn. INGA President o � o SEAL APPROVED AS f0 FORM EST: Salt Lake City Affomey's Office Date By � uty Secretary/Clerk - 5 - STATE OF UTAH ) ) COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ) I, Scott Crandall, the duly qualified and acting deputy Secretary/Clerk of the Local Building Authority of Salt Lake City,Utah(the "Authority"), do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of the minutes of a regular public meeting of the Board of Directors (the "Board of Directors") of the Authority held at 451 South State Street, in Salt Lake City, Utah, on December 13, 2011, including a resolution adopted at the meeting, as recorded in the regular official book of minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Directors kept in my office, that all member of the Board of Directors were given due, legal and timely notice of the meeting, that the meeting therein shown was in all respects called, held and conducted in accordance with law and in full conformity therewith and that the persons therein named were present at the meeting as therein shown. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the Local Building Authority of Salt Lake City, Utah, at Salt City, Utah, this 13th day of December, 2011. GQy GQRppRy'9G� 0 S �O L�IQ,L y ecretary/Cleric cal Building Authority of Salt Lake City, Utah I-B AITY-#20662-v1- LOCAL BUILDING AUTHORITY RESOLUTION- RE PURCHASE of GLENDALE LIBRARY PROPERTY 201 LDOC - 6 - EXHIBIT A [ATTACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING A-1 pa '�F�urr .'1 AGENDA I CITY COUNCIL of SALT LAKE CITY y"+,•!tint�,..,. and LOCAL BUILDING AUTHORITY OF SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH REVISED Tuesday,December 13,2011 4:00 p.m.Work Session or immediately following the 2:oo p.m.Redevelopment Agency Meeting (the public is invited to listen to the discussion) 7:00 p.m. Formal Meeting(public comment section is included) Note:Utah law requires the Salt Lake City Council to act as several other boards to help govern the City.During this meeting,the Council will adjourn temporarily,and then convene as the Local Building Authority Board to deal with item D3 G5. A. WORK SESSION:Approximately 4:00 p.m. in Room 326, City&County Building, 4$iL South State St. (The work session may include discussion about items on the formal agenda.Unfinished agenda items from the work session also maybe discussed after the formal meeting.) 1. (TENTATIVE)The Council will consider a motion to enter into Closed Session, in keeping with Utah Code §52-4-204,for any of the following purposes: a)A strategy-session to discuss collective bargaining,pursuant to Utah Code§52-4-205(1)(b); b)A strategy session to discuss the purchase,exchange,or lease of real property(including any form of water right or water shares)when public discussion of the transaction would disclose the appraisal or estimated value of the property under consideration or prevent the City from completing the transaction on the best possible terms,pursuant to Utah Code§52-4-2o5(1)(d); c)A strategy session to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation,pursuant to Utah Code§52- 4-205(i)(c); d)A strategy session to discuss the sale of real property(including any form of water right or water shares)if(x)public discussion of the transaction would disclose the appraisal or estimated value of the property under consideration or prevent the City from completing the transaction on the best possible terms,(2)the City previously gave notice that the property would be offered for sale,and(3)the terms of the sale are publicly disclosed before the City approves the sale; e)For attorney-client matters that are privileged,pursuant to Utah Code§78B-1-137; and f)A strategy session to discuss deployment of security personnel,devices or systems pursuant to Utah Code Section 52-4-205(i)(f). 2. Report of the Executive Director,including a review of Council information items and announcements. CONTINUED ON NEWT PAGE CTrY COUNCIL OF SALT LAID;CITY ISM SOUTI3 STATE STRM,ROOM 30.1 14'l1l,\!.SI•CGOV.COM/COI.INCTL O P.O.BOX 1ag476.S.AU LAIC[:CITY,U'IAII 84114-5476 TEL 801-535.7600 FAX 801-535-7551 JILLREMINGTON LOVE I D1STIUCT 5 i COUNCIL CHAIR ST:AN TENFOLD I DISTRICI'3 I COUNCIL VICL CI-1r+,1R CARLTON C1{RISTr.NSIi],,I 4 DIS I'RIC'r i VAN TLiRNER I DISTRICT i LUI:I:GAR1,017 1 DISTRICT 4 .1T MARTIN[DISTRICT h SORENSIMONSEN I DISTRIC'C^ Salt Lake City Council Agenda Tuesday, December 13,2011 3. The Council will receive a briefing regarding an ordinance amending Chapter 2iA..46 to modify sign regulations pertaining to billboards, electronic billboards and electronic signs.Among other things,the amendments will refine provisions adopted by the City Council in April 2010 that are scheduled to take effect on January 13, 2012. Related provisions of Title 21A—Zoning may also be amended as part of this petition. Petitions PLNPCM2010-0007i7 and PLNPCM2010-00032—Mayor Ralph Becker. (Item H2) 4. The Council will receive a follow-up