Transmittal - 5/9/2024ERIN MENDENHALL DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor and NEIGHBORHOODS Blake Thomas Director SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 404 WWW.SLC.GOV P.O. BOX 145486, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84114-5486 TEL 801.535.6230 FAX 801.535.6005 CITY COUNCIL TRANSMITTAL Date Received: _________________ ________________________ Jill Love, Chief Administrative Officer Date sent to Council: _________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ TO: Salt Lake City Council DATE: 05/08/24 Victoria Petro, Chair FROM: Blake Thomas, Director, Department of Community & Neighborhoods __________________________ SUBJECT: PLNPCM2023-00482 Request to vacate a portion of 700 South STAFF CONTACT: Cassie Younger, Senior Planner, cassie.younger@slcgov.com, 801-535-6211; or Wayne Mills, Planning Manager wayne.mills@slcgov.com, 801-535-7282 DOCUMENT TYPE: Ordinance RECOMMENDATION: The City Council adopt the proposed ordinance BUDGET IMPACT: None BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Brent Bateman, representing the property owner, is petitioning to vacate the portion of 700 South in front of their property at 717 South 5600 West. The applicant intends to use this property for private use for his business, a truck rental facility. The applicant’s property is located on the corner of 5600 West and 700 South. 5600 West was reconstructed from a two to five-lane highway in 2020, and UDOT abandoned the old portion of 5600 West that lies adjacent to the applicant’s property. The City now owns the portion of 5600 Jill Love (May 9, 2024 09:16 MDT) Jill Love 05/09/2024 05/09/2024 West that was abandoned, but it is a city-owned parcel and not maintained as a road. This has resulted in the subject portion of 700 South becoming a dead-end roadway that provides access to three properties. Please refer to the Staff Report linked below for further details. In July of 2023, the petition was routed for comments among city departments. The Department of Public Utilities opposed the vacation petition due to a 12” and 24” public water main and a 36” sewer main located within this section of 700 South. They stated that an easement would not provide enough protection for Public Utilities in this area. The other city departments were not opposed to the request if certain conditions were met. The Fire Department stated that there must be access to the fire hydrant at the end of the road and that any gate installed would need to provide Fire Department access. The Transportation Division would require a sign placed along the portion of 700 South that would remain open providing notice that the street is a dead-end. The Engineering Division recommended approval of the request as long as there is an easement given to Public Utilities. The applicant had offered a broad easement to Public Utilities, and provided a sample easement in their submittal. Public Utilities remained firm in their position that “easements are not a replacement of property ownership when it comes to working on, replacing or accessing our infrastructure.” Planning staff recommended denying this petition based on these comments from Public Utilities. On February 28th 2024, the Planning Commission held a public hearing and discussed this petition. After discussing the issues with staff and the applicant, the Commission voted to recommend approval of the vacation to the City Council with the condition “that an easement at least equally as broad in purpose and scope as the easement contained the Staff Report” would be recorded against the property. PUBLIC PROCESS: •The Planning Division provided a 45-day comment period notice the Poplar Grove Recognized Community Organization on July 7, 2023. •Notice was sent to property owners within 300’ of the applicant’s property informing them of the petition. •An online open house has been on the Planning Division’s website since July 12, 2023. •Public noticing of the Planning Commission hearing was completed on February 15, 2024. •A public hearing was held for this item at the February 28, 2024 meeting. The Planning Commission voted to recommend the City Council approve the vacation request with the condition they give Public Utilities an easement as presented in their submittal in the Staff Report. Planning Commission (PC) Records a)PC Agenda of February 28, 2024 b)PC Minutes of February 28, 2024 c)Video recording of PC Meeting February 28, 2024 (Minute 1:13:35) d)Planning Commission Staff Report from February 28, 2024 EXHIBITS: 1.Chronology 2.Notice of City Council Hearing 3.Applicant’s Materials 4.Mailing