Transmittal - 5/8/2020ERIN MENDENHALL DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor and NEIGHBORHOODS Marcia L. White Director CITY COUNCIL TRANSMITTAL Date Received: April 30, 2020 Rachel Otto, Chief of Staff Date sent to Council:5/8/2020 TO: Salt Lake City Council DATE: 04/30/2020 Chris Wharton, Chair FROM: Marcia L. White, Director Department of Community & Neighborhoods SUBJECT: PLNPCM2019-00313 – RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential Zoning District Text Amendments STAFF CONTACT: Mayara Lima, Principal Planner, mayara.lima@slcgov.com, (801)535- 7118 DOCUMENT TYPE: Ordinance RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council follow the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve Petition PLNPCM2019-00313 for text amendments to the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential Zoning District BUDGET IMPACT: None. The proposal involves changing the text in the zoning ordinance. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: On April 4, 2019, Mayor Jackie Biskupski initiated a petition requesting that the Planning Division amend Section 21A.24.120 of the Salt Lake City Zoning Ordinance regarding the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential District to remove zoning barriers to housing development as recommended within Growing SLC: A Five Year Housing Plan (2018-2022). Strict zoning standards in the RMF-30 zoning district do not allow for multi-family developments – three or more units – on an average size lot in the district. Therefore, multiple amendments are being proposed to allow for multi-family housing that is compatible in size and scale with existing buildings in areas zoned RMF- 30.These text amendments include: 1. Introducing design standards for all new development 2. Allowing the construction of compatible multi-family building types including cottage developments, sideways row houses, and tiny houses without special approval SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 404 WWW.SLC.GOV P.O. BOX 145486, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84114-5486 TEL 801.535.6230 FAX 801.535.6005 3. Reducing minimum lot area requirements per unit 4. Removing minimum lot width requirements 5. Allowing more than one building on a lot without public street frontage 6. Granting a unit bonus for the retention of an existing structure on a lot 7. Introducing a lot width maximum to discourage land banking The following section provides a summary of each of the proposed RMF-30 text amendments that received a positive recommendation by the Planning Commission on September 25, 2019. For further details please refer to the June 26th Staff Report and September 25th Memorandum contained in Exhibit 3. Summary of Proposed Text Amendments 1. Design Standards – Design standards for new construction are intended to utilize planning and architecture principles to shape and promote a walkable environment in specific zoning districts, foster place making as a community and economic development tool, protect property values and assist in maintaining the established character of the city. Design requirements are in place within many of the city’s commercial and mixed-use zoning districts, but not in any of the RMF (Multi-Family Residential) districts. The following design elements consistent with Chapter 21A.37: Design Standards of the Zoning Ordinance will be required for all new development in the RMF-30 district: ￿Durable Building Materials – Other than windows and doors, 50% of a new building’s street facing façade shall be clad in durable materials including stone, brick, masonry, textured or patterned, and fiber cement board. Traditional stucco falls under masonry. Other durable materials may be approved at the discretion of the planning director. ￿Glass – All new buildings shall have at least 20% of glass (windows, doors, etc.) on the ground floor street facing façade(s) and 15% on the upper street facing façade(s). ￿Building Entrances – At least one operable building entrance on the ground floor is required for every street facing façade, which includes corner façades. ￿Blank Wall Maximum – The maximum length of any blank wall uninterrupted by windows, doors, art or architectural detailing at the ground level along any street facing facade is 15 feet. ￿Screening of Mechanical Equipment and Services Areas – All mechanical equipment and service areas shall be screened from public view and sited to minimize their visibility and impact. ￿RMF Entry Features – Along with required building entrances, each entrance shall have one of the following entry features including lighting and a walkway that connects to a public sidewalk. a. Covered Porch – A covered, raised porch structure with or without railings spanning at least a third the length of the front building façade. b. Portico – A structure with a roof protruding over the building entry supported by columns over a landing or walkway. c. Awning or Canopy – A cover suspended above the building entry over a landing or walkway where the wall(s) around the entry project out or recess in by at least one foot (1’) from the front building plane. d. Emphasized Doorway – A doorway that is recessed by at least ten inches (10’’) from the front building plane and architecturally emphasized with a doorframe of a different material than the front façade, differentiated patterns or brickwork around the door, and/or sidelights. Doorways need not be recessed more than six inches (6’’) on a tiny house. 2. New Building Forms in RMF-30 – In addition to single-family homes, duplexes, triplexes, apartment buildings, etc., the City would like to encourage three specific housing types or forms in the RMF-30 zoning district that may allow for slightly higher unit counts, but are also compatible in mass and scale with existing development areas zoned RMF-30. These three types include cottage developments, side oriented row houses and tiny houses that otherwise would be difficult to construct in RMF districts without special approval. Cottage Developments consist of two or more detached dwelling units, where each unit appears to be a small single-family home, arranged around common green or open space. The City would like to encourage this building type as each unit is limited in size and; therefore, works well as compatible infill development and promotes homeownership. Specifically, units would be limited to 850 feet of gross floor area, excluding basement area and 23’ tall for a pitched roof or 16’ tall for a flat roof. Sideways Row Houses where the entries of single-family attached units face the side of a lot as opposed to the street are difficult to build in any zoning district because code currently does not allow lots without public street frontage. With intentional design, side oriented row houses can make good use of the long narrow lots in the city while maintaining compatibility with lower- scale residential development. These forms are frequently reviewed by the Planning Commission and just as frequently approved provided that the front-most unit is completely oriented to the street and adequate buffers are maintained around the property. Therefore, it is being proposed that side oriented row houses be allowed by right, per the additional design standards below. Keep in mind that these standards will be applied in conjunction with the proposed standards in Chapter 21A.37: Design Standards. i.Setbacks: Setbacks shall be applied as depicted in Reference Illustration 21A.24.120B. The interior side yard setbacks shall be ten feet (10’) on one side and six feet (6’) on the other. A sideways row house is not subject to provision 21A.24.H of this section regarding buildings with side entries. ii.Front Building Entry: The unit adjacent to a public street shall have its primary entrance on the street facing façade of the building with an entry feature per chapter 21A.37 of this title. iii.Garage Doors: Garage doors are prohibited on the façade of the building that is parallel to, or located along, a public street. iv.Required Glass: Ground and upper floor glass requirements shall apply per section 21A.37.060 and table 21A.37.060 of this title to the front and interior facades of a sideways row house. Tiny Houses are limited by building code to 400 square feet maximum in area excluding lofted space. A tiny home differs from a detached Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) as they are more limited in size and would not have to be owner occupied or associated with a single-family home. These structures would also have a permanent foundation and could not be on wheels. Tiny houses can be built today, but are treated the same as a single-family home and require 5,000 square feet of land area to build. This amount of land is not necessary for a 400 square-foot structure. Therefore, standards are being proposed to allow these structures on smaller lots with reduced setbacks, building height, etc. 3. Reduced Lot Area Requirements – In most residential zoning districts in the city, the Zoning Ordinance regulates the number of units per square footage of land area – otherwise known as density requirements. Currently, the RMF-30 zone permits one multi-family unit per every 3,000 square feet of land (must have at least 3 units to have a multi-family building or 9,000 square feet of land). Considering that about half of existing lots in the RMF-30 zone fall between 3,000 and 6,000 square feet, these lots couldn’t accommodate anything more than a single-family home, which is why these area requirements must be revised. The Central Community Master Plan, where the majority of the RMF-30 properties are located, calls for 10-20 units per acre in areas that have been designated as Low Medium Density Residential, which represents the RMF-30 district. The Sugar House Master Plan designates RMF-30 areas as Medium Density Residential, which calls for 8-20 units per acre. Therefore, the 3,000 square foot requirement for multi-family units (14 units per acre) is proposed to be reduced to 2,000 square feet (21 units per acre), which optimizes the recommendation of this future land use designation. Reducing this requirement to an even 2,000 square feet instead of the exact 20 units per acre at 2,178 square feet also allows the average size lot in the RMF-30 district of 6,114 square feet to accommodate three units as opposed to two. As noted in the table below, the propose area requirement for cottage houses and tiny houses will be reduced further to 1,500 as these building types are limited in size and can fit on smaller lots. LAND USE CURRENT LOT AREA PROPOSED LOT AREA REQUIREMENT REQUIREMENT Single-Family 5,000 2,000 Two-Family 8,000 (for 2 units)4,000 (for 2 units) Multi-Family (Must have at least 3 units)9,000 (for 3 units)6,000 (for 3 units) Single-Family Attached/Row House 9,000 (for 3 units)6,000 (for 3 units) (Must have at least 3 attached units) Cottage Development (New Form)n/a 3,000 (for 2 units) (Must have at least 2 cottages) Tiny House (New Form)n/a 1,500 4. Removal of Required Lot Width – In addition to required lot area, Salt Lake City’s Zoning Ordinance also requires that lots be a certain width for different land uses. Currently, lots are required to be at least 80-100 feet wide in the City’s Multi- Family Residential (RMF) zoning districts to accommodate a new multi-family use (3 or more housing units). These requirements do not reflect the established lot width patterns in the RMF-30 district with an average lot width is 58 feet and where more than half of existing lots are under 50 feet wide. For example, the vacant lot pictured above couldn’t accommodate more than two units because it is less than 80 feet wide, though it has enough lot area to accommodate three units. Many other standards are in place that encourage adequate lot widths and spacing between buildings including required side yard setbacks, driveway widths and building code standards. Per the proposed updates, minimum lot width requirements would be removed. 5. More Than One Principal Structure on A Lot – Constructing more than one principal structure on a lot that do not all have public street frontage is currently not permitted in RMF districts without planned development approval. The idea behind this is to discourage new buildings with poor access and little visibility for general safety purposes. However, Salt Lake City’s deeper lots tend to have a significant amount of underutilized land towards their rear and can have more than adequate access and visibility. Allowing multiple buildings on a lot may encourage more efficient and creative developments. Other zoning, building code, and fire regulations besides this limitation on multiple structures on a lot also work together to ensure adequate access and visibility. Provided that the additional structures meet all other zoning/city department standards, it is being proposed that more than one principal structure be permitted on all lots in the RMF-30 zoning district. Both cottage developments and sideways row houses would also be able to create lots without public street frontage per the additional standards listed under these building forms. Mechanisms to Limit Demolition 6. Unit Bonus for the Maintenance of Existing Structures – In an effort to maintain existing and/or affordable housing stock in the RMF-30 while allowing for some new development, a unit bonus is being proposed to apply when housing is retained. Because the updates to lot area requirements may allow additional units to be added on a lot, this unit bonus will apply when a building permit is applied for to add an additional housing unit(s) to an existing structure – internal or external – that meets lot area requirements and the existing structure on the lot is retained. The idea is that this unit bonus would encourage units to be added onto or within existing structures (single- family homes in particular) as opposed to demolishing the existing structure and rebuilding fewer units than what could be achieved with the bonus. One bonus unit will be granted for the retention of a single-family home or duplex and two bonus units will be grated for the retention of multi-family buildings (3 or more units). 7. Lot Width Maximum – In an effort to minimize of collection of multiple parcels or “land banking” to accommodate large developments, a lot width maximum is proposed that would limit the widths of new lots to 110 feet wide or less. The maximum would be applied to the development as a whole as opposed to individual lots within a development. Based on average lots widths in the RMF-30 district, this would typically prevent the consolidation of more than three parcels. Planning Commission This petition was initially presented to the Planning Commission at a public hearing held on June 26, 2019. The Commission brought up multiple big picture questions, which were subsequently addressed in the September 25th memo. Three members of the public spoke and expressed concerns that the proposal would not do enough to create new affordable units, would trigger the demolition existing affordable units and would limit community involvement in terms of no longer reviewing sideways row houses as planned developments. The Commission tabled the request to give staff additional time for fine tuning of the text amendment language. The petition went back to the Planning Commission for a public hearing on September 25, 2019. Staff made some additional changes to the amendments that differed from what was presented to the Commission in June in an effort to address some of the publics’ and Commissioners’ concerns. These additional changes are detailed in the September 25th memo and are included in the proposed text amendment language. Several members of the public spoke both in favor and against the proposed changes as documented in the September 25th meeting minutes. Following the public hearing, the Commission voted to forward a positive recommendation to the City Council by a vote of 8-0 per the following conditions: 1. Provisions for tiny homes are removed from the proposed text amendment until further study is done – clarify what [provisions] mean, what [tiny house developments] would look like, and how they would function. 2. That staff does further review of design standards for the sideways row house developments to identify how the front relates to the street and pedestrian and how the sides relate to the street view as a particular lot warrants. 1. Tiny House Allowance – Staff proposed to add tiny houses as a permitted building type in the RMF-30 district after multiple community members expressed their interest in them during the project’s community engagement period. Salt Lake City’s Zoning Ordinance does not prohibit tiny homes, but the 5,000 square foot lot size requirement renders them unrealistic to build. The proposal reduces this requirement to 1,500 square feet per tiny house. The Planning Commission commented that tiny houses and tiny house communities may not fit in with established neighborhoods in the city. Assessing the existing building typology in RMF- 30 areas, multiple building forms are found along streetscapes of both smaller and larger scales. Staff does not feel that the addition of a tiny house along an established streetscape would interfere with the cohesion of a given street or physical character of a certain area. Facilitating the construction of tiny houses – and a variety of housing types in general – is something that the housing plan and city-wide master plans specifically encourage. Staff envisions that tiny houses would be built in addition to an existing structure on a lot; however, multiple tiny houses could be sited on a single lot as long as all other zoning standards are met. Staff does not take issue with multiple tiny houses on a lot, but a limitation of eight houses per development could be imposed similar to a cottage development if the City Council felt it to be necessary. The Council could also remove the standards for tiny houses all together and, if a tiny house were to be built, the standards for single-family homes would apply. 2. Design Standards for Sideways Row Houses – When the proposed text amendments were initially presented to the Planning Commission at the June 26th public hearing, the Commission made the comment that the “delineation” standard for sideways row houses may be too prescriptive and limit design as follows: iv. Delineation: Each dwelling unit shall be delineated as an individual unit through the use of color, materials, articulation of building walls, articulation in building height, lighting, and/or other architectural elements. This standard was proposed to help break up longer side building walls as not to loom over neighboring properties; however, staff agreed that this delineation standard could restrict design, is difficult to review, and other standards are in place to break up side building walls. Therefore, the design standard was removed during the final tuning of the proposed amendments. However, at the September 25th Planning Commission meeting, some Commissioners felt that not enough was being done to break up these side walls and orient the building to the street as indicated in their second condition. Staff asserts that sufficient design standards have been proposed for sideways row houses, including required entry features and glass on the front and interior of the building. If desired, this delineation standard could be added back into the text amendment per the Planning Commission’s recommendation. The Commission also indicted that they would like to continue to review sideways row houses as planned developments instead of being reviewed by staff administratively, which is something the Council may also wish to consider. Looking back at the sideways row house projects that have gone to the Planning Commission over the past three years as planned developments, almost all have been approved without additional design conditions imposed by the Commission. The Housing Plan encourages more housing projects to be reviewed administratively. Therefore, Staff does not feel that these particular building forms need to be reviewed by the Planning Commission. PUBLIC PROCESS: ￿A work session was held with the Planning Commission on December 12, 2018. ￿Recognized community-based organizations that contain land zoned RMF-30 were notified of the proposed text amendments via email on February 13, 2019. ￿An open house was held at Salt Lake City’s Downtown Library on February 26, 2019. ￿Planning staff presented at the Sugar House Community Council on March 18, 2019. ￿Planning staff presented at the East Central Community Council on March 21, 2019. ￿Planning staff presented at the Central City Community Council on April 3, 2019. ￿A focus group was held with local professionals on April 2, 2019. ￿A work session was held with the Historic Landmark Commission on May 2, 2019. ￿The public hearing notice for the June 26th Planning Commission meeting was posted on City and State websites and sent via email to the Planning listserv on June 14, 2019. ￿The newspaper notice for the June 26th Planning Commission meeting ran June 15, 2019. ￿A public hearing with the Planning Commission was held on June 26, 2019. The Commission reviewed the petition during the public hearing and voted table the text amendment per Planning Staff’s request. ￿The public hearing notice for the September 25th Planning Commission meeting was posted on City and State websites and sent via email to the Planning listserv on September 12, 2019. ￿The newspaper notice for the September 25th Planning Commission meeting ran September 14, 2019. ￿The public hearing with the Planning Commission was held on September 25, 2019. The Commission reviewed the petition during the public hearing and voted to forward a positive recommendation with conditions to City Council for the zoning text amendment. EXHIBITS: 1) PROJECT CHRONOLOGY 2) NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL HEARING 3) PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS a) JUNE 26, 2019 PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING i. ORIGINAL NOTICE & POSTMARK ii. STAFF REPORT iii. AGENDA & MINUTES iv. Public Comments Received After Staff Report Published b) SEPTEMBER 25, 2019 PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING i. ORIGINAL NOTICE & POSTMARK ii. MEMORANDUM iii. AGENDA & MINUTES iv. Public Comments Received After Staff Report Published 4) ORIGINAL PETITION SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. of2020 (An ordinance amending various sections of Title 21A pertaining to the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential District) An ordinance amending various sections of Title 21A of the Salt Lake City Code pertaining to the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential District pursuant to Petition No. PLNPCM2019-00313. WHEREAS, the Salt Lake City Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 25, 2019 to consider a petition submitted by then Mayor Jackie Biskupski (Petition No. PLNPCM2019-00313) to amend Section 21A.24.120; and WHEREAS, at its September 25, 2019 meeting, the planning commission voted in favor of transmitting a positive recommendation to the Salt Lake City Council on said petition with conditions; and WHEREAS, after a public hearing on this matter the city council has determined that adopting this ordinance is in the city's best interests. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1.Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Section 21A.24.120. That Section 21A.24.120 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Residential Districts: RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential District) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows: 21A.24.120: RMF-30 LOW DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT: A.Purpose Statement: The purpose ofthe RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential District is to provide area in the city for various multi-family housing 1 types that are small scale in nature and that provide a transition between single- family housing and larger multi-family housing developments. The primary intent of the district is to maintain the existing physical character of established residential neighborhoods in the city, while allowing for incremental growth through the integration of small scale multi-family building types. The standards for the district are intended to promote new development that is compatible in mass and scale with existing structures in these areas along with a variety of housing options. This district reinforces the walkable nature of multi- family neighborhoods, supports adjacent neighborhood-serving commercial uses, and promotes alternative transportation modes. B. Uses: Uses in the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential District, as specified in section 21A.33.020, "Table Of Permitted And Conditional Uses For Residential Districts'', of this title, are permitted subject to the general provisions set forth in section 21A.24.010 of this chapter and this section. C. Multiple Buildings on a Single Parcel: More than one principal building may be located on a single parcel, without all having public street frontage, provided that all other zoning requirements are met. Where new principal buildings do not have public street frontage, design standards applicable to street facing facades in Chapter 21A.37 of this title shall be applied to the building face where the primary entrance is located. D. Lot Width Maximum: The width of a new lot shall not exceed one hundred and ten feet (11 O'). Where more than one lot is created, the combined lot width of adjacent lots within a new subdivision, including area between lots, shall not exceed one hundred and ten feet (11 O'). E. Density Bonus: To encourage the preservation of existing structures, bonus dwelling units may be granted when an existing principal structure is retained as part of a project that adds at least one additional dwelling unit on the same lot pursuant to the following: 1. A density bonus may only be requested at the time of filing for a building permit application to add at least one additional unit on a lot where that unit meets the minimum lot area requirement. 2.One (1) bonus unit may be granted for retaining an existing single or two-family structure and two (2) bonus units for retaining an existing multi-family structure. 3. A bonus unit may be added within or attached to the existing principal structure or as a separate building provided that all other applicable zoning requirements are met. Bonus units are not subject to minimum lot area requirements. 4. The addition of a bonus unit to an existing principal structure does not change the building type of the existing structure. 2 5. Bonus units are exempt from off-street parking requirements. 6. The exterior building walls and rootline ofthe existing principal structure must be retained to obtain a bonus unit; however, architectural elements such as window openings and doorways may be modified; dormers may be added; and additions to the rear of the structure are allowed. 7. Any density bonus granted will be documented through a zoning certificate in accordance in Chapter 21A.08. The zoning certificate will be issued by the Building Services Division once the bonus unit has passed its final building inspection. The certificate will indicate that this unit was established through the preservation ofthe existing structure on the site. F. RMF-30 Building Types: The permitted building types are described in this subsection. Each building type includes a general description and definition. These definitions in Section 21A.24.120F shall prevail over those in the definitions in Chapter 21A.62 ofthis title as applied to this section. 1. Single-Family Dwelling: A detached residential structure that contains one (1) dwelling unit. The structure has an entry facing the street, a front porch or landing, and a front yard. 2. Two-Family Dwelling: A residential structure that contains two (2) dwelling units in a single building. The units may be arranged side by side, up and down, or front and back. Each unit has its own separate entry directly to the outside. Dwellings may be located on separate lots or grouped on one lot. 3. Cottage Development: A unified development that contains a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of eight (8) detached dwelling units with each unit appearing to be a small single-family dwelling with a common green or open space. Dwellings may be located on separate lots or grouped on one lot. a. Additional Development Standards for Cottage Building Forms: i. Setbacks Between Individual Cottages: All cottages shall have a minimum setback of eight feet (8') from another cottage. ii. Area: No cottage shall have more than eight hundred and fifty square feet (850 ft2) of gross floor area, excluding basement area iii. Building Entrance: All building entrances shall face a public street or a common open space. iv. Open Space: A minimum of two hundred fifty square feet (250 ft2) of common, open space is required per cottage. At least fifty percent (50%) of the open space shall be contiguous and include landscaping and walkways or other amenities intended to serve the residents of the development. 3 v. Parking: A minimum of one (1) off street parking space per unit is required. b. Cottage Units on Individual Lots without Public Street Frontage: Lots without public street frontage may be created to accommodate cottage developments without planned development approval per the following standards. i.Required setbacks in Table 21A.24.120G shall be applied to the perimeter of the cottage development as opposed to each individual lot within the development. The front and comer yards of the perimeter shall be maintained as landscaped yards. ii. Lot coverage shall be calculated for the overall development as opposed to each individual lot within the development. iii. Required off street parking stalls for a unit within the cottage development is permitted on any lot within the development. iv. A final subdivision plat is required for any cottage development creating individual lots without public street frontage. The final plat must document the following: 1. The new lots have adequate access to a public street by way of easements or a shared driveway. 2. A disclosure of private infrastructure costs for any shared infrastructure associated with the new lots per Section 21A.55.l 10 of this title is submitted with the preliminary subdivision plat. 4. Row House: A series of attached single-family dwellings that share at least one common wall with an adjacent dwelling unit and where each unit's entry faces a public street. A row house contains a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of six ( 6) residential dwelling units in order to maintain the scale found within the RMF-30 zoning district. Each unit may be on its own lot, however, each lot must have frontage on a public street unless approved as a planned development. 5. Sideways Row House: A series of attached single-family dwellings that share at least one common wall with an adjacent dwelling unit and where each unit's entry faces a side yard as opposed the front yard. A sideways row house contains a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of six (6) residential dwelling units in order to maintain the scale found within the RMF-30 zoning district. Each unit may be on its own lot. a. Additional Development Standards for Sideways Row House Building Forms: i. Setbacks: Setbacks shall be applied as depicted in Reference Illustration 21A.24.120B. The interior side yard setbacks shall be ten feet (1 O') on one 4 side and six feet (6') on the other. A sideways row house is not subject to Subsection 21A.24.010H of this section regarding buildings with side entries. ii. Front Building Entry: The unit adjacent to a public street shall have its primary entrance on the street facing fa~ade of the building with an entry feature per Chapter 21A.37 of this title. iii. Garage Doors: Garage doors are prohibited on the f~ade of the building that is parallel to, or located along, a public street. iv. Required Glass: Ground and upper floor glass requirements shall apply per Section 21A.37.060 and Table 21A.37.060 of this title to the front and each interior f~ade of a sideways row house. b. Sideways Row House Units on Individual Lots without Public Street Frontage: Lots without public street frontage may be created to accommodate sideways row houses without planned development approval per the following standards: i. Required setbacks shall be applied to the perimeter of the row house development as opposed to each individual lot within the development. The front and comer side yards of the perimeter shall be maintained as landscaped yards. ii. Lot coverage shall be calculated for the overall development as opposed to each individual lot within the development. iii. Required off street parking for a unit within the row house development is permitted on any lot within the development. iv. A final subdivision plat is required for any row house development creating individual lots without public street frontage. The final plat must document the following: 1. The new lots have adequate access to a public street by way of easements or a shared driveway. 2. A disclosure of private infrastructure costs for any shared infrastructure associated with the new lots per Section 21A.55.110 of this title is submitted with the preliminary subdivision plat. 5 REFERENCE ILLUSTRATION 21A.24.120B Required Setbacks for Public Street Facing Row House Units on Separate Lots IR IR +I I++I IF IF Required Setbacks for Sideways Row House Units on Separate Lots IR IR 6' ~~ s s 6'10'6'10' ~~~~ s s s s 6' ~~ s s -~ IF IF F = Front Yard Adjacent to a Public Street S =Side Yard R=RearYard 6. Multi-Family Residential: A multi-family residential structure containing at least three (3) dwelling units that may be arranged in a number ofconfigurations. A maximum of eight (8) dwellings units are allowed in each multi-family residential building. 6 7. Tiny House: A detached residential structure that contains one (1) dwelling unit with a pennanent foundation that is four hundred square feet (400 ft2) or less in usable floor area excluding lofted space. The structure has a single entry facing the street, an alley or open space on a lot, but shall not face an interior property line. a. Additional Development Standards for Tiny House Forms: i. Balconies and Decks: Balconies and decks shall not exceed eighty square feet (80ft2) in size when located above the ground level of the buildings and shall be located a minimum of ten feet (1 O') from a side or rear yard lot line unless the applicable side or rear yard lot line is adjacent to an alley. ii. Rooftop Decks: Rooftop decks on tiny houses are prohibited. iii. Parking: A minimum of one ( 1) off street parking space per unit is required. 8. Non Residential Building: A building that houses a non-residential use either permitted or permitted as a conditional use in the RMF-30 zoning district. G. RMF-30 Building Type Zoning Standards Table 21A.24.120.G Building Type Single-Two-Multi-Row Sideways Cottage Tiny Non Family Family Family House Row Develop House Residentia Building Dwelling Dwelling Residen 1 House1 ment1 1 1 Building Regulation tial ~ H Height 30'Pitched 16'30' Roof-23' Flat Roof-16'r Front 20' or the average of the block face yard setback ~c Comer 10' side yard setback 7 -s Interior 4' on one side 10'4'6' on one 4'10' side 10' on the other side yard setback 10' on the other- R Rear Minimum of 20% lot depth, need not exceed 25'10'Minimum yard of20% lot depth, need not exceed 25' Minimu 12,000 sq. ft. per dwelling unit 1,500 sq. ft. per 5,000 sq. m lot dwelling unit ft. per size2 buildingI-~~~-~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~--~~-~~~~-- DU - BC - LY - LB Maxim 1 2 8 6 8 per 1 n/a um developm Dwellin ent g Units per Form Maxim 50% um Buildin g Covera ge Require The front and comer side yards shall be maintained as landscape yards. d Landsc aped Yards Landsc x x x ape Buffers per subsecti on 21A.48. 080Cof 8 l~I-II G Attache Garage doors accessed from the front or comer side yard shall be no wider than 50% d of the front facade of the structure and set back at least 5' from the street facing Garage building facade and at least 20' from the property line. Interior side loaded garages are spermitted.I Design All new buildings are subject to applicable design standards in chapter 21A.37 of this Standar title. ds Notes: 1.See Subsection 21A.24.120F of this title for additional standards 2. Minimum lot size may be calculated for a development as whole as opposed to each individual lot within a development. H. Additional Lot Area Requirements: No minimum lot area is required for public or private natural open space and conservation areas; public pedestrian pathways, trails, greenways, parks and community gardens; or, public or private utility transmission wires, lines, pipes, poles, and utility buildings or structures. I.Accessory Uses, Buildings, And Structures: All accessory uses, buildings, and structures shall comply with the applicable standards in Chapter 21A.40 and Section 21A.36.020 of this title. SECTION 2. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Section 21A.37.050. That Section 21A.37.050 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Design Standards: Design Standards Defined) shall be, and hereby is amended to add a new subsection, which shall be added alphabetically to Section 21A.37.050 and reads as follows: P. Entry Features: Each required entrance per Section 21A.37.050D of this title shall include a permitted entry feature with a walkway connected to a public sidewalk and exterior lighting that highlights the entryway(s). Where buildings are located on a comer lot, only one street facing f~ade must include an entry feature. Where a building does not have direct public street frontage, the entry feature should be applied to the f~ade where the primary entrance is determined to be located. A two-family dwelling arranged side by side, row house and cottage development shall include at least one entry feature per dwelling unit. 9 1. Permitted Encroachments: A permitted entry feature may encroach up to five feet (5') into a required front yard; however, in no case shall an encroachment be closer than five feet (5') to a front property line. A covered entry feature encroaching into a front yard may not be enclosed. 2. Permitted Entry Features: a. Covered Porch - A covered, raised porch structure with or without railings spanning at least a third the length of the front building fa~ade. Entry Feature II Covered Porch (aerial view) Minimum ol1f3theleogth of the fll)f)t builOing facade (front view)(slOeviev.o) 10 b. Portico - A structure with a roof protruding over the building entry supported by columns over a landing or walkway. Entry Feature II Portico (aerial view) BBB B (t Olltview)(s«:le view) c. Awning or Canopy - A cover suspended above the building entry over a landing or walkway where the wall(s) around the entry project out or recess in by at least one foot (1 ' )from the front building plane. Entry Feature II Awning or Canopy (aerial view) D --fo--o--f bdl ~- .a. p -f D--_D-f ...e=======" ---~----~ - --,' {from view)(side view) 11 d. Emphasized Doorway-A doorway that is recessed by at least ten inches (10") from the front building plane and architecturally emphasized with a doorframe of a different material than the front fac;ade, differentiated patterns or brickwork around the door, and/or sidelights. Doorways need not be recessed more than six inches (6") on a tiny house. Entry Feature II Emphasized Doorway 1o~ Min B BB (front view) +-- Recessed min of 1O" (siOOYiew) SECTION 3. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection Table 21A.37.060A. That Subsection Table 21A.37.060A of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Design Standards: Design Standards Required in Each Zoning District: Residential Districts) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows: A. Residential districts: 12 District r=r=r=r=1~~r:-Standard 1-3o- l-35- l-45 l-75 IRB 135- 145- IMU ao (Code Section) -~~undflooru-se~I llFFI (21A.37.050Al)I I I I I I Ground floor use + visual interest (%) (21A.37.050A2) Building 50 80 80 materials: ground floor(%) (21A.37.050Bl) Building 50 materials: upper floors(%) (21A.37.050B2) Glass: ground floor(%) (21A.37.050Cl) Building entrances X 75 75 x (feet) (21A.37.050D) Blank wall: maximum length 13 District f~fr:FStandardRMF- RMF- RMF-MU- MU- R- (Code Section)354575 RB35- ff45-pMU RO-~~.0SOE)11111111 37 Street facing facade: maximum length (feet) (21A.37.050F) Upper floor step (21A.37.050G)11111111 back (feet) - Lighting:-exterior 11111111 ---- (21A.37.050H)IIII IIII Lighting: parking 11111111 lot (21A.37.050I) Screening of x x x x mechanical equipment (21A.37.050J) Screening of service areas (21A.37.050K) Ground floor residential entrances (21A.37.050L) 14 District r=r=r=r=1~~r:-Standard 1-3o- l-35- l-45 l-75 IRB 135- 145- IMU RO (Code Section) -::~:e~arag-esor~I 11111--- (21A.37.050M)I I I I I I Residential x character in RB District (21A.37.050N) Entry Features 1 1111111 (21A.37.050P) SECTION 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective on the date of its first publication. 15 Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this __ day of _____~ 2020. CHAIRPERSON ATTEST AND COUNTERSIGN: CITY RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on __________ Mayor's Action: ___Approved.---Vetoed. MAYOR CITY RECORDER (SEAL) Bill No. --- of 2020.APPROVED AS TO FORM Published: ------Salt Lake City Attorney's Office By- ~ AllisonM~O) 16 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.PROJECT CHRONOLOGY 2.NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL HEARING 3. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS a) JUNE 26, 2019 PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING i.ORIGINAL NOTICE & POSTMARK ii.STAFF REPORT iii.AGENDA & MINUTES iv.PUBLIC COMMENTS RECEIVED AFTER STAFF REPORT PUBLISHED b) SEPTEMBER 25, 2019 PUBLIC HEARING i.ORIGINAL NOTICE & POSTMARK ii.MEMORANDUM iii.AGENDA & MINUTES iv.PUBLIC COMMENTS RECEIVED AFTER STAFF REPORT PUBLISHED 4.ORIGINAL PETITION 1. PROJECT CHRONOLOGY PROJECT CHRONOLOGY PETITION: PLNPCM2019-00313 – RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential Zoning District Text Amendments January 30, 2017 Petition for zoning map amendment to update lot width requirements in the RMF-30 zoning district was received by the Planning Division (scope of petition was updated at a later date). January 30, 2017 Petition was assigned to Lauren Parisi, Principal Planner, for staff analysis and processing. December 12, 2018 Planning staff presented the proposed text amendments to the Planning Commission at a briefing to inform them of the project and obtain initial feedback. February 13, 2019 Recognized community-based organizations that contain land zoned RMF-30 were notified of the proposed text amendments via email in order to solicit public comments and start the 45-day recognized organization input and comment period. February 14, 2019 All recognized community-based organizations were notified of the proposed text amendments via standard open house noticing. February 26, 2019 Open house was held at Salt Lake City’s downtown public library. March 18, 2019 Planning staff presented proposed text amendments to the Sugar House Land Use Committee. March 21, 2019 Planning staff presented proposed text amendments to the East Central Community Council. April 1, 2019 45-day comment period for Recognized Organizations ended. April 2, 2019 Focus group was held with local professionals including architects and developers who have done work in RMF-30 districts previously. April 3, 2019 Planning staff presented proposed text amendments to the Central City Community Council. April 9, 2019 Petition for zoning map amendment to update all requirements in the RMF-30 zoning district was received by the Planning Division (scope of petition expanded from initial 2017 request). May 2, 2019 Planning staff presented the proposed text amendments to the Historic Landmark Commission at a briefing to inform them of the project and obtain feedback. June 14, 2019 Public notice was posted on City and State websites and sent via the Planning list serve for the Planning Commission meeting. June 15, 2019 Newspaper notice ran. June 26, 2019 Public hearing with the Planning Commission was held. Planning Commission tabled the item per planning staff’s request. September 12, 2019 Public notice was posted on City and State websites and sent via the Planning list serve for the Planning Commission meeting. September 14, 2019 Newspaper notice ran. September 25, 2019 Planning Commission held public hearing. The Planning Commission reviewed the petition, conducted a public hearing and voted to forward a positive recommendation with conditions to the City Council for the zoning text amendment. 2. NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL HEARING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Salt Lake City Council is considering Petition PLNPCM2019-00313: RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential Zoning District Text Amendments - The purpose of this project is to review the existing zoning requirements in the City’s RMF-30 Low Density Multi- Family Residential Zoning District and make amendments to corresponding sections of Salt Lake City’s Zoning Ordinance. The intent of the proposed amendments is to implement multiple master plan policies found in Plan Salt Lake, various community master plans, the recently adopted Growing SLC; A Five-Year Housing Plan (2018-2022) and remove zoning barriers to housing development. The RMF-30 zoning district is located throughout the city. Proposed amendments include: • Introducing design standards for all new development • Allowing the construction of new building types including sideways row houses, cottage developments, and tiny houses • Reducing minimum lot area requirements per unit • Removing lot width minimum requirements and adding a lot width maximum • Allowing more than one primary structure on a lot • Granting a density bonus for the retention of an existing structure The proposed regulation changes will affect sections 21A.24.120 of the zoning ordinance. Related provisions of Title 21A-Zoning may also be amended as part of this petition. (Staff Contact: Mayara Lima at (801) 535-7118 or Mayara.lima@slcgov.com) Case number PLNPCM2019-00313 As part of their study, the City Council is holding an advertised public hearing to receive comments regarding the petition. During this hearing, anyone desiring to address the City Council concerning this issue will be given an opportunity to speak. The hearing will be held electronically: DATE: TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: This will be an electronic meeting pursuant to Salt Lake City Emergency Proclamation No.2 of 2020(2)(b). Please visit https://www.slc.gov/council/news/featured-news/virtually-attend-city-council-meetings/ to learn how you can share your comments live during electronic City Council meetings. If you would like to provide feedback or comment, via email or phone, please contact us at: 801-535-7654 (24-Hour comment line) or by email at: council.comments@slcgov.com. If you have any questions relating to this proposal or would like to review the file, please call Mayara Lima at 801-535-7118 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday or via e-mail at Mayara.lima@slcgov.com. People with disabilities may make requests for reasonable accommodation no later than 48 hours in advance in order to participate in this hearing. Please make requests at least two business days in advance. To make a request, please contact the City Council Office at council.comments@slcgov.com , 801-535-7600, or relay service 711. 3A. PLANNING COMMISSION – JUNE 26, 2019 i. ORIGINAL NOTICE AND POSTMARK 4770 S. 5600 W. WEST VALLEY CJTY, UTAH 841 18 ·.!..~t t \II .. ~l.t • r 1 1mrFED.TAX l.D .# 87-0217663 801-204-6910 PROOF OF PUBLICATION CUSTOMER'SCOPY ICUSTOMER NAME AND ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER PLANN ING DIVISION,9001394298 Hone. of N>llc Hearing On Wednesday, J..,., 26, 201 9, !he Solt Lake City Planning Convnission will hold a public hearing to con-PO BOX 145480 sider making recoovnendations to !he City CO\JlCll re-DATE gar ding !he following petitions: 1. Text ~ to ttie RMF-3Q LOw Density t.11.J111- Fanlly Resldenllal District - The purpose of !his proLectSALT LAKE CITY UT 84114 6/18/2019 is to review the existin9. zoning requirements in 1he Cit- y's RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential ZOil·ing District and make amendments to correspondingsections of Salt Lake pty•s Zoning Ordinanoe. The in-ACCOUNT NAME tent of 111e propa!ed ailenclments is to implement 111eIrecently adopted Growing SLC; A Five-Year Housing Plan (2018-2022) and remave zoning barriers to newPLANNING DIVISION housin9 development. Proposed amendments include: In-•~~:i'~9 ~5~st~..';'~} ~~ ~~il~~g ~~~o~~~EPH~NE Ol'DER #',NVOJCC NUM.iBER ing side orlented row houses, cottage developments,ITE'L V J I ~and tiny houses; reduc:ing lot size requirements per unit; r;:oo.;;~i '~;~~igi,'/:.~n~~~:.Sn ci~e ag~~~80 15357759 0001257969 st ruc:ture on a lot and !he creation of new lots wi!houtstreet frontage; and granting a 1.<1it bonus for !he re-i~i~a0~~ !filst~~~~i;;,,~1'f~~~'b r~?u~: UBLJ CATJON SCHEDULE zoning ordlnanoe. Related provisions of Title 21A·l Zoning may also be amended as part of !his petition.START 06/ J 5/20 J9 END 06/15/20 19 jStaff Contact· Lauren Parisi at (801} 535-7226 or 003;3parisi@slcgov.com) em. rum.tr PlM'CM2019- CUSTOMER REFERENCE NUM BER The public hearing wm begin at 5,30 p.m. in room 326I.of !he City County Building, 45 l Sou1h State Street, Solt Lake Oty, UT. Planning Commission 6/26/19 The City & County Building is an accessible facility. .------------------------------------------. CAPTION I People wi!h disabilities may make requests for reason- able accommodation, which may Include alternate for- L------------------------------------------'I~~· ~:,e6~e~';,~~ ~~~~';,t"l':~~a~oa~~i~~ ~~;1 .0 w 26 2019 h s I L k c· Pl .c in advance.To make a request, please oontact !he Notice of Public Hearing n ednesday, June 'I t e at a e 1ty anning orr Planning Office at 801-535-7757, or relay service71 l . 1257'969 lJ>AXIPSIZE 46LINES 2 COLUMN(S) ITIMES ITOTAL COST 2 120.00 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION AS NEWSPAPER AGENCY COMPANY, LLC dba UTAH MEDIA GROUP LEGAL BOOKER, I CERTIPY THAT THE ATTAC HED ADVERTI SEMEN T OF Notice of Public Hearing On Wednesday, June 26, 2019, the Salt Lake City Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider making r ecommendations to t FOR PLANNING DIVI SION, WAS PUBLI SHED BY THE NEWSPA PER AGENCY COM PANY, LLC dba UTAH MEDIA GROUP, AGENT FOR DESERET NEWS AND THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, DAILY NEWSPAPERS PRfNTED IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE WITH GENERAL CIRCULATION IN UTAH, AND PUB LI SHED IN SALT LAKE CITY, SALT LAKE COUNTY IN THE STATE OF UTA H. NOTICE IS ALSO POSTED ON UTAHLEGALS.COM ON THE SAME DAY AS THE FIRST NEWSPAPER PUBLICATION DATE AND REMAfNS ON UTA I-JL EGALS.COM INDEFIN ITELY . COMPLIES WITH UTAH DIG ITAL SIGNATURE ACT UTAH CODE 46-2-10 I; 46-3-104. PUBLI SHED ON Start 06/15/2019 End 06115120 19 -------------------- DATE6/ 18/20 19 SIGNATURE ------------ STATE OF UTAH COUNTY OF ---"'S.A""L:....:_,_T-=L""'A:..:..:K=E' --- SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME ON T HI S 15TH DAY OFJUNE IN THE YEAR 2019 BY LORAIN E GUDMUNDSON. JAE LEVI NOTARY PUBLIC -STATE OF UTAH My Comm. Exp 05/29/2022 NOTARY PUBLIC SIGNATURE Commission # 700608 3A. PLANNING COMMISSION – JUNE 26, 2019 ii. STAFF REPORT Staff Report PLANNING DIVISION COMMUNITY & NEIGHBORHOODS TO:Salt Lake City Planning Commission FROM:Lauren Parisi, Principal Planner DATE:June 26th, 2019 RE:PLNPCM2019-00313 - Text Amendments to the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential Zoning District ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT PROPERTY ADDRESS: City-Wide PARCEL ID: N/A MASTER PLAN: Growing SLC: A Five Year Housing Plan 2018-2022 / Plan Salt Lake ZONING DISTRICT: RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential REQUEST: A request by Mayor Jackie Biskupski to review the zoning standards of the RMF- 30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential District and propose amendments in an effort to remove zoning barriers to housing development as recommended within Growing SLC: A Five Year Housing Plan (2018-2022). The proposed text amendments to the RMF-30 District include: 1. Introducing design standards for all new development 2. Allowing the construction of new building types including side oriented row houses, cottage developments, and tiny houses without special approval 3. Reducing lot size requirements 4. Removing lot width minimums 5. Allowing more than one building on a lot without planned development approval 6. Granting a unit bonus for the retention of a structure on a lot 7. Introducing a maximum lot width for newly created lots RECOMMENDATION: At this time, staff recommends that the Planning Commission table petition PLNPCM2019-00313 regarding updates to the RMF-30 Low Density Multi- Family Residential Zoning District and make a recommendation to City Council at a later date once the proposed text amendments have been finalized. ATTACHMENTS: A.Proposed Text Amendments B.Informational Maps C.Analysis of Standards D.Public Process and Comments E.City Department Comments PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this project is to review the zoning standards within the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential District and propose amendments in an effort to remove zoning barriers to housing development as recommended within Growing SLC: A Five Year Housing Plan (2018-2022). For some time, staff has recognized that many of the zoning standards within the city’s four multi-family residential (RMF) zoning districts can be quite restrictive and limit creative housing development, which is why these amendments are being proposed starting the lowest density RMF-30 district. The goal is to solidify changes to this multi-family district first, and apply similar changes to the rest of the multi-family districts in the near future. A Closer Look at RMF-30. The majority of Salt Lake City’s RMF-30 districts are scattered throughout the northern center of the City – north of Liberty Park, east of the Downtown and west of the University of Utah. There is also a large concentration of RMF-30 just south of 1-80 off of 700 East. City data indicates there are approximately: 1,028 RMF-30 parcels .06 acres (2,613 square feet) or greater – large enough to build upon 331 RMF-30 are located in a local historic district where the demolition of historic structures must be approved by the Historic Landmark Commission 3,212 parcels .06 acres or greater in all RMF-30, -35, -45 and -75 zoning districts. *Larger maps of all of the RMF zoning districts and the RMF-30 lots located within a local historic district can be found in Attachment B. PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 2 Lot Size The average lot size in the RMF-30 zone is 6,114 square feet1; however, as illustrated by the distribution graph below, close to half of the lots (487 of 1,028) fall between 3,000 – 6,000 square feet in size. By current standards, the average lot couldn’t accommodate anything more than a single-family home, which requires 5,000 square feet of lot area per unit. Three quarters of the lots (783) couldn’t accommodate a duplex or twin-home, which requires 8,000 square feet of lot area per unit. There is no special process in place to request additional units on a lot if it does not meet these minimum area requirements. Lot Width A similar pattern can be seen with existing lot widths in the city. The average lot width in the RMF-30 zone is 58 feet wide2; however, 662 or 65% of the lots fall between 31 and 50 feet wide – well under the 80-foot lot width requirement to accommodate a multi-family development or 3+ units without special approval. In fact, more than half of the lots are under 50 feet wide, and do not have the width to accommodate a single-family home by current standards. Required lot width can be modified through planned development approval. To note – the total number of lot width measurements is greater than the total number of lots in the RMF-30 district as it accounts for the two sides on every corner lot. Land Use RMF-30 Land Use Historic Designation 1% 20%32%33% 15%64% 35% Single Family Duplex Multifamily Other None Local and National National only 1 66 outlier parcels removed from average over 14,000 square feet in area 2 42 outliers parcels removed with widths less than 25 feet and greater than 250 feet PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 3 Looking at existing land use on the 1,028 parcels in the RMF-30 district, Salt Lake County tax assessor classifies: 565 as single-family homes, 130 as duplexes, 178 as multi-family buildings (3+ units), and 14 as a combination of residential uses and the rest vary in use (vacant, commercial, planned development, etc.). Of those 887 residential properties, 35% or 313 are located in a local historic district where the demolition of historic structures must be reviewed and approved by the City’s Historic Landmark Commission. Missing Middle Housing. With the proposed RMF-30 updates, the City hopes to encourage the development of “missing middle housing” in particular, which has been described as: “Range of multi-unit or clustered housing types compatible in scale with single-family homes that help meet the growing demand for walkable urban living. These types provide diverse housing options along a spectrum of affordability, including duplexes, fourplexes, and [cottage developments], to support walkable communities, locally-serving retail, and public transportation options. Missing Middle Housing provides a solution to the mismatch between the available U.S. housing stock and shifting demographics combined with the growing demand for walkability” (Congress for the New Urbanism). Diagram of Missing Middle Housing Types. Source: Opticos Design, Inc. Missing middle housing is not a new type of housing. It’s housing that exists in Salt Lake City today: duplexes, triplexes, fourplex buildings, townhouses, small-scale apartment buildings, etc. However, more often than not, these housing types are difficult to build because they do not meeting current zoning standards, especially in areas where they’re best suited near the city’s downtown, universities and, of course, public transit. Below are some examples of existing missing middle housing types that “fit in” with their surroundings while providing higher unit counts. Note the number of units that exist on the lot, the number of units that are allowed per current RMF-30 standards. 682-688 E. 700 South – 16 units on 8,429 sq. ft. = 527 sq. ft. per unit Current Allowance – 2 units PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 4 661 S. Green St. –10 units on 27,234 sq. ft. = 2,723 sq. ft. per unit Current Allowance 9 units (separate structures on single lot also not permitted) 852 S. 800 East –12 units on 17,424 sq. ft. = 1,452 sq. ft. per unit Current Allowance 5 units (separate structures on single lot also not permitted) 620 S. Park St. –12 units on 17,877 sq. ft. = 1,490 sq. ft. per unit Current Allowance 5 units PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 5 Proposed RMF-30 Text Amendments. The following section of this report goes into more detail regarding each of the specific updates being proposed to the RMF-30 zoning standards. By updating these standards, the City hopes to remove some of the zoning barriers that limit new housing development, while encouraging compatible design and maintaining existing housing stock. With this in mind, Planning Staff is recommending implementing what could be described as “hybrid” form based standards. Form based codes focus on the regulation of what buildings look like in terms of their compatibility with existing buildings in a neighborhood as well as their relationship with the street or what is referred to as the “public realm.” This differs from traditional zoning approaches, which emphasize the separation of land uses – single-family here, multi-family over there, on this amount of land, etc. With this hybrid approach, the proposed updates work to facilitate the development of slightly denser, “missing-middle” housing types that fit in with existing development patterns in the RMF-30 districts, while continuing to regulate required lot area per unit. 1. Design Standards – Promote compatible design with durable building materials. Design standards for new construction are intended to utilize planning and architecture principles to shape and promote a walkable environment in specific zoning districts, foster place making as a community and economic development tool, protect property values, assist in maintaining the established character of the city, and implementing the city's master plans. Design requirements are in place within many of the city’s commercial and mixed-use zoning districts, but not in any of the RMF districts. Therefore, the following design requirements consistent with Chapter 21A.37: Design Standards of the Zoning Ordinance are proposed to be applied to the RMF-30 district: Durable Building Materials – Other than windows and doors, 50% of a new building’s street facing façade shall be clad in durable materials including stone, brick, masonry, textured or patterned, and fiber cement board. Traditional stucco falls under masonry. Other durable materials may be approved at the discretion of the planning director. Glass – All new buildings shall have at least 20% of glass (windows, doors, etc.) on the ground floor street facing façade and 15% on the upper street facing façade. Building Entrances – At least one operable building entrance on the ground floor is required for every street facing façade, which includes corner façades. Blank Wall Maximum – The maximum length of any blank wall uninterrupted by windows, doors, art or architectural detailing at the ground level along any street facing facade is 15 feet. Screening of Mechanical Equipment and Services Areas – All mechanical equipment and service areas shall be screened from public view and sited to minimize their visibility and impact. RMF Entry Features – Along with required building entrances, each entrance shall have one of the following entry features including lighting and a walkway that connects to a public sidewalk: a. Covered Porch – A covered, raised porch structure with or without railings spanning at least a third the length of the front building façade. b. Portico – A structure with a roof protruding over the building entry supported by columns or enclosed by walls over a stoop or walkway. c. Awning or Canopy – A hood or cover suspended above the building entry over a stoop or walkway where the wall(s) around the entry project out or recess in by at least one foot (1’) from the front building plane. d. Emphasized Doorway – A doorway that is recessed by at least one foot (1’) from the front building plane and architecturally emphasized with a doorframe of a different material than the front façade, differentiated patterns or brickwork around the door, and/or sidelights. Doorways need not be recessed more than six inches (6’’) on a tiny house. PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 6 2.New Building Forms in RMF-30 – Encourage building forms and arrangements that are compatible with smaller-scale development with lower perceived density. In addition to single-family homes, duplexes, triplexes, apartment buildings, etc., the City would like to encourage three new specific housing types or forms in the RMF-30 zoning district that may allow for slightly higher unit counts, but are also compatible with existing development in the area. These three types include cottage developments, side oriented row houses and tiny houses that otherwise wouldn’t be allowed in RMF districts without special approval. Cottage Developments are currently allowed in the city’s existing Form Based districts and are defined as, “a unified development that contains two (2) or more detached dwelling units with each unit appearing to be a small single-family dwelling with a common green or open space. Dwellings may be located on separate lots or grouped on one lot.” Cottage structures have relatively small footprints and are grouped in a communal fashion on a lot. The following design standards would be applied to these forms including limiting usable floor area to 850 square feet. i. Setbacks Between Cottages: All cottages shall have a minimum setback of eight feet (8') from another cottage. ii. Area: No cottage shall have more than eight hundred fifty (850) square feet of usable floor area. iii. Building Entrance: All building entrances shall face a public street or a common open space. iv. Open Space: A minimum of two hundred fifty (250) square feet of common, open space is required per cottage up to a maximum of one thousand (1,000) square feet. At least fifty percent (50%) of the open space shall be contiguous and include landscaping, walkways or other amenities intended to serve the residents of the development. PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 7 Side Oriented Row Houses where the entries of single-family attached units face the side of a lot as opposed to the street are difficult to build in any zoning district because code currently does not allow lots without public street frontage. With intentional design, side oriented row houses can make good use of the long narrow lots in the city while maintaining compatibility with lower-scale residential development. These forms are frequently reviewed by the Planning Commission and just as frequently approved provided that the front-most unit is completely oriented to the street and adequate buffers are maintained around the property. Therefore, it is being proposed that side oriented row houses be allowed by right, per the additional standards below. Keep in mind that these standards will be applied in conjunction with the proposed standards in Chapter 21A.37: Design Standards and a special exception will be required if each unit is on its own lot. i. Interior Setbacks: The interior side yard setbacks (S) shall be ten feet (10’) on one side and six feet (6’) on the other. ii. Front Building Entry: The unit adjacent to a street shall have its primary entrance on the façade of the building parallel to the street with an entry feature per section 21A.37 of this title. iii. Garage Doors: Garage doors are prohibited on the façade facing the front yard area. iv. Delineation: Each dwelling unit shall be delineated as an individual unit through the use of color, materials, articulation of building walls, articulation in building height, lighting, and/or other architectural elements. v. Required Glass: For all floors or levels above the ground floor, a minimum of twenty percent (20%) of all street facing facades must be glass. Interior building facades shall also have a minimum of fifteen (15%) ground floor glass and fifteen (15%) upper floor glass. Tiny Houses are limited by building code to 400 square feet in area excluding lofted space. A tiny home differs from a detached Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) as they are more limited in size and would not have to be owner occupied or associated with a single-family home. These structures would also have a permanent foundation and could not be on wheels. Tiny houses can be built today, but are treated the same as a single-family home and require 5,000 square feet of land area to build. This amount of land is not necessary for a 400 square-foot structure. Therefore, standards are being proposed to allow these structures on smaller lots with reduced setbacks, building height, etc. To note, the public has expressed a lot of interest in building these types of structures, which is another reason why this form is being proposed. PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 8 3. Reduced Lot Area Requirements – Allow multi-family housing on average size lots equipped to accommodate multi-family development (3+ units). In most residential zoning districts in the city, the Zoning Ordinance regulates the number of units per square footage of land area – otherwise known as density requirements. Currently, the RMF-30 zone permits one multi-family unit per every 3,000 square feet of land (must have at least 3 units to have a multi-family building or 9,000 square feet of land). Considering that about half of existing lots in the RMF-30 zone fall between 3,000 and 6,000 square feet, these lots couldn’t accommodate anything more than a single-family home. For additional perspective, the existing historic developments on pages 4 and 5 of this report have between 530 to 1,500 square feet of land per unit. The Central Community Master Plan’s future land use designation for these areas also calls for up to 20 units per acre or 2,178 square feet per unit. It is clear that the existing lot area requirements do not promote multi-family housing, which is why this proposal includes reducing the lot area requirements to 2,500 square feet per unit for traditional multi- family units (apartment building and condo buildings) and to 1,500 square feet for row houses, cottage developments and tiny house or building forms that can accommodate more units while remaining compatible with lower density development. This proposal also tends to align with lot area requirements in other urban areas of the country, which generally range from 1,500 to 2,900 square feet per unit. Denver, for example, that utilizes a form based code, allows 10 units maximum on a minimum of 6,000 square feet in similar-type zoning districts. This equates to 6oo square feet of lot area per unit. Staff acknowledges that this proposal for Salt Lake City’s RMF-30 zoning district is relatively moderate in comparison to Denver. Current and proposed lot area requirements have been listed below and a table with lot area requirements across the U.S. can be found in Attachment B. LAND USE CURRENT AREA REQUIREMENT PROPOSED AREA REQUIRED Single-Family 5,000 2,500 Two-Family 8,000 5,000 Multi-Family (Must have at least 3 units)3,000 (9,000 for first 3)2,500 (7,500 for first 3) Single-Family Attached/Row House 3,000 (9,000 for first 3)1,500 (4,500 for first 3) (Must have at least 3 units) Cottage Development (New Form)n/a 1,500 Tiny House (New Form)n/a 1,500 With these changes to lot area, approximately 39% or 345 of the 887 residential RMF-30 properties would become eligible to add at least one more unit in addition to the existing units(s) on the property (excluding the addition of tiny houses). The eligibility maps in Attachment B highlight these eligible parcels in green. Keep in mind that other factors may limit whether or not additional units can be added on a lot including accommodating required setbacks, lot coverage, building and fire code regulations, etc. Additionally, smaller lot size requirements should also promote smaller and more affordable housing units. The City does acknowledge that smaller lot sizes may put additional development pressure on lots with single-family homes, which is why some mechanisms to limit demolition are being introduced as detailed in the changes below. 4. Removal of Required Lot Width – Allow other building requirements to drive lot width and remove this zoning barrier to multi-family housing development. In addition to required lot area, Salt Lake City’s Zoning Ordinance also requires that lots be a certain width for different land uses. Currently, lots are required to be at least 80- 100 feet wide in the City’s Multi-Family PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 9 Residential (RMF) zoning districts to accommodate a new multi-family use (3 or more housing units). The City has found that these current requirements do not reflect the established lot width patterns in the RMF zoning districts as discussed in the Closer Look at RMF-30 section of this report and can, ultimately, impede housing development. For example, the vacant lot pictured above could not be developed with more than three units as it does not have 80 feet of lot width even though it meets the minimum lot size requirements. Many other standards are in place that encourage adequate lot widths and spacing between buildings including required side yard setbacks, driveway widths and building code standards. Therefore, per the proposed updates, minimum lot width requirements would be removed. 5.More Than One Principal Structure On A Lot – Allow for historic development pattern to occur and encourage creative building arrangements. Constructing more than one principal structure on a lot is currently not permitted in RMF districts, unless both structures have public street frontage. The idea behind this is partly to discourage new buildings with poor access and little visibility for general safety purposes. However, Salt Lake City’s deeper lots tend to have a significant amount of underutilized land towards their rear and can have more than adequate access and visibility. Other zoning, building code, and fire regulations besides this limitation on multiple structures on a lot also work together to ensure adequate access and visibility. Constructing more than one building on a lot is characteristic of the historic development pattern and tends to encourage creative housing developments. Today, planned development approval is required for multiple structures on a lot. Therefore, provided that the additional structures meet all other zoning/city department standards, it is being proposed that more than one principal structure be permitted on all lots in the RMF-30 zoning district. 6 & 7 – Mechanisms to Limit Demolition Unit Bonus for the Maintenance of Existing Structures – Incentivize the retention of existing structures and creative housing solutions. In an effort to maintain existing and/or affordable housing stock in the RMF-30 zone – particularly historic or character-contributing buildings – while allowing for some new development, a unit bonus is being proposed to apply when housing is retained. Because the updates to lot area requirements may allow additional units to be added on a lot, this unit bonus will apply when a building permit is applied for to add an additional housing unit(s) to an existing structure – internal or external – that meets lot area requirements and the existing structure on the lot is retained. The idea is that this unit bonus would encourage units to be added onto or within existing structures (single-family homes in particular) as opposed to demolishing the existing structure and rebuilding fewer units than what could be achieved with the bonus. One bonus unit will be granted for the retention of a single-family home or duplex and two bonus units will be grated for the retention of multi-family buildings (3 or more units). Lot Width Maximum – Discurage land banking and the demolition of exsting structures. In an effort to minimize of collection of multiple parcels or “land banking” to accommodate large developments, a lot width maximum is proposed that would limit the widths of new lots to 110 feet wide or less. The maximum would be applied to the development as a whole as opposed to individual lots within a development. Based on average lots widths in the RMF-30 district, this would typically prevent the consolidation of more than two parcels, or three at the very most. PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 10 KEY CONSIDERATIONS: The following key considerations have been identified for the Planning Commission’s review and potential discussion. #1. Compliance with Citywide Master Plans Growing SLC: A Five Year Housing Plan (2018-2022) The Growing SLC Housing Plan “outlines…solutions…[for reaching a point] where all residents, current and prospective, regardless of race, age, economic status, or physical ability can find a place to call home. To achieve this goal, the City’s housing policy must address issues of affordability at the root cause, creating long-term solutions for increasing the housing supply, expanding housing opportunities throughout the city, addressing systemic failures in the rental market, and preserving our existing units” (p. 9). The proposed text amendments directly support the following priorities identified in Growing SLC: Goal 1: Reform City practices to promote a responsive, affordable, high-opportunity housing market. Objective 1: Review and modify land-use and zoning regulations to reflect the affordability needs of a growing, pioneering city. o 1.1.1 Develop flexible zoning tools and regulations, with a focus along significant transportation routes. “Land use decisions of the 1990s came about as a reaction to the gradual population decline that occurred over the preceding three decades. Conversely, the city’s population has grown by 20 percent in the last two decades, (the fastest rate of growth in nearly a century) presenting a need for a fundamentally different approach. Household type and makeup has also significantly changed to reflect smaller household sizes in the city. Increasing flexibility around dimensional requirements and code definitions will reduce barriers to housing construction that are unnecessary for achieving city goals, such as neighborhood preservation. A concentrated zoning and land use review is warranted to address these critical issues and to refine code so that it focuses on form and scale of development rather than intended use” (p. 18). o 1.1.2 Develop in-fill ordinances that promote a diverse housing stock, increase housing options, create redevelopment opportunities, and allow additional units within existing structures, while minimizing neighborhood impacts. “In-fill ordinances provide both property owners and developers with options to increase the number of units on particular parcels throughout the city. Such options would also help restore the “missing middle” housing types where new construction has principally been limited to single-family homes and multi- story apartment buildings for decades. Missing middle housing types are those that current zoning practices have either dramatically reduced or eliminated altogether: accessory dwelling units, duplexes, tri-plexes, small multi-plexes, courtyard cottages and bungalows, row houses, and small apartment buildings. Finding a place for these housing types throughout the city means more housing options in Salt Lake City, and restoring choices for a wider variety of household sizes, from seniors to young families. PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 11 Apart from traditional infill ordinances, responding to the unusual age, form, and shape of housing stock should be addressed and leveraged to add incremental density in existing structures. This would include options for lot subdivision where there is ample space to build an additional home on a property or alternatively expand rental opportunities in existing structures” (p. 19). Objective 2: Remove impediments in City processes to encourage housing development. o 1.2.1 Create an expedited processing system to increase City access for those developers constructing new affordable units. “Providing developers who build affordable units with a fast-tracked permitting process will decrease the cost of those projects, increasing the likelihood that such projects make it to the market. The process will empower the administration with the authority to waive fees and expedite City procedures” (p. 21). Objective 3. Lead in the construction of innovative housing solutions. o 1.3.1 Lead in the development of new affordable housing types, as well as construction methods that incorporate innovative solutions to issues of form, function, and maintenance. “Additionally, the City will support the development of new or underutilized housing types that meet the unique needs of the diverse communities that live in Salt Lake City. This has already begun with projects that focus on a significant mix of resident incomes and micro- units and could be expanded to include other housing types. Efforts to develop well-designed and well-built homes that serve the changing needs of residents will improve housing choice into the future” (p. 22). Plan Salt Lake (2015): Plan Salt Lake identifies multiple ‘Guiding Principles,’ ‘Targets,’ and ‘Initiatives’ to help the city achieve its vision over the next 25 years. This project supports the following: Guiding Principle 1/Neighborhoods that provide a safe environment, opportunity for social interaction, and services needed for the wellbeing of the community therein. Initiatives: 3. Create a safe and convenient place for people to carry out their daily lives. 5. Support policies that provides people a choice to stay in their home and neighborhood as they grow older and household demographics change. 7. Promote accessible neighborhood services and amenities, including parks, natural lands, and schools. 9. Support policies that provides people a choice to stay in their home and neighborhood as they grow older and household demographics change. Guiding Principle 2/Growth: Growing responsibly, while providing people with choices about where they live, how they live, and how they get around. PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 12 Initiatives: 1. Locate new development in areas with existing infrastructure and amenities, such as transit and transportation corridors. 3. Promote infill and redevelopment of underutilized land. 6. Accommodate and promote an increase in the City’s population. Guiding Principle 3/Housing: Access to a wide variety of housing types for all income levels throughout the city, providing the basic human need for safety and responding to changing demographics. Initiatives: 2. Increase the number of medium density housing types and options. 3. Encourage housing options that accommodate aging in place. 4. Direct new growth toward areas with existing infrastructure and services that have the potential to be people-oriented. 