009 of 2011 - authorizing application for a grant award from the United States Bureau of Reclamation for water con R 11-1
R 11-3
Resolution No. 9 of 2011
Authorizing Salt Lake City
To Apply for a Grant Award From
The United States Bureau of Reclamation
For Water Conservation Field Services Program FY2011
WHEREAS, the United States Bureau of Reclamation(the"Bureau") offers
grants under its Water Conservation Field Services Program FY 2011 ("WCFS Grant
Program"); and
WHEREAS,the City has adopted its 2009 Water Conservation Master Plan,
which includes, among other things, objectives to broaden the cornrnurity's general
knowledge of plants that require less water, provide illustrations of garden and irrigation
system designs that use less water, and educate the community on the proper care and
maintenance of water-wise plants and irrigations systems, which could be accomplished
through the development of an inter-active website program, water demand calculator,
and weed management tool; and
WHEREAS,the Department of Public Utilities has adequate capability within its
budget to provide the amount of fielding and/or in-kind contributions, specified in the
funding plan, which will be subject to City Council approval; and
WHEREAS, through the Bureau's WCFS Grant Program, a portion of the cost of
the water demand calculator and weed management tool could be funded thereby
reducing the City's expenditure for the project, making funds available for other water
conservation projects throughout the City.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Salt Lake City,
Utah, as follows:
1. Salt Lake City Council has reviewed and supports the proposal submitted for
the Water Conservation.Master Plan Water Demand Calculator and Weed
Management Tool.
2. Salt Lake City Corporation and Department of Public Utilities are capable of
providing the amount of finding and in-kind contributions specified in the
funding plan totaling $31,144.00.
3. If selected for a Water Conservation Field Services Grant, Ralph Becker,
Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah, or his designee, shall have the authority to
enter into a cooperative agreement with the Bureau, upon appropriate review
and approval of the City Council.
4. Salt Lake City Corporation and the Department of Public Utilities are
con-unitted to work with the Bureau to meet established deadlines for the City
to enter into a cooperative agreement to accept a grant from the Bureau.
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 1st day of March,
Al Salt I.alce Cif Attor ey's Office
ER Date � /�
BY i /I-
HB_ATTY-H 16504-v1-Rcsoiution_for_Grant_Application_for Water_Conservation_3.11