List 1 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. ________ of 2024 (Vacating a portion of 700 South situated adjacent to property located at 717 S 5600 W) An ordinance vacating a portion of 700 South adjacent to property located at 717 S 5600 W, pursuant to Petition No. PLNPCM2023-00482. WHEREAS, the Salt Lake City Planning Commission (“Planning Commission”) held a public hearing on February 28, 2024 to consider a request made by Brent Bateman, representing the property owner, to vacate a portion of 700 South adjacent to property located at 717 S 5600 W, which right-of-way portion is as legally described on Exhibit A (“Right-of-Way”); and WHEREAS, at its February 28, 2024, meeting the Planning Commission voted in favor of forwarding a positive recommendation on said petition to the Salt Lake City Council (“City Council”); and WHEREAS, the City Council finds after holding a public hearing on this matter that there is good cause for the vacation of the Right-of-Way, and neither the public interest nor any person will be materially injured by the proposed vacation. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. Vacating Right-of-Way. That the portion of 700 South adjacent to property located at 717 S 5600 W, which right-of-way portion is as legally described on Exhibit A, is hereby vacated and declared not presently necessary or available for public use. Pursuant to 2 Utah Code 72-5-103, the north half of the right-of-way shall pass to Parcel 14-01-351-002-0000 and the south half shall pass to Parcel 14-12-101-001-0000. SECTION 2. Reservations and Disclaimers. The above vacation is expressly made subject to all existing rights-of-way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now located on and under or over the confines of this property, and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purposes of maintaining, altering, repairing, removing or rerouting said utilities, including the city’s water and sewer facilities. Said vacation is also subject to any existing rights-of-way or easements of private third parties. SECTION 3. Condition of Vacation. The vacation set forth herein is conditioned upon the owner of Parcel 14-01-351-002-0000 and Parcel 14-12-101-001-0000 executing and delivering to the city, within 90 days of adoption of this Ordinance, an easement, in a form approved by the city attorney, for any existing public utilities within the Right-of-Way. SECTION 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective on the date of its first publication and shall be recorded with the Salt Lake County Recorder. The Salt Lake City Recorder is instructed to not publish this Ordinance until the condition set forth in Section 3 is satisfied as certified by the Salt Lake City Planning Director or his designee. SECTION 5. Time. If the condition set forth in Section 3 is violated then this Ordinance shall become null and void. The City Council may, for good cause shown, extend the time period for satisfying the condition in Section 3 by resolution. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah this _______ day of ______________, 2024. ______________________________ CHAIRPERSON 3 ATTEST: ______________________________ CITY RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on _______________________. Mayor's Action: _______Approved. _______Vetoed. ______________________________ MAYOR ______________________________ CITY RECORDER (SEAL) Bill No. ________ of 2024 Published: ______________. Ordinance vacating 700 S adjacent to 717 S 5600 W APPROVED AS TO FORM Salt Lake City Attorney’s Office Date: _________________________________ By: ___________________________________ Katherine Pasker, Senior City Attorney May 2, 2024 4 EXHIBIT “A” Legal description of Portion of 700 S to be vacated: A PORTION OF 700 SOUTH STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 1, AND THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST, SALT LAKE BASE AND MERIDIAN. MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF 700 SOUTH STREET, SAID POINT BEING SOUTH 00°01’17” WEST 33.00 FEET ALONG THE SECTION LINE AND SOUTH 89°53’22” EAST (PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 12) 40.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89°53’22” EAST (PARALLEL WITH AND 33.00 FEET PERPENDICULARLY DISTANT FROM THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 12) 471.45 FEET ALONG SAID SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE; THENCE NORTH 00°01’17” EAST 66.00 FEET TO THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF 700 SOUTH STREET; THENCE NORTH 89°53’22” WEST (PARALLEL WITH AND 33.00 FEET PERPENDICULARLY DISTANT FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 1) 471.60 FEET ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE; THENCE SOUTH 00°06’16” EAST 66.