5. Enable moderate density increases within existing neighborhoods where appropriate. Salt Lake City Council’s 20 Guiding Principles on Housing Development (2017) Principal 6 – Create a net increase in affordable housing units while: i. Avoiding displacement of existing affordable housing to the extent possible, and ii. Retaining and expanding the diversity of AMI and innovative housing types. Principal 8 – Create a spectrum of housing options for people of all backgrounds and incomes. Principal 16 – Identify tools to increase and diversify the total housing supply including housing types that the private market does not sufficiently provide such as family housing in the downtown area, innovative housing types, missing middle housing and middle- to low-income apartments. As documented above, the proposed text amendments are in line with goals and objectives outlined in the City’s housing plan. Current lot area and width standards in place make it difficult to develop multi-family housing in the city’s multi-family zoning districts – let alone multi-family development that’s compatible with lower- scale neighborhoods. Yet, not only does the city need more housing in general, there is an increasing demand among millennials and baby boomers alike for smaller, accessible units of higher quality construction that are easier to maintain. The proposed text amendments aim not only remove restrictive zoning barriers to new housing development that the city needs, but to facilitate missing-middle type housing in walkable, desirable neighborhoods where RMF districts tend to be located. #2. Community Concerns – The following concerns regarding the proposed text amendments were voiced by the community throughout the RMF-30 engagement process: Demolition of Existing Housing. With any proposal that allows more housing density in an area, there tends to be concern that existing historic and/or affordable housing will be demolished to make way for larger more expensive housing developments. This is a legitimate concern that has been PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 13 raised by multiple community members throughout the engagement process. At the same time, multi-family zoning districts should allow multi-family development on an average site lot. Per current standards, close to half of the existing lots zoned RMF-30 are less than 6,000 square feet in area and couldn’t accommodate anything more than a single dwelling unit. Close to three-quarters of the lots are less than 8,000 square feet in area and couldn’t accommodate anything more than two units or a duplex. As we see with historic multi-family development already in place throughout the city, the average size lot in the RMF-30 district of 6,114 square feet can and should be able to accommodate more than a single-family home. With all of this in mind, a delicate balance needs to be struck between allowing more housing on adequately sized lots and promoting the preservation of existing structures, which is what this proposal aims to achieve. First, close to a third of lots zoned RMF-30 are located in a local historic district where demolition of structures must be approved by the Historic Landmark Commission. Second, lot area requirements have been strategically reduced the most for single and two-family development (2,500 to 3,000 square-foot reduction), as well as compatible multi-family development including cottage developments, row houses and tiny houses (1,500 square foot reduction). Though compatible, row houses and cottage developments must meet many other design, building code and fire code regulations. Therefore, though the lot area requirements have been reduced the most for these forms, staff does not anticipate widespread demolition to accommodate these forms because they are more difficult to construct. Third, lot area has only been reduced by 500 square feet for multi-family building forms with three or more units. Not only does this promote the smaller building forms, but the proposed 2,500 square feet per unit also remains in line with the Central Community’s Master Plan future land use designation for Low Medium Density Residential of 20 units per acre or 2,178 square feet of lot area per unit. Staff anticipates decreasing lot area requirements further for the RMF-35, -45, and -75 districts as these areas area meant to accommodate higher density. Reducing lot area requirements also makes the proposed density bonus more functional. If an existing lot could accommodate one more unit with the proposed changes to lot area – which is the case of 299 lots zoned RMF-30 with single-family homes – the lot could then have two more units if the existing structure is preserved. This incentive aligns directly with the City’s Housing Plan to “lot subdivision where there is ample space to build an additional home on a property or alternatively expand rental opportunities in existing structures” (p. 19). Finally, the proposed lot width maximum was born directly out of the need to limit land banking and subsequent demolition. Based on average lot width, this maximum would typically prevent more than three lots from being consolidated into one, and subsequently three existing units from being demolished. Affordable Housing Development. Questions were often asked regarding how these text amendments work to promote affordable housing development throughout the engagement process. These amendments do not directly facilitate affordable units per the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) standards3. However, by reducing required lot size per unit, units 3 Housing Affordability - Is the level of homeowner or rental housing prices relative to the level of household income. Housing is considered affordable, when a household is paying no more than 30% of their total gross income towards housing expenses; rent or mortgage and utilities. The 30% of income standard is a widely used and accepted measure of the extent of housing affordability problems across the country. This standard applies to households of any income level. Affordable Housing - Is government-subsidized housing for low-income households. A residential unit is generally considered affordable if the household pays 30% or less of their total gross income towards rent, for eligible households with low, very-low and extremely-low incomes, including low-wage working families, seniors on fixed incomes, veterans, people with disabilities PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 14 themselves might also be smaller and, in turn, more affordable. The three housing types that are being promoted with this amendment including cottage developments, row houses and tiny houses also tend to have smaller footprints. More than anything, these amendments are aimed at facilitating new multi-family housing in general. A greater supply of market rate housing may free up the number of affordable or mid-priced units for those who truly qualify for them. As the City’s Housing Plan acknowledges, introducing flexible zoning regulations is merely a piece of the affordable housing puzzle and the Division of Housing and Neighborhood Development has many other programs in place that work to not only promote, but preserve affordable housing. Preservation of Allen Park. Multiple concerns have been raised regarding the preservation of Allen Park, which is a large 5-acre parcel located across from Westminster College at approximately 1700 South and 1300 East and zoned RMF-30. While open space is certainly important to preserve, the park is private property that could currently be redeveloped with housing without the proposed text amendments. Per current standards, 72 multi-family units could be constructed on the 5-acre lot based on lot area requirements alone. Per proposed standards, 87 multi-family units could be constructed; though, if row house or cottage units were to be development this allowance would increase to 145 units at 1,500 square feet per unit. However, a large stream runs through the property that is protected by riparian corridor regulations, which do not permit principal structures within 50 feet on either side of the stream’s waterline. Though more units could be built under the proposed text amendments, any future development would still be greatly limited due to these riparian regulations. Parking Requirements. Concerns from community members regarding parking requirements go both ways – current requirements are either too much or not enough. The East Central Community Council in particular, where many RMF-30 parcels are located, voiced multiple concerns regarding the lack of street parking in their neighborhoods. Because of this, they do not believe new developments should receive parking reductions for completing transportation demand management strategies. Others, including the Historic Landmark Commission, expressed that if parking requirements are not reduced for multi-family housing, missing-middle-type housing might not be feasible as there’s simply not enough space on a lot to accommodate multiple parking stalls and multiple housing units. Parking will not be updated as a part of this zoning text amendment; however, the parking chapter is being updated at this time per a different text amendment. Staff will work together closely to see how parking can be best accommodate within the city’s RMF districts. NEXT STEPS: Because staff does want to obtain feedback from both the Planning Commission and the public at this time, but also acknowledges that additional fine-tuning must be done to the proposed text amendments, it is recommended that the Planning Commission keep table petition PLNPCM2019-00313 regarding updates to the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential Zoning District and make a positive or negative recommendation to City Council at a later date once the proposed text amendments have been finalized. and those experiencing homeless. There are different kinds of affordable units, including public housing, voucher-subsidized units, or income restricted units. PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 15 ATTACHMENT A: PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENTS PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 16 Proposed Changes to the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential Ordinance (21A.24.120) Strike and Underline Draft – 6/26/2019 21A.24.120: RMF-30 LOW DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT: A. Purpose Statement: The purpose of the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential District is to provide an environment suitable for a variety of housing types of a low density nature, including single-family, two-family, and multi-family dwellings, with a maximum height of thirty feet (30'). This district is appropriate in areas where the applicable Master Plan policies recommend multi-family housing with a density of less than fifteen (15) up to twenty (20) dwelling units per acre. Uses are intended to be compatible with the existing scale and intensity of the neighborhood. The standards for the district are intended to provide for safe and comfortable places to live and play, promote sustainable and compatible development patterns and to preserve the existing character of the neighborhood. B. Uses: Uses in the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential District, as specified in section 21A.33.020, "Table Of Permitted And Conditional Uses For Residential Districts", of this title, are permitted subject to the general provisions set forth in section 21A.24.010 of this chapter and this section. C. Multiple Buildings on a Single Parcel: More than one principal building may be located on a single parcel, and are allowed without having public street frontage, provided that all other zoning requirements are met; and, 1. Design Standards: All new buildings are subject to applicable design standards in chapter 21A.37 of this title. For buildings not located along a street, the standards applicable to street facing facades shall be applied to the face where the primary entrance is located. D. Lot Width Maximum: No newly created lot shall have a lot width greater than one hundred ten feet (110’). This maximum shall be applied to the development as a whole as opposed to the individual lots within the development. E. Density Bonus: To encourage the preservation of neighborhood character, bonus dwelling units may be granted when an existing principal structure is retained as part of a project that adds at least one additional dwelling unit on the lot pursuant to the following: 1. One (1) bonus unit may be granted for retaining an existing single or two-family structure and two (2) bonus units for retaining an existing multi-family structure. 2. Dwelling units may be added internally to the existing structure or detached from the structure as a separate building form. 3. The addition of a bonus unit to the existing principal structure does not change the building form of that existing structure. 4. Bonus dwelling units are not subject to minimum lot area requirements, but must comply with all other underlying lot and bulk regulations when located outside of an existing structure. 5. Bonus units shall be exempt from accommodating off-street parking. 6. Exterior building walls of the existing principal structure shall be retained; however, rear additions are allowed. Non-structural modifications, such as modification to windows, doorways, the addition of dormers, and the addition of other architectural design elements to the structure are also allowed. PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 17 C. Minimum Lot Area And Lot Width: The minimum lot areas and lot widths required in this district are as follows: Minimum Minimum Land Use Lot Area Lot Width Multi-family dwellings 9,000 square feet1 80 feet Municipal service uses, including City utility uses and No minimum No police and fire stations minimum Natural open space and conservation areas, public and No minimum No private minimum Places of worship less than 4 acres in size 12,000 square feet 140 feet Public pedestrian pathways, trails and greenways No minimum No minimum Public/private utility transmission wires, lines, pipes No minimum No and poles minimum Single-family attached dwellings (3 or more)3,000 square feet Interior: 25 per unit feet Corner: 35 feet Single-family detached dwellings 5,000 square feet 50 feet Twin home dwelling 4,000 square feet 25 feet per unit Two-family dwellings 8,000 square feet 50 feet Utility substations and buildings 5,000 square feet 50 feet Other permitted or conditional uses as listed in 5,000 square feet 50 feet section 21A.33.020 of this title Qualifying provisions: 1.9,000 square foot minimum for 3 dwelling units plus 3,000 square feet for each additional dwelling unit. PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 18 F. RMF-30 Building Types and Forms 1. Single-Family Dwelling: A detached residential structure that contains one (1) dwelling unit. The structure has an entry facing the street, a front porch or stoop, and a small front yard. 2. Two-Family Dwelling: A residential structure that contains two (2) dwelling units in a single building. The units may be arranged side by side, up and down, or front and back. Each unit has its own separate entry directly to the outside. Dwellings may be located on separate lots or grouped on one lot. 3. Cottage Development: A unified development that contains two (2) or more detached dwelling units with each unit appearing to be a small single-family dwelling with a common green or open space. Dwellings may be located on separate lots or grouped on one lot. a. Additional Development Standards for Cottage Building Forms i.Setbacks Between Individual Cottages: All cottages shall have a minimum setback of eight feet (8') from another cottage. ii.Area: No cottage shall have more than eight hundred fifty (850) square feet of usable floor area, excluding basement area. iii.Building Entrance: All building entrances shall face a public street or a common open space. iv.Open Space: A minimum of two hundred fifty (250) square feet of common, open space is required per cottage up to a maximum of one thousand (1,000) square feet. At least fifty percent (50%) of the open space shall be contiguous and include landscaping, walkways or other amenities intended to serve the residents of the development. b. Cottage Development Units on Individual Lots: i.Required setbacks shall be applied to the perimeter of the cottage development as opposed to each individual lot within the development. The front and corner yards of the perimeter shall be maintained as landscaped yards. ii.Lot coverage shall be calculated for the cottage development as a whole, as opposed to each individual lot within the development. iii.Required off street parking for a unit within the cottage development is permitted on any lot within the development. iv.A cottage development where each cottage is on its own lot shall require final subdivision plat approval. The final plat must document the following: 1. The new lot(s) has adequate access to a public street by way of easements or a shared driveway. PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 19 2. A disclosure of private infrastructure costs for any common area associated with the new lot(s) per section 21A.55.110 of this title is submitted with the Preliminary Subdivision Plat. 4. Row House: A series of attached single-family dwellings that share at least one common wall with an adjacent dwelling unit. A row house contains a minimum of three (3) residential dwelling units. Each unit may be on its own lot. If possible, off street parking is accessed from an alley. Side Oriented Row House: a. Additional Development Standards for Row House Building Forms with Entrances Oriented Towards the Side of a Lot. i.Interior Setbacks: The interior side yard setbacks (S) shall be ten feet (10’) on one side and six feet (6’) on the other. ii.Front Building Entry: The unit adjacent to a street shall have its primary entrance on the façade of the building parallel to the street with an entry feature per section 21A.37 of this title. iii.Garage Doors: Garage doors are prohibited on the façade facing the front yard area. iv.Delineation: Each dwelling unit shall be delineated as an individual unit through the use of color, materials, articulation of building walls, articulation in building height, lighting, and/or other architectural elements. v.Required Glass: For all floors or levels above the ground floor, a minimum of twenty percent (20%) of all street facing facades must be glass. Interior building facades shall also have a minimum of fifteen (15%) ground floor glass and fifteen (15%) upper floor glass. b. Side Oriented Row House Units on Individual Lots: i.Required setbacks shall be applied to the perimeter of the row house development as opposed to each individual lot within the development. The front and corner yards of the perimeter shall be maintained as landscaped yards. ii.Lot coverage shall be calculated for the row house development as a whole, as opposed to each individual lot within the development. iii.Required off street parking for a unit within the row house development is permitted on any lot within the development. iv.A row house development where each unit is on its own lot shall require final subdivision plat approval. The final plat must document the following: 1. The new lot(s) has adequate access to a public street by way of easements or a shared driveway. PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 20 2. A disclosure of private infrastructure costs for any common area associated with the new lot(s) per section 21A.55.110 of this title is submitted with the Preliminary Subdivision Plat. Required Setbacks for Street (Normal) Oriented Row House Required Setbacks for Side Oriented Row House 5. Multi-Family Residential: A multi-family residential structure containing three (3) or more dwelling units that may be arranged in a number of configurations. 6. Tiny House: A detached residential structure that contains one (1) dwelling unit with a permanent foundation that is 400 square feet or less in usable floor area excluding lofted space. The structure has a single entry facing the street, an alley or open space on a lot, but shall not face an interior property line. a. Additional Development Standards for Tiny House Forms: PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 21 i.Balconies and Decks: Balconies and decks shall not exceed eighty (80) square feet in size when located above the ground level of the buildings and shall be located a minimum of ten feet (10') from a side or rear yard lot line unless the applicable side or rear yard lot line is adjacent to an alley. ii.Rooftop Decks: Rooftop decks on tiny houses are prohibited. iii.Parking: A tiny house shall require one (1) off street parking space per unit. 7. Non Residential Building: A building that houses a non-residential use either permitted or permitted as a conditional use in the underlying zoning district. D. Maximum Building Height: The maximum building height permitted in this district is thirty feet (30'). E. Minimum Yard Requirements: 1. Front Yard: Twenty feet (20'). 2. Corner Side Yard: Ten feet (10'). 3. Interior Side Yard: a. Single-family detached and two-family dwellings: (1) Interior lots: Four feet (4') on one side and ten feet (10') on the other. (2) Corner lots: Four feet (4'). b. Single-family attached: No yard is required, however if one is provided it shall not be less than four feet (4'). c. Twin home dwelling: No yard is required along one side lot line. A ten foot (10') yard is required on the other. d. Multi-family dwelling: Ten feet (10') on each side. e. All other permitted and conditional uses: Ten feet (10') on each side. 4. Rear Yard: Twenty five percent (25%) of the lot depth, but not less than twenty feet (20') and need not exceed twenty five feet (25'). 5. Accessory Buildings And Structures In Yards: Accessory buildings and structures may be located in a required yard subject to section 21A.36.020, table 21A.36.020B, "Obstructions In Required Yards", of this title. PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 22 F. Required Landscape Yards: The front and corner side yards shall be maintained as landscape yards. G. Maximum Building Coverage: 1. Single-Family Detached: The surface coverage of all principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed forty five percent (45%) of the lot area. 2. Single-Family Attached Dwellings: The surface coverage of all principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the lot area. 3. Two-Family And Twin Home Dwellings: The surface coverage of all principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the lot area. 4. Multi-Family Dwellings: The surface coverage of all principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed forty percent (40%) of the lot area. 5. Existing Dwellings: For dwellings existing on April 12, 1995, the coverage of such existing buildings shall be considered legally conforming. 6. Nonresidential Land Uses: The surface coverage of all principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the lot area. H. Landscape Buffers: For multiple-family uses where a lot abuts a lot in a single-family or two-family residential district, a landscape buffer shall be provided in accordance with chapter 21A.48 of this title. PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 23 G. Building Form Standards: Building form standards are listed in table 21A.24.120.H of this section. Table 21A.24.120.H RMF-30 Building Form Standards Building Form Single-Two-Multi-Row Cottage Tiny NonBuildingFamilyFamilyFamilyHouse1Development1House1Residential Regulation Dwelling Dwelling Residential Building Building height and placement: H Height 30’17’30’ F Front yard 20’ setback C Corner side 10’ yard setback S Interior side 4’ on one side 10’4’10’ yard 10’ on the other setback R Rear yard Minimum of 20% lot depth up to 25'10’Minimum of 20% lot depth up to 25' L Minimum lot 2,500 sq. ft.1,500 sq. ft.5,000 sq. ft. size BC Maximum 50% Building Coverage LY Required The front and corner side yards shall be maintained as landscape yards. Landscaped Yards LB Landscape X X X Buffers per subsection 21A.48.080C of this title. PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 24 G Attached Garages Garage doors accessed from the front or corner side yard shall be no wider than 50% of the front facade of the structure and set back at least 5' from the street facing building facade and at least 20' from the property line. Side loaded garages are permitted. DS Design All new buildings are subject to applicable design standards in chapter 21A.37 of Standards this title. Notes: 1. See subsection 21A.24.120F of this title for additional standards I. Accessory Buildings And Structures In Yards: Accessory buildings and structures may be located in a required yard subject to section 21A.36.020, table 21A.36.020B, "Obstructions In Required Yards", of this title. (Ord. 66-13, 2013: Ord. 12-11, 2011: Ord. 62-09 §§ 5, 8, 2009: Ord. 61-09 § 6, 2009: Ord. 88-95 § 1 (Exh. A), 1995: Ord. 26-95 § 2(12-11), 1995) Chapter 21A.37 DESIGN STANDARDS 21A.37.050: DESIGN STANDARDS DEFINED: The design standards in this chapter are defined as follows. Each design standard includes a specific definition of the standard and may include a graphic that is intended to help further explain the standard, however the definition supersedes any conflict between it and a graphic. P. Entry Features in the RMF Districts: At least one operable building entrance with one or more permitted entry features and a walkway connected to a public sidewalk is required on every street facing façade. Where an entry does not face a street, All entry features shall also include exterior lighting to highlight the entrance. Row house and cottage development building forms shall have at least one entrance with an entry feature on each unit. 1. Encroachments: A permitted entry feature may encroach up to five feet (5') into a required yard. 2. Permitted Entry Features: a. Covered Porch – A covered, raised porch structure with or without railings spanning at least a third the length of the front building façade. b. Portico – A structure with a roof protruding over the building entry supported by columns or enclosed by walls over a stoop or walkway. c. Awning or Canopy – A hood or cover suspended above the building entry over a stoop or walkway where the wall(s) around the entry project out or recess in by at least one foot (1’) from the front building plane. PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 25 d. Emphasized Doorway – A doorway that is recessed by at least one foot (1’) from the front building plane and architecturally emphasized with a doorframe of a different material than the front façade, differentiated patterns or brickwork around the door, and/or sidelights. Doorways need not be recessed more than six inches (6’’) on a tiny house. 21A.37.060: DESIGN STANDARDS REQUIRED IN EACH ZONING DISTRICT: This section identifies each design standard and to which zoning districts the standard applies. If a box is checked, that standard is required. If a box is not checked, it is not required. If a specific dimension or detail of a design standard differs among zoning districts or differs from the definition, it will be indicated within the box. In cases when a dimension in this table conflicts with a dimension in the definition, the dimensions listed in the table supersede those in the definition. TABLE 21A.37.060 A. Residential districts: Standard (Code Section) Ground floor use (%) (21A.37.050A1) District R-R- RMF-RMF-RMF-RMF-MU-MU-R- 30 35 45 75 RB 35 45 MU RO 75 75 Ground floor use + visual interest (%) (21A.37.050A2) Building materials:50 80 80 ground floor (%) (21A.37.050B1) Building materials:50 upper floors (%) (21A.37.050B2) Glass: ground floor 20 60 60 40 (%) (21A.37.050C1) PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 26 District R-R- Standard RMF-RMF-RMF-RMF-MU-MU-R- (Code Section)30 35 45 75 RB 35 45 MU RO Glass: upper floors 15 (%) (21A.37.050C2) Building entrances (feet)X 75 75 X (21A.37.050D) Blank wall: maximum 15 15 15 15 length (feet) (21A.37.050E) Street facing facade: maximum length (feet) (21A.37.050F) Upper floor step back 10 (feet) (21A.37.050G) Lighting: exterior (21A.37.050H) Lighting: parking lot X X (21A.37.050I) Screening of X X X X mechanical equipment (21A.37.050J) Screening of service X X X X areas (21A.37.050K) Ground floor residential entrances (21A.37.050L) Parking garages or structures (21A.37.050M) PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 27 District R-R- Standard RMF-RMF-RMF-RMF-MU-MU-R- (Code Section)30 35 45 75 RB 35 45 MU RO Residential character in X RB District (21A.37.050N) Entry Features in the X RMF Districts (21A.37.050P) PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 28 ATTACHMENT B: INFORMATIONAL MAPS 1.RMF-30 Zoning Districts PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 29 2. All Multi-Family Residential (RMF) Zoning Districts PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 30 3. RMF-30 Zones in Local Historic Districts PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 31 4. Building Morphology in RMF-30 Areas PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 32 5. Unit Eligibility Maps PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 33 PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 34 6. Multi-Family Zoning Requirements Across the U.S. MULTI-FAMILY ZONING DENSITY (sq. ft. per unit or dwellingCITYPOPULATION LOT WIDTH HEIGHT LOT COVERAGE FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR)DISTRICT unit/acre) San Antonio, TX 1.5 million MF-18 (Limited Density)18 du/acre 50 35 -- MF-25 (Low Density)25 du/acre 50 35 -- San Diego, CA 1.4 million RM-1-1/2/3 (Lower Density)3,000/2,500/2,000 50 30 -0.75/0.9/1.05 RM-2-4/5/6 (Medium Density)1,750/1,500/1,250 50 40 -1.2/1.35/1.5 Austin, TX 950,000 MF-1 (Limited Density)17 du/acre 50 40 45%- MF-2 (Low Density)23 du/acre 50 40 50%- Jacksonville, FL 892,000 RMD-B/C/D (Medium Density)4,400/2,900/2,100 60 45 50%- Columbus, OH 879,000 R-4 2,500 50 35 -- Fort Worth, TX 874,000 CR (Low Density)16 du/acre -36 40%- C (Medium Density)24 du/acre -36 55%- Seattle, WA 725,000 LR1/2/3 (Lowrise)2,200-no min (based on use)-40-18 (by use /location)-0.9-2.0 (based on use and location) Denver, CO 705,000 E-RH-2.5 (Urban Edge Rowhouse)max 10 du / min lot 6,000 50 30 37.50%- E-MU-2.5 (Urban Edge)-50 30 37.50%- U-RH-2.5 (Urban Rowhouse)max 10 du / min lot 6,000 50 35 -- G-RH-3 (General Urban Rowhouse)-50 30 -- G-MU-3 (General Urban)-50 40 -- Washington, DC 694,000 RA-1 (Apartment Low to Moderate --40 40%0.9 Boston, MA 685,000 H-1-40 (Apartment)1,500 -40 -1.0 El Paso, TX 684,000 A-1/2 (Apartment)2,400/1,750 60/50 35 50%- Nashville, TN 668,000 R15/20 15/20 du/acre (1,800/1,500 RH)40 20/30 (3 stories RH)-IRS 0.7 Portland, OR 648,000 R2/3 (Low Density)14.5 (21 w/ bonus)/21.8 (32 w/ bonus)-35/40 45%/50% Oklahoma City, OK 644,000 R-3M (Medium Multi-Family)2,200 100 35 - Lousiville, KY 621,000 R-5A/6 12.01/17.42 35 45 -0.5/0.75 Milwaukee, WI 595,000 RM1/2/3 2,400/1,200 40 (25 RH)/30 (18 45 50% Albuquerque, NM 558,000 R-2 30 du/acre 60 26 0.5 Tuscon, AR 536,000 R-2/3 15/36 du/acre -25/40 75%/70%- Fresno, CA 527,000 RM-1 12-16 du/acre -40 50%- Sacramento, CA 502,000 R-2A/2B/3 17/27/30 du/acre 20 35 50% Mesa, AZ 496,000 RM-2/3/4 15/20/30 du/acre 36 30/40 45%/50%- Kansas City, MO 489,000 R-2.5/1.5 2,500/1,500 40/30 40/45 -- Omaha, NE 467,000 R-WRN (Walkable Residential)2,500 50 35 -- R-6 (Low-Density)2,000 50 45 50%0.5 PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 35 ATTACHMENT C: ANALYSIS OF STANDARDS As per section 21A.50.050, a decision to amend the text of this title or the zoning map by general amendment is a matter committed to the legislative discretion of the city council and is not controlled by any one standard. Factor Finding Rationale 1. Whether a proposed Complies As outlined above in the ‘Key text amendment is Considerations’ section, the consistent with the proposed text amendments purposes, goals,support multiple principles and objectives, and initiatives of Plan Salt Lake (2015). policies of the city as stated through its In addition, these amendments various adopted were born from the immediate planning documents;need to implement the recently- adopted Growing SLC housing plan. Staff finds that the proposed text amendments are consistent with City purposes, goals, and policies. 2. Whether a Complies The proposed text amendments proposed text advance the purpose and intent amendment furthers of the Zoning Ordinance, the specific purpose specifically the following: statements of the zoning ordinance;..to promote the health, safety, morals, convenience, order, prosperity and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of Salt Lake City, to implement the adopted plans of the city… This title is, in addition, intended to: C. Provide adequate light and air; D. Classify land uses and distribute land development and utilization; G. Foster the city’s industrial, business and residential development. The proposed amendments further the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance by PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 36 allowing/fostering well-designed multi-family residential building forms on adequately sized lots in the city. 3. Whether a proposed text Complies The proposed zoning standards amendment is consistent are in line with development with the purposes and principals within the local historic provisions of any applicable overlay, especially in terms of overlay zoning districts compatible development. which may impose Mechanisms are also being additional standards;proposed to limit demolition of existing structures outside of the local historic overlays. 4. The extent to which a Complies The proposed text amendments proposed text amendment directly support the Growing SLC implements best current,housing plan, which is a forward- thinking document when it comes toprofessional practices of addressing affordable housing for allurban planning and design.residents, now and into the future as the City continues to grow. The amendments propose to use elements of a form based code, which has proven success in fostering well- designed, pedestrian-friendly communities across the nation. Additionally, the American Planning Association (APA) recently published a Housing Policy Guide on June 4, 2019. The APA advocates for public policies that create just, healthy, and prosperous communities that expand opportunity for all through good planning and their advocacy is based on adopted positions and principles contained in policy guides. Position 1 within the Housing Policy Guide aligns directly with the proposed text amendments as follows: POSITION 1 – Modernize state and local laws to ensure housing opportunities are available, accessible, and affordable to all. Position 1B – The American Planning Association and its Chapters and Divisions support the modernization of local zoning bylaws and ordinances to increase housing production, while taking local context and conditions into account. While challenging to confront and, ultimately, amend or dismantle exclusionary zoning, rules, and practices, planners must take the lead in modernizing zoning. Local jurisdictions should adopt bylaws or ordinances, policies, and incentives that facilitate a range of housing types and densities and that serve a diversity of housing needs. Local jurisdictions should review and modernize bylaws and ordinances and planners need resources to make updates happen and to ensure PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 37 adequate public engagement occurs. Updates to bylaws and ordinances should address mixed use and multifamily development, including affordability. Updates should also include rezoning for higher densities where there may be existing lower densities. Local jurisdictions should consider reducing or eliminating minimum lot size requirements, reducing minimum dwelling unit requirements, allowing greater height and density and reducing or eliminating off-street minimum parking requirements, and they should specifically identify and eliminate or minimize regulatory obstacles to the establishment of accessory dwelling units, whether attached to or detached from the principal dwelling unit. Local jurisdictions should also allow for and encourage adaptive reuse and use conversions to encourage housing production. Local jurisdictions should also research and analyze, and as part of any zoning amendment, preempt all restrictive covenants and barriers to fair housing and access to housing choice, including barriers to on-street, overnight parking. Location should be addressed without compromising equity or resiliency. Local jurisdictions should consider incorporating into bylaws and ordinances transit-oriented development principles and principles that address the importance of housing location in relation to access and proximity to schools, jobs, parks, transportation, and other critical amenities and resources. States should consider moving to a Housing + Transportation Index when determining affordability. PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 38 ATTACHMENT D: PUBLIC PROCESS AND COMMENTS Notice to Community/Neighborhood Councils: Recognized community-based organizations that contain land zoned RMF-30 were notified of the proposed text amendments via email on February 13, 2019. Upon their request, the changes were presented at the Sugar House Land Use Committee’s March 18th meeting, the East Central Community Council’s March 21st meeting and the Central City Community Council’s April 3rd meeting. No other councils requested a presentation. Formal comments received from the council chairs have been attached. Open House: All recognized community-based organizations were also notified of the proposed text amendments via Open House notices sent on February 14th, 2019. Because these zoning text amendments impact the different areas of the city and not one specific Community or Neighborhood Council, an Open House was held on February 26th, 2019 at the Salt Lake City’s downtown public library. All written comments received have been attached. Focus Group: A focus group with local professionals who have worked in RMF-30 areas previously was held on April 2, 2019. Many felt that the proposed design standards would drive up the cost of units as things like durable building materials and glass drive up the cost of construction. In general, the more requirements and processes the higher the cost of their units – costs get transferred to the buyer or renter. They also suggested clarifying some of the design standards. At times they can be vague and it’s unclear if a certain design or material would qualify. In terms of the proposed unit bonus, some were enthusiastic about working with existing structures while others only work with new construction. The restoration of existing units can also be expensive and drive up costs. It is, however, more profitable to build/restore smaller units. Most were on board with all of the new proposed building forms, especially tiny homes. Parking and fire regulations are two things that could stop this kind of infill development. They suggested reduced parking requirements for preserving a unit and reduced parking in general. Planning Commission Notice of the public hearing for the proposal included: Agenda posted on the Planning Division and Utah Public Meeting Notice websites on June 14th, 2019. Newspaper notice ran on June 15th, 2019. Public Input: Throughout the engagement process, there has been general public input both in favor and against the proposed text amendments. Community concerns that were heard the most have been described under the Key Considerations section of this report. Formal comments submitted by community members have been included as a part of this attachment below. Commission Briefings: The following points and recommendations were made during briefings with the Planning Commission and Historic Landmark Commission where they were asked for their direct feedback on the proposed changes. PC Briefing – December 12, 2018 Second-floor balconies may not an appropriate design requirement in low density residential zoning districts like RMF-30 PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 39 Requiring certain building forms and design standards may counteract the a goal of facilitating affordable housing – may be too restrictive The 20% glass requirements on front facades may be too high Cottage units may be limited further in size General interest in allowing tiny house building forms on smaller size lots Should somehow mitigate the impact of long interior walls of side oriented row houses – interior walls are also very visible from the public way Not confident in allowing side oriented row houses per more design guidelines and administrative review alone because design is objective and these forms may need a closer level Commission review Re-review minimum lot width requirements Re-review standards for creating lots without public streets frontage Access easements for lots without public street frontage should be recorded on the plat Suggested looking into decreasing lot area requirements for multi-family uses Suggested having different standards for lots abutting single-family zoning districts rezone certain areas to be more or less dense Over time, Central City might all be up-zoned Other zoning standards could be relaxed when buildings are preserved – amount of vegetation in the park strip could be relaxed HLC Briefing – May 2, 2019 Two parking spaces per unit is too high for cottage developments Parking can drive an entire development – on the cusp of radical change in terms of living preferences and parking May utilize a shared parking arrangement in between buildings on a site EIFS isn’t always a bad material – can be getting into the minutia by regulating EIFS Stucco, Hardie plank, Hardie lap and any cementitious siding can work well Existing building envelopes, especially in terms of scale and form, should be maintained Side oriented row houses can have a negative impact on adjacent neighbors New driveways too close to property lines can have negative impact on historic homes Side oriented row houses should have smaller side yard setbacks than 10’ and 10’ Generally in favor of tiny house forms Unit bonus shouldn’t create an explosion of housing as some might think PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 40 March 25, 2019 TO: Salt Lake City Planning Commission FROM: Judi Short, Land Use Chair, Sugar House Community Council RE: RMF 30 Zoning Update We have reviewed this proposal at our LUZ meeting on March 18, and I also sent it out to the trustees on our council who live in affected neighborhoods. I got a few comments back. One said, “Judi, I’ve been talking to folks and attended the open house tonight. I’m not sure this is a huge deal for people in my neighborhood. Many of the people I spoke to seem to be okay with it. I’ll keep trying to get a feel for the neighbors’ sentiment. Thanks.” The other told me that she had talked to a number of the people in the area who seemed to feel like these were welcome changes. She was referring to the areas along 700 East on both sides, and 900 East on the West side. The committee members discussed through the month the 700 East and 900 East locations. We seemed to feel that these were mostly large and deep lots that could stand to be renovated. The parcels that have been already upgraded were welcomed. We don’t like the “shipping container” look, and feel that more care can be taken to design something attractive. Even though these are heavily trafficked streets, that doesn’t give a builder license to build the cheapest project and charge the highest price the market will bear. There are other areas in Sugar House where we did not feel any changes would be coming for many years. They were the Graystone Condos, built in 1960, and the condos all along Elizabeth Street built in 1971, as well as the Forest Glen Condos along the freeway, built in about 1978. I have been in a number of those units, and walked through these developments. Each unit is owner occupied, and very well maintained. Even though these are older buildings, no one seemed to feel like they were at risk of being redeveloped in the next 20 years. And, if we look at the layout of these, they are very close together, three stories. The only thing that might be worrisome is this ordinance would allow buildings closer together. That might eliminate some of the green space. These have very formidable condominium associations, and I think that would be difficult to change. No one could imagine taking one of the buildings down and building something different. The last parcel I want to bring your attention to is Allen Park, located across from Westminster College along 1300 East. This is an 8 acre parcel, built in the 1930’s by Dr. George Allen, who collected birds, and later donated them to form what is now Tracy Aviary. And, it has a big riparian corridor right through the middle of it, which identifies a big, no-build zone. The existing buildings are historic, but certainly not up to code. A few are probably worth saving and restoring, especially the log home. This parcel needs to be removed from consideration. By definition, you can’t leave space for the riparian corridor and still cram in a ton of new housing at the density this projected code change would encourage. This needs some thoughtful historic preservation, to maintain the ambiance (without rats and peacocks), and with careful design, could add a number of very large, high-end homes that could be a real asset to the city, and Sugar House. Figure out a way to remove Allen Park from this plan. The litigation over this parcel could go on for years, but it needs to be protected now. PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 41 OPEN HOUSE PUBLIC COMMENT FORM February 26, 2019 Planning Division Department of Community and Neighborhoods RMF-30 Text Amendment Name:C\enn¥ ￿1ae￿ Address: ￿l,/4-' Phone: ________E-mail Comments:/ ￿ WOti fd (.ti£ /k: C.iy Jo <!tm J /cle,, Sfa-￿"ad /J:fterPJ--1-- ￿￿-I- fie ±!}, y hoi,,_¥S ￿ o«:.Q(Gr-c/q h k & d CPI: en v, v-a fl,,.£Jn+-r I Iv {}kflJA;If- -hh y hofl.us 4,-e ￿-q_/t_cf t;h ￿ aJ SJ.YlW-￿y I ￿_.c:s u.!_IZ!_ q/V'f:<(S ¥e< {(J - ro ￿< m,￿ ,sf UJ?re qooka,e M ￿ PtZ ￿C. &f prD-/it .Tin;ko¼Jes 3/1 faAf'i 'frmXfW cv,,cJ_￿ · e -CffA.. -Ye rS-e!u.S> 1;;, ￿+--r￿ Please provide your contact information so we can notify you of other me tings or he · gs on this issue. You may submit this sheet before the end of the Open House, or you can provide your comments via e-mail at lauren .parisi@slcgov .com or via mail at the following address: Lauren Parisi, Salt Lake City Planning Division, PO Box 145480, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-5480. PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 42 Name: OPEN HOUSE PUBLIC COMMENT FORM February 26, 2019 Planning Division Department of Community and Neighborhoods F-30 Text Amendment '(￿MtA￿ltSCO Address: Phone: - ------- ---:l'- E m Comments: ￿Jo-es /(Jo-I- /JV'OV( -+.QAA 0-«i-J /4 tAJ ￿￿V9 VO e C w ￿VQ, o<J sc·￿ +,7arkAJt tU i{ s I ;t; tJ /2 a ￿{).y ..uev,clJ;-e..rr ✓￿ ;c/4 , 1 Please provide your1contact infonnation so we can notify you of other meetings or hearings on this issue. You may submit this sheet before the end of the Open House, or you can provide your comments via e-mail at lauren.paiisi@s lcgov.com or via mail at the following address: Lauren Parisi, Salt Lake City Planning Division, PO Box 145480, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-5480. PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 43 OPEN HOUSE PUBLIC COMMENT FORM February 26, 2019 Planning Division Department of Community and NeighborhoodsRMF-30 Text Amendment ￿b ￿C{W_ (00 ( '2t/}1xz£ C ,ft [ vfNtVV\V 'Ill f-/ (CU'll{ I)Name: ClNC\J￿- cv-￿ Address: Phone: ______________- Zip Code ___ Email \ UJ￿\\ s·￿ "1) ±\f v/2:\:) (fur S￿ li￿ Ct2￿)J b<__ Comments: (M<D12 \w V>lf .a"" ttD:b1 ? &.. )\f\A,), ) Cb b.-0 ,(-.t4 ￿ 11,cc￿￿ S￿￿A=h.0Y\PO ￿ We ￿￿f 9.e4t-￿ c\.lU!n, c\c) \)AQ t?Lil t)Gfef'.Y:l °'l,ev￿l￿ u:r ￿ S"-t@(.µ.[\ W] ￿￿R hM￿tt￿ vn ((Y->\0-.5¼ c;{/ JlrA') =t:f so I ￿ w ￿ L\ ￿ s ow:￿"'-\Y￿ Please provide your contact infonnation so we can notify you of other meetings or hearings on this issue. You may submit this. sheet before the end of the Open House, or you can provide your comments via e-mail at lauren.parisi@slcgov.com or via mail at the following address: Lauren Parisi, Salt Lake City Planning Division, PO Box 145480, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-5480. PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 44 OPEN HOUSE PUBLIC COMMENT FORM February 26, 2019 RMF-30 Text Amendment Name:c:=-￿S￿L ￿::c Address: ip Code ________________Z __________ Phone: Comments: 0 ￿S?c:n--￿-￿'C"--.￿ ￿'C>....:::￿￿ c_c,d.c._￿"::::,C\..Q￿'-.--::C2.d-￿ ￿ ￿o...C-￿c._c.._\. c 0 s '1'!'-,C-.;-g__S) I &.a...￿s;:,￿ e"￿ 'm_ S￿ ￿￿\￿, Please provide your contact infonnation so we can notify you of other meetings or hearings on this issue. You may submit this sheet before the end of the Open House, or you can provide your comments via e-mail at lauren.parisi@slcgov.com or via mail at the following address: Lauren Parisi, Salt Lake City Planning Division, PO Box 145480, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-5480. ￿ Q...￿￿￿• <2'-￿ a_ ￿￿￿o.c '-.:- /\-cf:»S"-￿\.-;,-- -...J..._￿￿. ￿￿> ￿ 0PLNPCM2019-00313 err'\Page 45 PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 46 -...•:\ fVo b "'"\co r-e,r_,wr-er1=+1\/Mtlird- f\6t-Mo,.,iuh b(oe,t "'-'4 -P ￿v0￿S C: lv:yjt-•1-er ￿ 1 PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 47 Ian Kaplan via email – 2/14/2019 I had time over the break to review the proposed changes to the RMF zone and have some feedback for you from the architecture/development side. I will be present at the public hearings to voice these matters, but thought it could be of potential use as the document changes prior to public comment. 