Transmittal - 12/12/2022ERIN MENDENHALL DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor and NEIGHBORHOODS Blake Thomas Director SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 404 WWW.SLC.GOV P.O. BOX 145486, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84114-5486 TEL 801.535.6230 FAX 801.535.6005 CITY COUNCIL TRANSMITTAL ________________________ Date Received: _________________ Lisa Shaffer, Chief Administrative Office Date sent to Council: _________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ TO: Salt Lake City Council DATE: December 12, 2022 Dan Dugan, Chair FROM: Blake Thomas, Director, Department of Community and Neighborhoods (CAN) __________________________ SUBJECT: Removal of 0.057 acres of City-owned land from the City’s Open Space Lands Program to facilitate a land exchange and lot line adjustment for the Bridge to Backman project at Riverside Park, at approximately 592 N Riverside Drive. STAFF CONTACT: Tammy Hunsaker, Deputy Director, Community and Neighborhoods 801-535-7244, tammy.hunsaker@slcgov.com Katherine Maus, Public Lands Planner, Public Lands, 801-535-7815, katherine.maus@slcgov.com DOCUMENT TYPE: Written briefing RECOMMENDATION: Set the date for a public hearing that is at least 30-days out to facilitate public noticing requirements for removal of open space from the City’s Open Space Lands Program. BUDGET IMPACT: N/A BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Within the Department of Community and Neighborhoods (“CAN”), the Real Estate Services (“RES”) team is assisting the Department of Public Lands (“PL”) with a land exchange to facilitate the Bridge to Backman project between 500 N and 700 N on the Jordan River Parkway (“Project”). The land exchange requires removing a portion of City-owned property from the Open Space Lands Program (“Program”). The Program is codified in Chapter 2.90 of City code, which requires the following process to remove land from the Program’s inventory: Lisa Shaffer (Dec 12, 2022 14:57 MST)12/12/2022 12/12/2022 1. A written proposal that is signed by the Mayor to sell or transfer open space land – refer to Attachment A. 2. A public hearing before the Mayor and the City Council. 3. Notice through specified outlets of the proposed sale or transfer and the public hearing that is provided at least 30 days in advance of the hearing. 4. After the public hearing, an optional advisory vote by the City Council as to the proposed sale or transfer of the open space land. 5. A sixth month waiting period after the conclusion of the public hearing to provide an opportunity to explore other alternatives to the proposed sale or transfer of the open space land. This transmittal is intended to initiate the process with City Council to hold a public hearing and proceed with the removal of a near negligible 2,473 square feet (0.057 acres) of land from the Program’s inventory, as depicted in Attachment A. The Project includes a bridge and lighted trail across the Jordan River at Backman Elementary School, providing safe, direct access to multiple apartment complexes immediately across the river. In addition, the project includes natural area enhancement and safety improvements on two acres of city open space adjacent to Backman Elementary and the Jordan River. The 2,473 square feet of land proposed to be removed from the Program’s inventory will be part of a land exchange with the adjacent property owner to resolve utility line and access issues. As part of a lot line adjustment, the Property will be transferred to Riverwood Cove LLC. In turn, 2,473 feet of land being transferred from Riverwood Cove LLC to the City. Subsequently, PL could incorporate the land acquired through the exchange into the Program’s inventory, thereby resulting in no net loss of open space. PUBLIC PROCESS: As previously mentioned, City Code requires a public noticing requirement at least 30 days in advance of a public hearing. Noticing must include specific details regarding the proposal and public hearing and be distributed as follows: 1. Publication of the notice in a newspaper for two successive weeks, with the notice of at least one-fourth page in size. 2. Posting two signs measuring at least two feet by three feet each, on the land proposed for sale or transfer. 3. A mailing notice to all property owners of record within one thousand feet of the land proposed for sale or transfer. Next Steps: Once the City Council has identified a date and time for the public hearing, PPL and RES staff will incorporate this information into public notices and distribute in advance of the 30-day noticing requirement. EXHIBITS: A. Mayor’s Letter and Site Map EXISTING FENCE LINE RI V E R S I D E D R I V E SID E W A L K SALT LAKE CITY CORP. PARCEL: 08-34-201-010 592 N. RIVERSIDE DR. RIVERWOOD COVE LLC PARCEL: 08-34-202-034 582 N. RIVERSIDE DR. J O R D A N R I V E R 2.6' RIVERWOOD TO CITY 2,163 Sq. Ft. RIVERWOOD TO CITY 310 Sq. Ft. CITY TO RIVERWOOD 2,473 Sq. Ft. NEW PROPERTY LINE