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.71 ACRES OR 31,121 SQFT. MORE OR LESS 1)CHRONOLOGY PROJECT CHRONOLOGY Petition: PLNPCM2023-00482 June 26, 2023 Application for Street Vacation was received. July 3, 2023 Petition PLNPCM2023-00482 was assigned to Cassie Younger, Senior Planner, for staff analysis and processing. July 7, 2023 Notice was sent to the Poplar Grove Recognized Community Organization informing them of the petition. Notice was sent to property owners within 300’ of the applicant’s property. July 12, 2023 The proposal was posted for an online open house. The proposal can still be viewed online. August 21, 2023 The 45-day public comment period for Recognized Organizations ended. October 27, 2023 Meeting with applicant, Planning, Public Utilities, and Engineering staff to discuss the petition. Public Utilities stated their opposition but said they would check with city’s maintenance crew to see if an easement would be acceptable. January 19, 2024 Public Utilities confirmed that an easement would not be sufficient and restated their opposition to the vacation. February 15, 2024 Agenda posted to the Planning Commission website and the State of Utah Public Notice webpage. Property owners within 300’ of the applicant’s property were notified of the public hearing. The applicant posted signs on the property of the public hearing. February 23, 2024 Planning Commission Staff Report was posted. February 28, 2024 Planning Commission held a public hearing and made a recommendation to the City Council to approve the proposed street vacation. March 14, 2024 Staff requested Ordinance from the Attorney’s Office May 2, 2024 Ordinance received from Attorney’s Office 2)NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL HEARING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Salt Lake City Council is considering Petition PLNPCM2023-00482, a request by Brent Bateman, representing the property owner at 717 South 5600 West to vacate a portion of 700 South. The subject portion of 700 South abuts the north side of the applicant’s property. If the street is vacated, it will be sold to the applicant at fair market value and converted to private use. As part of their study, the City Council is holding an advertised public hearing to receive comments regarding the petitions. During the hearing, anyone desiring to address the City Council concerning this issue will be given an opportunity to speak. The Council may consider adopting the ordinance the same night of the public hearing. The hearing will be held: DATE: TIME: 7:00 pm PLACE: 451 South State Street, Room 326, Salt Lake City, Utah ** This meeting will be held in-person, to attend or participate in the hearing at the City and County Building, located at 451 South State Street, Room 326, Salt Lake City, Utah. For more information, please visit www.slc.gov/council. Comments may also be provided by calling the 24-Hour comment line at (801) 535-7654 or sending an email to council.comments@slcgov.com. All comments received through any source are shared with the Council and added to the public record. If you have any questions relating to this proposal or would like to review the file, please call Wayne Mills at 801-535-7282 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, or via e-mail at wayne.mills@slcgov.com, The application details can be accessed at https://citizenportal.slcgov.com/, by selecting the “Planning” tab and entering the petition number PLNPCM2023-00482 People with disabilities may make requests for reasonable accommodation, which may include alternate formats, interpreters, and other auxiliary aids and services. Please make requests at least two make a request, please contact the City Council Office at council.comments@slcgov.com, (801)535-7600, or relay service 711. 