1. Parking Reductions for Bonus Units/Row-houses. There is no mention of this - but in order to actually accomplish the density you're looking for in the tight lots there needs to be a 1 Stall/Unit regardless of bed count. Many historic examples of cottage style development don't have parking at all and it's the only way they work on tight lots. The proximity to transit helps, but anything outside of transit will be undevelopable. 2. Parking Reductions for preserving existing structures. It's often very difficult to provide additional parking for increased density if preserving the existing structure is a priority. This is where most infill projects hit a road block. Especially if they do not have an Alleyway for access. 3. Tandem Parking Regulations. For lots with access to an alley (and without) - tandem parking can be a great way to increase density and provide additional parking for 2+ bedroom units. It gives the designer a lot more flexibility in site layout. 4. Side Yard Setbacks for Rowhouses. More than half of the RMF-30 lots are between 31-50' wide. With a required side yard setback of 10' for rowhouses, that leave's 30' width for a building. However, take into account a 24' backup for a car coming out of a garage and add that to the 10' setback, and now you only have room for a 16' deep garage stall. That makes more than half of these lots un-developable for the rowhouse. I would suggest a wedding cake setback above 1st story leaving 3' req'd setbacks on the ground floor and 5-8' above that. It would provide opportunity for more diversified building designs instead of a second story cantilever over the garage. 5. Rear yard Setbacks for Cottage Style. The historic cottage style developments typically had two units at the back of the property with front doors turned and oriented to the street. With a 20' setback, you are essentially losing the potential for 2 units in the rear of the property. I believe it would be easier to achieve the desired density of these lots if the rear yard setback was reduced to 10' for cottage style developments. 6. Building Coverage. 50% is very limiting, and will create major difficulty in achieving the desired density on a majority of these lots. Can you eliminate private garages counting towards lot coverage? Is there a way to offset the max. building coverage by subtracting private balconies, or rooftop patio's from the lot coverage? Or can there be an exception for lots that maintain the existing structure in place? 7. Administrative review of existing non-conforming structures when adding density. Not sure how this is covered... but it is a concern of mine when trying to maintain existing structures on a property that may be non-conforming to new setback regulations. 8. Minimum Lot widths - Could there be an exception to the 50' req'd min. lot width for existing parcels? Per Planning Commission review or something... This is becoming a huge barrier to me PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 48 for infill development. I currently have two projects that are exactly 49.5' wide and it is bringing both of them to a grinding halt. Lynn K. Pershing via email – 2/27/2019 I wasn’t able to attend the open house on RMF-30 zoning changes last night. I want to express my deep concern about the RMF-30 zoning change in historic neighborhoods, which include Local historic districts in our City. I do NOT support the proposed zoning changes in historic neighborhoods, both LHD, CCD and those listed on the National Register Of Historic Places. Obtaining Approval of an LHD is a tortuous, extended process. The main purpose of obtaining an LHD is the City’s promise to minimize demolitions of contributing structures and in those areas. Now The City wants to approve SFD demolitions in historic districts? This will be viewed as City hypocrisy. Trust in government will be further eroded and will be deserved. LHD and Character Conservation Districts zoning are in grave danger. They should be considered sacrosanct. My recent review of demolitions of SFD housing in our City in 2018 shows that the vast majority of demolitions have occurred in 84102 (Bryant (6) and Bennion-Douglas)8)) and 84108 portion Yalecrest (8), both neighborhoods listed on the National Register Of Historic Places. I acknowledge, much to my dismay, that these areas have NO City nor state protections against demolitions-an oversight of great proportions that will end the existence of the very SOUL of our City. Allowing RMF-30-like zoning in historic areas has occurred before that you and others creating this zoning change are likely probably too young to have witnessed. In the 1960-70s, historically contributing, architectural significant SFD were demolished to create non compatible apt buildings in the lower Avenues that destroyed the historic environs, neighborhood identity and cohesion. Real estate prices in that area have not recovered to date. The current proposed zoning changes requested will support HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF in our remaining historic districts I strongly urge you to reconsider this zoning change in historic neighborhoods. The claim of “compatible structures” is not viable, as the City has NO definition of “compatibility” in any ordinance (previous discussion with Planning, CAN, Mayor Office). Further, ONLY LHD and CCD have design guidelines concerning “compatibility”. I conclude, therefore, that the claims of ensuring “compatibility” misrepresents and offers false intent of achieving or enforcing any “compatibility” in future developments. Please. Stop the destruction of the SOUL of this City. Historic neighborhoods tell the stories and celebrate the greatness of our City and State. Housing for a diverse City requires a diversity of housing options. SFD in desirable historic areas offer choices to many families who wish to locate into the urban environs in safe, desirable neighborhoods with good public schools. Short term gains to fulfill “affordable housing” needs with long term permanent losses to the City constitutes a grave irreversible loss to our very identity and viable family housing. PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 49 Kirk Huffaker (Executive Director, Preservation Utah) – March 30, 2019 While I provided some comments to you and other staff at the open house, I wanted to follow that up with a brief message that particularly identifies Allen Park in Sugar House's Westminster Heights neighborhood as a sensitive site that should be removed form consideration of rezoning. Allen Park is a site or unique are remarkable historic, architectural, and artistic significance that is located along a designated riparian corridor. I believe the site was zoned RMF-30 prior to the designation of the riparian corridor, and was not appropriately considered at that time for rezoning that would allow the riparian protections to take precedence. I believe this is the opportunity or the Planning Commission to correct this conflict. Thank you for your consideration. Esther Hunter via email (East Central City Chair) – April 2, 2019 Thank you for coming out to the meeting. This community is pretty versed in land use and in between the varied comments I hope you saw the key points we were trying to make. 1. The ECC has zoning on many lots that is incorrect and should have been dealt with years and years ago that has nothing to do with the changes you are making to the specific zones. This is not your issue nor can we fix the past. However, this may cause significant damage to some of this area. This has nothing to do with the changes you are making within the specific zone and everything to do with the zone on various properties. This is not a new issue. We have been saying this for years and attempted to make corrections caused by our long ago council person since this could have all been addressed seamlessly years ago. Since so many people are new to various commissions and staff we tend to repeat ourselves in every letter we write and every statement we make. Speaking of, would you please let me know the names of the two folks who came with you and their positions? I appreciated how you took the feedback and basically said we will take this feedback back. This is the most helpful response. 2. The ECC is not opposed to development. We welcome all types of infill and redevelopment but do feel it needs to be thoughtfully placed so that we do not lose the very precious organically grown community that has developed. It is a jewel in its charm, types of residential options available that allow aging in place as well as proximity to so many beneficial features from senior services, schools, transit to shopping to employment. It is rarity not only in this city/state but across the county. This is why the bad zoning is so frustrating in that the zoning should be protecting the right things and informing the development community where they should focus. 3. The point that Jen made related to affordable housing is a key one. While this is not your key focus, we are hoping you can help carry the message. I know this is beyond the immediate challenge you have been given and the effort the Planning Division will be doing based on the recommendations from the housing plan for all the RMF zones. Most people are repeating the words missing middle. In the ECC we are concerned about the missing middle but also very concerned about workforce housing and affordable housing. In our area it is the workforce housing and affordable housing that tends to be targeted by development. The replacements we have seen shift to market rate housing displacing a great many in our community. It is heart wrenching to look into the eyes of community members who PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 50 have lived in our area for 25-30 years, now much more senior, dependent on the services and the transportation offered in our area that have been literally been given 30 days or less to vacate and now can not find any housing options in the area. Many in the audience last night in their day jobs are expert professionals in their field. Taylor that spoke up related to the ability to build in the new zone so that it can be either affordable or workforce housing is not probable is such an expert. This is true certainly not for a family vs simply a boarding house or small studio more likely for a student population. My suggestion on this front is that maybe a small working group that could give feedback much like you are assembling the development/architectural folks like Ian could provide some feedback that could help. 4. It's all a delicate balance. Way beyond the scope of what you are working on is the viability of the city financially which is a very complicated issue that includes dependence on building permit fees. It would be well if that state as a whole would do better to allow support for the extra wear and tear on everything from our infrastructure to services as our city doubles in size everyday but barring that while the city survives day to day we need to make sure we don't erode the wrong things, key areas of neighborhood being part of that concern. Yda Smith via email – April 19, 2019 I am a resident in Sugar House and am hoping to be involved in the future of Allen Park it terms of advocating for the preservation of the open space, the trees, some of the historic features of the space and even the peacocks, if possible. I know that there are legal issues in terms of who the current owner is but in the meantime there are several of us in the area who are getting organized to see if we can start to move forward with possible options for preserving the beauty of the place and not let it turn into a dreadful housing development with the loss of all the trees, birds, peace and quiet, etc. For example, if the Aviary and/or Preservation Utah were involved in creating a public space it would greatly enhance the quality of life in the area with walking space among the trees and along the stream, space for bicycle riders, and information about the history of the Allen family, and possible exotic birds to enjoy that extend the tradition of the family. The land has a significant legacy with the history of Dr. Allen and the contributions he made to this area including to the Aviary and the Zoo. I can understand the desire to change zoning in the areas on the map for possible rezoning of RMF-30 to create more affordable, smaller unit housing. I can see that Allen Park is marked as one of these areas as well. I would like to state my opinion that Allen Park should not be a part of this process and should be exempt from any changes that would increase the options for building new homes at this time. If there are any meetings associated with this I would like to know about them and attend. Thank you for your time and I look forward to getting more involved in the future plans for this city and to get my neighbors more involved as well. PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 51 ATTACHMENT E: CITY DEPARTMENT COMMENTS The following comments were received from other City divisions/departments with regard to the proposed text amendments: Housing and Neighborhood Development (HAND): Housing Plan: Thank you for citing the Housing Plan (you listed the plans dates as 2017- 2021, but is actually 2018-2022), “all residents of SLC, current and prospective, regardless of race, age, economic status, or physical ability can find a place to call home.” But I think it would be better to note the following Goals and Objectives of the plan that align with this proposal: Goal 1: Reform City practices to promote a responsive, affordable, high-opportunity housing market. o Objective 1. Review and modify land-use and zoning regulations to reflect the affordability needs of a growing, pioneering city. o Objective 2. Remove impediments in City processes to encourage housing development. o Objective 3. Lead in the construction of innovative housing solutions. Additionally, you can cite the Council’s 20 Guiding Principles on Housing Development, adopted in 2017. Below are three that align with this proposal: 6. Create a net increase in affordable housing units while: i. Avoiding displacement of existing affordable housing to the extent possible, and ii. Retaining and expanding the diversity of AMI and innovative housing types. 8. Create a spectrum of housing options for people of all backgrounds and incomes. 16. Identify tools to increase and diversify the total housing supply including housing types that the private market does not sufficiently provide such as family housing in the downtown area, innovative housing types, missing middle housing and middle- to low- income apartments. In summaries and the proposal, I would highlight the standout items/take aways (which are great): Missing middle is not a new type of housing, in fact SLC used to do this very well if you look at the Avenues and Sugarhouse. Most of RMF-30 is well under density that the master plan calls for. By updating these standards, the city hopes to remove some of the zoning barriers that limit new housing developments, while encouraging compatible design and maintain existing housing stock. The city’s deeper lots tend to have a significant amount of underutilize land. Requiring larger lot areas for these types of housing somewhat force developers to building larger units that are less affordable. May encourage more affordable units with smaller footprints. Other thoughts: Do you have any direct positive feedback or input from developers that you can cite? When mentioning “affordable,” it’s helpful to clarify that “they would be more affordable as homeowner or rental units due to a smaller interior square footage and lot size, and/or shared common spaces and amenities, similar to Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing.” PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 52 Fire (Ted Itchon): Thanks for the information, I like to give some input on the above caption. First is thank you for the height requirement. That requirement keeps the customer from providing aerial apparatus roads for their developments. Looking at the Cottage Developments and the Side Oriented Row Homes may be a little more tricky. Because if there are more than 2 residences on a single parcel then there is a Fire Code requirement that we have to apply which is called access. Engineering: No comments. Public Utilities: Public Utilities has just a few concerns and recommendations for the text amendment. Water and sewer service is required for each lot. Two buildings on the same lot will be required to use a single water service and each building with street frontage should have its own sewer lateral. Water and sewer services must have 10 feet of horizontal separation. This should be considered for the lot width reduction and lot size reduction. Lots without street frontage will require an easement from the neighboring lot for water and sewer services. This will also be a requirement for cottage developments. This usually can be identified in the preliminary plat process but will be required in the subdivision improvement plans or 1st building permit. One of the other issues that we are seeing with ADUs, secondary building and buildings without street frontage is the capability for the sewer to drain given the distance to the sewer main from these buildings. Many will not be able to have basements. Some may need to be raised, and in some cases, the adu or additional building cannot meet the requirements. I don’t think we have any problem with any of the language, we want to make sure that applicants consider the utility concerns and obstacles that may come up with some of these changes. The riparian and flood plain ordinances both apply [to Allen Park]. Riparian has some flexibility if it is replacing an existing structure Sustainability: No comments. Transportation: No comments. Zoning (Greg Mikolash 3/11/2019): •The ‘proposed standard’ box should be colored orange to indicate a change from the current ordinance regarding maximum building height. It appears the change for building height is now being proposed to be measured from ‘established grade’ and not ‘finished grade’ and the height changes from ‘the average elevation at each building face’ to ’30 feet’ (but measured to where?). We assume it means ‘30 feet measured as the vertical distance between the top of the roof and the established grade at any given point of lot coverage’. This should be spelled out clearly, since it is left undefined. This proposal will also require changing the Illustration B in 21A.62.050. There is a question of why are we returning to counting the number of building stories for determination of maximum height when this was previously removed from the ordinance due to difficulty in determining what is a basement and what is a story on a sloping lot? Why PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 53 are we proposing to go back to counting building stories over the simple measurement of height? The Zoning Reviewers are concerned about the addition of front yard setback averaging (i.e., prevailing setback—the determination of an unknown, ambiguous dimension) into the RMF zones. Front yard averaging offers no positive benefit to our neighborhoods beyond what can be achieved by choosing a (known, non-ambiguous) fixed dimension. Explaining the rationale behind setback averaging is difficult to explain to customers, and it is even more difficult to obtain adequate information on the plans, showing the averaging of setbacks. Ostensibly, requiring front yard averaging extends the timeframe for issuing permits, where also, many new construction projects become contentious if any entity believes these measurements are incorrect. What is the rationale of adding front yard setback averaging to the multi-family zoning districts? PLNPCM2019-00313 Page 54 3A. PLANNING COMMISSION – JUNE 26, 2019 iii. AGENDA AND MINUTES SALT LAKE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA In Room 326 of the City & County Building June 26, 2019, at 5:30 p.m. (The order of the items may change at the Commission’s discretion) FIELD TRIP - The field trip is scheduled to leave at 4:00 p.m. DINNER - Dinner will be served to the Planning Commissioners and Staff at 5:00 p.m. in Room 126 of the City and County Building. During the dinner break, the Planning Commission may receive training on city planning related topics, including the role and function of the Planning Commission. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 5:30 PM IN ROOM 326 APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR JUNE 12, 2019 REPORT OF THE CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR PUBLIC HEARINGS 1.ADU at approximately 2250 South 1800 East - Lance and Kaelin Frame, owners of the property at 2250 South 1800 East, are requesting Conditional Use approval to construct a detached Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) to the rear of the existing single-family home on site. All ADU proposals in the R-1/7,000 Single- Family Residential zoning district are required to go through the Conditional Use review process. The subject property is located within Council District 7, represented by Amy Fowler. (Planning Staff contact: Ashley Scarff (801) 535-7660 or ashley.scarff@slcgov.com) Case number PLNPCM2019-00263 2.ADU at approximately 64 W Andrew Ave - ASSIST Inc, the representative of the owner of the property, is requesting Conditional Use approval to construct a detached Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) in the rear yard of the home which is located at 64 W Andrew Avenue. All ADU proposals in the R-1/5,000 Single- Family Residential zoning district are required to go through the Conditional Use review process. The subject property is located in within Council District 5, represented by Erin Mendenhall. (Staff contact; Kristina Gilmore at (801) 535-7780 or kristina.gilmore@slcgov.com) Case number PLNPCM2019-00325 3.Text Amendments to the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential District - The purpose of this project is to review the existing zoning requirements in the City’s RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential Zoning District and make amendments to corresponding sections of Salt Lake City’s Zoning Ordinance. The intent of the proposed amendments is to implement the recently adopted Growing SLC; A Five-Year Housing Plan (2018-2022) and remove zoning barriers to new housing development. Proposed amendments include: Introducing design standards for all new development; allowing the construction of new building types including side oriented row houses, cottage developments, and tiny houses; reducing lot size requirements per unit; removing lot width minimum requirements and adding a lot width maximum; allowing more than one primary structure on a lot and the creation of new lots without street frontage; and granting a unit bonus for the retention of an existing structure. The proposed regulation changes will affect sections 21A.24.120 of the zoning ordinance. Related provisions of Title 21A-Zoning may also be amended as part of this petition. (Staff Contact - Lauren Parisi at (801) 535-7226 or lauren.parisi@slcgov.com) Case number PLNPCM2019-00313 The files for the above items are available in the Planning Division offices, room 406 of the City and County Building. Please contact the staff planner for information, Visit the Planning Division’s website at www.slcgov.com /planning for copies of the Planning Commission agendas, staff reports, and minutes. Staff Reports will be posted the Friday prior to the meeting and minutes will be posted two days after they are ratified, which usually occurs at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission. Planning Commission Meetings may be watched live on SLCTV Channel 17; past meetings are recorded and archived, and may be viewed at www.slctv.com. The City & County Building is an accessible facility. People with disabilities may make requests for reasonable accommodation, which may include alternate formats, interpreters, and other auxiliary aids and services. Please make requests at least two business days in advance. To make a request, please contact the Planning Office at 801-535-7757, or relay service 711. SALT LAKE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING City & County Building 451 South State Street, Room 326, Salt Lake City, Utah Wednesday, June 26, 2019 A roll is being kept of all who attended the Planning Commission Meeting. The meeting was called to order at 5:32:00 PM. Audio recordings of the Planning Commission meetings are retained for a period of time. Present for the Planning Commission meeting were: Chairperson Maurine Bachman; Commissioners Weston Clark, Carolynn Hoskins, Matt Lyon, Andres Paredes and Brenda Scheer. Vice Chairperson Sara Urquhart; Commissioners Amy Barry, and Adrienne Bell were excused. Planning Staff members present at the meeting were Wayne Mills, Planning Manager; Paul Nielson, Attorney; Krissy Gilmore, Principal Planner; Ashley Scarff, Principal Planner; Lauren Parisi, Principal Planner; and Marlene Rankins, Administrative Secretary. Field Trip A field trip was held prior to the work session. Planning Commissioners present were: Maurine Bachman, Weston Clark, and Carolynn Hoskins. Staff members in attendance were Wayne Mills, Krissy Gilmore, and Ashley Scarff. ￿2250 South 1800 East - Staff gave an overview of the proposal. ￿64 W Andrew Ave - Staff gave an overview of the proposal. APPROVAL OF THE JUNE 12, 2019, MEETING MINUTES. 5:32:36 PM MOTION 5:32:40 PM Commissioner Scheer moved to approve the June 12, 2019, meeting minutes. Commissioner Clark seconded the motion. Commissioners Lyon, Hoskins, Clark, Scheer and Paredes voted “Aye”. The motion passed unanimously. REPORT OF THE CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR 5:33:07 PM Chairperson Bachman stated she had nothing to report. Vice Chairperson Urquhart was not present. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR 5:33:11 PM Wayne Mills, Planning Manager, informed the commission that we currently have 9 commission members and Planning Staff is currently in the process to assign more. He kindly reminded the commission the importance of attendance. 5:33:48 PM ADU at approximately 2250 South 1800 East - Lance and Kaelin Frame, owners of the property at 2250 South 1800 East, are requesting Conditional Use approval to construct a detached Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) to the rear of the existing single-family home on site. Salt Lake City Planning Commission June 26, 2019 Page 1 ￿How the project was perceived by attendees at the Community Council PUBLIC HEARING 6:21:35 PM Chairperson Bachman opened the Public Hearing; Nicole Zinnanti - Provided additional design detail information and purpose of the requested ADU. Seeing no one else wished to speak; Chairperson Bachman closed the Public Hearing. The Commission and Staff further discussed the following: ￿Legal parking location ￿Parking requirements MOTION 6:26:13 PM Commissioner Hoskins stated, regarding PLNPCM2019-00325 ADU – 64 W Andrew Ave., based on the findings listed in the staff report, the information presented, and input received during the public hearing, I move that the Planning Commission approve the Conditional Use. Final approval of the details noted in the following conditions shall be delegated to the Planning Staff which would be 1-4. Commissioner Lyon seconded the motion. Commissioners Paredes, Scheer, Clark, Hoskins, and Lyon voted “Aye”. The motion passed unanimously. 6:28:42 PM Text Amendments to the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential District - The purpose of this project is to review the existing zoning requirements in the City’s RMF-30 Low Density Multi- Family Residential Zoning District and make amendments to corresponding sections of Salt Lake City’s Zoning Ordinance. The intent of the proposed amendments is to implement the recently adopted Growing SLC; A Five-Year Housing Plan (2018-2022) and remove zoning barriers to new housing development. Proposed amendments include: Introducing design standards for all new development; allowing the construction of new building types including side oriented row houses, cottage developments, and tiny houses; reducing lot size requirements per unit; removing lot width minimum requirements and adding a lot width maximum; allowing more than one primary structure on a lot and the creation of new lots without street frontage; and granting a unit bonus for the retention of an existing structure. The proposed regulation changes will affect sections 21A.24.120 of the zoning ordinance. Related provisions of Title 21A-Zoning may also be amended as part of this petition. (Staff Contact - Lauren Parisi at (801) 535-7226 or lauren.parisi@slcgov.com) Case number PLNPCM2019-00313 Lauren Parisi, Principal Planner, reviewed the petition as outlined in the Staff Report (located in the case file). She stated Staff recommended that the Planning Commission table the item for further information. Salt Lake City Planning Commission June 26, 2019 Page 4 The Commission and Staff discussed the following: ￿Non-conforming uses clarification ￿Parking location ￿Park strips and whether it can be used as parking ￿Tiny house definition clarification ￿Whether tiny houses can be subdivided without street frontage ￿When the last time the zone has been updated PUBLIC HEARING 7:01:00 PM Chairperson Bachman opened the Public Hearing; Lynn Schwarz, Vice Chairperson Sugar House Community Council Land Use and Zoning Committee – Raised concern on how the proposal could reduce existing affordable housing. Also expressed concern regarding reviewing cottage developments and side-oriented row houses administratively instead of going through the planned development process where the public has a chance to review and comment on the proposal. Judi Short, Chairperson of Land Use Sugar House Community Council – Raised concern with the density, parking, and affordability. Would like to see redevelopment along 700 East where some properties are zoned RMF-30. Cindy Cromer – Stated this is the wrong zoning district to start with in trying to increase density in the RMF zones. Current minimum lot size and width requirements are more effective in terms of preserving historic and affordable structures than the local historic overlay. The assumption that economics and tax advantages are not relevant is wrong. Must consider increased construction costs for historic structures and building behind existing properties. There are also multiple master plans that promote preservation that have not been addressed. The 1995 zoning updated downzoned multiple residential neighborhoods. Public hearing was left open for further information. MOTION 7:16:21 PM Commissioner Scheer moved to table the matter for further information. Commissioner Hoskins seconded the motion. The commission further discussed the proposed project. Commissioners Lyon, Hoskins, Clark, Scheer, and Andres voted “Aye”. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:32:19 PM Salt Lake City Planning Commission June 26, 2019 Page 5 3A. PLANNING COMMISSION – JUNE 26, 2019 iv. Public Comments Received After Staff Report Published Cindy Cromer – 6/26/2019 I own 6 properties in the RMF-30 and -35 zoning classifications, all located in National Register Districts. I have managed rental properties since the mid-1970's. I probably have more experience with affordable rental properties than anyone working in this building because of my age. And for the past year and a half, I have been saying to the Planning staff, "This is the wrong place to start in an effort to increase density." I have no objection to increasing density. I can show you the difference in the performance of a building with 4 units and one with 6 units. The handout is a picture of a house of cards. I am asking you to think of the structure as containing the unsubsidized affordable units in the City. Two of the cards holding up the structure are the requirements for minimum lot width and minimum lot size. These two requirements in the existing ordinance are more effective in protecting the existing affordable units than the overlay for an historic district. In fact, we have lost 52 contributory historic structures in the Central City Historic District since it was adopted. The research that the staff has done is meticulous but misguided. We could accomplish more for affordable housing by doing what Dr. Chris Nelson told us to do: redevelop surface parking lots and one-story office buildings. We could provide density bonuses for affordable units or for preservation or for ADA compliant units or for removal of nonconforming uses. It would have been better to begin by examining the RMF-75 which does not occur in the most fragile of our multiple family areas. Much of the RMF-30 zoning doesn't even appear to be multiple family; my own buildings are regularly mistaken for single family residences. At issue: The concept that a district which often appears to be single family should be the starting point for increasing density. That historic district status will protect what is valuable. It has not and will not, especially in Central City and especially when the appeal can be handled by the Mayor who overturned the Landmarks Commission's decisions on 4 historic structures last year. That economics are not relevant to the outcome. What drives landlords, including me, are the tax advantages. Regardless of how valuable a property may be, when the tax advantages through depreciation disappear, an owner is motivated to redevelop the property or to sell it to someone who will. That construction costs are not a deciding factor. You only have to look at the suppression of height in the transit corridors to see that construction costs, not the ordinance, determine the height of buildings. No contractor is going to be willing to work around an existing building without additional compensation. Missing information: Where are design standards working? They are usually, but not always, working in the historic districts. They have not worked well in the transit corridors. How many vacant residential buildings do we have? Salt Lake only keeps track of boarded buildings. What are the obstacles to putting these vacant structures back into service? What is the cost of losing an unsubsidized affordable unit? What are the data on demolitions within the City's adopted historic districts? This information is especially relevant to the Central City, Capitol Hill, and Avenues Historic Districts. What is the effect on construction costs when an existing building remains on the site? What do the Master Plans for the City's planning districts such as the Central Community say about redevelopment? What about the Preservation Plan? What about the City's support for National Register designations, including the funding for the Bennion/Douglas nomination? 3B. PLANNING COMMISSION – SEPTEMBER 25, 2019 i. ORIGINAL NOTICE AND POSTMARK 4770 s. 5600 w. WEST VALLEY CITY, UTAH 84 1J8 FED.TAX l.D.# 87-02 17663 801-204-6910 PROOF OF PUBLICATION CUSTOMER'S COPY I~c_u_sToMER N_AM. E_AND ADDRE s_s______________~ll~----A_cco_UNT_Nu _MB E_R____, PLANNING DIV1SION,9001394298 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PO BOX 145480 DATE SALT LAKE CITY UT 84114 9/16/201 9 IACCOUNT NAME PLANNING DIVISION, ITELEPHONE IORDER #INVOICE NUMBER 8015357759 0001267129 IPUBLICATION SCHED ULE START 09/1 4/2019 END 09/14/2019ICUSTOMER REFERENCE NUMBER 19Planning Commission Meeting 9/25/19 ICAPTION Notice of Public Hearing On Wednesday, September 25, 2019, the Salt Lake City Plannin SIZE 52 LINES 2 COLUMN(S) ITIMES ITOTAL COST 2 135.00 .. Nolb of N>llc: Heartlg On Wednesday, SeoterOOer 25, 2019, lhe Solt' 1.ak• Clly PlaMlng COnmlsslon will hold a public hearing tcconsidermcikingreoou•netldatlons lo lhe Cily COU'lcilregarding lhe following petitions: · 1. Tut Anwd1wds to ... l!Mf..30 Low tlllllnY Mull!-~ lleoldlnllal Dlllrld - The purpose of lhls proied Is lo review 1he existing zoning requirements In lhe Cit· y's RMF·30 Low Density Mulli-F!rnily Reslclenllal Zon-mg District and make ameudmenb lo a>rretf)Olldl~ sections Of Solt 1.ake City's Zoning Ordinance. The in-tent of lhe proposed ameod111ents is lo lf11:11""*1t ..... 111. pie mas!er plan policies fol.old ln Plan Solt Lake varl· ous <X>ITli'U1lty master plans, lhe r- . tly a~c Growing Sl.C; A Five-Year Housing Pion (2018~2622 and remove zoning barrlen to housing development The RMF-30 zoning dlstrlct ls localed lhroughout lh< clly. Proposed Qmet Onerrts Include: • Introducing design stondards for all new develop-~fow1ng lhe ccnstructlon of new building types in. duding sideways row houses, oottage deYelopments and tiny houses; .• ReduClng mlnlnun lot area requirements per ~II;• Removing lot wldlh mlnlnun requirements and add Ing a lot wldlh maxtnun;• Allawlng more than one prinary structure on a lot; • Granting a clensily borus for lhe retention of an ex Isling slnldur..The pr0j)058d regulation changes will affect sections ; 1 A.24.120 of lhe zoning ordinance. Reloled provision of Tiiie 21 A-Zoning may also be amended at pcirt o this petition. \Slaff Contact: Lauren Parisi at (80 l ) 535-7226 or auren.parlsl@slcgov.a>m) em. ....m.Nf'CM2019-oo:n.3 The Plbllc ~ring will begin at 5 :30 p.m. in room 321 of the City Ccu1ly Building, ll.51 SoUlh State Stree1 Salt Lake Oly, VT. The City & County Building Is Oil ao::essible facillly. People wllh dlsabflltles may make requests for reason able aac:onmodatlon. whldl may Include alternate for mots, lnlerpretel's, and other auxiliary aids and serv icm.Please make requests at leml two business do) ln advance . To ·ma1ce a r~. please ocntact th Plamlng Offloe at 801-535-7757, or relay servio 711. 1267129 l.PAXlJ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLJCATION AS NEWSPAPER AGENCY COMPANY, LLC dba UTAH MEDIA GROUP LEGAL BOOKER, I CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED ADVERTI SEMENT OF Notice of Public Hearing On Wednesday, September 25, 2019, the Salt Lake City Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider making recommendations FOR PLANNING DIVISION, WAS PUBLISHED BY THE NEWSPAPER AGENCY COMPANY, LLC dba UTAH MEDIA GROUP, AGENT FOR DESERET NEWS AND THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, DAILY NEWSPAPERS PRINTED IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE WITH GENERAL CIRCULATION IN UTAH, AND PUBLISHED IN SALT LAKE CITY, SALT LAKE COUNTY IN THE STATE OF UTAH. NOTICE IS ALSO POSTED ON UTAHLEGALS.COM ON THE SAME DAY AS THE FIRST NEWSPAPER PUBLICATION DATE AND REMAINS ON UTAHLEGALS.COM INDEFIN ITELY. COMPLIES WITH UTAH DIGITAL SIGNATURE ACT UTAH CODE 46-2- 101 ; 46-3- 104. PUBLISHED ON Start 09/14/2019 End 09/14/2019 DATE 9/1 6/20 19 SIGNATURE ------------ STATE OF UTAH COUNTYOF __S~Al-=JT~L=A~K=E--.._ __ SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME ON THIS 14TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER IN THE YEAR 20 19 BY LORAINE GUDMLJNPSON. JAE LEVI I NOTARY PUBLIC -STATE OFUTAH My Comm. Exp 05/29/2022 NOTARY PUBLIC SIGNATURE®Commission # 700608 3B. PLANNING COMMISSION – SEPTEMBER 25, 2019 ii. MEMORANDUM MEMORANDUM PLANNING DIVISION COMMUNITY & NEIGHBORHOODS TO:Salt Lake City Planning Commission FROM:Lauren Parisi, Principal Planner (801) 535-7226 or lauren.parisi@slcgov.com DATE:September 25, 2019 RE:PLNPCM2019-00313 – Text Amendments to the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential Zoning District ACTION REQUIRED: Consider and make a recommendation to City Council regarding the proposed text amendments to the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential District, Section 21A.24.120 of the Salt Lake City Zoning Ordinance. REQUEST: On June 26th, 2019, the Planning Commission tabled this petition regarding proposed text amendments to the RMF-30 zoning district to allow additional time for staff to fine tune the text amendment language. The language has now been finalized and the proposal has been further updated to address some additional concerns raised by the Planning Commission and members of the public. The request remains generally the same as what was presented at the June meeting as follows: A request by Mayor Jackie Biskupski to review the zoning standards of the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential District and propose amendments in an effort to remove zoning barriers to housing development as recommended within Growing SLC: A Five Year Housing Plan (2018-2022). The proposed text amendments to the RMF-30 District include: 1. Introducing design standards for new development 2. Allowing the construction of compatible multi-family building types including sideways row houses, cottage developments, and tiny houses without special approval 3. Reducing minimum lot area requirements per unit 4. Removing minimum lot width requirements and introducing a lot width maximum 5. Allowing more than one building on a lot without public street frontage 6. Granting a unit bonus for the retention of an existing structure on a lot RECOMMENDATION: Based on the information in the staff report, Planning Staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward on a positive recommendation to the City Council for petition PLNPCM2019-00313 regarding the proposed text amendments to the RMF- 30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential Zoning District. ATTACHMENTS: A.Proposed Text Amendments B.June 26th Planning Commission Staff Report (Detailing Proposed Text Amendments) C.Informational Maps/Photos D.Analysis of Standards E.Central City and Preservation Master Plan Responses F.Public Process and Comments G.City Department Comments PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 1 BACKGROUND: On June 26th, 2019, the Planning Commission tabled this petition regarding proposed text amendments to the RMF-30 zoning district to allow additional time for staff to fine tune the text amendment language, which has now been completed. The proposed text amendments remain generally the same as what was presented at the June meeting and detailed in the original staff report HERE, with the exception of some updates that have been made to address concerns raised by both the Planning Commission and members of the public and that staff feels make for a better proposal. The following section of this memo details each of the larger updates that have been made since the June 26th Planning Commission meeting. KEY CONSIDERATIONS: Major Updates to the Proposed RMF-30 Text Amendments since June 26th Planning Commission 1.Purpose Statement for the RMF-30 Zoning District The general goal of this project is to remove zoning barriers to housing development. Within the RMF-30 zoning district, the more specific goal is to facilitate the development of small-scale, multi-family housing types that are compatible in terms of mass and scale with existing structures in established residential neighborhoods of Salt Lake City. Not only do these smaller- scale housing types “fit in” better with existing development, but they provide for a transitional area between predominantly single-family neighborhoods and larger multi-family housing developments. The allowance of smaller-scale, multi-family housing types also offers a different option for people in various stages of their lives that may not be looking for a large single-family home nor a small studio apartment in a high-rise building. This is something that Plan Salt Lake identifies as a 2040 Target stating, “Increase diversity of housing types for all income levels throughout the city.” Therefore, staff proposes to update the purpose statement for the RMF-30 zoning district to remove the emphasis on number of units allowed per acre – though density will continue to be regulated – and place new emphasis on facilitating a variety of housing types that are compatible with existing development patters as follows: The purpose of the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential zoning district is to provide an area in the city for various multi-family housing types that are small scale in nature and that provide a transition between single-family housing and larger multi-family housing developments. The primary intent of the district is to maintain the existing physical character of established residential neighborhoods in the city, while allowing for incremental growth through the integration of small-scale multi-family building types. The standards for the district are intended to promote new development that is compatible in mass and scale with existing structures in these areas along with a variety of housing options. This district reinforces the walkable nature of multi-family neighborhoods, supports adjacent neighborhood-serving commercial uses, and promotes alternative transportation modes. 