Transmittal - 11/9/2022ERIN MENDENHALL DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor and NEIGHBORHOODS Blake Thomas Director SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 404 WWW.SLC.GOV P.O. BOX 145486, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84114-5486 TEL 801.535.6230 FAX 801.535.6005 CITY COUNCIL TRANSMITTAL ________________________Date Received: _________________ Lisa Shaffer, Chief Administrative Officer Date sent to Council: _________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ TO:Salt Lake City Council DATE:1RYHPEHU Dan Dugan, Chair FROM: Blake Thomas, Director, Department of Community & Neighborhoods __________________________ SUBJECT:Local Link Study Adoption STAFF CONTACT:Lynn Jacobs, Transportation Engineer, lynn.jacobs@slcgov.com, 801-367- 3358. DOCUMENT TYPE: Ordinance RECOMMENDATION: Recommend that City Council Adopt the Local Link study as an addendum to the 2103 Sugar House Circulation and Streetscapes Amenities Plan BUDGET IMPACT: None BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The Local Link study has completed an update to the original Sugar House circulation plan from 2013 and a Transit Alternatives Analysis evalauting various transit options that would connect Sugar House to Millcreek and Holladay. The Transportation Division requests that this study be adopted as a formal plan. PUBLIC PROCESS: x Postcards to property owners in Sugar House, Millcreek, South Salt Lake and Holladay x Multiple Social Media pushes throughout the 2-year planning process x Multiple engagements with Sugar House Community Council Meetings from 2020 through 2021 x Presentations to Millcreek, Holladay and South Salt Lake City Councils x Two Facebook Live Events hosted by Salt Lake City x Yappy Hour Tabling Event in July 2021 x Multiple Surveys w/ community input and feedback Lisa Shaffer (Nov 9, 2022 15:39 MST)11/09/2022 11/09/2022 o 1,200 responses to our final survey x Lawn Signs and Pavement Stickers x Media Coverage (KSL Radio, Fox 13, KUTV, ABC 4) For the circulation study elements, the public process demonstrated support for the recommendations, and helped the project team prioritize projects that have been proposed For the transit element, the majority of support was for Streetcar on Highland Drive These studies were presented to Planning Commission on July 27, 2022. Public Comment was also received at that time. Planning Commission has forwarded a positive recommendation to City Council to adopt this plan. EXHIBITS: 1)Local Link Circulation Study 2)Local Link Transit Alternatives Analysis 3)Local Link Ordinance (;+,%,7: Local Link Circulation Study ERIN MENDENHALL DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor and NEIGHBORHOODS Blake Thomas Director SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 404 WWW.SLC.GOV P.O. BOX 145486, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84114-5486 TEL 801.535.6230 FAX 801.535.6005 April 11, 2022 Local Link Study The 2020 Circulation Study (2020 Study) was prepared for the Local Link Project to better understand how people travel in and around the Sugar House Business District. With the projected growth and increasing development pressures in Salt Lake City, South Salt Lake, Millcreek and Holladay, it was critical to plan for multimodal transportation choices including transit, bicycle, and pedestrian options, and improvements to existing roads. The purpose of the 2020 Study was to evaluate and accommodate transportation options and identifying gaps and barriers that create challenges for efficiently traveling through and around the study area. To assess multimodal opportunities, challenges, and needs to the Sugar House Business District, the following topics were analyzed: key destinations, land use density, planned construction projects, bicycle and pedestrian networks, safety, transit network, and freight networks. In 2013, the Salt Lake City Redevelopment Agency (RDA) developed the Circulation and Streetscape Amenities Plan for the Sugar House Business District (2013 Study). The 2020 Study is not intended to supersede the 2013 Study. The goals of the 2013 Study were to provide recommendations that could improve local and regional mobility and access while retaining the special character of the Sugar House community. The 2020 Study provides a deeper dive for interim opportunities within the core Sugar House Business District. By providing diverse transportation options, the partner communities can increase the resiliency, flexibility, and sustainability of the transportation network. Sincerely, Lynn Jacobs, PE Transportation Engineer Circulation Study 2020 1 Executive Summary Salt Lake City, South Salt Lake, Millcreek and Holladay collaborated on the Local Link Circulation Study to better understand how people travel in and around the Sugar House Business District. With each partner community facing increasing development pressures and growth, it is critical to plan for multimodal transportation choices including transit, bicycle and pedestrian options, and improvements to existing roads. By providing diverse transportation options, the partner communities FDQLQFUHDVHWKHUHVLOLHQF\ÀH[LELOLW\DQGVXVWDLQDELOLW\RIWKHWUDQVSRU- tation network. The purpose of the Local Link Circulation Study is to evaluate and accommodate transportation options (walking, bicycling, WUDQVLWDXWRPRELOH DQGLGHQWLI\JDSVDQGEDUULHUVWKDWPDNHLWGLႈFXOW IRUSHRSOHWRHႈFLHQWO\WUDYHOWKURXJKDQGDURXQGWKHVWXG\DUHD Circulation Study 2020 2 Guiding Principles There are several guiding principles for improving multimodal connections in the study area, including: The Vision These guiding principles were developed collaboratively by the partner communities and support the following vision for transportation in and around the Sugar House Business District: The transportation network that connects to the Sugar House Business District will be safe, inviting, sustainable, and provide comfortable travel choices for everyone. It promotes a connected network between local neighborhoods and regional centers in South Salt Lake, Millcreek, and Holladay to the Sugar House Business District. Active and Public transportation connections to schools, neighborhood centers, parks, and other public attractions are prioritized. Circulation Study 2020 3 Existing Conditions To assess multimodal opportunities, challenges, and needs to the Sug- ar House Business District, the planning team analyzed a variety of topics, including: • Key Destinations such as the Sugar House Business District, Millcreek City Center, Brickyard, or South Salt Lake Downtown • Land Use Density indicating high demand areas for trips • Planned construction projects, such as road reconstructions, XWLOLW\SURMHFWVRURWKHUFDSLWDOSURMHFWVWKDWPD\RႇHURSSRUWX- nities to reprogram streets or corridors to provide more diverse transportation options • Bicycle and pedestrian networks identifying where active transportation infrastructure investment may be missing or in- adequate • Safety including bicycle and pedestrian crash history through- out the study area • Transit networkLOOXVWUDWLQJSRWHQWLDO¿UVWODVWPLOHSULRULW\ORFD- tions • Freight networks illustrating corridors that may have special RSHUDWLRQDOFRQVLGHUDWLRQVIRUIUHLJKWWUDႈF Public Engagement 3XEOLFRXWUHDFKHႇRUWVZHUHGLYLGHGLQWRWZRSKDVHV ([LVWLQJ&RQ- GLWLRQVDQG 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV7KH([LVWLQJ&RQGLWLRQVSKDVHZDV focused on learning from locals about opportunities and barriers to walking and biking in and around the study area, while the Recommen- dations phase was geared towards getting feedback on recommended projects, policies, and programs. In both phases, methods for public input included online surveys and online interactive maps. Key Needs and Priorities Based on the existing conditions analysis and public engagement, sev- eral key needs and priorities emerged. These included site and corri- GRUVSHFL¿FQHHGVDWLQWHUVHFWLRQVRUURDGZD\VEXWDOVRJOREDOQHHGV throughout the study area. /RFDWLRQVSHFL¿FQHHGVLQFOXGH • Global Address gaps in Parley’s Trail through the Sugar House Business District and South Salt Lake Downtown • Address east-west connectivity into Sugar House for active transportation users on 2100 S, 2700 S, and 3300 S • Address connectivity between the Sugar House Business Dis- trict and Brickyard/Millcreek City Center • Improve pedestrian conditions at various intersections through- out the study area Global needs include: •,PSURYHG¿UVWODVWPLOHLPSURYHPHQWV • More convenient and secure bike parking •&RPSUHKHQVLYHZD\¿QGLQJVLJQDJH •&RPSUHKHQVLYHWUDႈFFDOPLQJRQORFDOVWUHHWV • Improved pedestrian realm elements including street trees, site furnishings, and public art, and other placemaking features Circulation Study 2020 4 Final Project Recommendations Circulation Study 2020 5 Final Program & Policy Recommendations 1. Creative Placemaking 2.*UHHQ&RQÀLFW0DUNLQJVRQ5HJLRQDOO\6LJQL¿FDQW Bikeways 3.:D\¿QGLQJ 6LJQDJH 4. Bicycle Parking 5. Trail Oriented Development 6.&RRUGLQDWHG7UDႈF&DOPLQJ6WUDWHJ\ 7.0LFURPRELOLW\,QIUDVWUXFWXUHDQG0RELOLW\+XEV *More information about each recommendation can be found in the appendix Circulation Study 2020 6 Process Overview Circulation Study 2020 7 7KHPDSVEHORZLOOXVWUDWH¿QDOUHFRPPHQGDWLRQVIRULPSURYLQJFLUFXODWLRQLQWKH6WXG\$UHD )LJXUH5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV Circulation Study 2020 8 Background Data The following maps depict the existing conditions within the study area. Key Points in the Study Area The study area includes three existing or developing central business districts or downtowns in the Salt Lake Valley. Sugar House Business District Since the 2013 Circulation Study in this area, the Sugar House Busi- ness District has seen tremendous transformation and continues to. 7KHDUHDVRXWKRI6RXWKQRUWKRI,HDVWRI(DVWDQG ZHVWRI(DVWKDVKDGVLJQL¿FDQWUHGHYHORSPHQWRIQHZVKRS- SLQJKRXVLQJKRVSLWDOLW\DQGRႈFHVSDFH7KHQHZGHYHORSPHQWLV denser, more compact, and has an overall urban feel. South Salt Lake Downtown South Salt Lake is building a downtown city center across 235 acres at the northeast corner of where I-80 and I-15 meet. Over the course of its development, the City expects more than 2,500 new multi-family housing units, 1.5 million square feet of retail and 3 million square feet RIRႈFHFRPPHUFLDOVSDFHSOXVSDUNVDJUHHQZD\3DUOH\¶V7UDLODQG cultural and social attractions. Millcreek City Center The newly incorporated City of Millcreek is also building a city center. Its city center will be located north of 3300 South, between Highland 'ULYHDQG(DVW,WZLOOIHDWXUHDSURPLQHQWDQGYLEUDQWPXOWLXVH RSHQVSDFHDWLWVFHQWHUZLWKPL[HGXVHVLQFOXGLQJRႈFHUHVLGHQWLDO retail, and civic buildings surrounding it. It will include over 100,000 VTXDUHIHHWRIRႈFHRYHUVTXDUHIHHWRIUHWDLODQGRYHU multifamily units over the next decade. The land uses in and between these three centers includes a broad mix RIFRPPHUFLDORႈFHUHVLGHQWLDODQGLQGXVWULDO LQ6RXWK6DOW/DNH ,Q addition to the general land uses described above, there are a number of other destinations in the study area: • 2 Colleges (Salt Lake Community College, Westminster Col- lege) • 17 K-12 Schools (3 High Schools, 2 Junior High Schools, 3UH. (OHPHQWDU\6FKRROV6FKRROIRUWKH'HDIDQG%OLQG • 10 Parks • 2 Libraries (Sprague Branch Public Library, Millcreek Commu- nity Library) • 3 Hospitals or Health Clinics (University of Utah health Clinic - Sugar House, St. Mark’s Hospital, South Main Public Health Center) • 3 Community or Recreation Centers (Fairmont Aquatic Center, Columbus Center, Central Park Community Center) • Salt Lake County Government Center • South Salt Lake Creative Industries Zone •(QWHUWDLQPHQWDQG6KRSSLQJ$UHDV %ULFN\DUG6KRSSLQJ&HQWHU Sugar House Shopping Center, Century 16 Theater, Cinemark Theatre Figure 2. Key Study Area Locations Circulation Study 2020 9 Parley’s Trail and S-Line Corridor In addition to the point and district destinations and features of the VWXG\DUHD3DUOH\¶V7UDLODQGWKH6/LQH&RUULGRUFXUUHQWO\GH¿QHD prominent transit and active transportation corridor running east-west between the Sugar House Business District and South Salt Lake’s Downtown. Ongoing and Planned Construction Salt Lake City, South Salt Lake, and Millcreek have a number of up- coming and ongoing road construction projects. The map shows six FODVVL¿FDWLRQVRIFRQVWUXFWLRQSURMHFWVEXVVWRSLPSURYHPHQWVURDG reconstruction projects, trail projects, road restriping projects, road re- surfacing projects, and water storm and sewer projects. This study can take advantage of this future construction work to make recommen- GDWLRQVWKDWPD\LQIRUPVRPHRIWKH¿QDOGHVLJQVVHOHFWHGIRUHDFKRI WKHVHURDGV6SHFL¿FLPSURYHPHQWVDUHOLVWHGEHORZE\FRQVWUXFWLRQ year: 2020 •5HFRQVWUXFWLQJ(OL]DEHWK6WUHHW6WUDWIRUG$YHQXHWR:KLWORFN Avenue •5HFRQVWUXFWLQJ=HQLWK$YHQXH(DVWWR(DVW •5HFRQVWUXFWLQJ3DUNZD\$YHQXH(OL]DEHWK6WUHHWWR+LJKODQG Drive • Canal Replacement & Green Infrastructure Improvements - Wilmington Avenue to Ashton Avenue •5RXWH%XV6WRS(QKDQFHPHQWV 2021 •5HFRQVWUXFWLQJ(DVW+ROO\ZRRG$YHQXHWR6RXWK • Resurfacing Highland - Warnock to Salt Lake City line 2023 •5HFRQVWUXFWLQJ(DVW+LJKODQG'ULYH5DPRQD$YHQXHWR Warnock Avenue •5HFRQVWUXFWLQJ$VKWRQ$YHQXH(DVWWR+LJKODQG'ULYH •5HFRQVWUXFWLQJ(DVW$WNLQ$YHQXHWR6RXWK •5HFRQVWUXFWLQJ/LQFROQ6WUHHW(OP$YHQXHWR6RXWK •5HFRQVWUXFWLQJ0HDGRZ/DQH*UHHQ6WUHHWWR(DVW •5HFRQVWUXFWLQJ*UHJVRQ$YHQXH(DVWWR/LQFROQ6WUHHW •5HFRQVWUXFWLQJ6LPSVRQ$YHQXH(DVWWR+LJKODQG'ULYH 2024 •5HFRQVWUXFWLQJ  (DVW   6RXWK WKH 6DOW /DNH &LW\ Boundary 2025 •5HFRQVWUXFWLQJ6RXWK(DVWWR(DVW Land-Use Density The following four maps illustrate existing and future land use density in the study area. Together, they illustrate areas of higher building den- sity located in and around the Sugar House Business District, much of the South Salt Lake Area adjacent to I-80, and property in and around the Brickyard Shopping Center and the Millcreek City Center. 7KLV¿UVWPDSLOOXVWUDWHVSDUFHOEXLOGLQJGHQVLW\ZKLFKLVWKHWRWDOEXLOG- ing square feet divided by the parcel size. It shows the intensity of development on each parcel. The darker the red, the more intense the parcel-building density. Parcels that are not red are likely single family homes with large lots, open spaces and parks, or other parcels with small buildings. Figure 3. Ongoing and Planned Construction Circulation Study 2020 10 Figure 5 shows parcels with multiple building stories. The darker the red, the more building stories. There is a concentration in the Sugar House Business District, the parcel of the Salt Lake County Building, the area near South Salt Lake’s Creative Industries Zone, and along 3900 South near St. Mark’s Hospital. )LJXUHVDQGVKRZ+RXVHKROGDQG2ႈFH-REHVWLPDWHVDFFRUGLQJ to the Wasatch Front Regional Council’s 2030 projections by transpor- tation analysis zone (TAZ). While households are spread throughout the study area, there appear to be clusters south of 3300 South and north of 2100 South. 