Transmittal - 6/18/2024ERIN MENDENHALL DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor and NEIGHBORHOODS Blake Thomas Director SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 404 WWW.SLC.GOV P.O. BOX 145486, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84114-5486 TEL 801.535.6230 FAX 801.535.6005 CITY COUNCIL TRANSMITTAL ________________________ Date Received: _________________ Jill Love, Chief Administrative Officer Date sent to Council: _________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ TO: Salt Lake City Council DATE: 06/18/2024 Victoria Petro, Chair FROM: Blake Thomas, Director, Department of Community & Neighborhoods __________________________ SUBJECT: PLNPCM2024-00441 Sports, Entertainment, Cultural, and Convention District Text Amendments STAFF CONTACT: Nick Norris, Planning Director, nick.norris@slcgov.com 801-535-6173 DOCUMENT TYPE: Ordinance RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council review the recommendation from the Planning Commission and the Planning Division and consider adopting an ordinance that supports the zoning changes to implement the Downtown Plan. The Planning Commission recommended not adopting the proposal or a modified proposal, while the Planning Division is recommending adopting the proposal. BUDGET IMPACT: None BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: This proposal was initiated by Mayor Erin Mendenhall in response to SB 272 Capitol City Revitalization Act which was adopted by the Utah Legislature earlier this year. SB 272 established a process for creating a “project area” to support the development of an entertainment district around a stadium that is home to a professional sports franchise. One of the requirements of the act is that the zoning to support the project area be in place by September 1, 2024. The proposed zoning changes are intended to satisfy the deadline in State Code and expand the development potential within the D4 Secondary Central Business Zoning District. 1 jill love (Jun 18, 2024 17:01 MDT) jill love 06/18/2024 06/18/2024 D-4 PROPOSED CHANGES The proposed text amendments include the following general changes to the D4 Secondary Central Business District: • Modify the maximum height allowed through design review from 125 feet to 600 feet. • Modifying the required front and corner yard setback requirements are changing to clarify that buildings with plazas and other similar public spaces are allowed to exceed the maximum setback. • Change the table of allowed uses for the D4 zoning district would change as follows: o Stadiums change from a conditional use to a permitted use. o Commercial parking would be changed from a conditional use to a permitted use. (A current requirement prohibiting the demolition of a building for principal use parking on the property would remain.) • Expand the existing sign overlay that applies to the Delta Center to extended to the blocks that contain the Salt Palace. This allows more flexibility for signs related to the entertainment venues within the overlay and allows modifications to signs through the design review process for buildings that are subject to design review. o The Planning Commission recently reviewed a proposed sign overlay for the Salt Palace (PLNPCM2023-00154). That proposal is like the existing arena sign overlay and would allow additional sign types and larger signs. The Planning Commission recommended adoption of that proposal with modifications that included removing the land where the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art and Abravanel Hall from the sign overlay and recommending limitations on illuminated signs. The council has not yet discussed the Salt Palace sign overlay. The proposal associated with the Sports, Entertainment, Culture, and Convention District would extend the sign overlay that applies to the arena to the Salt Palace blocks, resulting in one overlay instead of two. The council may want to consider both of those proposals at the same time or extend the sign overlay to only one block directly east of the Delta Center. o The D1 and D4 zones currently have the same base sign regulations. The arena overlay mostly increases the size of the allowed signs. Digital signs are already allowed within the overlay and within the base sign regulations. The details of the proposed text changes can be found in the attached ordinance. THE PLANNING COMMISSION’S RECOMMENDATIONS The Planning Division recommended that the Planning Commission adopt the proposed amendments. The staff report presented to the commission identified several options that the commission may consider for amending the proposal. The Planning Commission, however, recommended that the council not adopt the proposal. The Commission did not offer modifications to the proposal for consideration, but did recommend that the City Council consider: • Maintaining Abravanel Hall in its current location and current form and allocating funds for its renovation. • A buffer be applied to the Japanese Church of Christ and adjacent garden and the Buddhist Temple to avoid impacting historic buildings. • That the City Council require a community benefit. 2 The motion passed unanimously. The reasons cited include the proposal not complying with the Downtown Plan or the purpose statement of the D4 zoning district and that the process was moving too quickly. PUBLIC PROCESS: This proposal included an online open house, an in-person open house, and a public hearing with the Planning Commission. A mailed notice was sent to all property owners and known occupants of each building and dwelling unit within the D4 zoning district, to all owners and occupants within 300 feet of the boundary of the D4 zoning district, and the Planning Division email list. The public hearing was also posted on the Utah Public Notice website and the Planning Commission website. In addition, notice was also sent to the Downtown and Capitol Hill Community Councils. Due to the September 1, 2024 deadline, the city utilized City Zoning Code section 21A.10.015.B.4 which allows for an exemption from the 45-day public input period under certain circumstances. This proposal utilized exemption a.(1) of 21A.10.015.B.4 which authorizes code amendments that are subject to an adoption deadline or action date set forth in legislation adopted by the Utah Legislature. The exemption utilized allowed the commission to make a recommendation within the required 45-day notification period. The notification period started on April 29th when all required notice of the 45-day notice period was mailed. The 45- day period ended on June 14, 2024. The Planning Commission made a recommendation on June 11, 2024. A summary of the public engagement, along with all written public comment received through noon on June 11, 2024 can be found in the Planning Commission staff report. Two email comments were received after noon on June 11, 2024. Those comments were read into the record of the Planning Commission. Planning Commission (PC) Records Due to the deadline in Utah Code, this transmittal provides a link to where the planning commission records will be placed. The minutes of the meeting will not be posted until they are approved by the Planning Commission, which is likely to happen after the transmittal is forwarded to the City Council. a)PC Agenda of June 12, 2024 (Click to Access) b)PC Minutes of June 12, 2024 (Click to Access, will not be posted until approved) c)Planning Commission Staff Report of June 12, 2024 (Click to Access Report) EXHIBITS: 1) Ordinance 2) Project Chronology 3) Notice of City Council Hearing 4)Petition Initiation Request 5)Public Comment Received After PC Public Hearing 6)Mailing list 3 1. Ordinance 4 5 V1 Page 2 of 8 b. Exceptions to this requirement may be authorized through the design review 16 process, subject to the requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of this title. . 17 c. The planning director, in consultation with the transportation director, may 18 modify this requirement to accommodate a wider sidewalk if the adjacent 19 public sidewalk is less than fifteen feet (15') wide and the resulting 20 modification to the setback results in a more efficient public sidewalk. The 21 planning director may waive this requirement for any addition, expansions, or 22 intensification, which increases the floor area or parking requirement by less 23 than fifty percent (50%) if the planning director finds the following: 24 (1) The architecture of the addition is compatible with the architecture of the 25 original structure or the surrounding architecture, or 26 (2) The addition reduces the extent of the noncompliance of the existing 27 building. 28 d. Regardless of the setback provided, doors shall be setback a minimum 29 distance to allow the door to operate without swinging into a right of way or 30 midblock walkway. 31 2. Interior Side Yards: No minimum side yard is required except a minimum of ten 32 feet (10') is required when the side yard is adjacent abutting to a zoning district 33 with a maximum permitted height of thirty five feet (35') or less. 34 3. Rear Yard: No minimum rear yard is required except a minimum of ten feet (10') 35 is required when the rear yard is abutting to a zoning district with a maximum 36 permitted height of thirty five feet (35') or less. 37 38 2. Amends Section 21A.30.045.E as follows: 39 40 E. Building Height: Buildings in the D-4 zoning district shall comply with the 41 following provisions: 42 1. The permitted building height shall not exceed seventy five feet (75') 600 feet. 43 2. Buildings taller than seventy-five feet (75') and up to one hundred twenty feet 44 (120') may and up to 600 feet shall only be authorized through the design review 45 process, subject to the requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of this title and the 46 following regulations. 47 a. Additional Height: Additional height may be authorized up to one hundred 48 twenty feet (120') if the street facing facades contain ground floor commercial 49 uses other than parking for at least seventy five percent (75%) of the street 50 facing facades according to Chapter 21A.37 and subject to approval through 51 the design review process in Chapter 21A.59. 52 6 7 V1 Page 4 of 8 midblock walkway, or other public space. The stepback may be located above 71 the height of the first floor and below one hundred twenty feet (120') in height 72 above the sidewalk or public space. Buildings that are clad in glass that totals 73 less than fifty percent (50%) of the total wall surface area are exempt from 74 this requirement; Buildings with less than fifty percent (50%) of the total 75 façade surface cladded in glass are exempt from this requirement; and 76 c. The additional height is supported by the applicable master plan; and 77 db. The building includes at least one of the following five options: 78 (1) Midblock walkway is provided on the property and the. The midblock 79 walkway connects to an existing or planned street, midblock walkway, or 80 publicly accessible public space and exceeds all the required dimensions 81 of Section 21A.30.010.G by at least five feet;. This option allows for 82 additional height in return for exceeding the midblock walkway 83 requirements; 84 (2) The building is utilizing affordable housing incentives identified 85 in chapter 21A.52 of this title.; 86 (3) The property where the building is located exceeds the minimum 87 requirement for ground floor uses identified in Chapter 21A.37 (Design 88 Standards) of this title, specifically: 89 (A) For Subsection 21A.37.050.A.1 (Design Standards Defined, 90 Ground Floor Use Only), the requirement must be increased to one hundred 91 percent (100%). This option requires that the entire ground floor use of a 92 building consists of retail good establishments, retail service establishments or 93 restaurants, public service portions of businesses, department stores, art 94 galleries, motion picture theaters, performing art facilities or similar uses that 95 encourages walk-in traffic through an active use. Vehicle entry and exit ways, 96 necessary for access to parking and loading and unloading areas required by 97 this title are exempt from this requirement provided these areas do not exceed 98 20% of the length of a building façade that faces a public street or public 99 space; or 100 (B) For Subsection 21A.37.050.A.2 (Design Standards Defined, Ground Floor 101 Use and Visual Interest), the ground floor use requirement must be increased 102 to seventy five percent (75%) and the visual interest requirement must be 103 increased to twenty five percent (25%). This option requires for an increased 104 percentage of ground floor space to be used for an active use, and an increased 105 percentage of the building to provide visual interest; 106 (4) The applicant provides a restrictive covenant on a historic building, a 107 building that is fifty (50) years or older, or a building that is a nationally 108 recognized property, located outside of the H Historic Preservation 109 8 V1 Page 5 of 8 Overlay District for the purpose of preserving the structure for a minimum 110 of fifty (50) years.; or 111 (5) The proposal includes a privately owned, publicly accessible open space 112 on the property or on another property within the geographic boundaries 113 of the Downtown Plan. To qualify for this provision, a restrictive covenant 114 in the favor of the city shall be recorded against the open space portion of 115 the property. The space shall be a minimum of five hundred (500) square 116 feet and include enough trees to provide a shade canopy that covers at 117 least sixty percent (60%) of the open space area. This option allows for 118 additional height in return for the designation of open public open space. 