3)APPLICANT'S MATERIALS Street Closure OFFICE USE ONLY Received By: Date Received: Project #: Project Name: PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION Name/Location of the Street: Name of Applicant: Phone: Address of Applicant: E-mail of Applicant:Cell/Fax: Applicant’s Interest in Subject Property:  Owner  Contractor  Architect  Other: Name of Property Owner abutting the street (if different from applicant): E-mail of Property Owner:Phone: Please note that additional information may be required by the project planner to ensure adequate information is provided for staff analysis. All information required for staff analysis will be copied and made public, including professional architectural or engineering drawings, for the purposes of public review by any interested party. AVAILABLE CONSULTATION Planners are available for consultation prior to submitting this application. Please email zoning@slcgov.com if you have any questions regarding the requirements of this application. WHERE TO FILE THE COMPLETE APPLICATION Apply online through the Citizen Access Portal. There is a step-by-step guide to learn how to submit online. REQUIRED FEE Filing fee of $428 Plus, additional fee for required public notices. Noticing fees will be assessed after application is submitted. SIGNATURE If applicable, a notarized statement of consent authorizing applicant to act as an agent will be required. Signature of Owner or Agent: Date: SA L T L A K E C I T Y P L A N N I N G UPDATED 6/28/22 West 700 South Bott Properties, LLC 801-375-6600 brent.bateman@dentons.com n/a brent.bateman@dentons.com 801-375-6600 4 717 S 5600 W Salt Lake City, UT 84104 KB 700 South, LLC Updated 9/14/22 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY This is to certify that I am making an application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application will be processed under the name provided below. By signing the application, I am acknowledging that I have read and understood the instructions provided by Salt Lake City for processing this application. The documents and/or information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the documents provided are considered public records and may be made available to the public. I understand that my application will not be processed until the application is deemed complete by the assigned planner from the Planning Division. I acknowledge that a complete application includes all of the required submittal requirements and provided documents comply with all applicable requirements for the specific applications. I understand that the Planning Division will provide, in writing, a list of deficiencies that must be satisfied for this application to be complete and it is the responsibility of the applicant to provide the missing or corrected information. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I understand that a staff report will be made available for my review prior to any public hearings or public meetings. This report will be on file and available at the Planning Division and posted on the Division website when it has been finalized. AFFIRMATION OF SUFFICIENT INTEREST I hereby affirm that I am the fee title owner of the below described property or that I have written authorization from the owner to pursue the described action. The following shall be provided if the name of the applicant is different than the name of the property owner: 1.If you are not the fee owner attach a copy of your authorization to pursue this action provided by the fee owner. 2.If a corporation is fee titleholder, attach copy of the resolution of the Board of Directors authorizing the action. 3.If a joint venture or partnership is the fee owner, attach a copy of agreement authorizing this action on behalf of the joint venture or partnership 4.If a Home Owner’s Association is the applicant than the representative/president must attach a notarized letter stating they have notified the owners of the proposed application. A vote should be taken prior to the submittal and a statement of the outcome provided to the City along with the statement that the vote meets the requirements set forth in the CC&Rs. Be advised that knowingly making a false, written statement to a government entity is a crime under Utah Code Chapter 76-8, Part 5. Salt Lake City will refer for prosecution any knowingly false representations made pertaining to the applicant’s interest in the property that i s the subject of this application. APPLICANT SIGNATURE Name of Applicant: Application Type: Mailing Address: Email: Phone: Signature: Date: FEE TITLE OWNER SIGNATURE Legal Description of Subject Property: Name of Owner: Mailing Address Street Address: Signature: Date: Bott Properties, LLC 801-375-6600 Street Closure brent.bateman@dentons.com /s/ Brent Bateman Bott Properties, LLC and KB 700 South, LLC 717 S 5600 W Salt Lake City, UT 84104 717 S 5600 W Salt Lake City, UT 84104 /s/ Brent Bateman 6/20/23 n/a St a f f R e v i e w SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Please include with the application: (please electronically attach additional sheets) 1.A letter explaining why you are requesting this Street Closure. 