briefing regarding an ordinance changing the City Code including the City's zoning regulations to eliminate the Board of Adjustment and the Land Use Appeals Board as land use appeal authorities and replacing the boards with an appointed professional hearing officer.The hearing officer would review and make decisions relating to variance applications and appeals of Administrative,Planning Commission and Historic Landmark Commission decisions.The intent is to provide a more streamlined and consistent appeal process for land use decisions and reduce the expenditure of City funds and staffing resources.Related provisions of Title 21A—Zoning—may also be amended as part of this petition.Petitioner—Mayor Ralph Becker,Petition No.PLNPCM2010-00312. (Item D4) 5. The Council will receive a briefing regarding a resolution authorizing the approval of an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Salt Lake City Corporation and the Unified Fire Authority for the provision of hazardous materials response and explosive device operations. (Item G4) 6. The Council will receive a briefing regarding an ordinance amending the City's zoning regulations to modify requirements for approving conditional use permits.These requirements were modified by the City Council in July,20o8.The proposed amendments are intended to clarify and resolve problems encountered by the Community Development Department in applying these requirements.Related provisions of Title 21A(Zoning)may also be amended as part of this petition.Petitioner-Mayor Ralph Bec-ker,Petition No. PLNPCM2009-00174. (Rem 14r) 7. The Council will receive a briefing regarding an ordinance amending Chapter 18.64 (Demolition)and Chapter 18.97(Mitigation of Residential Housing Loss),Salt Lake City Code,to modify the process and requirements for demolition of buildings and structures.The purpose of this ordinance is to provide for timely completion of demolition and improvement of property thereafter to ensure demolition is not detrimental to the use and enjoyment of surrounding property,to avoid demolition by neglect,and to encourage preservation of the City's housing stock.Petitioner: Salt Lake City Council. 8. The Council will receive a briefing regarding an ordinance establishing policy and guidelines for City acceptance of private donations.This ordinance would authorize private donations for the purpose of making improvements on City property and provide guidelines for acceptance of such donations. medify bft signs.te AmeRg ather-things,the amendments will refkie preNisieRs adepted by the City Geuneil in Salt Lake City Council Agenda Tuesday,December 13,2011 9. (TENTATIVE)The Council will receive a briefing regarding a resolution authorizing a loan from Salt Lake City's Housing Trust Fund in the amount of$265,000 to City Front Partners, LLC for renovation at the Citifrout Apartments located at boo West North Temple. (Applicant—City Front Partners,LLC) (Item G3) 10. (TENITATIVE)The Council will receive a follow up briefing regarding motions for consideration by the Local Building Authority of Salt Lake City. Proposed motions address setting the final Capital Projects Fund budget for Fiscal Year 2011-2012 and purchasing land for the Glendale Branch Library project. (Items D3 and G5) 11, (TIME CERTADq 5:30 p.m.)The Council will interview Larry Jensen prior to consideration of his appointment to the Community Development and Capital Improvement Programs Advisory Board. (Item 1-13) 12. (TIME CERTAIN 5:45 P.M.) The Council will attend an outgoing reception for Council Members Van Turner and JT Martin. FORMAL MEETING B. OPENING CEREMONY: 7:00 p.m. in Room 315, City&County Building,451 South State St. Council Member Jill Remington Love will conduct the Formal Council Meetings during the month of December. 1. Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Recognition of service and comments from outgoing City Council Mernber(s)Van Turner, District 2; and JT Martin,District 6. C. PUBLIC HEARINGS: z. Ordinance: Closing and vacating an alley adjacent to property located at i37o East Bryan Avenue. Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance closing and vacating an alley as a public right-of-way adjacent to property located at 137o East Bryan Avenue,pursuant to Petition No.PLNPCM2o11-o0207. (Baldoinero and Lourdes Olivera are requesting the partial vacation of the alley that runs adjacent to their property in order to build a garage.) (P 11-13) Staff Recommendation: Close and consider options. 2. Ordinance: Columbus Court PUD Zoning Map Amendment,PLNPCM2011-00021 Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance requesting to rezone the parcels located within Columbus Court Planned Unit Development(PUD), approximately 70o North Columbus Court,from Foothills Residential (FR-2)to Single Family Residential(R-i/5,00o). The purpose is to subdivide the existing lots into 12 smaller lots.Petitioner-Ensign Foreground LC. (Petition PLNPCM2011-00091) (P 11-14) Staff recommendation: Close and consider options. 