119 ec. Exception: The first fifty feet (50') of height shall not be set back from the 120 street front more than five feet except that setbacks greater than five feet (5') 121 may be from the front property line, unless approved through the design 122 review process or, has when otherwise allowed by this code. 123 3. Amends the Table of Permitted and Conditional Uses for Downtown Districts in Section 124 21A.33.050 only as to the “Parking, Commercial” and “Stadium” uses, with no other 125 changes to the table, as follows: 126 127 Use Permitted and Condition Uses By District D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 Parking, commercial C19 P19 C19 PC19 Stadium C C PC 128 129 4. Amends Section 21A.46.110.A.3.b as follows: 130 131 b. Sports Arena and Convention Center Sign Regulations. Located on the Block 132 Between South Temple and 100 South Between 300 and 400 West Streets. The following 133 signs shall be permitted on the blocks that contain the sports arena and convention center, 134 described as follows: beginning at the southwest corner of the intersection of South 135 Temple and West Temple Streets, heading south to the intersection of 200 South and 136 West Temple Streets, thence west to the intersection of 200 South and 200 West Streets, 137 thence north to the intersection of 100 South and 200 West, thence west to the 138 intersection of 100 South and 400 West Streets, thence north to the intersection of South 139 Temple and 400 West, thence east to the point of beginning. Modifications to sign 140 regulations within this overlay may be approved as part of the design review process for 141 any building that is subject to 21A.59. Signs shall not include off-premise advertising. 142 STANDARDS FOR THE SPORTS ARENA AND CONVENTION CENTER. LOCATED ON 143 THE BLOCK BETWEEN SOUTH TEMPLE AND 100 SOUTH BETWEEN 300 AND 400 144 WEST STREETS 145 9 V1 Page 6 of 8 Types of Signs Permitted7 Maximum Area per Sign Face Maximum Height of Freestanding Signs1 Minimum Setback2 Number of Signs Permitted per Sign Type Awning/canopy signs 5 square feet per linear foot of canopy length (sign area only) Shall not be located above the second floor level of the building for both awning and canopy signs May extend 6 feet from face of building but not within 2 feet from back of curb 1 per first floor window/door, may be combined with adjacent doors/ windows Flat sign (general building orientation) 5 square feet per linear foot of building face See note 1 n/a 1 per building face Flat sign (storefront orientation) Flat sign (storefront orientation) See note 1 n/a 3 per business storefront Flat sign display, electronic changeable copy3 No larger than 1,400 square feet per sign See note 1 n/a 5 per city block Freestanding sign, electronic changeable copy4 Not more than 1,600 square feet per sign, which may be located in a continuous round display 45 feet n/a 2 per city block Monument sign 3 square feet per linear foot of street frontage 20 feet None 5 per street frontage Private directional sign5 100 square feet 20 feet No setback No limit Roof sign 5 square feet per linear foot of 20 feet above the roof line or parapet wall n/a 1 per building 10 V1 Page 7 of 8 building frontage Roof surface sign 30,000 square feet6 n/a n/a 1 per roof surface Special event light pole sign 10 square feet 20 feet n/a 2 per light pole Special event sign Sign may cover up to 60% of total building face7 May not exceed the height of building n/a 1 per street frontage Window sign 90% of total frontage window area (interior or exterior) for sports arena events, not to exceed 6 months in duration for each calendar year unless otherwise allowed by the zoning administrator. No Limit n/a No Limit Notes: 146 1. For height limits on building signs, see Subsection 21A.46.070.J of this chapter.Reserved 147 2. Public property lease and insurance required for projection over property line. 148 3. Flat sign, electronic changeable copy may display static or rotating messages or operate 149 as outdoor television monitors. 150 4. An advertising face on a freestanding sign with electronic changeable copy that is not 151 oriented to a public street may be operated to allow full motion video display. Displays 152 oriented to a public street must not allow animation, may change no more frequently than 153 every 8 seconds and must complete each transition within 1 second. 154 5. Private directional sign may include electronic changeable copy within the sign area. 155 6. To be located on the horizontal plane of a roof surface, primarily viewable from planes 156 and surrounding buildings located above the arena. 157 11 V1 Page 8 of 8 7. Advertising or corporate logos are limited to on premises advertising of sports arena 158 events and sponsors only. 159 160 12 2. Project Chronology 13 Chronology April 18, 2024 Petition Initiated. April 25, 2024 Notice sent via email to Downtown and Capitol Hill Community Councils April 29, 2024 Notices of public input period, May 9, 2024 open house, and May 22, 2024 Planning Commission public hearing mailed. May 9, 2024 In person open house held outside of the Delta Center. May 13, 2024 May 22nd Planning Commission Public Hearing postponed until June 12, 2024. Updated notice of new date of public hearing mailed. June 12, 2024 Planning Commission Public Hearing held. 14 3. Notice of City Council Hearing 15 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Salt Lake City Council is considering Petition PLNPCM2024-00441 Zoning Text Amendment to the D4 zoning district to support the creation of a Sports, Entertainment, Culture, and Convention District around the Delta Center and Salt Palace Convention Center. The proposed text amendments increase the allowed building height in the D4 zone, change stadiums and commercial parking uses from conditional to permitted uses, expand the Arena Sign Overlay to the Salt Palace blocks, and makes other minor changes to the D4 zoning district. As part of their study, the City Council is holding an advertised public hearing to receive comments regarding the petition. During the hearing, anyone desiring to address the City Council concerning this issue will be given an opportunity to speak. The Council may consider adopting the ordinance the same night of the public hearing. DATE: _________, at 7:00 PM PLACE: Electronic and in-person options. 451 South State Street, Roon 326, Salt Lake City, Utah ** This meeting will be held via electronic means, while also providing an in-person opportunity to attend or participate in the hearing at the City and County Building, located at 451 South State Street, Room 326, Salt Lake City, Utah. For more information, including Zoom connection information, please visit www.slc.gov/council/virtual-meetings. Comments may also be provided by calling the 24-hour comment line at (801) 535-7654 or sending an email to council.comments@slcgov.com. All comments received through any source are shared with the Council and added to the public record. If you have any questions relating to this proposal or would like to review the file, please call Nick Norris at 801-535-6173 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, or via e- mail at nick.norris@slcgov.com. The application details can be accessed at https://citizenportal.slcgov.com/, by selecting the “planning” tab and entering the petition number PLNPCM2024-00441. The City & County Building is an accessible facility. People with disabilities may make requests for reasonable accommodation, which may include alternate formats, interpreters, and other auxiliary aids and services. Please make requests at least two business days in advance. To make a request, please contact the City Council Office at council.comments@slcgov.com, 801-535-7600, or relay service 711. 16 4. Petition Initiation Request 17 18 5. Public Comment Received After PC Public Hearing 19 20 Norris, Nick From:Bill Tibbitts Sent:Tuesday, June 11, 2024 2:37 PM To:Mendenhall, Erin Cc:Glenn Bailey; Petro, Victoria; Puy, Alejandro; Wharton, Chris; Lopez Chavez, Eva; Mano, Darin; Dugan, Dan; Young, Sarah; Otto, Rachel; City Council Liaisons; Council Comments; Mayor; Thomas, Blake; Norris, Nick; Clark, Aubrey; Planning Public Comments Subject:Re: (EXTERNAL) Letter about Delta Center rezone proposal (Letter attached this time) Dear Mayor Mendenhall, City Council Members, and Planning Commissioners: We have been pleased by recent media reports stating that Salt Lake City elected officials are negotiating with Smith Entertainment Group to obtain significant community benefits for all city residents in the proposed Delta Center tax and redevelopment plan. We are particularly pleased to read that there are negotiations underway to include affordable housing in this major development. Today we ask city leaders to postpone all votes on zoning changes or tax increases in support of the tax and redevelopment plan until the details about housing and other community benefits are finalized and made available to the public. A delay of days or weeks to finalize these kinds of details can only improve the final outcome. We also reiterate the position that we took on May 17, 2024, that ten percent of the units within the proposed redevelopment should be affordable to households earning less than $30,000 per year and that an additional ten percent be affordable to households earning less than $60,000 per year. Bill Tibbitts (He/Him/His) Deputy Executive Director Crossroads Urban Center 347 South 400 East Salt Lake City, UT 84111 www.crossroadsurbancenter.org 21 Norris, Nick From:CM Crompton Sent:Tuesday, June 11, 2024 4:55 PM To:Norris, Nick Subject:(EXTERNAL) Smith SPORTS/CONVENTION/ENTERTAINMENT/CULTURE. DIST. Proposal CauƟon: This is an external email. Please be cauƟous when clicking links or opening aƩachments. Please consider the “livability” of mostly high-end housing encroached on by height (expanded restricƟons) Jumbotron (bright lights and noise) Heliport (extreme noise and intrusive disrupƟon at random hours. Not to menƟon crowd, traffic/parking complicaƟons. Maybe too much indulgence for a livable and vibrant downtown? Would backers want to tolerate these intrusions where they live? Please convey these concerns since the meeƟng announced for tonight will not include a discussion of this proposed plan. I called several enƟƟes to confirm this. Regards, C. Crompton SLC. 22 6. Mailing list 23 PO BOX 1374 SALT LAKE UT 84110 1400 WEST ASSOCIATES, LLC 573 W STATE ST PLEASANT UT 84062 172 WEST 300 SOUTH, LLC PO BOX 2406 SALT LAKE UT 84110 214 NORTH TEMPLE CONDOMINIUMS AMD COMMON AREA MASTER CARD 262 E 3900 S # 200 MURRAY UT 84107 218 BROADWAY, LLC 150 S STATE ST SALT LAKE UT 84111 309 WEST LC 375 W 200 S # 100 SALT LAKE UT 84101 39/42 LLC 51 E 400 S SALT LAKE UT 84111 401K HOME MOSTLY INC.1474 BLACK STONE AVENUE SAN JOSE CA 95118 99 WEST CONDOMINIUMS OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC PO BOX 511196 SALT LAKE UT 84151 99VESTRY, LLC PO BOX 71670 PHOENIX AZ 85050 A E G FAM TRUST 4368 S ADONIS DR MILLCREEK UT 84124 A FAM TR 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST # 401 SALT LAKE UT 84101 A J & M CO LLC 7875 S 965 E SANDY UT 84094 AARON A ROYCE; BRIAN L HUTCHINSON (JT)346 W PIERPONT AVE #W115 SALT LAKE UT 84101 AARON HSU 360 W 300 S #229 SALT LAKE UT 84101 ABHINEET SABHARWAL 360 W 300 S #218 SALT LAKE UT 84101 ADAM DELEEUW; SHARON K DELEEUW (JT)342 W 200 S # 110 SALT LAKE UT 84101 ADRIAN LAZO 1539 S 1000 E SALT LAKE UT 84105 ADRIAN STALDER; SHOUWEN XU (JT)1781 PARK BLVD PALO ALTO CA 94306 ADRIENNE JARRETT 342 E EDITH AVE SALT LAKE UT 84111 AHMET B ALTINAY 328 W 200 S # 603 SALT LAKE UT 84101 ALAMO CREEK 607 LLC 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 ALASTAIR STEWARD 336 W 300 S #407 SALT LAKE UT 84101 ALEXI RAE HATCH 163 W 200 S #405 SALT LAKE UT 84101 ALIA MASSOUH 346 W PIERPONT AVE #W105 SALT LAKE UT 84101 ALINA WHITE 328 W 200 S #408 SALT LAKE UT 84101 ALISE ANN KING; KELLY KING; SYDNEY HATCH KING (JT)328 W 200 S #210 SALT LAKE UT 84101 ALLAN D ANDERSON; ALLAN J ANDERSON (JT)360 W BROADWAY ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 AMBER GONDA; ROBERT GONDA 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 AMIR KASHANI 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 AMRA PASIC 336 W 300 S # 211 SALT LAKE UT 84101 ANDRA L LALLI REVOCABLE TRUST 09/05/2006 3070 S 950 E BOUNTIFULUT 84010 ANDREW LANE 328 W 200 S # 205 SALT LAKE UT 84101 ANDREW VANDONGEN 327 W 200 S #303 SALT LAKE UT 84101 ANGELIA BUSH 342 W 200 S #106 SALT LAKE UT 84101 ANTHONY Y STRIKE TRUST 10/29/2022 9904 HUNTERS RUN LN CINCINNAT OH 45242 AP FORD BUILDING, LLC 1616 CAMDEN RD CHARLOTTENC 28203 API QOZB, LLC 1074 E MUTTON HOLLOW RD KAYSVILLE UT 84037 APPLE HOSPITALITY SLCC 7140, LLC APPLE HOSPITALITY COMPANI RICHMONDVA 23219 APPLE HOSPITALITY SLCH 7141 LLC 814 E MAIN ST RICHMONDVA 23219 ARENA 327 LLC 327 W 200 S #001 SALT LAKE UT 84101 ARENA 327 LLC 327 W 200 S #103 SALT LAKE UT 84101 ARENA 327 LLC 327 W 200 S #104 SALT LAKE UT 84101 AREVKAP, LLC 1906 E JEREMY DR MURRAY UT 84121 ARNOLD L SWINDLEHURST; KAREN A SWINDLEHURST (JT)17 WHITMAN CT IRVINE CA 92617 ARTSPACE AFFORDABLE HOUSING, LLC 230 S 500 W SALT LAKE UT 84101 ASHLEY DAWN WASDEN 360 W 300 S #403 SALT LAKE UT 84101 ATCAT IRREVOCABLE TRUST 09/27/2023 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 AUGUST ALLEN 2790 E JUNIPER WY HOLLADAY UT 84117 AUSTIN MARK LONG; LELA RAE LONG (JT)360 W 300 S #203 SALT LAKE UT 84101 AXIS BUILDING ASSOCIATES, LLC 175 S MAIN ST # 610 SALT LAKE UT 