2.A Sidwell map showing the area of the proposed Street Closure. On the map please: a.Highlight the area of the proposed Street Closure. b.Indicate the property owners abutting the proposed Street Closure. c.Submit a digital (PDF) copy of the map. 3.A written description with the width and length measurements of the proposed Street Closure. •A final legal description prepared by a licensed engineer will be required later. 4.The name, address and signatures of all abutting property owners who support the petition. •You may use the form attached to this application or provide your own form with signatures. •Signatures should be from the property owners and not from the property renters. Please be aware that once the City closes the street it will then sell the property at fair market value to the abutting property owners. INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED ______ I acknowledge that Salt Lake City requires the items above to be submitted before my application can be processed. I understand that Planning will not accept my application unless all of the following items are included in the submittal package. UPDATED 6/28/22 BB 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 PETITION TO CLOSE A STREET Name of Applicant: Address of Applicant: Date: As an owner of property adjacent to the street, I agree to the proposed street closure. I also understand that I have the option to purchase the portion of the street adjacent to my property at fair market value. Print Name Address Signature Date Print Name Address Signature Date Print Name Address Signature Date Print Name Address Signature Date Print Name Address Signature Date Print Name Address Signature Date Print Name Address Signature Date Print Name Address Signature Date Print Name Address Signature Date Print Name Address Signature Date Print Name Address Signature Date Print Name Address Signature Date Print Name Address Signature Date UPDATED 6/28/22 Bott Properties, LLC 717 S 5600 W Salt Lake City, UT 84104 /s/ Brent Bateman /s/ Brent Bateman 6/20/23 Kevin Bott Manager Kevin BottManager Brent Bateman Shareholder Brent.bateman@dentons.com O 1+ (801) 415-3000 Dentons Durham Jones Pinegar P.C. 111 South Main Street, Suite 2400 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 United States dentons.com June 20, 2023 Salt Lake City Planning Commission To whom it may concern: I am writing this letter on behalf of my client in compliance with the directions provided in the Salt Lake City Planning Commission street closure application. My client is requesting the closure of the street located at West 700 South (the “Street”) which intersects with 5600 West. Allow me to provide a bit of background on the requested closure. The Utah Department of Transportation (“UDOT”) recently completed a project known as SR-172, 5600 W. Railroad Crossing (PIN 14413) (the “Project”) which, among other things, created a bridge or overpass above the railroad tracks, which tracks now cross under the newly developed SR-172, 5600 West, and rendered the former 5600 West in that location impassible. As such, the Street also saw a drastic lack of use after completion of the Project, as the now replaced 5600 West no longer connected to any street and other larger roads were available for traveling south. Due in part to this lack of use, on September 16, 2021, UDOT signed a settlement agreement (the “Agreement”) with my client to abandon 5600 West. UDOT presented the Agreement to the transportation commission where it was accepted. With the completion of the Project and the abandonment of 5600 West by UDOT, the Street lack of use has drastically increased. As such, my client is requesting the closure of the Street as the lack of use of the Street is readily apparent. Closure of the Street would permit my client to maintain and care for the Street as well as would officially relieve Salt Lake City of any responsibility for its upkeep. Very truly yours, DENTONS DURHAM JONES PINEGAR P.C. Brent Bateman :DDJPP Sirote > Adepetun Caxton-Martins Agbor & Segun > Davis Brown > East African Law Chambers > Eric Silwamba, Jalasi and Linyama > Durham Jones & Pinegar > LEAD Advogados > Rattagan Macchiavello Arocena > Jiménez de Aréchaga, Viana & Brause > Lee International > Kensington Swan > Bingham Greenebaum > Cohen & Grigsby > Sayarh & Menjra > For more information on the firms that have come together to form Dentons, go to dentons.com/legacyfirms Dentons is an international legal practice providing client services worldwide through its member firms and affiliates. Please see dentons.com for Legal Notices. Department Review Comments PLNPCM 2023- 00482 This proposal was reviewed by the following departments. Any requirement identified