Transmittal - 6/10/2024 SALT LAKE CITY TRANSMITTAL 184 To: Start Date: Date Sent to Council: Salt Lake City Council Chair 06/03/2024 06/06/2024 Salt Lake City Redevelopment Agency Chair From: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Employee Name: E-mail Walkingshaw,Nole Nole.Walkingshaw@slc.gov Department Information Management Services Department Director Signature Chief Administrator Officer's Signature* Director Signed Date Chief Administrator Officer's Signed Date 06/04/2024 06/06/2024 Subject: SLC Computers for the Community Program(formally known as the Digital Equipment Donation Program). Additional Staff Contact: Presenters/Staff Table Hailey Leek Hailey Leek hailey.leek@slc.gov Document Type* Budget Impact* Budget Impact: Resolution Yes No Recommendation: A.) The Administration recommends that a public hearing be held on the matter of the Public Benefits Analysis and that the Council consider adopting a resolution approving the donation of up to 500 surplus computers the City no longer intends to use to local nonprofits for distribution to community members in need. B.) IMS proposes a change to improve the SLC Computers for the Community Program,aiming for more consistent and timely service to community members.The current Public Benefit Analysis process requires multiple Administrative functions such as preparing the cost analysis, drafting a transmittal,and preparing a resolution.These steps hinder our ability to develop a regular donation schedule.Recognizing the pressing need for computers and growing interest from new partners,IMS suggests transitioning to quarterly donation cycles to qualified nonprofits.This shift aligns with Utah Code 10-8-2,enabling donations to nonprofits without conducting a public benefits analysis.While this means City programs like Youth and Family Services may not directly provide computers,they endorse the change and are willing to refer families to nonprofits that are awarded devices. Under the proposed system,near the beginning of the fiscal year IMS would identify the number of devices and related peripheral accessories that will be donated to nonprofits organizations and will seek Council approval to proceed with such donations using an incremental approach that contemplates distributing a number of the identified devices to the identified nonprofit organizations. Such nonprofit organizations will be selected through open applications for those nonprofits serving Salt Lake City residents.Allocations of the identified devices to the selected nonprofits would occur based on need and ability to distribute the devices to qualifying recipients.Reporting could be integrated into a budget amendment or the annual budget or tailored to Council preferences.Consistent donations are crucial for the program's success.This approach improves operational efficiency,empowering IMS apprentices to prepare devices predictably.This also supports inventory management,avoiding prolonged storage periods.A regular donation cycle benefits the community and facilitates the City's ability to efficiently donate more devices each year. Background/Discussion SLC Computers for the Community Program,formally known as the Digital Equipment Donation Program,seeks to bridge the technology gap in underserved communities,increase digital literacy,improve student achievement,and reduce the City's electronic waste output. In September 2021,IMS and Youth&Family Services(Y&F)successfully completed the initial pilot phase of this program by donating 18 surplus computers,along with keyboards and mice,to families and individuals who utilize their services. In the second phase,IMS proposed that the City donate devices to community organizations that serve Salt Lake City's families and individuals in need of digital resources.Phase two launched Spring 2023,with Salt Lake City donating 146 devices to five community-based organizations. This was facilitated through a structured application process.Afterwards,the qualifying organizations distributed the refurbished computers to their clients.All selected organizations have established digital literacy programs and demonstrated a feasible and equitable distribution plan. Engaging with trusted community organizations substantially streamlined the donation process and ensured recipients receive digital literacy training and support to successfully use their new device. In a departure from past donation cycles,IMS leveraged the