7KHRႈFHSURMHFWLRQPDSVKRZQLQ)LJXUHVKRZVFRQFHQWUD- tions in the southeast corner of the Sugar House Business District and the TAZ encompassing the Salt Lake County Building. Figure 4. Parcel Building Density )LJXUH3DUFHOVZLWK0XOWLSOH%XLOGLQJ6WRULHV )LJXUH+RXVHKROG3URMHFWLRQV Circulation Study 2020 11 )LJXUH2ႈFH3URMHFWLRQV Bicycle Facilities The Sugar House Business District possesses a number of important ELNHZD\FRQQHFWLRQVVKRZQLQ)LJXUHRႇHULQJDGMDFHQWQHLJKERU- hoods convenient access to numerous shopping and entertainment destinations. This includes east-west connections like Parley’s Trail and bicycle facilities on 2700 S. The McClelland Trail provides a good north-south route linking Sugar House to the 9th & 9th District. Bicycle IDFLOLWLHVDUHJHQHUDOO\GH¿FLHQWLQOLQNLQJWKH6XJDU+RXVH%XVLQHVV District to points south including Millcreek City Center and Brickyard. Parley’s Trail also possess a vital gap between the Sugarmont TRAX VWDWLRQDQG³7KH'UDZ´ZKHUH3DUOH\¶V7UDLOFURVVHVXQGHU(DVW into Sugar House Park. Annual Strava Data Bicycle Counts (2019) The most heavily used corridors by Strava users include Parley’s Trail, 1700 South, and 2700 South going east-west. This is likely attributed to the bicycle infrastructure on those roads and trails. Going north-south, there are more corridors used by riders, but the most heavily used are (DVW(DVWDQG(DVWVRXWKRI,$GGLWLRQDOURXWHV WKDWVHHPWRVHHKLJKHUYROXPHVLQFOXGH0DLQ6WUHHW(DVW (DVWDQG(DVWVRXWKRI6RXWK Figure 8. Strava Bicycle Counts Bicycle Travelshed Analysis The planning team analyzed existing bikeways and lowvolume road- ways suitable for bicycling to understand how accessible the Sugar House Business District is via surrounding neighborhoods based on typical trip durations of 5-, 10-, and 20-minutes. Sugar House Plaza was used as the origin for determining these “travelsheds”. Given a gridded street network and ample streets suitable for bicycling, trav- elsheds would appear diamond-shaped. In Sugar House, east-west connectivity is strong thanks to the existence of Parley’s Trail. Connec- WLRQVQRUWKWRZDUGV:HVWPLQVWHUDQGWKH(DVW/LEHUW\3DUNQHLJKERU- hood are also good thanks to the McClelland Trail and several low-vol- ume local streets. Bicycle connectivity begins to breakdown traveling south out of Sugar House. A lack of suitable bicycle facilities on 1300 (RU+LJKODQGSUHYHQWVDFFHVVWR%ULFN\DUGDQG0LOOFUHHN&LW\&HQWHU within the 10- and 20-minute travel sheds. With improved bikeways, it could be possible to easily bike between the Sugar House Business District and Brickyard / Millcreek City Center in as little as 10-minutes. Circulation Study 2020 12 Figure 9. Bicycle Facilities Circulation Study 2020 13 )LJXUH2ႈFH%LF\FOH7UDYHOVKHG Bicycle Crashes The planning team analyzed bicycle crashes between 2010 to 2019 by severity, location, year of occurrence, and daylight characteristics. Between 2010 and 2019, there were a total of 527 reported crashes involving bicycles. As shown in Figure 1, 3 of these crashes were fatal; 43 were reported as causing “serious injury;” 253 were reported as causing “minor injury;” 187 were reported as causing “possible injury;” and 41 were reported as causing “no injury.” The three fatal injuries RFFXUUHGDWWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQRI6RXWKDQG(DVW6RXWK DQG(DVWDQG:HVWDQG6RXWK 70% (366) bicycle crashes occurred at intersections, while 30% (161) occurred at non-intersections. Only two percent of crashes occurred at a bicycle or pedestrian path intersection. 30% (160) of bicycle crashes occurred on roadways with designated bicycle infrastructure, where- as 70% (367) occurred on roadways without designated bicycle infra- structure, pointing to the importance of developing safe and comfort- able bicycle facilities. The majority of crashes occurred on the largest arterial roads such as State Street, 2100 South, and Highland Drive. Reported bicycle crashes have decreased over time, with earlier years showing higher number of crashes than later years as shown in Figure 2. In 2011, 79 crashes were recorded. In 2019, only 19 crashes were recorded. Note that this could be due to incomplete crash reporting. Figure 11. Bicycle Crashes Circulation Study 2020 14 Annual Strava Data Pedestrian Counts (2019) The pedestrian count data indicates the heaviest activity in and leading to Sugar House Park, which makes sense given its recreative nature. (DVW6RXWKDQGWKH6/LQHDQG3DUOH\¶VWUDLODOVRVHHDIDLU number of pedestrian counts. More pedestrian activity seems to occur in the northeast quadrant of the study area. Figure 12. Strava Pedestrian Counts Pedestrian Travelshed Analysis The planning team analyzed existing sidewalks suitable for walking to understand how accessible the Sugar House Business District is via surrounding neighborhoods based on typical trip durations of 5-, 10-, and 20-minutes. Sugar House Plaza was used as the origin for deter- mining these “travelsheds.” Given the area’s gridded street network WKDW¶VRXW¿WWHGZLWKVLGHZDONVRQPRVWVWUHHWVWKHSHGHVWULDQWUDYHO shed is roughly diamond shaped similarly to the bicycle travel shed. Connectivity to the north, west, and east is strong thanks to the exis- tence of sidewalks on nearly every street in these neighborhoods. Con- nectivity to the south is weaker due to the lack of sidewalks on some local roads, dead-end cul-de-sacs, and the division of some neighbor- hoods by Interstate 80. Many roads either dead-end at the Interstate or do not provide adequate walking facilities, presenting a challenge for those walking to the south of the Sugar House Business District. With focused investment on implementing missing sidewalk links and connecting cul-de-sacs, the 20-minute pedestrian travel shed could be H[SDQGHGWRLQFOXGHWKH+LJKODQG3DUN(OHPHQWDU\6FKRROQHLJKERU- hoods and other nearby areas. Pedestrian Crashes The planning team analyzed pedestrian crashes between 2010 to 2019 by severity, location, year of occurrence, and daylight characteristics. Between 2010 and 2019, there were a total of 550 reported crashes involving pedestrians. As shown in Figure 4, 33 of these crashes were Figure 13. Pedestrian Travelshed Circulation Study 2020 15 fatal; 78 were reported as causing “serious injury;” 237 were reported as causing “minor injury;” 181 were reported as causing “possible inju- ry;” and 21 were reported as causing “no injury.” 69% (378) of pedestrian crashes occurred at intersections, while 31% (172) occurred at non-intersections. Crashes appear to be centered around commercial areas with high to moderate pedestrian activity, such as the Sugar House Business District, 3300 South, State Street, 2100 South, and State Street. The number of reported crashes has varied over time, with the major- ity of crashes occurring in 2017 (64), 2013 (63), and 2015 (60). 2019 showed the lowest number of reported crashes, with only 41 crashes reported. Note that this number could be due to incomplete crash re- porting. Figure 14. Pedestrian Crashes Circulation Study 2020 16 Transit Connections The study area is well served by bus transit with routes running along major north-south and east-west corridors. A summary of the bus routes and their peak period headways in the study area is shown in the table below. Figure 15. Transit Network The study area is also served by light rail service including three TRAX lines on the west side and a streetcar (the S-Line) which runs from Central Pointe Station in South Salt Lake to its terminus at Fairmont Station in the Sugar House Business District. At Central Pointe Sta- tion, riders can transfer from the S-Line to the Green, Blue, and Red TRAX light rail lines. These lines reach West Valley and the Salt Lake City International Airport, Draper and Salt Lake Central Station, and Daybreak and the University of Utah, respectively. The table on the top right provides a summary of light rail service. Circulation Study 2020 17 The two charts below show more detailed information on SLine rid- HUVKLS7KH¿UVWVKRZVDVWHDG\LQFUHDVHLQULGHUVKLSIURPWR 2017 and then a slight drop in years 2018 and 2019. The second chart shows that ridership remains steady throughout the months, with slight peaks in August and September. An Alternatives Analysis (AA) study will be conducted following this study to explore extending the S-Line south of its current terminus at Fairmont Station to Millcreek and Holladay, either down Highland Drive RU(DVWRUDFRPELQDWLRQRIQRUWKVRXWKVWUHHWV The region’s heavy rail commuter line, Front Runner, also appears on the map, but is considered out of the study area. Transit Boardings The map shows average daily boardings at bus stops and SLine sta- tions. It shows that the majority of boardings occur along the S-Line, 2100 South, 3300 South, and at major road intersections such as 900 (DVWDQG6RXWK Figure 16. Transit Boardings Circulation Study 2020 18 Transit Alightings 7KHWUDQVLWDOLJKWLQJV ZKHQSDVVHQJHUVJHWRႇWKHEXV PDSVKRZWKDW while the same bus stop locations tend to show more activity, 2100 South, 3300 South, and intersections such as Highland Drive and 3300 South, there is overall less activity. This may or may not accurately UHÀHFWDFWXDODOLJKWLQJVVLQFHIHZHUSHRSOH³WDSRႇ´ZKHQJHWWLQJRႇ the bus. Figure 17. Transit Alightings Freight Network The freight network through the study area consists of freeways, arteri- als, and major collectors. These routes include I-80, I-15, State Street, (DVW6RXWKDQG6RXWKZHVWRI6WDWH6WUHHW7KHVH roads tend to be auto-priority and should likely be avoided as routes for active transportation. Figure 18. Freight Network Sugar House Parley’s Trail The next map shows how Parley’s Trail currently connects through the Sugar House Business District. It passes north of the S-Line tracks east along Sugarmont Drive. It picks up at Wilmington Avenue and continues east, where it cuts north and goes through an alley behind Wilmington Flats, through the southeast corner of Hidden Hollow and then east through The Draw tunnel into Sugar House Park. The con- nection between Sugarmont Drive and Wilmington Avenue along High- ODQG'ULYHLVXQRႈFLDODQGLQIRUPDO7KHPDSFRQYH\VVHYHUDOURXWLQJ Circulation Study 2020 19 alternatives through the Sugar House Business District, which include a route for pedestrians through the new Sugarmont Apartments. The McClelland Trail is also depicted in green and green dashed lines for existing and expected routes, respectively. )LJXUH6XJDU+RXVH Circulation Study 2020 20 Bike Parking in Sugar House Business District This map illustrates the extent of bicycle parking in the Sugar House Business District as of July 2020. Many of the facilities are still in place that existed when the 2013 study was completed. As new develop- ment has happened, bicycle racks have been added next to several new buildings indicating more acceptance and support of cycling in the study area. )LJXUH%LNH3DUNLQJLQ6XJDU+RXVH%XVLQHVV'LVWULFW Sugar House Transit Service The Sugar House Transit Service map shows four bus lines (209, 21, 213, 220) and the S-Line streetcar route as well as 2019 total average daily boardings and alightings for stops in the study area. The map illustrates a concentration of activity at the Fairmont Station (corner of 0F&OHOODQGDQG6XJDUPRQW DQGDW(DVWDQG6RXWK6RPH RIWKHQHZRႈFHGHYHORSPHQWLQ6XJDU+RXVHVXFKDVWKH8QLYHUVLW\ of Utah Health Clinic likely has not been around long enough to impact bus stop use on Highland Drive between Ashton and Stringham, but it is likely that location will begin to see more activity. )LJXUH6XJDU+RXVH7UDQVLW The line chart below shows average daily ridership on bus lines that run through the Sugar House Business District from 2010 to 2019. Rid- HUVKLSKDVUHPDLQHGPRVWO\ÀDWRUKDVULVHQIRUPRVWOLQHVH[FHSWURXWH ZKLFKKDVVHHQDVORZGHFOLQHWKDWKDVÀDWWHQVLQFH$OOOLQHV saw a small dip in service in 2014, which may be related to the launch of the S-Line. Circulation Study 2020 21 Public Comment Summary The study engaged the public over several months in the summer and HDUO\IDOORI7KH¿UVWIRUPDWZDVWKURXJKDQLQWHUDFWLYHSXEOLF comment map in which members of the community could leave gener- DORUVSHFL¿FFRPPHQWVRQFLUFXODWLRQLQWKHVWXG\DUHD6SHFL¿FFRP- ments were tied to either points or lines that they drew on a map. The majority of comments pertained to safety and biking (see pie chart). Beyond those overarching comment tags, the three most common big ideas revolved around: 1.,PSURYHGVLJQDJH ZD\¿QGLQJ 2. Need for addition bicycle facilities to improve ridership and safe- ty 3. Improved street crossing environments for pedestrians ,PSURYHG6LJQDJHDQG:D\ÀQGLQJ Several comments addresses the lack of or limited signage for the trails that connect in the study area including Parley’s, the McClelland, and the Millcreek Trails. Additional Bicycle Facilities ,QJHQHUDOVHYHUDOFRUULGRUVZHUHLGHQWL¿HGDVODFNLQJELF\FOHODQHV which made riders feel unsafe traveling along them, especially where cars may be traveling at high speeds. Improved Street Crossings 0DQ\LQWHUVHFWLRQVRUPLGEORFNFURVVLQJVZHUHLGHQWL¿HGDVSODFHV for improved pedestrian infrastructure. Respondents indicated they felt XQVDIHDQGGLGQRWZDONEHFDXVHLWZDVWRRGLႈFXOWWRFRQQHFWLQVRPH of these areas without better pedestrian facilities. Gaps and Barriers A gaps and barriers analysis was done by assessing information gath- ered in existing conditions and in the public comments about the study area. The following three maps indicate major barriers and gaps and targeted pain points for active transportation circulation. Barriers The study area is dissected by three large linear barriers: I-80 dividing DUHDVQRUWKDQGVRXWKDQG6WDWH6WUHHWDQG(DVWGLYLGLQJDUHDV east and west. These auto-priority thoroughfares can be challenging and create undesirable conditions for traveling for cyclists and pedes- trians. The thick blue lines on the map indicate these barriers’ locations. White lines across them indicate safer or more welcoming crossing conditions. Dashed white lines indicate locations where it is physically possible to cross, but the environment may not be ideal and will likely deter all but the most determined of people. Smaller barriers are also indicated to show smaller corridors that are GLႈFXOWWRFURVV7KH\DUHDWWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQRIWKH6/LQHDQG75$; lines near Central Pointe Station, between the Sugar House Business District and Millcreek City Center along Highland Drive, and a small point along Sugarmont Drive between McClelland Street and Highland Drive. Figure 22. Barriers Circulation Study 2020 22 Gaps The gaps on the map depict areas and corridors of missing connec- tions or infrastructure for active transportation in the study area. There are six primary gaps listed below. Additional gaps in connectivity are il- lustrated with dashed lines. Those include connections from the north- east neighborhoods into the Sugar House Business District, connec- tions east-west through the City of Millcreek, and a possible connection south of I-80 that could function as an alternate route to cycling infra- structure that exists on 2700 South and Parley’s Trail. • Gap 1: Parley’s Trail through Sugar House Business District •*DS6RXWK(DVWWR(DVWJDSLQELNHZD\ infrastructure • Gap 3: Sugar House Business District to Millcreek City Center/ Brickyard; gaps in bikeway and pedestrian infrastructure • Gap 4: 3300 South: Gaps in bikeway and pedestrian infrastruc- ture; future study planned • Gap 5: 2100 South: lacking bikeways, inconsistent pedestrian facilities outside of Sugar House Business District •*DS(DVW6RXWKWR6RXWK*DSLQUHJLRQDO bikeway network; connects to Millcreek City and planned Salt Lake City bikeway Figure 23. Gaps Pain Points 7KHWKLUGPDSLQWKLVVHULHVLOOXVWUDWHVVSHFL¿FSDLQSRLQWVDFURVVWKH study area. These are comprised of trail areas that are confusing, dan- JHURXVRUGLႈFXOWLQWHUVHFWLRQVWRFURVVPLVVLQJDFWLYHWUDQVSRUWDWLRQ infrastructure such as sidewalk, and other similar issues that make connectivity in the area challenging. 