3 Salt bake City Council Agenda Tuesday,December 13,2011 3. Ordinance:Accessory Dwelling Units(ADUs) Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance changing the City's zoning regulations allowing accessory dwelling units.in single-family and multi-family zoning districts currently being considered by the City Council.The intent is to provide a broader mix of housing opportunities in existing neighborhoods that address changing family needs, economic conditions,smaller household sizes, and increase efficient use of existing housing, public infrastructure and transit.Related provisions of Title 21A-Zoning-may also be amended as part of this petition.Petitioner-Mayor Ralph Becker,Petition No. PLNPCM2010-00612. (P 11-15) Staff recommendation: Consider options. D. POTENTIAL ACTION ITEMS: adapting-Gensider b and b Gity to reimeve 4mits aft the RitfAer ef dogs and eats f f av,med by f te �VTLYI eats, f seMees dir-eeter to waive late fees ef ex4ead heensing deadlines in indiAdual eases a-s appr-epAatef and te uire the b E)f eats an b late peRalties,Seefiaii Code,of Suit Lake limit en the n+unber-of pets per f eat bf heeesing es) Staff r-eeammendegeas Getisider aptieB 2. Amendment to Salt.Lake City Consolidated Fee Schedule: Golf Green Fee Increase Consider adopting an amendment to the Salt Lake City Consolidated Fee Schedule and related text in Section 15.16.031 of the Salt Lake City Code regarding a Golf Green Fee increase which would become effective on January 1,2012.The increase would: 1)set aside $1.0o per 9-hole round of golf to be used for Capital Improvement Projects at the City's golf courses, 2)depending on course,add an additional amount for operations, and 3) adjust golf discount programs. (O 11-9) Staff Recommendation: Consider options. 4 n Salt Lake City Council Agenda Tuesday, December 13, 2011 3. Resolution: Local Building Authority—Final Budget,including the budget for the Capital Projects Fund of the Local Building Authorit31 of Salt Lake City. Utah for Fiscal Year 2011- 2012(Potential funding for the Glendale Branch Librar LI Consider adopting a resolution adopting the final budget for the Capital Projects Fund of the Local Building Authority of Salt Lake City,Utah for Fiscal Year 2011-2012. (Potential Funding for the Glendale Branch Library) (B 11-9) Staff Recommendation: a.The Council will consider a motion to recess as the City Council and to convene as the Board of Directors of the Local Building Authority; b. Consider options. d.The Board of Directors will consider a motion to adjourn as the Board of Directors of the Local Building Authority and reconvene as the City Council. 4. Ordinance: Elimination of the Board of Adjustment and Land Use Appeals Board Consider adopting an ordinance changing the City Code including the City's zoning regulations to eliminate the Board of Adjustment and the Land Use Appeals Board as land use appeal authorities and replacing the boards lArith an appointed professional hearing officer.The hearing officer would review and make decisions relating to variance applications and appeals of Administrative,Planning Commission and Historic Landmark Commission decisions.The intent is to provide a more streamlined and consistent appeal process for land use decisions and reduce the expenditure of City funds and staffing resources.Related provisions of Title 21A—Zoning—may also be amended as part of this petition.Petitioner— Mayor Ralph Becker,Petition No. PLNPCM2010-00312. (P 11-11) Staff Recommendation: Consider options. 5. Resolution/Ordinance: Interlocal Agreement Sugar House/South Salt Lake Streetcar Project(Budget Amendment No.4.) Consider adopting a resolution and an ordinance relating to the planned project to build a basic two-mile street car line at about 2200 South between McClelland Street(105o East) and the Utah Transit Authority Central Pointe TRAX Station at 221 West 210o South. • The first item is a resolution proposing an Interlocal agreement among Salt Lake City, South Salt Lake and UTA that would govern each city's and UTA's responsibilities to build and operate a streetcar line along the bvo-mile corridor. (C11-777) • The other item is an ordinance proposing a budget amendment to identify revenue and allocate Salt Lake City's share of the project. (B 11-11) Staff recommendation: Consider options. 5 Salt Lake City Council Agenda Tuesday,December 13,2011 E. COMMENTS: 1. Questions to the Mayor from the City Council. 2. Recognition of outgoing City Council Chair Jill Remington Love. 3. Comments to the City Council. (Comments are taken on any item not scheduled for a public hearing,as well as on any other City business.Comments are limited to two minutes.) F. NEW BUSINESS: (None) G. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: i. Ordinance; Revision to Compensation Plan—Retirement Benefits for Elected Officials Consider adopting an ordinance that would revise the Compensation Plan for continuing elected officials as of January 1, 2012 to provide an option for a 401k contribution similar to that provided for new elected officials,pursuant to recent changes in State law. (O 11-10) Staff Recommendation: Consider options. 