Apprenticeship Program through the Utah Department of Workforce Services for computer refurbishment.This innovative approach involved apprentices,as opposed to full-time City employees,in the cleaning,repair,and updating of devices.The integration of the Apprenticeship Program not only reduces the current refurbishing costs but also offers valuable work- based learning experience for apprentices. The recipients of the 2023 donation cycle include: • Salt Lake Community College's Basic Needs Tech Access Program,dedicated to assisting low-income college students,received 35 devices. • Nomad Alliance,dedicated to supportin unsheltered individuals,received 25 devices. • Catholic Community Services,serving refugee and new Americans,received 25 devices. • Club Ability,focused on aiding low-income Latino families and individuals with different abilities,received 35 devices • Youth&Family Services'Youth City,providing services to low-income children and teens,received 26 devices. Prospective Applicant List Below is a list of organizations that have expressed interest in the program and plan on applying once the program application opens: • Project Read Utah • Somali Self-Management Community Group • International Rescue Committee • Columbus Adult Education Center Will the City Council need to hold a public hearing for this item?* Yes No Public Process Public Hearing Chief Administrator Officer's Comments SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION COMPUTER DONATION PROGRAM COST ANALYSIS �� L DECEMBER 2023 1 m! Summary Note 1: Depreciation Expense on Fleet Vehicles $ 418 Note 2: General Fund Administrative Fees 13,971 Note 3: Direct Labor/Personal Services 24,459 Total Annual Expenditures $ 38,848.49 Number of Devices(Laptops,Computers,Tablets) 325 >Somehow miscounted the number of Laptops,Commuters&Tablets for FY2023 in my pivot table formula Cost per Device $ 119.53 Divide by number of devices to get Per Device Cost Note 1: Depreciation Expense on Fleet Vehicles Depreciation Annual Vehicle Period Derived Depreciation Count (years) Est.Cost Percentage Costs 1 vehicles 20 $21,334 21.30% 227 >Had not applied the percentage of total refurbished assets represented by Laptops,Computers&Tablets=42.6%in FY2023 Annual maintenace costs 191 $ 418 (Cost data per Denise Sorenson-Fleet) Note 2: General Fund Administrative Fees $Allocated Derived Fees per FY2023 to Departments Percentage $$ All City Depts(except IMS) $ 183,500 0.38% $ 700 CC:6565010 Dot Leadership&Financial Sys 1,872,709 0,38% 7,148 Blanco(computer wiping software) 6,123 100.00% 6,123 Total Armin Fees $ 2,062,332 $ 13,971 Computer Donation FTE's 0.35 IMS FTEs 92.00 Note 3: Direct Labor/Personal Services Job Title FTE Annual Cost pro rated share Costs City Apprentice 0.7 $ 29,231 38.34% $ 11,207 >Had not applied the percentage of total refurbished assets represented by Laptops,Computers&Tablets=42.6%in FY2023 Network Support Administrator I(Apprentice Supervisor) 1.0 100,452 4.26% 4,279 >Nole revised this estimate of work to 10% Community Outreach SP&E Coordinator 1.0 100,104 2,13% 5,005 Property Control Agent 1.0 94,097 1.89% 1,777 Total Direct Salaries $ 22,268 Unbilled Building Costs est.260 square feet per employee $24 per square feet costs(per Prop Mgt) $6,240 0.35 2,191 Total Direct labor and Unbilled Building Costs $ 24,459 Note 4: Full Time Equivalent(FTE)Information IMS FTEs 92.00 I I Note 5: Hours:1,624 annual base hours was computed as follows: Total Hours Available Annually(40 hours x 52 weeks) 2,080 Less:Vacation(2.77 hours X 52 weeks or 3 weeks per year) 144 Less:Sick(0.77 hours x 52 weeks or 1 week per year) 40 Less:Breaks(260 days per year x 0.50 hours) 130 Less:Holidays(8.0 hours x 12 days per year) 96 Less:Meetings/Training(estimate) 46 Annual Work Hours 1,624 SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION COMPUTER DONATION PROGRAM COST ANALYSIS DECEMBER 2023 Y 9`t #¢ _�� iN rni '•l,1,5, Summary Note 1: Depreciation Expense on Fleet Vehicles $ 418 Note 2: General Fund Administrative Fees 13,971 Note 3: Direct Labor/Personal Services 24,459 Total Annual Expenditures $ 38,848.49 Number of Devices(Laptops,Computers,Tablets) 325 Cost per Device $ 119.53 Divide by number of devices to get Per Device Cost Note 1: Depreciation Expense on Fleet Vehicles Depreciation Annual Vehicle Period Derived Depreciation Count (years) Est.Cost Percentage Costs 1 vehicles 20 $21,334 21.30% 227 Annual maintenace costs 191 $ 418 (Cost data per Denise Sorenson-Fleet) Note 2: General Fund Administrative Fees _ $Allocated Derived Fees per FY2023 to Departments Percentage $$ All City Depts(except IMS) $ 183,500 0.38% $ 700 CC:6565010 Dpt Leadership&Financial Svs 1,872,709 0.38% 7,148 Blanco(computer wiping software) 6,123 100.00% 6,123 Total Admin Fees $ 2,062,332 $ 13,971 Computer Donation FTE's 0.35 IMS FTEs 92.00 Note 3: Direct Labor/Personal Services Job Title FTE Annual Cost pro rated share Costs City Apprentice 0.7 $ 29,231 38.34% $ 11,207 Network Support Administrator I(Apprentice Supervisor) 1.0 100,452 4.26% 4,279 Community Outreach SP&E Coordinator 1.0 100,104 2.13% 5,005 Property Control Agent 1.0 94,097 1.89% 1,777 Total Direct Salaries $ 22,268 Unbilled Building Costs est.260 square feet per employee $24 per square feet costs(per Prop Mgt) $6,240 0.35 2,191 Total Direct Labor and Unbilled Building Costs $ 24,459 Note 4: Full Time Equivalent(FTE)Information IMS FTEs 92.00 Note 5: Hours:1,624 annual base hours was computed as follows: Total Hours Available Annually(40 hours x 52 weeks) 2,080 Less:Vacation(2.77 hours X 52 weeks or 3 weeks per year) 144 Less:Sick(0.77 hours x 52 weeks or 1 week per year) 40 Less:Breaks(260 days per year x 0.50 hours) 130 Less:Holidays(8.0 hours x 12 days per year) 96 Less:Meetings/Training(estimate) 46 Annual Work Hours 1,624 Departmer Departmer Division ID Division N,Cost Cent(Cost Cent(Employee Employee Job Code Job Title Pay Grade Old Class 1 FTE Pension C, 65000 Information 65036 Dpt Leade 6565010 Dpt Leadei 095992 BENTLEY,001578 CHIEF INF 041X 00ox 1 E1 CN 65000 Information 65036 Dpt Leade 6565010 Dpt Leadei 347770 JENSEN, i 002559 DIRECTOI 037X 600X 1 CN 65000 Information 65036 Dpt Leade 6565010 Dpt Leadei 360457 WALKING 002514 CHIEF INI`039X 00ox 1 CN 65000 Information 65036 Dpt Leade 6565010 Dpt Leadei 701716 LOPEZ II, 001801 NETWORI 025X 300X 1 T2CN 65000 Information 65036 Dpt Leade 6565010 Dpt Leadei 709517 ANTHONI 002271 FINANCIA 034X 600X 1 T2CN401 N 65000 Information 65036 Dpt Leade 6565010 Dpt Leadei 749770 KORB, CH 002816 DEPUTY C 039X 00ox 1 CN 65000 Information 65036 Dpt Leade 6565010 Dpt Leadei 776142 CORTES, 002749 FINANCIA 025X 600X 1 CN 65000 Information 65036 Dpt Leade 6565010 Dpt Leadei 956961 BLACK, Hi 002749 FINANCIA 025X 600X 1 T2CN 65000 Information 65036 Dpt Leade 6565010 Dpt Leadei new-4201 new-4201 001233 OFFICE F,019X 300X 1 T2CN 65000 Information 65036 Dpt Leade 6565010 Dpt Leadei vac-4127 vac-4127 002559 DIRECTOI 036X 600X 1 T2CN 65000 Information 65036 Dpt Leade 6565010 Dpt Leadei vac-4275 vac-4275 001897 INTERN H HRYX 300X 0.7 T2EMP 65000 Information 65036 Dpt Leade 6565010 Dpt Leadei vac-4276 vac-4276 001897 INTERN H HRYX 300X 0.7 T2EMP 65000 Information 65036 Dpt Leade 6565010 Dpt Leadei vac-4277 vac-4277 001897 INTERN H HRYX 300X 0.7 T2EMP 65000 Information 65036 Dpt Leade 6565010 Dpt Leadei vac-4278 vac-4278 001897 INTERN H HRYX 300X 0.7 T2EMP 65000 Information 65036 Dpt Leade 6565010 Dpt Leadei vac-4279 vac-4279 001897 INTERN H HRYX 300X 0.7 T2EMP 65000 Information 65036 Dpt 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2024 Total Grand Total 2" 186 186 480 Computer 112 33 33 145 Laptop 78 7 7 85 >Missing 202 items 174 in FY2023 Model Cote Tablet 18 18 Grand Total 208 40 40 243 + - >Missi 202 items Cables 4 6 6 Calculators 1 1 + - Card Scan 1 1 r Computer 18 1 1 19 Computer 18 1 1 Computer Peripheral 96 12 12 108 Laptop 97 69 69 Dock 1 1 Tablet 12 9 9 Docks 1 1 Grand Total 117 79 79 Keyboards 3 3 3 6 Laptop 97 69 69 156 Mice 1 1 1 Money Counter 1 1 1 Monitor 4 1 1 5 n/a 11 2 2 13 Pager 3 _ 3 Printer 26 5 5 31 Scanner/Printer 1 1 j 1 Server 13 13 Tablet 12 9 9 21 TV 3 3 3 Typewriter 1 1 video cards 2 2 2 Grand Total 262 116 116 398 This page has intentionally been left blank ERIN MENDENHALL DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION Mayor MANAGEMENT SERVICES Aaron Bentley,Chief Information Officer CITY COUNCIL TRANSMITTAL Date Received: Jill Love, Chief Administrative Officer Date Sent to Council: TO: Salt Lake City Council DATE: 6/3/2024 Victoria Petro, Chair FROM: Aaron Bentley Chief Information Officer Information Management Services SUBJECT: SLC Computers for the Community Program (formally known as the Digital Equipment Donation Program). STAFF CONTACTS: Nole Walkingshaw, Chief Innovation Officer,nole.walkingshaw(2slcgov.com Hailey Leek, Innovation Team Lead, haile, .leekkslcgov.com DOCUMENT TYPE: Public Benefits Analysis and Recommendation SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS (see attachments) • Public Benefits Analysis RECOMMENDATION: A.)The Administration recommends that a public hearing be held on the matter of the Public Benefits Analysis and that the Council consider adopting a resolution approving the donation of up to 500 surplus computers the City no longer intends to use to local nonprofits for distribution to community members in need. B.)IMS proposes a change to improve the SLC Computers for the Community Program, aiming for more consistent and timely service to community members. The current Public Benefit Analysis process requires multiple Administrative functions such as preparing the cost analysis, drafting a transmittal, and preparing a resolution. These steps hinder our ability P.O. BOX 145474 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 306 WWW.SLCMAYOR.COM SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84114-5474 TEL 801-535-7704 ERIN MENDENHALL DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION Mayor MANAGEMENT SERVICES Aaron Bentley,Chief Information Officer to develop a regular donation schedule. Recognizing the pressing need for computers and growing interest from new partners,IMS suggests transitioning to quarterly donation cycles to qualified nonprofits. This shift aligns with Utah Code 10-8-2, enabling donations to nonprofits without conducting a public benefits analysis. While this means City programs like Youth and Family Services may not directly provide computers, they endorse the change and are willing to refer families to nonprofits that are awarded devices. Under the proposed system,near the beginning of the fiscal year IMS would identify the number of devices and related peripheral accessories that will be donated to nonprofits organizations and will seek Council approval to proceed with such donations using an incremental approach that contemplates distributing a number of the identified devices to the identified nonprofit organizations. Such nonprofit organizations will be selected through open applications for those nonprofits serving Salt Lake City residents. Allocations of the identified devices to the selected nonprofits would occur based on need and ability to distribute the devices to qualifying recipients. Reporting could be integrated into a budget amendment or the annual budget or tailored to Council preferences. Consistent donations are crucial for the program's success. This approach improves operational efficiency, empowering IMS apprentices to prepare devices predictably.This also supports inventory management, avoiding prolonged storage periods. A regular donation cycle benefits the community and facilitates the City's ability to efficiently donate more devices each year. BUDGET IMPACT: The proposed action will not materially impact the City budget. In addition to the positive outcomes for the community and the skill development of apprentices engaged in computer refurbishment, the City stands to realize cost savings through reduced device storage expenses and support for electronic recycling initiatives. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: SLC Computers for the Community Program, formally known as the Digital Equipment Donation Program, seeks to bridge the technology gap in underserved communities,increase digital literacy, improve student achievement, and reduce the City's electronic waste output. In September 2021,IMS and Youth& Family Services (Y&F) successfully completed the initial pilot phase of this program by donating 18 surplus computers, along with keyboards and mice, to families and individuals who utilize their services. P.O. BOX 145474 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 306 WWW.SLCMAYOR.COM SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84114-5474 TEL 801-535-7704 ERIN MENDENHALL DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION Mayor MANAGEMENT SERVICES Aaron Bentley,Chief Information Officer In the second phase, IMS proposed that the City donate devices to community organizations that serve Salt Lake City's families and individuals in need of digital resources. Phase two launched Spring 2023,with Salt Lake City donating 146 devices to five community-based organizations. This was facilitated through a structured application process.Afterwards, the qualifying organizations distributed the refurbished computers to their