1. Parley’s Trail route confusing 2./DFNRIVLGHZDONRQ(DVWFUHDWHVGLႈFXOW\DFFHVVLQJWKH S-Line 3. Signal to cross is slow and de-incentivizes biking 4. Dangerous crossing conditions for pedestrians/cyclists via multi- use path 5. Confusing and dangerous intersection 6. Parley’s Trail signage and location confusing - often blocked by vehicles 7.'LႈFXOW\FURVVLQJ(DVWYLD:HVWPLQVWHU$YHHYHQWKRXJKLW is a common route to SHBD from northeast 8. Tunnel not inviting to AT, but wide enough for additional facilities 9.7KLVLQWHUVHFWLRQLVH[WUHPHO\GLႈFXOWXQIULHQGO\WRF\FOLVWVSH- destrians Figure 24. Pain Points Circulation Study 2020 23 10.'LႈFXOW\FURVVLQJ6RXWKLQWRSDUNVLJQVDERXWGLUHFWLRQDO- ity not clear, lack of bike racks 11.'LႈFXOWFURVVLQJDW(DVWGHEULVDQGVQRZDFFXPXODWHLQ protected northbound bike lane 12. McClelland Trail not clear 13. Parking on Highland Drive not used - bike lane opportunity? 14.'LႈFXOWLQWHUVHFWLRQWRFURVV 15. Sidewalks in poor condition - but wide enough to install shared use path 16. Dangerous crossing conditions Circulation Study 2020 24 Appendix A Program and Policy Recommendations Attachments Circulation Study 2020 25 Creative Placemaking Sugar House BD, Highland Drive Existing Conditions: Program Extent: Land Use: Program Destinations: Project Alignment: Guiding Principles: Planning Integration: Program Description: Potential Impacts: Collaborations and Partnerships: Implementation Phasing: Sugar House Business District, Highland Drive Commercial District Shopping centers, S-Line, Parley’s Trail, U of U Health Clinic, Sugarhouse and Fairmont Parks Safety, Sustainability, Choice, Connectivity, Health, Collaboration This recommendation supports the safety, choice, health, and collaboration guiding principles. A creative placemaking program in the Sugar House Business District would formalize activities and small improvements that encourage people to spend time outside on the streets of the commercial areas. It would include staff time and funding to encourage public art installations, street furnishings, and activities and events that boost social and economic vibrancy. Conflicts with vehicles created by temporary or permanent placemaking elements would need to be mitigated. Salt Lake City Arts Council, Sugar House Chamber of Commerce, Utah Arts Alliance, Salt Lake County Arts & Culture Short- to mid-term Circulation Study 2020 26 Green Conflict Markings on Regionally-Significant Bikeways TYPICAL APPLICATION Green conflict markings are typically used within bikeways, especially at turning conflict areas, intersections, and driveways. These locations present areas where typical vehicle movements frequently encroach into bicycle space, but where the prevailing speed of turning traffic is low enough that motorist yielding behavior can be expected. Benefits of Green Conflict Markings • Promotes the multi-modal nature of a corridor • Increases the visibility of bicyclists • Discourages illegal parking in the bike lane • When used in conflict areas, raises motorist and bicyclist awareness to potential areas of conflict • Increases bicycle comfort through clearly delineated space • Increases motorist yielding behavior • Helps reduce bicycle conflicts with turning motorizes Existing Conditions: Program Extent: Description: Project Alignment: Guiding Principles: Planning Integration: Collaborations and Partnerships: Implementation Phasing: Potential Recommended Corridors: Neighborhood centers within the study area including the Sugar House Business District, South Salt Lake Downtown, Brickyard, and Millcreek’s City Center Green conflict markings on bikeways increase the visibility of the facility, highlight potential areas of conflict, and reinforces priority to bicyclists in conflict areas. Historically, Salt Lake City has used green conflict markings near Downtown bikeways where bikeway use is highest. As the neighborhood centers within the study area, such as the Sugar House Business District, continue to grow and attract more trips, green conflict markings should be implemented on new and existing bikeways. Color should always be applied consistently to facilitate clear understanding for all roadway users. Safety, Choice, Connectivity, Collaboration Supports multimodal goals inherent in plans including the Salt Lake City Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan Update, the Millcreek City Center Master Plan, and the South Salt Lake Downtown Master Plan. Salt Lake City, South Salt Lake, Millcreek, Holladay Short- to mid-term • Highland Drive • Parley’s Trail through the Sugar House Business District • 900 East • 2700 South The intersection of Highland Drive and 2100 South is an area that could benefit from green conflict markings. The intersection of Highland Drive and Wilmington Ave (Parley’s Trail) is an area that sees large volumes of bicycle traffic traveling along the Parley’s Trail. Dashed Color in Conflict Area • Color should be applied in a dashed pattern within a dashed bicycle lane to indicate conflict area/merging area. • Dashed application of color pavement mimics typical traffic striping layouts, where dashed markings indicate areas where merging is permitted. • Colored surface should be skid resistant and retro-reflective. • Normal white bike lane lines should be provided along the edges of the colored lane to provide consistency with other facilities and to enhance nighttime visibility. • A “Yield to Bikes” sign should be used at intersections or driveway crossings to reinforce that bicyclists have the right-of-way at colored bike lane areas. Maintenance costs vary depending on paint and material used. 900 East is a regionally- significant bikeway and could benefit from green conflict markings, especially near high- conflict areas such as Nibley Park Elementary. Photos (top to bottom): Typical application of green conflict markings (NACTO, 2019). Example of green conflict markings on 200 W in Salt Lake City. Circulation Study 2020 27 Wayfinding & Signage Local Link Study Area Existing Conditions: Program Extent: Project Alignment: Guiding Principles: Planning Integration: Program Description: Collaborations and Partnerships: Implementation Phasing: Sugar House Business District, Downtown South Salt Lake, Millcreek City Center, along major trails and bicycle corridors Choice, Connectivity, Collaboration, Transparency & Engagement Good wayfinding and signage is part of the Millcreek City Center and South Salt Lake Strategic Mobility master plans. Successful signage and wayfinding projects include a comprehensive network that develops a variety of sign types for different users. The signage is legible, consistent, and demonstrates a hierarchy of information and sign types. Identity and placemaking should be supported by signage and information in the signage should be inclusive using symbols, icons, or multilingual text. Wayfinding throughout the Local Link study area should create a consistent visual language with a clear hierarchy of signage types including access signs indicating primary gateways, fundamental and enhanced navigation, and educational interpretive signage. South Salt Lake, Salt Lake City, Millcreek, Salt Lake County, and WFRC Short- to mid-term Trail wayfi nding and signage elements ϴ͛ ϳ͛ ϲ͛ ϱ͛ ϰ͛ ϯ͛ Ϯ͛ ϭ͛ =˜–‰‰˜8…‘‰ TR A I L N A M E TRAIL NAME 7UDLOKHDG .LRVN 6HFRQGDU\$FFHVV 6LJQDJH 3DYHPHQW 0DUNLQJ 0LOH 0DUNHU 6WUHHW7UDLO 6LJQ ,QWHUSUHWLYH 6LJQ 'HFLVLRQ 6LJQ 7XUQ 6LJQ &RQILUPDWLRQ 6LJQ -‡•–‹ƒ–‹‘ -‡•–‹ƒ–‹‘ -‡•–‹ƒ–‹‘ TR A I L N A M E 1.0 MILE TRAILL *DWHZD\ 0RQXPHQW Access FUNDAMENTAL NAVIGATION Enhanced Navigation Interpretive BIGDRY CREEKTRAIL -‡•–‹ƒ–‹‘ -‡•–‹ƒ–‹‘ -‡•–‹ƒ–‹‘ Rectangular shape Standard symbols Standard color Three destinations maximum, 2” text minimum, standard font and case Arrow shape, order and location consistent The Indianapolis Cultural Trail is very well defined an marked in a variety of ways that include pavement paint, art, and consistent application of the trail logo. ACCESS Access signage may vary from a simple confirmation sign stating the name of the route to a kiosk that has route name, map panel, and additional destination information ENHANCED NAVIGATION Enhanced navigational elements provide additional wayfinding information to trail users. They tend to vary in content and formatting. They include pavement markings such as trail logos or shared lane markings. Mile markers and street/trail signs are also considered under enhanced navigation. FUNDAMENTAL NAVIGATION Fundamental navigation signage can vary from decision signs to turn signs to confirmation signs. These signs clarify potentially ambiguous routes, a change in direction of a route, or indicate the direction of a destination. INTERPRETIVE Interpretive signs illuminate the power of place with content that informs, educates, and entertains the public. More than just dates and fact, interpretive panels inspire a feeling of stewardship in site visitors, strengthening awareness of cultural and natural resources. Circulation Study 2020 28 WAYFINDING AND SIGNAGE PROGRAMS & POLICIES Wayfinding & Signage LOCAL LINK |CIRCULATION STUDY CASE STUDIES WalkYourCity.org - helps encorage community walkability by connecting people to city neighborhoods through signs created and installed by community members. It includes web-based campaign management and data collection that can provide maps and directions for peoples smart phones. Citizens, community development groups and real estate companies are using the program’s sign builder to design and install campaigns that embrace walkability on their communities. Ledgible London - is a pedestrian focused wayfinding effort that tries to coordinate signage across multiple neighborhoods in London. Prior to these efforts, an inventory of pedestrian signage in the city center identified 32 separate sign systems. The myriad of sign types lacked the consistency and confused citizens and visitors. Since 2005 the campaign’s ongoing effort boasts over 500 signs as well as digital maps and smartphone apps that aid pedestrian navigation. Walk Your City and other focused wayfinding efforts like Legible London demonstrate the way clear signage and citizen engagement can promote more active transportation choices, making communities healthier, safer, and more vibrant. Ideas present in signage campaigns like these are good case studies and examples and elements of them can be adopted within a comprehensive signage and wayfinding effort for the Local Link study area. WAYFINDING PRINCIPLES tUnderstand where they are with respect to other key locations tOrient themselves in an appropriate direction with little misunderstanding or stress tDiscover new places and services CONNECT PLACES Wayfinding enables both residents and visitors to travel between destinations and to discover new ones. Wayfinding connects neighborhoods and provides navigational assistance to both local and regional destinations. Effective wayfinding is an extension to the bicycling and walking network and provides a seamless travel experience for non-motorized users. PROMOTE ACTIVE TRAVEL A wayfinding network should encourage increased rates of active transportation by creating a clear and attractive system that is easy to understand. The presence of wayfinding signs should help to communicate that walking and bicycling to many destinations is possible. Wayfinding helps overcome physical barriers that discourage the use of active transportation modes of travel. MAINTAIN MOTION Bicycling and walking require physical effort. Frequent stopping and starting to check for directions may lead to frustration and discourage use. Consistent, clear, and visible wayfinding elements allow people walking and bicycling to navigate while maintaining their state of motion. The wayfinding information needs to be presented in a manner that is quick to read and easy to comprehend. BE PREDICTABLE Effective wayfinding networks are predictable. When information is predictable, patterns emerge and users rely on the network. Predictability also helps user to understand new situations quickly, whether it be navigating a new intersection or traveling to a destination for the first time. Predictability should relate to all aspects of wayfinding placement and design. KEEP IT SIMPLE For a wayfinding network to be effective, information needs to be presented clearly and logically. The presentation of information needs to be balanced; too much information can be difficult to understand; too little and decision-making becomes impossible. To be successful, wayfinding information must be provided in advance of major changes in the path of travel and confirmed when the maneuver is complete. The Spanish city of Pontevedra implemented a drastic policy to promote pedestrian activity by closing the city center to vehicular traffic. The clear pedestrian signage campaign adopts colors, symbols and styles frequently seen in rail and bus wayfinding. Identifying key locations within the Local Link study area then analyzing distances and routes between locations is the first step in creating a comprehensive wayfinding effort. Clear signage adapted for different users including bicyclists and pedestrians is crucial to activating streets across the study area and creating connection throughout neighborhoods and cities. Circulation Study 2020 29 Bicycle Parking Sugar House Business District Bicycle parking is an important component of the bicycle