Motion Sheet - 11/7/2023Item C4 CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 304 P.O. BOX 145476, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84114-5476 SLCCOUNCIL.COM TEL 801-535-7600 FAX 801-535-7651 MOTION SHEET CITY COUNCIL of SALT LAKE CITY TO:City Council Members FROM: Brian Fullmer Policy Analyst DATE:November 7, 2023 RE: 1433, 1435 South State Street, 1420 South Edison Street, and 121 East, Cleveland Avenue Zoning Map and Master Plan Amendments PLNPCM2022-01183/012184 MOTION 1 (adopt ordinance rezoning the properties, and amending future land use map) I move that the Council adopt the ordinance rezoning the properties and amending the future land use map with the condition that the petitioner enter into a development agreement with the city that requires petitioner to do the following: 1. Replace any dwelling units demolished with at least as many dwelling units as will be demolished; and 2. Include a minimum of 40% of the building’s ground floor façade fronting State Street as active uses allowed in the zoning district, other than parking. All portions of such spaces shall extend a minimum of 25 feet into the building. Optional motion: (adopt ordinance adding properties to list of those with additional building height) I further move that the Council adopt an ordinance amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection 21A.27.050.C.3 adding the subject parcels to those that have a permitted building height of up to 65 feet and five stories. Optional motion: (reject ordinance adding properties to list of those with additional building height) I further move that the Council reject an ordinance amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection 21A.27.050.C.3 adding the subject parcels to those that have a permitted building height of up to 65 feet and five stories. MOTION 2 (reject) I move that the Council reject the ordinance.