84111 B REVOC TRUST 3579 KENZIES WAY N SANTA CLA UT 84765 BANDALOOPS, LLC 51 E 400 S # 210 SALT LAKE UT 84111 BANDED PROPERTIES, LLC PO BOX 743 CLEARFIELDUT 84089 BARBARA E YOUNG REVOCABLE TRUST 04/14/2020 1545 S 1400 E SALT LAKE UT 84105 BARBARA ZIEGLER 336 W 300 S #202 SALT LAKE UT 84101 BARBU GOCIMAN 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST #1804 SALT LAKE UT 84101 BARBU GOCIMAN 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 BAY PACIFIC AMERICAN PLAZA II LLC 2001 UNION ST STE 300 SAN FRANCCA 94127 BCAL GATEWAY PROPERTY LLC 90 S 400 W # 570 SALT LAKE UT 84101 BENJAMIN THOMAS HATCH 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 BENSON, JOHN; BENSON, NANCY (JT)901 CHAHOTKIN DR ALEXANDR VA 22308 BENSON, JOHN; BENSON, NANCY (JT)901 CHAHOTKIN DR ALEXANDR VA 22308 BERGESON FEBRUARY 5,2014 FAMILY TRUST 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 BIGGER D INVESTMENTS L.L.C.320 W 200 S # FL-3 SALT LAKE UT 84101 BILL & CAROL BENGTZEN LLC 3577 E 8620 S COTTONWO UT 84121 BINGHAM BROTHERS PARTNERSHIP 1658 E 1700 S SALT LAKE UT 84105 BK HOTEL, LLC 2733 E PARLEYS WY SALT LAKE UT 84109 BLAKE BRADLEY PETERSON 380 W 200 S #409 SALT LAKE UT 84101 BLAKE KENNETH SARLO 360 W BROADWAY ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 BNOLLC 51 E 400 S # 210 SALT LAKE UT 84111 BOYER GATEWAY HOTEL LC 101 S 200 E SALT LAKE UT 84111 BRABO INVESTMENTS LLC 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 BRACKENBURY VENTURES, LLC 1452 S YUMA ST SALT LAKE UT 84108 BRADEN STEN 9751 S SILICA DR WHITE CITYUT 84094 BRADLEY DOCKTER 380 W 200 S #205 SALT LAKE UT 84101 BRADY MCINTYRE 308 W 300 S #LL2 SALT LAKE UT 84101 BRANDI PATRICE TILLMAN 360 W 300 S #233 SALT LAKE UT 84101 BRANDON WORTH HARGETT REVOCABLE TRUST 02/17/2022 328 W 200 S #607 SALT LAKE UT 84101 BRENDA WRIGHT TRUST 06/27/2019 1217 N 1390 W SAINT GEO UT 84770 24 BRENT M PALFREYMAN (SURV)9477 S 2555 W SOUTH JORUT 84095 BRETT ROSS 360 W BROADWAY ST # 617 SALT LAKE UT 84101 BRIAN L DAVIS 11306 S BROWN SUMMIT CIR SOUTH JORUT 84095 BRIAN P ARTHUR 346 W PIERPONT AVE #E116 SALT LAKE UT 84101 BRIGETA N BENSON REVOCABLE TRUST 08/24/2018 3589 N 825 E NORTH OG UT 84414 BRISTOW PROPERTIES, LLC 2402 S RURAL RD # 203 TEMPE AZ 85282 BROADWAY PARK LOFTS UNIT OWNER ASSOCIATION 1218 E 7800 S SANDY UT 84094 BRODY C LEVEN; BARRY M LEVEN; GLORIA R LEVEN (TC)366 W PIERPONT AVE # W201 SALT LAKE UT 84101 BRUCE C KOELLIKER 4756 S HILLHOUSE CV # 102 MURRAY UT 84107 BRUCE R MCFADDEN 380 W 200 S # 408 SALT LAKE UT 84101 BRUCE SESSIONS; CAROL SESSIONS (JT)380 W 200 S # 602 SALT LAKE UT 84101 BRYAN L WARD; KATHY M WARD (JT)PO BOX 658 OAKLEY UT 84055 BUILDING 107 LLC 7882 S DEERCREEK RD COTTONWO UT 84121 BVREF 175, LLC 1144 S SILVERSTONE WAY MERIDIAN ID 83642 C FAM TRUST; NGC TRUST 155 CRESTRIDGE DR DANVILLE CA 94506 CAITLIN GRANDJEAN 327 W 200 S #205 SALT LAKE UT 84101 CALEB E CRAIL; CASSIDY E CRAIL (JT)655 CHERRY CIRCLE LAKE OSWEOR 97034 CAMPANIA HOLDINGS, LLC 725 E 200 S BOUNTIFULUT 84010 CARLA J HEWITSON 342 W 200 S #107 SALT LAKE UT 84101 CARLOS M MOLINA 360 W 300 S # 614 SALT LAKE UT 84101 CAROLYN RICH-DENSON TRUST 03/08/2016 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 CARRESON PROPERTIES, LLC 30 E BROADWAY ST SALT LAKE UT 84111 CHARLES SCOTT CLAUSEN 336 W 300 S #201 SALT LAKE UT 84101 CHARLOTTE SALEVURAKIS ASSET PROTECTION TRUST 05/31/2018 4098 S 1500 E MILLCREEK UT 84124 CHASE JOHNSON 360 W 300 S #227 SALT LAKE UT 84101 CHECKETTS FAMILY TRUST 05/07/2008 163 W 200 S # 305 SALT LAKE UT 84101 CHRIS & HEDY EYRE 2006 FAMILY TRUST 08/30/2006 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 CHRIS H WILSON 1367 CEDARWOOD LN LOGAN UT 84321 CHRISTENSEN FAMILY TRUST 12/21/2012 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST # 207 SALT LAKE UT 84101 CHRISTIAN TYLER WOLSEY TRUST 04/15/2020 360 W 300 S #212 SALT LAKE UT 84101 CHRISTINE CHI KHIET TRINH; VIVIAN KHIET TRINH (JT)116 VALLEY OAKS LOOP UNION CITYCA 94587 CHRISTOPHER GIAMBRI 360 W BROADWAY ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 CHRISTOPHER J KIDD 342 W 200 S #101 SALT LAKE UT 84101 CHRISTOPHER PITZAK 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 CHRISTOPHER SCHWARZ; SONYA SCHWARZ (JT)342 W 200 S # 102 SALT LAKE UT 84101 CHRISTOPHER W GARRISON 2937 CHAMPA ST # A DENVER CO 80205 CHRISTOPHER WAYNE MYERS 163 W 200 S # 505 SALT LAKE UT 84101 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS 50 E NORTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84150 CIERA DELIN BELYEA 346 W PIERPONT AVE #W113 SALT LAKE UT 84101 CINDY RICKS; DAVID RICKS (JT)716 17TH ST BELLINGHA WA 98225 CITI PLACE, LLC PO BOX 540230 NORTH SAL UT 84054 CITY CREEK ASSOCIATES, LLC 95 W 100 S #340 LOGAN UT 84321 CITY CREEK CENTER ASSOCIATES, LLC 200 E LONG LAKE RD #300 BLOOMFIEL MI 48304 CITY CREEK INVESTMENT PROPERTIES, LLC PO BOX 6618 SCOTTSDALAZ 85261 CITY CREEK RESERVE INC PO BOX 511196 SALT LAKE UT 84151 CITY CREEK RESERVE INC 200 E LONG LAKE RD #300 BLOOMFIEL MI 48304 CITY CREEK RESERVE INC PO BOX 511196 SALT LAKE UT 84151 CITY CREEK RESERVE INC PO BOX 21045 SEATTLE WA 98101 CLYDE JUPITER FAMILY INTER VIVOS REVOCABLE TRUST 04/05/2023 430 W 400 N BOUNTIFULUT 84010 CLYDE JUPITER FAMILY TRUST 04/05/2023 430 W 400 N BOUNTIFULUT 84010 COATES FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST 06/08/2021 328 W 200 S #604 SALT LAKE UT 84101 CONNIE BULLIS TRUST 05/07/2019 PO BOX 581282 SALT LAKE UT 84158 CONSTANCE A DALY REVOCABLE TRUST 10/30/2020 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 CORNER 64, LLC 19 E 200 S SALT LAKE UT 84111 CORP OF PB OF CH JC OF LDS PO BOX 511196 SALT LAKE UT 84151 CORP OF PB OF CH JC OF LDS 50 E NORTHTEMPLE # FL-22 SALT LAKE UT 84150 CORP OF PB OF CH JC OF LDS 50 E NORTHTEMPLE ST #2225 SALT LAKE UT 84150 COURTLAND SCOTT SCHWERDT 328 W 200 S #502 SALT LAKE UT 84101 COWBOY UP ALPINE, LLC PO BOX 3809 ALPINE WY 83128 CRAIG C LABRUM; MICHELLE R LABRUM (JT)280 W 100 N STE A VERNAL UT 84079 CRAIG R NIELSEN; MARIE NIELSEN (JT)99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 CRISTEN A MOORE 163 W 200 S #404 SALT LAKE UT 84101 CRYSTAL ARLENE NUNO; SIDONIO NUNO (JT)218 W NORTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84103 CURT LALLI 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 CW FRONT ROW, LLC 1222 W LEGACY CROSSING BL CENTERVIL UT 84014 D & V INVESTMENTS, LLC 4743 SUMMERWOOD DR BOUNTIFULUT 84010 D CHRISTIAN HARRISON 336 W BROADWAY ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 DAKOTA LOFTS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION PO BOX 171014 SALT LAKE UT 84117 DALE F OSTLER 7689 SITIO MANANA CARLSBAD CA 92009 DALLAS GRAHAM 336 W BROADWAY ST # 215 SALT LAKE UT 84101 DANE ADAM DEHART 917 E CARSON GARDEN LN MILLCREEK UT 84124 DANETTE FULLMER 214 W NORTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84103 DANIEL BULLOCK 360 W 300 S #601 SALT LAKE UT 84101 DANIEL J ASH 69 W SYRACUSE RD VINEYARD UT 84059 DANIEL LOMBARDI; NICOLE SHERMAN (JT)328 W 200 S #202 SALT LAKE UT 84101 DANJUE SHANG PO BOX 992 PARK CITY UT 84060 DAVID BRIAN DOVE FAMILY TRUST 06/11/2020 360 W 300 S #219 SALT LAKE UT 84101 DAVID DANIEL MIRAMONTES (JT)360 W BROADWAY ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 DAVID E ORR 346 W PIERPONT AVE #E114 SALT LAKE UT 84101 DAVID JAMES MICHELSON 5235 S GLENDON ST MURRAY UT 84123 25 DAVID L ARNSON; BOBBIE C ARNSON (JT)99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST #1203 SALT LAKE UT 84101 DAVID L MOULTON; SUZANNE L MOULTON (JT)PO BOX 981120 PARK CITY UT 84098 DAVID L NORMAN 214 W NORTHTEMPLE ST # E2 SALT LAKE UT 84103 DAVID LOFGREEN 328 W 200 S #503 SALT LAKE UT 84101 DAVID M NOWASKEY 328 W 200 S #409 SALT LAKE UT 84101 DAVID RICKS; CINDY RICKS (JT)716 17TH ST BELLINGHA WA 98225 DAVID S CHRISTENSEN 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 DAVID SHEN; YOUSENG SHEN (JT)99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 DAVID W BERNOLFO; GLORIA B ROTHWELL 163 S MAIN ST SALT LAKE UT 84111 DAVIDSON HEATH 360 W BROADWAY ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 DDFAV, LLC 2833 PACES LOOKOUT LN SE ATLANTA GA 30339 DEHART INVESTMENTS, LLC 436 E 1200 S SALEM UT 84653 DEL R & DIANE D JONES TRUST 11/28/2018 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 DERE FAMILY TRUST 04/20/2007 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 DEREK DAY; JAMIE STOKES (JT)835 E SPRING VIEW DR MILLCREEK UT 84106 DESERET TITLE HOLDING CORP PO BOX 511196 SALT LAKE UT 84151 DHARMESH B AHIR 332 W PARK LN FARMINGT UT 84026 DIAMOND PARKING INC 605 FIRST AVE #600 SEATTLE WA 98104 DIANE T BARLOW 2949 E DEVONSHIRE CIR SALT LAKE UT 84108 DOMA TERRA HOLDINGS, LLC 9350 S 150 E SANDY UT 84070 DONALD J RIZZO; TERESA M RIZZO (JT)4230 ROUS ST SAN DIEGO CA 92122 DOUG STAKER 163 W 200 S #503 SALT LAKE UT 84101 DOUGLAS WAYNE II OWENS 346 W PIERPONT AVE #E110 SALT LAKE UT 84101 DUC VAN VU; THUVAN GULMAHONG (JT)17046 TESORO DR SAN DIEGO CA 92128 DUSTIN J FRANDSEN 1995 NAVAJO HEIGHTS MOAB UT 84532 DV-PARAGON LP 960 N SAN ANTONIO RD LOS ALTOS CA 94022 DW&PBL TR 1661 E 1220 N LOGAN UT 84341 ELIA TULE 216 W NORTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84103 ELIZABETH KAY GOREY 1847 S 2600 E SALT LAKE UT 84108 ELIZABETH R BEHRMANN; GARY BEHRMANN (JT)458 S 2150 W OREM UT 84055 ELK RIDGE MGMT-360 WEST BROADWAY 414 LLC 131 N 1200 E LINDON UT 84042 ELLEN M DONOVAN; VAUGH G PEDERSEN (JT)328 W 200 S #608 SALT LAKE UT 84101 EMILY & CRAIG STEWART TRUST 01/31/2019 2255 WALNUT BLVD WALNUT C CA 94597 ERIC COLTER CANNON 1920 E NUNLEY CIR HOLLADAY UT 84121 ERIC D FREY 360 W 300 S # 217 SALT LAKE UT 84101 ERIC D FREY 360 W 300 S #224 SALT LAKE UT 84101 ERIC R OLSEN 163 W 200 S # 202 SALT LAKE UT 84101 ERIC WEIKERT 346 W PIERPONT AVE #W207 SALT LAKE UT 84101 ERNIELITO D COSTELLO; LAURIE A COSTELLO (JT)911 E THIRD AVE SALT LAKE UT 84103 ESTATE NOT IDENTIFIED 1405 N EASTHILLS DR BOUNTIFULUT 84010 EUGENE F SASSER 1765 PEACHTREE ST NE #B3 ATLANTA GA 30309 FAE HOLDINGS 483563R LLC; VMM LLC 51 E 400 S SALT LAKE UT 84111 FARR FAMILY TRUST 12/05/2000 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 FENG PING WU; SHU-NUAN LIANG (JT)5273 ELLICOTT CT CENTREVIL VA 20120 FIREFLY TRUST 03/20/2023 250 N RED CLIFFS DR ST GEORGE UT 84790 FORMAN FAMILY TRUST 09/30/1997 PO BOX 83001 JACKSON WY 83001 FRANCISCO CESAR PERUZZO; ROBERT GERALD OLSON (JT)328 W 200 S #305 SALT LAKE UT 84101 FRANCOIS LANCELOT GERDAY 360 W 300 S # 418 SALT LAKE UT 84101 FRANKLIN R & ANNA R ROLAPP FAMILY TRUST 01/30/1995 220 COLLINS AVE BALBOA ISLCA 92662 FRED A DUNBAR; MICHELLE DUNBAR (JT)99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 FREDERIC V BULL 163 W 200 S #407 SALT LAKE UT 84101 G A ROPER INVESTMENTS, LLC 95 N MAIN FILLMORE UT 84631 G RYAN EADS 336 W BROADWAY ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 GAELLE BATOT; NICOLAS ZIEGLER (JT)360 W 300 S #615 SALT LAKE UT 84101 GARDINER PROPERTIES, LLC 1075 E 2100 S SALT LAKE UT 84106 GARRETT C ZUPAN 2131 SPRINGSTONE DR LELAND NC 28451 GARRETT LIVING TRUST 10/08/2019 5568 E PIONEER FORK RD EMIGRATN UT 84108 GARY C NIELSON 2444 E 70 S HEBER CITYUT 84032 GARY D DITTEMORE; RONALD D DITTEMORE (JT)5385 SHOSHONE CIR OGDEN UT 84403 GATEWAY BLOCK A CONDOMINIUM OWNERS ASSOCIATION 101 S 200 E # 200 SALT LAKE UT 84111 GATEWAY HP, LLC 2425 E CAMELBACK RD PHOENIX AZ 85016 GATEWAY OFFICE 4 LC 101 S 200 E SALT LAKE UT 84111 GAYLE LEE FAIRBANKS 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 GERALD L JOHNSON; DIANE D JOHNSON (JT)99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 GERRIT W GONG; SUSAN L GONG (JT)99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST #1007 SALT LAKE UT 84101 GGI 380 WEST, LLC 380 W 200 S #302 SALT LAKE UT 84101 GH REV LIV TR 3000 S OCEAN BLVD #1402 BOCA RATO FL 33432 GMM LIV TR 1514 S PRESTON ST SALT LAKE UT 84108 GORDAN SAVIN; MIRNA NOVAK (JT)1051 E SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84102 GRANT COULSON; MICHAEL COULSON (JT)360 W 300 S #613 SALT LAKE UT 84101 GRAYR BLEYAN; CATHERINE TIANMIN YUN (JT)346 W PIERPONT AVE #E107 SALT LAKE UT 84101 GREEK ORTHODOX CH HOLY TRINITY OF SLC & GREEK COMM OF UTAH 279 S 300 W SALT LAKE UT 84101 GREGORY H NELSON LIVING TRUST 03/28/2000 AMD & RESTATED 09/15/202 508 W SAGUARO WY IRVINS UT 84731 GREGORY J DIRKS; SARAH J DIRKS (JT)2109 N CASCADE AVE COLORADO CO 80907 GREGORY NICHOLES CARLISLE REVOCABLE TRUST 06/23/1999 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 GRETA SOMMERFELD 163 W 200 S #310 SALT LAKE UT 84101 GRITS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, LLC 8690 S ESCALADE CIR COTTONWO UT 84121 GURR FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST 09/18/1997 380 W 200 S # 603 SALT LAKE UT 84101 H TR 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST #2007 SALT LAKE UT 84101 HAROLD CURTIS SIMONSEN 328 W 200 S #403 SALT LAKE UT 84101 26 HAYNES FAMILY, LLC 2810 E CRESTVIEW DR SALT LAKE UT 84108 HB3, LLC 1717 E YALECREST AVE SALT LAKE UT 84108 HEATHER CHOI 328 W 200 S #307 SALT LAKE UT 84101 HEATHER MARIE RICART; RAMON A RICART (JT)2949 W 12875 S RIVERTON UT 84065 HEIDI NESTEL; STEVE NESTEL 1380 CAPITOL ST OGDEN UT 84401 HELOU, LLC 3005 GILLIS FALLS RD MT AIRY MD 21771 HIGHWAY 40 DEVELOPMENT 6406 S KEEN CT SALT LAKE UT 84121 HILLTOP INVESTMENTS, LLC 32 W 200 S SALT LAKE UT 84101 HIRE INTEGRATED, LLC 163 W 200 S #303 SALT LAKE UT 84101 HNYBADGER PROPERTIES, LLC 720 N 450 W OREM UT 84057 HOLY TRINITY GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 279 S 300 W SALT LAKE UT 84101 HOWARD MARTIN WINKLER; CATHERINE GEROWE WINKLER (JT)99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 HPTWN PROPERTIES TRUST 215 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 HS TR 