clients. All selected organizations have established digital literacy programs and demonstrated a feasible and equitable distribution plan. Engaging with trusted community organizations substantially streamlined the donation process and ensured recipients receive digital literacy training and support to successfully use their new device. In a departure from past donation cycles, IMS leveraged the Apprenticeship Program through the Utah Department of Workforce Services for computer refurbishment.This innovative approach involved apprentices, as opposed to full-time City employees,in the cleaning,repair, and updating of devices. The integration of the Apprenticeship Program not only reduces the current refurbishing costs but also offers valuable work-based learning experience for apprentices. The recipients of the 2023 donation cycle include: • Salt Lake Community College's Basic Needs Tech Access Program, dedicated to assisting low-income college students,received 35 devices. • Nomad Alliance, dedicated to supporting unsheltered individuals, received 25 devices. • Catholic Community Services, serving refugee and new Americans,received 25 devices. • Club Ability, focused on aiding low-income Latino families and individuals with different abilities,received 35 devices • Youth&Family Services'Youth City, providing services to low-income children and teens, received 26 devices. Prospective Applicant List Below is a list of organizations that have expressed interest in the program and plan on applying once the program application opens: • Project Read Utah • Somali Self-Management Community Group • International Rescue Committee • Columbus Adult Education Center P.O. BOX 145474 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 306 WWW.SLCMAYOR.COM SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84114-5474 TEL 801-535-7704 This page has intentionally been left blank RESOLUTION NO. _____ OF 2024 (Authorizing the Donation of Certain City Computers to Benefit Disadvantaged Communities and Low-Moderate Income Families Through a Digital Donation Program) WHEREAS, the donation of computers for which Salt Lake City (“City”) has no ongoing need through the City’s SLC Computers for the Community Program advances the educational and digital equity goals that the City supports; and WHEREAS, Utah Code Section 10-8-2(1)(a)(v) allows public entities to authorize the donation of City property to nonprofit entities after a public hearing; and WHEREAS, though Utah Code Section 10-8-2 does not require a study for such nonmonetary assistance, in this case the Salt Lake City Department of Finance has performed a cost analysis related to the costs associated with disposition of City computers that have reached end-of-life status (“Analysis”); and WHEREAS, the City Council has, following the giving of not less than fourteen (14) days public notice, conducted a public hearing relating to the foregoing, in satisfaction of the requirements of Utah Code Section 10-8-2; and WHEREAS, the Council has reviewed the proposal provided by the City’s Information Management Department (“IMS”) to donate up to 500 surplus City computers, including any corresponding, keyboards, mice, or other peripheral accessories that are used with such computers; has reviewed the Analysis provided in connection with the IMS proposal, and has fully considered all comments made during the public hearing; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, as follows: 1. The City Council hereby finds and determines that, for all the reasons set forth in the IMS Proposal and the accompanying Analysis, the donation of the identified computers and peripheral accessories through the City’s SLC Computers for the Community Program is appropriate under these circumstances. Consequently, the identified computers and peripheral accessories may be donated to the local nonprofit organizations, in incremental distributions to be determined by IMS, and with the expectation that such computers and peripheral accessories will be distributed to community members. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this _____ day of _________, 2024. SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL By: ______________________ CHAIRPERSON 2 ATTEST: ____________________________ CITY RECORDER APPROVED AS TO FORM: Salt Lake City Attorney’s Office ______________________________ Jaysen Oldroyd, Senior City Attorney Date: ______6/7/2024________________