096 of 1984 - Extension of Deadline for Waiver of Fee for Filing Alley Vacation Petitions ' R 84-1 RESOLUTION NO. 96 OF 1984 (Amending Resolution No. 87 of 1983 by extending deadline for waiver of fee for filing alley vacation petitions.) WHEREAS, the City Council of Salt Lake City on September 7, 1982 passed Resolution No. 80 of 1982 to encourage neighborhoods to prepare and submit neighborhood-supported petitions proposing practical solutions for vacating unnecessary alley ways; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 80 of 1982 provided an incentive for alley vacation through a special fee waiver policy effective through June 30, 1983; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved Resolution No. 55 of 1983 and Resolution No. 87 of 1983 extending the deadline for waiver of fees associated with alley vacations through June 30, 1984; and WHEREAS, residents are still expressing interest in alley vacations; and WHEREAS, the City Council of Salt Lake City wishes to accom- modate residents preparing petitions for vacating unnecessary alley ways; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: 1. That the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah does hereby reaffirm the policies contained in Resolution No. 80 of 1982, Resolution No. 55 of 1983, and Resolution No. 87 of 1983. 2. That the City Council of Salt Lake City does hereby extend the special fee waiver policy through June 30, 1985. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City this day of September, 1984. SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL By — 7-06a I d i. 0 itenead, Chairman ATTEST,: Ka hry-n Marshall, City Recorder !S F A L) Resolution 96 of 1984 R 84-18