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST # 806 SALT LAKE UT 84101 HUGH F CONNOR; A CLOTILDE HOUCHON (JT)346 W PIERPONT AVE # E122 SALT LAKE UT 84101 IGWLT 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST #1404 SALT LAKE UT 84101 ILYAS STARK; EVENINGSTAR STARK (JT)360 W 300 S #413 SALT LAKE UT 84101 INTERMOUNTAIN BUDDHIST CHURCH 211 W 100 S SALT LAKE UT 84101 ITF BROADWAY, LLC 1435 E ARLINGTON DR SALT LAKE UT 84103 J & M BOLLWINKEL LLC 145 W 200 S SALT LAKE UT 84101 J STEVEN HANSEN LIVING TRUST 11/19/2020 360 W 300 S # 225 SALT LAKE UT 84101 J. CHRISTOPHER LANSING 214 S WILTON RD RICHMONDVA 23226 JAC TRUST 05/17/2022 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 JACOB A CASE 380 W 200 S # 509 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JACOB ALLEN CASE 380 W 200 S #509 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JACOB SMITH WHITE; JONESSA WHITE (JT)580 S RIDGE LN ALPINE UT 84004 JACOB VAGO 336 W BROADWAY ST # 408 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JACOB VAGO 360 W 300 S # 204 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JADGEV RAJ & JASPREET KAUR LIVING TRUST 04/18/2018 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 JAEHO LEE; HYUNKYUNG BAE (JT)2249 E EVERGREEN AVE MILLCREEK UT 84109 JAIMIE COGSWELL 961 S LAKE ST SALT LAKE UT 84105 JAKE BOWERS 360 W 300 S #231 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JAMES A PIPER 360 W BROADWAY ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 JAMES B & KRISTINE WHITESIDES FAMILY TRUST 06/01/2001 102 PANORAMA COTO DE C CA 92679 JAMES E JI 360 E 300 S # 214 SALT LAKE UT 84111 JAMES R & BOK DONG JEANIE BRADSHAW LIVING TRUST 12/19/2008 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 JAMES R GRIBIN; NANCY N YOUELL (JT)360 W 300 S # 409 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JAMES REX 346 W PIERPONT AVE #W111 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JAMES XU SHEN; LYNDA ZEBIN XU (JT)99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 JAMISON ROSS SPENCER; JENNIFER RUTH SPENCER (JT)327 W 200 S #301 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JAPANESE CHURCH OF CHRIST 268 W 100 S SALT LAKE UT 84101 JARED NEILSEN 536 N CENTER ST SALT LAKE UT 84103 JARED STEWART 346 W PIERPONT AVE #E124 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JASON & JAIRAN WARE FAMILY TRUST 02/05/2020 34 E COLUMBUS CT SALT LAKE UT 84103 JASON LEISER 328 W 200 S # 410 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JBJ & AMJ FAM TRUST 1117 COTTONWOOD CT CLEBURNE TX 76033 JEB TRST 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST #2001 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JEFFRY JOHNSON 360 W 300 S # 202 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JENNIFER BROWN; AARON BROWN (JT)336 W BROADWAY ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 JENNIFER FREDSALL 2209 E 7495 S COTTONWO UT 84121 JENNIFER MILLER 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST # 205 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JENS BACH NIELSEN 4295 N 2900 E PO BOX 87 LIBERTY UT 84010 JESSICA ANDERSON 346 W PIERPONT AVE #E108 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JILL B FUGAL REVOCABLE TRUST 09/17/2020 1216 N 600 W PLEASANT UT 84062 JKS 203, LLC 336 W BROADWAY ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 JLARSEN GROUP HOLDINGS LLC 1265 E FORT UNION BLVD COTTONWO UT 84047 JODIE JORGENSEN LIVING TRUST 05/23/2022; JOSHUA M SMITH LIVING TR 484 GREYSTONE DR FARMINGT UT 84025 JODY L CHIARAMONTE 404 ASPEN CT LA PLATA MD 20646 JOHN A SIVO; DENISE J TAYLOR (JT)99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 JOHN A VICKERS 328 W 200 S # 506 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JOHN HAMILTON 360 W 300 S #422 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JOHN J III MAZUROWSKI 328 W 200 S #204 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JOHN M TEMPLE REVOCABLE TRUST 12/22/1998; SUSNA F TEMPLE REVOCABL 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 JOHN S ZIEGLER REVOCABLE TRUST 03/27/2019 3088 MEADOWS DR PARK CITY UT 84060 JONATHAN BRONSON 336 W BROADWAY ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 JONATHAN W BLANCH 380 W 200 S # 601 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JONATHAN W BLANCH 380 W 200 S # 601 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JONATHON GRANT HAWK 346 W PIERPONT AVE #W213 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JORDAN HENDRICKSON 163 W 200 S #205 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JOSE G PACHECO-BRITO 360 W BROADWAY ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 JOSH BRANDT 839 E SOUTHTEMPLE ST #106 SALT LAKE UT 84102 JOSHUA C SPRINGER 327 W 200 S #406 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JOSHUA CARLBERG 163 W 200 S #S5 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JOSHUA CARLBERG 163 W 200 S #507 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JOSHUA LUND 1163 E HARRISON AVE SALT LAKE UT 84105 JR&HBSFL TR 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST # 906 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JR&HBSFL TR 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST # 906 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JSM 2020 TRUST 12/11/2020 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 JUAN GUTIERREZ; RINA DODSON (JT)380 W 200 S # 203 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JULIE ROBIN MCKEE 163 W 200 S #401 SALT LAKE UT 84101 27 JUSTIN BINGHAM 251 ROSEBAY DR ENCINITAS CA 92024 JUSTIN MAYHEW 165 W 600 N SALT LAKE UT 84103 JUSTIN P JOHNSON 336 W 300 S # 311 SALT LAKE UT 84101 JYLLANA BUCHER SWEET 378 N QUINCE ST SALT LAKE UT 84103 K L ENTERPRISES, LLC 4833 N EDGEWOOD DR # 201 PROVO UT 84604 KADEN A ROARK 360 W BROADWAY ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 KAREN K KELLER; SCOTT C KELLER (JT)1738 STONE RIDGE CIR BOUNTIFULUT 84010 KAREN S BURNETT; RICHARD R JR SYME (JT)99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 KARL & BEVERLY SNOW FAMILY TRUST 06/01/2020; PATRICIA B RUST 640 S APPENZELL LN MIDWAY UT 84049 KATSANEVAS ENTERPRISES INC 118 N 300 W SALT LAKE UT 84103 KATSANEVAS ENTERPRISES INC 118 N 300 W SALT LAKE UT 84103 KAYLA NIELSON 346 W PIERPONT AVE #W208 SALT LAKE UT 84101 KBSIII 155 NORTH 400 WEST, LLC PO BOX 28270 SANTA ANACA 92799 KEITH ASHTON; HEIDI ASHTON (JT)99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 KEITH KUSUDA 380 W 200 S # 503 SALT LAKE UT 84101 KELLY V MEJIA 655 CHERRY CR LAKE OSWEOR 97034 KELLY W HUBBARD; NINA HUBBARD (JT)1613 QUAIL CANYON DR LOGAN UT 84321 KELVIN H MOSS; LESLIE J MOSS (JT)9970 HADLEIGH DR GRANITE BACA 95746 KEVIN BOYLE 7968 CEDER WAY PARK CITY UT 84098 KEVIN ELSBERRY 661 W DUNNING CT DRAPER UT 84020 KEVIN HOWE 88 BUSH ST UNIT 4115 SAN JOSE CA 95126 KIMBERLY THOMPSON 342 W 200 S #206 SALT LAKE UT 84101 KIN LAU 34 MONROE ST NEW YORK NY 10002 KNOCK OUT HOLDINGS, LLC 360 W 300 S #237 SALT LAKE UT 84101 KOOS KAMP TRUST 08/03/2021 PO BOX 440069 KOOSHARE UT 84744 KOREY DAVIS 328 W 200 S #406 SALT LAKE UT 84101 KRD TRST 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST #3001 SALT LAKE UT 84101 KRISTEN DYCHES; KIRK DYCHES 342 W 200 S #203 SALT LAKE UT 84101 KRISTIN MELLUS 328 W 200 S # 206 SALT LAKE UT 84101 KWJ IV INVESTMENTS LLC 547 W 2600 S BOUNTIFULUT 84010 KYLE STEPHEN ALEXANDER 328 W 200 S #208 SALT LAKE UT 84101 KYLE W WESTON 327 W 200 S # 401 SALT LAKE UT 84101 L.L.C. AHC 3684 E KAIBAB CIR SALT LAKE UT 84109 L.L.C. WESTGATE DESIGN 1525 E WESTMORELAND DR SALT LAKE UT 84105 LAF RV TRST 801 SAGE BRUSH DR WORLAND WY 82401 LAKE EFFECT PROPERTY, LLC 3362 W 1820 S SALT LAKE UT 84104 LANCE SPENCER; ALISSA ANN JONES (JT)342 W 200 S # 108 SALT LAKE UT 84101 LARRY H MILLER ARENA CORP 301 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 LAURA WARDLE 351 W 800 N # 1 SALT LAKE UT 84103 LAUREN & CHERYL LOCEY REVOCABLE TRUST 11/01/2022 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 LC 200 WEST HOLDING 254 S 200 W SALT LAKE UT 84101 LC CRANE ASSOCIATES 307 W 200 S # 4001 SALT LAKE UT 84101 LC RED DESERT HOLDINGS 1125 N HOVI HILLS DR CEDAR CITYUT 84721 LE CHENG & KAI YANG FAMILY TRUST 5/9/2016 13001 LORETTA DR SANTA ANACA 92705 LINDA MAI PENDWARDEN; MICHAEL SCOTT PENWARDEN (JT)163 W 200 S #206 SALT LAKE UT 84101 LI-SU FAMILY TRUST 06/24/2019 1172 E 40 N OREM UT 84097 LOFT 403 LLC 1158 N MOUNTAIN RD KAYSVILLE UT 84037 LOGAN D GUNNELL; KENI SUE NELSON (JT)360 W 300 S #602 SALT LAKE UT 84101 LORIN A BROADBENT REVOCABLE TRUST 12/04/2014; LARAE T BROADBENT R 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 LOUIS & CYNTHIA MILLER LIVING TRUST 05/14/2019 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 LOVE PAD SLC, LLC 1340 N 7000 E HUNTSVILL UT 84317 LP HAMPSTEAD JACKSON PARTNERS 1032 15TH ST NW #370 WASHINGT DC 20005 LTD GATEWAY ASSOCIATES 101 S 200 E SALT LAKE UT 84111 LUCAS HORNS; LUCAS HORNS; JOSHUA P SHUTKIND 328 W 200 S #308 SALT LAKE UT 84101 LUIS R MACIAS 380 W 200 S #403 SALT LAKE UT 84101 LUKE SCHUNK 328 W 200 S #306 SALT LAKE UT 84101 LYLE LIVING TRUST 10/19/2018 1360 E SHERMAN AVE SALT LAKE UT 84105 M FAM TR 1453 E ALTA CIR SALT LAKE UT 84103 M RES TRUST 9350 S 150 E # 1000 SANDY UT 84070 MADELINE COTTLE 336 W 300 S #207 SALT LAKE UT 84101 MADISON POTTER 360 W 300 S #421 SALT LAKE UT 84101 MAGGIE ELIZABETH OLSON; ANDREW WILLIAM TAMM (JT)360 W BROADWAY ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 MAITE ALONDRA CARRANZA MARTINEZ 346 W PIERPONT AVE #E119 SALT LAKE UT 84101 MAITE ALONDRA CARRANZA MARTINEZ 360 W 300 S #206 SALT LAKE UT 84101 MALLORY BLAIRE BROWN 360 W BROADWAY ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 MANISH OBEROI; LOVINA OBEROI (JT)99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 MARC KENNEDY PO BOX 802 DRAPER UT 84020 MARCIALA HERNANDEZ; MARIA LAM; ANTONIO DE JESUS HERNANDEZ (JT)99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 MAREN SNOW; NATHAN SNOW (JT)218 W NORTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84103 MARGOT SAYER 7934 CORTE CARLSBAD CA 92009 MARIA LAM; MARCIALA GUADALUPE HERNANDEZ (JT)99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 MARIELA SUELDO; JEAN FRANCOIS P SAUZEAT 463 E LANA CT DRAPER UT 84020 MARILYN E BRANHAM REVOCABLE TRUST 11/30/2017 8203 WHETSTONE RD MOUNTAIN MO 65711 MARK CANNON; DEBRA CANNON (JT)3980 E FOUBERT AVE MILLCREEK UT 84124 MARK EDLUND 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 MARK ROGERS 328 W 200 S #509 SALT LAKE UT 84101 MARK TAYLOR 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 MARY HEERS; ARTHUR; ARTHUR HEERS (JT)PO BOX 208 MENDON UT 84325 MATTHEW DADAM; MELINA DADAM (JT)4293 S FORTUNA WY MILLCREEK UT 84124 MATTHEW RICHARD GALE; CLAUDIA SOTO SAAVEDRA (JT)327 W 200 S #403 SALT LAKE UT 84101 28 MATTHEW S TAYLOR 380 W 200 S # 504 SALT LAKE UT 84101 MAURINE YVONNE WAYMAN; KLOE LORRAINE HAMMON WAYMAN (JT)163 W 200 S #304 SALT LAKE UT 84101 MAVERIK COUNTRY STORES INC 185 S STATE ST # 800 SALT LAKE UT 84111 MAXWELL CHRISTEN 360 W BROADWAY ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 MB 336 BROADWAY, LLC 3023 E JANKE FLATS LN SANDY UT 84092 MCCARLEY HOLDINGS, LLC PO BOX 1627 VERNAL UT 84078 MCE INVESTMENTS LLC 328 W 200 S # 100 SALT LAKE UT 84101 MCLOFTS LLC 7684 S KESWICK RD COTTONWO UT 84093 MEC SALT LAKE CITY HOTEL OWNER, LLC 425 MARKET ST STE 1050 SAN FRANCCA 94105 MEGAN MARTIN 336 W BROADWAY ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 MEHRDAD SAMIE; AMY BETH LUKAS (JT)233 N EASTCAPITOL ST SALT LAKE UT 84103 MELANIE HUSCROFT 252 W WILTSHIRE LN SARATOGA UT 84045 MELISSA M HOLDEN 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST #1905 SALT LAKE UT 84101 MICHAEL & MARILYN WOOD FAMILY TRUST 04/01/2015 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 MICHAEL C HATCH; BARTLEY FRASER (TC)360 W 300 S # 616 SALT LAKE UT 84101 MICHAEL JOSEPH HORD 328 W 200 S #402 SALT LAKE UT 84101 MICHAEL SAGE HARPER; SHANE F HUISH (JT)360 W 300 S #606 SALT LAKE UT 84101 MIKE & JOYCE MURRAY FAMILY TRUST 12/05/2014 PO BOX 70367 SEATTLE WA 98127 MIKE E MORAN 380 W 200 S #305 SALT LAKE UT 84101 MIKE LOSCALZO 163 W 200 S #309 SALT LAKE UT 84101 MIR M KHAN 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 MRK FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 118 N 300 W SALT LAKE UT 84103 MULTI-ETHNIC SENIOR HOUSING LTD 223 W 700 S # C SALT LAKE UT 84101 MW TRUST 1743 E BEECHWOOD DR LAYTON UT 84040 NAIDA KLJAJIC; MAIDA KLJAJIC (JT)336 W BROADWAY ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 NAMICA LLC 1980 E OLYMPUS POINT DR HOLLADAY UT 84117 NAMRE 401K TRUST 04/08/2019 637 E THIRD AVE SALT LAKE UT 84103 NATHAN C PERRY 6195 S RATON LN MURRAY UT 84123 NATHAN KENT MILLER 336 W 300 S #303 SALT LAKE UT 84101 NATHAN KULICK 493 18TH ST #2 BROOKLYN NY 11215 NATHAN SNOW; MAREN SNOW (JT)214 W NORTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84103 NATHANIEL SNEDDON 327 W 200 S #404 SALT LAKE UT 84101 NCE HOMES, LLC 1149 DANIELS CANYON DR LAYTON UT 84040 NEUROSTREAM MEDIA LLC 346 W PIERPONT AVE #E106 SALT LAKE UT 84101 NIKOLAI H WEDEKIND 380 W 200 S #201 SALT LAKE UT 84101 NORTH TEMPLE ENTERPRISES, LLC 1153 S 3600 W SALT LAKE UT 84104 NURIA MERCED ALVAREZ PAGAN TRUST 06/18/2018 50 E NORTHTEMPLE ST #18TH SALT LAKE UT 84150 OB-OK, LLC 230 NORTH STREET DANVERS MA 01923 OLGA N KONONOVA; ANDREY KUTUZOV (JT)348 W PIERPONT AVE SALT LAKE UT 84101 ONE TRIBE TRUST 09/29/2015 252 E WILTSHIRE LN SARATOGA UT 84045 OWN_FULL_NAME OWN_ADDR own_unit OWN_CITY OWN_STATOWN_ZIP PAINLESS PARKING LLC 163 S MAIN ST SALT LAKE UT 84111 PALMER FAMILY TRUST 01/10/2013 5600 W LOVERS LN DALLAS TX 75209 PAMELA S JACOBSON; KEVIN L JACOBSON (JT)380 W 200 S #307 SALT LAKE UT 84101 