network. This study recommends that the cities incorporate the Association of Bicycle and Pedestrian Professionals’ Bicycle Parking Guidelines into its development codes, making sure to specify proper rack placement and design. RACK STYLES When properly designed and installed, these rack styles typically meet all performance criteria and are appropriate for use in nearly any application. INVERTED U POST & RING CORRAL RACK PLACEMENT The following minimum spacing requirements apply to common bike rack installations, such as the inverted-U. Recommended clearances are given first, with minimums provided in parentheses. Note that the typical bicycle footprint is approximately 6’ x 2’, but some bikes may extend to 10’ or longer. SHORT TERM BICYCLE PARKING Short term bicycle parking should be 1) close to the users’ destination and 2) easy to use. It should be designed for people visiting businesses and community activity centers, trips typically lasting around 2 hours. In order to optimize use, short term bicycle parking should be easy to find and easy to use. • Racks should be less than 50’ from the entrance it serves. • Adequate lighting should be provided if the location is likely see use outside of daylight hours. • Racks should be sturdy and well-anchored. • Racks should be located in a highly visible location, and ideally visible from within the destination. LONG TERM BICYCLE PARKING Long term bicycle parking is designed for users that may need to leave their bikes unattended for longer than 2 hours, such as transit users, employees, and residents. These racks should value security and weather over convenience and can be provided in a variety of forms, such as a room within an office or apartment, a locked area within a parking garage, or bike lockers at a transit stop. • Racks should provide a secure and protected location for long term users to park their bicycles. • Access to parked bicycles should be limited to the group of users that will be using the long term parking through user-supplied locks, keys, smart cards, and other technologies. • Racks should accommodate a variety of bicycles and accessories, including recumbents, trailers, and children’s bikes. SHORT TERM RACK STYLES LONG TERM RACK STYLES STAGGERED WHEEL- WELL-SECURE VERTICAL Crosswalk Crosswalk When installing sidewalk racks, maintain the pedestrian through zone. Racks should be placed in line with existing sidewalk obstructions to maintain a clear line of travel for all sidewalk users.Sidewalk racks adjacent to on-street auto parking should be placed between parking stalls to avoid conflicts with opening car doors. 96” (72” min) 96” (72” min) 60” (48” min) 60”72”48” 120” recommended 48” (36” min) 48” (36” min) 16’ min 96” recommended 24” (36” preferred when adjacent to auto parking) 24” min 36” (24”min) 36” 36” (24” min) The following minimum spacing requirements apply to some common installations of fixtures like inverted-U or post-and-ring racks that park one bicycle roughly centered on each side of the rack. Recommended clearances are given first, with minimums in parentheses where appropriate. In areas with tight clearances, consider wheelwell-secure racks (page 6), which can be placed closer to walls and constrain the bicycle footprint more reliably than inverted-U and post-and-ring racks. The footprint of a typical bicycle is approximately 6’ x 2’. Cargo bikes and bikes with trailers can extend to 10’ or longer. Source:Essentials of Bike Parking: Selecting and installing bicycle parking that works. Association of Pedes- trian and Bicycle Professionals, 2015. Corral CORRAL Two points of ground contact Can be installed in series on rails to create free standing bicycle parking in variable quantities. One point of ground contact Less likely to have bikes parked perpendicular. Easy to convert from unused parking meters Work well in areas that have limited sidewalk space Use on-street areas that are unsuitable for car parking One parking space can fit 8-12 bicycles Used for high density indoor parking Includes lift assist for upper-tier parking Can create safety concern Used for high density indoor parking Not accessible to all types of bikes Can create safety concern TWO-TIER Variation of wheelwell-secure rack Fits more parking in constrained spaces Can reduce usability Existing Conditions: Program Extent: Project Alignment: Guiding Principles: Planning Integration: Collaborations and Partnerships: Implementation Phasing: Sugar House Business District Safety, Sustainability, Choice, Connectivity, Health This recommendation supports the safety, equity, choice, health, and collaboration guiding principles. Salt Lake City, Utah Transit Authority, and WFRC. Short- to mid-term Circulation Study 2020 30 !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( !( !(!( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( 500 Feet 2100 SOUTH H I G H L A N D D R I V E 13 0 0 E A S T (!! (((!!!!! (!! (!!((((!!!!!!! (!!(!! SUGARMONT DR WILMINGTON AVE (! 90 0 E A S T Sugar House Business District Bike Parking Analysis Existing bike rack 0.25 Miles ¯ Areas underserved by bike parking Existing Shared Use Path Proposed Bike Lane Proposed Neighborhood Byway WHERE ARE RACKS NEEDED IN SUGAR HOUSE? Short-term bicycle parking is needed near many of the businesses and community activity centers in the Sugar House business District, including: • The new apartment complex on Sugarmont Dr and McClelland St • In the Sugar House Commons Development • Within Fairmont Park and at the Fairmont Aquatic Center • Near the Olive Garden and Sugar House Shopping Center • At the Premier Plaza Long-term bicycle parking is needed in all apartment buildings, near transit centers, and near major employment centers, such as the Sugar House Plaza. Photo 1: Existing inverted U rack near SLC Med Spa, Sport Clips, and Paw Paw. Photo 2: Existing inverted U rack near bus stop on 2100 South. Circulation Study 2020 31 Trail Oriented Development Local Link Study Area Existing Conditions: Program Extent: Land Use: Project Alignment: Guiding Principles: Planning Integration: Program Description: Collaborations and Partnerships: Implementation Phasing: Primarily along urban or urbanizing areas of established trails such as Parley’s and the McClelland Trail. Mixed use, commercial, residential Safety, Sustainability, Choice, Connectivity, Health, Collaboration This form of development is compatible with the development patterns and proposed urban forms espoused in the Sugar House, South Salt Lake Downtown, and Millcreek City Center master plans. Trail oriented development is an evolution of urban development from auto-centeric to people-friendly design. Similar to transit oriented development, trail oriented development leverages infrastructure that supports active ways of getting around in urbanized areas. Trail oriented development creates a safe and inviting environment for pedestrians and cyclists around active transportation paths connecting key destinations to activate districts and increase sense of place. Furthermore, trails add economic development value. The value of properties within a block of the Indianapolis Cultural Trail have soared nearly 150 percent since the trail’s opening in 2008. In both Salt Lake City and San Francisco, the replacement of some street parking with protected bike lanes along specific corridors resulted in higher retail sales in those areas. (Source: ULI) PRATT, Salt Lake City, South Salt Lake, Millcreek City, private developers and property owners Mid-term to long-term; can and should happen as redevelopment occurs along these routes. ACTIVE FRONTAGES SIGNAGE & WAYFINDING SITE AMENITIES & MATERIALS LANDSCAPE BUFFERS TRAILLANDSCAPE BUFFER STORE FRONT CIRCULATIONBUILDING BUFFER PARKING Circulation Study 2020 32 Trail Oriented Development Local Link Study Area ACTIVE FRONTAGE AND ACCESS - Buildings should provide direct access from the trail and provide pedestrian-scale, high-quality frontages that provide a “front door” experience to adjacent development. Active uses such as patios or outdoor dining should be oriented towards the trail APPROPRIATE LANDSCAPING AND BUFFERS - Landscaping along the trail should meet CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmnetal Design) principles while helping to shade the trail, reduce urban heat island effects, sepparate trail from adjacent uses, and provide opportunites to manage stormwater runoff. SITE AMENITIES & MATERIAL CONSISTENCY - Adjacent development should include supporting site furnishings like benches, trash receptacles, bike parking and repair stands. Urban design of adjacent exterior spaces should include high quality materials and amenities that contribute to a rich pedestrian environment. WAYFINDING & SIGNAGE - Path material should have consistency to aid in wayfinding and placemaking. SIgnage typograpghy, colors and visual style should be consistant throughout the trail. Traffic crossing becons at intersections, protective bollards and landscape buffers should work together to provide pedestrian safety and encourage trail use for a variety of users. Circulation Study 2020 33 Coordinated Traffic Calming Strategy FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS All traffic calming operates on the principle of deflecting the direction of motor vehicles and interfering with the ability to travel a straight, level path. Vertical deflection such as speed humps, maintains a vehicles straight path, but requires a brief elevation change. Horizontal shifts, such as chicanes, require vehicles to travel a meandering path and narrow the visual field to reduce travel speeds. WHY TRAFFIC CALMING MATTERS The speed and frequency with which bicyclists and pedestrians are passed directly impact their sense of comfort and safety. Slower vehicular speeds reduce the likelihood of collisions by improving motorists’ ability to see and react to pedestrians and cyclists and minimize conflicts at driveways and other turning locations. Slower speeds also reduce the severity of injury and property damage when collisions do occur. A well-designed traffic calming program results in individual corridors or a network of streets that feel safe, promote active travel, and enhance neighborhoods’ sense of place and livability. APPLICATION Successful traffic calming programs consider both flexibility and structure, striking a balance between analytical decision making and deploying solutions quickly. Salt Lake City, South Salt Lake, Millcreek, and Holladay should seek to implement traffic calming programs that are consistent across jurisdictional boundaries but easily adaptable to the local context. To guide the implementation process, each city should define and develop a data-driven priority rating system that scores streets and districts based on identified prioritization factors, such as: • Traffic volumes and speeds • The presence of existing or planned neighborhood byways • Crash statistics • Sidewalk availability • Residential density • Latent demand for walking and biking • Equity It is important to note that Salt Lake City is currently developing a traffic calming prioritization program; lessons learned from this effort can be shared and adapted to each city’s unique context to promote consistency in the region. WHAT IS TRAFFIC CALMING? Traffic calming involves physical measures to reduce motor vehicle speeds and/ or cut-through traffic volumes in the interest of promoting street safety and livability. Education and enforcement strategies can also be used in addition to engineered infrastructure, although engineering strategies are often found to be most effective in influencing slower speeds and desired volumes. HORIZONTAL DEFLECTION VERTICAL DEFLECTION Curb Extensions are extended sidewalk or landscaped areas on one or both sides of the road to reduce the roadway width. By reducing crossing distances, curb extensions also facilitate easier and safer pedestrian movement. Chicanes are raised curbs that create a horizontal shifting of the travel lanes along a road. The shifting lanes reduce speeds by eliminating long stretches of straight roadway where motorists can pick up speed. Mini Traffic Circles are a type of horizontal traffic calming that can be used at minor street intersections to reduce conflict potential and severity at intersections and to reduce traffic speeds along a street. Raised Intersections can eliminate grade changes from the pedestrian path and give pedestrians greater prominence as they cross the street. Speed Humps are raised areas, typically 3-4” high, in the roadway pavement surface extending across the roadway. Speed humps can be round or flat-topped. TRAFFIC CALMING EDUCATION ENFORCEMENT ENGINEERING Existing Conditions: Program Extent: Project Alignment: Guiding Principles: Planning Integration: Collaborations and Partnerships: Implementation Phasing: Applicable to local streets within and around the Sugar House Business District Safety, Sustainability, Choice, Connectivity, Health Collaboration Salt Lake City is currently exploring development of a city-wide traffic calming program. This recommendation seeks to provide a framework to support neighboring jurisdictions near the Sugar House Business District to develop their own traffic calming strategies to provide a consistent approach across jurisdictional boundaries. Salt Lake City, South Salt Lake, Millcreek Short- to mid-term 3300 SOUTH 2100 SOUTH I-80 13 0 0 E A S T Millcreek City Center Brickyard 90 0 E A S T llcr Sugar House Business District H I G H L A N D D R 2700 SOUTH 70 0 E A S T Existing Pain Points / Traffic Calming Recommendations 0.5 Miles ¯ Corridors that could benefit from traffic calming strategies ST A T E S T R E E T Circulation Study 2020 34 Micromobility Infrastructure and Mobility Hubs Various Locations Transportation is undergoing a rapid evolution in Salt Lake County. Technology- enabled services have expanded the suite of options available for getting from point A to B. Urban transportation systems now need to reflect: ON-DEMAND SERVICES • In addition to biking, walking, driving, and taking transit, many people have access to on-demand services from private companies (taxis, Uber, Lyft), scooter share, bike share, car-sharing, and micro-transit shuttles. ROLE OF PRIVATE SECTOR • New business models have increased the role of the private sector in transportation and changed the nature of services operating in the public right-of-way. TRIP PLANNING • Trip-planning services are changing the way people make decisions about routes, mode, and cost to travel. ELECTRIC VEHICLES • Global trends toward electric vehicles, combined with the locally- adopted goals for reduced greenhouse gas emissions, has increased