049 of 1910 - An ordinance amending and re-enacting; Section 568 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 19AN 0RDI116NC3 .
An ordinance amending and re-enacting; Section 568 of the Revised
Ordinances of -Salt rate City of 1903, as amended by an ordinance
passed by the City Council February 10, 1908, and approved by the
Mayor February 11, 1908, relating to the deputies and assistants of
the City Recorder.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Snit Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 568 of the Revised 0rdinenoeo of Salt
Lake City of 1903, as amended by an ordinance passed by the City
Council February 10, 1908, and approved by the Mayor February 1 , 190
relating to the deputies and assistants of the City Recorder, be, and
the same is hereby emended and re-enacted so as to read as follows:
SFOTION 568. The Recorder shall have power to aj oint,
ject to confirmation by the Council, the following deputies
One Deputy Reoorder, who shall also act as Clerk of the
Council Committeee, at a salary of thirteen hundred and. eighty
(",}1380.00) dollars per annum.
Three Deputy Recorders, who shall act as Clerks of the City
Courts, et a salary of twelve hundred (:;?1200.00) dollars each,
per annum.
One Deputy Recorder, veeo shell act as Clerk of the City
Courts, at a salary of ten hundred and eighty (1080.0..)) dollars
per annum.
One Clerk et a salary of twelve hundred L 1200.00) dollars
per annum.
One Clerk at a salary of one thous.snd (1,000.00) dollars
per annum.
One Clerk of the Board of Park Commissioners et a salary of
nine hundred (000.00) dollars per annum.
Two stenographers for the City Court, at a salary of nine
hundred (000.00) dollars each, ter ennum, ell of which salaries
shall be paid monthly es are the se:leries of ether e_Jeleyces,' _.
SECTION 2. All ordinances and resolutions, or parts of ordina.nc s
and resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the exten
of such conflict.
SECTION 3. This orcainance shall take effect upon approval.
Passed by the City Council of :3nit hake City, U
1910, and referred to the Mayor for his approv*1
Approved this '% day of .rril, 1910.
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