007 of 2011 - confirming the appointment of Kathy W. Loveless to the Metropolitan Water District of Salt Lake and R 11-1 I I1-11 RESOLUTION NO. OF 2011 (Confirming the appointment of Kathy W. Loveless) WHEREAS, pursuant to Utah Code Section 1713-1-303 the City Council announced a pending vacancy on the board of trustees of the Metropolitan Water District of Salt Lake and Sandy; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that Kathy W. Loveless is qualified to serve as member of the board of trustees of Metropolitan Water District of Salt Lake and Sandy for a four-year tenn until January 1, 2015; THEREFORE, 13E IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: That the appointment by the City Council of Salt Lake City of Kathy W. Loveless as a member of the board of trustees of Metropolitan Water District of Salt Lake mid Sandy be, and is confirmed. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah, this_1� day of February, 2011. SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL •�Y W 1 04 A,1 Sri , I By it ,r;i i7r, ;{; CHAIRPER ON ATTEST: AC ApPROVED AS TO FORM 77A ty ke SaltLakeCity tttorney's Office ITYORD date IIB A7TY-916541-YI-Resolution for Appointment of Kathy_Loveless for Metro Bourd 2.11