demand for electric charging options as part of public infrastructure. E-COMMERCE • E-commerce is reducing personal trips to retail stores and restaurants and increasing the volume of urban delivery and courier trips occurring. CURB SPACE DEMAND • There is increasing demand for curb space for transit services, ride- share, pick-up and drop off, walkways, bikeways, and freight delivery. As a result, cities and transit agencies around the country are identifying new ways to connect the expanded suite of mobility options to one another and to manage use of the right-of-way. By creating a physical platform for integrating public and private, shared and individual, transportation services, mobility hubs offer one such strategy. Micro- transit pick up & drop off area Carshare parking and access points Long term bike parking Safe bicycle and pedestrian crossings Real time transit information & other shared mode information Short term bike parking Prioritized bike and micro- mobility access Transit ticket and integrated payment kiosks Bikeshare & scootershare parking Electric vehicle charging Prioritized walkways Freight loading/ unloading area Bus, shuttle, or light rail stop Community space Retail Activated furnishing zone with appropriate support infrastructure TRANSIT AND TRIP-MAKING SERVICES PARKING AND CHARGING SERVICES PRIORITY ACCESS AMENITIES MOBILITY HUB ELEMENTS In practice, mobility hubs are the sum of their parts. The services and amenities commonly considered in mobility hub planning include the following: WHY MOBILITY HUBS MATTER Current trends related to new and emerging transportation technology, suggest that the site programming and available amenities of a mobility hub can aid the City in: MAKING TRAVEL CHOICES BETTER FOR EVERYONE EXPANDING COVERAGE OF TRANSPORTATION SERVICES MANAGING PRIVATE MOBILITY SERVICES The S-Line Streetcar is part of Salt Lake City’s Frequent Transit Network (FTN) for those traveling to or from the Sugar House Business District. Program Extent: Project Alignment: Guiding Principles: Planning Integration: Collaborations and Partnerships: Implementation Phasing: Neighborhood centers and near high ridership transit routes Choice, Connectivity, Collaboration This recommendation supports the equity, choice, health, and connectivity guiding principles. Salt Lake City, South Salt Lake, Millcreek, Salt Lake County, Utah Transit Authority, WFRC, and the Salt Lake City Redevelopment Agency. Mid- to long-term Circulation Study 2020 35 Recommended May be included LARGE HUB SMALL HUB MICRO HUB Bus and/or shuttle stop Fixed guideway transit stop (BRT or LRT) Transit ticket kiosks Seating Shelter/Shade Structure Indoor waiting area Bikeshare and scootershare parking Short term bike parking Long term bike parking Personal vehicle parking* Carshare Electric vehicle charging* TNC pick-up/drop-off Wayfinding Real-time information Wifi hub* Water fountains Restrooms* Sidewalks Safe pedestrian crossings Dedicated bike infrastructure Active public space* Convenience retail** 0.35 Miles ¯ Potential Mobility Hub Locations Small Hub LargeHub 0.5 Miles ¯ Micro Hub SSL Creative Industries 2100 SOUTH H I G H L A N D D R I V E 90 0 E A S T 70 0 E A S T 2700 SOUTH ST A T E S T R E E T 3300 SOUTH 13 0 0 E A S T 1700 SOUTH I-80 I-15 Lightrail Bus Millcreek City Center Brickyard South Salt Lake Downtown Sugar House Business District Sugar House Business District Millcreek City Center Brickyard SSL Creative Industries South Salt Lake Downtown * May require coordination with adjacent private development ** Convenience retail could include uses such as gyms/showers, convenience day care, package delivery, etc. EXHIBIT 2: Local Link Transit Alternative Analysis ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS LOCAL LINK March 2022 Acknowledgments Led by: Salt Lake City In cooperation with: Holladay City Millcreek City of South Salt Lake Salt Lake County Prepared by: AECOM Jacobs Alta Planning + Design Horrocks Engineers Local Link Alternatives Analysis i Executive Summary 1. Introduction 2. Project Priorities 3. Existing Conditions 4. Alternatives Development and Screening 5. Locally Preferred Alternative 6. Public Involvement 7. Next Steps Appendix A 1 3 6 7 10 15 17 20 23 Local Link Alternatives Analysis ii Executive Summary Local Link Alternatives Analysis 1 Salt Lake City—in partnership with the City of South Salt Lake, Millcreek, Holladay City, Salt Lake County, and in consultation with Utah Transit Authority (UTA)—conducted a transit study to analyze transportation options between Sugar House and Millcreek with an extension into Holladay. The connections explored include routes along 1300 East or Highland Drive, using enhanced bus, bus rapid transit (BRT), light rail, or streetcar transit options. The study identified goals, needs, and existing conditions; developed and compared a range of transit modes and two routes by several screening criteria; and identified a locally preferred alignment and mode as well as next steps. PROJECT PRIORITIES Stakeholder meetings and brainstorming sessions were held at the beginning of the project to identify area needs and project priorities. Based on these meetings, several key needs and priorities emerged as a guide for the study, including reasonability, sustainability, choice, movement, connectivity, accessibility, adaptability, and safety. EXISTING CONDITIONS Current conditions were identified in the study area for each alignment including the existing roadway configuration, population and job projections, parcel density, land use types, key destinations, multimodal transportation networks, and safety issues. These conditions built a basis of understanding of the corridor conditions and needs, and laid the foundation for the development of alternatives and the screening process. ALTERNATIVES DEVELOPMENT AND SCREENING Based on the cities' goals, existing conditions, and needs, potential transit modes and routes were compared based on cost, projected ridership, engineering feasibility, right- of-way, and carbon emissions. These criteria were analyzed for each alignment (1300 East and Highland Drive) and for each mode, including light rail, BRT, streetcar, and enhanced bus. LOCALLY PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE Based on the evaluation conducted through the existing conditions analysis, alternatives screening, and stakeholder and community feedback, the locally preferred alternative was identified as Highland Drive with enhanced bus and a long-term transition to streetcar (Figure 1). Enhanced bus could include bus electrification and FIGURE 1. LOCALLY PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE HOLLADAY MILLCREEK SALT LAKE CITY MURRAY SUGAR HOUSE 2700 S. 3300 S. 3900 S. 4500 S. 70 0 E . St a t e S t . 23 0 0 E . 2100 S. Murray Holladay R d . H i g h l a n d D r . 13 0 0 E . 00 300 333113 0 0 nn a n a l a l a l a n SSSSS HHHHHHHHH H i H i H i H i HHHHHH i HH MuuMuMMuuuuMMMMMMMMMuMMMMMu rr EE 000000000303333333311113 0 0 ll i g h g h l hh i g hh gg h g h g h l hhhhh g h g h gggg i g ii g h ll a n l aa n aa n aaa l a ll a n ii SSS.S.SSSSSS S.SSSS100000SS00000 S.1100100 S. n 11 D r DDDDD d D d D D ddddd n d n d n d nnnn d D r D r DDD r n d D dd D ddd n d nnnn d DDD rrr . r . 111111 nnn 11 Legend Preferred Alignment Highland Drive Enhanced Bus Stations Signalized Intersections with Potential for TSP Future Extension The locally preferred alternative was identified as Highland Drive with enhanced bus and a long-term transition to streetcar. Enhanced bus will allow streetscape and transit improvements to begin, including increased transit frequency, and enhanced stops that begin to make room for expanded streetcar stations, and transit signal priority. Executive Summary Local Link Alternatives Analysis 2 will allow streetscape and transit improvements to begin, including increased transit frequency, and enhanced stops that begin to make room for expanded streetcar stations, and transit signal priority which uses signals to improve transit service travel speed and consistency. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT Public involvement was completed in two phases—the first during existing conditions analysis to understand issues and needs and the second during the evaluation to gain an understanding of transit mode preference. The second round of engagement was re-opened based on community desire for more input and conversation. An in-person engagement event occurred at Yappy Hour, and much more feedback was submitted during this extended period of engagement. Each phase included online surveys and interactive mapping, and overall engaged nearly 2,000 community members. After both rounds of feedback, the public preferred the streetcar mode on Highland Drive. NEXT STEPS Although the streetcar is the long-term planned mode for Highland Drive, transit improvements are needed quickly to mitigate increased traffic and increased transit demand, and therefore enhanced bus was identified as a short-term solution. The streetcar alternative is more expensive and will require securing additional funding through a cost competitiveness process. Once funding is identified there will be a more extensive design process to implement. This analysis results in a transit service that is different than what is currently on the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). If the service requires enough capital investment that would increase eligibility for federal funds, a revision to the WFRC RTP would be needed. UTA will determine if an environmental study is needed for enhanced bus, and will determine the level of environmental document if one is needed. After this, funding for capital, operations, and maintenance costs will need to be identified for this project, and the environmental study and preliminary engineering can begin. These steps will lay the foundation for final design and construction and operation to follow. A key aspect of all these future phases will be a continuation of the public outreach that began during this study and will continue through construction. This process will repeat for the next phase of improvements to im- plement the streetcar alternative. Introduction1 Local Link Alternatives Analysis 3 Salt Lake City—in partnership with the City of South Salt Lake, Millcreek, Holladay City, Salt Lake County, and in consultation with Utah Transit Authority (UTA)—conducted an Alternatives Analysis through the Local Link project, from June 2020 to December 2021 to learn how the community travels in and around the study area shown in Figure 2. This alternatives analysis follows the 2020 circulation study developed at the beginning of the Local Link project, which outlined how people travel in and around the Sugar House Business District. The 2020 circulation study evaluated opportunities to better accommodate transportation options such as walking, bicycling, transit, and automobile, and identified the gaps and barriers that make it challenging for the community to efficiently travel through and around the study area. The analysis revealed several corridors and spots in need of capital investment. These range from new trail alignments, to the addition of bicycle lanes in gap areas, to improved intersections for pedestrians and people on bicycles, to the creation of complete streets. The Local Link Circulation Study 2020 goes further into detail on the final program and policy recommendations. This information, as well as the Sugar House Streetcar Phase 2 project which recommended an extension to the north from the existing S-Line Alternatives Analysis on 1100 East, guided portions of this alternatives analysis especially with regard to bicycle, pedestrian, and transit connections in Sugar House. This transit alternatives analysis goes a step beyond the circulation study, specifically analyzing transit and how the surrounding communities can effectively incorporate various modes of public transportation—such as streetcar, light rail, BRT, and enhanced bus—from the Sugar House Business District through Millcreek and into Holladay. The process for the alternatives analysis is shown in Figure 3, and includes defining project needs and goals, developing alternatives, evaluating and comparing alternatives, and identifying a preferred alternative. After this, funding will need to be identified for this project, which will lay the foundation for the environmental study and preliminary engineering. FIGURE 2. STUDY AREA WHAT IS LOCAL LINK? Salt Lake City, South Salt Lake, Millcreek, and Holladay City teamed up on Local Link to learn how you travel in and around your community in order to develop innovative, multimodal options for more convenient, connected trips. The cities conducted a circulation study, which wrapped up in October 2020, that analyzed biking and walking connections into the Sugar House Business District. This alternatives analysis then analyzed transit options between Sugar House and Millcreek, with an extension into Holladay. While these studies are providing a fresh look at transportation options, the Local Link effort is also building on a foundation of previous studies and proposed plans, including the 2013 Circulation and Streetscape Amenities Plan for the Sugar House Business District. The 2013 plan, as well as the Phase 2 locally preferred alternative, is still valid, except where it conflicts with this one, in which case this most recent plan takes precedence. Introduction Local Link Alternatives Analysis 4 The goal of the alternatives analysis is to assess transit options between Sugar House and Millcreek with an extension into Holladay and improve north-south connections, and determine if additional and or improved transit could be supported in the study area. The transportation network that connects these communities will be safe, inviting, sustainable, and provide comfortable travel choices for everyone. It promotes a connected network between local neighborhoods and regional centers in South Salt Lake, Millcreek, and Holladay to the Sugar House Business District. Active and public transportation connections to schools, neighborhood centers, parks, and other public attractions are prioritized. 'HƮQH 1HHGV DQG*RDOV ,GHQWLI\ 7UDQVLW $OWHUQDWLYHV 'HYHORS $OWHUQDWLYH $WWULEXWHV (YDOXDWHDQG &RPSDUH $OWHUQDWLYHV 6HOHFW 3UHIHUUHG $OWHUQDWLYH FIGURE 3. ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS PROCESS HOLLADAY MILLCREEK SALT LAKE CITY MURRAY SUGAR HOUSE 2700 S. 3300 S. 3900 S. 4500 S. 70 0 E . St a t e S t . 23 0 0 E . 2100 S. Murray Hollada y R d . 