by a City Department is required to be complied with. Building: Comments provided by Bryan Romney There are no building code issues with this proposal. Engineering: Comments provided by Scott Weiler SLC Engineering supports the proposed street closure application for a portion of 700 South adjacent to the Barco property. Engineering’s comments are: • The parcel owner on the corner of 700 South/5500 West (752 S. 5500 West) might want the City to continue to maintain 700 South along its frontage of 700 South. In fact, on June 27th, Great Basin Cabinetry had a DRT to discuss its proposed development on that vacant lot, including access directly onto 700 South. Engineering recommends that the street vacation not extend past the east property line of the applicant’s (Barco) property. • A utility easement will be required for Public Utilities. The next two comments are related to the property description and came from Chris Donoghue: • current ties call for 32.94’ and 39.87’. The offsets to the public r/w are 33’ and 40’. So those ties need to change. • I do not like the east boundary of the vacation they are requesting. It creates 2 weird public r/w boundaries with the 2 radiuses of 5500 West. I would prefer them to cut the vacation back to the property boundary between the 2 parcels on the south. Fire: Comments provided by Seth Hutchinson Access to the fire hydrant, on this section of road, must be maintained for fire department use. Any gates that may be installed must have an FD Knox Lock, or if it is an electric gate an EKnox, for fire department access. Other than these things, I see no issues with this proposal. Reviewed by Seth Hutchinson, phone (801) 535-7164. If you have any questions email is the preferred method of contact: seth.hutchinson@slcgov.com Sustainability: Sustainability does not have comments for PLNPCM2023-00482. Transportation: Comments provided by Jena Carver I would not support closing this without more information on the “abandonment” of 5600 W and some sort of shared access easement for the property to the north to use the private road. Does the property 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 to the north have to be involved in the closure. My understanding of street vacation law is that property owners on each side of the street get first right of refusal to buy the right-of-way. Applicant will need [neighboring property’s] signatures and will need to show how the properties are going to be accessed. They will still need a cross access easement unless they combine the properties. I also need some assurance from UDOT that they don’t need the access to the old 5600 West. The property to the north [ 5552 W 700 S ] cannot have access to 700 S to the north, this property must be accessed from the south side of the parcel onto 700 S. A cross access or lot consolidation would be necessary to move forward with the application . Public Utilities: Comments provided by Kristeen Beitel Public Utilities opposes the street vacation. There is a 12” public water main, 24” public water main, and 36” public sewer main that run through this roadway. This roadway needs to remain a public right of way for access to these facilities. An easement will not provide enough protection for SLCDPU access in this area. -Kristeen Beitel When we install and maintain facilities in the public ROW, which is standard practice, it is with the intent that we will have the access needed to access and maintain the infrastructure. It is not in the best interest of PU to agree to release the Public ROW ownership. We have found that easements are not a replacement of property ownership when it come to working on, replacing or accessing our infrastructure. The UDOT project that closed this access was not favorable to PU and has caused a loss of access to our critical facilities in this area. It was intended that this section of ROW would remain as such to allow for our access to the facilities in not only the 700 South but also the 5600 West section that has been closed off. I agree with Kristeen that no closure of the street should be allowed and sold to the adjacent properties. I am happy to visit when I return to the office in a few weeks. - Karryn Greenleaf Urban Forestry: Comments provided by Rick Nelson No Comments. Zoning: Comments provided by Cassie Younger The Council does not allow street closure when it would deny all access to another property. Transportation is not allowing 5552 W 700 S access from the north, only to the south on 700 S, so a cross access would be needed, or modification of the request. 