PAPERBOX DEVELOPERS, LLC 180 N UNIVERSITY AVE #200 PROVO UT 84601 PARKER FIELDS RESIDUAL TRUST UNDER THE KATHERINE SMITH FIELDS TRU 682 VILLA ST MOUNTAIN CA 94041 PARRISH PLACE VENTURES LLC 360 W 300 S #101 SALT LAKE UT 84101 PATRICK 402 PARTNERS, LLC 2087 S SCENIC CIR SALT LAKE UT 84109 PATRICK LOFTS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC 1390 E THORNTON AVE SALT LAKE UT 84105 PATRICK PARTNERS LLC 111 E SEGO LILY DR # 400 SANDY UT 84070 PATRICK PARTNERS, LLC 1092 E SOUTHUNION AVE MIDVALE UT 84047 PAUL BOND; WENDY BOND (JT)163 W 200 S #209 SALT LAKE UT 84101 PAUL T BERGERA FAMILY TRUST 04/02/2001 2666 S FILMORE ST SALT LAKE UT 84106 PEERY REFI LLC 2381 ROSECRANS AVE EL SEGUND CA 90245 PHAYNARITH PANH 2735 E ROBIDOUX RD SANDY UT 84093 PHILIP ERICKSON 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 PHILLIP BRUCE HANSEN TRUST 11/17/2005 1682 N 6250 E EDEN UT 84310 PHILLIP J HUNT; KAREN L HUNT (JT)675 S GREEN VALLEY PKWY HENDERSO NV 89052 PIER 346, LLC 8029 S HUNTERS MEADOW CIR COTTONWO UT 84093 PIERPONT HOLDINGS, LLC 151 W PIERPONT AVE SALT LAKE UT 84101 PIERPONT LOFTS CONDOMINIUM OWNERS ASSOCIATION PO BOX 2340 PARK CITY UT 84060 PIETRA PROPERTIES, LLC 273 N 1550 E LAYTON UT 84040 PILONEX, LLC PO BOX 655 SPRINGVILLUT 84663 PLANET SOFTWARE, LLC 342 W 200 S #201 SALT LAKE UT 84101 PLAYA VIDA TRUST 07/14/2022; PINNACLE TRUST 07/14/2022 380 W 200 S #604 SALT LAKE UT 84101 POPLAR STREET PUB, LLC 242 S 200 W SALT LAKE UT 84101 PRACHAR TRUST 04/06/2021 14908 LA CUMBRE DR PACIFIC PA CA 90272 PRAJIT RAVINDRAN 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 PROMONTORY PROPERTY, LLC 1210 WINTERGREEN CT ALPINE UT 84004 PROPERTY RESERVE INC PO BOX 511196 SALT LAKE UT 84151 PROVIDENCE PROPERTIES, LLC 2891 W 1500 S VERNAL UT 84078 R & D FAMILY INVESTMENTS, LLC PO BOX 712020 SALT LAKE UT 84171 R & L EYRE TRUST 12/21/2020 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 R&G COUNTRY MANOR LLC 1154 WINTERGREEN CT ALPINE UT 84004 RACHEL DENSLEY 11945 S HIDDEN CANYON LN SANDY UT 84092 RACHEL PARKIN 10 FAXON AVE APT 808 QUNICY MA 02169 RANDON J GARDINER 163 W 200 S #S19 SALT LAKE UT 84101 RDD FM TRST 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 REALINE PROPERTIES LLC 30 E BROADWAY ST # 310 SALT LAKE UT 84111 REBECCA A SCHNEIDER; NOLAN A SCHNEIDER (JT)328 W 200 S #507 SALT LAKE UT 84101 29 REBECCA ANN BROWN; ROBERT PAUL BROWN (JT)328 W 200 S #107 SALT LAKE UT 84101 REBECCA H OSTHED TRUST 11/27/2023 436 E DAIRY LN DRAPER UT 84020 REBECCA LECHEMINANT 656 S 500 E SALT LAKE UT 84102 RED CLIFFS LLC 7224 DRY CREEK RD LONGMON CO 80503 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY PO BOX 145518 SALT LAKE UT 84114 RENSOR PROPERTIES, LLC 10047 S COPPER KING LN SOUTH JORUT 84095 REX FIORI; CARMEN FIORI (JT)380 W 200 S # 407 SALT LAKE UT 84101 REZA FAKHRIEH; DOWLING FAKRIEH, JOCELYN FAKHRIEH 564 W 700 S # 406 PLEASANT UT 84062 RHRE 30 CITY CREEK, LLC 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 RIAN J WENDLING 154 VILLAGE GREEN AVE WOODSTO GA 30189 RICHARD & REBECCA HARSTON FAMILY TRUST 11/10/2008 10676 S WATERY WY SOUTH JORUT 84009 RICHARD C TORMAN; AMY L TORMAN (JT)1661 SOMERSET CT FARMINGT UT 84025 RICHARD FESSENDEN 360 W 300 S #619 SALT LAKE UT 84101 RICHARD S MORLEY 25 E CENTER ST NORTH SAL UT 84054 RLH PARTNERSHIP II LP 1775 TYSONS BLVD 7TH FLR MCLEAN VA 22102 ROBERT D HARRIS; TERRI L HARRIS (JT)99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 ROCIO SOTO LIVING TRUST 12/04/2019 380 W 200 S #404 SALT LAKE UT 84101 ROLAND CHRISTENSEN 501 N 1400 W SALT LAKE UT 84116 ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOP OF SALT LAKE 27 N 'C' ST SALT LAKE UT 84103 ROMNEY VENTURES LLC 2265 E MURRAY HOLLADAY RD HOLLADAY UT 84117 RON L SPERLE; JACQUELINE SNOW (JT)11307 S SILVER CHARM LN SANDY UT 84092 RONALD K JOHNSON LIVING TRUST 07/07/2021 380 W 200 S #402 SALT LAKE UT 84101 RONALD ZIPPRICH; LINDA ZIPPRICH (JT)328 W 200 S #501 SALT LAKE UT 84101 RYAN BURKE 327 W 200 S # 203 SALT LAKE UT 84101 RYAN L MITCHELL 360 W 300 S #612 SALT LAKE UT 84101 S FAM TR 1224 W BATEMAN POINT DR WEST JORDUT 84084 SALT LAKE BUDDHIST TEMPLE 211 W 100 S SALT LAKE UT 84101 SALT LAKE CITY CH, LLC 303 PEACHTREE CENTER AVEN ATLANTA GA 30303 SALT LAKE CITY INVESTORS, LLC; TYRONE REVERSE, LLC 5150 OVERLAND AVE CULVER CITCA 90230 SALT LAKE CITY TRUST 12/16/2019 1196 W SOUTHJORDAN PKWY SOUTH JORUT 84095 SALT LAKE COUNTY PO BOX 144575 SALT LAKE UT 84114 SALT LAKE TABERNACLE CORP 50 E NORTHTEMPLE ST #2225 SALT LAKE UT 84150 SAMUEL J BIGGS; SHEILA R BIGGS (JT)2455 E MALLORY ST MESA AZ 85213 SANDBOX CAPITAL, LLC 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 SANDEEP TALWAR 328 W 200 S #606 SALT LAKE UT 84101 SANDRA A LEFLER 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST #1903 SALT LAKE UT 84101 SARA LUND 360 W BROADWAY ST # 242 SALT LAKE UT 84101 SARAH ALLEN 346 W PIERPONT AVE #E102 SALT LAKE UT 84101 SAW RV TRST; MSW RV TRST 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 SAYER FAMILY TRUST 02/15/2006 7934 CORTE DOMINGO CARLSBAD CA 92009 SBL 7 LLC 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 SC89, LLC 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST #1004 SALT LAKE UT 84101 SCHMIEDER FAMILY TRUST 07/23/2014 424 PIAZZA LIDO NEWPORT CA 92663 SCOTT BASMADJIAN; PHILIP BASMADJIAN; BARBARA BASMADJIAN (JT)336 W 300 S #204 SALT LAKE UT 84101 SCOTT HUMPHREYS 5050 CALATRANA DR WOODLAN CA 91364 SCOTT PELICHOFF; LYNN PELICHOFF (JT)3578 S 1950 W WEST VALL UT 84119 SEAN L KELSTROM 336 W 300 S #309 SALT LAKE UT 84101 SEAN STRASBURG; HOLLIE STRASBURG (JT)308 W 300 S # 201 SALT LAKE UT 84101 SELJETAD DEVELOPMENT LLC 273 PARK VIEW CIR BOUNTIFULUT 84010 SERIES BROWN LION LLC 1287 W BLOOMINGTON DR SOU ST GEORGE UT 84790 SHANDRA KOEHLER; ELIZABETH A KOEHLER 380 W 200 S #506 SALT LAKE UT 84101 SHARD HOLDING LLC 30832 HUNT CLUB DR SAN JUAN CCA 92675 SHAWN MCCRANEY & MARY MCCRANEY LIVING TRUST 02/20/2020 380 W 200 S #507 SALT LAKE UT 84101 SHERI J JENSEN INHERITANCE TRUST 08/30/2021 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 SHERRI M FINDLAY 360 W BROADWAY ST # 238 SALT LAKE UT 84101 SHIJIE WANG 336 W 300 S #205 SALT LAKE UT 84101 SHYLO FARNSWORTH 4604 SW IDAHO DR PORTLAND OR 97221 SIDDHARTHA HERDEGEN 380 W 200 S #202 SALT LAKE UT 84101 SIVAPRASAD SUKAVANESHVAR; PRABHA SUNDARAM (JT)327 W 200 S # 101 SALT LAKE UT 84101 SKYFALL23, LLC 336 W 300 S # 402 SALT LAKE UT 84101 STANFORD & GLORIA CALL TRUST 06/15/2022 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 STATE BOARD OF REGENTS LOAN PURCHASE PROGRAM 60 S 400 W # FL-5 SALT LAKE UT 84101 STATE ROAD COMMISSION OF UTAH PO BOX 148420 SALT LAKE UT 84114 STEPHEN GOUGH 380 W 200 S #308 SALT LAKE UT 84101 STEVE & LORI TUTTLE LIVING TRUST 08/25/2021 328 W 200 S #301 SALT LAKE UT 84101 STEVEN & JEANNE WHITING REVOCABLE TRUST 11/26/2019 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 STEVEN BURGESS 380 W 200 S #306 SALT LAKE UT 84101 STEVEN FINAU; JOSHUA JONES (JT)328 W 200 S #201 SALT LAKE UT 84101 STEVEN H SIMPSON 346 W PIERPONT AVE # W206 SALT LAKE UT 84101 STEVEN M MAXWELL 328 W 200 S #102 SALT LAKE UT 84101 STEVEN M MAXWELL 328 W 200 S #609 SALT LAKE UT 84101 STEVEN NICHOLAS BURGESS 312 27TH AVE E #A SEATTLE WA 98124 STONE TRUST LLC 195 HANOVER ST HANOVER MA 02339 SUNNIE HONG GILES LIVING TRUST 03/30/2015 5189 N RIVER PARK WY PROVO UT 84604 SUSAN M PALMER 328 W 200 S # 304 SALT LAKE UT 84101 SWEET CANDY COMPANY 28128 PACIFIC COAST HWY MALIBU CA 90265 SYDNEY IZABELLA GONZALEZ; LEVI LINCHENKO (JT)163 W 200 S #408 SALT LAKE UT 84101 TAKASHI WADA; NAOMI WADA (JT)47 E SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84111 TARRAH SAMUEL 336 W 300 S #413 SALT LAKE UT 84101 TAYLOR BICKMORE 1566 E TIMONEY RD DRAPER UT 84020 30 TAYLOR MORGAN 360 W 300 S #618 SALT LAKE UT 84101 TCR LIV TRUST 7417 EVERWOOD ST. NE KEIZER OR 97303 THE ASIAN ASSOCIATION OF UTAH 155 S 300 W # 101 SALT LAKE UT 84101 THE OLIVE QOZB, LLC 1095 E 2100 S SALT LAKE UT 84106 THOMAS D AARON; MICHAEL D AARON (JT)600 WILLOW RD # 23 MENLO PA CA 94025 TIFFANY S WAKELING 163 W 200 S # 302 SALT LAKE UT 84101 TIMOTHY DAVIS 342 E EDITH AVE SALT LAKE UT 84111 TIMOTHY J DUFFY; KRISTIN B DUFFY (JT)163 W 200 S #506 SALT LAKE UT 84101 TIMOTHY KUNZ 163 W 200 S #207 SALT LAKE UT 84101 TIRE TOWN MIXED USE CONDO PH 1 COMMON AREA MASTER CARD 1145 S 800 E #110 OREM UT 84097 TMC TRUST 03/23/2023 PO BOX 1421 DRAPER UT 84020 TODD RENNER 346 W PIERPONT AVE #E111 SALT LAKE UT 84101 TODD THEOBALD 328 W 200 S #104 SALT LAKE UT 84101 TORIA J MAGLEBY FAMILY LIVING TRUST 03/11/2015 1175 E SECOND AVE SALT LAKE UT 84103 TRACE COCCIMIGLIO PO BOX 1484 SANDY UT 84091 TRAVIS & ALLISON JENSEN TRUST 11/10/2023 6296 PARK LN NORTH PARK CITY UT 84098 TRAVIS EDGAR FINSTAD TRUST 12/02/2019; MADALY LINDA FINSTAD TRUST 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 TRAVIS EDWARD DORSCH; BREANNA ERIN STUDENKA (JT)342 W 200 S #207 SALT LAKE UT 84101 TRAVIS R PETERSEN; DAVID G VAN OOSTENDORP (JT)14883 S VILLAGE CREST DR DRAPER UT 84020 TREVOR NEEDHAM 163 W 200 S #308 SALT LAKE UT 84101 TRIEU NGUYEN & SOPHAN KOY TRUST 09/21/2023 3911 S MARKET ST WEST VALL UT 84119 TROY D WILLIAMS 346 W PIERPONT AVE #E121 SALT LAKE UT 84101 TRUST NOT IDENTIFIED 14485 SHADOWLANE CT MORGAN HCA 95037 TRUST NOT IDENTIFIED 14485 SHADOWLANE CT MORGAN HCA 95037 TRUST NOT IDENTIFIED 2420 FARETTO LN RENO NV 89511 TRUST NOT IDENTIFIED 1173 E 200 N FRUIT HEIG UT 84037 TRUST NOT IDENTIFIED 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 TRUST NOT IDENTIFIED 713 ELM DR PETALUMA CA 94952 TRUST NOT IDENTIFIED 367 ALPINE WAY STAR VALLE WY 83127 TUCKER J SAMUELSEN 336 W 300 S # 306 SALT LAKE UT 84101 UC SALT LAKE, LLC 39 E EAGLE RIDGE DR NORTH SAL UT 84054 UFFENS MARKETPLACE UNIT OWNERS ASSOCIATION PO BOX 1 LEHI UT 84043 UTAH DOORS, LLC SERIES TWO 4607 W DAYBREAK PKWY SOUTH JORUT 84009 UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO 825 NE MULTNOMAH ST #1900 PORTLAND OR 97232 VALERIE F CALL 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 VALERIE L KITCHEN 328 W 200 S #508 SALT LAKE UT 84101 VENKATA R MUTYALA 8013 LOS SABALOS ST SAN DIEGO CA 92126 VESTAR GATEWAY, LLC 2425 E CAMELBACK RD PHOENIX AZ 85016 VICTOR-PHILIBERT COULON; KUAN LUO (JT)360 W 300 S #211 SALT LAKE UT 84101 VILLAGE 415, LLC 6000 S OAKHILL DR HOLLADAY UT 84121 VILLAGE 415/PIERPONT SPE, LLC 132 W PIERPONT AVE SALT LAKE UT 84101 VINCENT GAISFORD 163 W 200 S #306 SALT LAKE UT 84101 VINCENT MICHAEL MCGUIRE & JUDY ANN MCGUIRE LIVING TRUST 05/31/202 4916 S CENTER ST MURRAY UT 84107 VINCENT NGUYEN 163 W 200 S # T609 SALT LAKE UT 84101 VINCENT T NGUYEN 163 W 200 S # 510 SALT LAKE UT 84101 VINCENT T NGUYEN 163 W 200 S # 510 SALT LAKE UT 84101 VIVIAN KHIET TRINH 43219 PORTOFINO TER FREMONT CA 94539 VMM ARROW PRESS LLC 51 E 400 S # 210 SALT LAKE UT 84111 VRHR TR 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST # 804 SALT LAKE UT 84101 W FAM TR 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST # 507 SALT LAKE UT 84101 W&HARRJRTR 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST # 506 SALT LAKE UT 84101 WAREHOUSE DISTRICT CONDO OWNERS ASSOCIATION INC PO BOX 571885 SALT LAKE UT 84157 WAYNE ASHTON LARSON TRUST 12/26/1991 2831 E WANDER CIR HOLLADAY UT 84117 WAYNE D GRAY 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 WEIKERT GEORGIA PROPERTIES LLC 3199 WYNN DR AVONDALE GA 30002 WEST BROADWAY INVESTORS, LLC 420 S ORANGE AVE STE 1200 ORLANDO FL 32801 WEST QUARTER LODGING I, LLC 1245 E BRICKYARD RD SALT LAKE UT 84106 WEST RIVER, LLC 187 N 100 E PRICE UT 84501 WESTERN ROCKY COMPANY 2001 UNION ST # 300 SAN FRANCCA 94123 WESTGATE LOFTS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 262 E 3900 S # 200 MURRAY UT 84107 WESTGATE SB HOLDINGS, LLC 1157 N BOYNTON RD KAYSVILLE UT 84037 WESTON KAY 342 W 200 S #205 SALT LAKE UT 84101 WILLIAM C VANWAGENEN 346 W PIERPONT AVE #E101 SALT LAKE UT 84101 WILLIAM E GOLDMAN 163 W 200 S # 410 SALT LAKE UT 84101 WILLIAM ELLIOT GOLDMAN 163 W 200 S # 410 SALT LAKE UT 84101 WILLIAM J SUTHERLAND 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST #2103 SALT LAKE UT 84101 WILLIAM L ARTHUR 163 W 200 S # 509 SALT LAKE UT 84101 WILLIAM L SWANK 299 S MAIN ST # 1300 SALT LAKE UT 84111 WILLIAM M MOORE REVOCABLE TRUST 08/16/2016; PATRICIA A MOORE REVO 5835 NW 26TH AVE CAMAS WA 98607 WILLIAM MEAD 380 W 200 S # 304 SALT LAKE UT 84101 WILLIAMS IRREVOCABLE TRUST 04/05/2016 3140 ORION DR MOAB UT 84532 WOLF CAPITAL, LLC 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 WW ZEPHYR OWNER VIII, LLC 2716 OCEAN PARK BLVD SANTA MO CA 90405 Y FAM TR 1193 ANGUS CT PARK CITY UT 84098 YEVGENY TUCHINSKY 99 W SOUTHTEMPLE ST SALT LAKE UT 84101 YOUNG JIM LLC 1400 S FOOTHILL DR SALT LAKE UT 84108 ZACHARY HADDENHAM 1796 S 300 E SALT LAKE UT 84115 ZI LLANG 163 W 200 S #504 SALT LAKE UT 84101 ZIONS FIRST NATIONAL BANK NA PO BOX 54288 LEXINGTONKY 40555 31 Occupant PARCEL_ADDR NEW_UNIT CITY ZIPCODE STATE Current Oc 344 W NORTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 110 N 400 W Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 39 N 400 W Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 49 N 400 W Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 2 S 400 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 101 N 400 W Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 55 N 400 W Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 99 N 400 W Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 95 N 400 W Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 455 W NORTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 421 W NORTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 430 W 50 N Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 155 N 400 W Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 28 N 400 W Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 48 N 400 W Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 60 N 400 W Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 395 W NORTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 308 W NORTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 116 N 300 W Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 112 N 300 W Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 102 N 300 W Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 274 W NORTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 264 W NORTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 250 W NORTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 248 W NORTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 242 W NORTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 230 W NORTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 107 N 200 W Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 206 W NORTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 125 N 200 W Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 133 N 200 W #NFF1 Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 216 W NORTH TEMPLE ST #C3 Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 216 W NORTH TEMPLE ST #C4 Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 216 W NORTH TEMPLE ST #C5 Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 216 W NORTH TEMPLE ST #C6 Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 216 W NORTH TEMPLE ST #C7 Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 216 W NORTH TEMPLE ST #C8 Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 214 W NORTH TEMPLE ST #E-1 Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 214 W NORTH TEMPLE ST #E2 Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 214 W NORTH TEMPLE ST #E3 Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 214 W NORTH TEMPLE ST #E4 Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 214 W NORTH TEMPLE ST #E5 Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 214 W NORTH TEMPLE ST #E6 Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 214 W NORTH TEMPLE ST #E-7 Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 218 W NORTH TEMPLE ST #W1 Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 218 W NORTH TEMPLE ST #W2 Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT 32 Current Oc 218 W NORTH TEMPLE ST #W3 Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 218 W NORTH TEMPLE ST #W4 Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 218 W NORTH TEMPLE ST #W5 Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 218 W NORTH TEMPLE ST #W6 Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 218 W NORTH TEMPLE ST #W7 Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 218 W NORTH TEMPLE ST #W8 Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 214 W NORTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 55 N 300 W Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 55 N 300 W Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 340 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 240 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 269 W NORTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 75 N 200 W Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 95 N 300 W Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 345 W NORTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 150 W NORTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 144 W NORTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 134 W NORTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 60 W NORTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 100 N WEST TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 163 W NORTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 161 W NORTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 159 W NORTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 50 N 200 W Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 40 N 200 W Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 160 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 45 N WEST TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 35 N WEST TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 122 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 141 W NORTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 143 W NORTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 151 W NORTH TEMPLE ST #NFF1 Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 50 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84103 UT Current Oc 76 S 400 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 301 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 301 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 301 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 365 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 365 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 377 W 100 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 141 S 400 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 125 S 400 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 125 S 400 W #REAR Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 141 S 400 W #REAR Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 316 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 320 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT 33 Current Oc 140 S 300 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 144 S 300 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 345 W 100 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 160 S 300 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 424 W 100 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 444 W 100 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 90 S 400 W #2A Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 90 S 400 W #2B Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 90 S 400 W #2C Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 90 S 400 W #2D Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 90 S 400 W #2E Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 90 S 400 W #2F Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 424 W 100 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 328 W 200 S #100 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 328 W 200 S #103 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 328 W 200 S #105 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 328 W 200 S #106 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 328 W 200 S #203 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 328 W 200 S #205 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 328 W 200 S #206 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 328 W 200 S #207 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 328 W 200 S #209 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 328 W 200 S #303 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 328 W 200 S #304 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 328 W 200 S #309 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 328 W 200 S #310 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 328 W 200 S #401 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 328 W 200 S #404 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 328 W 200 S #405 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 328 W 200 S #407 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 328 W 200 S #410 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 328 W 200 S #506 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 328 W 200 S #510 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 328 W 200 S #601 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 328 W 200 S #602 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 328 W 200 S #603 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 328 W 200 S #605 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 342 W 200 S #102 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 342 W 200 S #103 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 342 W 200 S #104 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 342 W 200 S #105 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 342 W 200 S #108 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 342 W 200 S #109 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 342 W 200 S #110 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 342 W 200 S #202 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 342 W 200 S #204 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 342 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT 34 Current Oc 441 W 100 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 110 S 400 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 440 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 441 W 100 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 235 S RIO GRANDE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 268 S 400 W #NFF Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 224 S 400 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 234 S 400 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 244 S 400 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 280 S 400 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 229 S RIO GRANDE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 214 S 400 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 437 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 375 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 357 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 353 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 340 W PIERPONT AVE Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 235 S 400 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 229 S 400 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 331 W PIERPONT AVE Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 378 W 300 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 380 W 200 S #001 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 380 W 200 S #101 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 380 W 200 S #203 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 380 W 200 S #204 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 380 W 200 S #301 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 380 W 200 S #303 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 380 W 200 S #304 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 380 W 200 S #309 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 380 W 200 S #401 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 380 W 200 S #405 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 380 W 200 S #406 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 380 W 200 S #407 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 380 W 200 S #408 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 380 W 200 S #501 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 380 W 200 S #502 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 380 W 200 S #503 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 380 W 200 S #504 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 380 W 200 S #505 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 380 W 200 S #508 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 380 W 200 S #601 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 380 W 200 S #602 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 380 W 200 S #603 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 380 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #W101 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #W102 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #W103 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT 35 Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #W104 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #W106 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #W107 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #W109 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #W110 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #W112 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #W201 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #W203 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #W205 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #W206 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #W209 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #W210 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #W211 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #W212 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #W214 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #E104 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #E105 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #E109 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #E112 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #E113 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #E117 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #E118 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #E120 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #E122 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE #E123 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 350 W PIERPONT AVE Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 346 W PIERPONT AVE Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #101 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #102 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #103 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #104 