2. Standards for Cottage Developments Cottage developments consist of two or more detached dwelling units, where each unit appears to be a small single-family home, arranged around common green or open space. The City would like to encourage this building type as each unit is limited in size and; therefore, works well as compatible infill development and promotes homeownership. Concerns were raised at the June 26th Planning Commission meeting that the parking requirement of two stalls per unit was not feasible on an average sized lot. Planning staff has found that reduced parking requirements are recommended by the professional community to accommodate cottage developments. RMF-30 areas are also typically located close to public transit. Because of these reasons the parking requirement has been reduced to one stall per cottage unit. Additionally, as these units are intended to be smaller in nature, the maximum permitted height has been reduced from 30 feet to 23 feet for a pitched roof and 16 feet for a flat roof. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 2 3. Standards for Sideways Row Houses Sideways row houses consist of attached single-family dwellings that share at least one common wall with an adjacent dwelling unit and where at least one unit’s entry faces a side yard as opposed the front yard. Staff proposes to simplify the name of this building type from “side oriented row house” to “sideways row house” as side oriented can mean different things depending on the specific lot. Per the Planning Commission’s suggestion, staff also removed the delineation standard for sideways row houses that required each dwelling unit to be delineated as its own individual unit through the use of color, materials, articulation, etc. This standard was in place to help break up longer side building walls as not to loom over neighboring properties. Required glass and entry features are also in place to help break up side building walls. Because this delineation standard can restrict design, is difficult to review, and other standards are in place to break up side building walls, it has been removed. 4. Minimum Lot Area Requirements Per the previous proposal presented to the Planning Commission on June 26th, minimum lot area requirements were 2,500 square feet per unit for single-family, two-family and multi- family buildings, and 1,500 square feet per unit for row houses, cottages and tiny houses. However, staff felt that these numbers should be revisited to better align with the density recommendations within the neighborhood master plans. The Central Community Master Plan, where the majority of the RMF-30 properties are located, calls for 10-20 units per acre in areas that have been designated as Low Medium Density Residential, which represents the RMF-30 district. The Sugar House Master Plan designates RMF-30 areas as Medium Density Residential, which calls for 8-20 units per acre. Therefore, the 2,500 square foot requirement (17 units per acre) has been further reduced to 2,000 square feet (21 units per acre), which optimizes the recommendation of this future land use designation. Reducing this requirement to an even 2,000 square feet instead of the exact 20 units per acre at 2,178 square feet also allows the average size lot in the RMF-30 district of 6,114 square feet to accommodate three units as opposed to two. RMF-35 district and 1,000 square feet per unit for the RMF-45 and RMF-75 districts in the future, which also falls in line with the density recommendations in the neighborhood master plans). The requirement for cottages and tiny houses has remained the same at 1,500 square feet per unit. This is because these buildings types are limited in size and can be accommodated on a smaller area of land. Row houses, however, are not limited in size and have a similar impact as a multi-family building, which is why the requirement was increased back to 2,000 square feet per unit Overall, these reduced minimum lot requirements support small- medium building footprints, which aligns with Plan Salt Lake’s housing initiative to “Increase the number of medium density housing types and options.” PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 3 (For future reference, staff anticipates reducing this requirement to 1,500 square feet per unit for the Limited Dwelling Units per Multi-Family Building Common “Multi-Plex” Form Layout As noted in the purpose statement, the RMF-30 zoning district is intended to accommodate small scale multi-family building types. This district is not intended to accommodate very large apartment or condo buildings. With traditional form-based codes, the number of dwelling units are limited within a building type. “Multiplex” building types or small apartment/condo buildings are typically limited to 6-10 units per building. Looking at the multi-family buildings that currently exist in the RMF-30 district, very few have more than eight units. Therefore, in order to encourage compatible development similar to a form-based code, multi-family buildings will be limited to eight units. Unlike a form-based code, minimum lot area requirements will still apply per unit (2,000 sq. ft./unit). If a lot is large enough to accommodate more than eight units, this can be done with multiple buildings on the same lot as long as no building has more than eight units. Questions from the Public and Planning Commission At the June 26th Planning Commission public hearing, multiple questions were asked by both the Commission and members of the public that have been revisited below with more detailed responses. 1. Is existing housing being demolished and replaced with fewer, more expensive units in Salt Lake City? To get a general idea of whether or not this is happening, staff looked into the projects that have gone through the housing mitigation process. Development projects must go through what is referred to as housing mitigation when housing units are demolished and not replaced – either fewer units are rebuilt, the housing is replaced with a commercial use, or not replaced at all. When units are lost, the mitigation process requires that new units are built on a different site in the vicinity or the developer must pay into the city’s housing mitigation fund. Since 2015, 26 projects have gone through the housing mitigation process. That means that there were 26 projects where housing units were demolished without being replaced; however, most of these units were replaced with commercial uses or were demolished because they were deemed a “nuisance” or unsafe. Based on this information, housing units are not being demolished and replaced with fewer units and the city isn’t experiencing a net loss if housing. Nonetheless, members of the public still have concerns that this replacement of existing housing units with fewer, more expensive units will be triggered by the proposed text RMF- 30 text amendments due to the reduced lot area requirements and the ability to accommodate more units on a lot. For example, a building that is “grandfathered in” in terms of density with six relatively affordable units on a 6,000 square foot lot could now be replaced with three larger, more expensive units with the proposed changes as opposed to one unit under current standards. Although circumstances of every development project vary, high demolition and construction costs in addition to the general uncertainty of any new development project may work to encourage rehabilitation over demolition. And though the proposed lot area requirements will allow more units that what is allowed today, many existing multi-family buildings that are grandfathered in with a certain number of units have significantly more units than they could ever have with the proposed changes, which may also discourage demolition even if units could be sold at a higher price. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 4 2. How do the proposed text amendments promote the development of affordable housing units? Though promoting the development of affordable housing is a top priority of the City’s as indicated within the City’s master planning documents, the goal of this project was never to facilitate the development of affordable housing units (or units that cost less than 30% of the average median income (AMI) for the area on a monthly basis). Instead, the general goal of this project was to remove zoning barriers to the development of all types of housing. However, as the law of supply and demand explains, allowing more housing units in general may indirectly increase the availability of affordable units and stabilize rents. One may also consider the economic theory of “filtering,” which says that as new market-rate housing is built, higher-income people move into it and free up more affordable units. In the policy brief, “The Effect of New Market-Rate Housing Construction on the Low-Income Housing Market,” Economist Evan Mast of the Upjohn Institute found that for every 100 new market-rate units built, approximately 70 units are freed up in neighborhoods earning below the area’s median income. This is important to note as data from CBRE shows rental rates are the highest in Salt Lake County and Salt Lake City’s population growth rate is over triple that of the U.S. rate. Additionally, the first housing initiative in Plan Salt Lake states to, “Ensure success to affordable housing citywide.” Properties zoned RMF-30 are scattered across the city and removing zoning barriers within this particular district increases the amount of land available for creative multi-family housing development. This is particularly important as the City looks invest in affordable housing options in high-opportunity neighborhoods where slightly denser housing arrangements like cottage developments are almost impossible to build due to zoning. Finally, smaller lot size requirements may equate to smaller, more affordable units. Overall, the proposed text amendments may indirectly promote the development of affordable units, or at the very least, more affordable units. Removing zoning barriers to housing development is a small piece of the overall housing affordability puzzle and should be implemented in conjunction with other affordability programs in order to make the most meaningful impact. 3. What is being done to encourage the preservation of existing structures with this proposal? Community members have expressed that they feel the existing minimum lot area and lot width standards in the RMF zoning districts that have been in place since 1995 are preserving historic structures in these areas. This is because most lots in the RMF-30 district are well under the 9,000 square feet of land and 80 feet of lot width required to accommodate just three PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 5 units. In fact, almost half of the lots zoned RMF-30 are under the 5,000 square feet of land required to accommodate just one unit or a single-family home. The current lot area and width standards do not allow for change. The RMF zones are meant to accommodate multi- family uses and Salt Lake City is in need of more housing to accommodate its rapidly growing population, which is why these standards must be updated. Staff does acknowledge that reducing lot area and width requirements may lead to some demolition of existing structures. However, different safeguards have been proposed an effort to encourage preservation. First, a lot width maximum of 110’ for new lots has been put in place to discourage the collection of parcels or “land banking” and, subsequently, the demolition of multiple structures to accommodate larger developments. Second, a unit bonus is being offered in conjunction with projects where the existing structure on the lot is preserved. The idea is that this unit bonus would encourage units to be added within or onto existing structures (single-family homes in particular) as opposed to demolishing the structure and rebuilding fewer units than what could be achieved with the bonus. Portland, Oregon is proposing a bonus along the same lines where an increased floor area ratio (FAR) is given for the preservation of an existing structure. Moreover, a third of the parcels zoned RMF-30 are located in a local historic district where demolition must be reviewed and approved by the Historic Landmark Commission. Many other standards are also in place that must be met to accommodate new development besides lot area and lot width including fire and building code standards. Though a lot may now be able to accommodate additional units based on reduced lot area requirements, this does not guarantee new development. 4.Should properties zoned RMF-30 with single-family homes be rezoned to a single- family zoning district? No. The existing land use on a lot does not determine what its zoning classification should be. The properties currently zoned RMF-30 were identified as being able to accommodate multi-family uses based on their location within the city and adequate access to transit, commercial services and public facilities. Salt Lake City’s population is growing and multi-family zoning districts must be in place to accommodate this. Cities across the country are starting to outlaw single-family zoning due to severe housing shortages and this is not a time to downzone multi-family districts. To clarify, this proposal does not include eliminating single-family homes as an allowed use in the RMF-30 district, but instead attempts to facilitate the construction of compatible multi-family structures. Incentives are being offered to encourage preservation of existing structures zoned RMF-30 including single-family houses, but the preservation of areas that can accommodate multi-family uses is also very important. The map above illustrates the discrepancy between the amount of land designated solely for single-family homes (yellow) vs. the amount of land zoned multi-family residential (orange). Single-family zones in yellow will not be affected by the proposed text amendments. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 6 5.What does building typology look like in the RMF-30 zoning district? The Planning Commission mentioned that the different building types being introduced to the RMF-30 zoning district including cottage developments, sideways row houses and tiny houses may not be consistent with the existing building typology we find in RMF neighborhoods. Looking at the existing building types in RMF-30 districts, there is a definite mix of single-family, two-family and multi-family buildings of different sizes and configurations. There are, in fact, existing cottage developments and sideways row houses in these neighborhoods. Moreover, the building types being introduced work well as infill development, which is something the city is working to promote in these areas as opposed to land banking and subsequent demolition. Tiny houses are not typically seen in this district as they would require 5,000 square feet of land to build; however, the community has expressed a significant amount of interest in allowing these building types and staff does not feel that their construction will disrupt the established building typology. The City’s Housing Plan and Plan Salt Lake both specifically call for the allowance a wide variety of housing types for all income levels throughout the city that respond to the shift in demographics we’re seeing in terms of smaller household sizes, longer lifespans, etc. Principal 8 of the Council’s Guiding Principles on Housing Development says to, “Create a spectrum of housing options for people of all backgrounds and incomes,” and Principal 16 says to “Identify tools to increase and diversify the total housing supply including housing types that the private market does not sufficiently provide such as family housing in the downtown area, innovative housing types, missing middle housing and middle- to low-income apartments.” All of the housing types being introduced, including tiny houses, work to achieve this goal. Maximum height requirements, consistent setbacks, and required design elements are also in place to promote compatible street typology. The images below depict all of the different housing types found on a single street in Salt Lake City (Park Street between 8th and 9th South) zoned RMF-30 and Attachment C includes photos of all proposed building types currently zoned RMF-30. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 7 6. How does this proposal align with the goals in the city’s Central Community Master Plan and Community Preservation Plan? It was brought up that although the proposed text amendments may be in line with the City’s Housing Plan, Plan Salt Lake and the City Council’s Principals on Housing Development as detailed on the original staff report, the Central Community and Community Preservation Master Plans were not addressed. The proposal falls in line with the Central Community Master Plan including all four of the residential land use policies as follows: Policy RLU 1.0 – Based on the Future Land Use map, use residential zoning to establish and maintain a variety of housing opportunities that meet social needs and income levels of a diverse population. The proposed text amendments have been crafted to promote missing middle housing or “a range of multi-unit or clustered housing types – compatible is size and scale with detached single-family homes – that help meet the growing demand for walkable urban living” (Opticos Design). Duplexes, triplexes, townhouses, small-scale apartment buildings, etc., not only fit in with lower-scale, single-family neighborhoods in terms of mass, scale, and overall residential character, but offer a different mid-size housing option that is lacking across the city and in high opportunity areas like the Lower Avenues, East Central and Central City. Because the height and footprint of these buildings tend to be smaller, the units also tend to be more affordable and, in theory, increasing the overall housing stock works to stabilize housing prices and ensure that there are units available to a variety of income levels. However, these types of housing are almost impossible to construct under current RMF zoning standards, which is why the RMF-30 district must be updated to allow missing middle housing and better align with this policy. Policy RLU 2.0 – Preserve and protect existing single- and multi- family residential dwellings within the Central Community through codes, regulations, and design review. Existing regulations within single-family zoning districts are not changing per the proposed RMF-30 text amendments and as illustrated on the map on page 6 of this report, single-family zoning districts cover a much larger area of the city than multi- family (RMF) zones. A third of the properties zoned RMF-30 fall within a local historic districts where demolition of existing structure must be approved by the historic landmark commission and is difficult to achieve. For those properties outside of the historic overlay, a density bonus is being offered for retaining the existing structure. A maximum lot width restriction is being added to prevent large, out of scale residential developments, discourage the assembly of parcels and discourage land banking over time. The proposed zoning standards allow for the flexibility to add units within, onto or detached from an existing structure. This flexibility to work with existing structures may promote preservation as opposed to having to demolish to meet current zoning standards. Additionally, as the Master Plan encourages, design standards are being introduced to promote quality, compatible development. Policy RLU 3.0 – Promote construction of a variety of housing options that are compatible with the character of the neighborhoods of the Central Community. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 8 The proposed text amendments promote the development of a variety of housing options that are small scale in nature including cottage developments, row houses and small multi-family buildings. These housing types can not only accommodate more units, but fit in with the physical character of established residential neighborhoods in Central City in terms of mass and scale. Policy RLU 4.0 – Encourage mixed use development that provides residents with a commercial and institutional component while maintaining the residential character of the neighborhood. While the proposed text amendments do not include the allowance of commercial uses within the RFM-30 district, properties within this zoning designation tend to be located near established commercial uses, especially in the Central City neighborhoods. Because of this, these areas tend to be more walkable, which is something that more and more residents are willing to trade for smaller living spaces. Therefore, by allowing more housing in these areas, the city is promoting both the preservation of residential-serving commercial uses and increasing walkability. The city’s Community Preservation Plan encourages the adoption of a wider range of preservation tools. Specifically, Action 1 under this policy states: Action 1. Amend the zoning regulations to allow density bonuses, in the form of an additional unit, for structures in the local historic district or a Landmark Site which are zoned multi-family on lots that would not otherwise allow additional units due to size. Many of the structures outside of local districts – where demolition does not have to be reviewed and approved by the Historic Landmark Commission – are single-family homes. Per the proposed changes to minimum lot area requirements, 544 properties would be eligible to add at least one additional unit on the lot in addition to what is there (see eligibility maps highlighting all properties that could add at least one additional unit on the same lot per the proposed changes in Attachment C). Of those properties, 229 or 42% are currently single-family homes and could add one additional unit per the changes (at 2,000 square feet per unit). The proposed unit bonus targets these homes by allowing the addition of two units within or onto the existing structure instead of demoing what is there and only being able to add one additional unit. Overall, the proposed text amendments have been crafted to achieve a balance between facilitating the construction of more housing units (different housing options) and preserving existing structures along with existing residential character that the Central Community Master Plan and Community Preservation Plan both encourage. More detailed responses to the Central Community Master and Preservation Plan have been included under NEXT STEPS: Because the proposal aligns with the recommendations within City-wide and neighborhood master plans and because staff feels that it achieves the overall goal of facilitating the development of multi-family housing that is compatible in size and scale with existing residential neighborhoods, planning staff is recommending that the Planning Commission forward on a positive recommendation to the City Council. The City Council has the final authority to make changes to the text of the City Code. The recommendation of the Planning Commission for this request will be forwarded to the City Council for their review and decision. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 9 Attachment E. ATTACHMENT A: PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENTS Proposed Changes to the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential Ordinance (21A.24.120) 21A.24.120: RMF-30 LOW DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT: A. Purpose Statement: The purpose of the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential District is to provide an environment suitable for a variety of housing types of a low density nature, including single-family, two-family, and multi-family dwellings, with a maximum height of thirty feet (30'). This district is appropriate in areas where the applicable Master Plan policies recommend multi-family housing with a density of less than fifteen (15) up to twenty (20) dwelling units per acre. Uses are intended to be compatible with the existing scale and intensity of the neighborhood. The standards for the district are intended to provide for safe and comfortable places to live and play, promote sustainable and compatible development patterns and to preserve the existing character of the neighborhood. The purpose of the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential zoning district is to provide an area in the city for various multi-family housing types that are small scale in nature and that provide a transition between single-family housing and larger multi-family housing developments. The primary intent of the district is to maintain the existing physical character of established residential neighborhoods in the city, while allowing for incremental growth through the integration of small scale multi-family building types. The standards for the district are intended to promote new development that is compatible in mass and scale with existing structures in these areas along with a variety of housing options. This district reinforces the walkable nature of multi-family neighborhoods, supports adjacent neighborhood-serving commercial uses, and promotes alternative transportation modes. B. Uses: Uses in the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential District, as specified in section 21A.33.020, "Table Of Permitted And Conditional Uses For Residential Districts", of this title, are permitted subject to the general provisions set forth in section 21A.24.010 of this chapter and this section. C. Multiple Buildings on a Single Parcel: More than one principal building may be located on a single parcel, and are allowed without having public street frontage, provided that all other zoning requirements are met; and, 1. Design Standards: Where new principal buildings do not have public street frontage, design standards applicable to street facing facades in chapter 21A.37 of this title shall be applied to the building face where the primary entrance is located. D. Lot Width Maximum: The width of a new lot shall not exceed one hundred and ten feet (110’). Where more than one lot is created, the combined lot width of adjacent lots within a new subdivision, including area between lots, shall not exceed one hundred and ten feet (110’). E. Density Bonus: To encourage the preservation of existing structures, bonus dwelling units may be granted when an existing principal structure is retained as part of a project that adds at least one additional dwelling unit on the same lot pursuant to the following: PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 10 1. A density bonus may only be requested at the time of filing for a building permit application to add at least one additional unit on a lot where that unit meets the minimum lot area requirement. 2. One (1) bonus unit may be granted for retaining an existing single or two-family structure and two (2) bonus units for retaining an existing multi-family structure. 3. A bonus unit may be added within or attached to the existing principal structure or as a separate building provided that all other applicable zoning requirements are met. Bonus units are not subject to minimum lot area requirements. 4. The addition of a bonus unit to an existing principal structure does not change the building type of that existing structure. 5. Bonus units are exempt from required off-street parking. 6. The exterior building walls and roofline of the existing principal structure must be retained to obtain a bonus unit; however, architectural elements such as window openings and doorways may be modified; dormers may be added; and additions to the rear of the structure are allowed. 7. Any density bonus granted shall be recognized with a zoning certificate. C. Minimum Lot Area And Lot Width: The minimum lot areas and lot widths required in this district are as follows: Minimum Minimum Land Use Lot Area Lot Width Multi-family dwellings 9,000 square feet1 80 feet Municipal service uses, including City utility uses and No minimum No police and fire stations minimum Natural open space and conservation areas, public and No minimum No private minimum Places of worship less than 4 acres in size 12,000 square feet 140 feet Public pedestrian pathways, trails and greenways No minimum No minimum Public/private utility transmission wires, lines, pipes No minimum No and poles minimum Single-family attached dwellings (3 or more)3,000 square feet Interior: 25 per unit feet Corner: 35 feet Single-family detached dwellings 5,000 square feet 50 feet Twin home dwelling 4,000 square feet 25 feet per unit Two-family dwellings 8,000 square feet 50 feet Utility substations and buildings 5,000 square feet 50 feet PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 11 Other permitted or conditional uses as listed in 5,000 square feet 50 feet section 21A.33.020 of this title Qualifying provisions: 1.9,000 square foot minimum for 3 dwelling units plus 3,000 square feet for each additional dwelling unit. F. RMF-30 Building Types: The permitted building types are described in this subsection. Each building type includes a general description and definition. These definitions shall prevail over those in the definitions chapter 21A.62 of this title. 1. Single-Family Dwelling: A detached residential structure that contains one (1) dwelling unit. The structure has an entry facing the street, a front porch or landing, and a front yard. 2. Two-Family Dwelling: A residential structure that contains two (2) dwelling units in a single building. The units may be arranged side by side, up and down, or front and back. Each unit has its own separate entry directly to the outside. Dwellings may be located on separate lots or grouped on one lot. 3. Cottage Development: A unified development that contains a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of eight (8) detached dwelling units with each unit appearing to be a small single- family dwelling with a common green or open space. Dwellings may be located on separate lots or grouped on one lot. a. Additional Development Standards for Cottage Building Forms i.Setbacks Between Individual Cottages: All cottages shall have a minimum setback of eight feet (8') from another cottage. ii.Area: No cottage shall have more than eight hundred and fifty (850) square feet of gross floor area, excluding basement area. iii.Building Entrance: All building entrances shall face a public street or a common open space. iv.Open Space: A minimum of two hundred fifty (250) square feet of common, open space is required per cottage. At least fifty percent (50%) of the open space shall be contiguous and include landscaping, walkways or other amenities intended to serve the residents of the development. v.Parking: A minimum of one (1) off street parking space per unit is required. b. Cottage Units on Individual Lots without Public Street Frontage: Lots without public street frontage may be created to accommodate cottage developments without planned development approval per the following standards. i.Required setbacks in Table 21A.24.120.G shall be applied to the perimeter of the cottage development as opposed to each individual lot within the development. The front and corner yards of the perimeter shall be maintained as landscaped yards. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 12 ii.Lot coverage shall be calculated for the overall development as opposed to each individual lot within the development. iii.Required off street parking stalls for a unit within the cottage development is permitted on any lot within the development. iv.A final subdivision plat is required for any cottage development creating individual lots without public street frontage. The final plat must document the following: 1. The new lot(s) has adequate access to a public street by way of easements or a shared driveway. 2. A disclosure of private infrastructure costs for any shared infrastructure associated with the new lot(s) per section 21A.55.110 of this title is submitted with the preliminary subdivision plat. 4. Row House: A series of attached single-family dwellings that share at least one common wall with an adjacent dwelling unit and where each unit’s entry faces a public street. A row house contains a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of six (6) residential dwelling units in order to maintain the scale found within the RMF-30 zoning district. Each unit may be on its own lot; however, each lot must have frontage on a public street unless approved as a planned development. 5. Sideways Row House: A series of attached single-family dwellings that share at least one common wall with an adjacent dwelling unit and where each unit’s entry faces a side yard as opposed the front yard. A sideways row house contains a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of six (6) residential dwelling units in order to maintain the scale found within the RMF-30 zoning district. Each unit may be on its own lot. a. Additional Development Standards for Sideways Row House Building Forms: i.Setbacks: Setbacks shall be applied as depicted in Reference Illustration 21A.24.120B. The interior side yard setbacks shall be ten feet (10’) on one side and six feet (6’) on the other. A sideways row house is not subject to provision 21A.24.H of this section regarding buildings with side entries. ii.Front Building Entry: The unit adjacent to a public street shall have its primary entrance on the street facing façade of the building with an entry feature per chapter 21A.37 of this title. iii.Garage Doors: Garage doors are prohibited on the façade of the building that is parallel to, or located along, a public street. iv.Required Glass: Ground and upper floor glass requirements shall apply per section 21A.37.060 and table 21A.37.060 of this title to the front and interior facades of a sideways row house. b. Sideways Row House Units on Individual Lots without Public Street Frontage: Lots without public street frontage may be created to accommodate sideways row houses without planned development approval per the following standards. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 13 i.Required setbacks shall be applied to the perimeter of the row house development as opposed to each individual lot within the development. The front and corner side yards of the perimeter shall be maintained as landscaped yards. ii.Lot coverage shall be calculated for the overall development as opposed to each individual lot within the development. iii.Required off street parking for a unit within the row house development is permitted on any lot within the development. iv.A final subdivision plat is required for any row house development creating individual lots without public street frontage. The final plat must document the following: 1. The new lot(s) has adequate access to a public street by way of easements or a shared driveway. 2. A disclosure of private infrastructure costs for any shared infrastructure associated with the new lot(s) per section 21A.55.110 of this title is submitted with the preliminary subdivision plat. REFERENCE ILLUSTRATION 21A.24.120B Required Setbacks for Public Street (Normal) Facing Row House PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 14 Required Setbacks for Sideways Row House F = Front Yard Adjacent to a Public Street S = Side Yard R = Rear Yard 6. Multi-Family Residential: A multi-family residential structure containing at least three (3) dwelling units that may be arranged in a number of configurations. A maximum of eight (8) dwellings units are allowed in each multi-family residential building. 7. Tiny House: A detached residential structure that contains one (1) dwelling unit with a permanent foundation that is 400 square feet or less in usable floor area excluding lofted space. The structure has a single entry facing the street, an alley or open space on a lot, but shall not face an interior property line. i.Additional Development Standards for Tiny House Forms: ii.Balconies and Decks: Balconies and decks shall not exceed eighty (80) square feet in size when located above the ground level of the buildings and shall be located a minimum of ten feet (10') from a side or rear yard lot line unless the applicable side or rear yard lot line is adjacent to an alley. iii.Rooftop Decks: Rooftop decks on tiny houses are prohibited. iv.Parking: A minimum of one (1) off street parking space per unit is required. 8. Non Residential Building: A building that houses a non-residential use either permitted or permitted as a conditional use in the underlying zoning district. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 15 D. Maximum Building Height: The maximum building height permitted in this district is thirty feet (30'). E. Minimum Yard Requirements: 1. Front Yard: Twenty feet (20'). 2. Corner Side Yard: Ten feet (10'). 3. Interior Side Yard: a. Single-family detached and two-family dwellings: (1) Interior lots: Four feet (4') on one side and ten feet (10') on the other. (2) Corner lots: Four feet (4'). b. Single-family attached: No yard is required, however if one is provided it shall not be less than four feet (4'). c. Twin home dwelling: No yard is required along one side lot line. A ten foot (10') yard is required on the other. d. Multi-family dwelling: Ten feet (10') on each side. e. All other permitted and conditional uses: Ten feet (10') on each side. 4. Rear Yard: Twenty five percent (25%) of the lot depth, but not less than twenty feet (20') and need not exceed twenty five feet (25'). 5. Accessory Buildings And Structures In Yards: Accessory buildings and structures may be located in a required yard subject to section 21A.36.020, table 21A.36.020B, "Obstructions In Required Yards", of this title. F. Required Landscape Yards: The front and corner side yards shall be maintained as landscape yards. G. Maximum Building Coverage: 1. Single-Family Detached: The surface coverage of all principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed forty five percent (45%) of the lot area. 2. Single-Family Attached Dwellings: The surface coverage of all principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the lot area. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 16 3. Two-Family And Twin Home Dwellings: The surface coverage of all principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the lot area. 4. Multi-Family Dwellings: The surface coverage of all principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed forty percent (40%) of the lot area. 5. Existing Dwellings: For dwellings existing on April 12, 1995, the coverage of such existing buildings shall be considered legally conforming. 6. Nonresidential Land Uses: The surface coverage of all principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the lot area. H. Landscape Buffers: For multiple-family uses where a lot abuts a lot in a single-family or two-family residential district, a landscape buffer shall be provided in accordance with chapter 21A.48 of this title. G. Building Type Standards: Building type standards are listed in table 21A.24.120.H of this section. Table 21A.24.120.G RMF-30 Building Type Standards Building Type Single-Two-Multi-Row Sideways Row Cottage Tiny NonBuildingFamilyFamilyFamilyHouse1House1Development1House1Residential Regulation Dwelling Dwelling Residential Building H Height 30’Pitched Roof-16’30’ 23’ Flat Roof-16’ F Front yard 20’ or the average of the block face setback C Corner 10’ side yard setback S Interior 4’ on one side 10’4’6’ on one side 4’10’ side 10’ on the other 10’ on theyardother setback R Rear yard Minimum of 20% lot depth, need not exceed 25'10’Minimum of 20% lot depth, need not exceed 25’ PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 17 L Minimum 2,000 sq. ft. per dwelling unit 1,500 sq. ft. per 5,000 sq. lot size2 dwelling unit ft. per building DU Maximum 1 2 8 6 8 per 1 n/a Dwelling development Units per Form BC Maximum 50% Building Coverage LY Required The front and corner side yards shall be maintained as landscape yards. Landscaped Yards LB Landscape X X X Buffers per subsection 21A.48.080C of this title. G AttachedGarage doors accessed from the front or corner side yard shall be no wider than 50% of Garagesthe front facade of the structure and set back at least 5' from the street facing building facade and at least 20' from the property line. Interior side loaded garages are permitted. DS Design All new buildings are subject to applicable design standards in chapter 21A.37 of this title. Standards Notes: 1. See subsection 21A.24.120F of this title for additional standards 2. Minimum lot size may be calculated for a development as whole as opposed to each individual lot within a development. I. Additional Lot Area Requirements: No minimum lot area is required for public or private natural open space and conservation areas; public pedestrian pathways, trails, greenways, parks and community gardens; or, public or private utility transmission wires, lines, pipes, poles and utility buildings or structures. J. Accessory Buildings And Structures In Yards: Accessory buildings and structures may be located in a required yard subject to section 21A.36.020, table 21A.36.020B, "Obstructions In Required Yards", of this title J. Accessory Uses, Buildings And Structures: All accessory uses, buildings and structures shall comply with the applicable standards in chapter 21A.40 and section 21A.36.020 of this title. (Ord. 66-13, 2013: Ord. 12-11, 2011: Ord. 62-09 §§ 5, 8, 2009: Ord. 61-09 § 6, 2009: Ord. 88-95 § 1 (Exh. A), 1995: Ord. 26-95 § 2(12-11), 1995) PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 18 Chapter 21A.37 DESIGN STANDARDS 21A.37.050: DESIGN STANDARDS DEFINED: The design standards in this chapter are defined as follows. Each design standard includes a specific definition of the standard and may include a graphic that is intended to help further explain the standard, however the definition supersedes any conflict between it and a graphic. P. Entry Features: Each required entrance per section 21A.37.050D of this title shall include a permitted entry feature with a walkway connected to a public sidewalk and exterior lighting that highlights the entryway(s). Where buildings are located on a corner lot, only one of the street facing facades must include an entry feature. Where a building does not have direct public street frontage, the entry feature should be applied to the façade where the primary entrance is determined to be located. A two-family dwelling arranged side by side, row house and cottage development shall include at least one entry feature per dwelling unit. 1. Permitted Encroachments: A permitted entry feature may encroach up to five feet (5') into a required front yard; however, in no case shall an encroachment be closer than five feet (5’) to a front property line. A covered entry feature encroaching into a front yard may not be enclosed. 2. Permitted Entry Features: a. Covered Porch – A covered, raised porch structure with or without railings spanning at least a third the length of the front building façade. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 19 b. Portico – A structure with a roof protruding over the building entry supported by columns over a landing or walkway. c. Awning or Canopy – A cover suspended above the building entry over a landing or walkway where the wall(s) around the entry project out or recess in by at least one foot (1’) from the front building plane. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 20 d. Emphasized Doorway – A doorway that is recessed by at least ten inches (10’’) from the front building plane and architecturally emphasized with a doorframe of a different material than the front façade, differentiated patterns or brickwork around the door, and/or sidelights. Doorways need not be recessed more than six inches (6’’) on a tiny house. 21A.37.060: DESIGN STANDARDS REQUIRED IN EACH ZONING DISTRICT: This section identifies each design standard and to which zoning districts the standard applies. If a box is checked, that standard is required. If a box is not checked, it is not required. If a specific dimension or detail of a design standard differs among zoning districts or differs from the definition, it will be indicated within the box. In cases when a dimension in this table conflicts with a dimension in the definition, the dimensions listed in the table supersede those in the definition. TABLE 21A.37.060 A. Residential districts: Standard (Code Section) Ground floor use (%) (21A.37.050A1) District R-R- RMF-RMF-RMF-RMF-MU-MU-R- 30 35 45 75 RB 35 45 MU RO 75 75 PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 21 District R-R- Standard RMF-RMF-RMF-RMF-MU-MU-R- (Code Section)30 35 45 75 RB 35 45 MU RO Ground floor use + visual interest (%) (21A.37.050A2) Building materials:50 80 80 ground floor (%) (21A.37.050B1) Building materials:50 upper floors (%) (21A.37.050B2) Glass: ground floor 20 60 60 40 (%) (21A.37.050C1) Glass: upper floors 15 (%) (21A.37.050C2) Building entrances (feet)X 75 75 X (21A.37.050D) Blank wall: maximum 15 15 15 15 length (feet) (21A.37.050E) Street facing facade: maximum length (feet) (21A.37.050F) Upper floor step back 10 (feet) (21A.37.050G) Lighting: exterior (21A.37.050H) PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 22 District R-R- Standard RMF-RMF-RMF-RMF-MU-MU-R- (Code Section)30 35 45 75 RB 35 45 MU RO Lighting: parking lot X X (21A.37.050I) Screening of X X X X mechanical equipment (21A.37.050J) Screening of service X X X X areas (21A.37.050K) Ground floor residential entrances (21A.37.050L) Parking garages or structures (21A.37.050M) Residential character in X RB District (21A.37.050N) Entry Features X (21A.37.050P) PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 23 ATTACHMENT B: JUNE 26TH PC STAFF REPORT PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 24 Staff Report PLANNING DIVISION COMMUNITY & NEIGHBORHOODS TO:Salt Lake City Planning Commission FROM:Lauren Parisi, Principal Planner DATE:June 26th, 2019 RE:PLNPCM2019-00313 - Text Amendments to the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential Zoning District ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT PROPERTY ADDRESS: City-Wide PARCEL ID: N/A MASTER PLAN: Growing SLC: A Five Year Housing Plan 2018-2022 / Plan Salt Lake ZONING DISTRICT: RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential REQUEST: A request by Mayor Jackie Biskupski to review the zoning standards of the RMF- 30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential District and propose amendments in an effort to remove zoning barriers to housing development as recommended within Growing SLC: A Five Year Housing Plan (2018-2022). The proposed text amendments to the RMF-30 District include: 1. Introducing design standards for all new development 2. Allowing the construction of new building types including side oriented row houses, cottage developments, and tiny houses without special approval 3. Reducing lot size requirements 4. Removing lot width minimums 5. Allowing more than one building on a lot without planned development approval 6. Granting a unit bonus for the retention of a structure on a lot 7. Introducing a maximum lot width for newly created lots RECOMMENDATION: At this time, staff recommends that the Planning Commission table petition PLNPCM2019-00313 regarding updates to the RMF-30 Low Density Multi- Family Residential Zoning District and make a recommendation to City Council at a later date once the proposed text amendments have been finalized. ATTACHMENTS: A.Proposed Text Amendments B.Informational Maps C.Analysis of Standards D.Public Process and Comments E.City Department Comments PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 25 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this project is to review the zoning standards within the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential District and propose amendments in an effort to remove zoning barriers to housing development as recommended within Growing SLC: A Five Year Housing Plan (2018-2022). For some time, staff has recognized that many of the zoning standards within the city’s four multi-family residential (RMF) zoning districts can be quite restrictive and limit creative housing development, which is why these amendments are being proposed starting the lowest density RMF-30 district. The goal is to solidify changes to this multi-family district first, and apply similar changes to the rest of the multi-family districts in the near future. A Closer Look at RMF-30. The majority of Salt Lake City’s RMF-30 districts are scattered throughout the northern center of the City – north of Liberty Park, east of the Downtown and west of the University of Utah. There is also a large concentration of RMF-30 just south of 1-80 off of 700 East. City data indicates there are approximately: 1,028 RMF-30 parcels .06 acres (2,613 square feet) or greater – large enough to build upon 331 RMF-30 are located in a local historic district where the demolition of historic structures must be approved by the Historic Landmark Commission 3,212 parcels .06 acres or greater in all RMF-30, -35, -45 and -75 zoning districts. *Larger maps of all of the RMF zoning districts and the RMF-30 lots located within a local historic district can be found in Attachment B. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 26 Lot Size The average lot size in the RMF-30 zone is 6,114 square feet1; however, as illustrated by the distribution graph below, close to half of the lots (487 of 1,028) fall between 3,000 – 6,000 square feet in size. By current standards, the average lot couldn’t accommodate anything more than a single-family home, which requires 5,000 square feet of lot area per unit. Three quarters of the lots (783) couldn’t accommodate a duplex or twin-home, which requires 8,000 square feet of lot area per unit. There is no special process in place to request additional units on a lot if it does not meet these minimum area requirements. Lot Width A similar pattern can be seen with existing lot widths in the city. The average lot width in the RMF-30 zone is 58 feet wide2; however, 662 or 65% of the lots fall between 31 and 50 feet wide – well under the 80-foot lot width requirement to accommodate a multi-family development or 3+ units without special approval. In fact, more than half of the lots are under 50 feet wide, and do not have the width to accommodate a single-family home by current standards. Required lot width can be modified through planned development approval. To note – the total number of lot width measurements is greater than the total number of lots in the RMF-30 district as it accounts for the two sides on every corner lot. Land Use RMF-30 Land Use Historic Designation 1% 20%32%33% 15%64% 35% Single Family Duplex Multifamily Other None Local and National National only 1 66 outlier parcels removed from average over 14,000 square feet in area 2 42 outliers parcels removed with widths less than 25 feet and greater than 250 feet PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 27 Looking at existing land use on the 1,028 parcels in the RMF-30 district, Salt Lake County tax assessor classifies: 565 as single-family homes, 130 as duplexes, 178 as multi-family buildings (3+ units), and 14 as a combination of residential uses and the rest vary in use (vacant, commercial, planned development, etc.). Of those 887 residential properties, 35% or 313 are located in a local historic district where the demolition of historic structures must be reviewed and approved by the City’s Historic Landmark Commission. Missing Middle Housing. With the proposed RMF-30 updates, the City hopes to encourage the development of “missing middle housing” in particular, which has been described as: “Range of multi-unit or clustered housing types compatible in scale with single-family homes that help meet the growing demand for walkable urban living. These types provide diverse housing options along a spectrum of affordability, including duplexes, fourplexes, and [cottage developments], to support walkable communities, locally-serving retail, and public transportation options. Missing Middle Housing provides a solution to the mismatch between the available U.S. housing stock and shifting demographics combined with the growing demand for walkability” (Congress for the New Urbanism). Diagram of Missing Middle Housing Types. Source: Opticos Design, Inc. Missing middle housing is not a new type of housing. It’s housing that exists in Salt Lake City today: duplexes, triplexes, fourplex buildings, townhouses, small-scale apartment buildings, etc. However, more often than not, these housing types are difficult to build because they do not meeting current zoning standards, especially in areas where they’re best suited near the city’s downtown, universities and, of course, public transit. Below are some examples of existing missing middle housing types that “fit in” with their surroundings while providing higher unit counts. Note the number of units that exist on the lot, the number of units that are allowed per current RMF-30 standards. 682-688 E. 700 South – 16 units on 8,429 sq. ft. = 527 sq. ft. per unit Current Allowance – 2 units PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 28 661 S. Green St. –10 units on 27,234 sq. ft. = 2,723 sq. ft. per unit Current Allowance 9 units (separate structures on single lot also not permitted) 852 S. 800 East –12 units on 17,424 sq. ft. = 1,452 sq. ft. per unit Current Allowance 5 units (separate structures on single lot also not permitted) 620 S. Park St. –12 units on 17,877 sq. ft. = 1,490 sq. ft. per unit Current Allowance 5 units PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 29 Proposed RMF-30 Text Amendments. The following section of this report goes into more detail regarding each of the specific updates being proposed to the RMF-30 zoning standards. By updating these standards, the City hopes to remove some of the zoning barriers that limit new housing development, while encouraging compatible design and maintaining existing housing stock. With this in mind, Planning Staff is recommending implementing what could be described as “hybrid” form based standards. Form based codes focus on the regulation of what buildings look like in terms of their compatibility with existing buildings in a neighborhood as well as their relationship with the street or what is referred to as the “public realm.” This differs from traditional zoning approaches, which emphasize the separation of land uses – single-family here, multi-family over there, on this amount of land, etc. With this hybrid approach, the proposed updates work to facilitate the development of slightly denser, “missing-middle” housing types that fit in with existing development patterns in the RMF-30 districts, while continuing to regulate required lot area per unit. 1. Design Standards – Promote compatible design with durable building materials. Design standards for new construction are intended to utilize planning and architecture principles to shape and promote a walkable environment in specific zoning districts, foster place making as a community and economic development tool, protect property values, assist in maintaining the established character of the city, and implementing the city's master plans. Design requirements are in place within many of the city’s commercial and mixed-use zoning districts, but not in any of the RMF districts. Therefore, the following design requirements consistent with Chapter 21A.37: Design Standards of the Zoning Ordinance are proposed to be applied to the RMF-30 district: Durable Building Materials – Other than windows and doors, 50% of a new building’s street facing façade shall be clad in durable materials including stone, brick, masonry, textured or patterned, and fiber cement board. Traditional stucco falls under masonry. Other durable materials may be approved at the discretion of the planning director. Glass – All new buildings shall have at least 20% of glass (windows, doors, etc.) on the ground floor street facing façade and 15% on the upper street facing façade. Building Entrances – At least one operable building entrance on the ground floor is required for every street facing façade, which includes corner façades. Blank Wall Maximum – The maximum length of any blank wall uninterrupted by windows, doors, art or architectural detailing at the ground level along any street facing facade is 15 feet. Screening of Mechanical Equipment and Services Areas – All mechanical equipment and service areas shall be screened from public view and sited to minimize their visibility and impact. RMF Entry Features – Along with required building entrances, each entrance shall have one of the following entry features including lighting and a walkway that connects to a public sidewalk: a. Covered Porch – A covered, raised porch structure with or without railings spanning at least a third the length of the front building façade. b. Portico – A structure with a roof protruding over the building entry supported by columns or enclosed by walls over a stoop or walkway. c. Awning or Canopy – A hood or cover suspended above the building entry over a stoop or walkway where the wall(s) around the entry project out or recess in by at least one foot (1’) from the front building plane. d. Emphasized Doorway – A doorway that is recessed by at least one foot (1’) from the front building plane and architecturally emphasized with a doorframe of a different material than the front façade, differentiated patterns or brickwork around the door, and/or sidelights. Doorways need not be recessed more than six inches (6’’) on a tiny house. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 30 2.New Building Forms in RMF-30 – Encourage building forms and arrangements that are compatible with smaller-scale development with lower perceived density. In addition to single-family homes, duplexes, triplexes, apartment buildings, etc., the City would like to encourage three new specific housing types or forms in the RMF-30 zoning district that may allow for slightly higher unit counts, but are also compatible with existing development in the area. These three types include cottage developments, side oriented row houses and tiny houses that otherwise wouldn’t be allowed in RMF districts without special approval. Cottage Developments are currently allowed in the city’s existing Form Based districts and are defined as, “a unified development that contains two (2) or more detached dwelling units with each unit appearing to be a small single-family dwelling with a common green or open space. Dwellings may be located on separate lots or grouped on one lot.” Cottage structures have relatively small footprints and are grouped in a communal fashion on a lot. The following design standards would be applied to these forms including limiting usable floor area to 850 square feet. i. Setbacks Between Cottages: All cottages shall have a minimum setback of eight feet (8') from another cottage. ii. Area: No cottage shall have more than eight hundred fifty (850) square feet of usable floor area. iii. Building Entrance: All building entrances shall face a public street or a common open space. iv. Open Space: A minimum of two hundred fifty (250) square feet of common, open space is required per cottage up to a maximum of one thousand (1,000) square feet. At least fifty percent (50%) of the open space shall be contiguous and include landscaping, walkways or other amenities intended to serve the residents of the development. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 31 Side Oriented Row Houses where the entries of single-family attached units face the side of a lot as opposed to the street are difficult to build in any zoning district because code currently does not allow lots without public street frontage. With intentional design, side oriented row houses can make good use of the long narrow lots in the city while maintaining compatibility with lower-scale residential development. These forms are frequently reviewed by the Planning Commission and just as frequently approved provided that the front-most unit is completely oriented to the street and adequate buffers are maintained around the property. Therefore, it is being proposed that side oriented row houses be allowed by right, per the additional standards below. Keep in mind that these standards will be applied in conjunction with the proposed standards in Chapter 21A.37: Design Standards and a special exception will be required if each unit is on its own lot. i. Interior Setbacks: The interior side yard setbacks (S) shall be ten feet (10’) on one side and six feet (6’) on the other. ii. Front Building Entry: The unit adjacent to a street shall have its primary entrance on the façade of the building parallel to the street with an entry feature per section 21A.37 of this title. iii. Garage Doors: Garage doors are prohibited on the façade facing the front yard area. iv. Delineation: Each dwelling unit shall be delineated as an individual unit through the use of color, materials, articulation of building walls, articulation in building height, lighting, and/or other architectural elements. v. Required Glass: For all floors or levels above the ground floor, a minimum of twenty percent (20%) of all street facing facades must be glass. Interior building facades shall also have a minimum of fifteen (15%) ground floor glass and fifteen (15%) upper floor glass. Tiny Houses are limited by building code to 400 square feet in area excluding lofted space. A tiny home differs from a detached Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) as they are more limited in size and would not have to be owner occupied or associated with a single-family home. These structures would also have a permanent foundation and could not be on wheels. Tiny houses can be built today, but are treated the same as a single-family home and require 5,000 square feet of land area to build. This amount of land is not necessary for a 400 square-foot structure. Therefore, standards are being proposed to allow these structures on smaller lots with reduced setbacks, building height, etc. To note, the public has expressed a lot of interest in building these types of structures, which is another reason why this form is being proposed. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 32 3. Reduced Lot Area Requirements – Allow multi-family housing on average size lots equipped to accommodate multi-family development (3+ units). In most residential zoning districts in the city, the Zoning Ordinance regulates the number of units per square footage of land area – otherwise known as density requirements. Currently, the RMF-30 zone permits one multi-family unit per every 3,000 square feet of land (must have at least 3 units to have a multi-family building or 9,000 square feet of land). Considering that about half of existing lots in the RMF-30 zone fall between 3,000 and 6,000 square feet, these lots couldn’t accommodate anything more than a single-family home. For additional perspective, the existing historic developments on pages 4 and 5 of this report have between 530 to 1,500 square feet of land per unit. The Central Community Master Plan’s future land use designation for these areas also calls for up to 20 units per acre or 2,178 square feet per unit. It is clear that the existing lot area requirements do not promote multi-family housing, which is why this proposal includes reducing the lot area requirements to 2,500 square feet per unit for traditional multi- family units (apartment building and condo buildings) and to 1,500 square feet for row houses, cottage developments and tiny house or building forms that can accommodate more units while remaining compatible with lower density development. This proposal also tends to align with lot area requirements in other urban areas of the country, which generally range from 1,500 to 2,900 square feet per unit. Denver, for example, that utilizes a form based code, allows 10 units maximum on a minimum of 6,000 square feet in similar-type zoning districts. This equates to 6oo square feet of lot area per unit. Staff acknowledges that this proposal for Salt Lake City’s RMF-30 zoning district is relatively moderate in comparison to Denver. Current and proposed lot area requirements have been listed below and a table with lot area requirements across the U.S. can be found in Attachment B. LAND USE CURRENT AREA REQUIREMENT PROPOSED AREA REQUIRED Single-Family 5,000 2,500 Two-Family 8,000 5,000 Multi-Family (Must have at least 3 units)3,000 (9,000 for first 3)2,500 (7,500 for first 3) Single-Family Attached/Row House 3,000 (9,000 for first 3)1,500 (4,500 for first 3) (Must have at least 3 units) Cottage Development (New Form)n/a 1,500 Tiny House (New Form)n/a 1,500 With these changes to lot area, approximately 39% or 345 of the 887 residential RMF-30 properties would become eligible to add at least one more unit in addition to the existing units(s) on the property (excluding the addition of tiny houses). The eligibility maps in Attachment B highlight these eligible parcels in green. Keep in mind that other factors may limit whether or not additional units can be added on a lot including accommodating required setbacks, lot coverage, building and fire code regulations, etc. Additionally, smaller lot size requirements should also promote smaller and more affordable housing units. The City does acknowledge that smaller lot sizes may put additional development pressure on lots with single-family homes, which is why some mechanisms to limit demolition are being introduced as detailed in the changes below. 4. Removal of Required Lot Width – Allow other building requirements to drive lot width and remove this zoning barrier to multi-family housing development. In addition to required lot area, Salt Lake City’s Zoning Ordinance also requires that lots be a certain width for different land uses. Currently, lots are required to be at least 80- 100 feet wide in the City’s Multi-Family PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 33 Residential (RMF) zoning districts to accommodate a new multi-family use (3 or more housing units). The City has found that these current requirements do not reflect the established lot width patterns in the RMF zoning districts as discussed in the Closer Look at RMF-30 section of this report and can, ultimately, impede housing development. For example, the vacant lot pictured above could not be developed with more than three units as it does not have 80 feet of lot width even though it meets the minimum lot size requirements. Many other standards are in place that encourage adequate lot widths and spacing between buildings including required side yard setbacks, driveway widths and building code standards. Therefore, per the proposed updates, minimum lot width requirements would be removed. 5.More Than One Principal Structure On A Lot – Allow for historic development pattern to occur and encourage creative building arrangements. Constructing more than one principal structure on a lot is currently not permitted in RMF districts, unless both structures have public street frontage. The idea behind this is partly to discourage new buildings with poor access and little visibility for general safety purposes. However, Salt Lake City’s deeper lots tend to have a significant amount of underutilized land towards their rear and can have more than adequate access and visibility. Other zoning, building code, and fire regulations besides this limitation on multiple structures on a lot also work together to ensure adequate access and visibility. Constructing more than one building on a lot is characteristic of the historic development pattern and tends to encourage creative housing developments. Today, planned development approval is required for multiple structures on a lot. Therefore, provided that the additional structures meet all other zoning/city department standards, it is being proposed that more than one principal structure be permitted on all lots in the RMF-30 zoning district. 6 & 7 – Mechanisms to Limit Demolition Unit Bonus for the Maintenance of Existing Structures – Incentivize the retention of existing structures and creative housing solutions. In an effort to maintain existing and/or affordable housing stock in the RMF-30 zone – particularly historic or character-contributing buildings – while allowing for some new development, a unit bonus is being proposed to apply when housing is retained. Because the updates to lot area requirements may allow additional units to be added on a lot, this unit bonus will apply when a building permit is applied for to add an additional housing unit(s) to an existing structure – internal or external – that meets lot area requirements and the existing structure on the lot is retained. The idea is that this unit bonus would encourage units to be added onto or within existing structures (single-family homes in particular) as opposed to demolishing the existing structure and rebuilding fewer units than what could be achieved with the bonus. One bonus unit will be granted for the retention of a single-family home or duplex and two bonus units will be grated for the retention of multi-family buildings (3 or more units). Lot Width Maximum – Discurage land banking and the demolition of exsting structures. In an effort to minimize of collection of multiple parcels or “land banking” to accommodate large developments, a lot width maximum is proposed that would limit the widths of new lots to 110 feet wide or less. The maximum would be applied to the development as a whole as opposed to individual lots within a development. Based on average lots widths in the RMF-30 district, this would typically prevent the consolidation of more than two parcels, or three at the very most. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 34 KEY CONSIDERATIONS: The following key considerations have been identified for the Planning Commission’s review and potential discussion. #1. Compliance with Citywide Master Plans Growing SLC: A Five Year Housing Plan (2018-2022) The Growing SLC Housing Plan “outlines…solutions…[for reaching a point] where all residents, current and prospective, regardless of race, age, economic status, or physical ability can find a place to call home. To achieve this goal, the City’s housing policy must address issues of affordability at the root cause, creating long-term solutions for increasing the housing supply, expanding housing opportunities throughout the city, addressing systemic failures in the rental market, and preserving our existing units” (p. 9). The proposed text amendments directly support the following priorities identified in Growing SLC: Goal 1: Reform City practices to promote a responsive, affordable, high-opportunity housing market. Objective 1: Review and modify land-use and zoning regulations to reflect the affordability needs of a growing, pioneering city. o 1.1.1 Develop flexible zoning tools and regulations, with a focus along significant transportation routes. “Land use decisions of the 1990s came about as a reaction to the gradual population decline that occurred over the preceding three decades. Conversely, the city’s population has grown by 20 percent in the last two decades, (the fastest rate of growth in nearly a century) presenting a need for a fundamentally different approach. Household type and makeup has also significantly changed to reflect smaller household sizes in the city. Increasing flexibility around dimensional requirements and code definitions will reduce barriers to housing construction that are unnecessary for achieving city goals, such as neighborhood preservation. A concentrated zoning and land use review is warranted to address these critical issues and to refine code so that it focuses on form and scale of development rather than intended use” (p. 18). o 1.1.2 Develop in-fill ordinances that promote a diverse housing stock, increase housing options, create redevelopment opportunities, and allow additional units within existing structures, while minimizing neighborhood impacts. “In-fill ordinances provide both property owners and developers with options to increase the number of units on particular parcels throughout the city. Such options would also help restore the “missing middle” housing types where new construction has principally been limited to single-family homes and multi- story apartment buildings for decades. Missing middle housing types are those that current zoning practices have either dramatically reduced or eliminated altogether: accessory dwelling units, duplexes, tri-plexes, small multi-plexes, courtyard cottages and bungalows, row houses, and small apartment buildings. Finding a place for these housing types throughout the city means more housing options in Salt Lake City, and restoring choices for a wider variety of household sizes, from seniors to young families. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 35 Apart from traditional infill ordinances, responding to the unusual age, form, and shape of housing stock should be addressed and leveraged to add incremental density in existing structures. This would include options for lot subdivision where there is ample space to build an additional home on a property or alternatively expand rental opportunities in existing structures” (p. 19). Objective 2: Remove impediments in City processes to encourage housing development. o 1.2.1 Create an expedited processing system to increase City access for those developers constructing new affordable units. “Providing developers who build affordable units with a fast-tracked permitting process will decrease the cost of those projects, increasing the likelihood that such projects make it to the market. The process will empower the administration with the authority to waive fees and expedite City procedures” (p. 21). Objective 3. Lead in the construction of innovative housing solutions. o 1.3.1 Lead in the development of new affordable housing types, as well as construction methods that incorporate innovative solutions to issues of form, function, and maintenance. “Additionally, the City will support the development of new or underutilized housing types that meet the unique needs of the diverse communities that live in Salt Lake City. This has already begun with projects that focus on a significant mix of resident incomes and micro- units and could be expanded to include other housing types. Efforts to develop well-designed and well-built homes that serve the changing needs of residents will improve housing choice into the future” (p. 22). Plan Salt Lake (2015): Plan Salt Lake identifies multiple ‘Guiding Principles,’ ‘Targets,’ and ‘Initiatives’ to help the city achieve its vision over the next 25 years. This project supports the following: Guiding Principle 1/Neighborhoods that provide a safe environment, opportunity for social interaction, and services needed for the wellbeing of the community therein. Initiatives: 3. Create a safe and convenient place for people to carry out their daily lives. 5. Support policies that provides people a choice to stay in their home and neighborhood as they grow older and household demographics change. 7. Promote accessible neighborhood services and amenities, including parks, natural lands, and schools. 9. Provide opportunities for and promotion of social interaction. Guiding Principle 2/Growth: Growing responsibly, while providing people with choices about where they live, how they live, and how they get around. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 36 Initiatives: 1. Locate new development in areas with existing infrastructure and amenities, such as transit and transportation corridors. 3. Promote infill and redevelopment of underutilized land. 6. Accommodate and promote an increase in the City’s population. Guiding Principle 3/Housing: Access to a wide variety of housing types for all income levels throughout the city, providing the basic human need for safety and responding to changing demographics. Initiatives: 2. Increase the number of medium density housing types and options. 3. Encourage housing options that accommodate aging in place. 4. Direct new growth toward areas with existing infrastructure and services that have the potential to be people-oriented. 5. Enable moderate density increases within existing neighborhoods where appropriate. Salt Lake City Council’s 20 Guiding Principles on Housing Development (2017) Principal 6 – Create a net increase in affordable housing units while: i. Avoiding displacement of existing affordable housing to the extent possible, and ii. Retaining and expanding the diversity of AMI and innovative housing types. Principal 8 – Create a spectrum of housing options for people of all backgrounds and incomes. Principal 16 – Identify tools to increase and diversify the total housing supply including housing types that the private market does not sufficiently provide such as family housing in the downtown area, innovative housing types, missing middle housing and middle- to low-income apartments. As documented above, the proposed text amendments are in line with goals and objectives outlined in the City’s housing plan. Current lot area and width standards in place make it difficult to develop multi-family housing in the city’s multi-family zoning districts – let alone multi-family development that’s compatible with lower- scale neighborhoods. Yet, not only does the city need more housing in general, there is an increasing demand among millennials and baby boomers alike for smaller, accessible units of higher quality construction that are easier to maintain. The proposed text amendments aim not only remove restrictive zoning barriers to new housing development that the city needs, but to facilitate missing-middle type housing in walkable, desirable neighborhoods where RMF districts tend to be located. #2. Community Concerns – The following concerns regarding the proposed text amendments were voiced by the community throughout the RMF-30 engagement process: Demolition of Existing Housing. With any proposal that allows more housing density in an area, there tends to be concern that existing historic and/or affordable housing will be demolished to make way for larger more expensive housing developments. This is a legitimate concern that has been PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 37 raised by multiple community members throughout the engagement process. At the same time, multi-family zoning districts should allow multi-family development on an average site lot. Per current standards, close to half of the existing lots zoned RMF-30 are less than 6,000 square feet in area and couldn’t accommodate anything more than a single dwelling unit. Close to three-quarters of the lots are less than 8,000 square feet in area and couldn’t accommodate anything more than two units or a duplex. As we see with historic multi-family development already in place throughout the city, the average size lot in the RMF-30 district of 6,114 square feet can and should be able to accommodate more than a single-family home. With all of this in mind, a delicate balance needs to be struck between allowing more housing on adequately sized lots and promoting the preservation of existing structures, which is what this proposal aims to achieve. First, close to a third of lots zoned RMF-30 are located in a local historic district where demolition of structures must be approved by the Historic Landmark Commission. Second, lot area requirements have been strategically reduced the most for single and two-family development (2,500 to 3,000 square-foot reduction), as well as compatible multi-family development including cottage developments, row houses and tiny houses (1,500 square foot reduction). Though compatible, row houses and cottage developments must meet many other design, building code and fire code regulations. Therefore, though the lot area requirements have been reduced the most for these forms, staff does not anticipate widespread demolition to accommodate these forms because they are more difficult to construct. Third, lot area has only been reduced by 500 square feet for multi-family building forms with three or more units. Not only does this promote the smaller building forms, but the proposed 2,500 square feet per unit also remains in line with the Central Community’s Master Plan future land use designation for Low Medium Density Residential of 20 units per acre or 2,178 square feet of lot area per unit. Staff anticipates decreasing lot area requirements further for the RMF-35, -45, and -75 districts as these areas area meant to accommodate higher density. Reducing lot area requirements also makes the proposed density bonus more functional. If an existing lot could accommodate one more unit with the proposed changes to lot area – which is the case of 299 lots zoned RMF-30 with single-family homes – the lot could then have two more units if the existing structure is preserved. This incentive aligns directly with the City’s Housing Plan to “lot subdivision where there is ample space to build an additional home on a property or alternatively expand rental opportunities in existing structures” (p. 19). Finally, the proposed lot width maximum was born directly out of the need to limit land banking and subsequent demolition. Based on average lot width, this maximum would typically prevent more than three lots from being consolidated into one, and subsequently three existing units from being demolished. Affordable Housing Development. Questions were often asked regarding how these text amendments work to promote affordable housing development throughout the engagement process. These amendments do not directly facilitate affordable units per the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) standards3. However, by reducing required lot size per unit, units 3 Housing Affordability - Is the level of homeowner or rental housing prices relative to the level of household income. Housing is considered affordable, when a household is paying no more than 30% of their total gross income towards housing expenses; rent or mortgage and utilities. The 30% of income standard is a widely used and accepted measure of the extent of housing affordability problems across the country. This standard applies to households of any income level. Affordable Housing - Is government-subsidized housing for low-income households. A residential unit is generally considered affordable if the household pays 30% or less of their total gross income towards rent, for eligible households with low, very-low and extremely-low incomes, including low-wage working families, seniors on fixed incomes, veterans, people with disabilities PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 38 themselves might also be smaller and, in turn, more affordable. The three housing types that are being promoted with this amendment including cottage developments, row houses and tiny houses also tend to have smaller footprints. More than anything, these amendments are aimed at facilitating new multi-family housing in general. A greater supply of market rate housing may free up the number of affordable or mid-priced units for those who truly qualify for them. As the City’s Housing Plan acknowledges, introducing flexible zoning regulations is merely a piece of the affordable housing puzzle and the Division of Housing and Neighborhood Development has many other programs in place that work to not only promote, but preserve affordable housing. Preservation of Allen Park. Multiple concerns have been raised regarding the preservation of Allen Park, which is a large 5-acre parcel located across from Westminster College at approximately 1700 South and 1300 East and zoned RMF-30. While open space is certainly important to preserve, the park is private property that could currently be redeveloped with housing without the proposed text amendments. Per current standards, 72 multi-family units could be constructed on the 5-acre lot based on lot area requirements alone. Per proposed standards, 87 multi-family units could be constructed; though, if row house or cottage units were to be development this allowance would increase to 145 units at 1,500 square feet per unit. However, a large stream runs through the property that is protected by riparian corridor regulations, which do not permit principal structures within 50 feet on either side of the stream’s waterline. Though more units could be built under the proposed text amendments, any future development would still be greatly limited due to these riparian regulations. Parking Requirements. Concerns from community members regarding parking requirements go both ways – current requirements are either too much or not enough. The East Central Community Council in particular, where many RMF-30 parcels are located, voiced multiple concerns regarding the lack of street parking in their neighborhoods. Because of this, they do not believe new developments should receive parking reductions for completing transportation demand management strategies. Others, including the Historic Landmark Commission, expressed that if parking requirements are not reduced for multi-family housing, missing-middle-type housing might not be feasible as there’s simply not enough space on a lot to accommodate multiple parking stalls and multiple housing units. Parking will not be updated as a part of this zoning text amendment; however, the parking chapter is being updated at this time per a different text amendment. Staff will work together closely to see how parking can be best accommodate within the city’s RMF districts. NEXT STEPS: Because staff does want to obtain feedback from both the Planning Commission and the public at this time, but also acknowledges that additional fine-tuning must be done to the proposed text amendments, it is recommended that the Planning Commission keep table petition PLNPCM2019-00313 regarding updates to the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential Zoning District and make a positive or negative recommendation to City Council at a later date once the proposed text amendments have been finalized. and those experiencing homeless. There are different kinds of affordable units, including public housing, voucher-subsidized units, or income restricted units. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 39 ATTACHMENT C: INFORMATIONAL MAPS/PHOTOS 1.RMF-30 Zoning Districts PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 40 2. All Multi-Family Residential (RMF) Zoning Districts PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 41 3. RMF-30 Zones in Local Historic Districts PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 42 4. Eligibility Maps (Updated 9/25/2019) PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 43 PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 44 Existing Building Types Zoned RMF 1. Single-Family 637 E. 900 South 845 S. Green St. 2. Two-Family 858 S. Roberta St. 3. Multi-Family (proposed to be limited to 8 units) 682 E. 700 South 836 S. 500 East PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 45 4. Row House 661 S. 500 East 5. Sideways Row House 661 S. Green St. 6. Cottage Development 825 S. 800 East PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 46 ATTACHMENT D: ANALYSIS OF STANDARDS As per section 21A.50.050, a decision to amend the text of this title or the zoning map by general amendment is a matter committed to the legislative discretion of the city council and is not controlled by any one standard. Factor Finding Rationale 1. Whether a proposed Complies As outlined above in the ‘Key text amendment is Considerations’ section of the June consistent with the 26th Planning Commission staff purposes, goals,report, the proposed text objectives, and amendments support multiple policies of the city as principles and initiatives of Plan stated through its Salt Lake (2015). various adopted planning documents;In addition, these amendments were born from the immediate need to implement the recently- adopted Growing SLC housing plan. Staff finds that the proposed text amendments are consistent with City purposes, goals, and policies. 