720 S 5500 W also is in the development process and planned on having access off 700 S. Real Estate Services is working on a valuation for the street property. The applicant will need to pay fair-market value for the land. 9 10 11 12 13 14 Brent N. Bateman Attorney at Law brent.bateman@dentons.com D 1+ (801) 375-6600 Dentons Durham Jones Pinegar P.C. 3301 N. Thanksgiving Way, Suite 400 Lehi, Utah 84043 United States dentons.com _6443250 Dentons is an international legal practice providing client services worldwide through its member firms and affiliates. Please see dentons.com for Legal Notices. September 29, 2023 Via – cassie.younger@slcgov.com Cassie Younger Salt Lake Public Utilities 1530 S. West Temple St. Salt Lake City, UT 84115 Dear Cassie: This letter is in response to the Department Review Comments that we received from you with respect to my client’s street closure application for a portion of 700 South adjacent to the Barco property. I will respond to each of the items on the Department Review Comments sheet, attached hereto. I have added numbers to the Department Review Comments sheet for clarity. Building 1. No response needed. Engineering 2. Applicant agrees to the street vacation not extending past the applicant’s east property line. 3. Applicant agrees to enter into such a utility easement. Please see the proposed easement, attached. 4. Applicant agrees to such change. 5. Same as #2, above. Fire 6. Applicant agrees to these requirements. If applicant places a fence at the end of the abandoned area, applicant will install and maintain and fire department-approved lock, as stated. Sustainability 7. No response needed. Transportation 8. Attached please find the UDOT abandonment of 5600 West. If any further information about that abandonment is needed, please let me know. Regarding the property to the North, that property is also owned by the Applicant. Applicant owns both sides of this section of the old 700 South, although in different entities. If a shared access agreement, an authorization letter, or anything else is needed for the property to the North of the proposed abandonment that can be easily obtained. The properties are expected to be consolidated following abandonment. Cassie Younger September 29, 2023 Page 2 dentons.com _6443250 9. Same as above. The neighboring property is also owned by the applicant. Both properties will be accessed by the stubbed off 700 S. UDOT has maintained ownership of the portions of 5600 West that they need in their abandonment resolution. 10. The property to the north is owned by Applicant, and will be accessed by the stub of old 700 S. If the road is abandoned, a lot consolidation is intended. Public Utilities 11. Please see the proposed attached very broad easement that will maintain the current right of way as an unobstructed drivable surface, and will permit Salt Lake City to access the area and its utilities beneath the surface as needed. It is the intent of the applicant that the drivable surface remain in better condition than it is now, so that customers may use it to access the applicant’s business. It is the intent that Salt Lake City have no impediments to the use and access of its underground utilities, and the easement for those utilities remain public. 12. Applicant will also extend its easement to the 5600 West property, allowing SLPU full access to the facilities in 5600 West. The attached form can be used or any form that the City prefers. Urban Forestry 13. No response needed. Zoning 14. The street closure will not deny or impair or reduce access to another property. As stated above, the property to the North is owned by applicant, who intends to continue to access its land through the remaining stub of 700 South. The applicant will provide a full and unimpeded easement to the City to access its utilities on both 700 South and 5600 West. 720 South 5500 West will also be able to maintain access off of 700 South because the applicant agrees to end the abandonment at applicant’s East boundary. DENTONS DURHAM JONES PINEGAR P.C. Brent N. Bateman ROAD CLOSURE Parcels_SaltLake_LIR LEGEND Page 1 of 3 SLC_1118718 WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: Salt Lake City Corporation 451 S State St. Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Affecting a portion of Tax Parcel No: 14121010070000 PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT For Mutual Consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged: BOTT PROPERTIES, LLC, a Utah limited liability, as Grantor, of 707 S 5600 W, Salt Lake City, Utah 84104, hereby grants unto SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION, as Grantee, of 451 S State St, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111, a non-exclusive public utility easement along the entire length and width of former 700 South and former 5600 West (prior to abandonment), as shown on the attached map and description attached hereto as Exhibit A. The purpose of this easement is to allow Salt Lake City to use, access, uncover, maintain, and update the public utility facilities and other utilities presently within the easement area, and to allow Grantee to exercise all the rights, obligations and limitations to which public utility easements are subject. Grantee is authorized the right to dig up the public utility easement area, access the easement area at any hour of any day, and any other right needed to service, maintain, and access the 12” public water main, 24” public water main, and 36” public sewer main, including any future improvements or additions, found in the public utility easement area. Grantor reserves the right to use the public utility easement area for any purpose that does not obstruct or interfere with the easement rights granted herein. WITNESS, the hand of said Grantor, this _____day of _______________, 2023. BOTT PROPERTIES, LLC: _____________________________________ [●], Manager Page 2 of 3 SLC_1118718 STATE OF ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) On the _____ day of _______________, 2023, personally appeared before me _________, the signer of the within and foregoing instrument, whose identity is personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence, and who, by me duly sworn (or affirmed) that he executed the same as the Manager of Bott Properties, LLC Notary Public My Commission Expires: ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT The Salt Lake City Corporation, a municipal corporation of the State of Utah, hereby accepts the above Public Utility Easement, and in consideration thereof agrees that it will utilize and maintain the same for purposes consistence therewith. Dated this _____ day of _______________, 2023. SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION: By: _____________________________ Its: Mayor ATTEST: By: _____________________________ Its: City Recorder Page 3 of 3 SLC_1118718 Exhibit A Easement Area 4)MAILING LIST OWN_FULL_NAME OWN_ADDR OWN_CITY OWN_STAT OWN_ZIP PROPERTY RESERVE, INC 50 S MAIN ST SALT LAKE CITY UT 84101 KB 700 SOUTH, LLC 111 S MAIN ST SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111 OEMETA, INC 5655 W 610 S SALT LAKE CITY UT 84104 UTAH DEPARTMENT OFTRANSPORTATION PO BOX 148420 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84114 Current Owner 875 E 2ND ST RENO NV 89502 Current Owner PO BOX 148420 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84114 WARRCO LLC 4908 HEIDI WY ERDA UT 84074 UNION PACIFIC RAILROADCOMPANY 1400 DOUGALS ST STOP 1640 OMAHA NE 68179 UNION PACIFIC RAILROADCOMPANY 1400 DOUGLAS ST MAIL STOP OMAHA NE 68179 Current Owner 4990 S FAIRBROOK LN HOLLADAY UT 84117 Current Owner PO BOX 148420 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84114 Current Owner PO BOX 145460 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84114 BOTT PROPERTIES LLC 717 S 5600 W SALT LAKE CITY UT 84104 BERTOCH & ASSOCIATES LC 9471 S MCVEA CT SOUTH JORDAN UT 84009 ABRACADABRA, LLC 5495 W SHEA DR SALT LAKE CITY UT 84104 BOTT PROPERTIES, LLC 717 S 5600 W SALT LAKE CITY UT 84104 OQUIRRH INVESTMENT COMPANY 752 S 5500 W SALT LAKE CITY UT 84104 THOMAS, DENNIS W 752 S 5500 W SALT LAKE CITY UT 84104 ABRACADABRA, LLC 5495 W SHEA DR SALT LAKE CITY UT 84104 MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONSCORPORATIO 500 CLINTON CENTER DR CLINTON MS 39056 GYGI PROPERTIES LLC 721 S 5500 W SALT LAKE CITY UT 84104 MLP ANDERSON FAMILYPROPERTIES LLC 368 W 2725 S BOUNTIFUL UT 84010 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO 1400 DOUGLAS ST STOP 1640 OMAHA NE 68179 Current Occupant 5448 W 700 S Salt Lake City UT 84104 Current Occupant 5552 W 700 S Salt Lake City UT 84104 Current Occupant 5653 W 610 S Salt Lake City UT 84104 Current Occupant 5633 W 700 S Salt Lake City UT 84104 Current Occupant 850 S 5600 W Salt Lake City UT 84104 Current Occupant 862 S 5600 W Salt Lake City UT 84104 Current Occupant 5521 W SHEA DR Salt Lake City UT 84104 Current Occupant 725 S 5600 W Salt Lake City UT 84104 Current Occupant 720 S 5500 W Salt Lake City UT 84104 Current Occupant 5463 W SHEA DR Salt Lake City UT 84104 Current Occupant 5545 W SHEA DR Salt Lake City UT 84104 Current Occupant 751 S 5500 W Salt Lake City UT 84104 Current Occupant 886 S 4800 W Salt Lake City UT 84104 Cassie Younger 1168 N Colorado St SALT LAKE CITY UT 84116