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #105 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #106 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #107 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #108 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #109 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #110 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #203 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #206 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #208 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #209 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #210 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #211 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #212 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #213 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #214 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #215 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT 36 Current Oc 336 W 300 S #301 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #302 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #304 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #305 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #306 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #307 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #308 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #310 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #311 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #312 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #313 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #314 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #315 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #401 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #402 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #403 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #404 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #405 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #406 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #408 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #409 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #410 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #411 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S #414 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 336 W 300 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #204 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #209 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #210 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #213 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #214 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #215 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #216 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #217 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #223 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #225 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #226 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #228 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #230 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #234 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #238 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #239 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #240 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #241 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #242 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #401 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #402 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #404 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT 37 Current Oc 360 W 300 S #405 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #408 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #409 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #410 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #411 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #412 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #414 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #415 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #416 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #417 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #418 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #423 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #603 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #604 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #605 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #611 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #614 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #616 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #617 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #620 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #621 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #202 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S #609 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 360 W 300 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 279 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 34 S 200 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 40 S 200 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 36 S 200 W #NFF1 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 265 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 255 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 215 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 48 S 200 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 55 S 300 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 50 S 200 W #NFF Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 60 S 200 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 266 W 100 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 276 W 100 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 222 W 100 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 218 W 100 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 212 W 100 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 64 S 200 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 72 S 200 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 155 S 300 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 243 W 100 S #-REAR Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 247 W 100 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 215 W 100 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 126 S 200 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT 38 Current Oc 120 S 200 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 274 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 150 S 200 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 260 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 222 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 111 S 300 W #COM Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 111 S 300 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 131 S 300 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 111 S 300 W #P1 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 111 S 300 W #P2 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 260 W QUARTER ROW Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 20 S WEST TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 79 S 200 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 65 S 200 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 151 S 200 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 170 S WEST TEMPLE ST #84101 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 75 S WEST TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 50 S MAIN ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 50 S MAIN ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 50 S MAIN ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 30 S MAIN ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 55 S WEST TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 55 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 45 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 44 W 100 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 44 W 100 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 50 S MAIN ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 79 W 100 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 67 W 100 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 37 W 100 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 115 S WEST TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 119 S WEST TEMPLE ST #NFF1 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 123 S WEST TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 37 W 100 S #NFF1 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 155 S WEST TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 55 W 100 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 127 S WEST TEMPLE ST #NFF1 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 175 S WEST TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 165 S WEST TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 50 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 147 S WEST TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #201 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #202 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #203 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #204 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #205 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT 39 Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #206 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #207 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #301 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #302 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #303 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #304 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #305 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #306 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #307 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #401 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #402 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #403 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #404 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #405 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #501 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #502 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #503 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #504 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #505 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #506 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #507 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #603 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #604 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #605 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #606 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #607 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #703 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #704 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #705 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #706 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #707 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #801 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #802 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #803 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #804 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #805 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #806 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #807 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #901 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #902 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #903 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #904 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #905 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #906 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #907 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1003 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1004 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT 40 Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1005 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1006 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1007 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1101 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1102 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1103 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1104 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1105 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1106 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1107 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1201 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1202 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1203 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1204 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1205 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1206 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1207 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1301 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1302 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1303 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1304 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1305 