2. Whether a Complies The proposed text amendments proposed text advance the purpose and intent amendment furthers of the Zoning Ordinance, the specific purpose specifically the following: statements of the zoning ordinance;..to promote the health, safety, morals, convenience, order, prosperity and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of Salt Lake City, to implement the adopted plans of the city… This title is, in addition, intended to: C. Provide adequate light and air; D. Classify land uses and distribute land development and utilization; G. Foster the city’s industrial, business and residential development. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 47 The proposed amendments further the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance by allowing/fostering well-designed multi-family residential building forms on adequately sized lots in the city. 3. Whether a proposed text Complies The proposed zoning standards amendment is consistent are in line with development with the purposes and principals within the local historic provisions of any applicable overlay, especially in terms of overlay zoning districts compatible development. which may impose Mechanisms are also being additional standards;proposed to limit demolition of existing structures outside of the local historic overlays. 4. The extent to which a Complies The proposed text amendments proposed text amendment directly support the Growing SLC implements best current,housing plan, which is a forward- thinking document when it comes toprofessional practices of addressing affordable housing for allurban planning and design.residents, now and into the future as the City continues to grow. The amendments propose to use elements of a form based code, which has proven success in fostering well- designed, pedestrian-friendly communities across the nation. Additionally, the American Planning Association (APA) recently published a Housing Policy Guide on June 4, 2019. The APA advocates for public policies that create just, healthy, and prosperous communities that expand opportunity for all through good planning and their advocacy is based on adopted positions and principles contained in policy guides. Position 1 within the Housing Policy Guide aligns directly with the proposed text amendments as follows: POSITION 1 – Modernize state and local laws to ensure housing opportunities are available, accessible, and affordable to all. Position 1B – The American Planning Association and its Chapters and Divisions support the modernization of local zoning bylaws and ordinances to increase housing production, while taking local context and conditions into account. While challenging to confront and, ultimately, amend or dismantle exclusionary zoning, rules, and practices, planners must take the lead in modernizing zoning. Local jurisdictions should adopt bylaws or ordinances, policies, and incentives that facilitate a range of housing types and densities and that serve a PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 48 diversity of housing needs. Local jurisdictions should review and modernize bylaws and ordinances and planners need resources to make updates happen and to ensure adequate public engagement occurs. Updates to bylaws and ordinances should address mixed use and multifamily development, including affordability. Updates should also include rezoning for higher densities where there may be existing lower densities. Local jurisdictions should consider reducing or eliminating minimum lot size requirements, reducing minimum dwelling unit requirements, allowing greater height and density and reducing or eliminating off-street minimum parking requirements, and they should specifically identify and eliminate or minimize regulatory obstacles to the establishment of accessory dwelling units, whether attached to or detached from the principal dwelling unit. Local jurisdictions should also allow for and encourage adaptive reuse and use conversions to encourage housing production. Local jurisdictions should also research and analyze, and as part of any zoning amendment, preempt all restrictive covenants and barriers to fair housing and access to housing choice, including barriers to on-street, overnight parking. Location should be addressed without compromising equity or resiliency. Local jurisdictions should consider incorporating into bylaws and ordinances transit- oriented development principles and principles that address the importance of housing location in relation to access and proximity to schools, jobs, parks, transportation, and other critical amenities and resources. States should consider moving to a Housing + Transportation Index when determining affordability. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 49 ATTACHMENT E: CENTRAL CITY AND PRESERVATION MASTER PLAN RESPONSES RMF-30 Central Community Master Plan Response Future Land Use Low Density Residential (1-15 dwelling units/acre) Low Medium Density Residential (10-20 dwelling units/acre) Medium Density Residential (15-30 dwelling units/acre) *The proposed RMF-30 zoning amendment does lower the square footage requirement for dwelling units to 2,000 square feet. This averages to 21 dwelling units per acre. This average falls between the Low Medium Density Residential and Medium Density Residential, as defined within the Central Community Master Plan. The Central Community Master Plan anticipates a variety of density and zoning solutions that account for both Low Medium and Medium Density Residential future land uses. Livable communities and neighborhoods A variety of residential land use supports all types of housing and the affordability of the housing stock. o While this master plan notes that it supports all types of housing and the affordability of the housing stock, it has primarily created and preserved single-family residential housing. The proposed RMF-30 amendments create more flexibility to develop and add additional dwelling units to existing structures, sites and for new development. The proposed amendments support and promote a variety of residential land use types and will ideally create and preserve the affordability of existing and new units. Preservation of the housing stock is an integral part of maintaining neighborhood character. o The amendment has built in a bonus unit for the preservation of existing residential structures. As some of the existing housing stock is replaced with new development, the amendments have included design standards to ensure quality construction and neighborhood compatibility. The appropriate transition of multi-family housing with mixed land uses in designated areas supports sustainable development within the community. *The RMF-30 amendments include incentives for preservation of existing structures. This incentive is provided to encourage flexibility for the ability to add units, while still maintaining an existing principal structure. Ideally, this incentive would preserve structures, as well as affordable and market rate units. Compatible development is land uses and structures that are designed and located in a manner consistent with the development patterns, building masses and character of the area in which they are located. *The RMF-30 amendments include design standards for developed building forms that are common and anticipated for the neighborhoods that contain RMF-30 zoning. The height and number of units are limited to reduce the impact of any new development. The limitation of the number of units per multi- family structure will diminish the size of any multi-family development. Additionally, limiting the PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 50 maximum number of dwelling units within one structure ensures compatible development and consistency within neighborhoods. Residents, property owners and business owners provided information to create the following definition for Central Community neighborhoods: A diversified livable neighborhood in the Central Community is one where; education and recreational resources are within walking distances, shopping and employment is close and accessible, pedestrian mobility is safe and a priority, the historic neighborhood fabric is respected and neighborhoods have integrity and identifiable characteristics. *The amendments promote the Central Community neighborhood definition by providing additional opportunities for growth, density and compatible development. The amendments provide for flexibility on lots with existing principal structures, as well as new development. The inclusion of design standards provides enough creativity for contemporary development, while ensuring compatible development within the well-established historic area of Salt Lake City. The addition of new units and development, will create more opportunities for a greater number of individuals. Central City neighborhood planning area Residential Encourage the expansion of the housing stock in ways that are compatible with the historic character of the neighborhood. o The integration of design standards, unit bonus and limitation of number of units promotes this goal. Discourage demolition or loss of housing and the deterioration in the condition of housing units. o The preservation incentive incorporated within these amendments, provide for additional units when the principal structure is preserved. This creates the ability to incentivize the preservation of housing stock and historic structures. Provide more three and four bedroom housing units and public recreational amenities, especially for children. o This is not part of the RMF-30 amendments. Ensure that land-use policies reflect a respect for the eclectic architectural character so that this area does not remain as just an interim zone between Downtown and more desirable neighborhoods to the east and north. o The RMF-30 amendments include design standards that reflect the key features of the eclectic architectural character of the RMF-30 zoning district. Additionally, the design standards are not prescriptive. The standards provide a framework for architects, homeowners and developers to integrate features commonly found within the neighborhood and to incorporate contemporary aspects that reflect their creativity and design goals. This zoning district will function as an interim between single-family residential zoning and the higher density zoning. It contains relatively low scale development opportunity. Ensure that historic preservation is the priority in this area. o A majority of this neighborhood planning area is located within the Central City Local Historic District. This ensures preservation of the contributing structures within the local PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 51 historic district. Additionally, all additions, new development or alterations are subject to historic overlay requirements found in 21A.34. The remaining area is generally located within the National Historic District. The creation and addition of the bonus unit incentive was to offer an additional unit when preserving an existing residential structure. Place special emphasis on buffers, transition zones or insulation to minimize negative impacts from incompatible uses. o The proposed variety of uses and building forms are compatible and anticipated for the subject area. The provided setbacks do not vary from the anticipated separation. East Central North neighborhood planning area Residential Reduce excessive density potential, stabilize the neighborhood, and conserve the neighborhood’s residential character. o The density is in line with the anticipated number of dwelling units per acre. The amendments do conserve the neighborhood’s residential character by promoting lower scale and limitation on density per building form. Ensure new multi-family development is carefully sited, well designed, and compatible in scale. o The amendments include design standards that incorporate compatibility of materials, glazing, entry features and siting. Provide more affordable housing (owner occupied and rental). o This is an aspect that is generally left to Housing and Neighborhood Development; however, with the proposed amendments, planning has decreased the square footage required for development. The decreased square footage, in theory, should decrease the cost of the units for rent or purchase. Additionally, with the creation of an administrative review for units without street frontage and unit bonuses, the land cost should decrease and the number of units should increase. The Central Community Master Plan encourages diversity of use, preservation of historic neighborhoods and buildings, and design excellence to maintain and enhance the quality of living in the Central Community. Urban design and historic preservation neighborhood character and historical integrity, especially when dealing with residential land uses in historic districts. The Central Community Master Plan supports neighborhood and community residential development as an extension of the Salt Lake City Community Housing Plan (2000). The Community Housing Plan provides information, policies, and implementation for the following areas: Housing stock, preservation, rehabilitation and replacement Housing design Affordable and transitional housing The revised housing plan has been adopted and is being implemented. Part of the Five Year Housing Plan, the Planning Division has been tasked with eliminating zoning barriers to housing development. The proposed amendments reflect the goals established in the Five Year Housing Plan. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 52 The policies also provide an opportunity to mix land uses, thus giving Central Community residents a broader choice of residential living. Low-Density Residential: There are two low-density residential land use designations, low-density and low/medium density. Low-density residential (1-15 dwelling units/acre) This land use designation allows moderate sized lots (i.e., 3,000-10,000 square feet) where single-family detached homes are the dominant land use. Low-density includes single-family attached, and detached dwellings as permissible on a single residential lot subject to zoning. Low/Medium-Density Residential (10-20 dwelling units/acre) This land use designation allows zero lot line subdivision development, single-family detached residences on small lots (i.e., 2,500-5000 square feet per individual lots), and townhouses. Low/medium-density residential areas are mainly low-density neighborhoods containing a broad mix of dwelling units ranging from single family detached to single family attached dwelling units (three or more units per structure). Residential land use goals Encourage the creation and maintenance of a variety of housing opportunities that meet social needs and income levels of a diverse population. o The proposed amendments encourage the variety of housing types. With the reduction of lot area requirements and the introduction of multiple structures on one lot and the bonus unit allowance, some units should become attainable to a variety of income levels. Ensure preservation of low-density residential neighborhoods. o No amendments are proposed for the R-1 or R-2 districts, as part of this project. Ensure that new development is compatible with existing neighborhoods in terms of scale, character, and density. o The amendments include small scale, no taller than 30 feet, with limited number of units. This ensures that any new development will be compatible with the existing neighborhoods. Discourage any compromise to the livability, charm, and safety of the neighborhoods or to the sense of a healthy community. Policy RLU 1.0 Based on the Future Land Use map, use residential zoning to establish and maintain a variety of housing opportunities that meet social needs and income levels of a diverse population. RLU-1.1 Preserve low-density residential areas and keep them from being replaced by higher density residential and commercial uses. o The RMF-30 amendments are not considered high density and will primarily effect the parcels already zoned RMF-30. RLU-1.2 Provide opportunities for medium-density housing in areas between the Central Business District and lower-density neighborhoods and in areas where small multi-family dwellings are compatible. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 53 RLU-1.4 Preserve the character of the inner-block courts. RLU-1.6 Encourage coordination between the Future Land Use map, zoning ordinances, and the Salt Lake City Community Housing Plan. o The proposed amendments relied heavily on the Five Year Housing Plan goals and policies. RLU-1.7 Ensure that future amendments to the zoning map or text of the zoning ordinance do not result in a significant amount of nonconforming land uses. Policy RLU-3.0 Promote construction of a variety of housing options that are compatible with the character of the neighborhoods of the Central Community. RLU-3.1 Encourage residential land developers to build housing that provides residential opportunities for a range of income levels, age groups, and family size. RLU-3.2 Encourage a mix of affordable and market-rate housing for owner occupancy throughout the Central Community. Encourage a mix of rental properties for those who cannot afford or do not choose home ownership. o The decrease of the square footage requirement per dwelling unit should decrease the cost of units. While this does not guarantee the creation of affordable housing units, it should aid in the number of units added to the market. In theory, adding more housing stock should help to stabilize the cost and ensure that there are units available to a variety of income levels. Community Preservation Plan Regulations and Incentives ADOPT A WIDER RANGE OF PRESERVAITON TOOLS The City’s historic preservation regulations consist primarily of the historic overlay zoning regulations and the residential district design guidelines, which apply only to locally designated Landmark Sites and locally designated historic districts. While these are working generally well, there is a need for a broader range of tools to complement the existing regulations and guidelines. This plan proposed that the City expand the tools available for preserving history and character in the City. Specific tools suggested are stricter demolition regulations, more types of guidelines and more incentives in the form of regulatory, financial and procedural. In addition, the plan identifies the need for additional types of regulatory tools to preserve and stabilize neighborhood character. The RMF-30 integrates a broader range of tools to encourage and incentivize preservation of existing structures within National Historic Districts, as well as Local Historic Districts. The density bonus does not guarantee the preservation of all residential structures within the National Historic District; however, it does provide an incentive to preserve an existing residential structure. This creates preservation tool integrated into the base zoning district. LISTING IN THE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES Listing in the National Register is honorific. Designation in the National Register does not impose any regulations or restrictions on the owner regarding the maintenance of their property, but does qualify PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 54 the owner to take advantage of federal and state tax incentives as well as Utah Heritage Foundation’s Revolving Loan Fund, if qualified. See Appendix A for the list of National Register Districts and Sites in Salt Lake City as of November 2011. With the available tax credits, the National Register program provides a great opportunity to incentivize property owners to reinvest in their historic homes which results in increased housing rehabilitation of various eligible neighborhoods and structures throughout Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City does not have the authority to review changes, demolitions or modifications within National Historic Districts to the same degree as those within Local Historic Districts. The language proposed for the RMF-30 zoning district creates an incentive to preserve structures by adding a density bonus. The density bonus can be added in a variety of methods, all of which are clarified within the proposed language, and will ensure that any existing eligible structure will remain as such. Density Bonuses This plan discusses TDR Action 1. Amend the zoning regulations to allow density bonuses, in the form of an additional unit, for structures in the local historic district or a Landmark Site which are zoned multi-family on lots that would not otherwise allow additional units due to size. The RMF-30 integrates a broader range of tools to encourage and incentivize preservation of existing structures within National Historic Districts, as well as Local Historic Districts. The density bonus does not guarantee the preservation of all residential structures within the National Historic District; however, it does provide an incentive to preserve an existing residential structure. This creates preservation tool integrated into the base zoning district. Policy 6.1a: Historic Preservation is a primary tool to implement the sustainable goals of Salt Lake City. Staff is encouraging sustainability through incentivizing the preservation of existing principal structures. Policy 6.5a: Ensure zoning supports the retention and reuse of existing historic apartment and non- residential buildings. The RMF-30 integrates a broader range of tools to encourage and incentivize preservation of existing structures within National Historic Districts, as well as Local Historic Districts. The density bonus does not guarantee the preservation of all residential structures within the National Historic District; however, it does provide an incentive to preserve an existing residential structure. This creates preservation tool integrated into the base zoning district. Action 1: Ensure Compatible Zoning Analyze the underlying zoning of existing designated historic structures and those in designated historic districts, both local and national, to ensure the zoning supports the preservation of the site. Currently, the existing RMF-30 zoning district primarily creates single-family development. Staff has been directed to eliminate zoning barriers within the RMF zoning districts to promote additional housing stock. The main zoning barrier that staff identified was the minimum lot requirements for development. This amendment reduces the lot width and lot area required for single-family, single-family attached, duplex and multi-family development. In addition to reducing lot requirements, Staff has created a PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 55 bonus unit for properties that retain existing structures. The goal of reducing the lot requirements and incentivizing preservation was to strike a balance between creating additional housing stock and preserving neighborhood character. Action 2: Create zoning incentives, including the possible increase in density, for historic structures, especially in higher intensive zoning districts and/or along arterial roads and transit corridors near transit stations that would encourage preservation and maintenance of historic structures while preventing or discouraging their demolition. The RMF-30 integrates a broader range of tools to encourage and incentivize preservation of existing structures within National Historic Districts, as well as Local Historic Districts. The density bonus does not guarantee the preservation of all residential structures within the National Historic District; however, it does provide an incentive to preserve an existing residential structure. This creates preservation tool integrated into the base zoning district. Policy 6.5e: allow the development of additional dwelling units as an incentive for preservation of historic structures. The RMF-30 integrates a broader range of tools to encourage and incentivize preservation of existing structures within National Historic Districts, as well as Local Historic Districts. The density bonus does not guarantee the preservation of all residential structures within the National Historic District; however, it does provide an incentive to preserve an existing residential structure. This creates preservation tool integrated into the base zoning district. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 56 ATTACHMENT F: PUBLIC PROCESS AND COMMENTS Notice to Community/Neighborhood Councils: Recognized community-based organizations that contain land zoned RMF-30 were notified of the proposed text amendments via email on February 13, 2019. Upon their request, the changes were presented at the Sugar House Land Use Committee’s March 18th meeting, the East Central Community Council’s March 21st meeting and the Central City Community Council’s April 3rd meeting. No other councils requested a presentation. Formal comments received from the council chairs have been attached. Open House: All recognized community-based organizations were also notified of the proposed text amendments via Open House notices sent on February 14th, 2019. Because these zoning text amendments impact the different areas of the city and not one specific Community or Neighborhood Council, an Open House was held on February 26th, 2019 at the Salt Lake City’s downtown public library. All written comments received have been attached. Focus Group: A focus group with local professionals who have worked in RMF-30 areas previously was held on April 2, 2019. Many felt that the proposed design standards would drive up the cost of units as things like durable building materials and glass drive up the cost of construction. In general, the more requirements and processes the higher the cost of their units – costs get transferred to the buyer or renter. They also suggested clarifying some of the design standards. At times they can be vague and it’s unclear if a certain design or material would qualify. In terms of the proposed unit bonus, some were enthusiastic about working with existing structures while others only work with new construction. The restoration of existing units can also be expensive and drive up costs. It is, however, more profitable to build/restore smaller units. Most were on board with all of the new proposed building forms, especially tiny homes. Parking and fire regulations are two things that could stop this kind of infill development. They suggested reduced parking requirements for preserving a unit and reduced parking in general. Planning Commission Notice of the public hearing for the proposal included: Agenda posted on the Planning Division and Utah Public Meeting Notice websites on June 14th, 2019. Newspaper notice ran on June 15th, 2019. Public Input: Throughout the engagement process, there has been general public input both in favor and against the proposed text amendments. Community concerns that were heard the most have been described under the Key Considerations section of this report. Formal comments submitted by community members have been included as a part of this attachment below. Commission Briefings: The following points and recommendations were made during briefings with the Planning Commission and Historic Landmark Commission where they were asked for their direct feedback on the proposed changes. PC Briefing – December 12, 2018 Second-floor balconies may not an appropriate design requirement in low density residential zoning districts like RMF-30 PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 57 Requiring certain building forms and design standards may counteract the a goal of facilitating affordable housing – may be too restrictive The 20% glass requirements on front facades may be too high Cottage units may be limited further in size General interest in allowing tiny house building forms on smaller size lots Should somehow mitigate the impact of long interior walls of side oriented row houses – interior walls are also very visible from the public way Not confident in allowing side oriented row houses per more design guidelines and administrative review alone because design is objective and these forms may need a closer level Commission review Re-review minimum lot width requirements Re-review standards for creating lots without public streets frontage Access easements for lots without public street frontage should be recorded on the plat Suggested looking into decreasing lot area requirements for multi-family uses Suggested having different standards for lots abutting single-family zoning districts rezone certain areas to be more or less dense Over time, Central City might all be up-zoned Other zoning standards could be relaxed when buildings are preserved – amount of vegetation in the park strip could be relaxed HLC Briefing – May 2, 2019 Two parking spaces per unit is too high for cottage developments Parking can drive an entire development – on the cusp of radical change in terms of living preferences and parking May utilize a shared parking arrangement in between buildings on a site EIFS isn’t always a bad material – can be getting into the minutia by regulating EIFS Stucco, Hardie plank, Hardie lap and any cementitious siding can work well Existing building envelopes, especially in terms of scale and form, should be maintained Side oriented row houses can have a negative impact on adjacent neighbors New driveways too close to property lines can have negative impact on historic homes Side oriented row houses should have smaller side yard setbacks than 10’ and 10’ Generally in favor of tiny house forms Unit bonus shouldn’t create an explosion of housing as some might think Planning Commission Public Hearing – June 26, 2019 Commissioners’ Comments Introduction of tiny homes may break up the existing building typology in RMF districts Longer building walls of sideways row houses should be broken up to reduce the impact on neighbors, but requiring the delineation of each unit is too prescriptive RMF-30 should be somewhat of a transitional zoning district from single-family neighborhoods to more urban areas Inquired about the effects of supply and demand on affordable housing Asked if proposed lot area requirements are bold enough to significantly increase housing stock Discussed whether certain RMF-30 areas should be downzoned to project historic properties Discussed if existing housing is being demolished and replaced with fewer, more expensive units – what is currently happing in the city? PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 58 Public Comments Allowing sideways row houses and cottages by right is cutting out community involvement More should be done to require affordable multi-family units There should be a penalty for demolishing housing without replacement (housing mitigation) The RMF-30 lot area and lot width requirements in place are more effective at protecting historic buildings than the historic overlay Financial factors are not being taken into consideration with proposed text amendments It may not be feasible to build behind a unit due to high construction costs The proposed design standards won’t work to achieve better design The city does not know what it has in vacant properties The city has not addressed losing unsubsidized affordable units Central City Master Plan has not been addressed The downzone of properties across the city in 1995 has inadvertently protected historic and affordable units PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 59 Ian Kaplan via email – 2/14/2019 I had time over the break to review the proposed changes to the RMF zone and have some feedback for you from the architecture/development side. I will be present at the public hearings to voice these matters, but thought it could be of potential use as the document changes prior to public comment. 1. Parking Reductions for Bonus Units/Row-houses. There is no mention of this - but in order to actually accomplish the density you're looking for in the tight lots there needs to be a 1 Stall/Unit regardless of bed count. Many historic examples of cottage style development don't have parking at all and it's the only way they work on tight lots. The proximity to transit helps, but anything outside of transit will be undevelopable. 2. Parking Reductions for preserving existing structures. It's often very difficult to provide additional parking for increased density if preserving the existing structure is a priority. This is where most infill projects hit a road block. Especially if they do not have an Alleyway for access. 3. Tandem Parking Regulations. For lots with access to an alley (and without) - tandem parking can be a great way to increase density and provide additional parking for 2+ bedroom units. It gives the designer a lot more flexibility in site layout. 4. Side Yard Setbacks for Rowhouses. More than half of the RMF-30 lots are between 31- 50' wide. With a required side yard setback of 10' for rowhouses, that leave's 30' width for a building. However, take into account a 24' backup for a car coming out of a garage and add that to the 10' setback, and now you only have room for a 16' deep garage stall. That makes more than half of these lots un-developable for the rowhouse. I would suggest a wedding cake setback above 1st story leaving 3' req'd setbacks on the ground floor and 5-8' above that. It would provide opportunity for more diversified building designs instead of a second story cantilever over the garage. 5. Rear yard Setbacks for Cottage Style. The historic cottage style developments typically had two units at the back of the property with front doors turned and oriented to the street. With a 20' setback, you are essentially losing the potential for 2 units in the rear of the property. I believe it would be easier to achieve the desired density of these lots if the rear yard setback was reduced to 10' for cottage style developments. 6. Building Coverage. 50% is very limiting, and will create major difficulty in achieving the desired density on a majority of these lots. Can you eliminate private garages counting towards lot coverage? Is there a way to offset the max. building coverage by subtracting private balconies, or rooftop patio's from the lot coverage? Or can there be an exception for lots that maintain the existing structure in place? 7. Administrative review of existing non-conforming structures when adding density. Not sure how this is covered... but it is a concern of mine when trying to maintain existing structures on a property that may be non-conforming to new setback regulations. 8. Minimum Lot widths - Could there be an exception to the 50' req'd min. lot width for existing parcels? Per Planning Commission review or something... This is becoming a huge barrier to me for infill development. I currently have two projects that are exactly 49.5' wide and it is bringing both of them to a grinding halt. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 60 Lynn K. Pershing via email – 2/27/2019 I wasn’t able to attend the open house on RMF-30 zoning changes last night. I want to express my deep concern about the RMF-30 zoning change in historic neighborhoods, which include Local historic districts in our City. I do NOT support the proposed zoning changes in historic neighborhoods, both LHD, CCD and those listed on the National Register Of Historic Places. Obtaining Approval of an LHD is a tortuous, extended process. The main purpose of obtaining an LHD is the City’s promise to minimize demolitions of contributing structures and in those areas. Now The City wants to approve SFD demolitions in historic districts? This will be viewed as City hypocrisy. Trust in government will be further eroded and will be deserved. LHD and Character Conservation Districts zoning are in grave danger. They should be considered sacrosanct. My recent review of demolitions of SFD housing in our City in 2018 shows that the vast majority of demolitions have occurred in 84102 (Bryant (6) and Bennion-Douglas)8)) and 84108 portion Yalecrest (8), both neighborhoods listed on the National Register Of Historic Places. I acknowledge, much to my dismay, that these areas have NO City nor state protections against demolitions-an oversight of great proportions that will end the existence of the very SOUL of our City. Allowing RMF-30-like zoning in historic areas has occurred before that you and others creating this zoning change are likely probably too young to have witnessed. In the 1960-70s, historically contributing, architectural significant SFD were demolished to create non compatible apt buildings in the lower Avenues that destroyed the historic environs, neighborhood identity and cohesion. Real estate prices in that area have not recovered to date. The current proposed zoning changes requested will support HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF in our remaining historic districts I strongly urge you to reconsider this zoning change in historic neighborhoods. The claim of “compatible structures” is not viable, as the City has NO definition of “compatibility” in any ordinance (previous discussion with Planning, CAN, Mayor Office). Further, ONLY LHD and CCD have design guidelines concerning “compatibility”. I conclude, therefore, that the claims of ensuring “compatibility” misrepresents and offers false intent of achieving or enforcing any “compatibility” in future developments. Please. Stop the destruction of the SOUL of this City. Historic neighborhoods tell the stories and celebrate the greatness of our City and State. Housing for a diverse City requires a diversity of housing options. SFD in desirable historic areas offer choices to many families who wish to locate into the urban environs in safe, desirable neighborhoods with good public schools. Short term gains to fulfill “affordable housing” needs with long term permanent losses to the City constitutes a grave irreversible loss to our very identity and viable family housing. Kirk Huffaker (Executive Director, Preservation Utah) – March 30, 2019 While I provided some comments to you and other staff at the open house, I wanted to follow that up with a brief message that particularly identifies Allen Park in Sugar House's PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 61 Westminster Heights neighborhood as a sensitive site that should be removed form consideration of rezoning. Allen Park is a site or unique are remarkable historic, architectural, and artistic significance that is located along a designated riparian corridor. I believe the site was zoned RMF-30 prior to the designation of the riparian corridor, and was not appropriately considered at that time for rezoning that would allow the riparian protections to take precedence. I believe this is the opportunity or the Planning Commission to correct this conflict. Thank you for your consideration. Esther Hunter via email (East Central City Chair) – April 2, 2019 Thank you for coming out to the meeting. This community is pretty versed in land use and in between the varied comments I hope you saw the key points we were trying to make. 1. The ECC has zoning on many lots that is incorrect and should have been dealt with years and years ago that has nothing to do with the changes you are making to the specific zones. This is not your issue nor can we fix the past. However, this may cause significant damage to some of this area. This has nothing to do with the changes you are making within the specific zone and everything to do with the zone on various properties. This is not a new issue. We have been saying this for years and attempted to make corrections caused by our long ago council person since this could have all been addressed seamlessly years ago. Since so many people are new to various commissions and staff we tend to repeat ourselves in every letter we write and every statement we make. Speaking of, would you please let me know the names of the two folks who came with you and their positions? I appreciated how you took the feedback and basically said we will take this feedback back. This is the most helpful response. 2. The ECC is not opposed to development. We welcome all types of infill and redevelopment but do feel it needs to be thoughtfully placed so that we do not lose the very precious organically grown community that has developed. It is a jewel in its charm, types of residential options available that allow aging in place as well as proximity to so many beneficial features from senior services, schools, transit to shopping to employment. It is rarity not only in this city/state but across the county. This is why the bad zoning is so frustrating in that the zoning should be protecting the right things and informing the development community where they should focus. 3. The point that Jen made related to affordable housing is a key one. While this is not your key focus, we are hoping you can help carry the message. I know this is beyond the immediate challenge you have been given and the effort the Planning Division will be doing based on the recommendations from the housing plan for all the RMF zones. Most people are repeating the words missing middle. In the ECC we are concerned about the missing middle but also very concerned about workforce housing and affordable housing. In our area it is the workforce housing and affordable housing that tends to be targeted by development. The replacements we have seen shift to market rate housing displacing a great many in our community. It is heart wrenching to look into the eyes of community members who have lived in our area for 25-30 years, now much more senior, dependent on the services and the transportation offered in our area that have been literally been given 30 days or less to vacate and now can not find any housing options in the area. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 62 Many in the audience last night in their day jobs are expert professionals in their field. Taylor that spoke up related to the ability to build in the new zone so that it can be either affordable or workforce housing is not probable is such an expert. This is true certainly not for a family vs simply a boarding house or small studio more likely for a student population. My suggestion on this front is that maybe a small working group that could give feedback much like you are assembling the development/architectural folks like Ian could provide some feedback that could help. 4. It's all a delicate balance. Way beyond the scope of what you are working on is the viability of the city financially which is a very complicated issue that includes dependence on building permit fees. It would be well if that state as a whole would do better to allow support for the extra wear and tear on everything from our infrastructure to services as our city doubles in size everyday but barring that while the city survives day to day we need to make sure we don't erode the wrong things, key areas of neighborhood being part of that concern. Yda Smith via email – April 19, 2019 I am a resident in Sugar House and am hoping to be involved in the future of Allen Park it terms of advocating for the preservation of the open space, the trees, some of the historic features of the space and even the peacocks, if possible. I know that there are legal issues in terms of who the current owner is but in the meantime there are several of us in the area who are getting organized to see if we can start to move forward with possible options for preserving the beauty of the place and not let it turn into a dreadful housing development with the loss of all the trees, birds, peace and quiet, etc. For example, if the Aviary and/or Preservation Utah were involved in creating a public space it would greatly enhance the quality of life in the area with walking space among the trees and along the stream, space for bicycle riders, and information about the history of the Allen family, and possible exotic birds to enjoy that extend the tradition of the family. The land has a significant legacy with the history of Dr. Allen and the contributions he made to this area including to the Aviary and the Zoo. I can understand the desire to change zoning in the areas on the map for possible rezoning of RMF-30 to create more affordable, smaller unit housing. I can see that Allen Park is marked as one of these areas as well. I would like to state my opinion that Allen Park should not be a part of this process and should be exempt from any changes that would increase the options for building new homes at this time. If there are any meetings associated with this I would like to know about them and attend. Thank you for your time and I look forward to getting more involved in the future plans for this city and to get my neighbors more involved as well. PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 63 ATTACHMENT G: CITY DEPARTMENT COMMENTS The following comments were received from other City divisions/departments with regard to the proposed text amendments: Housing and Neighborhood Development (HAND): Housing Plan: Thank you for citing the Housing Plan (you listed the plans dates as 2017- 2021, but is actually 2018-2022), “all residents of SLC, current and prospective, regardless of race, age, economic status, or physical ability can find a place to call home.” But I think it would be better to note the following Goals and Objectives of the plan that align with this proposal: Goal 1: Reform City practices to promote a responsive, affordable, high-opportunity housing market. o Objective 1. Review and modify land-use and zoning regulations to reflect the affordability needs of a growing, pioneering city. o Objective 2. Remove impediments in City processes to encourage housing development. o Objective 3. Lead in the construction of innovative housing solutions. Additionally, you can cite the Council’s 20 Guiding Principles on Housing Development, adopted in 2017. Below are three that align with this proposal: 6. Create a net increase in affordable housing units while: i. Avoiding displacement of existing affordable housing to the extent possible, and ii. Retaining and expanding the diversity of AMI and innovative housing types. 8. Create a spectrum of housing options for people of all backgrounds and incomes. 16. Identify tools to increase and diversify the total housing supply including housing types that the private market does not sufficiently provide such as family housing in the downtown area, innovative housing types, missing middle housing and middle- to low-income apartments. In summaries and the proposal, I would highlight the standout items/take aways (which are great): Missing middle is not a new type of housing, in fact SLC used to do this very well if you look at the Avenues and Sugarhouse. Most of RMF-30 is well under density that the master plan calls for. By updating these standards, the city hopes to remove some of the zoning barriers that limit new housing developments, while encouraging compatible design and maintain existing housing stock. The city’s deeper lots tend to have a significant amount of underutilize land. Requiring larger lot areas for these types of housing somewhat force developers to building larger units that are less affordable. May encourage more affordable units with smaller footprints. Other thoughts: Do you have any direct positive feedback or input from developers that you can cite? When mentioning “affordable,” it’s helpful to clarify that “they would be more affordable as homeowner or rental units due to a smaller interior square footage and lot size, and/or shared common spaces and amenities, similar to Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing.” SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 406 WWW.SLC.GOV PO BOX 145480 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84114-5480 TEL 801-535-7757 FAX 801-535-6174 PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 64 Fire (Ted Itchon): Thanks for the information, I like to give some input on the above caption. First is thank you for the height requirement. That requirement keeps the customer from providing aerial apparatus roads for their developments. Looking at the Cottage Developments and the Side Oriented Row Homes may be a little more tricky. Because if there are more than 2 residences on a single parcel then there is a Fire Code requirement that we have to apply which is called access. Engineering: No comments. Public Utilities: Public Utilities has just a few concerns and recommendations for the text amendment. Water and sewer service is required for each lot. Two buildings on the same lot will be required to use a single water service and each building with street frontage should have its own sewer lateral. Water and sewer services must have 10 feet of horizontal separation. This should be considered for the lot width reduction and lot size reduction. Lots without street frontage will require an easement from the neighboring lot for water and sewer services. This will also be a requirement for cottage developments. This usually can be identified in the preliminary plat process but will be required in the subdivision improvement plans or 1st building permit. One of the other issues that we are seeing with ADUs, secondary building and buildings without street frontage is the capability for the sewer to drain given the distance to the sewer main from these buildings. Many will not be able to have basements. Some may need to be raised, and in some cases, the adu or additional building cannot meet the requirements. I don’t think we have any problem with any of the language, we want to make sure that applicants consider the utility concerns and obstacles that may come up with some of these changes. The riparian and flood plain ordinances both apply [to Allen Park]. Riparian has some flexibility if it is replacing an existing structure Sustainability: No comments. Transportation: No comments. Zoning (Greg Mikolash 3/11/2019): •The ‘proposed standard’ box should be colored orange to indicate a change from the current ordinance regarding maximum building height. It appears the change for building height is now being proposed to be measured from ‘established grade’ and not ‘finished grade’ and the height changes from ‘the average elevation at each building face’ to ’30 feet’ (but measured to where?). We assume it means ‘30 feet measured as the vertical distance between the top of the roof and the established grade at any given point of lot coverage’. This should be spelled out clearly, since it is left undefined. This proposal will also require changing the Illustration B in 21A.62.050. There is a question of why are we returning to counting the number of building stories for determination of maximum height when this was previously removed from the ordinance due to difficulty in determining what is a basement and what is a story on a sloping lot? Why are we proposing to go back to counting building stories over the simple measurement of height? PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 65 The Zoning Reviewers are concerned about the addition of front yard setback averaging (i.e., prevailing setback—the determination of an unknown, ambiguous dimension) into the RMF zones. Front yard averaging offers no positive benefit to our neighborhoods beyond what can be achieved by choosing a (known, non-ambiguous) fixed dimension. Explaining the rationale behind setback averaging is difficult to explain to customers, and it is even more difficult to obtain adequate information on the plans, showing the averaging of setbacks. Ostensibly, requiring front yard averaging extends the timeframe for issuing permits, where also, many new construction projects become contentious if any entity believes these measurements are incorrect. What is the rationale of adding front yard setback averaging to the multi-family zoning districts? PLNPCM2019-00313 RMF-30 Text Amendments Page 66 3B. PLANNING COMMISSION – SEPTEMBER 25, 2019 iii. AGENDA AND MINIUTES SALT LAKE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA In Room 326 of the City & County Building September 25, 2019, at 5:30 p.m. (The order of the items may change at the Commission’s discretion) FIELD TRIP - The field trip is scheduled to leave at 4:00 p.m. DINNER - Dinner will be served to the Planning Commissioners and Staff at 5:00 p.m. in Room 126 of the City and County Building. During the dinner break, the Planning Commission may receive training on city planning related topics, including the role and function of the Planning Commission. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 5:30 PM IN ROOM 326 APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR SEPTEMBER 11, 2019 REPORT OF THE CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR PUBLIC HEARINGS 1.Hopkins Estate Planned Development - On August 8th, 2018, the Planning Commission approved the Hopkins Estate Planned Development, a proposal to develop five (5) new lots and a private driveway at 1950 & 1960 South 1700 East. The applicant plans to sell each lot individually for the construction of single-family homes. The design of the structures will ultimately be decided by future buyers, but the Commission approved a site plan with building envelopes and a landscaping plan. Modifications approved through the Planned Development process include the creation of four (4) lots without street frontage, and reduced front and rear yard setbacks for the home to be constructed on lot 1. A condition of approval was included that requires the applicant to return to the Commission for final review of the home proposed for lot 1, which has frontage on 1700 East, before a building permit can be issued. The applicant has provided Staff with a proposal for this structure and is now seeking the Planning Commission’s final approval. The property is zoned R-1/7,000 Single-Family Residential and is located within Council District 7, represented by Amy Fowler. (Staff contact: Lauren Parisi (801) 535-7226 or lauren.parisi@slcgov.com). Case number: PLNSUB2018-00033 2. Text Amendments to the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential District - The purpose of this project is to review the existing zoning requirements in the City’s RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential Zoning District and make amendments to corresponding sections of Salt Lake City’s Zoning Ordinance. The intent of the proposed amendments is to implement multiple master plan policies found in Plan Salt Lake, various community master plans, the recently adopted Growing SLC; A Five-Year Housing Plan (2018-2022) and remove zoning barriers to housing development. The RMF-30 zoning district is located throughout the city. Proposed amendments include: ￿Introducing design standards for all new development; ￿Allowing the construction of new building types including sideways row houses, cottage developments, and tiny houses; ￿Reducing minimum lot area requirements per unit; ￿Removing lot width minimum requirements and adding a lot width maximum; ￿Allowing more than one primary structure on a lot; ￿Granting a density bonus for the retention of an existing structure. The proposed regulation changes will affect sections 21A.24.120 of the zoning ordinance. Related provisions of Title 21A-Zoning may also be amended as part of this petition. (Staff Contact: Lauren Parisi at (801) 535-7226 or lauren.parisi@slcgov.com) Case number PLNPCM2019-00313 WORK SESSION 1. HAND Consolidated Master Plan briefing - 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan. The Planning Commission will receive a briefing from the staff of the Housing and Neighborhood Development Division on the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan. The Consolidated Plan is a federally mandated policy document that establishes the framework for how Salt Lake City uses federal funding for vital services and programs that support the City’s housing, infrastructure, and economic development needs. The federal programs that provide funding to the City are administered by the US Department of Housing & Urban Development include Community Development Block Grant, Emergency Solutions Grant, HOME Investment Partnership Program, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS. Over the plan period, it is anticipated that approximately $25-30M of funding will be available to meet the critical needs identified in this plan. The 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan impacts how master plans are implemented and may impact land use decisions. The Planning Commission is required by Utah Code to make a recommendation on a master plan prior to the plan being adopted by the City Council. The plan allocates funding citywide. (Staff contact: Jennifer Schuman at (801) 535-7276 or Jennifer.schuman@slcgov.com) 2.Off-Street Parking Chapter Ordinance Revision - The Planning Commission will receive a briefing from staff on the update to the parking chapter of the zoning ordinance. The parking chapter determines how much parking is required for each land use, where the parking can be located, bicycle parking requirements, and other similar requirements. This will be the second of at least two briefings and will focus on the proposed key changes to the ordinance. (Staff contact: Eric Daems at 801-535-7236 or eric.daems@slcgov.com) Case number PLNPCM2017-00753 The files for the above items are available in the Planning Division offices, room 406 of the City and County Building. Please contact the staff planner for information, Visit the Planning Division’s website at www.slcgov.com /planning for copies of the Planning Commission agendas, staff reports, and minutes. Staff Reports will be posted the Friday prior to the meeting and minutes will be posted two days after they are ratified, which usually occurs at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission. Planning Commission Meetings may be watched live on SLCTV Channel 17; past meetings are recorded and archived and may be viewed at www.slctv.com. The City & County Building is an accessible facility. People with disabilities may make requests for reasonable accommodation, which may include alternate formats, interpreters, and other auxiliary aids and services. Please make requests at least two business days in advance. To make a request, please contact the Planning Office at 801-535-7757, or relay service 711. SALT LAKE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING City & County Building 451 South State Street, Room 326, Salt Lake City, Utah Wednesday, September 25, 2019 A roll is being kept of all who attended the Planning Commission Meeting. The meeting was called to order at 5:33:09 PM. Audio recordings of the Planning Commission meetings are retained for a period of time. Present for the Planning Commission meeting were: Chairperson Adrienne Bell; Vice Chairperson Brenda Scheer; Commissioners Maurine Bachman, Amy Barry, Weston Clark, Carolynn Hoskins, Jon Lee, Darin Mano, and Andres Paredes. Commissioners Matt Lyon, and Sara Urquhart were excused. Planning Staff members present at the meeting were John Anderson, Planning Manager; Paul Nielson, Attorney; Lauren Parisi, Principal Planner; Eric Daems, Principal Planner; and Marlene Rankins, Administrative Secretary. Field Trip The field trip was cancelled. APPROVAL OF THE SEPTEMBER 11, 2019, MEETING MINUTES. 5:33:16 PM MOTION 5:33:22 PM Commissioner Bachman moved to approve the September 11, 2019 minutes. Commissioner Clark seconded the motion. Commissioners Clark, Lee, Barry, and Hoskins voted “Aye”. Commissioners Mano, Bachman and Paredes abstained from voting. The motion passed. REPORT OF THE CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR 5:34:07 PM Chairperson Bell stated she had nothing to report. Vice Chairperson Scheer stated she had nothing to report. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR 5:34:12 PM John Anderson, Planning Manager, welcomed Commissioner Darin Mano to the Planning Commission. 5:35:02 PM Hopkins Estate Planned Development - On August 8th, 2018, the Planning Commission approved the Hopkins Estate Planned Development, a proposal to develop five (5) new lots and a private driveway at 1950 & 1960 South 1700 East. The applicant plans to sell each lot individually for the construction of single-family homes. The design of the structures will ultimately be decided by future buyers, but the Commission approved a site plan with building envelopes and a landscaping plan. Modifications approved through the Planned Development process include the creation of four (4) lots without street frontage, and reduced front and rear yard setbacks for the home to be constructed on lot 1. A condition of approval was included that requires the applicant to return to the Commission for final review of the home proposed for lot 1, which has frontage on 1700 East, before a building permit can be issued. The applicant has provided Staff with a proposal for this structure and is now seeking the Planning Commission’s final approval. The property is zoned R-1/7,000 Single-Family Residential and is located within Council District 7, represented by Amy Fowler. (Staff contact: Lauren Parisi (801) 535- 7226 or lauren.parisi@slcgov.com). Case number: PLNSUB2018-00033 Salt Lake City Planning Commission September 25, 2019 Page 1 Lauren Parisi, Principal Planner, reviewed the petition as outlined in the Staff Report (located in the case file). She stated Staff recommended that the Planning Commission approve the request. The applicant elected not to provide further presentation. PUBLIC HEARING 5:40:12 PM Chairperson Bell opened the Public Hearing; seeing no one wished to speak; Chairperson Bell closed the Public Hearing. MOTION 5:40:53 PM Commissioner Barry stated, based on the information contained in the memo dated September 25, 2019, the staff report dated August 8, 2018, the information presented, and the input received during the public hearing, I move that the Planning Commission approve the proposed design of the single- family home to be built on lot 1 of the Hopkins Estate Subdivision. This approval is associated with the larger Planned Development PLNSUB2018-00033, which was approved by the Planning Commission on August 8, 2018. All conditions associated with that approval still apply. Commissioner Clark seconded the motion. Commissioners Paredes, Bachman, Hoskins, Barry, Lee, Scheer, Mano, and Clark voted “Aye”. The motion passed unanimously. 5:42:10 PM Text Amendments to the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential District - The purpose of this project is to review the existing zoning requirements in the City’s RMF-30 Low Density Multi -Family Residential Zoning District and make amendments to corresponding sections of Salt Lake City’s Zoning Ordinance. The intent of the proposed amendments is to implement multiple master plan policies found in Plan Salt Lake, various community master plans, the recently adopted Growing SLC; A Five-Year Housing Plan (2018-2022) and remove zoning barriers to housing development. The RMF-30 zoning district is located throughout the city. Proposed amendments include: ￿Introducing design standards for all new development; ￿Allowing the construction of new building types including sideways row houses, cottage developments, and tiny houses; ￿Reducing minimum lot area requirements per unit; ￿Removing lot width minimum requirements and adding a lot width maximum; ￿Allowing more than one primary structure on a lot; ￿Granting a density bonus for the retention of an existing structure. The proposed regulation changes will affect sections 21A.24.120 of the zoning ordinance. Related provisions of Title 21A-Zoning may also be amended as part of this petition. (Staff Contact: Lauren Parisi at (801) 535-7226 or lauren.parisi@slcgov.com) Case number PLNPCM2019-00313 Lauren Parisi, Principal Planner, reviewed the petition as outlined in the Staff Report (located in the case file). She stated Staff recommended that the Planning Commission forward a favorable recommendation to the City Council. Salt Lake City Planning Commission September 25, 2019 Page 2 The Commission and Staff discussed the following: ￿The Decision to remove delineation design standards for sideways row houses as the Planning Commission had mentioned at the June public hearing that these standards might be too prescriptive in terms of design ￿Concern that removing the delineation design standards as well as the Planning Commission’s review of sideways row houses as a planned development could lead to poor design ￿Clarification that sideways row house building types where some of the lots do not have direct public street frontage would no longer need planned development review per the proposed changes ￿Proposed lot requirements for cottage developments and tiny houses ￿Hypothetically if a home can be demolished or preserved and a collection of tiny homes can be added ￿Clarification regarding the height standards for cottage building types ￿Clarification on whether the Commission should be considering access to public utilities, police, and fire ￿Whether tiny houses are allowed in other areas of the City ￿Concern that the tiny house building type may be out of scale with other types in the district PUBLIC HEARING 6:16:28 PM Chairperson Bell opened the Public Hearing; Judy Short, Land Use Chair Sugar House Community Council- Stated, for most of the specific places that Lauren named, there generally wasn’t a lot of objection. There’s places along 7th East and 9th East that have big deep lots that seem to be underutilized, the houses don’t look in terrific condition and perhaps some renovation in that area seems appropriate except for Allen Park. Mark Bunce – Provided history information of the surrounding neighborhood and stated his opposition of the proposal. Cindy Cromer – Stated that planners do not have access to information, which drives decision about the redevelopment of income properties including cost basis per unit, taxable gain, depreciation, and the number of units allowed on a lot. Reviewed market value of purchased land and County assessments of properties in the RMF-30 district Nathan Florence – Spoke about experience where his neighborhood was rezoned from RMF-30 to R-2, which promoted the renovation of existing homes. Suggested that this rezone in the Bennion Neighborhood could be used as a case study. Lynn Pershing – Provided a history of historic neighborhoods in the city and stated her opposition in the proposal. Suggested promoting the rehabilitation of existing homes. Monica Hilding – Stated there is a sideways row house development proposed to be constructed next to her property and that she is opposed of the proposal. Is concerned that planners don’t understand the investment that residents have made in their properties and that the proposal would encourage deterioration of existing structures instead of rehabilitation. Paul Svendsen – Explained that demolishing an existing structure in a local historic district is difficult to achieve. Stated that he is in support of the proposal as it promotes the development of missing middle housing. He also clarified that the removal of delineation design standards for sideways row houses would not mean that the front unit wouldn’t face the street. Salt Lake City Planning Commission September 25, 2019 Page 3 Janet Warburton – Stated she’s opposed of the proposal and read a letter from Historic Preservation Utah representatives. Tim Funk – Raised concern regarding housing affordability. Suggested that the proposal should not be applied city wide and instead look at zoning regulations in smaller areas. Jarod Hall – Stated his support of the proposal. The city is growing and should increase density. The unit bonus is a good incentive to encourage preservation of existing houses. Brandon Dayton – Stated his support of the amendment and feel amendments like this are crucial. He also stated that the proposal would allow regular people to invest and make changes in their own community. Seeing no one else wished to speak; Chairperson Bell closed the Public Hearing. The Commission and Staff further discussed the following: ￿Clarification as to how this amendment will affect Allen Park ￿Whether there is a particular reason that makes more sense to adjust an entire zone rather than rezoning an area ￿The importance of having zoning districts that work for their intended use and that multi-family zones should allow multi-family housing. Also, important to preserve character of neighborhoods, but densify at the same time ￿Clarification on delineation design standards for sideways row houses ￿The difference between cottage developments and tiny house developments ￿Concern that tiny house building types are not consistent with existing street typology in the city and that the proposed tiny house building type should be removed MOTION 7:04:38 PM Commissioner Barry stated, based on the findings and analysis in the staff report dated June 26th, 2019, the memo dated September 25th, 2019, and testimony provided, I move that the Planning Commission forward a positive recommendation for PLNPCM2019-00313 to the City Council to adopt the proposed zoning ordinance text amendments related to updates to the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential zoning district with the following provisions: 1. That the reference of tiny homes be removed until there is further clarification/ definition of what that looks like and functions 2. That sideways developments do come before the Planning Commission for final approval. Further discussion was made to clarify the motion. RESTATED MOTION 7:14:36 PM with the following conditions: 1. Provisions for tiny homes is removed from the text amendment until further study and to clarify what that means; what it would look like, and how it would function 2. That Staff does further review of design standards for the sideways row house developments to identify how the front relates to the street and pedestrian and how the sides relate to the street view as a particular lot warrants. Commissioner Scheer seconded the motion. Commissioners Clark, Mano, Scheer, Lee, Barry, Hoskins, Bachman, and Paredes voted “Aye”. The motion passed unanimously. Salt Lake City Planning Commission September 25, 2019 Page 4 WORK SESSION 7:17:30 PM HAND Consolidated Master Plan briefing - 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan. The Planning Commission will receive a briefing from the staff of the Housing and Neighborhood Development Division on the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan. The Consolidated Plan is a federally mandated policy document that establishes the framework for how Salt Lake City uses federal funding for vital services and programs that support the City’s housing, infrastructure, and economic development needs. The federal programs that provide funding to the City are administered by the US Department of Housing & Urban Development include Community Development Block Grant, Emergency Solutions Grant, HOME Investment Partnership Program, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS. Over the plan period, it is anticipated that approximately $25- 30M of funding will be available to meet the critical needs identified in this plan. The 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan impacts how master plans are implemented and may impact land use decisions. The Planning Commission is required by Utah Code to make a recommendation on a master plan prior to the plan being adopted by the City Council. The plan allocates funding citywide. (Staff contact: Jennifer Schuman at (801) 535-7276 or Jennifer.schuman@slcgov.com) Jennifer Schuman, Housing and Neighborhood Development Deputy Director; Susan Becker, Zions Public Financing; Muriel Xochimitl, Strategic Communications, briefed the Planning Commission regarding the Consolidated Master Plan and provided a brief presentation. The Commission and Staff discussed the following: ￿Whether there has been a community assessment done ￿How HAND did on the last five-year plan and whether they met their goals ￿Clarification on where housing mitigation fund goes ￿How notices will be provided to the public 7:39:59 PM Off-Street Parking Chapter Ordinance Revision - The Planning Commission received a briefing from staff on the update to the parking chapter of the zoning ordinance. The parking chapter determines how much parking is required for each land use, where the parking can be located, bicycle parking requirements, and other similar requirements. This was the second of at least two briefings and focused on a few outstanding questions of the ordinance, regarding parking requirements for cottage style developments, multi -family projects, and how a reduction of parking near bus transit stops might be administered. (Staff contact: Eric Daems at 801-535-7236 or eric.daems@slcgov.com) Case number PLNPCM2017-00753 Eric Daems, Principal Planner; and Casey Stewart, Senior Planner, provided the Planning Commission with information regarding the proposed off-street parking chapter ordinance revision. The Commission and Staff discussed the following: ￿Minimum parking for single family cottage style developments ￿Minimum parking for multi-family developments ￿If and how to implement a reduction of parking stalls requirements when projects are near bus stops that are serviced frequently (15 min daytime intervals) ￿Public transportation The meeting adjourned at 8:25:10 PM Salt Lake City Planning Commission September 25, 2019 Page 5 3B. PLANNING COMMISSION – SEPTEMBER 25, 2019 iv. Public Comments Received After Staff Report Published Jordan Atkin – 9/19/2019 I will generalize a point of discussion until I hear next steps. Section 2 pertaining to cottage lots and the height of the structures. I would challenge that 18 foot flat roof height limit will not accommodate 2 story dwelling units. I'm doing a project with a height limit of 20 ft in an R-1-5 zone and we can only get 8'6" foot ceilings after accounting for a foot of structure floor to floor, then the roof structure is a foot, and you need a parapet to help with water control and thats at least 6 inches. (ive attached a screen shot from our construction drawings) If the city approves 18 ft we will be stuck building houses with 7'6" foot ceilings if you want to build with a flat roof, yuck. If the city reaches out to a few builders/architects/engineers this should be really easy to verify. Hope this gets considered. Marty Shannon – 9/22/2019 My name is Marty (Martha) Shannon and my property at 1366 Downington Avenue backs onto Allen Park. My husband and I purchased the property because it backed onto the beautiful wooded Allen Park. I am distressed to know it may be developed and especially distressed that it is zoned for multi-family units. I am sorry that I will miss the Planning Commission meeting this Wednesday, September 25th. Please record my position: I am opposed to any zoning changes that increase density of RMF-30. Our, once quiet, neighborhood has been inundated with Westminster College students and all the noise, parties, beer cans, cars and lack of consideration they bring. Thus, higher density housing in Allen Park will only increase those kinds of concerns. I support any changes that maintain the open space and preserve the creek, trees and natural growth. I have been to the City Recorders office and found that Allen Park is now owned by Parker Chase Allen and am writing him a letter today. I, personally, hope he will want to honor his ancestors love of nature and the land, but he may want to develop all or part of his inherited property. I am writing him to let him know, if he is not aware, of a way to petition Salt Lake City to keep part of the park a “riparian corridor". Please feel free to contact me it you would like clarity on my position or anything else related to Allen Park. Thank you for your time. Ian Kaplan – 9/24/2019 Looks like there have been some positive improvements to the plan! Nice work! I can't attend the planning commission meeting, but I'd like to submit my comment to you directly if that's okay. The 10' side yard requirement on Multi-family and sideways Rowhouses is going to seriously prohibit any sort of this type of development in this zone. A land developer will need to find a lot that is at minimum 62' wide to do side oriented Rowhouses (22' garage, 24' backup, plus 10' and 6' setbacks), and probably similar or greater for multifamily if there will be a double loaded parking arrangement. I don't know of a single lot I've looked at in the last 2 years that is over 50' for the infill stuff. I understand you want to provide a good setback buffer if an RMF-30 lot is neighboring a low density lot - so I would suggest that the setback is based on the adjacent zoning. If it is single family - then the setback remains 10', but if it is adjacent to commercial or multi-family, there should be an option to reduce to 5' on one side, and 3' on the other. There are lots of cities with this style code - and the resulting urban impact is minimal to single family properties and places the density where it belongs in groupings of multi-family properties. Jim Dalrymple II – 9/23/2019 I'm a homeowner in the Avenues neighborhood and strongly support these amendments and any others that will make housing development easier and more streamlined in Salt Lake City. If anything, these the policies are still too conservative; I'd love to see it become even easier to add housing to existing neighborhoods like my own (Minneapolis' approach seems promising). In any case, these changes are a good step in the right direction and I believe would help make our city more welcoming and affordable to the families who want to live here. It's also worth noting that earlier this year I explored the possibility of building an ADU in my backyard. There's enough land for a dwelling, and I even had the financial resources to take on this project. But I was thwarted by a variety of policy details in the city's needlessly onerous ADU regulations. As a result, there is one less home for someone, in a relatively walkable neighborhood no less. I realize that the policies being discussed right now span a variety of housing types and development scenarios, but the point here is simply that it makes no sense to block small-scale would-be developers from adding to the city's housing supply — in whatever forms they can. There are plenty of people who share this view, and it literally costs the city nothing to just get out of the way; in fact, making infill development easier would actually generate more revenue for the city, both in the form of new permit fees and higher property tax revenue. I realize that sometimes apprehensive homeowners — some of whom are often very vocal — worry that by making development easier we'll sacrifice the best parts of our neighborhoods. But I'd like to point out that there are also many of us who embrace neighborhoods that evolve to accommodate a growing community. Hannah Raasch – 9/23/2019 Sorry to not be able to attend the 9/25 meeting, but I object to any changes in the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential District that allow for smaller lots per unit and more than one primary structure on a lot. I am a co-owner of 1374 E Downington Ave, which backs up to Allen Park. We have enjoyed the density of trees and the preservation of the area around the creek that serves as a refuge for wildlife. I would hate to see RMF-30s rules be changed and have the once wildlife refuge and natural habitat of Allen Park be turned into another series of higher density homes in one of the few remaining green areas in central Salt Lake City. Carissa Monroy – 9/25/2019 I am a house owner on Blaine Avenue and I am concerned about the future development at Allen Park. Unfortunately I cannot attend the meeting tonight, but wanted to submit my comments. I have read through the amendments and I don't understand all of the details, but appreciate the efforts to fill a need for housing in the community. My desires for this development: --Find a way to preserve some of the history of Allen Park and the natural habitat that has existed for so long. These are rare to find in a city and add so much character and benefit to the communities. I have heard of the idea of designating a "riparian corridor" to help preserve this and this is very important. I would love a public space, even if small, to be able to access as a neighbor of the property. --Avoid high rise developments, avoid "mcmansions"/very large houses - which it sounds like this amendment is trying to do. --If there is any way to avoid developments that will primarily be used for short term/temporary housing (thinking about how to avoid airbnb, how to avoid rental properties that are poorly maintained.). --Avoid significant density to the point where there will be excessive traffic, including traffic coming in and out and affecting pedestrians on the sidewalk. thanks for listening and being open to comments!! Cindy Cromer – 9/25/19 Comment to the SLC Planning Commission 9/25/19 My name is Cindy Cromer. I spoke to you in June about the House of Cards supporting affordable housing in the City's RMF zones which occur in establish neighborhoods. I have spent over 40 years managing rental properties in the established neighborhoods of Bryant and Central City. In the next two minutes, I have to be more effective than I have ever been in that time frame. I have spent a year and a half talking with the planners without success about the damages that this proposal would cause to existing affordable housing. First and most importantly, the planners do not have access to the information which drives decisions about the redevelopment of income properties. They cannot anticipate the consequences because they do not have the data, and they cannot reasonably obtain it. They are like so many other people in this City, speculating with our neighborhoods. They are speculating with planning tools; other people speculate with financial tools. Our supply of affordable housing suffers either way. After being ineffective for so long, I gathered the information that the planners do not have, the variables that drive the decision making of developers and existing owners of investment property. For a developer or investment property owner, the relevant variables cost basis per unit, taxable gain, depreciation, and the all important number of units allowed. Three years ago the price for a buildable lot was between $100,000 and $150,000 per unit. I paid $100,000 but found a comparable for $150,000. The County's 2019 assessed values in the spreadsheet range from $113,000 to $149,897 per unit in 4- and 6-plexes. We are at the point in this housing crisis where the market value of ground exceeds the County's assessed value of the area with a housing unit, a well-maintained housing unit. The amount of land required has been reduced since your hearing in May, creating even more negative consequences for existing affordable units. As I reviewed the information on the spreadsheet, I found 3 buildings which would be demolished by an investor driven by financial gain. They contain 11 affordable units, 10 of the units have new wiring and plumbing. Yes, the owner could add units as indicated but they will have to be market rate, and nothing replaces the code-compliant, affordable units which an investor would choose to demolish. I can respond to any questions about the costs of demolition. I've done that, too. Preservation Utah September 25, 2019 Salt Lake City Planning Commission C/O Ms. Lauren Parisi Salt Lake City Planning Division 451 State Street Salt Lake City, UT 8411 Dear Members of the Salt Lake City Planning Commission, Preservation Utah's trustees and staff have examined the proposed text amendments to the RMF-30 Low Density Multi-Family Residential District/ Section 21A.24.120 of Salt Lake City's Zoning Ordinance. We recognize that these amendments will be highly detrimental to historic neighborhoods throughout the city and will ultimately diminish the unique character of these same neighborhoods. We additionally recognize that these amendments are likely to reduce, not increase, the amount of low-income housing in Salt Lake City. Much of the best low-income housing in Salt Lake City is found in the very sort of older residential buildings that will be targeted by these amendments. Despite assertions made in the RMF-30 memorandum, our experience is that developers, when given the opportunity, will prioritize economic return over historic preservation or other public benefits. For these reasons, we strongly encourage members of the planning commission to recommend against incorporating these text amendments into Salt Lake City's zoning ordinances. Sincerely, David Amott, Ph.D. 375 N Canyon Rd, Salt Lake C .Ur 84103 (801 533 0858 preservat1on-.,tah.org 4. ORIGINAL PETITION Petition Initiation Request Community & Neighborhoods Department To:Mayor Jackie Biskupski From:Nick Norris, Planning Director Date:April 9, 2019 CC:.Je nnifer Mcgrath, Department of Community & Neighborhood s Directo r; Michaela Oktay, Deputy Planning Director; file Re:RMF-30: Low Density Multi -Family Residential zoning district text amendments The purpose of this memo is to request that you initiate a p etition for the Planning Division to begin the process of amending the zoning regulations for the RMF-30: Low Density Multi-Family Residential zoning district . This request has come about due to the research, an alysis, a nd public input associated with another text amendment that the Division has been working on related to modifying lot width requirements (initiated in 2018). Barriers to housing development in the RMF zoning d is tricts was an issu e identified by the Rose Center for Public Leadership on their visit to Salt Lake City in 2018. The goal of the initial p etition was to modify the lot width requirements as they tend to restrict n ew housing development in the Multi-Family Resid ential zones because the lot width requirement is larger than most existing lots are wide. As the project progressed, the Division identified other city goals that could be accomplished if there were additional changes made to the RMF zoning regulations. These changes include: • I ncentivizing the construction of additional housing uni ts when existing, historic buildings are preserved; and • Encouraging the construction of certain building configurations including row houses, cottage developments and tiny homes that can accommodate more housing units, while remaining compatible with small er-scale development; and • Ensuring neighborhood character and quality housing by adding design standards that help new developments be more compatible with the scale, character, and nature of the surrounding neighborhood. Proposing addition al changes will help the city implement other master plan goals including the goals identified in Plan Salt Lake and Growing SLC related to increasing housing supply as well as the Salt Lake City Preservation Plan by promoting the preservation of our historic structures while allowing appropriate scaled and designed modifications to historic properties. These changes also align with the City Council's 20 Guiding Pri nciples on Housing Development related to creating innovative housing and missing-middle housing types for people of a ll backgrounds and incomes. •Page 1 The original petition had a narrow scope that was limited to the review of lot width regulations. This updated petition initiation Yvould allow the Planning Division to broaden the scope and take a more comprehensive look at all of the zoning regulations within the RMF-30 zoning district. Ifyou have any questions, please contact me. Concurrence to initiating the zoning map amendment petition as noted above . ;,; Jackie Biskupski, Mayor Date •Page 2