13 0 0 E . H i g h l a n d D r . Local Link Alignments 1300 East Alignment Highland Dr Alignment 1300 East Potential Future Extension Highland Potential Future Extension FIGURE 4. STUDY CORRIDOR OPTIONS Alternative Description Justification for Elimination 1300 East: From Wilm- ington Avenue in Sugar House over I-80 to Mur- ray Holladay Road. Removed due to the poten- tial constraints of crossing UDOT’s I-80/1300 East over- pass. Terminus along 1300 East would be outside of the core Sugar House Business District and future planned transit connections from Sugar House to downtown. A loop on Highland Drive to the north and turning around at 2100 South to go south on 1300 East. Removed due to likely transit user confusion and potential out-of-direction travel with ‘loop’ routing. Switching over from Highland Drive on the south, to 1300 East in the middle via 3900 South and back over to High- land Drive at 2700 South. Removed due to likely transit user confusion and antici- pated additional travel time with the out-of-direction travel between Highland Drive and 1300 East. Only using Highland Drive, and adding a stop to the west at St. Mark's Hospital off 3900 South. Removed due to anticipated additional travel time and out-of-direction routing to accommodate a new stop at St. Mark’s Hospital. The alternatives analysis study area includes the Highland Drive and 1300 East corridors from Murray Holladay Road on the south to 2100 South on the north, as well as the potential extension area to the south along Murray Holladay Road to 2300 East. It also includes an area slightly beyond the project termini to include multimodal connectivity considerations and nearby destinations. Prior to narrowing down to the two corridors, several additional options were explored and eliminated due to various feasibility and operational limitations. Table 1 shows more information about these alternatives, and why they were not selected. A map illustrating the eliminated alternatives located in Appendix A. The modes considered for the study include enhanced bus, streetcar, BRT, and light rail. Figure 5 on the next page provides a brief overview and potential implications of each mode. STUDY AREA, CORRIDORS, AND MODE OPTIONS TABLE 1. ELIMINATED ALTERNATIVES Introduction Local Link Alternatives Analysis 5 ENHANCED BUS This option runs more frequently than the existing bus line, but with a limited number of stops. It is not separated from traffic, but can have some premium enhancements including transit signal priority and other speed and reliability improvements. STREETCAR The streetcar option uses rail transit vehicles designed for locally focused transportation on a city street. The vehicles are powered by electricity, and the rail vehicles can share a lane with other vehicles. BUS RAPID TRANSIT This is a bus-based option with a dedicated travel lane, separate from vehicles, and includes transit signal priority, level boarding, and enhanced stops and stations. LIGHT RAIL Light rail is the most intensive transit option, as it includes a full passenger train, and requires its own tracks and separation from vehicle traffic. It also includes larger stations and traffic signal enhancements. FIGURE 5. TRANSIT MODE OPTIONSSTEERING AND STAKEHOLDER COMMITTEES Guiding the study, in addition to the project team, were the steering and stakeholder committees. The steering committee met monthly and was made up of representatives from project partners to provide feedback on alternatives and share insight from their respective parties in order to make decisions. Steering committee members received content to share with their networks and communicated their needs and concerns back to the project team to help make decisions. Agencies involved in the steering committee included: • Salt Lake City (Engineering and Transportation Divisions) • Holladay City • City of South Salt Lake • Millcreek • UTA • Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) • Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) The stakeholder committee met bi-monthly and was made up of representatives from additional organizations and interests throughout the community. The Local Link project team worked closely with the committee to provide content and updates to share with their organizations and communications channels to reach more people and gain additional feedback from the public. Groups represented in the stakeholder committee included: • Sugar House Community Council • Sugar House Business Developers • Millcreek Business Developers • Local Business Owners • St. Mark’s Hospital • East Millcreek Community Council • Millcreek Community Council • Canyon Rim Citizens Association • Granite School District • Holladay Developers • PRATT • University of Utah • Bike Utah • Move Utah • Westminster College • Salt Lake School District • SLC Business Ombudsman Project Priorities2 Local Link Alternatives Analysis 6 Early during the alternatives analysis, the project team met with Salt Lake City, South Salt Lake, Millcreek, Holladay City, UTA, and Salt Lake County through steering and stakeholder committees to identify project priorities in mid-2020. The meetings included brainstorming sessions, where participants were encouraged to share their priorities and needs for the area through this project. Based on these meetings, several key needs and priorities emerged. These included site- and corridor-specific needs at intersections or roadways, but also global needs throughout the study area. The following were identified as the main priorities: Reasonability:Affordable and feasible to construct Sustainability: Choice: Movement: Connectivity: Accessibility: Adaptability: Safety: Prevents emissions and helps improve air quality Options for bikers, walkers, transit riders, and drivers Relieve traffic congestion and keep people moving Connect residents to work, errands, and leisure across city boundaries Create equitable and affordable mobility options for all users Prepare for a growing population, land use changes, and future activity nodes Create a safe way to travel for all modes of transportation The priorities guided the first round of public survey questions and development of screening criteria as the project progressed. Existing Conditions3 Local Link Alternatives Analysis 7 1300 East and Highland Drive were identified as important corridors for connecting the Sugar House, Millcreek, and Holladay communities and play a key role in connecting people to regional destinations (Figure 6). This study analyzed both corridors and potential transit enhancements to identify the best strategy for improving connectivity and accessibility through sustainable transportation options for all users in the future. Both the 1300 East and Highland Drive corridors are near the Sugar House Business District, Brickyard, and the developing mixed-use Millcreek City Center. They are also densely populated (and still growing) with household projections increasing throughout the study area and more jobs projected in the Sugar House Business District area. The corridors have a mix of commercial and residential properties. 1300 East has higher percentages of residential properties, whereas Highland Drive has higher percentages of commercial properties compared to other uses. Differences in land use, as well as the roadway widths differ on the 1300 East and Highland Drive corridors before they converge in the north. As these study corridors converge and then pass I-80, the parcel density and building heights increase significantly. To the south of the Highland Drive intersection, the 1300 East cross-sections vary but in general have one traffic lane in each direction, a two-way left turn lane in the center, and shoulders that vary in width based on the right- of-way width in a given section. 1300 East to the north of the Highland Drive intersection was not considered for transit improvements due to freeway interchange constraints, grade issues, and high levels of existing congestion. Highland Drive, the corridor with denser commercial uses and wider roadway widths, is two lanes in each direction with a two-way left-turn lane. (Note that Highland Drive was restriped with one lane in each direction and a center turn lane between Richmond and 3300 South and between Ashton Avenue and Wilmington Avenue part-way through the alternatives analysis process, between 2020 and 2021.) This indicates that Highland Drive may already be operating as a preferred street for drivers to travel through or to access destinations, whereas 1300 East may be used most often by people whose destination is accessed directly by 1300 East. FIGURE 6. STUDY AREA Alignments were focused on 1300 East and Highland Drive in this area. 12%5% Transit is already active along 1300 East and Highland Drive, with high ridership stops found at most major intersections, including 2100 South, 3300 South, and 3900 South for both alignments. There are parks and active transportation infrastructure adjacent to both corridors, although 1300 East is better connected by bike lanes. Even on the roads with bike lanes, these lanes are only comfortable for more confident cyclists. The next two pages explore each corridor in more detail. Population growth is projected in the study area over the next 10 years Job growth is projected in the study area over the next 10 years Existing Conditions Local Link Alternatives Analysis 8 1300 EAST 1300 East currently has one travel lane in each direction, with a center turn lane and shoulders and sidewalks on each side. The average roadway width is 55 feet in the southern section of the corridor, between Highland Drive and 3300 South. Recent growth in the Sugar House Business District and mixed-use developments along 1300 East are establishing a trend of high-density development for this corridor. Likely due to the predominantly residential parcels on this corridor, building setbacks and the overall scale of the street is smaller than what is seen along Highland Drive. The 1300 East corridor sees slightly lower levels of retail and commercial businesses compared to the alternative on Highland Drive, and best connects to public space and amenities in the northern section of the study corridor. Transit serves the most people at some of the larger intersections on 1300 East, primarily at the 3900 South and 2100 South intersections. 1300 East also crosses six equity focus areas, locations that may include higher rates of transit riders, and includes areas with high percentages of low- income, minority, or zero car households. The following key amenities are highlighted in Figure 7. 21220213 S-Line 33 39 45 220 45 213 Highland Drive Alignment Highland Drive Potential Future Extension Existing Transit Routes Existing Bike Lanes Equity Focus Areas Planned Transit Projects Planned Active Transportation Projects LEGEND HOLLADAY MILLCREEK SALT LAKE CITY SUGAR HOUSE 2700 S. 3300 S. 3900 S. 4500 S. 70 0 E . Sta t e S t . 23 0 0 E . 2100 S. Murray Hollada y R d . 13 0 0 E . H i g h l a n d D r . Sidewalk Sidewalk 6KRXOGHU 9DULHVWR o 7UDƱF/DQH o 7ZR:D\/HIW 7XUQ/DQH o 7UDƱF/DQH 6KRXOGHU 9DULHVWR ([LVWLQJ3XEOLF52: URDGZD\DQGVLGHZDON WRo ([LVWLQJ5RDGZD\:LGWK WRo COMMERCIAL 23% RESIDENTIAL 56%MULTI-FAMILY BUILDINGS 4 FIGURE 7. 1300 EAST KEY FEATURES HIGH RIDERSHIP BUS STOPS EQUITY FOCUS AREAS THE BRICKYARD SUGAR HOUSE BUSINESS DISTRICT COTTONWOOD MALL REDEVELOPMENT MILLCREEK CITY CENTER MEDICAL FACILITY PARK RECREATION CENTER SCHOOL Existing Land Use Along 1300 East Existing Conditions Local Link Alternatives Analysis 9 HIGHLAND DRIVE Highland Drive currently has two lanes of traffic in each direction, with a center turn lane and sidewalks on each side. (Note that this configuration on Highland Drive changed to one lane in each direction and a center turn lane for a portion of the corridor part-way through the alternatives analysis process.) The average roadway width is 60 feet in the southern section of the corridor. The Highland Drive corridor consists primarily of low- to medium-density development. The corridor hosts primarily commercial properties, with large setbacks and parking lots. After crossing 1300 East to the northern part of Highland Drive, the corridor narrows and becomes more residential with buildings closer to the street and trees lining the curb. This corridor supports significantly higher levels of retail and commercial business adjacent to the roadway compared to 1300 East, and better access to public space and amenities throughout the corridor. Transit serves the most people at the larger intersections on Highland Drive, primarily at the Murray Holladay Road, 3900 South, 3300 South, and 2100 South intersections. Highland Drive also crosses four equity focus areas (two less than 1300 East). The following key amenities are highlighted in Figure 8. Existing Land Use Along Highland Drive 21220213 S-Line 33 39 45 220 45 213 Highland Drive Alignment Highland Drive Potential Future Extension Existing Transit Routes Existing Bike Lanes Equity Focus Areas Planned Transit Projects Planned Active Transportation Projects LEGEND 213 HOLLADAY MILLCREEK SALT LAKE CITY SUGAR HOUSE 2700 S. 3300 S. 3900 S. 4500 S. 70 0 E . Sta t e S t . 23 0 0 E . 2100 S. Murray Hollada y R d . 