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1306 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1307 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1401 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1402 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1403 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1404 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1405 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1406 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1407 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1503 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1504 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1505 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1506 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1507 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1601 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1602 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1603 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1604 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1605 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1606 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1607 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1701 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1702 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1703 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1704 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT 41 Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1705 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1706 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1707 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1801 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1802 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1803 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1804 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1805 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1806 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1807 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1901 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1902 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1903 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1904 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1905 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1906 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #1907 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2001 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2002 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2006 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2007 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2101 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2102 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2103 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2104 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2105 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2106 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2107 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2203 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2204 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2205 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2206 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2207 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2301 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2302 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2303 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2304 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2305 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2306 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2307 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2403 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2404 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2405 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2406 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2407 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2504 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2505 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT 42 Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2506 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2507 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2703 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #3001 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2800 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2900 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #406 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #701 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2005 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2701 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2704 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 307 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 230 S 300 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 325 W PIERPONT AVE Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 314 W 300 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 315 W PIERPONT AVE Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 217 S 300 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 227 S 300 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 229 S 300 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 231 S 300 W #NFF1 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 233 S 300 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 235 S 300 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 247 S 300 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 255 S 300 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 275 S 300 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 263 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 241 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 225 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 224 S 200 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 258 W 300 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 240 S POPLAR CT Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 234 W 300 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 257 S POPLAR CT Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 263 S POPLAR CT Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 218 W 300 S #NFF1 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 222 W 300 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 210 W 300 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 202 W 300 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 260 S 200 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 307 W PIERPONT AVE #LL1 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 308 W 300 S #101 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 308 W 300 S #102 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 308 W 300 S #103 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 308 W 300 S #104 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 308 W 300 S #105 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 308 W 300 S #106 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 308 W 300 S #107 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT 43 Current Oc 308 W 300 S #108 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 308 W 300 S #109 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 308 W 300 S #201 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 308 W 300 S #202 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 308 W 300 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 327 W 200 S #101 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 327 W 200 S #102 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 327 W 200 S #201 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 327 W 200 S #202 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 327 W 200 S #203 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 327 W 200 S #204 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 327 W 200 S #206 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 327 W 200 S #207 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 327 W 200 S #208 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 327 W 200 S #304 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 327 W 200 S #305 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 327 W 200 S #306 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 327 W 200 S #307 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 327 W 200 S #308 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 327 W 200 S #401 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 327 W 200 S #402 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 327 W 200 S #407 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 327 W 200 S #408 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 327 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 155 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 149 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 206 S WEST TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 122 W PIERPONT AVE Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 143 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 152 W PIERPONT AVE Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 144 W PIERPONT AVE Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 141 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 175 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 215 S 200 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 139 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W PIERPONT AVE Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 257 S 200 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 257 S 200 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 159 W PIERPONT AVE Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 145 W PIERPONT AVE Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 168 W 300 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 110 W 300 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 157 W PIERPONT AVE Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 149 W PIERPONT AVE Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 259 S 200 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 250 S WEST TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 138 W 300 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT 44 Current Oc 128 W 300 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 275 S 200 W Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 259 S 200 W #NFF Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 164 W 300 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 143 W PIERPONT AVE Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 77 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 57 W 200 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 225 S WEST TEMPLE ST Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 80 W 300 S Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #S1 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #S3 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #S4 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #S6 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #S7 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #S8 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #S9 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #S12 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #S13 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #S14 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #S20 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #S21 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #S22 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #101 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #201 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #202 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #203 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #204 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #210 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #301 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #302 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #305 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #402 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #403 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #406 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #409 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #410 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #501 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #502 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #505 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #508 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #509 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #510 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #T601 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #T602 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #T603 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #T604 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #T605 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT 45 Current Oc 163 W 200 S #T608 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #T609 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 163 W 200 S #T610 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #2501 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT Current Oc 99 W SOUTH TEMPLE ST #260 Salt Lake Ci 84101 UT 46