2. Resolution:Housing Trust Fund Loan-Cily Front Partners, LLC Consider adopting a resolution authorizing a loan from Salt Lake City's Housing Trust Fund in the amount of$265,00o to City Front Partners,LLC for renovation at the Citifront Apartments located at 600 West North Temple. (Applicant—City Front Partners,LLC) (R 11-17) Staff Recommendation: Consider options. 3. Resolution:Volunteers of America requesting a HOME grant Consider adopting a resolution authorizing a grant from Salt Lake City's HOME Match Fund in the amount of$loo,000 to Volunteers of America,Utah to renovate a group home located at 556 South 50o East. (Applicant—Volunteers of America,Utah) (R 11-18) Staff Recommendation: Consider options. 4.. Interlocal Agreement:Payment for Hazmat and Bomb Squad Services Consider adopting a resolution authorizing the approval of an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Salt Lake City Corporation and the Unified Fire Authority for the provision of hazardous materials response and explosive device operations. (C 11-805) Staff Recommendation: Consider options. 6 Salt Lake Cite Council Agenda Tuesday, December 13,2011 5. Resolution: Local Building Authority of Salt Lake Ci 7-Authorizing Purchase of Property (relating to the new Glendale Library) Consider adopting a resolution authorizing the purchase of property at 1365 and 1395 South Concord Street and 1224 West 1400 South for the planned Glendale Branch Library. (R 11-19) Staff Recommendation: a.The Council will consider a motion to recess as the City Council and to convene as the Board of Directors of the Local Building Authority; b. Consider options. d.The Board of Directors will consider a motion to adjourn as the Board of Directors of the Local Building Authority and reconvene as the City Council. H. CONSENT: i—vet-the date. Ar- ee=G6izdittBirar-UscEi-t-y GeuerexrurrctzArrcnc Tuesday,jaftuary 3, e b . b TitleeiA(Zaning)may, Edsabe amended as part ef tMs petWeii.Petitioner- Mayer-Pc*h. Beeke Peng-ie No.TAT��GTAn,-eq r) lP ±i i6 J Staff Reeemmenda aieii-; get the sd 2. Set the date: Ordinance:Electronic Billboards Set the date of Tuesday,January 3, 2012 to accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending Chapter 21A.46 to modify sign regulations pertaining to billboards, electronic billboards and electronic signs. Among other things,the amendments'Arill refine provisions adopted by the City Council in April 2010 that are scheduled to take effect on January 13, 2012. Related provisions of Title 21A—Zoning may also be amended as part of this petition.Petitions PLNPCM2010-000717 and PLNPCM2010-00032—Mayor Ralph Becker. (011-7) Staff Recommendation: Set the date. 3. Board Appointment: Larry Jensen, Community Development and Capital Improvement Programs AdvisoKy Board Consider approving the appointment of Larry Jensen to the Community Development and Capital Improvement Programs Advisory Board for a term extending through June 2, 2014. (Ill-2) Staff Recommendation: Approve. 7 Salt Lake City Council Agenda Tuesday,December 13,2011 I. ADJOURNMENT: Dated:December 12,2oi1 C• Recorder STATE OF UTAH ) ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ) On or before 5:oo p.m.on December 12, 2011,I also personally(1)posted a copy of the foregoing on the Utah Public Notice Website created under Utah Code Section 63F-1-701, and(2)provided a copy of the foregoing to The Salt Lake Tribune or the Deseret News and to a local media correspondent. CRecorder Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of December, 2011. °•• JANYCE FOWLES �19o-(66 Public residing inthe State of Utah J< NOTARY PUBUC-STATE OFUTAH My Comm.Exp.09/08=14 Commtssbn 602287 Approval: Executi, e Dirktor- a Access agendas at http://www.slcgov.com1council/agendas/default.htm. People with disabilities may make requests for reasonable accommodation no later than 48 hours in advance of council meetings.We malze every effort to honor these requests,and they should be made as early as possible.Accommodations may include alternate formats,interpreters,and other auxiliary aids.The City and County Building is an accessible facility.For questions or additional information,please contact the City Council Office at 535-7600,or TDD 535-6021.Assistive listening devices are available on Channel I;upon four hours advance notice.Please allow 72 hours advance notice for sign language interpreters;large type and#2 Braille agendas.*Final action may be taken and/or adopted concerning any item on this agenda.After 5:00 p.m.,please enter the City& County Building through the east entrance.Accessible route is located on the east side of the building. In accordance with State Statute,City Ordinance and Council Policy, one or more Council Members may be connected via speakerphone. 8