Transmittal - 8/8/2023ERIN MENDENHALL Lisa Shaffer Mayor Chief Administrative Officer CITY COUNCIL TRANSMITTAL Date Received: ______________ ________________________ Date Sent to Council: ______________ Lisa Shaffer, Chief Administrative Officer TO: Salt Lake City Council DATE: 8/08/2023 Darin Mano, Chair FROM: Lisa Shaffer, Chief Administrative Officer. SUBJECT: Appointment Recommendation: Lisa Kehoe as the 911 Dispatch Executive Director. STAFF CONTACTS: Lisa Shaffer, Chief Administrative Officer, lisa.shaffer@slcgov.com Alejandro Sanchez, Executive Assistant, alejandro.sanchez@slcgov.com DOCUMENT TYPE: Appointment RECOMMENDATION: Following advice and consent, appoint; Lisa Kehoe – 911 Dispatch Executive Director. BUDGET IMPACT: None. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Brief Biography: Currently, Lisa is filling the position of 911 Dispatch Executive Director, in an acting capacity, demonstrating the competence and set of skills needed to successfully carry her job duties. Lisa is a professional in her field with over 10 years of experience in municipal and private entities, with proven commitment to serve internal and external stakeholder at the highest quality level. We are delighted to include Lisa’s resume for your consent to install her as the 911 Dispatch Executive Director. Attachments: A. Lisa Kehoe Resume P.O. BOX 145474 WWW.SLCMAYOR.COM 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 306 TEL 801-535-7704 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84114-5474 Lisa Shaffer (Aug 8, 2023 16:54 MDT) 08/08/2023 08/08/2023