13 0 0 E . H i g h l a n d D r . Sidewalk Sidewalk 7UDƱF/DQH 9DULHVWR o 7UDƱF/DQH o 7ZR:D\/HIW 7XUQ/DQH o 7UDƱF/DQH 7UDƱF/DQH 9DULHVWR ([LVWLQJ3XEOLF52: URDGZD\DQGVLGHZDON WRo ([LVWLQJ5RDGZD\:LGWK WRo COMMERCIAL 57% RESIDENTIAL 31%MULTI-FAMILY BUILDINGS 8 FIGURE 8. HIGHLAND DRIVE KEY FEATURES HIGH RIDERSHIP BUS STOPS EQUITY FOCUS AREAS THE BRICKYARD SUGAR HOUSE BUSINESS DISTRICT COTTONWOOD MALL REDEVELOPMENT MILLCREEK CITY CENTER MEDICAL FACILITY PARK RECREATION CENTER SCHOOL Alternatives Development and Screening4 Local Link Alternatives Analysis 10 SCREENING PROCESS To better understand the benefits and drawbacks associated with improving transit on either 1300 East or Highland Drive, the alternative roadways and each mode were evaluated with a consistent set of criteria. The criteria included cost range, projected ridership, engineering feasibility, right-of-way, and carbon emissions, and are detailed below. These criteria were analyzed for each alignment (1300 East and Highland Drive) and for each mode. Four modes were considered and evaluated: light rail, BRT, streetcar, and enhanced bus. Each mode is described along with the benefits, drawbacks, and cost of implementation. Some of the factors that change from mode COST RANGE Estimated range based on construction costs, including transit construction, road widening where needed, associated right-of-way, and operation costs. ENGINEERING FEASIBILITY Access (driveways), utilities, and compatibility with the existing and planned transit system. RIGHT-OF-WAY Estimate of approximately how many properties would likely need to be purchased in order to implement each option. PROJECTED RIDERSHIP The study projected ridership for 2050 using the STOPS model, which is the model the Federal Transit Adminis- tration uses to evaluate and rate projects. CARBON EMISSIONS Comparison of carbon emissions savings over 25 years for each option. Reduced air pollution is one component in improving air quality along the Wasatch Front. to mode include property acquisition needs, speed and frequency of service, station enhancement opportunities, and opportunity for additional enhancements in the future. LIGHT RAIL Light rail is the most intensive transit option, as it includes a full passenger train, and requires its own tracks and separation from vehicle traffic. It also includes larger stations and traffic signal enhancements. Limited stops help make this transit service more frequent and faster than existing bus service Enhanced stations Requires purchase of the largest amount of private property for stations and dedicated rail lane Dedicated lane for transit enhances service Highest costSSS Alternatives Development and Screening Local Link Alternatives Analysis 11 BUS RAPID TRANSIT (BRT) This is a bus-based option with a dedicated travel lane that is separate from vehicles, and includes transit signal priority, level boarding, and enhanced stops and stations. Limited stops help make this transit service more frequent and faster than existing bus service Enhanced stations Requires purchase of a moderate amount of private property for stations and dedicated lane Dedicated bus-only lane improves service Moderate costSS STREETCAR The streetcar option uses rail transit vehicles designed for locally focused transportation on a city street. The vehicles are powered by overhead electricity, and the rail vehicles can share a lane with other vehicles. Limited stops help make this transit service more frequent and faster than existing bus service Powered by overhead electricity Enhanced stations Requires purchase of a small amount of private property for stations Sharing a lane with cars can slow service Moderate costSS Alternatives Development and Screening Local Link Alternatives Analysis 12 ENHANCED BUS This option runs more frequently than existing bus routes, but with a limited number of stops. It is not separated from traffic, but can have some premium enhancements including traffic signal priority and off- board fare collection. S Limited stops help make this transit service more frequent and faster than existing bus service No purchase of private property Enhancements can begin now, and expand to more premium transit solutions in the future Enhanced stations, with further enhancements possible Sharing a lane with cars can slow service Lowest cost All four of these modes were analyzed for both corridors against each of the screening criteria to identify the benefits and drawbacks for each alternative. An analysis of property impacts indicated that most of the potential transit options would require more space than is already available along 1300 East and Highland Drive. Figure 9 shows the estimated ranges for full property acquisitions needed for each option. Highland Drive would see larger impacts across the board compared to 1300 East, with light rail having the largest impacts overall, followed by BRT. This is due to BRT and light rail requiring road widening, which would require extensive right-of- way impacts for long stretches of the roadway. The streetcar option would have a low impact compared to these modes. Enhanced bus would have no impacts, and this mode option fits within the existing footprint, although some easements may be needed for bus stop improvements such as shelters and benches. The impact from streetcar comes from spot widening for larger stations. The BRT and light rail impacts would include long stretches of widening along the larger corridor in addition to the station and transit signal priority needs. Additional evaluation factors looked at how effectively the alternatives would move people and transit riders by analyzing potential person capacity per lane by mode and ridership projections. The analysis demonstrated that light rail can move the most people, followed by BRT and streetcar, as shown in Figure 10. FIGURE 9. ESTIMATED PROPERTY IMPACTS 4-8 16-20 25-35 55-65 12-18 40-50 0 0 1300 East Highland Drive 1300 East Highland Drive 1300 East Highland Drive 1300 East Highland Drive Streetcar Enhanced Bus BRT Light Rail Autos Only 1300 East Highland Drive 25-35 55-65 *This graphic shows estimated ranges for full property acquisitions needed for each option. Additional partial property acquisitions would be required for smaller impacts such as new sidewalks. **The Autos Only scenario assumes widening the road to support increased traffic ** Alternatives Development and Screening Local Link Alternatives Analysis 13 Ridership projections along the corridor echo the throughput ability to some extent. Figure 11 shows that in 2050 light rail would bring in the most riders on either 1300 East or Highland Drive, while streetcar would serve the fewest on 1300 East, and enhanced bus would serve the fewest on Highland Drive. For the low-end ridership estimates, the project was assumed to operate on top of existing transit with more stops. For the low-end estimates the streetcar, BRT, and the enhanced bus were assumed to extend north along the potential S-Line extension with fewer transfers. FIGURE 11. RIDERSHIP PROJECTIONS Greenhouse gases were also evaluated to identify the effects on air quality each mode would have in 2050. The alternatives would produce the same results regardless of alignment, so only the mode options were analyzed for this evaluation factor. Light rail would reduce carbon emissions at the highest rate, while streetcar and BRT would reduce carbon emissions at a slightly lower rate, and en- hanced bus, if using the current fleet make up, would emit the most carbon of the alternatives. See Figure 12. The final evaluation component for this study was implementation and operational costs for each mode. The study team gathered past project costs and future construction costs to come up with an estimated range that considers transit construction, road widening where needed, associated right-of-way costs, and operation costs for each option, as shown in Figure 13. $11 to $16 millionEnhanced Bus FIGURE 13. COST RANGES BY MODE 850-1,200 700-1,200 1300 East Highland Drive Enhanced Bus 700-1,250 850-1,300 1300 East Highland Drive Streetcar 700-1,450 800-1,400 1300 East Highland Drive BRT 1,300-1,600 1,200-1,500 1300 East Highland Drive Light Rail FIGURE 10. PERSON CAPACITY PER LANE BY MODE Autos Only Enhanced Bus BRT Light RailStreetcar = 100 $225 to $331 million Streetcar $119 to $223 millionBRT $284 to $459 millionLight Rail FIGURE 12. REDUCTION OF GREENHOUSE GASES Enhanced Bus 200 to 3,000 MT Reduction Streetcar 3,000 to 6,000 MT Reduction BRT 3,000 to 6,000 MT Reduction Light Rail 5,000 to 9,000 MT Reduction Units shown in metric tons (MT) of carbon - 25 year total Alternatives Development and Screening Local Link Alternatives Analysis 14 OVERALL SCREENING RESULTS When comparing criteria across all four modes: • Enhanced bus would be the cheapest and easiest mode to implement, but lacks in ridership and carbon emissions reduction potential compared to other modes (see Figure 14). • The other modes increase in cost and complexity significantly compared to the enhanced bus, with light rail being the most expensive and complex, streetcar being the next most expensive and complex, and BRT following as the third most expensive and complex. • Light rail and BRT have the most significant right-of-way and property implications, while streetcar and enhanced bus have lowest right-of-way impacts • As cost and complexity increase, so do positive factors such as ridership and carbon emissions reductions. FIGURE 14. OVERALL SCREENING RESULTS When comparing criteria across the two corridors: • Highland Drive and 1300 East see similar results, although costs on Highland Drive are typically higher, as are the estimated number of property acquisitions (total take counts). • Ridership projections on Highland Drive and 1300 East vary by mode, with Highland Drive seeing higher ridership potential with the light rail and BRT options, and 1300 East seeing higher ridership potential with the streetcar and enhanced bus mode alternatives. 1,450 1,400 Locally Preferred Alternative5 Local Link Alternatives Analysis 15 FIGURE 15. LOCALLY PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE HOLLADAY MILLCREEK SALT LAKE CITY MURRAY SUGAR HOUSE 2700 S. 3300 S. 3900 S. 4500 S. 70 0 E . St a t e S t . 23 0 0 E . 2100 S. Murray Holladay R d . H i g h l a n d D r . 13 0 0 E . 00 300 333113 0 0 nn a n a l a l a l a n SSSSS HHHHHHHHH H i H i H i H i HHHHHH i HH MuuMuMMMMMMMMMuMMMMMMuuMu rr EE 000000000303333333311113 0 0 ll i g h g h l hh i g hh gg h g h g h l hhhhh g h g h gggg i g ii g h ll a n l aa n aa n aaa l a ll a n ii SSS.S.SSSSSS S.SSSS100000SS00000 S.1100100 S. n 11 D r DDDDD d D d D D ddddd n d n d n d nnnn d D r D r DDD r n d D dd D ddd n d nnnn d DDD rrr . r . 111111 nnn 11 Legend Preferred Alignment Highland Drive Enhanced Bus Stations Signalized Intersections with Potential for TSP Future Extension LOCALLY PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE Based on screening results and public and steering/stakeholder committee input, the locally preferred alternative recommended through this study is enhanced bus with a long-term transition to streetcar on Highland Drive. See Figure 15. Highland Drive was selected as the preferred route based on high ridership, simpler engineering feasibility, and stakeholder and public preference. The Highland Drive corridor has significant commercial storefronts, high-density housing, existing right- of-way, and facilities to support current traffic volumes and future transit integration. A new transit solution connecting partner cities on Highland Drive will provide more accessible and sustainable transportation options for all users in the future with less impact than would be needed on 1300 East. The screening criteria showed that streetcar and enhanced bus performed better than the other modes. Streetcar produces low carbon emissions, has the capacity for high ridership, fewer right-of-way impacts, and simpler engineering than light rail. Streetcar is the second most expensive of all modes. Enhanced bus was the secondary favored mode based on the screening criteria. Enhanced bus reduces carbon emissions the least, has high ridership potential, shows the lowest right-of-way impacts with no property acquisitions, has the simplest engineering feasibility, and is least expensive. Through the two phases of public involvement for the alternatives analysis, the majority of the community and steering and stakeholder committees indicated streetcar as the preferred mode and Highland Drive as the preferred route. Although this study indicates that the end-goal should be streetcar, it is important that transit begins serving this area as soon as possible due to the high levels of growth, current congestion, and projected congestion increase if nothing is done. The best way to accomplish this is to begin with enhanced bus, and preserves space for the more intensive improvements needed for streetcar. A low-cost enhanced bus could accommodate today's transit demand while building ridership for a future streetcar as growth continues in the study area and greater capacity is needed. The locally preferred alternative was identified as Highland Drive with enhanced bus and a long-term transition to streetcar. Enhanced bus will allow streetscape and transit improvements to begin, including increased transit frequency, and enhanced stops that begin to make room for expanded streetcar stations, and transit signal priority. Locally Preferred Alternative Local Link Alternatives Analysis 16 The corridor presents a growing trend of urban communities that exhibit a wide range of housing options, ample green space, and building marketplaces which can serve the present and future needs of a community. It is in this vision that Millcreek is developing a mixed-use City Center. Holladay is working through the approval process of a mixed-use redevelopment of the Cottonwood Mall. With direct access to these highly adaptive and dense urban space investments, Highland Drive is well situated to benefit from upcoming market growth and aligns with the public input. As the Salt Lake Region's population continues to grow, the economic activity and opportunities will rise to meet the needs for shopping, recreation, dining, and business. The Highland Drive corridor supports significantly higher levels of retail and commercial business adjacent to the roadway as compared to the alternative on 1300 East. TRANSIT CONNECTIVITY TO DOWNTOWN The Local Link transit solution is an important part of a larger transit network that will connect the communities of the Sugar House Business District and greater Millcreek to downtown Salt Lake City. The locally preferred alternative would provide enhanced bus service along Highland Drive into the heart of the Sugar House Business District. A connection of transit from the Sugar House Business District to downtown Salt Lake City is planned with the future extension of the S-Line streetcar from the Sugar House Business District to downtown Salt Lake City. It is assumed that transit ridership would increase with the downtown connection, due to connecting the corridor to areas with higher density and stronger transit demand, but this connection was not part of the Local Link Alternatives Analysis. The shorter alignment studied for this project (the dark blue alignment in Figure 16), with enhanced bus would be supported by the ridership projections from this study. Until funding can be secured for future phases of the S-Line streetcar, advancing enhanced bus from the Local Link locally preferred alternative along the future S-Line alignment into downtown could be a viable option in connecting these important communities through transit. HOLLADAY MILLCREEK SALT LAKE CITY MURRAY SUGAR HOUSE2700 S 1700 S 3300 S 4500 S 23 0 0 E 70 0 E St a t e S t 900 S 200 S H i g h l a n d D r Ho l l a d a y B l v d Murray H o l l a d a y R d 15 80 215 15 FrontRunner Connection Potential Future Streetcar Connection The Highland Drive alternative has high connectivity potential to the north and south, connecting people from this project's study area to downtown and the FrontRunner station, and the base of the Cottonwood Canyons. FIGURE 16. FUTURE DOWNTOWN TRANSIT CONNECTIVITY Further Study Needed This route has been adopted for