Motion Sheet - 12/13/2022Item C3 CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 304 P.O. BOX 145476, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84114-5476 SLCCOUNCIL.COM TEL 801-535-7600 FAX 801-535-7651 MOTION SHEET CITY COUNCIL of SALT LAKE CITY TO:City Council Members FROM: Nick Tarbet Policy Analyst DATE:December 13, 2022 – 6:00PM RE:Master Plan and Text Amendment: Capitol Park Cottages - 675 N F Street PLNPC2020-00335/00334 MOTION 1 – adopt with no conditions I move the council adopt the zoning ordinances. MOTION 2 – reject I move the council reject the zoning ordinances. MOTION 3 – adopt with development agreement conditions I move that the Council adopt the ordinance amending the zoning of the property at 675 N. F Street from FR-3-12,000 to SR-1 and amend the Avenues Community Master Plan future land use map, subject to applicant entering into a development agreement with the City which includes the following conditions: 1. Accessory buildings shall not be allowed in rear yards located along the west-most property line of the subject property. 2. Where the west-most property line is a rear or side property line, the second levels of any homes located along that rear or side property line shall be setback at least 30' from the corresponding rear or side property line. 3. Specify that the ADUs may not be used as short-term rentals, using CCRs or another method deemed efficient and appropriate. 4. The open space area shown on draft drawings will generally be accessible to the community at large, with rules/management to be established by the HOA or other entity based upon the applicant’s preference. 5. Confirming that the City building approval and permitting process will be followed to build retaining walls on the property. MOTION 4 – adopt with restrictions on retaining walls I move that the Council adopt the ordinance amending the zoning of the property at 675 N. F Street from FR-3-12,000 to SR-1 and amend the Avenues Community Master Plan future land use map, subject to the following conditions: 1. The ordinance rezoning the property at 675 N. F Street will be published and become effective only after the property owner records a restrictive covenant against the entire property which will require that all walls built on the property are subject to the table in 21A.36.020B. 1. For any terrace of retaining walls, each four-foot vertical retaining wall must be separated by a minimum of three horizontal feet. 2. The restrictive covenant will be approved by the City prior to recording and will be enforceable by Salt Lake City Corporation.