Motion Sheet - 9/5/2023CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 304 P.O. BOX 145476, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84114-5476 SLCCOUNCIL.COM TEL 801-535-7600 FAX 801-535-7651 MOTION SHEET CITY COUNCIL of SALT LAKE CITY TO: City Council Members FROM: Brian Fullmer Policy Analyst DATE: September 5, 2023 RE: 1782 South 1600 East Zoning Map and Future Land Use Map Amendments PLNPCM2022-01138/-01139 MOTION 1 (optional legislative action) I move that we pass a legislative action requesting staff study a zoning text amendment which would consider amending all R-1 single-family zones. The study should include but not be limited to the following possible changes: • Consolidating of R-1/5,000, 7,000, and 12,000 into one zone, reducing the minimum lot size, removing, or reducing minimum frontage, easing flag lot standards, and allowing single-family attached housing in all zones. I further move that we initiate a separate study to consider zoning map amendments along collector and arterial roads to allow greater residential density and mixed-use developments. Motion 2 (Council Member Valdemoros’ suggestion) I move that the City collaborate with the County to get a better understanding of how City and County ordinances interact pertaining to lot subdivision process and update ordinances if needed to make sure both are consistent. I further move that we ask the administration to identify residential properties that are non-conforming lots within the City and create a streamlined process to legalize them. And recommended to the Council budgetary needs if a 3rd party is needed to help accomplish this. Motion 3 (Council Member Dugan’s suggestion) I move that we include in the legislative action language that the Council will hold a work session with the Administration on the scope of the study to include: 1. Alignment with Thriving in Place 2. Alignment with future land/water policy 3. Alignment with public transportation needs 4. Our vision of a walkable city MOTION 4 (reject) I move that the Council reject the ordinance. MOTION 5 (adopt) I move that the Council adopt the ordinance.