a Streetcar extension, but could also begin with enhanced bus with a future transition to streetcar. Public Involvement6 Local Link Alternatives Analysis 17 Public involvement for the Local Link project was conducted for both the circulation study and alternatives analysis. The circulation study public outreach efforts were conducted to get a greater look into the existing conditions of the Sugar House Business District. Existing conditions focused on learning from locals about where and why they travel around the study area, which was crucial information for the transit alternatives analysis. Public involvement efforts for the alternatives analysis included opportunities to review and evaluate the importance of recommended modes and routes for Highland Drive and 1300 East. The project story map was available to the public and updated over the course of the study, and two surveys were conducted. During the first survey, information regarding the project was delivered through the project and partner websites, email blasts, Facebook live events, social media posts from the cities, community council meetings in Millcreek and Sugar House, stickers on trails, and stakeholder content packages. Email blasts were sent out three times during the initial transit study survey. The second round of public input opportunities involved more city council meetings, reminder email blasts and social media posts, under-served population outreach, decals on routes, and the social event “Yappy Hour.” Yappy Hour was an event for dogs and their owners to enjoy live music, food, and beverages. During the event, the Local Link project team hosted a tent discussing the project details to the public, passing out surveys, and answering community questions. The steering and stakeholder committees had separate opportunities to express preferences for the preferred route, transit mode, support for the Holladay extension, and screening criteria. The committees indicated notable support for Highland Drive as the preferred route with an extension to reach Holladay Village. Summer 2020 Fall 2020 Spring 2021 Circulation Study Survey Initial Transit Survey Alternative Transit Survey TIMELINE AND METHODS During September and October of 2020, initial surveys for the alternatives analysis were sent out to the project area community by social media posts, live website meetings, email blasts, mail, stakeholder content packages, and meetings with Sugar House community council. The comment period for the transit alternatives lasted from March through April 2021. Public sentiment gathered during the public comment period favored streetcar followed by enhanced bus for mode and Highland Drive for the preferred route, with support for extending the route to reach Holladay Village. Public survey results also indicated ridership as the most important screening criterion followed by cost and air quality. The public preferred the streetcar option on Highland Drive. Public Involvement Local Link Alternatives Analysis 18 RESULTS FROM THE FIRST PUBLIC SURVEY The public provided input on public transportation through two surveys conducted in fall 2020 and the project alternatives in spring 2021. During the first survey, more than 600 public survey responses were submitted with details regarding transit use, preferences, and important destinations within the study area. The majority of the population preferred to see both 1300 East and Highland Drive have transit improvements with the top destination for future travel as the Sugar House Business District. The top motivators for the public using transit instead of driving were lack of parking, improved air quality, and roadway congestion. The transit features were ranked from highest to lowest importance, with frequency as number one, which supports an enhanced bus system. Sugar House Business District 75.4% Brickyard Plaza 53.9% Holladay City Center 41.3% Millcreek City Center 32.6% 1300 East 16.7% Highland Drive 16.1% Both 39.54% Neither 14.5% Lack of parking at destination 53.5% Improved air quality 53.4% Roadway congestion 35.8% Safe transportation 23.2% N/A - Don’t use transit yet 18% Saving travel time 14.8% Frequency1 Access to Station2 Reliability3 TRANSIT IMPROVEMENTS ARE PREFERRED ON BOTH 1300 EAST & HIGHLAND DRIVE TOP DESTINATIONS TO VISIT VIA TRANSPORTATION MOTIVATORS FOR USING TRANSIT INSTEAD OF DRIVING MOST IMPORTANT FEATURES OF TRANSIT Public Involvement Local Link Alternatives Analysis 19 RESULTS FROM THE SECOND PUBLIC SURVEY With more than 1,200 public survey responses, the majority of the results were in favor of streetcar followed by BRT for mode and Highland Drive for the preferred route. The majority of the results also supported the extended route reaching Holladay Village. The Yappy Hour event took place in July 2021, which provided an extra opportunity to show the project and meet with the community. The project team put together posters that show the differences between modes and visuals of the modes on streets similar to Highland Drive. Comment cards were available for the public to provide comments and questions. Streetcar is the Fan Favorite according to the Public Survey STREETCAR WAS THE CLEAR PREFERRED MODE BOTH 1300 EAST AND HIGHLAND DRIVE WERE PREFERRED FOR TRANSIT IMPROVEMENTS 1300 East 19.02% Highland Drive 27.41%Both 32.05% Neither 21.52% WHEN ASKED WHICH SCREENING CRITERION WAS MOST IMPORTANT, THE COMMUNITY SAID RIDERSHIP 1 2 3 Ridership Cost Air Quality Local Link project team members discussing the project priorities, goals, and future timeline with the local community. Next Steps7 Local Link Alternatives Analysis 20 NEXT STEPS The locally preferred alternative was presented to the project part- ner city councils in early 2022. UTA will determine if an environmental study is needed for enhanced bus, and will determine the level of environmental document if one is needed. After this, funding will need to be identified for this project, which will lay the foundation for the environmental study and pre- liminary engineering. A key aspect of all these future phases will be a continuation of the public outreach that began during this study that will continue through construction. Enhanced bus operations could be implemented in less than five years. Salt Lake City and Millcreek have active multimodal projects underway to improve bus stops along Highland Drive from Sugar House Business District to 3300 South. Enhanced bus service could be implemented once funding was prioritized for the increase in service along the locally preferred alternative and enhancements to bus stops from 3300 South to Holladay could be advanced as funding is available. 'HƮQH 1HHGV DQG*RDOV ,GHQWLI\ 7UDQVLW $OWHUQDWLYHV 'HYHORS $OWHUQDWLYH $WWULEXWHV (YDOXDWHDQG &RPSDUH $OWHUQDWLYHV 6HOHFW 3UHIHUUHG $OWHUQDWLYH (QYLURQPHQWDO 6WXG\ 3UHOLPLQDU\ (QJLQHHULQJ )LQDO'HVLJQ &RQVWUXFWLRQ 6WDUW8S2SHUDWLRQV Alternatives Analysis (AA)Next Steps to implement enhanced bus 6H F X U H  ) X Q G L Q J 6H F X U H  ) X Q G L Q J (Q J D J H P H Q W  W K U R X J K R X W (QYLURQPHQWDO 6WXG\ 3UHOLPLQDU\ (QJLQHHULQJ )LQDO'HVLJQ &RQVWUXFWLRQ 6WDUW8S2SHUDWLRQV Next Steps to implement streetcar (Q J D J H P H Q W  W K U R X J K R X W Potential Timeline: Less than 5 years Potential Timeline: More than 10 years FIGURE 17. NEXT STEPS This process will repeat for the next phase of improvements to implement the streetcar alternative. While the steps are similar, the timeline to implement streetcar will be longer as the investment needed to construct and operate the streetcar alternative is sub- stantially more. It is likely that a combination of local, state, and federal funding would be needed in order to fund the streetcar proj- ect. The Federal Transit Authority's Capital Investment Grants (CIG) program is a primary funding source for projects like the streetcar, but is competitive across transit projects for the entire country. Each project is given a rating based on numerous criteria including future project cost and ridership. It is unlikely that the locally preferred alternative with streetcar would qualify for CIG federal funds based on current cost and ridership projections. Over time as land use continues to increase in density within Holladay, Millcreek, and the Sugar House Business District, and transit connections are strengthened with the implementation of enhanced bus, ridership is expected to increase and the pursuit of CIG funds for streetcar may become a viable option. Next Steps Local Link Alternatives Analysis 21 FUNDING Like most transit projects, there is a combination of several fund- ing sources which could pay for the development, construction, and operation of a project. The following funding sources have been identified as possible options for the locally preferred alter- native: Local Funding: 4th quarter sales tax funds can be used for priori- tized transit projects by local municipalities State Funding: Transit Transportation Investment Fund is a state funding sources that can be used to fund capital transit projects as well as active transportation projects with a direct connection to a transit station. Projects are prioritized by the Utah Transporta- tion Commission with UDOT, and the state's Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs). Federal Funding: RAISE Grants are the most likely candidate for mid-sized ($50-100M) projects which incorporate multiple modes. The Capital Investment Grant Program is a discretionary grant program which funds transit capital improvements including streetcars. The CIG program for this project could fall under the New Starts or Core Capacity programs. New Starts includes new or extension of existing corridor-based project and Core Capac- ity includes capacity improvement projects (increasing capacity by at least 10%) on an existing transit line. There is also an Expe- dited Project Delivery program which includes projects from the New Starts and Core Capacity program that utilize public-private partnerships, are maintained by employees of an existing public transportation provider, and have a federal share not exceeding 25 percent of the project cost. Local Link Alternatives Analysis APPENDIX A Eliminated Alternatives Eliminated Alternatives Alternative Description Justification for Elimination 1300 East: From Wilmington Avenue in Sugar House over I-80 to Murray Holladay Road. Removed due to the potential constraints of crossing UDOT’s I-80/1300 East overpass. Terminus along 1300 East would be outside of the core Sugar House Business District and future planned transit connections from Sugar House to downtown. A loop on Highland Drive to the north and turning around at 2100 South to go south on 1300 East. Removed due to likely transit user confusion and potential out-of-direction travel with ‘loop’ routing. Switching over from High- land Drive on the south, to 1300 East in the middle via 3900 South and back over to Highland Drive at 2700 South. Removed due to likely transit user confusion and anticipat- ed additional travel time with the out-of-direction travel between Highland Drive and 1300 East. Only using Highland Drive, and adding a stop to the west at St. Mark's Hospital off 3900 South. Removed due to anticipat- ed additional travel time and out-of-direction routing to accommodate a new stop at St. Mark’s Hospital. Local Link Alternatives Analysis 24 HOLLADAY MILLCREEK SALT LAKE CITY SUGAR HOUSE 2700 S. 3300 S. 3900 S. 4500 S. 70 0 E . St a t e S t . 23 0 0 E . 2100 S. Murray Hollada y R d . H l a d D r . 13 0 0 E . H l a d D r . FIGURE A1. ELIMINATED ALTERNATIVES Exhibit 3: Local Link Ordinance SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE NO. ___ OF 2022 (Ordinance adopting the 2020 Local Link Circulation Plan) WHEREAS, on November 12, 2013, the Salt Lake City Council passed Ordinance No. 63 of 2013 adopting the Circulation and Streetscape Amenities Plan for the Sugar House Business District (the “2013 Circulation Plan”) as an addendum to the Sugar House Master Plan; and WHEREAS, in 2020, Salt Lake City, South Salt Lake, Millcreek, and Holladay collaborated on the Local Link Circulation Study to evaluate and accommodate transportation options and identify gaps and barriers that make it difficult for people to efficiently travel through and around the Sugar House Business District; and WHEREAS, the Local Link Circulation Study produced a set of final program and policy recommendations based on the gaps and barriers identified in the study area (the “2020 Local Link Circulation Plan”); and WHEREAS, the Salt Lake City Planning Commission held a public hearing on July 27, 2022 to consider recommending adoption of the 2020 Local Link Circulation Plan as an addendum to the 2013 Circulation Plan; and WHEREAS, at its July 27, 2022 meeting, the Salt Lake City Planning Commission voted in favor of recommending to the Salt Lake City Council that the City Council adopt the 2020 Local Link Circulation Plan as an addendum to the 2013 Circulation Plan; and WHEREAS, after holding a public hearing on this matter, the City Council has determined that adopting this ordinance is in the City’s best interests. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: 1. Adopting the 2020 Local Link Circulation Plan as an Addendum to the Circulation and Streetscape Amenities Plan for the Sugar House Business District. The 2020 Local Link Circulation Plan is hereby adopted as an addendum to the Circulation and Streetscape Amenities Plan for the Sugar House Business District, which itself is an addendum to the Sugar House Master Plan. 2. Jurisdiction. The 2020 Local Link Circulation Plan shall apply within the City’s municipal boundaries as identified in the 2020 Local Link Circulation Plan attached hereto as Exhibit “A.” 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect immediately after it has been published in accordance with Utah Code 10-3-711 and recorded in accordance with Utah Code 10-3-713. .2 Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this _____ day of ___________________, 2022. SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL By: ______________________________ Dan Dugan, Chair, Salt Lake City Council ATTEST AND COUNTERSIGN: _______________________________ CITY RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on _______________________. Mayor's Action: _______Approved. _______Vetoed. MAYOR ___________________________ CITY RECORDER APPROVED AS TO FORM (SEAL) Salt Lake City Attorney’s Office Date: __________________________ Bill No. ________ of 2022 Published: ______________. _______________________________ Sara Montoya, Senior City Attorney September 22, 2022te: ____________________ _______________________ ra Montoya, Senior City Att